Week 12 - Document - Instructions and Recommendations

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Instructions and recommendations

Take into consideration the following instructions:

 Cover: Your names and last names must be there, include your photos. There are 2
options to do it: (Choose one)
o Inside your mp4 video
o In a Word format with the YouTube link.
 Greeting: Before the dialog, you should appear saying your names and last names.
(It’s very important to show your faces)
 Dialog: You should be sure about the questions and answers, so you act naturally
during the dialog.
 Farewell: Finish the dialog saying goodbye.

Example of the cover:

Take into consideration the following recommendations:

 Be confident about your speaking.
 Use correct pronunciation and intonation.
 Choose a quiet place to record your video.
 Use the grammar and vocabulary you have learned in the week.
 Remember to speak naturally, don’t read the dialog.
 Choose a video program to record the video.

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