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1. Which of the following would be primarily a question in aesthetics?

a. Is stem cell research morally wrong? B. Is beauty subjective or objective? C. How do we know there is an
external world? D. What provides the foundation for the right of free speech?
2. Which of these philosophers noticed that most people tend to assume themselves to be wiser than they are
and that his own wisdom was in knowing that he was ignorant?
a. Socrates b. Plato c. Kant d. Aristotle
3. A systematic analysis of the validity of arguments and statements.
a. Axioms b. Syllogisms c. dialectic d. Formal Logic
4. All dogs have long ears. A poodle is a dog; therefore, poodles have long ears. This is an example of
_________ reasoning.
a. Inductive b. Adaptive c. Deductive d. Quantitative
5. It is a method of analyzing a topic by formulating a series of questions designed to analyze its various
aspects, and examine and clarify a person’s views on it.
a. Occam’s Razor b. Ethics c. Socratic Method d. Moral Philosophy
6. Rene Descartes, known as the father of modern philosophy, popularized the line “Cogito Ergo Sum” which
can be translated as: ________
a. I doubt; therefore, I think. B. I think; therefore, I exist c. I doubt; therefore, I exist.
b. I think; therefore, I doubt.
7. The goal of religion is salvation while philosophy is to _______
a. Mastery b. Fulfillment c. Truth d. Wisdom
8. John Locke is known for his dictum “Tabula Rasa” which means that human mind is a blank slate at birth.
Which philosophy of knowledge did John Locke advocate?
a. Idealism b. Empiricism c. Rationalism d. Realism
9. Descartes believed that senses are not reliable source of knowledge due to:
a. Man’s limited knowledge b. Delusions c. Perceptual illusions d. Ignorance
10. A much more complex term which generally refers to a human being granted recognition of certain rights,
protection and responsibilities.
a. Human b. Man c. Person d. Sentience
11. The science or discipline that uses human reason to investigate the ultimate causes, reasons, and principles
which governs all things.
a. Anthropology b. Seismology c. Philosophy d. Theology
12. What is the branch of philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates human actions?
a. Epistemology b. Metaphysics c. Ethics d. Logic
13. Jun2x is attending the argument session, the statement example given “Not all legals are ethical and not all
ethical are legal.” Jun2x wants to convince people that his statement is relative morality. Which
philosophical method appropriate to use?
a. Historical Method b. Dialectic Method c. Socratic Method d. Scientific Method
14. The act of making sound judgment that allows a person to avoid risk is:
a. Limitations b. Frugality c. Freedom d. Prudence
15. He believes that a person engages in philosophy in order to make sense of difficult life experiences.
a. Karl Jasper b. Rene Descartes c. Diogenes of Sinope d. Plato
16. These are arguments based on faulty reasoning.
a. Biases b. Fallacies c. Conclusions d. Conflict
17. Philosophy was coined from the Greek words “Philos” and”Sophia,” which means
a. Love for knowledge b. Love for wisdom c. Love for God d. Love for intuition
18. A mother scolded the youngest the youngest daughter after the eldest accused her stealing her make-up kit.
The mother only listened to the story of the eldest without hearing the side of the youngest before deciding
to scold. Mother shows an example of __________
a. Point of view b. Partial Point of View c. Holistic Point of View d. Doing Philosophy
19. This philosophical view believes that man is essentially constrained by society.
a. Marxism b. Determinism c. Syllogism d. Ecocentrism
20. Ruth is too inquisitive that she always asking the right questions and examines possible solutions such as
doing research for the right answers. Ruth shows an example of _________
a. Frugality b. Methodic Doubt c. Doing Philosophy d. Simple Volition
21. A theory on grief which proposes that dying people go through five stages of grief.
a. Kubler – Ross Model b. Eudaimonia c. Existential dread d. Angst
22. A theological view on human spirituality that gives no distinction between the spirit and the soul and views
man as being composed of body and spirit
a. Psychosomatic view b. Dichotomic view c. Trichotomy view d. somatic view
23. A feeling of fear and anxiety brought about when a person begins to questions his purpose and reason for
a. Causality b. Coping c. Angst d. Alienation
24. Who has aspired to arrive at clear and distinct ideas using the strategy of “methodic doubt” which casts
doubt on all claims to ascertain which truths cannot be doubted?
a. John Locke b. Immanuel Kant c. Rene Descartes d. Thomas Hobbes
25. What do you call the type of fallacy that refers to attacking the person presenting the argument itself?
a. Ad Hominem b. Appeal to force c. Appeal to emotion d. Appeal to force
26. “These cases of robberies in this district have convinced me that the city has become a den of thieves and
criminals.” This statement is an example of what type of fallacy
a. Fallacy of division b. Fallacy of composition c. Cause and effect d. Appeal to tradition
27. It refers to physical sensations such as discomfort, hunger, distress, and pain, and are caused by injury,
disease, and the lack of basic needs.
a. Ontological Suffering B. Physical Suffering C. Mental Suffering D. Metaphysical Suffering
28. Which of the following is not an example of a philosophical questions?
a. Are minds distinct from bodies?
b. What is the nature of morality?
c. How many planets are there in the milky way galaxy?
d. Do numbers exist independently of our thoughts about them?
29. The study of philosophy includes the study of all of the following except:
a. Metaphysics
b. Morality
c. Recreational Pharmacology
d. Reason or Logic
30. An argument, as philosophers use this term, is:
a. A contentious contest, leading to physical violence
b. An irrational contest, leading to a Victor
c. A polite dispute, leading to tea and crumpets
d. A group of statements, leading to a conclusion
31. If you think that beliefs can be best justified in light of the evidence we receive from the mental process of
reasoning or intuition, then you are a:
a. Empiricist
b. Rationalist
c. Materialist
d. Idealist
32. Consider the following argument: If you get a good grade on this test, then you will feel good about yourself.
If you feel good about yourself, then you will do better on future tests. Therefore, if you get a good grade on
this test, then you will do better on future tests. If we assume the premises are true, this argument would be
a. Inductively Valid
b. Deductively Valid
c. Reasonably Sound
d. Unreasonably Sound

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