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This chapter presents the following key learning point:

• Major religions tend to have the same basic characteristics.

Major religions tend to have the same basic characteristics

There are as many different experiences of
God as there are people. Religious beliefs have
For your information...
developed as a result of common experiences
of God that have been discovered by groups Sacred means holy or dedicated for
of religious people. Religions differ in many religious purposes. In most religions, a
ways; however, they still tend to share and sacred place or thing is believed to be
express the experience of God in some basic very acceptable to gods or God. Such
ways. They all have sacred places, sacred signs a place or thing has great religious
and symbols, rituals, sacred objects, religious significance.
writings, religious laws and religious leaders.


Sacred places
Most religions have special and sacred places in which to communicate with God. Examples
include sacred sites, temples or churches.

These places are usually marked with reminders of God’s presence, for example, special
symbols and statues. By having a special place, and perhaps a special time, people may feel
more inclined to take part in communal worship.

For Catholics, a church is a sacred place. It is where Catholics gather to participate in the
Eucharist and other special religious celebrations.

In Class Work
Can you think of any specific sacred places in your society, suburb, school or
home (temples, chapels or other sacred sites) where people are able to go to
communicate with God?

Sacred symbols
To help people think about God, religions have
developed signs and symbols. These may be
totems, statues, markings or furnishings.

For Catholics and other Christians, the crucifix

is a very important religious symbol. It reminds
them of the love of Jesus who died to save all

Other representations of Jesus, Mary or a saint

can lead people to experiences of God.

Statues of Mary for example remind Christ’s

followers that God helped Mary live perfectly For Catholics and other Christians, the
as Jesus taught. Therefore statues of Mary crucifix is a very important religious
remind Christ’s followers that, like Mary, God will symbol. It reminds them of the love of
help people to live like Jesus and overcome Jesus who died to save all people.
temptations to sin.

These images encourage people to live like For your information...

Jesus in the same way as Mary did. Statues of
Mary also remind Catholics that they can pray Sacred means holy or dedicated for
religious purposes. In most religions,
to her as their spiritual mother and ask Mary to
a sacred place or thing is believed
pray to her Son for their needs. As the spiritual
to be very acceptable to gods or
mother of the Church, Mary cares for
God. Such a place or thing has great
its members as she cared for Jesus. religious significance.


In Class Work
1. Research the difference between a ‘cross’ and a ‘crucifix’.
2. Name three places where a cross or crucifix is located in your school.
3. Do you have any religious symbols in your home that are particularly important

Religious rituals
Religious rituals tend to celebrate the most
important experiences and beliefs of a religion. For your information...
Religious rituals help people to respond to God A ‘ritual’ is an established set of
and what God does for them. Rituals include actions and procedures used in a
prayers, silences, listening to stories or teachings ceremony. A common ritual is the
about God, songs and movements of different singing of ‘Happy Birthday’ while
kinds. blowing out the candles on the
birthday cake.
For Catholics, the most important religious ritual
is the Eucharist. This sacred celebration reminds
all of how deeply God wants to relate with them.

Another important religious ritual for Catholics

is the Sacrament of Penance, celebrated in
the Rite of Reconciliation. Reconciliation is a
reminder that Jesus restores close friendship
with God to those who are sorry for their sins.

For your information...

Worship is an act of reverence and respect
paid to God and only to God. Liturgy is the
official public worship of the Church during
which people gather to remember and
celebrate all that God has done for them.

In Class Work
Identify in your school calendar when
you will be celebrating the Eucharist
this year. Identify how many times For Catholics, the most important religious
you will have an opportunity to ritual is the Eucharist. This sacred
celebrate the Sacrament of Penance. celebration reminds all of how deeply God
wants to relate with them.


Sacred objects
In all religions, objects used in rituals
and acts of communication with God are
regarded as ‘sacred’. Such objects should In Class Work
be treated with special respect. Sacred
Research the altar vessels: the paten,
objects include holy books used in rituals.
the chalice and the ciborium. How
For Catholics, examples of ‘sacred objects’ are they used during the Eucharist?
are those used during celebrations of the
Why are they regarded as
Eucharist. These include the Lectionary,
sacred objects?
which is a collection of Bible readings used
during Mass, and the altar vessels.

Religious writings
Religions have various kinds of writing. These include stories, poems, hymns, wise sayings and
many more. Religious writings are related to significant teachings of a religion.

For Catholics, the religious writings are found in the Bible which includes the forty-six books of
the Old Testament and the twenty-seven books of the New Testament. These sacred scriptures
reveal God’s teaching and are welcomed as ‘The Word of God’.


Religious laws
All religions have religious laws or codes of behaviour. The purpose of these is to help people
avoid doing anything that will damage their relationship with God.

Christians have religious laws. Those in the Catholic tradition follow the laws of the Catholic
Church which are based on the laws of God and relate to the two great commandments of

‘This is the first: Listen, Israel, the Lord our God is the one, only Lord, and you must
love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and
with all your strength. The second is this: You must love your neighbour as yourself.’

Religious leaders
In every religion, there are particular people who are expected to play special roles to help the
general community to relate with God.

It is the role of these special people to teach others different

ways of communicating with God and preserve the stories,
ceremonies and other experiences of God handed on from
previous generations. They are expected to teach others
different ways of communicating with God.

Catholics look to priests and religious brothers and sisters

to fulfil these tasks.

In Class Work
Research the roles of priests and religious
brothers and sisters and record the special
roles they are each expected to play to help the
general community to relate with God.


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