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Reviewer for world literature

34. The ancient Hebrew text "The Book of Psalms" is a collection of:

A) Prophetic oracles
B) Creation myths
C) Hymns and prayers
D) Legal codes

Answer: C) Hymns and prayers

35. The "Book of Judges" in the Hebrew Bible recounts stories of:

A) The reigns of Israel's kings

B) The conquest of Canaan
C) The period of the judges and tribal leaders
D) The exile in Babylon

Answer: C) The period of the judges and tribal leaders

36. In ancient Egyptian literature, the "Instructions of Ani" is a:

A) Love poem
B) Funerary text
C) Historical chronicle
D) Creation myth

Answer: B) Funerary text

37. Which ancient Mesopotamian king is known for his comprehensive law code, which is one of
the earliest surviving legal documents?

A) Sargon the Great

B) Hammurabi
C) Ashurbanipal
D) Nebuchadnezzar II

Answer: B) Hammurabi

38. The "Atrahasis Epic" is an ancient Mesopotamian myth that explains the:

A) Creation of the world

B) Origins of humanity
C) Great Flood
D) Heroic deeds of Gilgamesh

Answer: C) Great Flood

39. The ancient Egyptian text "The Instructions of Amenemhat" is attributed to which pharaoh?

A) Thutmose III
B) Amenhotep II
C) Amenemhat I
D) Hatshepsut

Answer: C) Amenemhat I

40. Which ancient Egyptian deity is often depicted with the head of a falcon and associated with
kingship and the sun?

A) Osiris
B) Horus
C) Anubis
D) Hathor

Answer: B) Horus

41. The ancient Mesopotamian poem "The Debate Between Sheep and Grain" is an allegorical
tale about:

A) A battle between gods and demons

B) The cycle of life and death
C) The importance of agriculture
D) The search for immortality

Answer: C) The importance of agriculture

42. The "Book of Numbers" in the Hebrew Bible primarily deals with:

A) Genealogies and census data

B) Military conquests
C) Laws and commandments
D) Prophetic visions

Answer: A) Genealogies and census data

43. The ancient Egyptian text "The Story of Wenamun" recounts the travels of an Egyptian official
A) Mesopotamia
B) Greece
C) Nubia
D) Phoenicia

Answer: D) Phoenicia

44. In Mesopotamian literature, the goddess Ishtar descends to the underworld in search of:

A) Knowledge
B) Wealth
C) Love
D) Power

Answer: C) Love

45. The "Book of Ruth" in the Hebrew Bible tells the story of a woman who becomes an ancestor

A) King David
B) Moses
C) Solomon
D) Elijah

Answer: A) King David

46. The "Hymn to the Nile" is an ancient Egyptian text praising the river for its:

A) Fertility and abundance

B) Power and strength
C) Mystical properties
D) Role in trade and commerce

Answer: A) Fertility and abundance

47. Which ancient Mesopotamian city is associated with the earliest known form of writing,
known as cuneiform?

A) Uruk
B) Nineveh
C) Babylon
D) Ur
Answer: D) Ur

48. The "Book of Nehemiah" in the Hebrew Bible details the efforts to:

A) Rebuild the walls of Jerusalem

B) Establish the kingdom of Israel
C) Lead the Israelites out of Egypt
D) Conquer the land of Canaan

Answer: A) Rebuild the walls of Jerusalem

49. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the god Thoth is often depicted as:

A) A lion-headed deity
B) A jackal-headed deity
C) An ibis-headed deity
D) A falcon-headed deity

Answer: C) An ibis-headed deity

50. The ancient Mesopotamian poem "The Lament for Ur" mourns the fall of which city?

A) Uruk
B) Babylon
C) Ur
D) Nineveh

Answer: C) Ur

51. The "Book of Deuteronomy" in the Hebrew Bible contains:

A) A retelling of the Israelites' journey through the wilderness

B) Laws and commandments given by Moses
C) The genealogy of the Israelite kings
D) Prophecies about the future of Israel

Answer: B) Laws and commandments given by Moses

52. The ancient Egyptian text "The Instructions of Amenemope" shares similarities with which
biblical book?

A) Proverbs
B) Job
C) Ecclesiastes
D) Psalms

Answer: A) Proverbs

53. The "Ipuwer Papyrus" is an ancient Egyptian text that describes:

A) A famine and social upheaval

B) The journey of the soul through the afterlife
C) The conquests of Pharaoh Ramses II
D) The construction of the pyramids

Answer: A) A famine and social upheaval

54. Which ancient Mesopotamian king is credited with building the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

A) Hammurabi
B) Sargon II
C) Ashurbanipal
D) Nebuchadnezzar II

Answer: D) Nebuchadnezzar II

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