The Difference

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The Difference

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Other
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Harry Potter & Severus Snape
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Original
Male Character(s), Albus Dumbledore
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, James Potter Lives, Lily Evans
Potter Lives, Severitus, Wrong Boy-Who-Lived, Lily Evans Potter
Bashing, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, Good Sirius Black, Minor
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Good Severus Snape, Parent Severus Snape,
James Potter Being an Idiot, Drugs, Suicide Attempt, Murder, Abuse
Language: English
Collections: Magnolia's Re-Reading, WBWL what when someone choice wrong
Stats: Published: 2017-08-26 Updated: 2023-11-19 Words: 44,477 Chapters:
The Difference
by elvirakitties


This is like all the WBWL, abandoned Harry, but with a twist.


Blame rozielrie....she sent me the idea... this was sent after I did Little Bat story, they aren't
Chapter 1

Lily was beaming with pride, walking their son to Hogwarts. James was on the other side of
her son. The boy was holding each of their hands. Today was going to be great. They were
giving their five-year-old son, who was their pride and joy, a tour of Hogwarts. James had
been filling their son's head with all his tales about his time at Hogwarts. How much fun him,
Uncles Sirius and Remus had during their school days. How amazing the Quidditch pitch
was. How incredible the Hogwarts was which was true in her eyes.

Dumbledore had invited them to the Halloween Feast. It had been four years since
Voldemort's demise and they wanted to enjoy Hogwarts' Halloween Feast. Dumbledore and
James had spent the last two weeks rehashing all the different Hogwarts' Feasts, the food, the
candle, and, much to her dismay, the pranks. Lily had stopped James from bringing any
pranks, but she knew she most likely missed something. She glanced down to her son hoping
that James didn't try to smuggle a prank in using their child.

"Mummy, I want that."

Lily looked to where her precious son was pointing. "I believe that is Hagrid's dog, Fang."

"I want him."

"How about you go and pet him." Lily compromised. There was no way she was going to
allow anything that big into her house.

"I want him!"

"Prongslet, what is your favorite treat you want tonight?"

"Chocolate Frog, no, Ice mice, no, all of them."

"That's my boy." James picked up his son. "If you look over there you can see the Quidditch

"I want to fly!"

"Tomorrow, we don't want to miss all the students in their costumes. We might even miss
someone getting pranked."

"I want costume."

"I have it." Lily smiled. "You are going to be a baby deer. I am a doe and your daddy is a

"I be Prongslet?"

"Yes, you are my Prongslet." Lily ran a hand through her son's messy locks. She had tried
everything to tame it. Her baby boy was just like his father. Lily kept smiling as she listened
to James and her son gushing over Hogwarts. They were almost to the front doors which
stood opened. She knew it was going to be a great night. Remus and Sirus should already be
here. She knew the Weasleys were also coming. Well, most of those who were in the Order
would be present. After all, they were celebrating her baby and his great deed. Everyone
should already be at the Feast. They had time for her to cast the spells for their costumes,
make a great entrance, and not miss anything important. Once they arrived, the event would
start. She had practiced her surprise and awed look for all the people who would greet her
son. They were quickly changed and were heading to the Great Hall. The doors were opened.
She checked one last time to make sure everything was perfect. She nodded her acceptance
and they made their entrance. She smiled her perfect smile as everyone turned and watched
them enter.

"Daddy, Daddy, look me little bat, you big bat." A voice from behind her shouted. Everyone
laughed as she turned and watched, with loathing, her useless former son enter the Great Hall
with one of the older students. Her useless former son was dressed as a little fruit bat and
started running toward her James. Her baby boy started crying as the little runt ran by her
James and up to Severus Snape who was dressed as a bigger fruit bat. "Indeed." Severus
laughed as he picked up Harry Snape. "Only fruit tonight?" Severus didn't even acknowledge
her as he turned and headed up to the Head Table.

James picked up his crying son as Dumbledore rose. "James, Lily, Jamie, how nice of you to
join us. Come, come, Jamie, how about a lemon drop?"
Chapter 2

Lily looked down the letter from Dumbledore inviting them to the Halloween Feast. She
grinned, yes, they would be attending. She would make sure their entrance wasn't ruined by
that rotten little boy who was always trying to ruin her son's life. She had believed that once
Severus took the little runt she would never have to see him again. James just ignored the
boy. Since Sirius and James were Aurors she was able to keep them in the spotlight especially
when James cracked a big case. James was just so handsome so it made it easier for her to
present him in a good light. Her son looked exactly like his father with her eyes. James and
Jamie were the perfect husband and son.

Sirius and Remus had tried to take custody of the brat but thankfully Dumbledore had agreed
with her idea to give the runt to Severus. She had originally tried to get the brat shipped to
her sister's but James, Sirius, and Remus had objected strongly to that plan. They were trying
to keep the little runt, Severus had been glaring at James when her idea hit. Severus wouldn't
put up with the brat for long and then the runt would be shipped to her sister's. It would end
the problem once Severus got tired of looking at the little runt.

Lily had been a bit surprised at Severus keeping the runt but what did she care she had the
superior child. She would make sure no one would ever forget what her precious baby boy
did for the magical world. She needed to find the perfect costumes for Halloween. One that
would reflect they were a family. One that would show their status. One that would show
everyone her son was the Boy-Who-Lived while that runt was nothing. She wasn't going to
let the runt ruin everything.


Lily and James were walking with Jamie swinging between them as they were walking
toward Hogwarts. Her pride and joy was babbling up a storm, talking about what they had
seen walking from Hogsmeade to here. They had stopped at Honeydukes for extra candies.
She had even picked up the latest book about charms.

Lily already had their costumes set to go. She knew that Sirius and Remus were already
waiting for them. They were visiting Dumbledore earlier and they were planning on
attending. The entrance was opened and they headed to the alcove to change in their outfits
and make their grand entrance. Once they were dressed, they headed toward the Great Hall.
She made sure no one was around them so that their entrance wasn't going to destroyed like
last year. They entered, dressed as Chinese Fireball Dragons with Jamie dressed as a baby
one, who could roar.

They entered the Great Hall and Lily froze. Harry and Severus were dressed as matching
Antipodean Opaleye Dragons. Everyone was gushing over their costumes. She saw the Daily
Prophet was already taken pictures. The worst part was no one noticed their entrance and
since they were also dressed as dragons no one was going to think their costumes were
special. They would believe that she copied Severus' idea. She held in her fury as Minerva
and Albus were laughing at the little brat. Severus was even smiling. How dare Severus
smile? How dare the runt be happy? How could they not be staring and gawking at them?
They were the ones who were adored by the public. They were the ones that everyone wanted
to hear about. Her son was their Savior.

"Ah, Lily, James, how nice of you to join us. Come, come, we are about to start the feast.
Severus has even provided us some wonderful treats he and Harry baked this afternoon."

"How delightful."

"Mommy, I want that costume."

"You have a costume. You're a dragon too."

"I want his." Jamie started screaming and threw himself to the floor, his arms and legs hitting
the floor. His screams of displeasure getting louder.

Lily picked her son up. The cameras were going off. "Albus, can we go to your office?"
Dumbledore guided them out of the Great Hall.
Chapter 3

Lily was preening as the cameras followed them around Diagon Alley. James was dressed in
his best robes, keeping the crowd from getting too close to her precious baby. Her pride and
joy was smiling, waving at the crowd of people following them. She was so proud as her
baby worked the crowd around them. She had wanted Sirus with them but he claimed he had
to meet with Dumbledore but she doubted that. After years of her yearly Halloween customs
being ruined by that brat, she figured either Sirius or Remus was informing Severus what
they would be wearing. She had tried to tell them different outfits but that failed when
Severus and the brat would each in one of the customs while the other wore the second one
she mentioned. She thought they were both telling them so the next year she didn't inform
them and they still showed up and beat them. The brat and Severus had won the yearly
Halloween competition since 1985.

Severus seemed to be able to get the brat into the paper despite her attempts to stop it. The
brat even won a potion brewing contest last month. Outdoing her baby's visiting St. Mungos.
The brat won a lot of competition from Defense to Potions. She knew it was fixed to give
Hogwarts the glory of having a student being raised there, even if it was that brat. She was
willing to bet that Dumbledore was helping to make sure that the brat was winning.
Dumbledore was just as much of a fame seeker as she was.

She wasn't about to let the brat make it into tomorrow's paper. She made sure everything was
perfect. She arranged for it to be leaked out that they would be here. She made sure it would
be on a day that James had off. She also made sure the brat wouldn't be here. She arranged it
with Dumbledore to have Severus brewing some special potions for her baby's upset
stomach. "First, we need to get you your wand, Sweetie." Lily smiled as the camera went off.
She kept Ron Weasley behind her as she escorted her son to Ollivanders. "Ron, do not forget
we have to get you new robes."

Ron didn't get a chance to respond before a reporter asked: "are you excited about getting
your first wand?"

"It's not my first, I have been using my grandfather's wand. I've been in training since I was
seven. I will join my father as an Auror when I get older." Jamie flashed a crooked smile. He
made sure to make sure the reporters could see his wand.

The reporter grinned. "May we join you and take a photo of this historic moment."

"Please do." Lily smiled.


Severus, Sirius, and Remus were in Ollivander's. Harry was excited. "Hi, Mr. Ollivander."

"Hello, young Snape, how are you today? Ah, Professor, you must be excited."

"I'm fine." Harry had been inside the store a few times just to visit or with his father.
"Indeed." Severus learned long ago his son knew everyone in Diagon Alley. He was proud
that his son was always polite and well mannered.

"Let's see what we have for you." Mr. Ollivander always enjoyed the visits by the Snapes.

Sirius and Remus were looking through the wand holders. "Nothing red." Severus warned the
pair. It was his usual warning, one he always felt he needed to deliver since every time he
didn't they brought Harry something red.

"We know. He is a snake." Sirius laughed. They could see the tape measure flying around.

"Try this one, young Snape. It's birch, with dragon heartstring. Excellent for charms."

Harry touched it and suddenly the wand started to wilt. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Ollivander."

"Not to worry. I'll give that was a first but it was bound to happen." Mr. Ollivander handed
Harry another wand. "This is cedar with a unicorn tail hair. Great for transfiguration."

Harry eyed it. He picked it up and gave it a wave only to see the light opposite him that hung
on the wall explode. Harry laid it down carefully. Eyeing Harry, Ollivander went to the back
of his shop. They could hear boxes being moved. "Let's try this one. It's holly with a Phoenix
Feather from Fawkes. This is for Defense and Potions."

The adults knew this wand was for Harry. Harry gave it a wave and sparkles came out. "I got
my wand." He had never had one before. He had used a training wand when his father taught
him his lessons. His father always limited how much time he used the training wand
reminding Harry that his core was still growing and that Severus didn't want the wand
interfering with his son's growth.

"Indeed." Severus ruffled Harry's messy hair. Severus was very happy that Harry didn't look
like James thanks to the blood adoption potion Sirius and he did. The only thing Potterish
about his son was the nose. Severus was thankful that it wasn't his and appeared to be closer
to the general Black family one.

"Curious... very curious..." Mr. Ollivander looked at the wand.

"Sorry, but what's curious about it?" Harry glanced at his father. He was looking at his father
seeing if his father felt any unease.

"I remember every wand I've ever sold, young Snape. It so happens that the phoenix whose
tail feather resides in your wand gave another feather... just one other. It is curious that you
should be destined for this wand when its brother gave your brother his famous scar."

"Mr. Ollivander, please don't tell anyone you gave my son this wand." Severus knew Sirius
and Remus were ready to Oblivate Ollivander if need be. He was ready to do so also. He
didn't want Dumbledore to turn his eye toward his son.

"I do not give anyone wands information away."

"Thank you, Mr. Ollivander. How much do we owe you?" Severus had a feeling that the man
usually didn't.

"7 Galleons, 3 Sickles, 1 Knut. The Knut is for good luck." Ollivander winked. "The wand
hoster is included."


Back to the present:

"I wondered when I'd be seeing you, Mr. Potter." Ollivander ignored the reporter and the
flashing camera. "Why it seems only yesterday that your mother and father were in here
buying their first wands."

Lily smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Ollivander. I know Jamie has been looking forward to this."

Ollivander pulled out a box. "Rowen, with a sprig of a holly bush. Good for healing."

"I'm not a healer, I'm a fighter. I defend everyone from evil." Jamie refused to even touch the
wand. "Give me another."

"Jamie, honey, remember, what I told you." Lily gave a slight smile. She saw the reporter
writing everything down.

"Jamie, give it a try, it will tell Mr. Ollivander where to begin to find you a wand." James
reassured their son.

Jamie picked the wand up, gave it a wave, and sparkles flew out of it. "No, this isn't my
wand. Dumbledore said I was to get the holly wand with Fawkes' feather."

Ollivander didn't say a word. He understood what was happening and he wasn't going to put
another target on a child's back. "It's the wand that choices the wizard, Mr. Potter, not the
wizard choosing the wand."

"No! No! Mom, tell him."

Lily knew her son was going to have one of his fits. She leaned down, hugging her son.
"Reporter." She softly whispered, giving her son a tight hug. "Mr. Ollivander is correct."

"Thank you, Mr. Ollivander." Lily saw Jamie smiled at the man, while she knew he was
seething inside. Lily knew her son was going to have a screaming fit when she got home
unless she provided something to distract him. "How much?" She heard James ask.

"7 Galleons, 4 more if you want a hoster." Ollivander wasn't impressed by the Not-Boy-Who-
Lived. He was thankful Severus Snape was raising the true one. Boy, wouldn't that shock

"Jamie, pick out a hoster. After we leave here, we can go check out the new brooms." James
was pulling out his coin purse.
Lily was thankful that James stopped an epic fit from happening even if it James mentioning
brooms but if it got her precious son happy, well what did it matter.


Later (after the boys were in bed):

Snape Quarters:

"What do you think it means?" Sirius was drinking a glass of very good scotch. He admired
Severus' taste in booze. He knew the Black family was famous for their wine cellar but he
was a scotch drinker as was Severus.

"I think Harry was the one, not Jamie. Harry was the one they thought didn't have any magic.
He was the one who was sleeping when they found them." Remus handed Severus the book
he had been using for researching the blood magic they thought Lily might have used.

"I agree. Harry had his first bit of accidental magic before the brat did. They didn't bother to
look but Harry does have a scar on his head, his hair covers it. They thought it was a cut from
the ceiling. They didn't even check it. I had Narcissa check it. She said it was covered in dark
magic. We just thought it was residue."

"We can't tell anyone. You know if we did, they would try and remove Harry." Sirius rarely
saw Lily. He was still partnered with James. The man was an idiot when it came to almost
every aspect of his life but he was a good Auror when he showed up to work.

"I agree. Lily likes to keep them famous. She would do the same to Harry and neglect Jamie."
Remus lost a lot of respect for the Potters. "She would send Jamie to her sister's in a

"Not to mention Albus. You see what he does with Jamie. All the ever does is make that boy
practice magic. He goes on and on about how evil Slytherins are. The Weasleys aren't much
better." Severus knew Dumbledore would remove his son any way possible including tossing
him into Azkaban.

"He would throw us all in Azkaban while telling us it was for the greater good." Sirius
bitingly added. Sirius was almost thrown in Azkaban by Dumbledore before James and Lily
arrived, alive, and informed him of the truth. Sirius remembered how Dumbledore had been
making plans for the twins, the Savior was to become the ward of Dumbledore while the
other would go to the muggles.

"We keep this to ourselves. I will alert Lucius and Narcissa about his meddling again. Albus
knew about the wand. I find it strange that Fawkes only gave two tailfeathers and they ended
up in the Dark Lord and Harry's hands." Severus had a feeling Dumbledore was hiding
information again.

"I will research what I can about wand lore, maybe Ollivander will help answer some
questions." Remus wasn't sure what they were going to do during the school year, once
Dumbledore saw the wand. "We will need to find a way to hide Harry's wand. Albus will
know it."

"Already did. It looks like birch." Severus had spent most of the afternoon find a glamour
charm that Dumbledore wouldn't see through. "I'm also soaking it in an anti-summoning
potion and one of my barbed protection ward potion." He didn't want anyone touching
Harry's wand without Harry's permission.

"Next problem, Albus wants me to give up the DADA position for Quirrell. I told him no."
Remus wasn't going to be leaving Hogwarts if he could help it. He had the position for the
last five years.

"Why would the muggle-studies professor want the DADA position?" Sirius wondered.

"Albus wouldn't say. Albus just said he felt it would work out better since Jamie was going to
be attending."

"It doesn't make any sense." Severus' face reflected he was thinking. "You don't think the
traps he wants to set up for protecting whatever plus this Quirrell move along with Jamie
starting is a test for Jamie? Albus has been going on about the Dark Lord returning and it
would be exactly like him to test Jamie by arranging a controlled meeting."

"We will need to watch them, carefully, as he mentioned James and Lily were also going to
be here. He wants Filius to take Lily on as an assistant professor and James as a guest
speaker." Sirius informed them. "James was drunk, again, at work, and spilled everything.
Including this year's Halloween outfit. It's going to be Gryffindor Lions since they know
Jamie will be a lion."

"Sounds like Albus is working his pawns again. I will warn Lucius. I am expecting he will
want us to return to spying."

"Unless we find a way to get rid of him first." Remus smirked.

"That is our next project, we will need to find out why Albus is sure he will return and how
he will return."

"He will. Our marks tell us that he isn't dead but he isn't alive." Severus rolled up his sleeve
and showed them. "I believe we need to do some research on it and not rely on Albus'
information. He is famous for holding back key information."

"We know." Sirius had almost lost his life during the last war because of it and so hadn't


"Albus, what do you think it means? He didn't get the wand." Lily was pacing her living

"It is nothing to worry about. He might have developed an infinity because of using Charlus'
wand. Once he starts growing, we will have him try again. It will be just a matter of growing

"See Lily, I told you it was nothing to worry about." James took another sip of his whiskey.
He was working on trying to get drunk enough to forget he married the woman and gave up
one of their boys. It was only a temporary reprieve but he welcomed any reprieve each night.

"Once he is at Hogwarts, he will be in Gryffindor and show everyone he is the Savior. What
about that brat?" Lily wanted the useless child gone for good.

"Not to worry, he will be in Severus' house. While the boy has grown up in Hogwarts, he is
Severus' child." Dumbledore actually wished Harry was the Savior. The boy was smart,
magically strong, and had a determination to get things done. He was a lot like Severus.

"Good, just keep him away from my son."

"Once Filius agrees, you will be at Hogwarts with him." Dumbledore had already been
rejected by Filius but he wasn't going to let it go that easily. If Lily was at Hogwarts she
would be able to deal with the boy's demands and temper tantrums. Dumbledore knew he
couldn't control the boy as well as Lily did and he also didn't have the time it took to control

"I will be here by myself?" James liked that idea. No more nagging from Lily and no more
screaming from Jamie. The most important thing was no more listening to Lily rant about

"I was hoping you would be a guest speaker." Dumbledore was a bit wary of it. James drank
a lot and was usually drunk by noon.

"No thanks, I have a job already." James downed the last bit of his drink, stumbled over to the
bar and poured himself another glass. He knew Lily had her happy pills upstairs in her
bedroom. He was hoping she would overdose on them soon.

"Very good. I will see you next month, if not sooner." Dumbledore headed to the floo.
Chapter 4

Harry was standing in line for the sorting. He could see his father and Uncle Remus. Lily
Potter was sitting next to Dumbledore. He refrained from frowning, she wasn't a staff
member. Just like he knew James wasn't going to be making guest appearances. Professor
Flitwick didn't want an apprentice and he knew why. The man was half-goblin and if he took
an apprentice, he would have to teach them goblin magic. Goblins didn't want to share their
magic with wizards and he couldn't blame them. He was ignoring the bragging of Jamie
Potter as was anyone who truly knew the boy.

"Prat." Draco muttered.

"He is going to be worse once we are sorted." Theo Nott really couldn't stand Jamie Potter.
Theo, Blaise, Draco, Pansy, Susan, Hannah, and a few others had witnessed the brats temper
tantrums every year at Halloween and Yule when they attending events at Hogwarts.

"They are going to target anyone in Slytherin." Susan Bones knew that her Aunt was about
ready to fire James Potter for drinking on the job. She also knew the Potters and Molly
Weasley encouraged Ron and Jamie's attitudes. Dumbledore didn't help the matter either.
Susan was like her aunt, she watched and listened to those around her and when she was at
the Ministry.


Lily made sure she was dressed in her very best dress robes. They looked very close to
professorship robes. They were the same shade of black as Jamie's. Robes that she had
special ordered for this day. She wanted to make sure that they matched as much as possible.
Her baby was standing in line to be sorted, so tall, so regal. She had made sure her son had
the very best quality school robes. The robes looked like the official Hogwarts' school robes
but the robes were far more superior. They were made of Japanese silk with protective spells
woven into the threads. She had added some runes into the underside to protect her baby
from minor spells, hexes, and curses.

They both wore black dragonhide ankle boots. She had made sure her son had black dress
trousers on with a crisp white silk shirt that she charmed to remain fresh and clean. She wore
the matching female version, the one exception is that she wore her Gryffindor tie while her
baby boy was still undefined but she knew it would be Gryffindor. They had their pictures
taken at King's Crossing. She couldn't wait to see the newspaper in the morning.

Lily had spent the day here in the hopes of convincing Filius to give her an apprenticeship
but she had been rebuffed. At first, she was furious, however, when Filius explained that has
half-goblin and he would need to have clan approval, she understood. She would deal with
the goblins later. Dumbledore, Minerva, and Filius suggested she speak to Severus about a
potion one. She refused to even speak to Severus unless necessary. He betrayed her when he
took the spawn in.
When she first suggested Severus as an alternative instead Petunia she believed that Severus'
bitterness would have proven that the brat wasn't worthy of being in the magical world. She
even had a perfectly worded letter for her sister to send with the brat. She had firmly believed
that Severus' hatred of James would have made Dumbledore and James see it wasn't her fault
the boy wasn't special. She wanted the attention to be given to her son, not that useless one.
The one who slept through the attack. How utterly useless could a child be that he didn't even
wake up? It was why she was so sure Jaime was the one who defeated Voldemort. When
Dumbledore first suggested giving that boy away so that they could focus more on her baby
she was perfectly willing to give it to her sister. She readily agreed as that was her plan. She
offered her sister as the perfect choice. Her sister hated magic and would make sure the brat
didn't know anything about it and would keep him away from anything even remotely

James had been the one to refuse. He refused to even consider giving the little freak away.
She knew it was her baby that was special and she wasn't going to have anyone around him
who could taint him as that useless brat would. It had taken Dumbledore and her a few hours
to get James to agree but he would only allow anyone who worked at Hogwarts or the other
two idiots to take the brat. Lily wasn't about to remove Sirius or Remus away from her baby
boy. He needed his godfathers around. After all, who else would encourage him to use magic,
to break the small rules. She would be playing the fair but loving mother with James being
seen as the firm, controlling, domineering father while showing how much he loved his
family. James' position as an Auror would make sure they stayed in the limelight. She would
play the shy wife who wanted to avoid the cameras. She practiced her discreet looks in the

The only kink her plans was the brat. The brat ruined everything. If she had been allowed to
teach here, she would have made sure the brat learned his place. How dare that boy ruin
everything she had planned. Severus loved the boy, treating him like a son. Sirius and Remus
were always fawning over the brat because Remus worked at Hogwarts. Minerva and
Dumbledore were always telling her how kind the little ingrate was. How dare that boy steal
attention from her boy. She had to get him to learn his place. No one was going to outshine
her brave boy.

Lily would have to see if Remus would let her become his assistant. She wasn't great at
DADA but she did get an E on her NEWT. She thought about Minerva since the woman had
so many duties but that might mean she would have to actually work. She already had a job,
it was making sure her son was taken care of. Keeping her son's image intact and that was a
full-time job in of itself.


Severus was doing his usual scan of incoming students. Some he knew where they were
going, others he believed the hat would be divided on. "She is at it again." Severus turned to
the voice. It was Remus who was watching Lily. Lily was staring at his son and given the
look on her face, he was thankful she wasn't going to be teaching at Hogwarts. Lily wanted to
make his son's life miserable. She had been attempting to make his and Harry's life miserable
since the day Harry came to live with him. He was just thankful Sirius and Remus had
explained how much Lily already favored Jaime before that dreadful night.
All of the staff were aware of how Dumbledore tried to get her hired but no one wanted Lily
to work with them. The Board rejected the idea outright, Filius turned her down because he
wasn't about to teach her any goblin magic. Severus was impressed as Filius informing her
that he would need the clans' permission. Filius explained it would require Lily to train at
Gringotts for at least a year before that would be allowed to happen. He knew Lily only heard
the part about needing the clan's permission. Lily never cared for goblins and he knew under
Dumbledore's care that she had developed a loathing of anything dark. They had all seen her
face when Remus used to hold the holy terror.

Sirius used to believe it was because they were actually touching the holy terror, not her
dislike. However, as the years moved on, it became clearer and clearer how Lily felt about
Remus. Sirius was always invited over but Remus was never issued an invitation. They knew
Severus would never be invited. James had tried as he wanted to see Harry but Lily always
refused to allow it to happen. James used Sirius as an excuse so that he could go to Hogwarts
just to catch a glimpse of his other son.

Severus heard little terror's name. "Potter, James." Minerva and the everyone else watched
the brat stride forward as if there should be people throwing flowers on the floor for him to
step on. Jamie was his mother's child was all Severus could think of. He had never seen this
side of Lily until it was too late.

He could see Lily beaming with pride as her brat sat down on the stool. "Gryffindor, now!"
Jamie's voice carrying in the quiet hall, all eager to hear which house the Savior would go to.
Silence rained for several minutes. No speaking for fear of missing something. "No,
Gryffindor. I'm the Boy-Who-Lived, I demand you put me in Gryffindor now, none of that
Puff shit. I'm not some weak-willed boy who gets tossed into the house of the losers."

Gasps were now heard from almost everyone. Lily, however, smiled sweetly. "He a true lion,
fighting for what he wants. We knew he would be able to go to any house, except Slytherin,-"

"It better be Hufflepuff." The Sorting Hat announced.


NOW!" Jamie threw the hat at Minerva. Minerva didn't move as she wasn't expecting it
causing the brim to cut her cheek, Minerva had fallen to the floor in her haste to get out of the
way. The Sorting Hat landed on the floor slightly behind her. The hat started muttering in a
foreign language.

"Minerva, are you alright?" Poppy and those closest to Minerva helped her to stand up.
Poppy cast a healing charm on Minerva's face. Filius cast a mild cleaning spell on Minerva's

"I'm sure it's a slight misunderstanding." Dumbledore knew this was going to make the paper.

"Jamie, sweetie, my baby boy, you need calm down. We know you are a lion. I will have you
resorted in a matter of seconds." Lily was hugging her son, running her hand down through
his hair.
"No one can be resort until they have been in a house for at least a year." Filius held the
Sorting Hat in his hands. He handed the hat back to Minerva. He felt that Dumbledore was
going to do anything he could to get the boy into Gryffindor.

"I'm sure we can make an exception, after all, my Jamie is the Boy-Who-Lived and he is a
lion." Lily smiled sweetly.

"Rules are rules." Minerva kept the hat in her hands. She had seen Dumbledore was willing
to do a resort on the Brat-Who-Lived but she wasn't making any exceptions. "Mr. Potter, if
you are done with the drama, please take your seat with your housemates. Hufflepuff is a
great house and its values are above reproach."

"I'm not going to the Puffs. If I can't get a resort, I will withdraw. There are plenty of other
schools willing to take me."

"He didn't get a single invite." Remus whispered to Severus. "He threw a fit because he
didn't. James told Sirius about it. James wasn't even drunk when he told Sirius."

"Jamie, why don't you sit with me and we can work this out after everyone is sorted." Lily
knew this wasn't good. She had submitted applications to other schools to show Dumbledore,
James, and Jamie how important Jamie was. All of them had rejected her son. One even
mentioned his clear lack of schooling and attitude.

"No, no, I want to be sorted now." His face was getting red.

Dumbledore looked at Severus. He raised his eyebrows, tilted his head toward Jamie. Severus
wasn't sure what Dumbledore was expecting him to do. Severus switched his attention to the
students. Severus was also a bit sickened by the display. Another fine example of Gryffindor
favoritism was going to rear its head. Dumbledore must have realized Severus wasn't going
to do anything. "Jamie, my boy, why not sit at the head table, enjoy the feast." Dumbledore
needed to figure out how to get the boy into Gryffindor without creating more of a scandal.

Severus' attention returned to the Brat-Who-Lived as he was forced to sit down next to his
mother. The boy's mouth was moving so Lily must have put a silencing spell up. He could
see the tears and runny nose. "Annoying little ingrate."

Remus smirked at Severus' words and the sorting continued. "Snape, Hadrian."

The name got Lily's attention. She hadn't been aware that Severus had changed Harry's name.
Severus watched his son walked up. Harry had an easy-going smile on his face, waved at a
few of the older students as he passed them. He sat down on the stool after asking if Minerva
was alright. The Sorting Hat fell onto his head. "It better be Slytherin."

Slytherin and a few other students started clapping as Harry walked to join Draco and his
friends at Slytherin table. The Weasley twins threw some confetti. "All hail the Snape!" They
shouted and bowed.

The twins had been calling Harry that ever since they discovered Harry was Severus' son
when they were six. The Slytherins, not wanting to be outdone, rose as one "all hail the Prank
Twins!" and bowed. This little displayed dispelled the myth that Slytherin and Gryffindor
couldn't get along. Severus knew Dumbledore hated it each time it happened.
Chapter 5

Remus made his way to Severus' quarter. It had been a long night. He didn't even get to
knock before the door was opened. "Come in, Remmy." Sirius' voice rang out.

Remus entered and found Sirius, Minerva, and Severus already sitting down with drinks in
their hands. He had been delayed joining them since he had hall patrol. "That bad?"

"Worse." Sirius poured Remus a drink. "You are going to need it."

"What did Albus do now?" Remus took his usual spot on the couch. Minerva was in Severus'
highback chair that she preferred while Severus and Sirius were sitting in matching recliners.
Severus' quarters was where people escaped to avoid Dumbledore.

"He made him his apprentice. The Sorting Hat refused to resort the brat. We got to witness
another fit while Lily kept insisting that her precious baby boy was a Gryffindor. She
threatened to withdraw him knowing he had no other offers. Albus in a brilliant insight
decided that he would make Jamie his apprentice and guess where he is sleeping?" Sirius had
a hard time keeping the anger out of his voice.

"Great, so Minerva and I get him." Remus was the Assistant Head of Gryffindor since
Minerva had a lot of other duties.

"The brat didn't even apologize for what he did." Minerva had seen the brat get worse each
year but the display tonight was beyond anything she had ever seen. "We do have a problem."

"Yes, Lily is staying here. She is concerned about Harry's influence on her son and wants to
make sure nothing is going to happen between them. She started saying how Harry is jealous
of her baby boy, how much Harry must resent Jamie, and how she didn't want Harry to take
his anger out on Jaimie. Albus allowed it."

Severus swore under his breath. "My son isn't the bad influence. She should be ashamed of
what happened tonight. I know it's going to be in the papers." Harry went out of his way to
avoid his former brother and mother.

"Well, that explains what I heard Lily and Albus talking about. Albus is already trying to do
damage control." Remus looked down. "They plan on releasing that it was the stress of seeing
his brother after so long, compounded by a long day of autograph signing, riding the train,
and arriving at Hogwarts. They want to claim he was overwrought and tired."

Severus' lip curled as Sirius made a snort of disbelief. "It gets worse. If Jamie is an
apprentice, we can't assign him detentions, remove points, or remove him from class without
Albus' approval, unless he fails the class. There are a lot of different rules that will even
exempt him from attending certain classes if Albus allows it." Minerva had an idea that this
was what Albus had planned. Albus had been training the boy for years.
"Which means we can keep him out of our classes and request our apprentices. Albus took
the role of Master which means that overrides the Headmaster position. As the Master, he is
required to teach his student a minimum of six hours a day, outside of reviewing any
assignments." Remus looked at them. "If Jamie turns in anything below an E, he will be
required to spend an extra hour per subject with Albus until the marks improve. Albus doesn't
have that kind of time."

"Jamie will have to withdraw from the classes until Albus gets his grades up. He has to do it,
not Lily because Lily doesn't have a Master's certificate." Minerva smirked. She knew the
little brat wouldn't last a week. "I don't want to set the boy up for failure but Albus is
determined to. Hufflepuff might have been a good way to show Jamie what friendship, hard
work, and loyalty mean."

"He is going to get worse. Ron Weasley and him, together, are the worst bullies." Sirius had
recognized years ago what he did was wrong and knew that the Marauders' pranks should
never have been allowed to progress as far as they did. "I'm worried about them targetting
Harry. They have before." James and Sirius had stopped them a few times in Diagon Alley
and Hogsmeade.

"Molly, Albus, and Lily won't listen to us. They won't even listen to James." Minerva had
seen how James had tried to control his son and how much giving away Harry had hurt him.
James had spent a few weeks after giving his son away begging Dumbledore about getting
Harry back.

"Harry is aware and the snakes won't be traveling alone. The Weasley Twins and some of the
older students are going to act as escorts. Albus needs to realize his little savior isn't very
well-liked." Severus had tried to warn Dumbledore. He had been warning him for years but
he gave up.


Lily walked proudly with her son to the Great Hall for breakfast. Her son was now in his new
apprentice robes. She had written a letter to the Daily Prophet for them to print this morning.
"Remember, you're an apprentice and that means you don't need to worry about anything but
what Albus tells you to do." Lily stopped at the entrance to the Great Hall.

"I know. It's why I agreed." Jamie rolled his eyes. He wanted his breakfast. "Can we eat

"That is my good boy. I'm so proud of you. Remember you are better than anyone here."

"I'm aware. Now, I want some food."


Harry watched his brother walk down the hall, more like rolled. "He is going to be extremely
annoying now."
"Agreed." Draco couldn't believe they gave the brat an apprenticeship. He had already written
home to his father and informed him.

"Everyone together?" Gemma started to do a headcount. When she was finished, she turned
to lead them to breakfast but the Weasley twins were standing there. "Guys?"

"A warning for everyone, Mr. Arrogant and our brother believe they can boss everyone
around. They plan on making sure the lousy snakes, their words, lose a lot of points and
detention to help them learn what happens to snakes."

"I better tell Professor Snape." Gemma and the rest of the prefects were already aware of the
problems Jamie Potter would create. "Want to do the gentlemanly thing and escort us?"

"Certainly." Fred and George each held out their arms.


Severus and Remus ignored Lily prattling on about how her baby boy was now an apprentice
and how proud she was. They noticed none of the staff was happy with the news. The owls
arrived and the papers landed. Everyone eagerly reached for their copies. They knew Rita
was going to have fun writing about what happened.


by Rita Skeeter

My dear readers I am wondering about our esteemed Headmaster's decision-making policy.

As the man's grey matter been subjected to many lemon drops? Is he in a sugar-induced
haze? Is Lily Potter enabling our Savior in the behavior we have seen in the past?

We here at the Daily Prophet received numerous reports concerning last night's sorting
mishap and two really interesting letters that contradicted what the numerous accounts agreed
happened. While students of Hogwarts must be sorted, it appears that our Savior believes he
is above our traditions. Our Savior believes he doesn't have to follow the policy of being
sorted. He doesn't have to follow the rules of Hogwarts, neither does Dumbledore.

We know how the first trip to Hogwarts on the train goes. It starts with the train ride where
we make some of our future forever friends. We are eager for our first year, eager to ride on
the train, ride the boat across the water, and finally stand in the line for our sorting. Eager to
be away from our parents, yet a bit fearful as everything was changing. Last night, everyone
was treated to James Potter, Jr., our Savior throwing a fit because the sorting didn't go the
way he wanted it to go. It was quite a show by everyone's accounts.

We received numerous letters from the students from every four houses. They stated the same
thing. They stated that our Savior stormed up to the stool. As soon as the Sorting Hat was
placed on his head, everyone heard "Gryffindor, now! No, Gryffindor. I'm the Boy-Who-
Lived, I demand you put me in Gryffindor now, none of that Puff shit. I'm not some weak-
willed boy who gets tossed into the house of the useless."
Yes, that is an exact quote. We had three send us the memories to prove it. Our Savior's
mother calmly smiled. "He is a true lion, fighting for what he wants. We knew he would be
able to go to any house, except Slytherin,-"

"It better be Hufflepuff." The Sorting Hat announced.


NOW!" The Savior threw the hat and it hit the Deputy Headmistress in the face, Madam
Pomfrey healed the cut. No one rebuked the boy for his attitude, his rudeness, or even his
behavior toward Professor McGonagall. He could have taken out her eye.

"I'm sure it's a slight misunderstanding." Headmaster Dumbledore excused the actions of the
Boy Who Lived. We have heard the Headmaster use this same tired excuse time and time

"Jamie, sweetie, my baby boy you need to calm down. We know you are a lion. I will have
you resorted in a matter of seconds." Lily smiled as she comforted her son instead of
correcting his behavior. The Headmaster should have done something. There were no points
were removed, no detention was issued, and not even a mild warning.

"No one can be resort until they have been in a house for at least a year." Professor Flitwick
reminded the Headmaster of the rules as the Headmaster wanted to do a resort for the

"I'm sure we can make an exception, after all, my Jamie is the Boy-Who-Lived and he is a
lion." Lily smiled sweetly, again, excusing his bad behavior of her son.

Our Brat-Who-Lived when he didn't get his way, issued a threat. "If I can't get a resort, I will
withdraw. There are plenty of other schools willing to take me."

Our diligent researchers were able to find evidence (see page 3) of the numerous schools that
sent rejection letters to the Brat-Who-Lived. As you can read they rejected the boy for his
lack of education and his problematic behavior. We learned that Lily Potter wrote to the
schools. I believe we know why. Now, my dearest readers, it gets worse. The Brat-Who-
Lived was rewarded for his behavior with an apprenticeship under the Headmaster. The Brat
and his mother will be able to remain at Hogwarts with the boy living in Gryffindor House,
his mother nearby. I'm sure many wondered why Lily Potter is allowed to stay, considering
she doesn't have a job at Hogwarts. It's a way to keep the Brat-Who-Lived out of trouble.

According to the rules of an apprenticeship, the Brat-Who-Lived will be exempt from any
forms of punishment from the staff with the exception being anything the Headmaster might
issue. We know the policy the Headmaster has regarding any form of punishment. Remember
the Marauders. Anyone who attended during those years remembered how much Dumbledore
excused what the Marauders did to everyone, some of the cruelest jokes were played on those
in Slytherin, especially those who were outsiders. Our researchers didn't have time to review
the contract but we are on the trail. We will provide the details as soon as we can. We were
unable to speak to James Potter at the time but we will see about setting up an interview.

"Who lied about me? This isn't true." Jamie slammed the paper down.
"Jamie, please come up to my office." Dumbledore rose from his chair.

"Mother! What are we going to do?" Jamie stormed out of the Great Hall. Dumbledore and
Lily trailing behind.


Harry watched his brother storm out of the Great Hall. "I wonder what Rita is going to print

"Your brother knows how to make the headlines." Draco tilted his head a bit. "Weasley
doesn't seem to think Potter is in trouble."

Harry looked at Ron Weasley. The boy was friends with Jamie and the pair were bullies.
They believed that they could do anything and they didn't have to deal with the
consequences. They didn't have any other friends. They had some other kids their age that
their parents forced them to be seen with Jamie but no other real friends.


Severus was sitting in the staff room waiting for everyone to settle in for the meeting.
Dumbledore called an emergency meeting. Dumbledore had been at the Ministry all day.
Minerva didn't know what it was about but did tell him that Dumbledore had received
numerous howlers. Dumbledore finally arrived. He looked exhausted. "I will make this quick.
Jamie will be moving into Hufflepuff. His apprentice has been revoked and Lily will be
moving back to Godric's Hollow."

"I will make sure he is welcomed." Severus watched Pomona. He knew she wasn't exactly
sure who she could put in the same room with the boy but he also knew she wasn't going to
allow the boy to have his room. Severus knew Pomona won't spoil the boy and she had made
it known.

Severus didn't speak during the meeting but he felt Dumbledore wanted to speak to him.
When the meeting was over Severus went to leave. "Severus, a minute of your time."

Severus resisted the urge to keep walking. When everyone was gone Dumbledore poured
another cup of tea. "Severus, a few things I want to speak to you about. Jamie will be
attending your class but I don't want you to give him special treatment."

"I can guarantee you that I won't give him any special treatment." Severus wasn't about to
give the Brat any special treatment. He wasn't going to cater to the brat.

"I also expect to keep Harry from fighting with his brother. The conflict between the two
needs to end."

"Considering that Potter and Weasley are the ones who start their confrontations have you
given the same warning to them?" Severus hated how Dumbledore favored his Gryffindors.
He knew it wasn't Harry who started the confrontation. Harry did everything he could to
avoid the brat since he knew if he fought back or started anything, Harry would be blamed
for everything in the future.

"I have spoken to Jamie and Ron."

Severus didn't like that tone. He knew that Dumbledore didn't speak to them about their
attitudes. He most likely spoke to them about keeping their names and attitudes out of the
paper. "Albus, if either of them does anything to my son-" Severus didn't continue his
statement. Dumbledore knew how protective Severus was.

"I'm sure whatever happened in the past was a slight misunderstanding." Dumbledore looked
at Severus. "Jamie might need help in potions. I was hoping that Harry might tutor his

"I can guarantee you that it won't happen. The last time they were in the same room, the Brat-
Who-Lived first tripped Harry, followed by hitting him on the back, ripped the book he had
been carrying apart as he kicked my son. I won't mention the names he called him, while Lily
stood there doing nothing. Lily ignored everything. If Sirius hadn't arrived when he did I
wonder what Jamie would have done."

"It was a slight misunderstanding. Jamie and Ron would be good friends with Harry if Harry
would allow it to happen."

"Harry has never started a thing with either of them. Didn't last night's display show you
nothing?" Dumbledore didn't like his words but it was the truth. Severus wondered what the
man was going to try next.

"Severus, please work with me. I need you to help Jamie."

Severus stifled his laughter. "I will teach him to the best of his abilities."

"Good, good, thank you, Severus."

Chapter 6

Harry dreaded going to any class his brother was attending with him. His brother believed he
was honestly the best at everything and could never be wrong. School had been in session for
a month and to Harry and most, if not all, of the student body it had been the longest month
possible. Most of them were ready to hex his brother and Weasley. His brother's attitude was
getting worse without his mother around to control him.



Remus stood up and began his lesson. He was showing how to hold the wand for a simple
shield spell. He explained how it worked, and how to cast it. "Now, everyone practice saying
it." Everyone repeated the spell. Remus wasn't worried about Harry, Draco, Neville, and a
few others knowing how to do the spell. Sirius, Severus, and he had taught the boys over the
summer how to pronounce the new spells they would be learning as well as having them
practice the wand movements. Most of it was just stuff to amuse the boys as their excitement
grew about attending Hogwarts.

"Honestly, if you can't get it, why are you even allowed to attend Hogwarts? I knew this by
the time I was eight." Jamie rolled his eyes at Remus as Weasley laughed. "We know some
paid extra to attend." Jamie looked directly at Harry. "Or had a pseudo-parent on staff."

"Want to bet your brother can't do it?" Weasley not so quietly asked.

"Sure, the loser has to help teach my brother. After all, we don't want him ruining the Potter

"Potter, that is unnecessary and uncalled for. Ten points from Hufflepuff." Remus and the rest
of the staff were still trying to figure out how Jamie was able to attend classes with
Gryffindor and not Hufflepuff. "Now, I want you to practice your wand movement. Do not
point it at anyone." The students practiced their wand movement. "Potter, you are doing it
wrong. It's a slash, not a flick." Remus watched for a few seconds. "Potter, a slash, not a

"He's talking to you." Dean Thomas nudged Jamie who was sitting next to him.

"Not me. I think he means my throwaway of a brother."

Harry rolled his eyes. He was thankful every time his brother opened his mouth that he didn't
grow up with him. All he could think of was that his mother and brother would have expected
him to worship the prat and be his servant. "My last name is Snape, not Potter." He left off
the idiot part off of his sentence but it was implied.

"Only because we didn't want you to ruin the family name. I'm not wrong, it's the werewolf
who must be wrong. I have been trained by Albus Dumbledore. I know what I'm doing."
Harry raised an eyebrow as Remus pointed to the door. "Get out of my class, Potter.
Detention with Mr. Filch, tonight at 7. You are no longer welcome in this class."

"Like you can teach." Jamie got up and left. "They need better professors here. Now, I know
why my mother didn't want to work here." The rest of the class covered their laughter at the
remark. They knew the truth as did many others thanks to Rita's articles.


"The idiot already got removed from class." Severus had heard about what happened in the
DADA class from Remus. Everyone knew exactly what happened. Pomona had been

"Yes, after he tried to blame everything on me and Uncle Remus. Dad, thank you."

Severus was a bit confused. He had taught his son manners from a young age but he hadn't
done anything for his son. "For what?"

"For taking me in. I'm so glad I didn't grow up with him, Lily, or James." Harry hugged his
father. He appreciated everything his father had done for him. He always did after seeing how
his brother reacted. His father didn't give him everything but Harry wasn't neglected or
denied everything. His father always bought him any book he wanted as well as anything
educational. "May I help with some of your potions?"

"Yes, I need to get some cauldrons very dirty for when the Brat-Who-Lived earns detention
with me." Severus wondered if he could get enough dirty if he worked on creating some
reproductions of his biggest messes.

"Oh, he's going to earn a lot from everyone."


"I'm not touching that. I'm not getting my hands dirty. Ron, you replant it." Jamie huffed.
"Honestly, why am I even taking this course? It's only good for losers like Longbottom who
have no magic. How he got into Hogwarts shows that purebloods get away with everything."

"Potter, you will do your planting." Professor Sprout stood in front of the class. "Ten points
for disrespecting your fellow students."

"The truth is the truth. You can't take points away from me for speaking the truth." Jamie
stood up from his stool. "This whole class is a waste of time and energy. You don't even have
to use magic in it. It's almost as useless as Potions is."

Harry and Draco nudged Neville. "Don't listen to the idiot." Draco gave Neville a small

"Just remember who's speaking." Harry quietly muttered to his friend. Neville giggled as did
several Slytherin and Gryffindor. Potter and Weasley heard the giggling and believed that
they were giggling at Potter's remark.
POTIONS: **** This is from the script but changed a bit for my story*******

Severus, like Filius, started the class by taking the roll call. Severus paused at Jamie Potter's
name. The brat had been making a nuisance of himself all week. "Ah, Yes," he said softly,
"James Potter. Our new -- celebrity."

Most of the class hide their smirks behind their hands. Again, Jamie was the only Hufflepuff
in their class. His whole schedule was set up so that he had his classes with Gryffindor.
Severus finished calling the names and looked up at the class. His black eyes scanned the
room. His son was paying attention as were the other Slytherins. Gryffindors, however,
appeared bored and waiting for Jamie to entertain them. "You are here to learn the subtle
science and exact art of potion-making," Severus spoke in barely more than a whisper but he
knew he had their attention. "As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will
hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will understand the beauty of the softly
simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep
through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses...I can teach you how to
bottle fame, brew glory, even put a stopper on death -- if you aren't as big a bunch of
dunderheads as I usually have to teach."

Severus glared at the Gryffindors who seemed to be ignoring his words and more focused on
their resident wanna-be hero. He noticed one girl, what was her name? Yes, Granger, was on
the edge of her seat and looked desperate to start proving that she wasn't a dunderhead. He
heard she was eager to show how smart she was. Judging by her actions, the girl was going to
be the new know-it-all.

"Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of

wormwood?" Severus ignored the waving hand of Miss Granger.

"Powdered root of what to an infusion of what?" Jamie glanced at Ron. Ron looked as
stumped as he was. Granger's hand was now frantically waving in the air. "I don't know."
Jamie rolled his eyes. He had already made his opinion known about this class. Some of the
Gryffindors snickered.

Severus' lips curled into a sneer. "Tut, tut -- fame clearly isn't everything." He ignored the
now bouncing in her seat Granger and thrusting her hand into the air. "Let's try again. Potter,
where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"

Granger stretched her hand as high into the air as it would go without her leaving her seat but
Jamie didn't have the faintest idea what a bezoar was. Everyone could hear some of the
Slytherin laughing. Jamie glanced to the Slytherin side of the room. Some were now shaking
with laughter. Jamie glared at his brother who was watching his father as if that man could be
a father to anyone. "I don't know."

"Thought you wouldn't open a book before coming eh, Potter?" Severus longed to take points
off of brat but he knew Dumbledore would pull him into his office and expect him to work
with the brat. He knew the Brat-Who-Lived hadn't opened his book as it was still in the
wrapper at breakfast. While he didn't expect everyone to know everything he had taken the
questions from the first chapter of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi. Severus still
ignored Granger's quivering hand. "What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and

Granger almost jumped out of her seat as she stood up with her hand stretching toward the
dungeon ceiling. Jamie glanced at her, hoping she would give him the answer. "I don't know.
I think Hermione does, though, why don't you try her? She has been showing off her
intelligence all week."

A few people laughed as Granger's hand fell to her side. Jamie caught Ron's eye as Ron
winked. Severus, however, was not pleased. Not one bit. "Sit down, Granger. For your
information, Potter, asphodel, and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known
as the Draught of Living Death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it
will save you from most poisons. As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant,
which also goes by the name of aconite. Which if you paid attention to your Herbology
lesson, you would have known." Severus glanced around and noticed his Slytherins were
writing the information down. "Well, why aren't the rest of you writing this down."

Soon the room was filled with Gryffindors digging out their supplies. Severus walked toward
Jamie. "Detention, tonight with me. Ten points from Hufflepuff for cheek." Snape said, "And
ten points will be taken from Hufflepuff for your lack of respect."


Severus wasn't surprised to find his son with Draco in his quarters. "Harry? Is everything

"No, Uncle Severus. Harry won't tell you but I am." Draco wasn't going to hide things from
his godfather especially if he could help.


"He needs to know." Draco defended his actions. "Potter and Weasley have been picking on
the different first years. They go after everyone that isn't a pureblood until today. After your
class, Potter and Weasley cornered us. They were about to start hitting Harry when Goyle and
Crabbe came up behind them."

"Harry, have they been bullying you?" Severus was going to make Potter regret ever being
born if he hurt his son.

"No, they have been making fun of you, Uncle Remus, Uncle Sirius, anyone they can. You
know how Jamie and Weasley are. He and Weasley think they can get away with everything.
Jamie was bragging about how he wasn't going to attend your detention tonight. He was
saying that the Headmaster would make sure his detentions were wiped away and he would
never be serving any of them."

"He said that in the library." Draco knew if the idiot had hit Harry, his godfather would use
them as potion ingredients.

"It gets worse. They have Granger doing their homework for them. Not that she is aware of it.
They write a bunch of crap down and hand it to her to check. She corrects it and writes what
needs to be said and done." Draco wasn't sure how they even expected to pass. "Miss Pince
threw them out of the library for belittling Neville, again."

Severus knew Neville Longbottom wasn't the most confident of children but the boy was
gifted with plants. He was a good friend of Draco and Harry. "I will speak to Neville. I will
also be addressing the detention issues." Yes, he would. He would wait until the Brat-Who-
Lived missed his detention and visit Minerva. Minerva would back him in making sure James
Potter, Jr. didn't get away with his attitude.

"Thanks, Dad. Will you proof our work?"

Chapter 7

"Dad?" Harry was expecting to find his father in the living area. He expected that his father
would be sitting at his desk in the corner, correcting assignments as he normally would be.

"In my bedroom." Severus had to change his robes. One of his third-year students exploded
their potion that completely covered him and ruined his clothes. "I needed to change." He
glanced at the clock on the wall. "Why aren't you in DADA?"

"I'll give you one guess." Harry had put his satchel on the table in front of the couch. He had
his DADA book opened.

"Potter. What did the brat do now?" Severus had to wonder what it would take to get the brat
out of Hogwarts.

"He decided to show off during our practical and ended up hitting Longbottom, Finnigan,
Thomas, and Uncle Remus with some made-up spell. I expect Aunt Poppy will be asking you
for assistance as soon as Dumbledore allows her to."

"Harry, respect, but I imagine so." Severus wondered what the brat could have done. Poppy
would have already made a call to him unless Dumbledore was interfering again. In the last
few months, Dumbledore had stopped the brat from being suspended so many times that he
lost count. He lost count of the number of detentions but knew it was in the double digits on
returned points the brat had earned when Dumbledore overruled the point loss. The point loss
wasn't just from him so Dumbledore hadn't been able to play the rivalry between the houses.

"I'm sorry but I'm finding it very hard to respect him when he has allowed Potter and Weasley
to get away with so much. The two of them were caught beating up two Ravenclaws because
they had cousins in Slytherin which reminds me that Simmons and Harrington are going to
want revenge." Harry didn't like how his brother was causing so many of the students to walk
around on eggshells.

"Yes, I'm aware. I have already spoken to them. Have they been bothering you?" Severus was
afraid that the two were causing more house friction. While the houses didn't always get
along it was nothing like what it was like when he attended. Dumbledore's favoritism of
Potter and Ron Weasley was creating a lot of problems. The two were not popular, were not
nice, and certainly were not smart. The Weasley Twins and Percy were having a hard time
keeping most of Gryffindor from dealing with their brother and friend. Dumbledore was
going to discover the houses would unite but not as he wanted. The houses would unite
against Potter and Weasley.

"Nope, the Weasley Twins and the other Gryffindors have been escorting us around. Have to
say Weasley wasn't very happy seeing his brothers protecting us. He complained to Percy.
Percy removed five points for trying to cause problems. The rest of the first years are trying
to stay together and away from those two. Oh, I heard them whining about their homework.
They want to get Granger to do it."
"I'm aware." Severus had several assignments from the pair that showed exactly where it was
done by Granger. He already arranged a meeting with Minerva regarding it. He also knew he
wasn't the only one who was going to be attending that meeting as he had spoken to some of
his associates and they were planning on attending with the goal of getting Minerva to do

"Great that means Lily will be making an appearance." Harry hated even being near Lily or
James. Neither paid any attention to him unless it was to compare him to the Brat-Who-
Lived. James, however, also always looked guilty. Lily did everything in her power to
prevent anyone from knowing he was her other child.

"Sadly, it does. Just stay out of her way." Severus ruffled Harry's hair. "Sirius will be here
tonight." Sirius and Remus were in a relationship but no one knew. Dumbledore would want
to use it against them while saying it would be for the greater good.

"He is here now. He said he would come down with Uncle Remus after you and Poppy fixed
him. He seemed excited about something." Harry looked up. "He was in his Auror Robes so
it might have something to do with James."


Lily stormed toward Hogwarts. James was lagging behind. He had a slight hangover and Lily
was already mad at him. He got fired this morning for drinking on the job. James wasn't in
the mood to listen to her over whatever their son had done this time. He knew his son was a
terror but no matter what he did to try and control the brat, Lily stopped him.

James watched her march to the front doors. He wanted to turn tail and run back home but
didn't want to give Lily another reason to scream her fool head off. He had taken a headache
potion but she had hidden the sober-up potions he had stashed around the Manor. When
Poppy had called them he had thought he had a break from Lily but his idiot son had done
another stupid thing. He groaned. Lily was going to find a way to blame Harry.


"What did that terror do to my son?" Lily stormed into the Infirmary. "I know he had to do

Everyone rolled their eyes, except for Dumbledore, Weasley, and Jamie. "It is his fault."

"It's not Harry's fault. You mangled a spell that you shouldn't have been casting in the first
place. You decided to ignore what I was telling you to do. You cast a group area spell that
you had no idea what it did. Harry didn't do anything." Remus tried to get out of bed, ready to
defend Harry.

"I'm sure it's a slight misunderstanding. Perhaps if Jamie tells us what happened, we can work
it out." Dumbledore smiled. "We just finished sorting out the spell."

"Yes, I would love to hear how my son caused Potter to mispronounce a group area effect
spell." Severus wasn't going to let his son be held responsible for something he didn't do.
"It's always Harry's fault. The kid is a brat and he terrorizes my son. Honestly, Severus, you
should have raised him better. Clearly, he needs a better influence. Perhaps my sister would
be better." Lily wanted the brat out of Hogwarts.

Sirius clapped a hand over Severus' mouth. Poppy had her wand out and was ready to stun
Lily if need be. "Lily, Jamie is the one who is responsible. He shouldn't even be taking
classes with Gryffindors. He is a Hufflepuff." Remus finally stood up. "I'm not allowing him
back in my classroom. Every time I do, he has hurt someone or tossed a fit and storms out."

"I'm not letting in my classes either. He blew up another potion. He informed me that potions
were useless and that he blew up my cauldron on purpose." Severus had bitten Sirius' hand.

Minerva sighed. "I have also had numerous staff showing me that Jamie and Ron are not
doing their homework. They have had other students doing it for them. First, they bullied
three first-years and threatened Miss Granger if they didn't do it that Albus would have them
removed from Hogwarts." Severus didn't know that. He had thought that the meeting later
today would alert Minerva to the brat's homework issue.

"I did not. It's not my fault they want to help me." Jamie looked at his mother. "It's lies. They
are jealous of me."

Ron, wisely for once, seemed ashamed as Jamie continued while the staff was allowing Jamie
to bury himself. Ron had enough when he heard Jamie say that the twins were aiding Harry
in hurting him. "Jamie, you know they are telling the truth." Ron sat up in his bed. His
mother had written him a letter yesterday. His parents had told him how ashamed they were
of his activities. He had spoken to Percy before breakfast and Percy, with the twins, opened
his eyes. "I'm sorry for my behavior. The spell miscasting was because I told Jamie not to do
it. We didn't know enough about the spell."

"He's lying." Jamie started screaming. "He's jealous, just like everyone else, Mum. He's lying
about me."

Dumbledore put up a silencing bubble leaving Ron and the rest of the students out of the
discussion. "See a slight misunderstanding. Now, I'm sure we can clear it up. Remus and
Severus will allow Jamie back into class."

"No." Minerva voiced first. "Enough, Albus. You have let him get away with hurting people
long enough. He won't be taking classes with Gryffindor. He will be suspended for a week for
this. When he returns he will serve the detentions he has earned. If you try and stop it, I will
back the staff and bring it to the Board."

"What! My son isn't going to be suspended. He hasn't done anything wrong. It's that brat's
fault. Jamie wouldn't hurt anyone and certainly doesn't cheat." Lily's anger was erupting.

"Enough Lily. Jamie will come home with us. He won't be returning to Hogwarts until we get
ourselves some mental help. I will put in the formal notice as soon as we get home. Albus,
nothing you will say will change my mind. I'm the head of the house and I need to act like it."
"How dare you, James! This isn't over. Jamie will not be withdrawn and he will remain here."
Lily stomped her foot as Jamie started wailing about how unfair it was. How he didn't do
anything wrong.

"James, I'm sure we can resolve this. Perhaps we go to my office and have a chat."
Dumbledore's eyes started twinkling.

"Albus, he will be suspended." Minerva warned. "No more excuses." Before anyone could
say anything else Dumbledore got the three Potters out of the Infirmary.

"He will find a way around what James said." Sirius warned. "James will cave. He can't hold
out against Albus and Lily."

"I fear you are correct, Sirius." Severus knew the Brat was going to be returning.

"Be ready to present the information to the Board." Minerva warned.

Chapter 8

Minerva made her way to Severus’ quarters. She wanted to kill Albus. She knocked on the
door and wasn’t surprised when Harry opened the door. “Dad is in his lab.”

“Is it safe for me to interrupt him?”

“Yes, Aunt Minnie, he is just putting away some fresh ingredients he received today.” Harry
stepped aside to grant Minerva entrance. “Dad, Aunt Minnie is here.”

“Put on the kettle, I’ll be right out.” Severus poked his out of the lab door. “Minerva, give me
about five minutes. I just need to seal some of my potion ingredients so that they won’t go

“Take your time as I need a bit of time to relax.” Minerva headed to her favorite spot near the
fireplace. Harry headed for the kitchenette. She could see him putting the kettle on and
watched as Harry got down the biscuits and tea from the cabinet.

“I’m heading back to my common room. I have some research I need to finish. Tea will be
ready by the time Dad finishes.” Harry stepped back into the living area. “I was here getting
some books.” Harry lifted his school satchel. “Dad, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Keep an eye on my books, Brat.” Severus yelled out the door.

Minerva laughed. She would have never imagined Severus Snape being such a great father.
She had been afraid Severus was turning into a cold-hearted man when Lily broke off their
friendship, followed by the death of Eileen Snape. She knew it was Harry that brought the
Severus Snape she remembered from his first year at Hogwarts. The man wasn’t a soft touch
but he had great friends and a wonderful relationship with his son. She sighed. If someone
had asked her ten years ago who would be the better parent, she would have placed her
money on Lily and James. Severus certainly surprised her.

“Sorry, Minerva, for the delay. I didn’t want my lavender to dry up.”

“I understand.” Minerva could hear the kettle.

Severus headed to the kitchenette. The kettle was whistling loudly. He poured the tea into the
carafe that Harry had set up. He carried the tray into his living area. “Bad?” Severus began to
pour the tea for them.

“Yes. I just needed to get away from Albus. We were right. James caved.” Minerva watched
Severus add sugar and a dash of cream to her tea. “However, not fully, like I thought he
would. Jamie is to take his classes with Hufflepuffs from now on. He is to be suspended for
three days but no mind healer. Lily tried to push Harry as the reason. She kept saying how
Jamie was trying to protect himself from his brother.”
Severus’ eyebrow rose as he passed Minerva her tea with some biscuits on the saucer. “How
did that work?”

“It didn’t. She had a meltdown in Albus’ office. James told her to stop blaming Jamie’s
attitude on Harry.”

“I bet Albus loved that.” Severus’ voice was filled with sarcasm.

“Albus didn’t even speak. The two of them fought while Jamie sat back grinning. Albus just
watched them. When James finally caved, Lily turned to Albus and started to tell Albus how
Jamie would be moving into Gryffindor and that Harry was to be barred from being near her
son.” Severus looked a bit surprised. “I was just as surprised as you. Albus wasn’t very happy
with Lily. He told Lily that the little monster, sorry those are my words, would take his
classes with the Hufflepuffs and felt that three days suspension was plenty of time for Jamie
to think about his attitude.” Minerva took a bite of her biscuit as Severus processed what she

“Albus is taking the next three days off, isn't he?”

“Exactly. I’m to run Hogwarts and only floo the Potters if there is an emergency.” Minerva
wasn’t happy about this new direction. “I’m not sure what he is planning on doing to adjust
Jamie’s attitude but it certainly won’t work. After watching Lily, I know she won’t do
anything to curb that boy’s attitude. Lily has allowed that boy to do whatever he wants
whenever he wants. The worst part is that James allows her to do it.”

“I always thought Potter was stronger than that. He certainly appeared that way when he
attended Hogwarts.”

“I agreed but I think the drinking, the guilt, and Lily have beat him down.” James wasn’t the
same person he was when he attended Hogwarts. She had been worried when James stopped
being friends with Sirius and Remus. She had been very worried when James started to show
up at events in Hogwarts drunk. When she heard about him showing up at the Ministry
drunk, she was unsure of what would happen in the future for him.

“Do you think Albus is going to do something about Potter’s drinking?”

“Yes, I do. He was fired from the Ministry. Lily wasn’t very happy about that, neither was
Albus. Lily and Albus love their fame.”

Severus didn’t say anything as he agreed. He also knew that Minerva wasn’t skilled in
masking her mind or thoughts. He didn’t want to have Minerva accidentally spill that Harry
was the real Boy-Who-Lived. He didn’t want to deal with the idea of Dumbledore taking
charge of his son’s life and what it would mean for them. “We might need to go to the

“I agree. I believe we need to make sure everything is recorded and verified. If it’s not, Albus
will find excuses or ways around anything we produce.”
“I agree. You will need to speak to Filius and Pomona before Albus returns with the little
brat.” Severus would also be informing Remus.

“I plan on it. We will need to get a plan in place before they return. I don’t want Jamie to hurt
anyone else. The boy was furious about Ron’s betrayal. He complained to his mother about
how Ron was a liar, a traitor, and that Ron lied about what happened in Remus’ class.”

“I’m not surprised. Minerva, he is treating the boy the same way he treated the Marauders.”

“I agree. Lily isn’t helping matters at all. She coddles him, spoils him, you should have heard
the boy’s mouth.”

Severus thought that was interesting information. As a professor, he knew Minerva had heard
a lot so for her to be shocked by a child’s language said a lot. “Well, let’s enjoy a bit of quiet
and we will get things in order before they return.”

Three days later:

Jamie Potter strode into the Great Hall. Everyone ignored him. No one even turned to
acknowledge his return. Dumbledore was right behind him. “Jamie, go and sit with your

Jamie headed for the Gryffindor table and as he went to sit down everyone got up and moved
to other tables, leaving him alone at end of the Gryffindor table. Jamie looked shocked. He
looked around the room and none of the students were even looking at him.

Dumbledore had finally reached the Head Table and saw that no one was sitting by Jamie.
“I’m sure everyone is eager to welcome back Jamie.” No one made a sound. “Jamie, it would
be better if you joined your house.”

Jamie glared at Dumbledore. “I’m a Gryffindor.”

Severus exchanged a look with Remus. It appeared that Jamie Potter didn’t learn anything.
Remus sighed; he knew Dumbledore was going to call him and Severus into his office to get
Jamie back in their classes. Severus nodded his agreement with the assessment that Remus’
sigh told him.

“Jamie, please sit at your house table.” Dumbledore’s smile was present but there was no
mistaking the tone.

Jamie got up and stormed to the Hufflepuff table, the Gryffindors returned to their table. The
Hufflepuffs slide down the table away from Jamie. No one missed Dumbledore's look at
Pomona as if to demand that she do something. Pomona ignored the look and took a sip of
her water. She calmly replaced her glass and waited for Dumbledore to start dinner. The rest
of the staff remained quiet as they waited. The only sound that could be heard was Jamie
muttering under his breath and Dumbledore pulling his chair out as he finally took his seat.
Dumbledore signaled the elves to start dinner. Once the meal was started he waited for the
students to start talking but they didn’t. Everyone quickly ate and left.
Once the meal was ended and before the staff could escape Dumbledore announced a staff
meeting in the morning. Minerva put up a silencing spell. “Albus, I will tell you right now,
Jamie needs an attitude adjustment. His attitude just walking in here tonight was not one of
someone who has remorse for what he did. He is ignoring the fact that he is a Hufflepuff. He
sat at the Gryffindor table and announced he was a Gryffindor. He hasn’t changed in the least.
It’s not fair to the staff or students to be subjected to that boy’s attitude. He is a bully. He is
disrespectful to the staff and students. He has caused numerous injuries. He has been thrown
out of every class at least once a week.”

“I’m aware, Minerva, but he needs to be trained. He needs to be ready for when Voldemort

“He can still be trained without the attitude, Albus. I’m sorry but I’m going to back the staff
and students. Jamie needs to learn to be respectful and takes his classes with his house. We
are not going to allow him to return to his classes nor are we going to teach him. It means no
more sitting in Gryffindor and no more attending classes with Gryffindor. He is your
responsibility. He is now your student.”

“Minerva, I don’t have time for teaching him full time. I have the Wizengamot, the ICW, and
the Board.”

“You should have thought of that before you brought him back. You knew what happened, if
he was anyone else, you have suspended him long before he did that mispronounced group
spell. We don’t need him killing someone. If you don’t do something it will go before the
Board and they will expel him.”

Dumbledore looked at the rest of the staff. He knew the woman was right. He knew Jamie
needed help but Lily had tied his hands in some ways. “I’ll withdraw him for the next month
but have him remain here and teach him privately. I will speak to Poppy about finding a mind
healer. I will have to get James alone to have him sign off on it.”


One month later:

Harry stormed into his father’s office. When his father looked up, Severus paled a bit. His
son was covered in blood. “What happened?” Severus got up and looked at his son’s face. He
flicked his wrist and his wand was in his hand. He did a health scan on his son. He pulled out
his potion pouch. He buried his anger. Someone was going to pay.

“Potter happened.” Harry took the healing potion from Severus. “He was allowed back into
classes today. After we were leaving Herbology, he pushed me into the wall, blamed me for
his removal, and punched me in the face.” Harry rubbed the back of his head. “He didn’t
even do anything in class, either.”

“Did anyone see?”

“Yes, he has such an ego that everyone saw except for Professor Sprout. She had remained in
the greenhouse. We were waiting for the twins when he attacked me.”
“Give me a list of those you can remember being there. After that, I will pull your memory. I
want you to go and shower. Once you are done, take the headache potion I will leave on your
bedside table. It will have a mild sleep aspect ingredient mixed in as well as a minor blood
replenisher.” Severus was going to make sure that Jamie Potter wasn’t going to be returning
to Hogwarts unless something was done. He wasn’t going to let the little brat get away with
hurting his son, again. When the boys were younger, Jamie hurt Harry when Jamie had seen
Harry in Diagon Alley. This time he was going to make sure something was done.

“Thanks, Dad.” Harry followed his father out of Severus’ office and into their quarters.

Once in their quarters, Severus did another check on Harry. “I’m going to speak to the
Headmaster. Don’t go anywhere. I want to make sure your head remains intact.”

“Love you too, Dad.” Harry gave him a quick hug and headed to his bedroom to get some
sleeping pants.

Severus watched his son leave. He was thankful the day he demanded custody of Harry. He
was the best thing in his life and he wasn’t going to lose him because of something a Potter


“Albus, he hit my son. I have numerous students who can confirm what happened.” Severus
was furious. He threw the duplicated list of students onto Dumbledore’s desk. He was getting
sick of Dumbledore trying to hide the fact that Jamie hadn’t changed.

“Albus, I warned you. I told you he would do this.” Minerva wasn’t very happy. Dumbledore
hadn’t spent much time working with Jamie. Jamie, instead, had been running wild for the
last month. He had been running his mouth about his special lessons with Dumbledore.
Lessons that never happened because Dumbledore was too busy with the Ministry, the Board,
the Wizengamot, and the ICW, not to mention Hogwarts’ business and by the time he got
around to Jamie, it was too late at night.

The Weasley family usually escorted the first years around, Percy and the Twins took
protecting the first years seriously after Ron told them what Jamie did to the other first years.
Ron was turning into a real Weasley now that he remained away from Jamie. No one was
sure where Jamie was sleeping since he wasn’t in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff's dorm. Jamie
seemed to set his own hours and was never seen in the library or even carrying a book. He
walked around Hogwarts like he owned the place.

“Where has he been sleeping, Albus?” Minerva had been trying to get Dumbledore to take
the situation seriously.

“I have had him sleeping in the quarters next to mine. I figured if he was closer, I could
watch him better.” Dumbledore had been hiding the fact that he had also been dealing with
Lily and James. He had been trying to get James hired back as an Auror but no one at the
Ministry was willing to listen. It wasn’t working. Lily had been after him almost daily to get
her son into Gryffindor. She had been doing the dutiful wife and mother routine when she
was about Diagon Alley but at home, she was driving James and him crazy. She was always
floo calling about her son, James’ drinking, or even getting them hired at Hogwarts.

“Instead, the first day he returns to classes he slams my son into a wall and punches him in
the face.” Severus wasn’t going to let this go. “I think I need to file assault charges.” He
wasn’t going to let Dumbledore do what Dumbledore did to him during his fifth year when
Remus almost bit him. Yes, he was friends with Remus and Sirius but it didn’t mean he had
forgotten that Dumbledore made him into the bad guy while he allowed his pets to get away
with attempted murder.

“Severus, that isn’t necessary.” Dumbledore held up his hands to pacify Severus. “We can
work this out. He is only eleven.”

“So is my son. The brat hit my son after throwing him into a wall. He is lucky that Harry
doesn't have a cracked skull or something.” Severus wasn’t going to let this go. “You aren’t
going to do anything as usual and something needs to be done. That boy needs to learn the
world doesn’t revolve around him. He can’t go around hitting people.” Severus was afraid
that Jamie Potter would kill someone before the school year was out.

“I have to agree with Severus, Albus. He needs to be removed from Hogwarts until he can
behave.” Minerva held up her hand to stop Dumbledore from speaking. “He has caused a lot
of problems. He doesn’t do any of the work, he doesn’t even attempt to try. He treats
everyone as if they are below him and here to serve him.”

Dumbledore looked at Severus, who he knew would charge Jamie, and back toward Minerva.
She wasn’t going to budge on her position. “I will suspend him for a month and will make
him see a mind healer. I know Lily won’t like it but it has to be done. I will see if Poppy can
suggest someone.” It would also have to be someone who wouldn’t leak the information out
to the newspapers or gossip about the Potters.

“Get one for her too.” Minerva told Dumbledore. “She is worse than her son. Honestly,
Albus, this has gone on for too long. The whole family needs help. James’ drinking is out of
control; Lily and Jamie need a lot of help. Lily has enabled her son. It needs to stop.”
Minerva wanted to suggest removing Jamie from Hogwarts but she wasn’t sure if it would be
better for the boy to remain at Hogwarts or return him to his home. The whole Potter family
was out of control.

Dumbledore lowered his head. He knew Minerva was correct. He had been ignoring
everything wishing that Jamie would turn into Harry. He wasn’t sure why Jamie wasn’t more
like Harry. He had always hoped that Jamie would outgrow the temper tantrums. He had
watched both boys grow up. He had watched Harry outshine his brother in every aspect.
Harry was well-liked, he didn’t care what house someone was in, and he was powerful but
not flashy like Jamie. Harry studied and worked hard to attain his grades. Harry was
everything he wanted Jamie to be. He needed a Savior like Harry. He had lost count of how
many times he wished it was Harry that had been their Savior. He didn't believe it was due to
Severus raising Harry. After all, the boys' biological parents were Gryffindors.

Dumbledore dismissed the very idea that Severus was a better parent. Severus was a Death
Eater. Severus also wasn’t the nicest of men and he was a Slytherin. Lily and James were
Gryffindors. They had been popular, and well-liked. Severus was a loner. Lily and James
were a beautiful couple. No one would ever call Severus handsome. Lily and James had
money and a title. They donated their time to his Order. Severus didn’t have family money or
a title. Yes, Severus worked for the Order but only because he wanted to stop his master. He
dismissed the very idea of Severus making money off of his potion skill. Dumbledore
wondered where things went so wrong. The Potters were an ideal couple. They had two
beautiful boys when the Dark Lord attacked them, but they survived. How they survived still
amazed him. He had always thought they would have died while one of the boys would have

Their survival changed everything. Dumbledore knew that Jamie would need special training
and Lily followed right in line while James had been reluctant to get rid of Harry. He had
originally believed that one of the twins would survive and he would be able to send him to
Lily’s muggle relatives to raise the survivor. Lily and he had been ready to send Harry to the
muggles when Severus surprised them by wanting to take custody of Harry and James agreed
to it since James was the head of the family they had no option but to agree. Dumbledore had
been surprised when over the years as Remus and Sirius stopped visiting the Potters. He had
been surprised…He stopped…He realized Severus and Minerva were looking at him as he
realized what he had done. “It’s my entire fault.” He had allowed Lily to control so much of
what Jamie did. He never stopped Lily from using Jamie for his fame. He never stopped Lily
from taking advantage of Jamie being the Savior.

“No, it’s partly your fault for allowing him to get away with things since he came to
Hogwarts but it’s his parents’ responsibility for how he has turned out.” Minerva wasn’t
going to break down every detail of the Potters’ lives to assign fault.

“It’s not too late to fix this, Albus. He needs a strong hand, a mind healer, and someone who
won‘t let his mother overrule whatever solutions are determined to be used.” Severus knew
that Dumbledore wasn’t going to like what he said next. “Lily won’t like what is going to
happen. She will use different kinds of threats. She will even go to the press and she won’t
like her son being punished for his actions.”

“Albus, James needs to take action. I would suggest getting him sober. James is the head of
the house, he can rein them in.” Minerva looked at Severus. “Perhaps some sobering up
potions with one that will prevent him from being able to drink? Perhaps one that will make
him sick if he drinks alcohol.”

“There are a few different ones we can try. James would have to be willing to take the first
one. It will be painful for him to go through the withdrawals. Once he is done with the
withdrawals, he will be able to take the Addicts Potions.” Severus knew the potion would be
very painful. It was the biggest step in drying out an addict. However, the key to the potion
working was that it had to be taken willingly. If it wasn’t taken willingly it wouldn’t work.
Yes, they would feel the pain of the withdrawals but that was it. They wouldn’t dry out and
their system would still crave the drug of choice. The Addict Potion would prevent them
from ever doing an addiction. If they tried to drink alcohol or do an illegal drug their body
would make them sick.

“I will arrange it. How much time do you need to brew them?”
“I need a week. I have to get the ingredients, prep them, and brew. I can get Harry and some
of those in detention to assist in making them. However, someone needs to pay for the
ingredients.” Severus never let Dumbledore know how much money he made from his
signature potions or the ones he had patterned over the years. He certainly didn’t tell
Dumbledore about the fact that his grandfather had left everything to Harry, including the
Prince title.

“I will make the arrangements. As soon as everything is set up, I will let you know. As for
Jaime, I will remove him from Hogwarts. I will hire some tutors for Jaime. I will set up an
area that will prevent him from interacting with the other students until I get clearance from a
mind healer. I will speak to Poppy and see if she can get a mind healer to start this week.”

“Albus, you still need to report this to the Board. You can’t hide it. I’m sure if you mention
you are getting Jamie's help, they will be willing to accommodate our helping Jamie.”
Minerva was going to make sure that it was reported to the Board, even if she had to do it

“Albus, you need to enforce this. I will not have Jamie beating up my son or other students.”

“I agree with you.” Dumbledore inhaled deeply. “I had hoped the boy would have grown up a
bit by now. Minerva, perhaps we should speak to Poppy while Severus watches the

“Excellent idea.” Minerva rose. “Now is a good time.”

Severus moved away from his favorite spot against the wall. “I’m sure Poppy will agree with


Severus opened his son’s bedroom door. He walked to the bed. He ran his hand through
Harry’s hair. Harry turned and opened his eyes. “Hi.”

“Dad?” Harry’s voice sounded sleepy.

“Who else would it be?” Severus gave a slight laugh. “How are you feeling?”

“Tired but I think it’s from the potion.” Harry moved over to his bed. Severus sat down.
“How long have I been sleeping?”

“Not long. About two hours. I already told your professors that you won’t be attending
classes tomorrow. They agreed to send your assignments with Draco. Remus will be by
tomorrow night to review your DADA class if you need to practice your spells.”

“Thanks, Dad.” Harry yawned.

Severus remained next to his son as he fell back to sleep. He knew the darkened room hid his
smile as he watched his son sleeping. He hadn’t been surprised at how fast Dumbledore and
Minerva were out of Poppy’s office. Poppy had been after Dumbledore for years for him to
get some help for James. She had wanted to get Jamie help and had a mind healer lined up for
when Jamie had been suspended but Lily refused to allow the healer entrance into their
house. Once Dumbledore left the Infirmary, Poppy looked at them. “It’s about time.”
Chapter 9

Severus was furious. Dumbledore had stopped everything, again. All his promises, his
claiming to want to get help for Jamie were finished because of James and Lily. James was in
a coma due to his drinking. James had mixed whiskey with Lily's happy pills. Dumbledore
had summoned Poppy, Minerva, and him rather quickly and worked a cover story for the
incident. No one but those closest to Dumbledore knew the truth.

At St. Mungos, Lily was showcasing her acting skills over her poor daring husband falling
down the stairs and being in a coma. How James was working on getting back into shape to
return to being an Auror and he must have overdone his workout. He must have been dizzy
and fallen. She arrived home to find him at the bottom of the stairs. She immediately called
Poppy, their normal caregiver.

Severus knew it was partly true. Yes, James did fall down the stairs but after taking Lily's
happy pills. According to Lily, James had been heading down to get more whiskey when he
fell. Severus wondered if Lily pushed him or perhaps her brat of a son. They had seemed
unconcerned with what happened to James until the reporters arrived. Severus wondered if he
could nominate them for some type of acting award. Dumbledore was attempting to claim
that it wasn't an attempted suicide but an accident. Severus wondered if James wasn't trying
to kill himself with the mixing of drugs and alcohol. The man had been depressed for ten
years. Jamie had been home as part of the deal they had worked out. A mind healer was to
start visiting them next week. Poppy had arranged for one of her friends to handle the Potter
case. While Lily wasn't happy about the idea, Dumbledore had given her no leeway.

Dumbledore used the coma as an excuse to get the brat back at Hogwarts. He claimed the
situation at home would be too stressful and that Jamie needed his friends. Severus and
Minerva had been about to ask what friends when Molly Weasley arrived. Molly started
coddling Jamie and Lily. Severus had to leave before he blasted Dumbledore, Lily, and the
little brat who started crying for the cameras. Severus found Sirius and Remus and tilted his
head toward his quarters. Sirius and Remus got the message. They would be meeting after the
students were in bed.


"Where is Minerva?" Sirius asked as he took his normal seat.

"Most likely working on catching up the Hogwarts business while Dumbledore parades the
two morons in front of the cameras." Severus had been disgusted by the article in the special
edition of the Daily Prophet. Dumbledore, Lily, with Jamie standing next to her, presented a
perfect family done in my tragic events in their lives. Dumbledore ignored questions they
didn't like and only answered the ones he wanted to have answered. Severus knew the
reporters were going to be milking the story and presenting the facts during the week but for
right now Dumbledore got what he wanted. Lily and Jamie are in the spotlight.
"Minerva mentioned that the brat is returning." Remus wasn't about to let Jamie back into his

"Yes, Dumbledore is claiming it would be too stressful for the brat to remain at home. I
wouldn't be surprised if we discovered Lily at the breakfast table tomorrow." Sirius looked at
Severus, hopefully. "Perhaps a truth potion mixed into her food?"

"Dumbledore would know it was me or you." Severus had thought about it. He looked at
Remus. "Unless we have it done in public somewhere like the Leaky Cauldron."

"James' cloak. He gave it to me so that Jamie couldn't use it." Sirius had it stored at his home.
"I can use it."

"We would have to make sure Rita and a few others from the Daily Prophet are present.
Dumbledore will believe one of them did it." Remus pulled out some parchment. "Lily likes
to go every Tuesday and Thursday for lunch. She claims it keeps her in the loop."

"More like the public eye." Sirius hated what Lily turned into. "I know she does her shopping
on Saturday and has an early lunch followed by a late tea at the Leaky."

"She does. I know Rita works almost daily. Who else do we want to make sure is there? We
know at least two photographers will be present."

Severus thought for a few minutes. "They can't have any association with Slytherin house or
a dark family. We need to stick to people like Marion Banks, Ian McKinley, and perhaps,
Liam Conley."

"How about Iris Huffington? She does a lot of fluff pieces." Remus liked Iris. She had been
in their year and was the quiet type. She was a Gryffindor which would make Dumbledore
not suspect her of anything.

"Oh, yes, she was a Gryffindor. Dumbledore wouldn't believe she slipped the potion in and
she wouldn't be in any danger from him. Many would believe her even if they didn't believe
Rita." Sirius knew that Remus had been friends with the girl.

"Add her. The editor of the editorials is also a Gryffindor and while she is older than us, I
believe she has lunch at the Leaky Cauldron a lot, maybe she can make sure the editorials get
published." Severus was going to pull in a favor to make sure the stories remained on the
front page.

"Gentlemen, I believe we have a plan. We might need Lucius to work with the Board and the
Ministry. Perhaps get Madam Bones to investigate James' accident."

"Unless James wakes up it will be our word against there. There isn't enough evidence to
demand them to submit their memories either." Severus had wanted to call the Aurors in but
Dumbledore prevented that.

"Let's do it." Sirius was pouncing. He didn't believe that James just fell down the stairs. The
man was an expert drunk and Sirius had witnessed James falling before. James never got hurt
when he fell. James has always been able to handle stairs and other obstacles. James usually
fell over small things like a pebble or broken bricks in the walkway.


Dumbledore re-read the story on the front page of the Daily Prophet. Lily had spoken the
truth about James' drinking issues, her son having problems at Hogwarts, and everything
from her hatred of Harry to how they were training Jamie to defeat Voldemort. When asked
about James' accident, she admitted to pushing James down the stairs. Everyone was talking
and looking at Dumbledore. Lily and Jamie were hiding at the Potter Manor as Dumbledore
didn't care for the mail that had been arriving before the article came out. Now, he knew he
had to do something drastic. Dumbledore got up from the table and stormed away. Sirius,
Remus, and Severus lowered their papers.

"He is going to hide them." Remus quietly told them.

"Yes, he will. Madam Bones will have a reason to request the memories and hopefully Lily
and Jamie will get the help they need." Severus knew Lily would most likely end up in
Azkaban but Jamie still had a chance if Dumbledore would stop interfering. "I better go and
talk to Harry." He could see Harry wasn't sitting at the table any longer. Neither were Draco
and Neville. The three of them missing wasn't surprising. He knew where to find them.


Severus found the three boys sitting in the main living area. They were sitting on the floor
with the paper in front of them watching Lily telling everyone she pushed James down the
stairs. The picture kept replaying the same sentence over and over.


Harry looked up. "Dad." Harry got up and rushed to his father. "She could have killed him."

Severus knew Harry was thinking about what she would have done to him as a child in that
house. If Lily was willing to kill her husband what would she be willing to do to her
unwanted child? "Yes, but she didn't." Severus leaned down and whispered into Harry's ear.
"She never deserved to have a son like you."

"Love you, Dad." Harry wrapped his arms around Severus' neck. "I mean it."

"I know and I love you. Now, you are scaring your two friends."

Harry released Severus and headed back to his friends. Neville pointed to the bottom of the
page. "It says there will be more tomorrow."

"Well, Lily wasn't known for keeping quiet." Harry laughed.

Chapter 10

Severus wasn't surprised to learn that Dumbledore did more than just hide Lily. Dumbledore
had sent her to one of the Potter houses in America. Dumbledore had wanted to send her to
Paris but Lily couldn't speak French and didn't want to deal with the rude French people in
her words. Severus wanted to ask if Lily ever realized people were rude to her because she
was rude to everyone.

Jamie was back at Hogwarts acting shocked over his mother's words as he denied she would
have done something like that. He was playing the pity me card always mentioning his father
when he was asked to do something he didn't want to do. Jamie refused to see the mind
healer. Each time he went to visit his father the news was leaked out so there were always
reporters waiting for him at St. Mungos.

Severus and Minerva had tried to force Dumbledore to honor their agreement regarding
Jamie seeing a mind healer but their voices fell on deaf ears. Dumbledore was too busy doing
damage control to listen to anything his staff was telling him about the situation with Jamie.
The Ministry and Wizenagamot were demanding answers and Dumbledore was doing a song
and dance to avoid answering the questions. The questions ranged from why Harry was
adopted by Severus to where was Lily Potter. The Ministry had assigned Child Protection
Services to investigate the Potters, especially Jamie and Harry. Severus had no problems
answering any questions Marion Oberson asked regarding the past. She spoke to Harry and
left shortly after speaking to Harry. Marion followed up her visit with the Snapes with a visit
to Sirius and Remus. The report she filed on Harry praised Severus for his wonderful job
raising Harry.

Marion spent the next few days trying to speak with Jamie but Dumbledore kept interfering
and preventing it. She had tried to arrange times when she knew that Dumbledore was at the
Ministry or Wizenagamot but Jamie proved to be just as elusive. She went to Minerva to
discuss the situation only to learn after Minerva summoned a house elf that Dumbledore had
issued an order to the house elves to prevent her from speaking to Jamie by removing Jamie
from Hogwarts when she entered Hogwarts. Marion got her department head involved who in
turn summoned the Minister and Madam Bones.

Madam Bones was already interested due to Lily. She had also been trying to speak to Jamie
and was going to use this as an opportunity to speak to Jamie. She added pressured Minister
Fudge as well to speak to Jamie. The Minister gave in and issued an executive order that
required Dumbledore to produce Jamie in three days at the Ministry at 10 AM.

When Dumbledore discovered this new information he first summoned Severus and Minerva
to discover what happened while he was away. Minerva informed Dumbledore exactly what
happened and how disappointed she was in his actions. She gave Dumbledore a twenty
minutes lecture about his lack of filling his roles as the headmaster, Chief Warlock, and a
member of the ICW. She gladly informed him of Jamie's actions since he returned to
Hogwarts. She then produced a letter from the Board demanding that James Charles Potter,
Jr. be removed from Hogwarts until such a time as he was cleared of his involvement in his
father's tragic accident and his mother's escape.

Severus enjoyed the look of surprise on Dumbledore's face. Dumbledore believed he had the
Board in his pocket. Lucius had worked hard to get Jamie removed. Neville had a letter from
his grandmother asking about the events at the school and Neville had supplied her with
everything. Severus was shocked when Lucius informed him that Lady Longbottom was the
one who was able to swing the votes. Lucius still had to present the facts and Lady
Longbottom was able to confirm what he presented.

Dumbledore's world was crumbling because he didn't do anything to control Lily or Jamie.
Severus knew Dumbledore had the wrong twin as did Sirius and Remus. They weren't going
to aid in getting Jamie out of any trouble the boy had created for himself. As far as Lily was
concerned there was nothing they could do about it. The three were finding it surprising the
difference between Lily when she attended Hogwarts and the one she became when she
married James.

Severus was currently sitting in Harry's room. He was staring at his sleeping son. If someone
had asked him why he demanded Harry, he wasn't sure if he could answer that question. He
knew that something had nudged him, something also bothered him when he heard the plan
regarding sending Harry to the muggles. Perhaps it was his experience with his muggle
father, perhaps it was the fact that past June he had to send a child back to his abusive muggle
parents because Dumbledore didn't believe in abusive muggles, perhaps it was his desire to
have part of Lily in his life. He didn't know the exact answer, perhaps it was the combination
of all three.

Harry rolled over. "Dad?"

"No, I'm a figment of your imagination." Severus rose and walked to Harry's bed. He saw
Harry move over a bit and he sat down. "How are you doing? I know you went and saw
James today. Sirius told me you didn't want to discuss it with him."

Harry didn't answer for a few seconds. "I didn't. I wasn't sure how I felt. I mean, I know he
was my first father. I spent a year with him. I felt a bit saddened by what happened but I only
know him as James. The guy who is always drunk. He spoke to me a few times but Lily
always appeared and dragged him off. The Healers don't think he will wake up. They don't
think he will make it."

"I'm aware. It's why Sirius wanted you to go and visit James." Severus hadn't been sure he
wanted Harry to see James but he did agree that Harry was old enough to understand what
was going on and able to handle it. He would have rather seen James before he passed.

"I know. Sirius told me. Dad, is it wrong that I feel bad for him but I don't feel like I would if
it was someone like Aunt Minnie or Uncle Remus?"

Severus gave a small smile. "No. I don't think so. You aren't close to him. You are closer to
Minerva and Remus. While James is your biological father, you are correct in the lack of
connection to him or Lily. I believe when he does pass you will be upset which is natural."
"Dad, may I ask you a weird question?"

"Certainly." Severus wasn't sure what his son classified as weird but he hoped it wasn't going
to be anything he couldn't answer or explain.

"James always appeared to want to say something to me but never could say it. Do you think
he cared about me? Do you think he wanted me?"

Severus had never discussed that period with Harry beyond the basics. "I can tell you that he
did. Albus and Lily wanted to send you to the muggles. James didn't want to send you
anyplace. He wanted to keep you but recognized that it would have been better to get you out
of the house as we listened to Lily." Severus closed his eyes as he remembered hearing Lily
calling Harry the useless one. Harry had heard his mother call him that before. She never
called Harry by his name. She always referred to him in some demeaning way. "Lily and
Dumbledore had decided the course of Jamie's life and Lily stressed how she felt that you
would interfere. Now, this wasn't one discussion, it was numerous ones over two weeks.
James had taken care of you during the two weeks since that night. He had to return to work
but he didn't want to leave you with Lily. James would get so mad when Lily called you
names. It didn't help that James was still annoyed by the fact that Sirius had almost been
spent to Azkaban because Dumbledore believed that Sirius was the secret keeper. "

"What?" Harry sat up. "Uncle Sirius almost went to Azkaban?"

"Yes, but James and Lily arrived at Hogwarts before it happened." Severus swallowed. He
watched as his son moved closer to him. He pulled him onto his lap. It was something he
hadn't done in a long time. Severus knew this next part was going to make Dumbledore look
bad in his son's eyes but he never lied to his son if he could help it. Yes, when he was
younger he omitted information for his protection but he never lied outright. "Dumbledore
had Minerva and me up in his office discussing what had happened that night. He hadn't
spoken to Lily or James as of yet. He only saw the destroyed house and assumed no one but
one of you boys was alive. No one could get into the house due to the protective wards that
kept people out of the house until it was stable. The Aurors arrived in answer to the alarms
that went off in the Ministry. Dumbledore informed the Aurors that Sirius was the secret
keeper. Dumbledore had no choice but to return to Hogwarts and wait for the Ministry to
stabilize the wards. While we were waiting, which wasn't very long, James and Lily arrived
via the floo. They were able to apparate out with you and your brother to the Potter Manor.
Before they arrived, Dumbledore had been making plans for whoever lived going to the
muggles. He didn't believe the four of you would survive. He only believed one of you

"You and your brother were covered in blood. Your brother had a gash on his cheek, his
forehead, and his shoulder. As you know, he bears no scars. Dumbledore says he was marked
on his soul. You had a massive cut on your head and no other wounds. Lily was holding up
Jamie claiming he defeated the Dark Lord. You were still sleeping and Lily kept insisting that
you never woke up. Poppy was called in to deal with Jamie. Narcissa had already been here
with Draco. Draco had arrived that morning. He had set fire to the walls of his room with
accidental magic. Poppy had kept him for the night as well as Narcissa for smoke inhalation.
Narcissa was able to heal you. I know you know that information."
Harry laughed. "Draco still gets embarrassed when you mention that he wanted to be a
dragon and set fire to his room."

"I know. Now, back to the story. We discovered you were covered in dark magic residue.
Poppy informed Dumbledore. Dumbledore declared you were covered in it due to your
proximity to your brother during the attack. Over the next two weeks, Lily and Dumbledore
kept trying to pressure James into giving you to Lily's muggle sister. For several days, I had
watched you in Dumbledore's office as I listened to the arguments. When James was about to
give in, I stated that I wanted you. James looked so relieved, he looked grateful. He argued
with me against Dumbledore and Lily. Minerva agreed with us and I was able to get custody
of you. At the end of the month, I did a blood adoption. My grandfather gave his blessing
after he met you."

"I remember him, he always gave me Chocolate Frogs."

"Yes, he did." Severus's grandfather had died when Harry was almost seven. "Do you
understand why I told you about the dark residue, your sleeping, and what that wand means?"

"Yes. I got it." Harry tilted his head up. "We aren't telling Dumbledore are we?"

"No, we aren't. It's our secret. Sirius and Remus are aware of the situation and have been
helping me research some things that you don't need to know." Severus knew he wouldn't
have to tell his son directly what those things meant. His son was a true Slytherin.

"Dad, does James know? Do you think that is why she pushed him?"

Severus wasn't sure. He hoped Lily didn't push James because of his son. "No, I don't think
so. If she did, you know how she would have reacted."

Harry thought for several minutes before answering. He didn't like what Lily would have
done based on his interactions with the woman. "She would have tried to kill me or get
custody of me. Dumbledore too."

"Exactly. We don't discuss this with anyone else. If or when the Dark Lord returns, we will
decide which direction we want to go." Since Dumbledore wasn't aware that many of the
rational Death Eaters didn't want the Dark Lord to return it enabled them to form their group
to act against the Dark Lord. Lucius and Severus were the ones who formed the group and
kept everything under a Vow, so no leaks. Sirius and Remus were also aware of the group and
aided when they could.

Harry snuggled into his father's body. "I know we will. I know you don't want me or Draco to
become Death Eaters."

"Correct. Now, how about you go back to bed? I have to finish up some work."

"You going to watch me all night?" Harry climbed back under the blankets. He had decided
to spend the night since it was the weekend and he didn't want to answer any questions about
him visiting James. He knew his friends would ask because they cared about him.
"No, my brat. If you want to go and see James again, let me know."

"I will."

Severus stood up and fixed the blankets on his son's bed. "Harry, I love you." He never really
said it that often.

"I know. I love you, too. By the way, thanks for not saying that in front of my friends. It
would be so embarrassing."

"I don't need to say it to embarrass you. I can just show your baby pictures if I wanted to
embarrass you." Severus leaned down and kissed Harry on the top of his head. "Sleep."

"Night, Dad." Harry rolled onto his side.

Severus walked to the door and glanced at Harry. He felt so much pride in his son. "Night,
son." Severus closed the door. He walked to his favorite chair. He hoped James didn't die. He
had a feeling James was the only one who had a chance of saving Jamie. If James died, he
wasn't sure how Jamie would handle the power that would come with knowing he was close
to claiming the title of Lord Potter. He had a feeling that Dumbledore would also try to take
charge of Jamie and the boy would just rule Hogwarts before he ruled their world as their
Chapter 11

Dumbledore slumped with relief as the last Auror left the meeting at Hogwarts with Jaime.
Minerva and Poppy had been present when the Aurors questioned Jaime after Severus
verified the truth serum. Severus broke the seal on the potion bottle, tested the potions, and
signed the paperwork verifying the potion. Dumbledore knew that Severus wasn't interested
in what Jaime had to say. Dumbledore wanted Minerva and Poppy present to make sure that
the Aurors didn't push it too far and claim that he interfered with the questioning. He had
tried to get those who were Order members but Madam Bones prevented that.

Jaime wasn't present when his mother pushed his father. Jaime wasn't even aware that his
father had been home. He had been up in his room listening to music and wasn't aware of
anything until his mother removed the privacy wards and alerted him to the fall. Jaime was
unaware of much of what went on around him. The boy was so self-centered. Dumbledore
was a bit worried about Jaime's attitude of believing the world revolved around Jaime. Jaime
couldn't even answer simple questions about what his parents did if something didn't involve
him. However, Dumbledore was shocked to learn just how cruel the boy was. He hadn't been
aware of Jaime hurting so many of his students and children even before he had attended
Hogwarts. He had tried to prevent that from being put into the Aurors' report but they

Dumbledore's next issue was Lily. He wasn't sure what to do exactly. If James woke up,
James might not press charges. He could convince James not to press charges, however, he
didn't want to think about if James died or didn't wake up. James followed his advice when it
came to preventing scandal. He needed Lily back in London but couldn't take a chance on her
returning until James woke up. He needed to have her make arrangements for Jaime to take
up the Lordship if anything happened to James.

Dumbledore sighed. He wanted to turn Lily over to the Aurors because she almost killed
James but he just couldn't do it until he knew what Jaime's legal status was and if he could
get custody of him if anything happened to James and Lily. He wasn't sure if James ever
changed his will. He wondered if Sirius or Remus would get custody of Jaime if Lily was
charged and found guilty. Sirius was James' former partner and Jaime's godfather. He wasn't
sure if that would allow Sirius to claim guardianship. Sirius might not even attempt to claim
guardianship given the last few years of distancing he witnessed. Lily had a will but it only
covered anything that belonged to her and not the joint or family vaults. She had no say
regarding the Potter family inheritance. Perhaps he could get Lily a port key directly into
Gringotts. It would certainly help him in so many ways and he needed to get Jaime ready for
Voldemort. If he shipped Lily back out of the country, he could get the boy back on the
correct path.


Sirius slowly walked toward Hogwarts. Remus was next to him. They knew the Aurors
would be visiting but not for at least another hour or so. The Aurors agreed to file the report
before heading to Hogwarts. Neither of them was looking forward to the conversation they
were going to have to have with Harry and Severus. They already decided to avoid speaking
to Dumbledore. They weren't worried about Dumbledore seeing them heading to Hogwarts
since Sirius had been at Hogwarts each night. "This is going to change everything."

"I know." Sirius thought it was one of the few positive things that would come out of this
mess. He knew Dumbledore wasn't going to be of any help to them.

"It will be better for Jaime." Remus didn't add the I hope to statement. He was hoping
Dumbledore didn't do anything.

"Yes, it will." Sirius already sent a message to Lucius to meet them at Gringotts.


Harry and Severus looked at Sirius as he delivered the news. "James went peacefully. They
did what they could. He never woke up." Sirius looked at Harry. "You were a better son to
him than Jaime was so don't feel guilty." Sirius had taken Harry to visit James almost every
day. Jaime went only when there were reporters present and usually after making sure they
would be there. Sirius had caught him sending off an anonymous letter to the Daily Prophet.
"We need to go and meet Lucius at Gringotts before the Aurors arrive to deliver the news to
Dumbledore and Jaime."

"I don't feel guilty. I'm not sure how I feel right now. Conflict is the best word." Harry never
wished anything bad to happen to James but he never talked to James. Lily always called him
names. He wasn't even going to think about his twin. James, at least, attempted to try to speak
to him but Lily always stopped it. He had hoped later in life to get a chance to speak to James
but the man wasn't his dad. He was just his biological father.

"Why do we need to go to Gringotts?" Severus looked at Remus. "You know something."

James had never given up his parental rights over Harry. Lily had. James had explained that
he didn't want to take a chance of Dumbledore sending Harry to the muggles if he signed
over his parental rights.

Remus reached into his robes and pulled out the black diary. "James wrote everything down
in this. Even his drunken rants are written down. He did comment on them the next day. He
wasn't as drunk as we thought. We need to make sure we are protected because what James
heard Dumbledore and Lily discussing at times was something I thought only a Dark Lord
would do. They have plans for if or when James died. One of them was finally getting Harry
out of the magical world. James wanted to keep Harry protected." Remus looked directly at
Severus. They knew what Dumbledore might attempt.

"We have been reading while we sat with him." Sirius looked at Harry. "He loved you, he
never wanted to give you away but he was afraid of what might happen to you if you

"I know, Dad told me." Harry stood up. "We better meet Uncle Lucius. We don't want
Dumbledore to toss the three of you into Azkaban when he realizes the truth." The three
adults looked a bit surprised. They never discussed Azkaban or what Dumbledore might do if
they discovered who Harry was. "I'm not an idiot. He is way too interested in Jaime and he
would want control over me. I like having my Dad with me."

Severus was proud of his son. He wasn't letting his emotions take charge of what needed to
be done. The two Gryffindors in the room would never understand it but he did. "Trust me,
kiddo, you aren't getting rid of me that easily. I have many ways to keep us safe."


Severus looked at the parchment again. The official will reading for James wouldn't be for
three weeks but James had requested that Harry get a blood inheritance test done as soon as
possible. Lucius backed up James' request. Severus wasn't sure what was going to be
discovered but he wasn't expecting anything like this.

James Charles Potter, Jr.

Hadrain Severus Snape Prince

DOB 31-Jul 1980, 2359

Father: James Charles Potter

Mother: Lily Pansy Potter nee Evans
Father: Severus Snape -Blood Adoption

Godfather: Sirius Orion Black

Remus John Lupin
Godmother: Alice Longbottom


Gryffindor (Lord at 16)

Slytherin (Lord at 16) Defeat of heir Tom Marvolo Riddle
Peverell (Lord at 16) Defeat of heir Tom Marvolo Riddle
Prince (Lord at 15-per old Lord's request)
Black (Lord at 18)
Potter (Lord at 18)


See folders


See folders

Severus looked at his son. "How?"

"Harry is Jaime?" Sirius started laughing. Jaime was born before midnight on the 31st while
Harry had been born ten past midnight on the 1st.
"Yes." Ironclaw had been reading the will. "Lord Potter knew it too. It appears that he marked
the bottom of James, Jr.'s foot with a small mark. Three days later, he realized that Lily was
favoring Harry but calling him Jaime. According to the note he included, he attempted to
correct her but it wasn't something she didn't want to hear."

They knew that aspect of Lily. If she didn't want to believe something, nothing would change
her mind. "Tom Marvolo Riddle is the Dark Lord, so Harry defeated him not Jaime." Lucius
was smiling now. "If I could, I would give kudos to James for his forward-thinking."

"I agree." Severus never had respected James until now. The man protected his son. "What do
we do to protect my son?"

"He needs to claim his heir rings. It will prevent any attempt by Dumbledore from trying to
claim that the one everyone believes is James, Jr. from claiming the rings."

"Dumbledore would bring this up in front of the Wizenagamot. We would have to demand a
magical accounting to get Harry to get the heir rings if he does." Lucius looked at Severus. "It
would mean he would know the truth about Harry. He could get the blood adoption declared
void since it was to be Harry, not James, Jr. that was to be adopted."

"Any testing on the one believed to be James, Jr. would show nothing but him being the legal
heir to the Potter line." Ironclaw was going to make sure that Dumbledore didn't get control
of Harry Snape. It would be very bad for every creature if Dumbledore got control over two
of the founders' seats.

"Harry, do you want to take your heir rings?" Severus looked at his son. He wasn't going to
force his son into getting involved with politics. He didn't care for them and wasn't going to
make his son join the political arena if he didn't want to.

"I want to ask a few questions first." Harry had been reading the parchment.

Severus gave his son a reassuring smile. "What questions?"

"What does it mean by the different ages?" Harry pointed to the sixteen and eighteen.

"In the older charters the legal age was sixteen. The newer charters have a legal age of
eighteen. There are some in-between the two have seventeen, the ones in the last one hundred
years have the legal age of twenty-one." Ironclaw pointed to a large book on the shelf to his
left. "That book lists all the titles and their legal age requirements."

"What does it mean by see folders?" Harry had spent time learning estate management from
his father. They spend one day a month reviewing the accounts of the Prince Family Vaults
and the accounting sheet from Gringotts always listed the vaults on a sheet of parchment. His
father took making sure Harry was ready for adulthood seriously.

"It's rare but due to you defeating Tom Riddle, many left you small gifts. We found it was
easier to create folders." Ironclaw laid his hand down on the two folders on his desk. "Some
are just small gifts, some are major ones. James arranged for every gift giver to receive a
thank you note and to have us catalog what we received and when." Ironclaw pointed to the
ledger next to the folders.

"If Harry claims the heir rings, can he keep Jaime out of Dumbledore's hands?" Remus
glanced at Sirius. They wanted to get Jaime the help he needed.

"Yes, as he is, in fact, the Head of House even if he is underage. Since he has a legal guardian
in his adopted father it would enable him to assign one for his brother." Ironclaw explained.

The four humans smiled. "Harry, I want to have custody of your brother. He needs a mind
healer and help." Sirius wanted to honor his friend by helping his youngest son.

Harry looked to Severus. "Dad?"

"I agree with your Uncle Sirius. If you don't, Dumbledore will continue to use him and he
won't get Jaime the help he needs."

"While you are at it, you might want to disown Lily Potter. She won't have any claim to
either of you if you do. Dumbledore might even be willing to turn her over to face murder
charges if she was disowned." Lucius was going to find a way to make Lily Potter pay for
what she had done to her husband and her children and it wasn't because she was a muggle-

No one spoke as Harry thought about everything. Harry was staring at the results on the
parchment paper. He lowered the parchment. "Let's do it. Sirius gets custody of my brother
and I will disown Lily."

"Let's get your rings settled and we will go from there."

Chapter 12

Remus and Sirius noticed Dumbledore walking with Jamie toward the apparition spot.
"Albus must be taking him to Gringotts." Sirius looked at Jamie. "Is it me or does Jamie seem
to be walking differently?" Jamie looked almost like he was restraining himself from running
while trying to appear important and special. "It's like he has a stick up his butt."

"He does. He looks like he is expecting everyone to be looking at him aware of how
important he is." Remus shook his head. "If we don't do something soon, he is going to walk
around expecting everyone to throw rose petals at his feet."

Severus sighed. He was glad he sent Harry into Hogsmeade to pick up his potion order.
"Albus is taking the brat to Gringotts and mostly likely filled the brat's head with the notion
of being Lord Potter and making sure his mother doesn't get into trouble by using his new
political power to sway Wizenagamot. The power that Dumbledore has been controlling for
the last decade since James didn't do anything regarding the seats or his titles." Severus
wondered if Dumbledore thought that Jamie would be able to handle that type of power

"Yes, the Savior, newly orphaned Lord Potter will need his mother. He will use everything
from the day Lily got pregnant with the twins." Sirius looked ready to hurl. "He is going to be
in for a rude awakening after the official will reading." Sirius wasn't going to permit any of
the stuff Dumbledore was allowing. He was not going to allow Jamie's life to be ruined
because of Lily and he was going to do what he could to help protect Jamie.

"Yes, and Albus is going to be annoying until such a time. He is going to want to know why
Jamie couldn't obtain the heir ring or the Lordship one, why neither of them could get into the
vaults, and while trying to keep Lily from being extradited to England to face charges."
Severus was thankful they had asked Lucius to attend the Gringotts session so that Lucius
could counter anything that Dumbledore might attempt at the Ministry. "The paperwork
might already be started and he is hoping this will stop Lily from being charged. He wouldn't
be crass enough to head to Gringotts otherwise."

They didn't speak as Dumbledore and Jamie were getting closer and they didn't want them to
hear them. Dumbledore gave them a sad smile but Jamie couldn't keep the smirk off of his
face as they approached. The joy the boy had on his face showed he was looking forward to
going to Gringotts. "My boys, I'm sorry to inform you of some grave news."

"News?" Remus wasn't sure what Dumbledore was hoping to do.

"Yes, James passed earlier today, they thought he would make it but sadly, he did not. I was
hoping to take Harry and Jamie to Gringotts to get the situation regarding James' death
handled before the story is released in tonight's paper."

"Albus, Harry is my son." Severus watched Jamie's face and he could see the eagerness in the
boy's face at the very idea of making Harry's life miserable. He bet Jamie would have
disowned Harry but after attempting to void the adoption by Severus. Severus was getting
tired of declaring Harry was his son and thankful he sent Harry into Hogsmeade. "When the
time is correct, Harry will visit Gringotts." Severus had already started teaching Harry the
same things he learned from his grandfather regarding the family name, family history, and
the basics of money management.

"Yes, of course, my boy, Harry is your son but we should get a handle on this type of
situation before it becomes public gossip." Dumbledore's eyes were twinkling as he smiled at
them. "He is Jamie's little brother."

"What situation?" Sirius didn't think James' death would cause any type of gossip that wasn't
already being discussed. The Auror reports would be able to be read by anyone and that also
included the interview with Jamie and the truth of what Lily did. The Potters had been the
subject of gossip for many years. Jamie's fits, James' drinking, and Lily's attitude regarding
everything. Lily loved her name being in the paper and worked hard on maintaining the
Potter name in the papers.

"James' death caused some legal issues which I need to get resolved. I was hoping to take the
boys to Gringotts to get some of the issues resolved. The Ministry is looking for Lily and we
must protect the Potter name as well as prevent any of the darker faction from using James'
death to their advantage."

"I'm sure you are capable of handling the situation." Remus was glad that Sirius wasn't
wearing his emotions on his face. Sirius' anger was building and if Dumbledore thought Lily
was going to get away with killing James, she better start running.

"When is the funeral?" Severus knew that Dumbledore would do whatever he wanted in that
regard no matter what James had wanted. Dumbledore was going to either try and do a quiet
burial with the idea of everyone forgetting about James if they didn't see the funeral or have
Jamie put on a huge production of how he lost one parent and didn't want to lose the other.

"We will discuss that once we have spoken to Gringotts." Dumbledore smiled reassuringly at
Jamie as he placed a hand on Jamie's back. "He has had stressful last few days but it needs to
be done."

"It has been so hard losing my dad." Fake tears appeared at the corners of Jamie's eyes. "I'm
strong and I can do this. He would have wanted me strong and lead the family."

Severus didn't comment on that idea as Jamie's tears disappeared. Sirius looked like he was
biting his tongue while Remus just nodded his head. "We better get going. We don't want to
delay." Dumbledore escorted Jamie toward the apparition spot.

Sirius, Remus, and Severus watched the pair. "That boy is in for a rude awakening. I'm
hoping Narcissa can provide me with some names of mind healers because Dumbledore is
going to want one he selects otherwise." Sirius would love to remove Jamie from Hogwarts
but Dumbledore would make his life difficult.

"He would and one that wouldn't help Jamie." Remus shook his head. "He is going to wonder
why Jamie can't claim his heir ring or the Potter Lordship ring, why he can't get into the
vaults, and I'm going to enjoy watching them think of what could be wrong."
"Should we bet on how long it will take them to realize that Lily mixed the twins up?" Sirius
was almost giddy with the idea of watching Dumbledore's attempts at figuring what was
wrong out. "Winner gets a bottle from each of us of his favorite alcohol beverage."

"Three months." Remus watched the duo disappear with the crack of an apparition. "He is
going to call an Order meeting for tonight."

"I'm going with four months." Sirius looked at Severus. "No raiding the Black wine cellar for
wines to pay off the bet. I won't even use them."

"He won't is my bet. He will think of a lot of reasons but he won't believe that Harry is
James, Jr." Severus groaned. "Do you realize how many meetings we are going to have to
suffer through as he tries new ways of getting answers?" Severus paused "we will need to
make sure to carry port keys. Something is going on with Quirrell and now this."

"Agreed, I will see if I can get some from my house. My relatives kept charmed jewelry
against curses and I know some have port keys abilities." Sirius grinned at them trying to lift
the mood. "I am looking forward to them now that we know what we know." Sirius laughed.
"After the reading when I get custody, he is going to want to know what is going on and it's
going to be epic watching him attempting to figure out what happened."

"Harry removing Lily is going to ruin a lot of his plans. I believe he was hoping he could use
her to control the brat."

"Severus, we might not be able to keep everything hidden." Remus warned his friend.

"Yes, I'm aware but Harry has more than the Potter titles and Albus isn't aware of that."

"Very true." Sirius smirked. "I think I see Harry coming over the bridge."


Harry was sitting on the couch in the living area staring at the fireplace. "You want to talk?"

Harry looked up at his father. "I'm not sure." Harry chewed on his bottom lip for several
seconds. "I have been thinking about James, reviewing my memories. I don't have many
memories of him unless Lily or Jamie were around. The ones with just him are a bit
confusing. In some of them, he wanted to talk to me but never could get the words out or he
would be just staring."

Severus sat down. "I haven't read the journal that Sirius or Remus read but I have a feeling
that James felt a lot of guilt and wanted a relationship with you but he wasn't sure how to
connect to you." Severus looked at his son. "Harry, I know he didn't want to get rid of you.
He did so much to protect you, more than I thought he would have done."

Harry gave his father a slight smile. "I think it is what is confusing me in some way. I always
thought he didn't care and learning he did and now I won't-"

Severus got up and sat down next to Harry. He pulled Harry into his arms as Harry started to
Chapter 13

Dumbledore arrived back at Hogwarts with an angry Jaime. Remus and Sirius were in the
halls and were a bit surprised at how quickly the duo appeared back at Hogwarts. "I don't
think it went the way they wanted." Sirius wanted to laugh. He kept his face turned away as
he worked on regaining his composure.

"They weren't gone long. I don't believe they got past the teller area." Remus was wondering
if Ironclaw even spoke to Dumbledore. Ironclaw had no reason to do so and wouldn't waste
his time on Dumbledore or Jaime since goblins were about making money not wasting

"We are going to be dragged to so many boring meetings as he attempts to figure out what is
going on." Sirius dreaded what was going to happen. "He is going to want to take Harry to
Gringotts too."

"I want to be there when he asks Severus." Remus looked at Sirius.

Sirius smirked. "So do I. "


Severus wanted to kill Jaime Potter. The little brat was using the death of James Potter to get
away with everything. He was back to bullying anyone he could out of sight of Dumbledore
and Minerva. Harry attended his classes and spent his time in the common room despite it not
being required of him. Jaime, however, didn't attend any class and anytime he was asked to
do anything he would pretend to cry. The problem Severus was having was the fact that
Jaime was bragging about inheriting the Potter titles and blatantly hinting at other titles and
making sure that Harry was going to be disowned. Severus just wanted a peaceful dinner and
to get back to his quarters.

"Don't go in there." Sirius stopped him from entering the Great Hall.

"Why?" Severus wondered what could be wrong. James' funeral was tomorrow. Dumbledore
hadn't done anything because he couldn't do anything until the funeral was over according to
the old traditions. James' will wouldn't even officially be read for another week. Lily was still
hiding, leaving custody of the brat up for debate but nothing could be done until the will was
read since Lily was still alive and wasn't under arrest as of yet.

"Trust me, you don't want to know. I will explain later. Go and have your meal with your son
in your quarters."

Severus arched a brow but trusted Sirius and headed to his quarters. He wasn't surprised to
find Harry, Remus, Draco, and Theo in the main living area. Remus must have given them
some type of extra credit as the four were looking through defense books for answers. Harry
didn't look like he was hurt and he glanced at Remus who shook his head no. Severus wasn't
sure what Sirius was warning him about but he would find out when the boys weren't around.
"What did you order for your meal?"

"We were waiting for you, Dad." Harry looked up. "Dad, we have a debate going on. I say
there is no difference between the tickling charm and the tickling spell except for someone's
affinity for the classification. Just like there is no difference between the other similar spells
that have one in charms and one that might be a spell. They do the same thing and have the
same effects with the difference being just their classifications between charms, defense, or

"I say there is a difference otherwise why would we need different versions." Draco closed
the book he had been searching through.

Remus and Severus exchanged a look. "I am afraid Harry is correct. It is about your affinity
for a classification. It's like those who have an affinity for potions or any class of magic. I
didn't think you would need books to confirm your answers."

Severus laughed as Remus ducked the pillows thrown at him by Theo and Draco. "I thought
it was a trick question." Severus enjoyed the time with his son and his son's friends for the
rest of the night until it was time for them to go to bed. Harry went with them. Once the boys
were gone, Severus got out his bottle of scotch and pour them a drink. "What did Sirius think
I needed to be warned about?"

"Dumbledore made the paper. We aren't sure how legal anything he did is or even if he did
anything as it is just in the paper. Sirius got the earlier edition to the Evening Prophet and the
headline was James Potter, Jr., passes the control of his seats to Headmaster Dumbledore with
the story featuring how after the official will reading that Jaime was going to grant control
over the Potter estate to Dumbledore, take custody of Jaime, and permit Jaime to disown his
mother as a way to protect the family name and accounts." Remus took a deep breath. "At the
end of the article, it talked about Harry."

"What did it say?" Severus had a feeling Dumbledore was about to attempt to interfere in
their lives.

"We already know nothing above can happen since Dumbledore can't get any of the power,
Jaime is going to be under Sirius' control, and Lily will be held accountable but at the end of
the article-" Remus looked at Severus "it mentioned a few quotes from Jaime where he has
stated he plans to disown his brother fully and if he has to ship him off to the muggles. He is
quoted as saying he needs to save his already partially disowned brother from disgracing the
family name and being a Slytherin and since the Headmaster believes it is the best thing to
do, he will do it."

"I want to be in the room when the little brat discovers the truth. I believe Minerva stated that
Dumbledore plans on taking him to Gringotts after the funeral. I do not believe he will expect
me or Harry to attend. I don't even think he is expecting us to attend the funeral."

"Harry wants to go to the funeral. Sirius and I were telling him stories about our school days.
We ended up apologizing to him a lot for what we did to you. He wasn't impressed. He told
Sirius he was a bully when Sirius tried to defend some of it." Remus was never going to
forget the look on Sirius' face as Harry gave him a lecture regarding bullying. Harry sounded
exactly like Severus. "He reminded me of you."

"I remember the first time Jaime was here and bullied Harry. He cried as he didn't understand
why or what he had done to deserve it. Dumbledore had made such a big deal about how
Jaime was coming and how they were brothers. Harry had been looking forward to it. I was
always able to protect him during the Halloween festivals."

Remus sighed. "I wish I could defend Dumbledore's actions but I gave up a long time ago.
Have you noticed that even Hagrid has stopped trying to defend Jaime and his actions? He
has even stopped trying to defend Dumbledore most of the time too."

"I have noticed but thankfully not many have. Hagrid seems to have started to distance
himself from Hogwarts. I believe he has been even looking for a girlfriend."

"Oh, do tell." Remus was aware that Severus spoke to Hagrid more than most of the staff.


Harry sat on his bed with Draco. "What do you think that was about?"

"Remus and Sirius will never be Slytherin. I think it was about your twit of a brother and the
fashion disaster of a headmaster. You know Dumbledore is trying to do something sneaky
and your brother is about as subtle as someone dropping a rock on their foot. What do you
think of what he said about Lily?" Harry wasn't worried about Lily doing anything to him.
Lily was his mother, yes, but she never really cared about him. He didn't even know her.

"I am not sure. I can't believe he is hoping to get her off. I am not sure how much is him or
Dumbledore. Lily will allow him to do whatever so it could be his wishful thinking because
you know Dumbledore is going to want him to train and learn. Training and working are the
last things Jaime wants to do. He won't be able to pass it off to Granger or Weasley either. I
do not want to listen to him whine." Draco flopped back onto his back on the bed. "If he
brags one more time about all those titles he thinks he might have."

"I know, his ego is getting bigger and bigger. Once Dumbledore has custody, you know he is
going to believe he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants. Dumbledore won't do
anything about it either because Jaime is a Gryffindor and also will be under his guardianship
and it will look bad. He will give Jaime his I'm disappointed in you lectures and that is about

"Your brother is a right ponce." Draco sat back up. "He thinks he owns Hogwarts. He is going
to make our lives miserable after the funeral." Harry gave Draco a smirk. "You know
something, something you can't tell me as of yet but something good."

"Something great and I can't. I wish I could but I promised I wouldn't tell anyone and you
know how my dad is about giving your word, promises, and things like that." Harry wanted
to tell his best friend but he promised his dad he wouldn't tell anyone.
"Yes, and I get it. You will tell me as soon as you can?" Draco did understand. It was about
honor and keeping to the code of honor.

"Draco, you will be the first person I will tell."

Chapter 14

Harry stood with Sirius, Remus, and Severus as Jaime did his grief-stricken routine for the
reporters. The reporters had followed Dumbledore and Jaime to the funeral. The only good
thing was that during the funeral they didn't take pictures or ask questions despite the pitiful
show that his brother put on. Harry was still trying to come to terms that one of his biological
parents cared for him and protected him as best as he could. Sirius and Remus had shown
him different pictures from the years of friendship the trio had before Lily destroyed it. Harry
leaned into his dad a bit as the reporters asked Jaime what he planned on doing next.

"I will be attending my dearly departed father's will reading. Fulfilling his desires and making
sure to honor the Potter name. The Headmaster has already agreed to handle everything until
I come of age."

"Little twit." Sirius almost growled.

"He is going to have one rude awaking." Remus was shaking his head slightly at Jaime's
performance. Dumbledore was standing behind the brat with his hands on Jaime's shoulders.
He was willing to be that the speech was already rehearsed.

"Dumbledore's feeding him the answers." Severus recognized Dumbledore's handiwork.

"I will also make sure my mother is returned to England and we handle her charges."

"Almost Slytherin on that response." Severus glanced at Dumbledore. "Translated for you
lions, it means he is going to make sure his mother is welcomed home and she will be joining

"We got it." Sirius let out a bit of a low chuckle. "I can't wait to the will reading."

"He is going to milk this week." Harry didn't want to deal with his twin. He wasn't afraid of
being disowned by the brat if he had been the oldest but he didn't want to leave his dad.
"Dumbledore will let him too."

"Yes, I am afraid the dear Headmaster has his head in the sand and is going to ignore
everything." Remus was glad they had put up a privacy ward. The reporters were asking
some weird questions.

One reporter faced Harry. "How do you feel about the fact your brother is talking about
disowning you from the Potter line?"

Harry arched a brow as the privacy charm was dropped. He looked up at his dad. Severus
gave him a quick nod. "I am fine with it. I am a Snape and proud of it. My dad is my dad. I
do not remember my biological parents being in my life. Jaime is welcome to Lily Potter, I
have my dad, my uncles, cousins, and lots of friends and family who support me."
"He will answer no more questions." Severus guided Harry away. Dumbledore and Jaime
didn't like that a reporter had asked Harry a question. Jaime looked ready to have a fit but the
only thing stopping him was Dumbledore squeezing his shoulders as a warning.

They walked quietly back to Hogwarts after apparating from Godric's Hollow to Hogsmeade.
They were on the bridge when Harry stopped, he looked at Hogwarts. "You know what I
keep thinking of?"

"What, Harry?" Sirius was trying to process that his friend was now dead because of his wife
but he hadn't let it show around Harry.

"I keep thinking that Hogwarts is the only home I know. Dad is the only dad I know, yet this
stranger I barely saw did so much to protect me from my brother who I barely know. A twin
who thinks the world revolves around him and who didn't appreciate what his father did for
him over the years while his mother destroyed the Potter name."

The three men looked at each other. "James was a lot stronger than I believed. I wish he could
have been honest with us about everything and he might still be alive instead of pretending to
be drunk all the time. I know he did drink but nothing like he pretended to do. It must have
been so hard to carry those secrets and feel like he had no one." Sirius felt so guilty.

"He did it to protect us and his son. If Dumbledore had seen him with us, he would have
known something was wrong." Remus recognized what James did. "He understood that
Dumbledore is a wolf in sheep's clothing and Dumbledore would have destroyed us if he ever
learned the truth before James' death."

"James did what he thought best and as sad as we are to realize this after the fact, what
Remus said is the truth. Dumbledore isn't going to be happy after the reading and we need to
be ready for his attempts to get Jaime back under his control as well as feeling he will need to
punish us. He will do whatever he can to regain control." Severus looked down at his son.
"You do not worry about any of this. I will take you and leave the country before allowing
him to have custody over you or anything else he might attempt." Severus looked at his two
friends. "I want fresh emergency port keys crafted for us. I will speak to Lucius, too."

"I have a few houses overseas as well as the Potter estates will too. I wouldn't recommend the
Potter ones as Dumbledore might be aware of them."

"I have the Prince family ones too."

"Great, an emergency port key for us with two houses as options with the keywords being
ones we can slip into a sentence so they won't know it was activated. Keep everything
important in expandable pouches. We can send the elves to gather our possessions." Remus
held out his hand and Severus extended his hand as did Sirius and Harry. Remus and Severus
grabbed each other wrists as Harry and Sirius grabbed their wrists. "Secrets shared by us
remain with us with the exception of Lucius Malfoy, agreed?"

"Agreed." They felt the magic sealing the secrecy pack. It would prevent Dumbledore from
discovering their secret if he decided to dose them or use anything else against them.

Harry groaned as if in pain as he watched Jaime throw a fit worth of the brattiest two-year-
old because Dumbledore informed him that he needed to sit at the Hufflepuff table. He was
wondering if his brother would throw himself down to the floor and start pounding his fist
into the floor as he kicked his legs. "Jaime, this isn't becoming, you need to stop this fit. You
need to sit at the Hufflepuff table and attend your classes. You are to lead by example,
remember our discussion."

"It's not fair. I am a lion! I lost my parents and I shouldn't have to deal with any stupid puffs."

Harry looked at his father. He had hoped he could escape this meeting but Dumbledore had
called it for the members of the Old Crowd and Harry had to attend since the meeting was
being held at Sirius' house. Ron Weasley's eyes were bugging out at seeing how his former
friend was reacting. He leaned a bit closer to Harry. "Please tell me that I didn't do that?"

"You didn't. He always has been a drama queen." Neville was sitting with them. Classes were
to start tomorrow as everyone had a week off because of James' death. The Ministry felt it
was honorable to honor James Potter and his deeds in the defeat of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-

Neville and Harry were trying to get used to Ron Weasley being like the rest of his siblings. It
was a good transformation. The Twins leaned down. "Don't worry Ronnikens-" Fred started
the twinspeak as normal.

"we would have made sure-

"that you didn't turn out like-"

"-that prat." The twins finished together.

While they hadn't attended the meeting itself, they had spent the day at the house listening to
Molly Weasley. She took over the house as soon as she arrived, something that didn't please
Sirius who reminded the woman numerous times it was his house. Arthur had to step in when
she decided she was going to get the children to clean the house and began to decide which
items could remain in the house. Sirius blew a gasket and yelled at the woman when she
proceeded to stack a lot of his family heirlooms to be trashed. Arthur stopped the curses from

When it was time for the meeting she decided to order the children out of the room. Harry
was going to remember his father's remarks. "Molly, my son is my business. If I want him to
remain he can, you are not his mother." Severus arched a brow to see if she was going to say
something but Arthur, again, stepped up and reminded her it wasn't her home nor was she in
charge of others' children. Severus did suggest that Harry go and join his friends in the other
room. He looked at Molly as she was about to say something. "He is my child to make the
decisions. You are not in charge of him, Neville, or anyone but your own children."
"Molly, this isn't your house." Minerva reminded the woman. "You are a guest here and do
not set the rules. Sirius has opened his doors to us for this meeting and we need to respect it."

Dumbledore entered the room. "I'm sure she is only wanting the best for everyone." Molly
grinned. "However, they are correct, Molly, we are guests and it's not up to you to make the
decisions for the house or other guests' children." Molly lost her smile as Dumbledore took
his seat. "Jaime, don't you have some assignments that you need to complete? I am sure now
is an excellent time to finish some of them."

"Later, Dad." Harry dashed out of the room as Jaime was about to point to him. Jaime hadn't
taken being kicked out of the meeting well. He had been bragging earlier about being able to
attend the meeting while they won't be allowed.

Jaime had been building up to the fit he was having the whole time the meeting was going
on. He had tried to get Ron to join him in picking on Harry and Neville but it failed as
everyone basically ignored him. When the meeting was over, Dumbledore decided to share
with Jaime his decision regarding school and what needed to be done. Harry and the rest were
watching the results of the information.

"Yes, he isn't a brat." Minerva's words were like cold water on Jaime who stopped in the
middle of his fit.

"I am not a brat. I am the Boy-Who-Lived!"

"Prat-That-Lived is more like it." The Twins weren't quiet about their opinion of Jaime but
since they spoke quietly none of the adults heard as they were listening to Jaime.

"Do you have any idea what I have been through this year? My mother killed my father! I
have to attend the same school as those subpar wizards and deal with their jealousy every
day. I am not a brat!"

Minerva looked directly at Dumbledore. "Honestly, Albus, enough."

Dumbledore inhaled deeply. "Yes, I am afraid some changes do need to be enforced. Jaime,
you will be sitting at Hufflepuff as I just stated. You will attend classes with your house. You
do not have the right to go flying as you please. You will be serving any detentions you earn
and you will have to show you are worthy of returning to classes that you have been removed
from. You will attend each class next week and prove you are worthy of remaining in them."

"What? Are you kidding me? I am not some weak Puff. I want my mother!"

Harry was wrong, what he saw next was the fit worthy of any bratty kid anywhere in the
world. Jaime started throwing things and screaming for his mother. How his mother would
fix everything and how everyone should be grateful to him and didn't you know the magical
world owed him? They owed him for saving them. It was a sight that no one was expecting
and Severus finally stunned the brat who fell to the floor. "Now, do you see what we mean?"

"Yes, Severus, I do. I am very saddened to see this. However, most of what I can do is only as
Headmaster until after the reading."
Sirius wanted to dance. The brat was going to regret this fit and he would be learning what it
meant to be a wizard. The brat would not be attending Hogwarts for a while he had a feeling
he was going to have to withdraw him next week and home-school the brat until he learned
some truths. "I would suggest someone put the brat to bed and confine him to the room as a
start on correcting his behavior." Severus looked at Dumbledore.

Molly Weasley looked very upset as she glanced at her son. She was realizing just how
wrong she had been. "I will put him in the guest room." Sirius summoned a stretcher and
rolled the brat onto it. The brat was going to start exercising next week and a limit on junk
food. "I will make sure he stays in the room." Black wards would keep the brat in the room as
Chapter 15

Harry was a bit nervous. Today was the official reading of James' will. He was aware of what
was going to happen but he was still worried about what Dumbledore might attempt to do.
Dumbledore was underhanded and used his powers to get his way. He was the adult version
of his brother who had more years of experience on how to get his way and how to cover up
his bad attitude. The staff and students were ignoring Jamie as much as possible.

Jamie had been acting as if he was king of the magical world and making life horrible for
anyone the brat didn't like at Hogwarts. Dumbledore, as usual, was ignoring the brat's
behavior. The only time the boy wasn't acting like a brat was if there were reporters present.
Reporters were gathered outside of Hogwarts Castle and followed anyone they hoped to get
some information regarding Jamie. Nothing bad made the paper and Harry thought it was
because Dumbledore used his influence to prevent the truth from being revealed.

"You almost ready Kiddo?" Sirius entered Severus' quarters and sat down opposite Harry.

"Yes, Dad is changing. One of the students had an accident in his last class. Where is Uncle

"Changing too. Neville is going to need your assistance with the new shield spell. Perhaps
you and Draco could spend some time with him and Ron working on it."

"Sure, I will mention it to Draco. Neville did mention needing our help." Harry liked that
about Neville. Neville didn't have a problem asking for help or assisting those who needed
his help. Ron, because of being used to Jamie, wasn't used to asking but he was getting better
at it. "Ron didn't say he needed help but I am sure we can word it right."

"Good." Sirius was working on the idea of keeping Harry busy so that he didn't think too
much about James and what was happening. Severus and Remus were aware that Harry saw
through the plot but was humoring Sirius.

Severus opened his bedroom door and entered the living area. "Where is Remus?"

"He's coming. He had to change too. He had Neville and Ron in his last class."

"I had Tomkins who is giving Neville a run for his money regarding potion accidents."
Severus handed Harry a black tie. "This might be a better fit."

Harry stood up and went to the mirror to switch his tie. "Dad, do you think Dumbledore
might try and prevent me from attending?"

Sirius and Severus exchanged a quick look. "He might but you will be attending. He can't
stop it and while I am aware he won't like what he learns there is nothing he can do. Lucius
has already handled things at the Ministry and after today, Dumbledore won't have the power
to change anything." Lucius was going to be the new Chief Warlock and that would remove a
lot of Dumbledore's power as he would be losing his position on the ICW too.
Harry sighed. "Lily Noname and the problems she has created." He was thankful he had his
dad in his life and didn't remember living with Lily. He was eternally grateful to his dad for
adopting him as he didn't even want to think what Lily might have done to him as a child if
she killed her own husband.

Severus didn't comment but understood what his son was saying. "Let's get this over with. I
expect Dumbledore to be waiting by the front doors for us. Remus should be ready by now."


"Where is the Brat-Who-Lived?" Sirius wondered as they saw Dumbledore standing by the

"On the steps outside the door. I can smell him." Remus expected Dumbledore left the door
open to keep an eye on the brat.

"This is going to be interesting." Harry looked up at him. Severus gave him a slight smile of
reassurance. Severus hated that his son was in this position and each day everyone was losing
more and more respect for Dumbledore. The man was a lousy headmaster since he was more
interested in politics and controlling the magical world.

"Ah, my boys, glad I caught you." Dumbledore walked toward them.


"I was wondering if it would be a good idea to have Harry attend? Are we even sure he is
mentioned in the will?" Dumbledore ignored looking directly at Harry.

"He is attending." Severus wanted to curse Dumbledore.

"Severus, do you think it is wise to bring him and have him face rejection from James, again?
After all, Jamie will be Lord Potter and we are very aware of how the boys do not get along.
Harry should have tried harder to get along with his brother." Dumbledore ignored the looks
of anger as he plowed onward. "He had plenty of years to do so and now to put them in the
same room to have one chosen over another with Harry being rejected will do nothing to
improve their relationship. I have attempted to encourage Jamie but he has informed me how
Harry teases and bullies him when no one is around. We will be discussing that later."
Dumbledore looked at Harry.

Harry was about to speak but Sirius beat him to it. "Albus, Harry is James' son and he will
attend. You do not have a say in it. Harry has never bullied or teased Jamie. You are very
aware of what a brat that boy is and you won't be turning it around on Harry."

"I have to agree with Sirius." Remus stared at Dumbledore almost daring Dumbledore to

"I am sure we can discuss it with Minerva and see what she has to say." Severus used
Dumbledore's weakness. Minerva was more than just a cat as an animagus. The woman had
her claws sharpened and ready to draw blood regarding Harry and Jamie. She was tired of
Dumbledore ignoring the issues with the brat.

"I was only thinking of protecting Harry from being hurt." Dumbledore turned around. "Shall
we depart?"

"We have a port key." Sirius held up a rope. "It's only for four or I would invite you."

"We will see you there." Remus almost dragged Sirius out of Hogwarts to keep Sirius from
voicing his opinion of Jamie.

Severus didn't speak until Dumbledore was out of sight. He looked down at his son. He
wanted to say something but didn't want his son to hear him. "What a putz."

"Harry!" Remus rebuked as Sirius and Severus started to laugh. "Don't encourage him."

"Well, he is, Uncle Remus. He didn't care if he hurt my feelings or anything. He has always
been focused on my brother. He has ignored me since I turned seven and Lily started to have
a fit about me being around them. He used to be nice when I was very little but it was like my
brother's fame overcame him too."

Severus pulled his son close to him. He remembered the first time it happened and Harry had
cried himself to sleep because Dumbledore ignored him during the Halloween feast. Minerva
had given Dumbledore a long lecture the next day. It was one of many that followed over the
years. Harry soon learned that Dumbledore wasn't who he said he was but he still had
everyone else in his life. "Don't let his words bother you."

"I don't. He sees the money and power, not Jamie. I feel bad for Jamie." Harry hugged his

"Hopefully, it's not too late to save him." Sirius was looking forward to seeing Dumbledore's
face after the reading of the will. "I am looking forward to seeing his face."

"I am looking forward to that." Harry laughed.

"So am I." Remus and Severus laughed.

Chapter 16

Jamie looked smug as he sat down next to Dumbledore. He had already had a fit about Harry
attending as well as Sirius, Remus, and Severus. He loudly proclaimed in the lobby why
anyone would want to endure being humiliated by attending his father's will reading. He
would have continued but Dumbledore reminded him that reporters might be listening and he
needed to keep the favor of the press if they wanted to be able to have Lily cleared of

Harry looked at Severus as they heard Dumbledore's words. Dumbledore didn't realize as he
whispered there was still a bit of an echo in the lobby of Gringotts. Severus, Remus, and
Sirius resisted the urge to curse the duo of idiots. "Let's get this over with." Severus guided
his son toward the conference room that was reserved for the will reading.

"Agreed." Remus pulled Sirius with him. Sirius was ready to inform the duo what they could
do with their desires. Sirius may have matured but at times, he was still the same idiot from
his Hogwarts days.

Severus felt Harry nudge him bringing him out of his short memory of their arrival in the
lobby. He raised his brow at his son who tilted his head toward Dumbledore. Severus'
attention switched to the Headmaster. The Headmaster had his mouth close to Jamie's ear.
Judging from the look of anger building in the brat's body, he wasn't being told what he
wanted to hear.

"Since everyone is here, we can start." Ironclaw laid a pouch on the table. He opened it and
pulled out an orb and a small scroll. "The official reading of James Charles Potter has begun."
He tapped the orb. James' image appeared in front of them.

"I, James Charles Potter, residing at 1 Wilthereza Way, Godric's Hollow, West Country,
England, declare this to be my Will, and I revoke any and all wills and codicils I previously

I give my tangible personal property and policies and proceeds of insurance covering such
property, to my oldest child. If he does not survive me, I give that property to Severus Snape,
Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black in equal shares, to be divided among them by my executors in
their absolute discretion after consultation between themselves. My executors may pay out of
my estate the expenses of delivering tangible personal property to beneficiaries.

I give my residences, subject to any mortgages or encumbrances thereon, and policies and
proceeds of insurance covering such property, to my oldest child. If he does not survive me, I
give that property to Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black.

I give the rest of my estate (called my residuary estate) to my oldest child. If he does not
survive me, I give my residuary estate to any charities deemed acceptable by Severus Snape,
Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black in equal shares, to be divided among the charities they deem
acceptable. Preference is given to wizarding charities first. Opening a magical orphanage
would be my preferred method.
I direct my executors, without apportionment against any beneficiary or other person, to pay
estate, inheritance, and succession taxes (including any interest and penalties thereon)
payable by reason of my death.

If under this will any property shall be payable outright to a person who is a minor, my
executors may, without court approval, pay all or part of such property to a parent or guardian
of that minor, to a custodian under the Uniform Transfers to Minors act, or may defer
payment of such property until the minor reaches the age of majority, as defined by his or her
state of residence. No bond shall be required for such payments.

I appoint Severus Snape as Executor of this will. If he is unable or unwilling to act, or

resigns, I appoint Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, as successor co-executors. If either co-
executor also predeceases me or is unable or unwilling to act, the survivor shall serve as
executor. My executor shall have all the powers allowable to executors under the laws of this
state. I direct that no bond or security of any kind shall be required of an executor.

If my spouse is the cause of my death or I die under such circumstances that the order of our
deaths cannot be readily ascertained, she is to be removed from the family line. If my wife
does not survive me and I leave minor children surviving me, I appoint as guardian of my
oldest child to Severus Snape. The custody of my youngest child shall be Sirius Black and
shall serve without bond. If Sirius Black does not qualify or for any reason ceases to serve as
guardian, I appoint as successor guardian Severus Snape.

The child known as James Charles Potter, Jr. is to be removed from my line as well as from
the lines of my ancestors. Lily Ann Potter nee Evans is to be removed from my line and from
the lines of my ancestors. They are being removed for failing to follow the family charter and
upholding the family charter. The child known as James Charles Potter, Jr. is in fact, Harry
Potter. The child known as Harry Potter-Snape is to remain in my line and is in fact my oldest
child, James Charles Potter. Blood test confirmation is included.

I have signed this will this 28 day of June 1992.

James Charles Potter

(legal signature)

SIGNED AND DECLARED by James Charles Potter to be his will, in our presence, who at
his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other, all being present at the same
time, have signed our names as witnesses.

Amelia Bones
Kingsley Ford Shackbolt

Now that the official stuff is out of the way, I will provide a bit more information. I am
greatly disappointed in how my youngest son has turned into a spoiled brat. His mother and I
did him no service nor should we have listened to Albus Dumbledore regarding the raising of
my children. Yes, Albus, I blame you for filling his head as well as Lily's with the idea of
being the Boy Who Lived and pushing him for something that he didn't do. It was magic that
protected the twins. Magic that you and Lily laid down in their room, blood magic. However,
you never mention it.
If you are present, Lily, I wish I had divorced you when I wanted to do so before the boys
were even a year old. I never realized how much of a gold digger and fame whore you were
until Dumbledore started to talk about the prophecy and how one of our children had to be
the chosen one. You had already mixed the boys up even before they were home from the
hospital. It didn't get any better once you selected that it meant Harry, who you insisted was
Jamie, was the one to fulfill it. You pushed the child into being the Boy-Who-Lived. I should
have stood up to you then but I didn't. You will never have custody of either of our children.
You will never see one knut from my personal or family vaults.

Dumbledore, surprise, surprise, you got the boys wrong. Harry is the oldest. The child that
you and Lily wanted to toss away. The child that I am thankful for is being raised by Severus
Snape and my two friends, Remus and Sirius. You will have nothing to do with him. As part
of my will, you will never have any custody of Harry (aka James Charles Potter, Jr -the eldest
twin). You will only have whatever access Severus, Remus, and Sirius agree upon after an
agreement from Harry himself.

Severus Snape, there is so much I want to express to you. So much I have wanted to say over
the years. So much that I know no mere words can express all you have done for my child. I
was thankful the day you adopted him and removed him from Lily's control. I wish I had
your strength of character. I wish I had your honor, your strength to stand firm in your beliefs.
You have done an amazing job raising Harry. I couldn't have asked for a better adopted father
for him.

Remus, Sirius. I wish I could have informed you of the truth. I know you read the journal.
Please share it with Severus and Harry. Use it wisely.

I, James Charles Potter, hereby remove the child known as James Charles Potter, Jr. from the
Potter line and the lines associated with those lines. I install my oldest son known as Harry
Potter-Snape as my heir. He will be entitled to take the titles at sixteen. His father, Severus
Snape will serve as the holder until such a time my oldest child takes the mantle. I love you,
Harry. If at such a time in the future, Jamie shows he is a true Potter, please welcome him
back into the family but only if he is away from the influence of Dumbledore and has shown
true remorse for his actions. Jamie, I do love you. I wish I had done more to keep you on the
right path, I do hope you will be the man I saw you become when I held you in my arms for
the first time. So mote it be."

Everyone watched as magic swirled around the room and Jamie fell to the ground in pain as
his family magic was ripped from him. Dumbledore looked shocked and was staring at Harry.
Jamie groaned on the floor as Severus pulled out a pain potion and handed it to Sirius to give
to the brat. Sirius was on the floor with Jamie and holding him upright. "Here, drink this, it
will help."

"No, no, it can't be true." Jamie moaned again as he jerked away from Sirius. He looked at
Dumbledore. "Fix this."

"Are we sure they were mixed up?" Dumbledore asked the question but he knew the answer
before he even asked. Magic had proven that aspect when it removed the magic from Jamie.
He wasn't sure how the boy was going to defeat Voldemort with even more magic missing
from him. Harry was the stronger child but Lily insisted that Jamie was the one who defeated
Voldemort. Perhaps he needed to find a way to bind the boy to someone magically stronger
and it would enable the boy to use his bonded's magic.

"There is nothing to fix. I am your guardian now." Sirius was still a bit shocked by what
James had revealed as well as what he hadn't revealed in the will reading.

"Blood doesn't lie." Ironclaw produced a copy of the blood results.

James Charles Potter, Jr.

AKA: Harry James Potter Snape
Father: James Charles Potter
Mother: Lily Ann Potter nee Evan
Adopted father: Severus Tobias Snape

Harrison James Potter

AKA: James Charles Potter, Jr., Jamie Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived
Father: James Charles Potter
Mother: Lily Ann Potter nee Evan

Dumbledore looked at the results and groaned. There was nothing he could do. Lily had
mixed the boys up and ruined his plans for the future regarding the Boy-Who-Lived as well
as his plans regarding the war. James ruined the custody issue. He had told James and Lily he
wanted custody of the brat and that he would make sure he was taken care of. He had planned
on shipping the brat to Lily's sister in the hopes of teaching the boy how to be humble and
submissive. Now, Sirius had custody and the boy was disowned. Yes, there was a promise of
redemption if the brat changed.

Jamie saw the results and tore them apart. He started screaming at his Ironclaw. "Where is the
correct will? I know this is a scam. I know you are doing it because I am the Boy-Who-Lived
and you are a creature and therefore, not even close as important as I am. My father would
not have done this. I want-"

"Shut up, right now. You will apologize to Ironclaw. You are going to come home with me
and we will have a long discussion on what is acceptable behavior." Sirius pulled Jamie up by
his arm. He glared at Jamie who started to wilt under the intense glare. "NOW!"

"I'm sorry for my behavior." Jamie looked at Ironclaw quickly before turning his head to the
Headmaster. He glared at Dumbledore. Finally, after being ignored by the old man for a few
seconds he opened his mouth. "Do something. I don't want to live with the mutts. I don't want
to be around any of them. They are useless."

"I am sorry, my boy, but your father granted guardianship to Sirius. I am sure Sirius and I can
work out an agreement regarding your training." Dumbledore needed to get back to his
office. He needed to rework his chessboard and get things in order. He needed to plan. Lily
threw his plans out, he fixed them, and then James threw out this plan. He needed to revamp
his plans again.

Severus was signing the paperwork that Ironclaw had handed him. He had reviewed it before
signing. "I would like a copy of the will, Ironclaw, sent to my vault, as well as Remus and
Sirius'. I would like a transcript sent to me, also."

"I will have it done." Ironclaw handed some letters to Severus. "The names on the

Severus saw his name on the top one. He wondered what else James had included. He put the
envelopes in his robe pockets. Since Dumbledore was still staring at Jamie, Dumbledore
didn't see the letters but he had a feeling the man would be reviewing the memory afterward
and would see the letters when he did.

"Dad." Harry looked at his father.

"Harry?" Severus was still processing James' words. He couldn't believe the man had exposed
so much of himself in such a simple declaration to him.

"May we go home now?" Harry wanted, no needed, time to process everything.

"Yes, I think we need time to process everything." Remus stood up. "I know I do."

"As do I." Sirius was a bit shocked still. Yes, they had expected some of the information but
James didn't hold back much. What he had held back was in the journals. The man had
exposed himself in a raw way yet without emotions spilling forth causing the message to be
heard louder and clearer. James trusted Severus in more ways than anyone had expected.

"I agree." Severus took his son's hand. "Thank you, Ironclaw, take any fees out of the estate
and also include a tip for the services rendered as well."

"Thank you, Professor."

Sirius had to drag Jamie away from Dumbledore who was still sitting in the office when they
were in the lobby. "I don't want to go with you." Jamie pouted. "I want my mother, now."

"I am sure but she isn't present. As I am now your legal guardian, you do not have much
choice in where you reside. Now, move." Sirius hated being acting this mean to the boy but
he knew he needed a firm hand and it wouldn't help Jamie later in life if he didn't. "Severus,
chat later?"

"Yes, I think we have much to discuss." Severus was very aware they needed to plan on
Dumbledore's next move and how to stop the man from gaining control over either boy.
Chapter 17

Harry was a bit stunned as they walked back to Hogwarts. "Harry, why don't you stay with
me for a few days." Severus was a bit concerned about his son. He wanted to make sure he
was there for his son. Harry wasn't going to have fits like his brother but he recognized the
boy's world had been shaken severally. Harry had a lot of changes in a very short time on top
of starting his education.

"Thanks, Dad, I think I need to." Harry stopped when they reached the bridge. Severus stood
next to him as they stared out over the water, the mountains, and the gorge. "It feels surreal."

"Yes, but he did love you and wanted to protect you." Severus was still trying to wrap his
mind around the fact that James Potter wasn't a complete idiot nor was he a complete fool.
James Potter had done more for his children by pretending to be drunk than he had thought
possible. James had played the old fart and his wife very well. Yes, it cost him his life but
even in death, he protected his children. "Your brother will be hard to deal with for a long
time. Sirius will need our help." He was hoping they could undo eleven years of damage.
How do you radically change a child's life without some harsh truths being forced down the
child's throat? Sirius was going to have a rough time.

"I am aware." Harry turned a bit, leaning against the stone rails of the bridge. "Dad, he knew
before the attack. He knew Dumbledore was planning something."

"I fear he did." Severus wondered how much was an act with James Potter. "He mentioned
the magic they used to protect you." He wished James had shared more with Sirius and
Remus. He understood why the man didn't but wishes were a dime a dozen and he had a few
dozen wishes.

"I heard. Do you think everything was about just creating a savior? It seems that way with the
attention, the training, and-" Harry looked at Hogwarts. "Dumbledore even mentioned
training Jamie after the truth was revealed."

Severus wasn't surprised his son caught the mention of training. He was already planning on
discussing the issue with Sirius and Remus. "I am aware. I am unclear what he hopes to
accomplish." Severus was also a bit afraid for his son. Dumbledore was aware of the truth
and would want to use his son in his plans. "We have to be proactive in protecting you since
he knows the truth. He will want you to be trained to fight against the Dark Lord and
anything or anyone else he believes is evil."

"I saw the letters, I wonder what he wrote." Harry looked at his dad.

"I do too. I am sure if it is important we will tell you." Severus pulled the letters from his
pocket. He flipped through them. He wasn't surprised to find one written to his son. "I have
one for you." He handed the letter to Harry. "Read it when you are ready."

"Do you mind if I go and spend some time by Black Lake and read it?" Harry wasn't ready to
go back to Hogwarts as of yet. He loved his friends and was aware they would want to help
him as best as they could which would mean questions. Questions, he wasn't ready for as of

"Go, don't stay out too late." Severus gave his son a quick hug. He watched his walk toward
Black Lake.


Harry walked to Black Lake and found a bench to sit on. He started at the lake. He began to
think about the stories he was told about James. He opened the letter.

Dear Harry:

If you are reading this, it means Lily has finally succeeded in removing me from the family.
She has tried a few times over the years. Those happy pills she takes are pills to slow down
her aging. She doesn't want to have a single age line on her face. They don't prevent her from
aging but she ages very slowly. You and Severus need to be aware of this in case she remains
hidden after she does whatever to me. Dumbledore will do whatever it is to protect her
because she is the only one your brother listens to. I am not sure what she says or does but he
listens to her for some reason.

What I wish I could tell you would take me forever to put down in words. You mean the
world to me. I have been so proud of the young man you are turning into. You are turning
into everything I wished for you to be. Honest, caring, loving, compassionate, kind, stubborn,
smart, and so many other things I wish I had been when I attended Hogwarts.

I shall never forget the day that Severus agreed to adopt you. I had never felt such relief. I
had been so afraid I was going to have to steal you and spend our lives out running
Dumbledore and Lily. I knew something was wrong before you were born. Lily and
Dumbledore made so many plans. They never counted on twins. Your brother was a surprise.
Since Dumbledore had pushed our hiding after she was discovered to be pregnant, Lily had
only gotten the basic health exams and no one was aware your brother was hiding behind

Harry, I could spend hours watching you in your cot. You were always so happy. I didn't
mind that your mother got you mixed up because it meant I could spend more time with you.
So many hours it was just me and you in the library. I could read to you anything and you
would just giggle. Sirius and I would transform and you would ride each of us with Remus
holding you on. You would laugh for hours. In Vault 4524, there are some of the memories
from the time we had together. I didn't include this information in the wills because I created
the vault for you only.

Now, the hard part. Watch out for Dumbledore, Lily, and your brother. Lily would do
anything to promote your brother and keep her fame. She would do anything to keep the
Potter name and funds. I heard Dumbledore planning everything regarding Jamie's life too
often for him to not want to do the same with you since he is now aware of the truth. Your
brother is just full of spite thanks to your mother. I am hoping he will get the help he needs
from Sirius.
I wish I could have omitted the mix-up but I am afraid your brother would have turned
everything over to your mother and Dumbledore. Dumbledore always needs funds for this
war he is planning and your mother just loves to shop and be seen. Your brother wouldn't care
as long as he got what he wanted when he wanted. If I didn't include the information in the
will, Dumbledore and your mother would have done anything to get the will dismissed if I
didn't provide any evidence of the truth. I left the memories of my creating the will in the
family vault in case Dumbledore attempts to get the will dismissed. They are certified copies.

Lastly, Harry, I can't tell you again of how proud I am of you. I wished I had been brave
enough to tell you how much I cared and loved you every time I tried to speak to you. So
many wasted days but I never regret the day Severus took you and kept you close. I am
grateful that Severus, Sirius, and Remus are involved in your life.

I am aware you must be confused by the fact that I did care about you considering how little I
showed it over the years but Vault 6360 is a vault I set up for you. Severus will have it in the
list of vaults. Inside the vault, is your yearly birthday gift as well as some funds I put aside
for you as I did for your brother (should he grow up and become the person I hope he can
be). I wish I could have seen you grow up, get married (I don't care who you pick for your
partner as long as you are happy), and have children. Always know that I loved you, I
watched over you even from afar. I never stopped thinking of you. Never forget that. I never
forgot about you and I love you. I wish I had been braver but I did everything to protect you.


Harry was crying as he read the letter over. He would have to have his father take him to
Gringotts so they could look at the two vaults. He wiped his eyes and folded the letter. He
thought about the times James always seemed to want to speak to him and now he knew why.
He looked up at the sky. "I don't know if you can hear me or not but thank you, you gave me
the greatest gift in providing a dad that loved me as much as you did. I couldn't have asked
for a better one. I wish I had gotten to know you when you were alive but I appreciate the
memories and the stories." Harry closed his eyes for several seconds, focusing on regaining
control over his emotions. He stood up and opened his eyes. He was ready to go back to
Hogwarts. He would show his dad the letter.
Chapter 18
Chapter Summary

Same day but Sirius dealing with Jamie/Dumbledore.

Sirius could hear Jamie screaming from the bedroom upstairs. He was going to need a steady
supply of headache potions from Severus. So far it had been a very long and frustrating day.
Sirius had to carry the brat from Diagon Alley with him screaming. Many people in the alley
clapped as Sirius didn't put up with his attitude as he lectured the brat about changing his

After he had gotten home, he sat the brat down in the kitchen, and offered him a meal. Jamie
refused to eat what Kreacher made. He wanted something called McDonald's. Chicken
McNuggets, chips, and something called a fizzy drink. Kreacher had made a salad with
grilled chicken. The brat threw the salad dressing at Kreacher. Sirius glared and sent the brat
to his room to improve his attitude. He ended up carrying the brat up the stairs and putting
him in his bedroom.

The boy threw a fit when he saw the condition of the house and it was worse when he saw his
bedroom and demanded that he be returned to Potter Manor. He insisted that there was no
way his brother was in charge when Sirius informed him this was his room and to get used to
it. Jamie had a screaming fit that made his mother's rants seem like a pleasant conversation
when he was denied. Sirius forced the brat into the room and slammed the door closed. He
had added wards to the boy's room, informing Kreacher that the brat was not to leave the
house. Kreacher wasn't to give the brat any type of junk food. If he wanted food it had to be
healthy. Once he left the room, he looked at his mother. "I am so sorry." Sirius never thought
he would have ever said those words to his mother.

Walburga Black was a bit shocked. She never expected Sirius to understand what he had put
them through. She and her husband had tried for years to get Sirius to see what Dumbledore
was truly like. Yes, Sirius wasn't thrilled with Dumbledore over the last decade but this had
removed the blinders fully from Sirius. "Who is he?"

"James' youngest son, the Brat-Who-Lived. He is my charge and I need to get him under
control. Dumbledore and his mother have turned him into the worst spoiled brat." Sirius
wasn't sure how he was going to do it. He was going to have to speak to Minerva, Severus,
Remus, and Poppy about what to do.

"Tell me." His mother sat down and listened as Sirius spilled everything that had been going
on. As he spoke, other members of the Black family joined his mother in her frame. Phineus
Black provided more information to the rest of the family since he was a former Headmaster
of Hogwarts and had a portrait in Dumbledore's office.
"Dumbledore is making plans." Phineus shook his head. "He wants control over that boy and
he wants it badly. He is also trying to figure out what to do about his brother and Severus. He
doesn't like the idea that Harry has the power."

"Severus is aware and we have handled it. There is a lot he doesn't know and we are going to
keep him in the dark about it. Our main focus needs to be that boy in the bedroom. The
damage done to him by his mother I am not sure we can get him to understand what he had
been doing is wrong." Sirius could still hear the brat throwing things in the bedroom. He had
stopped screaming, finally.

"If you wish, I can aid by providing information." Phineus couldn't stand Dumbledore. He
never cared for how the man treated anyone who wasn't in Gryffindor. "I won't be able to
share Hogwarts information but I can provide anything regarding the Potters or anything
Dumbledore might plan regarding anything to do with him."

"We need all the help we can get. Dumbledore has a lot of power and he wants to control the
boys for some reason." Sirius felt it was more than just about the prophecy or a forthcoming
war Dumbledore believed would happen. He wished he had asked more questions about the
prophecy and why Dumbledore forced them into hiding in Godric's Hollow. It was weird that
Dumbledore selected a home near his house. It was a situation that Severus, Remus, and he
had discussed numerous times.

"Sirius, Dumbledore is heading to the apparition point. He is coming here." Phineus warned
as he spoke over a second cousin. "I do apologize, cousin."

Sirius groaned. "I just got rid of him it seems." Sirius headed downstairs. He needed to find a
way to prevent Dumbledore from coming several times a day. Sirius sat in the smaller sitting
room as Kreacher escorted Dumbledore into the room. "Tea, please, Kreacher." Kreacher
seemed to have changed since he talked to his mother as Kreacher willingly went to get tea
without mumbling or grumbling.

Dumbledore had attempted for over an hour to have Sirius turn custody over to him. When
that plan failed, he wanted to set up a training schedule for the brat. Sirius flatly informed
Dumbledore that for the month, at least, Jamie would not be attending Hogwarts. He wanted
the boy to learn the world didn't revolve around him and to face the consequences of his
actions. Sirius had already spoken to Minerva about getting the lessons sent nightly to him.
Dumbledore even suggested having Mad-Eye train the brat since the old Auror would not
tolerate any antics from Jamie. However, Sirius didn't see that ending very well. Mad-Eye
would be cursing the brat every second.

"No, Albus, no. Jamie will remain here. He needs help not more training. He needs guidance
to accept the realities of life and not have everything handed to him." Sirius felt his headache
returning and turning into a migraine.

"Sirius, it's vital. He needs to be ready. His mother also needs to be found and I am sure we
can -"

"NO! She killed James. I am not going to help you provide a way to get her off. She
murdered him and if I wasn't concerned for Jamie, I would be out on the manhunt for her."
Sirius was wishing he could curse Dumbledore. The man was so blinded by his greater good
and doing anything to see it done.

"Sirius, you do not know everything but he is needed." Dumbledore tried to get Sirius to see
the truth by using his twinkling eyes. "Jamie has a vital part to play. A part that only he can

Sirius wanted to close his eyes as Dumbledore rehashed everything they just covered. "Are
you finished?" Dumbledore looked a bit shocked. "I am not going to change my mind. Jamie
needs help and guidance, not more training. The boy is one or two accidental pushes the
wrong way from killing someone. Lily has him so filled with self-importance that he can't
think beyond his wants. He needs someone to hold him accountable and teach him as well as
love him. Now, I am going to ask you to leave. I do need to check on him. It has been a very
trying day for everyone."

"Sirius, we must discuss this."

"We have and it's done. I am not going to change my mind." Sirius stood up. "I took a holiday
from work to be here for him and I will make sure Jamie realizes I am here for him."
Dumbledore had no choice but to stand up and leave. Sirius waited until he heard the front
door close before summoning Kreacher for a headache potion.

"Master will be needing a lot of them if he keeps returning." Kreacher handed the potion to

"I fear you are correct." Sirius drank the potion. "How is Jamie doing?"

"The brat has stopped throwing things and trying to escape. He was sleeping when I last

"I believe I will take a short nap too." Sirius headed up to his room and as he walked he
realized he needed to start thinking about revamping the house if he was going to be spending
more time here since Jamie would be living in the house too. It was time to turn it into a
Chapter 19

Sirius groaned as he woke up. Today was the first full day of having custody of the Brat-
Who-Lived. He was going to start with a physical workout for the brat before breakfast. He
was expecting a fight regarding getting out of bed as well as everything else. However, he
was going to use some pranks and other methods he learned from his mother to get the brat to

Kreacher appeared in his room as soon as his feet touched the floor. "The brat destroyed his
room during the night."

Sirius wasn't surprised. "He is asleep?"


Sirius smiled. "Kreacher, wake him up the way you used to wake me."

Kreacher smiled as he popped away. Sirius waited for the screams. He laughed as he heard
the outrage at being dropped into a cold tub of water. Kreacher would keep the brat there
until he washed up. Kreacher would make sure the water warmed up slowly as the boy
obeyed. He could hear the splashes as Kreacher returned the brat to the tub. Sirius got up and
get ready for the day.

Sirius was in the kitchen when a sulking Jamie appeared in the kitchen. He placed a bowl of
plain porridge with some toast in front of Jamie. "Eat."

"I want eggs, bacon, sausage, and a glass of chocolate milk," Jamie demanded.

"How does it feel to want?" Sirius sat down with his porridge that had slices of strawberries
in it. He had a cup of tea appear in front of him. "Thank you, Kreacher." His mother would be
proud he finally learned to be kind to Kreacher.

"Pretty damn good." Jamie glared at Sirius. "Now, where is my breakfast?"

"In front of your face." Sirius started to eat. "Hurry up, if you don't finish before I do, you
won't get to finish. You have until I am finished. After I am finished, you will wash the
dishes, clean up the kitchen, and then you have classwork you will need to finish. If we have
time, some training will be done." Sirius wasn't going to mention it would be physical
training. "Lunch, after lunch, you will clean up the kitchen including washing the dishes."

"I am not a house elf. Do it yourself or get that deranged elf to do it." Jamie pushed the bowl
away from himself. The bowl skidded across the table and landed on the floor.

Sirius looked at the mess. "Have fun cleaning it up." He continued eating. He knew it was
going to be a battle of wills and he was ready for it. His mother had explained that he
shouldn't react as the brat wanted him to react and to keep calm. He finished his meal.
Kreacher appeared. "Yes, Master?"

Sirius covered his shock. "Watch him. If he tries to escape from doing his chores, I am sure
you can show him the error of his ways." He remembered how Kreacher got him to do
chores. Jamie was going to learn house elves have their idea regarding punishments for
wizards who didn't obey. Kreacher's favorite was to keep him or Regulus immobilized until
they agreed to do the work. "If he talks back, you know what to do."

"Yes, Kreacher does."

Sirius hoped Jamie liked the taste of soap. Sirius headed to the library to read some parenting
books. He was aware that Severus and Remus were working with Madam Bones. Harry was
also going to be involved since they were hoping some family magic might help locate the
woman. Sirius was wondering when Lily Potter turned so evil.


James nudged Sirius. "I am going to marry her."

"How about you learn her name?" Sirius grinned at his friend and cousin. They were standing
with the other first years waiting for the sorting to start. They had already made friends with
Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Frank Longbottom was standing next to them.

"Only James would pick someone on the first day." Frank laughed but he was staring at Alice
Fortescue. He waved at her. She waved back.

"Yeah, he is the only one." Sirius grinned. He had seen Frank staring at Alice. "I am going to
remain single forever." James and Frank exchanged a look. "I am."

New memory:

"Why is she hanging out with Snivillus?" Sirius noticed James glaring at Snape.

"They grew up together," Remus answered. "Snape was the one to tell her she was a witch."

James glared at Snape before looking at Sirius. Sirius nodded. Pranks were going to become
part of Snape's life.

New memory:

James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter were staring at their updated version of Hogwart's map. They
grinned as James pointed to Lily in Gryffindor. "She is proofreading my essays."

"Show off." Sirus grinned.

"Jealous much?" James laughed.

"Nope, not getting married, remember?" Sirius stuck his tongue out.

Lily was laughing as they set off some pranks on some Hufflepuffs. James nudged Sirius.
"See, I told you she would like it."

"It's not right," Remus muttered. "Pranks should be fun, not cruel." It took them a few days to
get Remus out of his funk. They agreed to not prank Hufflepuffs in the same manner again.


Sirius was watching as James and Lily were giggling together. Lily threw her hair over her
shoulder. Sirius groaned at the memory. It was such a girl move. He watched as Lily started
to ask James more questions about his family. They had already discussed what his parents
did for a living. Sirius groaned as realized she had asked him and several others the same
questions. The Potters and Blacks were rich, rich, as in never having to work for several
generations rich if they didn't desire it. After that had come questions regarding their family

Sirius was never one for being quiet regarding how dark his family was but James was the
only boy in Gryffindor who was an only child of two only children who had money and a
title. He wanted to smack his head as he reviewed many of the memories of the group talking
about their lives.

Sirius finally got to their fifth year and his agreement with James to prank Snape as a way to
get Lily and Snape separated. He hated seeing this memory and the one that followed it. He
was thankful Severus forgave him. Now he was looking at the pranks in a different light and
more aware of what Lily was truly like. Lily was just better at covering her greed and
selfishness. Petunia was more honest about it.

The fact that Lily never forgave Severus for what he said because of their cruel prank should
have shown him her true character. They had been friends since they were seven. Severus had
been the one to tell her she was a witch. It was a bit funny in his mind how he divided Snape
and Severus and he was doing it with Lily except where there was a divide when she crossed
the line on that fateful night.

Everyone always believed she was so sweet, kind, and smart until the truth was revealed.
Once the truth was revealed many of the shop owners came forward with the truth about the
Potters. Sirius had been a bit shocked at what he had missed over the years. Yes, he was
aware of Lily's attitude regarding being famous and how she raised her son but he had never
realized how rude and cruel she had been. How she had disgarded her friends so quickly.

Sirius was falling into a bit of a depression when Kreacher appeared in the room. "The Brat-
Who-Lived finally finished the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. I put him in the training room
in a body bind, Master." Kreacher disappeared.

Sirius was aware of how much Kreacher must hate the boy if he left him in a body bind. He
cast a quick tempus. It had taken the brat three hours to wash the dishes and clean the
kitchen. He hoped the brat would do the physical training before lunch. Perhaps he would
bribe the brat with something he desired for lunch if he did what he was told. It might work
since the brat didn't eat breakfast.
Sirius stood up and headed downstairs. He would send a message to Remus later regarding
the results of the ideas and see if Severus and Remus might have some ideas on what to do to
help reform the brat.
Chapter 20

Sirius was ready to kill Dumbledore. Sirius had been dealing with the Brat-Who-Lived and
Dumbledore. Severus had listened to Dumbledore's rants regarding Sirius and his lack of
obeying Dumbledore. Kreacher had been keeping the brat in line. After a month of trying to
push Kreacher and Sirius, the Brat was beginning to change is somewhat reluctantly. Remus
was trying to keep Dumbledore away from everyone. Minerva was running the school while
Dumbledore was playing his games. Sirius had hoped to sneak into Hogwarts to see Severus
and Remus but Dumbledore must have been alerted because the man was in Remus' quarters
to speak to Sirius.

Harry sighed deeply as he watched Dumbledore attempt to get Sirius to agree to bring his
brother back to Hogwarts and start training. Sirius was refusing to budge and had only come
to Hogwarts to get his brother's assignments and see Remus. Harry wondered when his father
and Remus would arrive. Dumbledore did this ambush in the hopes of speaking to Sirius
without Severus and Remus. Dumbledore believed that Sirius would be the pushover. "No,
Albus. Why can't you and Jamie understand the concept of no."

"Sirius, it is vital he trains." Dumbledore was looking his age. The Ministry was working
with the Americans to locate Lily despite Dumbledore's interference. Dumbledore was still
attempting to get Severus to assign the seats to him. He also wanted to know what was in the
envelopes Severus was given at Gringotts. Severus refused to provide any type of

"I told you his mental well-being comes first." Sirius wanted to wrap his hands around the old
fool's neck. Sirius had forced Jamie to see a mind healer three times a week. Jamie wasn't
happy and Kreacher had bound the Brat forcing him to attend the session in the sitting room
at Grimmauld Place. The mind healer wasn't sure how long it would take for the Brat to
realize what his mother had done to him. It would be a long process.

"The mind healer can see him here." Dumbledore pleaded.

Severus and Remus entered Remus' quarters. Harry had been attempting to study with the
hope of Remus helping him with his DADA project. Harry raised an eyebrow at his father's
unasked question. Severus and Remus looked resigned. "I said no Albus and if you keep it
up, I will not come back to Hogwarts until Jamie is able to act accordingly. When we return,
he will not be permitted to escape any penalty for his actions."

"Albus, you are aware there are conditions to the boy returning to the Potter family. Let Sirius
do the duty James assigned to him." Remus was tired. Dumbledore's fits were getting worse.
He wasn't sure how much longer the man would hold his position if he kept up his actions.
Many were getting frustrated and annoyed.

"Albus, Minerva was looking for you. You know there are a lot of reports and other issues
regarding Hogwarts you need to address." Severus headed to the fireplace. He was going to
floo call Minerva and have her deal with Dumbledore. "Shall I alert her to your presence here
instead of your office as you informed her you would be?"

"Severus, this is important."

Severus looked ready to curse the old fool. Sirius looked ready to explode. Remus stepped
between Sirius and Dumbledore. "Albus, we have already discussed this numerous times.
You need to force on Hogwarts, Sirius will continue to care for James. Let's get things back
on course. This rift you are creating will not help in the future."

"It is getting old." Harry muttered. He didn't look up from his book.

Severus wanted to rebuke his son but understood why Harry felt that way. Dumbledore had
been attempting to get Harry to agree to some form of training as well. Dumbledore was
hoping when the time Harry would help his brother to defeat the Dark Lord. "As much as I
wish Harry wasn't present for this conversation, again, I am in agreement with him."

Dumbledore was about to debate the issue when a Patronus charm entered Remus' quarters.
"Lily Potter has been located. She is being transported to the Ministry."

Dumbledore looked a bit pale. He didn't bother to say anything before he headed for the
fireplace and tossed in some floo powder. "British Ministry of Magic, Atrium." Dumbledore
disappeared into the green flames.

"Well, one way to get him to focus on something else." Harry was staring at the fireplace as
the green flames faded.

"It is now official, the shit just hit the fan." Sirius shook his head. "He is going to try and get
her off but it will keep him busy instead of focused on getting control over Jamie."

The next day:

Sirius woke up to Jamie screaming as Kreacher threw water on him to get him out of bed. A
normal morning was on the horizon. He had hoped by now that the Brat would have learned
to get up on time in the morning. Sirius got up and started his day. He was sure he was going
to hear about whatever happened at the Ministry at some point but he wasn't going to tell
Jamie as of yet.

Sirius headed downstairs. "He has soap in his mouth again." His mother was given Kreacher
and Sirius ways to help rein the brat in but the boy was as stubborn as his mother combined
with Lily and James' tempers. "He said some very unflattering things about Kreacher, myself,
and you."

"We might need to find another method. Dumbledore has been pushing more training and
driving everyone up the wall."

"When the time is right, I will be able to prove you with enough evidence to get the old fool
to back off. It wouldn't do you any good currently but trust me, the family has been very
Sirius was a bit surprised. "Thank you, mother.'

"You're welcome. I believe some etiquette lessons might be beneficial."

"He is starting them today. I already warned Kreacher." Sirius was sure that Kreacher was
going to enjoy the lessons.

Lady Black grinned. She remembered the lessons she had tried to instill into her son and how
Kreacher had decided he needed to assist. "I am sure it will be interesting." Sirius grinned
and headed down to the kitchen.

Harry's POV:

Harry was sick of Dumbledore. Dumbledore ruined his family, destroyed his brother's life,
almost destroyed his life, and got his biological father killed. Dumbledore was destroying his
family members. He could see the stress on his father's face as well as his Uncle Remus and
Uncle Sirius. Aunt Minnie was very stressed and it was showing.

The students were the only ones who were benefiting from Dumbledore being distracted by
the Ministry, his former mother's antics, and Dumbledore's desire to control his brother. Ron
Weasley was making friends and turning into a typical member of the Weasley family. His
grades had improved and his relationship with his brothers was stronger.

Hermione Granger learned to see that authority figures had flaws and started to pay attention
to what the staff was telling her regarding her assignments and hand-raising. She was forming
friends and seemed to be growing because of it. Dumbledore hadn't done her any favors with
the special treatment he had given to her and other Gryffindors.

The biggest change was the house divide was almost gone. Granted it was dying slowly
before but with the man out of Hogwarts so much, it had dramatically changed. Students
were helping each other regardless of what house they were in. Yes, there were still fights and
arguments as normal in any school. Harry was aware that the staff was working on presenting
changes they desired to the Board of Education since Dumbledore was distracted. Aunt
Minnie, Uncle Remus, and his father were responsible for uniting the staff in the desire to see
improvements in school, and the courses, and remove so much stress from the staff by hiring
assistant professors.


Harry lifted his head. "Dad? Any news?"

"No. I am sure we will hear soon." Severus walked across the room and sat down. Harry had
been hiding most of the day in his bedroom. He understood why after the morning newspaper
exposed that Lily had been captured. "Any problems?"

"No. I just didn't want to answer any questions. I am not worried about Lily. I am just a bit
confused by my feelings. I mean, I don't hate her but I certainly do not like her. I am finding
it very hard to like the Headmaster because of it as well."
Severus wasn't sure what to say. It wasn't like there was a book that talked about how to
handle these types of situations. He also wasn't great with feelings. Remus, Minerva, and
Poppy were the ones who taught him how to help Harry grow up. Severus had been so afraid
of turning into his father. Poppy was the one who told him that because he felt that way, it
was a good sign he wouldn't. "I understand. I was the one who told her she was a witch as
you know. I always thought her sister was nasty but if she had to deal with Lily growing up,
perhaps it was more for protection." Severus had wished he realized a lot sooner what type of
person Lily was. "As you know, your mother was beautiful. James fell in love as soon as he
saw her. Lily didn't show her true colors until after you were born. I believe she didn't show
her true personality until she was secure in her position as Mrs. Potter. When you were
younger, it hurt you when she ignored you, treated you awfully, and showered your brother
with love. After a year or so, you didn't even notice how she treated you because you had so
many showering you with attention and love. You never cared after the first Halloween with
me. You always smiled and laughed while ignoring her totally."

"I wish I had a simple answer for you. I wish I could say that everything will work out. It will
but it might take time. However, your emotions are your emotions. No two people handle the
same situation the same way. Look at how your brother is handling or not handling the
situation. All I or your uncles can do is provide you with love and support while providing
you with ears to listen to you." Severus pulled his son into his arms. "Love you and don't
forget it."

Harry smiled as he snuggled into his father. "You are turning into a puff."

"Bite your tongue, young man." Severus kissed the top of Harry's head. "How have your
classes going?"

"Good. A lot of the older students have been helping the younger years as well as assisting
some of the professors with minor things. Aunt Minnie has been so busy a lot of the upper
years have been handling her lions. Do you think the staff will get their assistants?"

Severus laughed. "Why am I not surprised you would know about it?"

"I think they are so used to me being around they don't remember I am a student." Harry
didn't move. "Dad, why is Dumbledore so focused on training Jamie?"

Severus had been dreading the day his son would ask that question. "You know about your
past. You are also aware that the Dark Lord isn't completely gone. Dumbledore has this
theory that your brother is the only one who is able to defeat him if or when he returns. You
are also aware we are working on preventing it from happening. I do not want you to worry
about this. We are working on it. I wish I could promise that Dumbledore won't try and gain
control over your brother." Dumbledore would be dead if he went after his son. He knew
plenty of potions that were untraceable and given the man's age, the stress he was under, and
other factors, Dumbledore dying in his sleep wouldn't be hard to imagine. He was sure he
would have to make sure Remus and Sirius didn't beat him to killing the old fool first.

"No killing Dad." Harry warned before he got off of his father's lap. "Remember blood is
hard to get out of clothes."
"Not true, I keep telling you how to do it but never wear white. Darker colors are better."
Severus grinned at his son. It was a standing joke. "Go, monster."

Several hours later:

Severus was staring at the flames under the cauldron. He still hadn't started a potion. He
heard the floo going off and turned off the flame under the cauldron. He exited his lab. He
was a bit surprised to see Madam Bones in the flames. "Amelia?"

"Severus, I just wanted to call and give you a warning. Lily arrived this morning from
America. She was given truth serum. It wasn't a pleasant interview. Albus is under arrest and
will be interviewed tomorrow. I can't get into too much detail currently but I will need to
speak to you, Minerva, Remus, and Sirius. I will floo call them and alert them. I will let you
know when. I am hoping to keep this private. However, it is a big case and things will be
leaked out. I just want you and Sirius to prepare the boys."

Severus wondered what Dumbledore did. "Thank you, I will speak to Harry in the morning."

"I will alert you as soon as possible."

Severus heard a voice calling for Madam Bones and the woman disappeared from the flames.
He wondered what Lily had admitted to under truth serum. He was very aware it wouldn't be
good information. His concern rose regarding Harry. His son didn't need to discover any
more tampering by Dumbledore in his life.
Chapter 21

Severus, Remus, and Sirius were sitting in Madam Bones' office. The news about the arrest
of Lily Potter made the front page of the Daily Prophet but there wasn't anything about
Dumbledore or what happened. It would only be a matter of time before it was released
because there were too many people who were aware of the situation and plenty of them
wanted to see Dumbledore and Lily Potter sent to Azkaban, especially in the Auror

"I know we aren't going to like what we hear." Sirius was concerned about how Jamie and
Harry would take the news. Kreacher was watching the Brat-Who-Lived. The boy had a mind
healer appointment in an hour and he didn't think he was going to make it. Thankfully, the
mind healer came to the house.

"I am sure we won't. There would be no other reason for us to be here." The ever-practical
Remus was trying not to fidget in his seat. He was always nervous when he entered the
Ministry because of the creature restrictions.

Severus had already thought of several different things that this could be about. After all,
Dumbledore had no reason to hide his true colors with his spy who he believed was under his
thumb. Dumbledore still gave him the crappiest of jobs because he adopted Harry. The
secretary arrived to give them tea. "She will be here in a few minutes. The Minister stopped
her but she was already reminding him of her meeting with you."

"Thank you, Phyllis." Sirius smiled at the petite blond woman.

Ten min later:

Madam Bones opened her door, closed it, and added some privacy charms. "Sorry for the
delay and the wards but I have a feeling Cornelius will keep interrupting us if I don't have
them up." Madam Bones sighed deeply. "What I am going to share with you will not remain a
secret forever but we are hoping to keep most of it from being released to stop anyone from
panicking. As you know we used truth serum on Lily Potter. The results also provided us
with the ability to do so with Albus as well as using a runic charm to make sure he didn't
have anything to counter the effects of the potion. This will not be easy to hear."

Severus' gut filled with dread. What had Dumbledore done? What had Lily done? "Do we
need to take a vow or oath?"

"No. The information will need to be told to Harry and Jamie, eventually." Madam Bones
pulled some files close to her. "I will start with what we learned from Lily which lead to
Dumbledore's arrest." Madam Bones kept her face from showing how upsetting the
information she learned was. "Under truth serum, we learned that the prophecy was faked.
Lily had been working with Dumbledore well before she attended Hogwarts including her
meeting you, Severus. They needed Lily to be viewed as a muggle-born and since you were
the closest wizard to where they resided, it was decided. I will explain more in a second
regarding that connection. The prophecy was designed to give Dumbledore another Dark
Lord victory with Lily stepping into the role of Dumbledore in the future. Granted those
plans were made before Harry and Jamie were born. Well, everything started when Albus
was a teen." She pulled out some parchment and letters. "It started the summer of 1899 when
Albus Dumbledore meet a visiting grand-nephew of his neighbor. The grand-nephew was
Giller Grindelwald."

Madam Bones pushed two signed statements. They looked at saw the statements from
Aberforth Dumbledore and Bathilda Bagshot. They read through the statements. "The greater
good was used between the two of them for dominating the muggles?" Sirius couldn't believe
what he was reading. "It is why he wanted the Potters in Godric's Hollow too?"

"Yes. The Dumbledore family wasn't rich but after he became famous, he got a lot of
property donated to him. The house was next to his and he had wards connected to each of
the houses. There is something else you need to know. Lily Evans is the granddaughter of
Grindelwald and Dumbledore. The Evans family was hiding in the muggle world because the
followers of Grindelwald were looking for them and Dumbledore couldn't claim them
because the defeat would be tarnished. Her mother was a product of Grindelwald's
experiments. According to what we were told, Henry and Rose Evans were wizards that were
raised by Grindelwald before the duel. To give more credit to Dumbledore and move forward
with their plans, Grindelwald and Dumbledore arranged the duel. They moved the Evans into
hiding about a year before the duel. Originally, they planned on using Tom Riddle to do the
deed but he didn't follow Dumbledore's plans. So Dumbledore had to do it. It worked out
better as you are aware."

Severus was feeling sick at what he was learning. His life was staged by Dumbledore. "What
about Petunia? She is Lily's older sister."

"We learned that she was also a product of Grindelwald's experiments but she wasn't magical.
They placed her with the Evans family in the hopes of making the family more acceptable to
the muggles. Lily was an accident from one of the experiments that Grindelwald continued
while in his prison. When Lily started at Hogwarts, the Marauders were formed with the help
of James being placed under compulsions. Lily wanted a title, Dumbledore wanted a way to
fund the upcoming war he wanted to stop Tom Riddle from taking what he viewed as his."

"Who is Tom Riddle?" Remus wondered why the name sounded familiar.

Madam Bones slide a piece of paper toward them. "His full name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. I
am Lord Voldemort is created from the name. I should mention that he was just as much of a
victim as everyone else. Dumbledore was aware of who he was the minute he spoke to the
head matron of the orphanage. The matron mentioned speaking to snakes which is only a
Slytherin trait. Dumbledore believed young Tom was the perfect person to guide into
becoming the one to defeat Grindelwald. The boy was abused at the orphanage which
Dumbledore was aware of. He encouraged Tom's desire for power by setting the boy's
possessions on fire. Dumbledore said he wanted to teach the boy to go for power and teach
him that power was everything. Once at Hogwarts, he pushed the idea as well."

"He created the Dark Lord, he caused I am not sure how many deaths with his plans, and I
have a feeling there is more you are going to tell us." Sirius didn't think his world could get
more turned around.
"Yes, for control. Any time he started to lose power, he did something. Never has there been
one man who controls our education, our international laws and policies, or our domestic
laws and policies. Any time anyone questioned him, they were quickly painted in a bad light.
If they were sorted into Slytherin, they didn't stand a chance unless they had some money
behind their names. He did it because he was aware that he couldn't control the Slytherins as
easily as he could the other houses. He was also aware that he couldn't be seen as the one
who defeats any problem that arose but he could be linked to the issues without causing
people to become suspicious. After all, how many times have we heard people say, oh, well,

"They excuse anything illegal as well. When he wanted to place Harry with the muggles,
everyone was willing to do it except for James and us. James was thrilled when Severus
agreed to adopt him. However, no one batted an eyelash when Severus adopted Harry simply
because Dumbledore explained it." Remus felt a bit sick. "Like in our fifth year."

"I am aware of what happened. Lily explained it was a way to push Severus into isolation,
driving him closer to those in Slytherin, and giving her a way to break the friendship off at
the same time while making Sirius, Remus, and James indebted to him while also showing
Severus that no one would support him but those in Slytherin who would agree to the
unfairness of it all."

"He used guilt a lot. He told me that no one would believe a half-blood over two purebloods."

"As I was meant to. I learned that he had keywords that he used with everyone he needed to
control. Mad-Eye, for example, he used words like protect or dark. Lily was used for you
Severus, at first, then it changed to Harry. Sirius, he would speak about how dark your family
was. Remus, it was anything to make you afraid of your wolf. I am going to recommend you
speak to some well-adjusted werewolves as your transformation wouldn't and shouldn't be as
painful if you accept your wolf. Dumbledore was very upset when Severus created the
Wolfbanes potion. He had counted on your death during the last war and was hoping to use it
as a way to recruit more wolves to his side without promising them anything. According to
Lily, you were to be the babysitter that night."

"As horrible as this sounds, there is much more isn't there?" Severus' gut was telling them
there was a lot more.

"Yes, this part will not be released but it is important. According to Dumbledore, Tom Riddle
made several Horcruxes. We are in the process of attempting to locate the wraith form of the
man as well as the Horcruxes. Dumbledore has indicated Quirrell is being possessed by the
wraith and we are looking at how to obtain Quirrell without causing his death and at the same
time contain Tom Riddle. We aren't sure how the fake prophecy will be affected since
Dumbledore and Lily turned it into a reality that night. Several members of the DoM have
theorized that Dumbledore is Magic's Dark Lord and how it might be interrupted. James did
defy Dumbledore but we aren't sure of the exact number. We are also aren't sure if Harry or
Jamie will play a part in it."

Sirius looked at Remus and Severus. They nodded their heads. "I think we can help with that
issue. James left us a journal. It covered the last decade. It talked about what he heard, what
he saw, and a lot of stuff he kept hidden. I know Harry mentioned there was a letter James
wrote to him. There was also a vault mentioned as well." Sirius wanted to do whatever he
could to protect Harry and Jamie. "I think Lily had a vault at Gringotts as well."

"There are two. One contains memories and the second one contains things he left for the
boys. It might help to review the stuff." Severus hadn't entered the vaults. Harry had gone to
Gringotts to gain control over the vaults but he hadn't been ready to watch the memories or
enter the second vault.

"Lily did have a vault. Gringotts is in the process of accessing the vault and will forward
anything they discover. We were able to serve them the paperwork this morning. Currently,
Dumbledore and Lily are being housed on a secure floor separate from the rest of the
prisoners. There are still pending charges we might wish to charge them with once everything
is processed." Madam Bones closed her eyes for several seconds. "There are a lot of
problems their arrests have caused. Lily was a given since she did murder her husband.
However, Dumbledore and his actions have long-term consequences we will be cleaning up
for a while. Every single law, every single petition to the Board of Education, every single
item submitted to the ICW, and everyone at Hogwarts and the Ministry will be required to go
to Gringotts for testing." Madam Bones pulled out several scrolls. She gave each of them one
after looking at the tags attached. "On those scrolls are the potions and compulsions Lily and
Dumbledore admitted to using. Molly Weasley was arrested this morning for her part in
brewing the potions and being part of their plans. We aren't sure exactly how much the
woman knows and will be using truth serum. While they admitted to using her, they didn't
include her in their plans fully."

"What are the plans of the Dark Lord and his followers?" Severus wasn't worried about
himself. He had been cleared when Dumbledore declared him a spy. "Wait, my spying?"

"Was declared legal and no charges will be pressed. Any charges that would have been
applied were dismissed at his confession of using potions and compulsions for you to join
Tom and Lily's confession about the break-up of your friendship. I did speak to the
Unspeakables regarding the situation, they would love to speak to you about the mark. They
believe they might have a way to remove it, especially if they can locate another parselmouth.
They have some feelers out to Asia in the hopes of locating one."

Severus glanced at Sirius. Sirius nodded. "Harry is one."

"I wasn't sure. Dumbledore mentioned that he believed Jamie was but wasn't sure. He wasn't
sure who defeated Tom that night as he started to doubt Lily's version of events after the will
reading. Would it be acceptable for me to set up a time to speak to one of the Unspeakables
on the team? Our goal is to get the marks removed as quickly as possible so if he does
manage to return, we don't have to worry about people returning to him because they are

"Amelia, this is a lot to process and I am sure there is more that we are missing to do the vast
amount of information we don't have. Do you think we could have the day to process this? I
am aware the paper will release some information tonight but-" Sirius wanted to speak to his
family. There was more information he had a feeling they were missing. "There seems to be a
lot of gaps in some areas."
"Yes, there are. Most of the gap areas were times when he was getting people into place. He
started recruiting his supporters during his time as a professor. He started to move into the
political side when he and Grindelwald realized they couldn't hide the crimes Grindelwald
had done especially after Grindelwald was linked to Hitler. After Grindelwald was arrested,
his experiments didn't stop. We have asked the ICW for support in this matter. I am sure we
will get more information after they speak to him with the use of truth serum. We will also be
reviewing the memories in the pensive in Dumbledore's office. According to Lily,
Dumbledore placed anything he didn't want to remember into a memory vial as well as
information about people. He specialized in interviewing people about his future pawns as a
way to gain control. We are hoping to see who we might have missed or who might be a
hidden danger."

"What do you plan on doing if you can't catch Quirrell?" Severus didn't want to think of the
danger the students might be in because Dumbledore let a possessed professor into the
school. "What about the wards? The students?"

"The wards will be checked this week by Gringotts. As for Quirrell, we are hoping to be able
to get him out of the school and catch him at that time. According to what we learned, he has
been visiting the Forbidden Forest. We will be posting some Hit Wizards in the school as the
new assistants."

"Something we have been asking for." Severus didn't think that should alarm the Dark Lord.
"It has been something we have been discussing recently as well."

"Excellent. Sirius, you are still keeping Jamie at your house?"

"Yes, Amelia. I haven't been to Hogwarts in a few days. So it won't alert Tom." Sirius was
glad that Jamie was a brat. It kept the boy out of danger. He was worried about Harry. "He
might know Harry-"

"Yes, he might but he will also feel safer since I have adopted him. He hasn't approached me
beyond speaking at meals." Severus would kill Quirrell if he felt his son was in danger. "I
could always provide a sleeping potion or something to immobilize him."

"I will speak to you when we are ready to head in." Madam Bones looked at the mess on her
desk. "Most of what we have is based on truth serum and runes. I am aware that many will be
destroyed by the truth about Dumbledore. I am hoping if we can provide a united front,
between Hogwarts, the Ministry, and Gringotts, we will survive. I should warn you that
Minerva might not remain Deputy or become Headmaster based on her actions over the
years. She wasn't mentioned as one being given potions or compulsions but we are aware that
she was his student. She is scheduled to be interviewed today with a full medical scan as
well. Sybill Trelawney is also under investigation. She was aware the prophecy was faked
and according to Lily did it so she could have a place to live. She had been living in
Knockturn Alley."

"Why aren't I surprised?" Remus closed his eyes. "Will you be able to determine everything
Albus did?"
"No, maybe not ever. As I stated, the truth serum provided us with the basics but I have a
feeling it would take a month of us using it, and even if we spread the time out with his
removal of memories, his age, and the effect the potion has, he might not live long enough
for us to get everything fully. While Lily knew a lot of the plans, she wasn't included in most
of the major planning. It was one of the reasons he didn't want her caught. The only reason
why she was caught was that she couldn't access the Potter vaults in America and was hoping
to sneak into Diagon Alley and get funds and be gone before anyone noticed. We did find a
letter for Jamie on her. She had planned on stealing him but the owl kept returning it to her."

"I have my house charmed against any mail from her." Sirius was thankful he did. "She
doesn't know the truth about her mixing the boys up?"

"No. She was hoping Jamie would help her gain access to the vaults and they could start a
new life in America or someplace else. She wanted to find an unplottable property."

"Why did they pick James?" Remus wondered.

"He was the only child of two only children who were elderly. Dumbledore felt they wouldn't
be around to stop his plans."

"Talk about a conniving piece of work." Sirius wasn't sure who was worse. "My family might
have more information on Dumbledore. I do know that Phineas Black, the former
headmaster, informed me that the former headmaster/mistresses couldn't provide information
regarding Hogwarts but they could provide other information. You might want to see what
they might have to say."

"We will. I will add it to the list. I know I threw a lot of information at you without a lot of
filling in the blanks and we will as soon as we can. I just wanted you to have what we know
and help prepare the staff, students, and the boys for what might be released. Nothing about
Quirrell or the Horcruxes will be released. The Horcrux information is sealed so no nosy
reporters will be able to locate it."

Severus felt the tension ease out of him a bit at that news. Quirrell might react violently if he
felt threatened. "When will you have more information about the mark? Shall I speak to
Harry about it so that the Unspeakables will be able to get his aid?"

"I will ask them and have the one in charge of the project speak directly to you."

"Thank you." Severus wanted the mark off of his arm and he was aware of many others who
did too. "I can provide you with a willing list of people who would want it removed and who
might be true Death Eaters."

"I am sure you can discuss that with the Unspeakables." Madam Bones groaned as an alarm
sounded. "Sorry, that was my alarm for my next meeting. I am sorry to rush you out but it is
with some members of the ICW. I will arrange a time to visit you as soon as I have more

"We understand, Amelia. It will also give us time to discuss and process everything." Remus
stood up. Severus and Sirius followed suit. They quickly left Madam Bones' office once she
removed the wards and they exited the Ministry. They had a lot to discuss before speaking to
the boys.
Chapter 22

Severus was staring at the fire. He had finished reading the journal that James had left
behind. Sirius and Remus had read it a few times. Sirius and Remus had sent a copy to
Madam Bones and Minerva. They were hoping it might lead to more evidence. Severus
wasn't very helpful since most of it was things James only partially heard or his notes after
recovering from a drinking binge. James did write down his questions and even what he
believed might be Dumbledore's plans but without evidence. Sigh, evidence was getting
harder and harder to locate.

After learning what Dumbledore and Lily had been doing for decades, the journal made more
sense but also awakened so many emotions and brought forth a lot of questions. James didn't
mention collecting any evidence he had gathered but he did provide a lot of insight. James
had begun to question Lily's motives almost as soon as they were married.

Severus wondered if James had been under some of the potions that Lily had brewed or
perhaps some compulsions. Dumbledore was becoming famous in the DMLE for his use of
compulsions on people. Madam Bones had to arrange for several of her Aurors to be purged
before the Ministry finally agreed to permit a full scan of every employee or elected official.
It had been done quietly by the DoM but Rita had released several minor bites of

Severus had spent the last two days reviewing his memories of Lily from when he first met
her until the day he uttered the hateful word to her. Severus had been gutted that day after he
realized what he had done. Now, he felt gutted realizing it was a setup and his life was a lie.
Everything Dumbledore did regarding Severus' life was designed to have Severus become a
Death Eater, turn a traitor against the Dark Lord, and become a spy for Dumbledore. A spy
for when the Dark Lord returned. Harry entering his life changed everything. He was grateful
for Harry entering his life.

Severus glanced at the closed door that led to Harry's room. Harry was the one person that
Dumbledore and Lily hadn't counted on. Harry entering into Severus' life changed the pattern
of Severus' life. Severus had read how Dumbledore expected Severus to turn into a cruel,
hard, and biddable weapon for his use and a way to get Harry to turn to Dumbledore.
According to James' notes, if only Harry had survived, Severus would have been the one who
would be used to keep the boy from getting a big head due to fame if Dumbledore's plan
worked. Dumbledore wanted Harry as a weapon. Lily giving birth to twins changed the plans
but only slightly. Dumbledore was willing to send Harry to the muggles but raised as cannon
fodder. Someone to toss in front of the Dark Lord until Jamie was ready.

Dumbledore's plans involved placing Harry at the muggles to be abused and kept submissive.
Dumbledore wanted to be viewed as Harry's savior. There were to be yearly tests until
Dumbledore felt the boy would be able to handle meeting the Dark Lord. Harry was meant to
be kept isolated and dependent on Dumbledore. A weapon to die when the time was right
thus paving the way for Dumbledore to kill a Dark Lord and obtain more glory.
Lily was willing to toss her son away and willing to follow Dumbledore's plans for money
and fame. James felt that Dumbledore didn't care if the twins didn't survive. Dumbledore
didn't care as long as he kept power. Dumbledore wasn't above using whoever or whatever
was necessary to keep power. Dumbledore didn't care who was killed, who he ruined, or how
it was done as long as he was in charge. Lily was just a means to an end and James and Harry
had been the unwilling factor in Dumbledore's plans.

James mentioned the vaults but they hadn't had time to visit them as of yet due to the ongoing
problems. Severus wasn't sure if there would be more information but he wasn't counting on
evidence that would be submittable to Madam Bones. Madam Bones and the DoM were still
searching through everything and had countless sessions with truth serum with Lily and

Severus was still puzzled about how willing Molly was to brew potions and do anything for
Dumbledore. Molly was a stupider version of Granger. Molly wasn't charged with anything
beyond brewing some illegal potions but given who ordered them, she believed that they
were legal. Madam Bones didn't charge Molly with any crimes. Molly worshipped the man
and did whatever the man desired and her disappointment and shock were more than enough

Severus was thankful that Granger had her eyes opened as well as many other Gryffindors.
There were, of course, those who firmly believed the old fool but the full truth hadn't been
revealed as of yet. Severus sighed. He wasn't sure what exactly was going to happen but he
believed it was coming to a close.

Quirrell had been captured in Hogsmeade. The wraith form of the Dark Lord was being held
at the Ministry in the DoM department. They were searching for the Horcruxes. The goblins
and the Ministry were working together which was a scary fact. The wraith was contained but
the issue arose with what exactly to do with the Dark Lord once he was returned given the
evidence they had of Dumbledore's interference and deceit. The Horcrux in Harry was an
issue an ongoing research issue.

Dumbledore was still pushing for the return of the Dark Lord and wouldn't mention anything
beyond what was given with truth serums. Minerva had turned over the pensive memories
that were stored in the Headmaster's pensive hoping for answers. Dumbledore had removed a
lot of his memories and several items were hidden under vows. Madam Bones was waiting to
hear from the Austria Ministry regarding speaking to Grindelwald. They were hoping for
more answers.

Severus was also aware of Sirius and Remus working with Jamie. The boy had James and
Lily's stubbornness. The mind healer was seeing a slow progress but Sirius didn't want Jamie
returning to Hogwarts. Jamie still believed his mother and Dumbledore would save him.
Jamie still believed that because he was the Boy-Who-Lived he could do as he pleased.

Severus wasn't sure what he was to do regarding Dumbledore and his plans. The Ministry
was in turmoil. Madam Bones was attempting to weed out the corruption and discovering
more and more as she dug deeper. Many supported Dumbledore, some the Ministry, and
others, the Dark Lord. Most of them were battling among themselves to protect their families
and wealth. Lucius was laughing himself into a position of gaining more power since he had
already been found innocent of being a Death Eater and was working with Madam Bones to
clean up the Ministry.

Severus heard the door to Harry's room open. He didn't glance at his son as he heard him
walk toward him. He wrapped his arms around his son as he climbed into his lap. "Rough

"Yes." Harry leaned into Severus. "Dad, do you think everything will be fine?"

"Yes, in time. Your mother and Dumbledore will answer for their crimes. We may not be
aware of all of their crimes but they will pay. Your brother will be safe and protected. I am
not sure what will happen regarding politics, Dumbledore, Lily, the Ministry, or even
Hogwarts. However, I can guarantee you will be safe and nothing will happen to you."

"I heard something today. I am not sure how true it is but I guess Lily must have been
speaking with Ron Weasley and Jamie hiding in a closet or something. Ron mentioned that
they heard Lily speaking to Dumbledore about paying back the Potter and Black family for
whatever they did when he was younger."

Severus didn't say anything for several seconds. "Harry, did Ron mention anything else about
what he heard?"

"I did ask. He didn't remember much because they were about five or six he said but he did
mention talking to his father and seeing if perhaps someone might be able to take the
memory." Harry snuggled closer to his father. "It is about revenge, isn't it?"

"It sounds as if it is. We might not know and it will take a bit of time to sort things out but we
will." Severus tightened his hold on his son. "How are you feeling about everything? I know
we haven't spoken about the change in Dumbledore and his attitude toward you and your

"Dad, I remember thinking of him as a grandfather but over time, I found myself liking him
less and less especially when he turned a blind eye to what Jamie was doing and agreed with
blaming me. Dumbledore is more Gryffindor and while he may have used some Slythiner
tactics, he is still a Gryffindor."

Severus laughed. "True." Severus kissed the top of his son's head. "We need to go to the

"Yes, I know. I just am not sure I am ready to discover what else has been hidden."

Severus wasn't sure if he was ready to discover what else was hidden. He was aware one
vault would bring joy to his son as he would see the gifts James had left him. It was the other
information that Severus was concerned about. What other information would they discover?
What else was hidden by Lily and Dumbledore? Who was Lily beyond an experiment by
Grindelwald? Who else was a hidden asset from Grindelwald's experiments? So many
questions. "Dad, don't borrow tomorrow's worries."
"Don't quote my words back to me," Severus smirked at his son. "However, it's not
tomorrow's worries. I have many questions and am hoping to stop creating problems from
forming. Dumbledore may be in a holding cell but without evidence, it won't be for long."

"So this weekend, a trip to Gringotts?"

"Yes, I think it's time." Severus was going to make sure the two mutts would be coming with
them. He wasn't sure if Jamie would be up for a trip but it might provide some insight for the
brat if he did come. Jamie needed to discover the truth regarding his mother and Dumbledore
and what they meant to do.


Minerva finished reading the last entry in the journal James had left. Rage flowed through her
as thought about what Dumbledore had been willing to do. She felt so much guilt for what
she had permitted Dumbledore to do with her lions. Dumbledore had formed the Marauders
for a reason.

Minerva was going to have to gather her records regarding the Marauders. Dumbledore
wasn't great about keeping records but Hogwarts was. She was going to have the house elves
pull everything from the time the man entered Hogwarts as a student to when he became the
Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Minerva was also going to speak to Aberforth. Dumbledore kept the man close to him in
Hogsmeade for a reason and she wondered if the man was one of the many that Dumbledore
used his power to keep control over his brother. A brother that would know many secrets and
Dumbledore wouldn't want those secrets out.

Minerva was also going to have the elves pull the records of every student that Dumbledore
was still connected to. One hundred years' worth of records would hopefully provide leads
and some evidence for Dumbledore's crimes. She was also going to be speaking to anyone
old enough to remember when Dumbledore was a boy living in Godric's Hollow.

Dumbledore made a mistake when he decided to mess with her lions. Dumbledore forgot
what a lioness would do to protect her cubs. Dumbledore forgot that a lioness was the one
who hunted and provided for their cubs. It was time to remind the man how dangerous a
lioness was.
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