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Technical Note

Hip Manipulation Under Anesthesia for Post-Hip

Arthroscopy Pericapsular Scarring: Indications and
Natalie M. Gaio, M.D., Elizabeth H. G. Turner, M.D., and Andrea M. Spiker, M.D.

Abstract: Hip arthroscopy has become an increasingly common procedure with expanding indications over the last
several decades. With the increase in number of procedures performed a complication profile has emerged, although there
is yet to be a formal classification system for complications. The most cited complications include lateral femoral cutaneous
nerve neuropraxia, other sensory deficits, chondral or labral iatrogenic damage, superficial infection and deep vein
thrombosis. One complication that has not yet been well documented in the literature is pericapsular scarring/adhesions
resulting in decreased hip range of motion and function. If this complication is noted to persist after adequate impinge-
ment resection and a rigorous post-operative physical therapy regimen, the senior author has addressed this with a hip
manipulation under anesthesia. Therefore, this techniques paper aims to describe pericapsular scarring as a post hip-
arthroscopy condition which may cause pain and demonstrate our technique to address this diagnosis through hip
manipulation under anesthesia.

Introduction from 2007 to 2011.4,5 From 2011 to 2018, the incidence

of hip arthroscopy in patients with femoroacetabular
T he use of hip arthroscopy has continued to grow
over the past decades, in part, due to expanding
indications, improved techniques and instrumentation
impingement and labral pathology increased by 85%.6
The most recent numbers do show that the exponen-
and increased exposure of residents and fellows.1 tial growth may be plateauing at a now continued high
Common indications for hip arthroscopy include fem- rate.7 With an increasing number of hip arthroscopic
oroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAIS) from procedures performed comes an increase in the asso-
underlying cam and/or pincer morphology and labral ciated complications. Although there is no universal
pathology.2,3 The number of hip arthroscopic proced- grading scheme for complications related to hip
ures has been estimated to have increased more than arthroscopy surgery, the most commonly cited com-
600% from 2005 to 2010, with an increase of 250% plications include neuropraxia, iatrogenic labral or
chondral damage, inadequate resection resulting in
continued impingement versus overresection resulting
From the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Wiscon- in instability, heterotopic ossification and less
sindMadison, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A. (N.M.G., A.M.S.); and Depart- commonly, damage to the vasculature of the femoral
ment of Orthopedic Surgery, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. head resulting in avascular necrosis.5 A recent large
The authors report the following potential conflicts of interest or sources of
prospective multicenter study cited an overall compli-
funding: A.M.S. reports consulting fees from Stryker, outside the submitted cation rate of 8.3%, with the most common complica-
work. Full ICMJE author disclosure forms are available for this article online, tions noted to be lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
as supplementary material. neuropraxia, other sensory deficits, chondral or labral
Received November 19, 2022; revised manuscript received February 1, injury, superficial portal infection, deep vein throm-
2023; accepted February 14, 2023.
Address correspondence to Andrea M. Spiker, M.D., Department of Or-
bosis, heterotopic ossification, or femoral neck stress
thopedic Surgery, University of Wisconsin Madison, UW Health at The East fracture.8 Although these aforementioned complica-
Madison Hospital, 4602 Eastpark Blvd, Madison, WI 53718, U.S.A. E-mail: tions have been previously documented in the litera- ture, there is a paucity of information related to
Ó 2023 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the postoperative pericapsular adhesions resulting in stiff-
Arthroscopy Association of North America. This is an open access article under
the CC BY license (
ness of the hip after surgery, even in the setting of
2212-6287/221517 adequate impingement resection. Therefore, this tech- nical note aims to describe pericapsular scarring as a

Arthroscopy Techniques, Vol 12, No 6 (June), 2023: pp e983-e988 e983

e984 N. M. GAIO ET AL.

Table 1. Equipment Required

 Bag mask ventilation
 Traction Table*
* Stryker Pivot Guardian Distraction System with post or Smith and
Nephew Traction table with post (in order to pull steady, controlled
traction for just a couple seconds; whereas the senior author’s pref-
erence is to otherwise perform hip arthroscopy post-free).

(Weitbrecht’s ligaments), and the articular capsule,

which is divided into three distinct ligaments (iliofe-
moral ligament, ischiofemoral ligament, and femoral
arcuate ligament).10 When work is done in the pe-
ripheral compartment to address cam type impinge-
ment, it is our belief that pericapsular scarring can
occur. In the postoperative setting, this can result in
either a decreased range of motion and function or no
improvement in preoperative range of motion with
continued hip symptoms.
In evaluating patients with residual decreased range
Fig 1. Demonstration of the butterfly position on the left side, of motion or function postoperatively, it is important to
knee flexed and hip abducted which can reproduce anterior
take into consideration several different etiologies. First,
hip pain, as indicated by the arrow, in diagnosis of peri-
inadequate resection resulting in ongoing impingement
capsular scarring postoperatively. Ideally, when evaluating
the patient in clinic, both feet should be simultaneously placed is a well-documented post-hip arthroscopy condition
in the butterfly position so that the pelvis does not rotate. that can account for continued anterior hip symptoms.5
Intraoperative evaluation, as well as radiographs,
post-hip arthroscopy condition, which may cause pain arthroscopic images, and postoperative radiographs
and demonstrate our technique to address this diag- should be scrutinized. It is the senior author’s practice
nosis through hip manipulation under anesthesia. to take the hip through dynamic flexion and extension
Fortunately, in our experience, when patients have at the time of the cam resection to ensure no ongoing
pain related to postoperative pericapsular scarring, they impingement exists, confirmed with fluoroscopy and
have achieved resolution of pain with a manipulation direct visualization with the arthroscope. Intraoperative
under anesthesia of the hip. arthroscopic images and fluoroscopy images can
represent this dynamic assessment that took place.
Further imaging can be considered in the form of an
Surgical Technique magnetic resonance image (MRI) arthrogram. An
arthrogram is favored over a nonarthrogram MRI in
Indications and Diagnosis of Pericapsular Scarring patients who have had prior surgery. This may be
The hip is a complex multiaxial ball and socket joint helpful to rule out capsular dehiscence or labral retear,
that attributes its stability to a combination of bony if suspected. However, if performed early after surgery
anatomy, acetabular labrum, articular cartilage, liga- (within 6 months of hip arthroscopy), images may be
mentous hip capsule, and surrounding musculature.5,9 difficult to interpret and provide little value. Therefore,
The anatomy results in absolute limits to motion, if pericapsular scarring is favored to be the cause of loss
which have been found to be on the order of 120 of motion, advanced imaging is not routinely obtained
flexion, 10 extension, 45 abduction, 25 adduction, in the early postoperative period.
15 internal rotation, and 35 external rotation.9 A In our experience, postoperative pericapsular scarring
normal gait pattern typically uses 40-50 of hip rota- presents as pain in the anterior hip, but patients tend to
tion, 35 hip flexion and 10 hip extension.9 When describe it as “different” from their preoperative ante-
addressing the hip arthroscopically, there have been rior hip pain. Patients describe the pain as more su-
two major compartments described.10 There is the perficial. The positions at which it occurs can overlap
central compartment, which is composed of the lunate with classic impingement positions; namely, deep
cartilage, acetabular fossa, ligamentum teres, and the flexion or flexion plus adduction and internal rotation
loaded articular surface.10 The second compartment is (FADIR). However, the “butterfly” positiondideally
the peripheral compartment, which is composed of the with the soles of the feet together to level the pelvis,
unloaded cartilage of the femoral head, the femoral knees flexed, and hips abducted, will also replicate the
neck with medial, anterior, and lateral synovial folds pain, and the affected side will not abduct as far to the

Fig 2. Table used to document range of motion once the patient is sedated. It is important that an assistant hold the pelvis stable
during assessment of motion, as well as during the manipulation procedure, while another assistant writes the degrees of flexion
down. MUA, manipulation under anesthesia.

table. With this position, patients will note a replication therapists. The published protocol for our institution
of the pain due to pericapsular scarring and will can be found in Appendix A. Depending on the specific
describe motion that is more limited than the unaf- intraoperative work performed, the rehabilitation pro-
fected side (Fig 1). tocol can vary; however, generally weight bearing is
Our standard hip arthroscopy postoperative protocol progressed from 20% body weight with the use of
involves the initiation of physical therapy within 1- crutches to full weight bearing, as gait is normalized and
5 days of surgery with our hip-specialized physical pain free over the course of the first 2-3 weeks post-
operatively. For the first 6 weeks, there are range of
motion restrictions; specifically no external rotation
beyond 30 and no hip hyperextension, with the goal of
protecting the labral and capsule repair during the early
postoperative period. At the 6-week mark, we
encourage stretching and emphasize strengthening. At
12 weeks, we reintroduce impact activity and progres-
sion of sports-specific activity. We believe it is important
that all patients participate and complete a rigorous
course of physical therapy before additional measures
are considered to address ongoing loss of motion.
However, if an adequate physical therapy regimen
has been performed without improvement, hip
manipulation under anesthesia is an option that we
discuss with patients.

Anesthesia for Manipulation

The post-hip arthroscopy hip manipulation procedure
occurs in the operating room. Patients have an IV
placed in the preoperative area for administration of IV
sedation. On the continuum of depth of sedation, these
cases are performed somewhere between deep sedation
and general anesthesia, most often favoring general
anesthesia, according to the American Society of An-
esthesiologists definition.11 This has typically been done
using a combination of midazolam, fentanyl, and pro-
pofol; although exact combinations may differ
depending on the anesthesia provider and the patient.
Bag mask ventilation is used as needed for respiratory
Fig 3. The first maneuver of hip manipulation under anes-
support (Table 1). The procedure itself takes less than
thesia is gentle hip flexion. This is performed with the patient
in the supine position on the operative table. An assistant, 10 minutes per hip, so giving the anesthesia team
standing on the contralateral side, should hold the pelvis appropriate estimates of procedure length allow them
stable by pushing down on the iliac crests. Flexion is per- to titrate their sedation medications appropriately.
formed by flexing both the hip and knee of the affected side,
placing one hand on the ankle to promote flexion and one Patient Positioning and OR Setup
hand on the knee for control as indicated by the arrow. The patient is placed supine on a traction table with
Flexion is performed in the neutral position (no adduction). bony prominences well padded. While the senior
e986 N. M. GAIO ET AL.

Fig 4. The second maneuver utilized in hip manipulation Fig 5. As the leg is transitioned from flexion into extension,
focuses on external rotation of the affected hip with a fluid focus is placed on abduction with external rotation of the
motion between neutral hip flexion, while transitioning into affected hip, while the pelvis is stabilized. This is done by
extension. An assistant is still holding the pelvis level. The hip placing downward pressure on the knee and calf, as indicated
and knee are carefully extended in a controlled manner, by the arrows, while maintaining the externally rotated po-
supporting the knee and lower leg. sition described in Fig 3.

author uses exclusively post-free traction for the hip

stabilized by an assistant (Fig 5). Finally, the hip is
arthroscopy surgery, she does use a post to pull gentle
brought back into full extension (Fig 6). The hip is
traction at the beginning of this procedure before
taken through this series of maneuvers several times
manipulating the hip (Table 1). Antibiotics are not
using gentle consistent pressure (Table 2). Post-
indicated in the absence of a planned incision and are,
manipulation range of motion measurements are taken
therefore, not administered.
and recorded as in Figure 2.
In patients who are limited by both pain and range of
Manipulation Procedure motion, we also offer hip manipulation to be performed
Premanipulation ranges of motion of both the oper- in conjunction with fluoroscopically guided intra-
ative and nonoperative hip are recorded (Fig 2). This articular injections. It is our goal to improve pain, so
includes hip flexion, hip internal rotation at 90 , hip that ongoing stretching and use of the hip can be per-
external rotation at 90 , and hip abduction with formed without deterrence by pain. Although most
external rotation or the “butterfly” position (Fig 1), often a concomitant intra-articular injection is not
measured as distance of the lateral thigh from the top of needed, if the patient is at least 3 months out from
the bed, measured in “fists” or centimeters. The hip is surgery and desires this be performed simultaneously,
then taken through a series of maneuvers (Video 1). the area is prepped in a sterile manner, and an 17 gauge
This includes gentle flexion (Fig 2), and then the spinal needle is directed into the hip capsule under
manipulation focuses mainly on externally rotating (Fig fluoroscopic guidance. Intra-articular location is then
3) and abducting (Fig 4) the hip in a fluid motion with confirmed by injecting up to 1 mL of iohexol solution.
simultaneous hip circumduction, with the pelvis Once intra-articular location is confirmed, the hip is

Table 3. Advantages, Risks, and Limitations

 Short duration of procedure
 No incision required, which could be counterproductive in forming
additional scar
 Involves the use of sedation and its established risks
 Relies on patient participation in therapy
 Not as effective on intracapsular scarring compared to pericapsular

Postoperative Protocol
This manipulation under anesthesia procedure is
performed on an outpatient basis. The patient is
allowed to bear full weight, as tolerated, immediately
following the procedure, and there are no specific ac-
tivity restrictions. Physical therapy is prescribed and
encouraged postoperatively in order to maintain mo-
tion gained during the manipulation.

Although the use of hip manipulation under anes-
thesia following hip arthroscopy has not been widely
documented in the literature, there are other in-
dications for which hip manipulation under anesthesia
Fig 6. Finally, the hip is brought back into full extension. This has been performed. This dates back to the 1980s when
is performed with one hand on the ankle to control extension a study was published documenting joint manipulation
and the contralateral hand placed under the knee for support.
in head-injured patients to prevent heterotopic ossifi-
The full sequence of maneuvers is then repeated several times
cation and maintain range of motion.12 In this study, 11
using fluid movements and applying constant gentle pressure,
with an assistant helping to maintain a stable pelvis. hips were included. Four had very little motion prior to
manipulation, and minimal improvement was seen.
injected using a combination of 4 cc 10 mg/mL triam- However, of the remaining 7 there was an average of
cinolone, 2 cc 1% lidocaine without epinephrine, and 52 increase in range of motion, and six patients had
2 cc 0.25% bupivacaine. The needle is then withdrawn, greater than 85 gained.12 It was documented that the
and the injection site is covered with a small bandage. manipulation involved hip flexion with internal and
external rotation and extension over the edge of the
table.12 A second study published more recently in
Table 2. Pearls and Pitfalls 2016 was a systematic review, in which treatment op-
Pearls tions for adhesive capsulitis of the hip were reviewed,
 Pericapsular scarring pain is often elicited by the “butterfly” position
including manipulation under anesthesia.13 In this
(Fig 1), and is more superficial in comparison to preoperative
impingement pain. study, hip manipulation was noted to result in general
 Have an assistant present to hold the pelvis stable during improvements in pain and range of motion. Therefore,
manipulation. the technique of hip manipulation under anesthesia in
 Place gentle but consistent pressure on the leg during manipulation itself is not novel and has been documented to result in
improvements for pathology outside of post-hip
 Take the hip through manipulation maneuvers several times,
providing increased stretch each time. arthroscopy pericapsular adhesions. However, when
 Focus on abduction, external rotation, circumduction as most post used in the context of post-hip arthroscopy, we suggest
operative pericapsular scarring occurs medially. differences in the previously documented manipulation
Pitfalls techniques. These differences include avoiding
 Avoid impingement positions, as, theoretically, the labrum could
retear in extreme impingement positions. impingement motions or positions and focusing on
 Avoid using excessive force that could cause damage to previous stretching of the areas beneath the rectus femoris and
labral or capsular repair or musculature strain. hip flexors, where scarring may have occurred in the
 While the senior author uses exclusively post-free traction for hip postoperative time period. This is especially targeted
arthroscopy, a post is used very briefly for this procedure to gently
through the “butterfly” position and dynamic hip
pull the hip into traction before the manipulation procedure begins.
external rotation with simultaneous abduction,
e988 N. M. GAIO ET AL.

circumduction, and extension. This intervention is femoroacetabular impingement syndrome and labral pa-
particularly advantageous for targeting scar tissue, as it thology increased by 85% between 2011 and 2018 in the
does not require an additional incision, which would be United States. Arthroscopy 2022;38:82-87.
counterproductive to scar formation. This procedure is 7. Cevallos N, Soriano KKJ, Flores SE, Wong SE, Lansdown
DA, Zhang AL. Hip arthroscopy volume and reoperations
also associated with minimal risk given the short
in a large cross-sectional population: High rate of sub-
duration and minimal sedation necessary (Table 3).
sequent revision hip arthroscopy in young patients and
However, it does still rely on patient participation in total hip arthroplasty in older patients. 2021;37:3445-
therapy and is best for pericapsular, as opposed to 3454.e1.
intracapsular scarring (Table 3). While hip arthroscopy 8. Larson CM, Clohisy JC, Beaulé PE, et al. Intraoperative
has been previously documented to result in increased and early postoperative complications after hip arthro-
hip range of motion (15 -20 on average), it has been scopic surgery: A prospective multicenter trial utilizing a
noted that some patients still struggle to regain this validated grading scheme. Am J Sports Med 2016;44:
motion postoperatively despite adequate surgical tech- 2292-2298.
nique and therapy.14 We propose that pericapsular 9. Bowman KF, Fox J, Sekiya JK. A clinically relevant re-
adhesions and scarring should be included in the dif- view of hip biomechanics. Arthroscopy 2010;26:
ferential for patients who have residual lack of range of
10. Dienst M, Gödde S, Seil R, Hammer D, Kohn D. Hip
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Appendix Table 1A. Hip Arthroscopy Postoperative Rehabilitation Protocol

Criteria Necessary to Advance to
Weeks Post-op Goals Precautions Next Phase
Phase 1 1-3  Protect surgical hip with limited  Avoid for six weeks:  Normal gait on level indoor
weight bearing  External rotation past 30 surfaces without pain nor as-
 Restore normal hip range of  Hip hyperextension sistive device
motion (ROM) within ROM  Abduction past 45  Functional ROM without pain
restrictions  May initially bear 20% body  Good leg control at low velocity
 Normalize gait weight, flat foot weight bearing, movement
 Restore leg control for all procedures
Phase 2 3-6  Wean off crutches  Postactivity soreness should  Normal gait on all surfaces
 Regain/Improve muscular resolve within 24 hours  Functional movements without
control  No ballistic or forced stretching unloading affected leg
 Single leg stance control  Caution with repetitive hip  10 single leg or split squats,
 Good control and no pain with flexion activities, such as balance testing
functional movements treadmill or Stairmaster
 More aggressive stretching be-
gins at 6 weeks post-op
Phase 3 6-20  Improve muscular strength and  Postactivity soreness should  Normal gait on all surfaces
endurance resolve within 24 hours  Dynamic neuromuscular
 Good control, no pain with  Caution with forceful hip control
work or sport specific activities, flexion activities, such as kick-  Pass progressive testing
including impact ing or sprinting
 Impact activity begins at
12 weeks post-op

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