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Position: Senior ICT Assistant Date: 24 May 2023

Company: Interactive Learning Center Diliman Deadline: 31 May 2023

This technical examination is necessary to identify the qualifications and ensure that the skills
and knowledge of the applicant fits the requirements and role of a Software Developer in ILC

● Ubuntu OS Linux Commands
● Apache/Nginx Web Server
● MySQL/PostgreSql Database
● PHP, Python, CSS, JavaScript, HTML

Technical Exam: Designing and development of report card web application using
PHP/Python API, Frontend and Database.

Part 1: Simulate Remote Access (Ubuntu)

1. Setup install PuTTY or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). *You may use other
applications that can use SSH protocol.
2. Check your email and follow the instructions to access the server.
3. After accessing the server, please do the following:
a. Create a file inside your home directory called myapp.txt
b. Enter a value with your name and email address
c. Save the file
4. Exit from the server

DILC Bldg., corner Apacible and Magsaysay Sts., University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines
Telephone: +63 2 8920 9556, +63 2 8981 8500 local 2058 | Email: | Website:
Part 2: Frontend Design
1. Design a report card user interface using Html, Css and Javascript
2. The report card web application should look like the sample image below.

3. You may use Bootstrap or any from selected javascript UI library/framework (Vue, React,
and Angular, JQuery)
4. The frontend of the report card web application should also be able to:
a. Users can add, update and delete the information based on the image provided
on Part 2 item number 2.
b. Sort the subjects alphabetically and group the students by School Year
c. It should be able to filter the report card by student information without refreshing
d. Failing/Failed grades equal or below 75 should be color RED
e. The inputs should not accept special characters and symbols

Part 3: Python/PHP API

1. Using php or python create an api that connects the report card web application to the
2. Create a secured connection between the report card web application and the database
by adding any API security features

DILC Bldg., corner Apacible and Magsaysay Sts., University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines
Telephone: +63 2 8920 9556, +63 2 8981 8500 local 2058 | Email: | Website:
Part 4: Database and SQL
1. Create and Design a database to store and retrieve information of the report card web
application using MySQL/PostgreSql.
2. Set the database configuration to a new user that has access to the report card web
application database.
3. The SQL should Compute the Final Grade and General Average

Part 5: Deployment
1. Set the report card web application appropriate file and directories permissions and user
2. Using Apache/NginX setup or deploy the web application.
3. The report card web application should be accessible by entering http://reportcard.ilcd
to the computer browser.

DILC Bldg., corner Apacible and Magsaysay Sts., University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines
Telephone: +63 2 8920 9556, +63 2 8981 8500 local 2058 | Email: | Website:

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