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Primavera P6 Professional Fundamentals

1-7: Assigning Calendars

Practice Activities

Lesson Overview – Creating Calendars

On the Enterprise menu, click Calendars to launch the Calendars dialog box, which enables you to
create new calendars and modify existing ones.

1. Select Global, Resource, or Project to display a calendar pool.

2. To create a calendar, click Add, and then specify work time and non-work time.

3. To view or modify a calendar, select it and click Modify.

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Try It / Solve It – Creating Calendars
• View a global calendar.
• Create a project calendar using an existing global calendar as a template.
• Set the workweek, exceptions, and non-work time for a project calendar.

Viewing the Global Calendar Pool

Global calendars can be assigned to projects, activities and resources. They can also be used as templates to
create new calendars.

• Select the Default check box next to a calendar to set the default calendar assignment for all new
projects added to the database.

• Change the default calendar assignment for an individual project on the Defaults tab in Project Details.
• Link resource and project calendars to global calendars. Any changes made to a global calendar is
automatically applied to all resource and project calendars linked to it.

View the global calendars.

1. On the Enterprise menu, click Calendars.

2. At the top of the Calendars dialog box, click Global.

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Viewing a Global Calendar
At the top of the dialog box, select Total work hours/ day for a numeric total, or selected Detailed work hours/day
for an hour-by-hour view. The colors in the calendar indicate the type of work time defined for each day:

• Light gray dates: standard work time

• Dark gray dates: non-work time
• White dates: exceptions

Display the Standard 5 Day workweek calendar.

1. Select a global calendar, Standard 5 Day Workweek.

2. Click Modify to view the calendar’s workweek and non-work week.

3. Scroll to a month, January 2029.

4. Select a work day, 08-Jan.

5. Select Total work hours/day to display work hours/day.

6. Click OK.

7. Click Close.

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Adding a project Calendar
Create a project calendar to reflect work time for a specific project. To create this calendar, you will use the
Standard 5 Day Workweek global calendar as a template.

Create a project calendar.

1. Open a project, BLDG-Assigning Calendars.

2. On the Enterprise menu, click Calendars.

3. Select Project.

4. Click Add.

5. Select Standard 5 Day Workweek, and then click .

6. In the Calendar Name field, type <3 Day Workweek>, and then press Enter on your keyboard.

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Linking the Holidays Calendar and Setting the Workweek
Instead of manually entering company holidays, the global calendar containing holidays can be lined to the new
project calendar. Select the global calendar to use in the Inherit holidays and exceptions from Global Calendar

Click Workweek to set the number of work hours for each day.

Select Total work hours/day to view the total number of work hours in the selected day in the Work hours/day

Select Detailed work hours/day to view each work hour in the selected day. You also can set work time in 30-
minute increments.

Link a global calendar’s holidays to the newly created calendar and set the workweek.
1. In Calendars dialog box, confirm that 3 Day Workweek is selected, and then click Modify.

2. Scroll to a month, January 2029.

3. In the Inherit holidays and exceptions from Global Calendar list, select Signature Corp Holidays.

4. Click Workweek.

5. In the Calendar Weekly Hours dialog box, type <0> hours for Monday and Friday, and then click OK.

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Setting Non-Work Time
A project calendar may need to have non-work time days that are different than those in the global calendar to
which it is linked. To allow this, you can manually enter non-work time into the project calendar.

Add a non-work day to the calendar.

1. In the 3 Day Workweek dialog box, select a day, 9-Jan-29.

2. Click Nonwork.

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Setting Exceptions
There are times when you need to set an exception in the calendar – a regularly scheduled non-work day that
needs to become a work day. For example, you may need to change some non-work days to work days because
the project is behind schedule. When you schedule the project, activities that use the modified calendar will
schedule accordingly.

Complete the wizard.

1. Select a non-work day, 12-Jan-29.

2. Click Work.

3. To save changes to the calendar, click OK.

4. Click Close to close the Calendars dialog box.

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Viewing and Assigning Calendars
The calendar selected in the Defaults tab is Project Details is automatically assigned to new activities.

View default calendar.

1. Click the Projects view tab near the top of the screen. (Or on the Enterprise menu, click Projects).

2. In the Project Table, select BLDG-Assigning Calendars.

3. In Project Details, click the Defaults tab.

? What calendar is assigned as the default calendar for this project?

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To assign a different calendar to an activity, manually change the assigned calendar on the General tab in Activity
Details. Assign a specific calendar to a resource in the Details tab in Resource Details.

Assign calendar to an activity.

1. Click the Activities tab near the top of the screen.

2. In the Activity Table, select an activity, BA5100 – Install Exterior Doors and Windows.

3. In Activity Details, click the General tab.

4. In the Activity Calendar field, click .

5. On the Select Activity Calendar Display Options bar, click Project Calendars.

6. Select a project calendar, 3 Day Workweek, and then click .

Dates in the project schedule will not reflect the new calendar assignment until the project is

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Lesson Review

Key Concepts
• Specify a calendar as global, project, or resource-specific.
• Assign global calendars to projects, activities, and resources.
• The calendar type determines whether you can use calendars on activities, resources, or both.
• The default project calendar is automatically assigned to new activities.

Review Questions

1. Which of the calendar pools can be used by resources?

a. Global
b. Project
c. Resource
d. A and B
e. A and C

2. True or False: Activity type determines whether an activity uses an activity calendar or the
calendar of its assigned resource(s).

3. True or False: You cannot enter non-work days in a project calendar if it is linked to a global

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.


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