Bid Document English Translated

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Bid Award Name: Engineering, Procurement, and Construction of Coal

Conveyor, Crusher and Truck Loading Station

Bid Award Number: ETT JSC/202310502


BID AUDIT INSTRUCTION ..........................................................................................................................2

A. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................. 2
1. Bid Scope ...................................................................................................................................
2. Source of funding and budget costs ..........................................................................................
3. Free from corruption and conflicts of interest ............................................................................. 2
4. Bid Participant............................................................................................................................. 2
5. Assyrian Performance and Partnership Agreement ................................................................... 3
6. One Bid participant to submit ..................................................................................................... 4
B. CONTENT OF THE BID DOCUMENT .................................................................................................... 4
7. Bid Document ............................................................................................................................. 4
8. Bid document for clarification and additional information ........................................................ 4
9. Bid's Pre-Appointment Meeting 5 ............................................................................................... 5
10. Amendment to the Bid Document and extend the deadline for receiving Bid 5
W. BID PROVISION ......................................................................................................................................
11. Cost of participating in Bid Award .............................................................................................. 5
12. Bid Documents and Bid Language ............................................................................................. 6
13. Bid kit .......................................................................................................................................... 6
14. Bid Standard Applications .......................................................................................................... 7
15. Bid Vote ...................................................................................................................................... 7
16. Documentation required to make general conditions ................................................................. 7
17. Documentation needed to ensure the potential for a contract to play a role ............................. 7
18. Document proof that the proposed work met the requirements of the Bid document ..............
19. Bid price and price relief ............................................................................................................. 9
20. Bid's Currency ........................................................................................................................... 10
21. Bid validity period...................................................................................................................... 10
22. Bid confirmation......................................................................................................................... 11
G. SENDING AND OPENING BID .............................................................................................................. 12
23. Bid confirmation and sending .................................................................................................... 12
24. Bid reception deadline .............................................................................................................. 13
25. changes to the Bid and the return of the Bid ........................................................................... 13
26. Bid opening ............................................................................................................................... 13
D.BID REVIEW AND EVALUATION ........................................................................................................... 13
27. Secrecy ..................................................................................................................................... 14
28. to get explanations and clarifications on Bid .......................................................................... 14
29. reviews to see if Bid meets requirements ................................................................................
30. Bid evaluation ........................................................................................................................... 16
31. Converting to one currency ...................................................................................................... 16
32. Arithmetic error correction ........................................................................................................ 16
33. Bid participants to be granted privileges .................................................................................. 16
34. to determine Bid comparison price ......................................................................................... 17
35. Bid comparison and negotiation ............................................................................................... 18
36. to re-test participant potential in Bid ....................................................................................... 18
E. DELIVERY AND CONTRACTING .......................................................................................................... 18
37. Delivery of Records ................................................................................................................. 18
38. Right to Contract ...................................................................................................................... 19
39. Contractor confirmation ............................................................................................................ 19
40. to sign and ratify the contract .................................................................................................. 19
Y. OTHER.................................................................................................................................................... 20
41. Advance payment ..................................................................................................................... 20
42. Bid auction complaints .............................................................................................................. 20
43. Bid Auditions for Pre-Purchase Policy ………………………………………………………..20



1. Scope of Bid
1.1 In accordance with the Law on the purchase of
goods, works and services with state and local property
funds (hereinafter referred to as the "Law"), the
customer specified in the Bid data table (hereinafter
referred to as the BDS) will organize the Bid selection.
The name and number of the Bid will be indicated in the

1.2 A building defined by the client in Chapter III

The construction, installation, testing and adjustment
works of facilities and the Bid for the supply of goods
required for the execution of the work (hereinafter
referred to as "work") will be organized.

1.3 If you have a Bid package, information about it

It will be taught in BDS.

1.4 Number of Bids with a set of bidders

You can submit a bid for the package.

2. Source of funds 2.1The total source of funding for the bid selection
and each package and the approved budget cost shall
be reflected in the BDS.

3. Fraud and Corruption 3.1. The customer, bidder and any person participating
in the procurement process shall comply with the
relevant laws and regulations.
3.2. Anti-corruption law of the persons specified in
Section 3.1 of the BDS, Acts and omissions prohibited
by the Law on Regulation of Public and Private
Interests and Prevention of Conflict of Interest in
Public Offices, the Law on Competition, the Criminal
Law and the Law on Violation shall be immediately
reported to relevant officials and law enforcement
agencies in accordance with the law.

4. Bidder 4.1. The bidder is independent from the client

4.2. Several individuals submit a bid on the basis of a collaborative

covenant, each of which is a member of a partnership.

4.3. As stated in Clause 9.3, a participant in the bid and a member

of his or her partnership may be subject to any country except
for the prohibition of a foreign person from participating.

4.4. A country’s legal entity that is incompatible with international

treaties and that is subject to trade restrictions is not entitled to
participate in the event.

4.5. Digital bid documents that paid for bid documents and
provided them free of charge

the recipient of the system is considered a cursor to participate in
the bid auction.

5. Subcontract and 5.1. You may enter into a contract to assist one or more participants
consortium in the bid. The maximum amount of goods, jobs, and services
agreement that can be administered is no more than 10 percent of the
price of a bid.

5.2. According to the bid, the role of each member of the

partnership taught in BDS 4.2 is more than 10 percent of the
bid price.

5.3. Each member of the partnership considers the partnership to

be a participant in one bid by guaranteeing the partnership via
electronic systems in accordance with the relevant procedures.
If a member of the partnership is a foreign national, he or she
may not be guaranteed As stated in this article.

5.4. The partnership agreement meets the following requirements:

5.4.1. Eligibility for the cooperation covenant referred to in

Article 476 of the Civil Code;

5.4.2. Identifying the responsibilities and responsibilities of all

members of the partnership and their respective
responsibilities in carrying out the work taught in BDS

5.4.3. assigned a member who has the right to receive

instructions, communicate with the client and other
persons, and make complaints and additions;

5.4.4. The performance of the total covenant, including the

calculation of payments, would have been taught to
communicate and perform only with a representative.

5.5. Bid's partnership agreements and assuring contracts have

been signed in writing and in accordance with the law.

5.6. If the amount of the assistant Contractor's role as specified in

the assurgency covenant violates BDS 5.1, the client does not
consider the bid review of the contract or the relevant
documentation of the assistant.

5.7. Where the size of the role of a member of the partnership

specified in the partnership covenant violates BDS 5.2, the
client does not consider the potential of the partnership
agreement, the capacity of the partnership member, and the
relevant documents.

5.8. There will be no client restrictions on the number of members

of the partnership or the number of water contractors.

5.9. As stated in Law 8.10, the scope of the work, the high cost of
the budget, and the complex or several interrelated work
blueprints, buildings, and adaptations are all to be performed
under contracts to hand over keys

If a bid audit is announced, the BDS may teach the BDS
differently the maximum level of assuring and the lower level
of each member of the partnership As stated in 5.1 and 5.2.

5.10. The BDS teaches the BDS the maximum level of goods, jobs,
and services to assist in the bid audit, As stated in BDS 5.9,
and the lower level of each member's role as a partnership.

6. Bidder to submit one 6.1. As a member of a non-partnership, only one bid is submitted
bid to participate in the auction.

6.2. The participant in the bid, whether or not a member of his or

her partnership, considers that the participant in the other
bidding package and the member of his or her partnership are
in violation of Article 4.1.6 of Competition Act 4.1.6, which is
entitled to represent by trust or trust, As stated in BDS 6.1.


7. Sections of 7.1. The client will be open to the public by sending the approved
Bidding Document bid documentation to the public via the electronic purchasing
system / (later called the "system.").

7.2. Bid invitations will be processed in accordance with the bid


7.3. The bid invitation will not be part of the bid document.

7.4. The Bid Document consists of the following chapters and

changes taught in Clause 10 of the BDS.

Chapter I. Bid Audit Instructions;

II Group. Bid data chart;
III Group. Technical definitions and requirements;
IV Group. Bid rating indicator;
V Group. Standard Bid Application;
VI Group. The terms of the contract.

7.5. As a result of the bid auction, the client will comply with the
terms of the contract in Chapter VI of the Bid Document.

7.6. Bid participants prepare a bid by studying the requirements,

criteria, terms of the contract, standard bid forms, work
assignments, blueprints, technical definitions, requirements,
and the laws, procedures, and instructions cited in them.

8. Bid clarification 8.1. Clients can make requests for clarification and additional
documents and information about the bid documents involved in the bid.
additional 8.2. Written request to be made in accordance with BDS 8.1. As
information specified in BDS, to the client's address and digital signature
to deliver it to the client electronically.

8.3. Additional clarifications about the bid document and a bid
participant willing to obtain information will attach a document
that has paid the price of the bid document (if the bid document
is obtained free of charge).

8.4. The clarification and supplementation of the client's bid

document are considered to have been published
electronically in the following procedures, and the law
stipulates that it has been distributed to all investigators.

8.5. In accordance with the terms and procedures laid out in

Clause 1 of the bid document, the client will decide according
to BDS 1 0.

9. Proprietary 9.1. To clarify any problems that may arise during the preparation
Meetings of the bid, the client will arrange for a pre-bid meeting to be
submitted to the investigator, including the investigator or the
representative he or she has appointed.

9.2. The absence of participation in the meeting taught in BDS 9.1

does not constitute grounds for restricting the right of any
individual to participate in the bid auction.

10. Amendment of 10.1. Within 10 days of the deadline specified in BDS 24.1, the client
Bidding Document included changes in the bid document to increase the
and extension of bid requirements and criteria for participants in the bid, while the
submission investigator's law 55.1 extends the deadline for receiving a bid
deadline for fair competition and the user's possible time to complain on
the ground.

10.2. Except as in Clause 10.1 of the ITB, the client may extend the
final deadline for receiving a bid for a significant amount of time
to modify his or her bid.

10.3. Any change in the Bid Document is his will be an integral part of
the process, and it's going to be distributed to all investigators by
publishing it on the digital system.


11. Cost of Bidding 11.1. The investigator and the bid participant are fully responsible for
all costs associated with preparing, sending, and participating
in the bid. The applicant will not be liable for any liability relating
to this cost.

11.2. The investigator may observe the location and environmental

conditions of the covenant and may personally oversee the
costs associated with it.

12. Language of Bid 12.1. Regardless of whether the bid invitation or bid document is
published in a foreign language, the bid documentation, letters,
other documents, and bid participants will be submitted in
Mongolian and a translation of the bid, documentation, and
information appropriately translated into another language.

12.2. Only in a bid audit to finance loans and aid funds from foreign
countries and international organizations can the language
taught in ITB 12.1 be taught differently based on the
International Covenant of Mongolia.

If there is a conflict between the language of the Bid Document

12.3. and the foreign-language version, the bid document prepared
in the language taught in ITB 12.1.

The client is responsible for the accuracy and inconsistency of

12.4. the translation, regardless of whether the bid participant
translates or translates it himself or not.

13.1. The bid participant's preparation bid consists of the following

13. Documents Comprising documents:
the Bid
13.1.1. Application for sending a prepared bid As stated in
Article 14 of the ITB.

13.1.2. a bid sending form has been approved by a person

other than the person authorized to represent the bid
participant without trust, while the trust has been
granted in accordance with the relevant legislation
/Evidence of the defendant who is entitled to
represent without trust as a foreigner;

13.1.3. offer a prepared version As stated in Clause 15 of the


13.1.4. Documentation proving that the bid participant met

the general conditions taught in Clause 16 of the

13.1.5. the potential and experience of the participant in the bid,

Documentation proving that the funds taught in Clause
17 meet the criteria and requirements;

13.1.6. Documentation proving that the work being offered

meets the requirements of the bid document referred
to in Clause 18 of the ITB.

13.1.7. Work budget referred in Sub-Clause 19 of the ITB.

13.1.8. Bid guarantee referred in Sub-Clause 2 of the ITB.

13.1.9. partnership is a partnership agreement taught in BDS

13.2. The bid participant is responsible for reviewing all the documents
and validity of his or her bid documents and information, but
he or she is responsible for the accuracy of the feathers before
the client.

14. Bid Forms 14.1. The participant in the bid will fill out the form in Chapter V of
the Bid Documentation and submit it As stated in BDS 23. Fill
in the relevant section information without making any changes
to the Mayan.

14.2. Fill in the relevant electronic system that participates in the bid
and send a bid.

15. Alternative Bids 15.1. If specifically taught by the BDS, the bid may submit a proposal
to the bid version.

16. Documents Comprising 16.1. In connection with the participant in the bid, the conditions
General Conditions specified in Act 14.1 did not arise or meet the general
conditions laid down in the law. A statement regarding the
general conditions of the bid participant will be submitted in
16.2. accordance with Chapter V May 1.

The legal entity of Mongolia submits the following documents:

16.2.1. Definition of civil cases and disputes involved in the

bid participant over the past three years within the
relevant rules and procedures of the judicial archives;

16.2.2. the definition of an Contractor organization in a court

of law regarding whether a court decision involving a
participant is conducting a performance.


A foreigner submits the following documents and similar

documents issued by the State Authority:

16.3.1. a certificate of national registration of a foreign

person and a document identifying the person who is
entitled to represent him or her without trust;

16.3.2. a document proving that taxes, fees and fees were

paid in accordance with the laws of the country.

In order to ensure the general conditions of the participant in

the client's bid, only the bid participant is required to submit a
16.4. document referred to in BDS 16.2, 16.3, and as a partnership,
each member submits a document referred to in this article
regarding the general conditions.

As stated in Law 12.2, the client sets out the low criteria and
requirements for the financial, technical, and experience
Documents Establishing the
17.1. required for bid auctions and clarifies the bid document.
Qualifications of the Bidder
for the Contract

17.2. As stated in Clause 15 of the law, the participant met the criteria
and requirements taught by the BDS from the client about the
financial capacity to fulfill the obligations of the covenant. The
following documents to prove this criteria and requirements are
submitted to the BDS

17.2.1. a statement from a mutual bank;

17.2.2. Financial statements relating to the period specified in

17.3 of the BDS

17.2.3. Analysis of the relevant audit of the financial

statements relating to the reporting period referred to
in BDS 17.3;

17.2.4. Information on sales revenues implemented during the

financial statements provided in BDS 17.3;

17.2.5. Other documents taught by the BDS to prove that the

criteria and requirements set out in this article
regarding the financial capacity to meet the obligations
of the covenant.

17.3. The BDS will specify the duration of the financial statements
that will provide grounds for reviewing the participant's financial

17.4. The defendant, who is not charged with conducting an audit of

financial statements under the legislation, is not required to
submit an audit analysis referred to in BDS 17.2.3.

17.5. The statements of banks and financial institutions, except for

the information of the participant's account, its remainder and
the bid participants who created the loan rights, and the bank's
notification of non-performing mortgage payments, will not be
taken into account when the bid participant's financial
capabilities are diluted; the client will not be required to submit
a definition of a communicating bank in any matter other than
As stated here.

17.6. As stated in Clause 16 of the law, the bid participant meets the
criteria and requirements taught by the BDS from the sender
about the technical capabilities and experience of fulfilling the
covenant obligations.

17.6.1. special permission and permission provided by the

BDS for performing the work;

17.6.2. Information prepared in accordance with Chapter V of

May 4 required by the BDS to manage, oversee,
perform certain tasks and services, and provide
employee education, professional skills, and

17.6.3. basic equipment and technical information taught by

the BDS for the implementation of the covenant, and
they are timely (in its own time) information prepared
in accordance with May 5 about the availability of
property, ownership, renting etc.;
17.6.4. Information prepared in accordance with May 6, May
8,about the covenant that performed similar tasks
taught in the BDS to demonstrate the participant's
experience in the bid;

17.6.5. Other documents taught by the BDS prove that the

criteria and requirements taught in BDS 17.6 on
technical capabilities and experience meet.

17.7. If required by the BDS, the participant in the bid will submit
information about the covenants he or she and the members
of the partnership are implementing and implementing in
accordance with Chapter V, which will be used to evaluate the
capabilities taught in BDS 17.2, 17.6.

17.8. A member of the partnership and auxiliary will submit a

document to the bid proving that the criteria set out in this
article and the relevant part of the requirement are met.

17.9. The partnership has fully met the lower criteria and
requirements set out in BDS 17.2, 17.6, regardless of the
number of members. 17. In 2nd, the amount of rapid
conversion assets to meet the obligations of the covenant, and
the benchmark for the price of a similar covenant in BDS 17.6,
the representative member specifies 40 percent or more of the
criteria, and each member of the partnership is 25 percent or
more and they're satisfied.

18. Documentation proving 18.1 The bid will submit evidence that the work offered by the
that the proposed work participant meets the technical definition and requirements set
met the requirements of out in Chapter III.
the bid documents
If the proposed work is inconsistent or discarded from any of
the technical definitions taught in Chapter III, an explanation
will be submitted.
The technical definitions and requirements taught in chapter III
will determine and do not limit the basic requirements for
performing the work.

19. Bid Price and 19.1. The price and price relief offered by the bid participant is in line
price discount with the requirements set out in this text.

19.2. Based on a draft and normative approved by the relevant

entity, the bid budget will be calculated as a unit and the total
price by the authorized entity.
19.3. The price reflected in the bid sending application is the total
value of the bid, which does not take into account price relief.

19.4. If the participant offers price relief, the bid will be taught in the
bid sending form referred to in Article 14 of the BID, unless
specifically specified the terms and methods for using the
actual relief, the percentage and quantity of the proposed price
relief will be calculated from the total price of the bid.
19.5. Unless otherwise specified in the law or the BDS, the price
offered by the participant in the bid will be consistent during the
course of the contract and will not be adjusted. The bid offered
at a conditional price is considered unnecessary. Submitting a
bid offered at a fixed price does not constitute a basis for
rejecting the bid, and the price adjustment is equivalent to that
in the course of the contract.

19.6. These costs are included in the bid price, regardless of the cost
of transportation, insurance, taxes, and fees related to the
construction of buildings, construction equipment, installation,
and experimental adaptation, as required to perform the work.

19.7. The total sum of the budget taught in 19.2 of the BDS does not
miss the arithmetic taught in Clause 32 of the BDS, but if the
total sum of the budget is inconsistent with the price taught in
19.3 , the total sum of the budget is considered to be the price
of the bid.

20. Bid currency 20.1. Unless otherwise specified in international treaties and laws of
Mongolia, the client will teach the price of the bid to be
expressed in national currency, As stated in Acts 4.1 and 4.2.

As stated in Clause 26 of the BDS, the bid provider will teach

you to submit a bid application for a few days after the bid
21. Bid validity 21.1. opens, and if the bid participant does not specify the validity of
time the bid, the bid is considered to be unsatisfied with the bid.

21.2. When a licensed person decided to terminate the validity of the

bid, the client would notify all bid participants.

21.3. As stated in Law 29.4, when a bid is decided to extend the

validity period, the client will submit a request to all bid
participants for an extension of the validity of the bid.

21.4. In accordance with the request set out in BDS 21.3, the
participant in the bid will deliver a notice of whether to extend
the validity period to the client using digital signatures in writing
and electronically.

21.5. If the bid participant extends the validity of the bid, the validity
of the bid guarantee referred to in Clause 22 of the BDS.

21.6. Bid participants have the right to refuse to extend the validity
period of the bid. If rejected, his bid guarantee would not be
grounds for making it a state income.
21.7. The duration of the participant's bid validity in the bid auction,
which is organized through a pre-purchase procedure, will be
valid until a contract is signed after the source of the work's
financing is approved.

22. Bid security 22.1. The client is 0.5 percent of the budget deficit specified in
BDS 2.1 the BDS teaches you to submit a calculated bid
guarantee. The bid participant will submit a bid guarantee to
the relevant party that he or she will play a role with less than
the gross value of the price.

22.2. If the bid audit is divided into a package, the bid confirmation
will be submitted by each package as stated in BDS 22.1.

22.3. Bid guarantee may be in the form of a government bonds and

government-approved price tag, as provided for in Chapter V
of May 2, except for the guarantee issued by the non-bank

22.4. When a foreign bank issues a bid guarantee, the bank proves
that it has a correspondent relationship with a bank founded in
Mongolia and meets the following requirements:

22.4.1. Delivering the original copy of the bid confirmation to

the client as stated in the relevant procedure, along
with a translation prepared in accordance with Clause
12 of the BDS

22.4.2. The correspondent bank in Mongolia may have been

taught by an authorized person to communicate with
the client on behalf of the guarantor.

22.5. As stated in 22.4, bid guarantees are distributed electronically

by the relevant procedure, except when a legal entity in a
foreign country has issued a warranty.

22.6. As stated in Clause 21 of the BDS, the bid guarantee is valid

for 28 days after the bid participant's mandate.

22.7. The endorsement of the bid may be canceled based on a

statement that the bid guarantee of the participant's bid was
terminated and that the client's contract had expired.

22.8. As a partnership, a member who is eligible to represent him

will submit a bid guarantee.

22.9. The applicant will receive a performance guarantee as

provided for in Article 39 of the BDS and, as provided for in
Article 40 of the BDS, issue a notice agreeing to revoke the bid
guarantee of all participants, which will be delivered
electronically to the guarantor.
22.10. The issuer will transfer the money that has been made to the
bid guarantee to the relevant State Fund account, the
Mongolian government bonus, and other valuables approved
by the Mongolian government in the name of the administrative
headquarters in charge of the budget.

22.11. According to BDS 21.6, if the bid participant refuses to extend

the validity period, the client will refuse the bid and release the
bid guarantee.


23. Bid submission 23.1 A representative of the participant in the bid will be sent to the bid
auction by guaranteeing the bid. Unless required by the
constitution of the established state stamps and signs may not be
23.2. As stated in 23.1 of the BDS, a trust is not required to submit a
trust if the creditor is guaranteed to represent without a trust.

23.3. The creditor, who is authorized to represent the legal entity

without trust, has secured the bid with his signature and

23.4. If the bid participant is authenticated by digital signature, the

form referred to in Chapter V is considered to have been
verified by a seal or sign, As stated in TSZ 23.1. In this case,
the application will not be required to perform a trusted act
relating to the authentication of the application, or to be verified
by the stamp or signature of the solicitor.

23.5. The bid participant may keep the following bid documents
confidential only on the basis specified in the legislation:

23.5.1. All archives submitted As stated in Clause 16 of the


23.5.2. Application submitted in accordance with Chapter V;

23.5.3. An explanation As stated in BDS 18.2 to see if the

proposed work meets the technical definition;

23.5.4. Other documents taught by the BDS .

23.6. Except As stated in BDS 23.7, the participant in the bid will be
sent accepting that the entire bid will be transparent to other
bid participants.

23.7. An explanation of the legal basis for each confidential

document and information provided by the bid participant on
the basis of the law will be submitted without secrecy in
accordance with Chapter V May 9.

24. Deadline for 24.1. Bid participants will be sent electronically to the electronic
Submission of Bids system according to the dates and time specified in the BDS,
and the final time they receive the bid will be calculated at the
time of the electronic system.

25. Withdrawal, 25.1. Before the final deadline for accepting a bid, the bid is entitled
Substitution, and to additional, modified, replaced, or retrieved.
Modification of Bids
25.2. Since the deadline for accepting the bid, any additional or
modifications to the bid will not be allowed to be replaced or
returned, and the client will be retained in accordance with the
relevant procedures.

25.3. If a bid participant is willing to withdraw from the bid he or she

has submitted since the bid opening, the client will be notified
in writing.

26. Bid opening 26.1. Client bid discovery in the BDS

the dates, the time, and the place where they are taught.

26.2. Participants in the bid opener, including his representative and

other interested parties, are entitled to participate in the
opening of the bid, As stated in 26.1. The person who
personally participated in the opening ceremony signed the
opening notesof the bid.

26.3. When the bid is opened, the following information notes will be
located on the electronic system:

26.3.1. the name of the participant in the bid ;

26.3.2. the price of the bid;

26.3.3. if offered price relief;

26.3.4. the price of the proposal in the version if the option is

allowed to submit;

26.3.5. whether the bid guarantee has been submitted .

26.4. Once the bid auction is divided into a package, the opening
notes will be performed in each set.

26.5. Except as outlined below, the valuation does not take into
account the price and price relief that has not been announced
or indicated in the notes:

26.5.1. As stated in BDS 19.7, the total sum of the budget

calculated by the authorized person is considered the
price of a bid;

26.5.2. Convert the price of a bid to one currency, As stated

in verse 31 of the BDS

26.5.3. As stated in Clause 32 of the BDS, correct an

arithmetic error in the price of a bid.


27. Confidentiality 27.1. Bid editing to watch, to clarify, evaluate and evaluation
information related to the evaluation is not officially relevant to
the bid audit activity and participants in the bid process until
the outcome of the bid audit is released it's not going to be

If the bid is rated "best," the discipled portion of the bid will be
27.2. disclosed to other participants in accordance with the relevant
procedure, according to the bid sending form.

If the information submitted by the client to the bid is

28. Clarification of Bids 28.1. incomprehensible, unclear, and inconsistent, he or she may
28.2. request that the participant submit clarifications as stated in
this article only for clarification or explanation .

When the explanations and clarifications taught in BDS 28.1

28.3. are received, the parties communicate in writing.

A certificate of communication with the client involved in the bid

can be authenticated by digital signature and sent
electronically, in which case the bid will be stored in the

Except to accept an arithmetic error correction made in

28.4. accordance with Clause 32 of the BDS , the participant in the
bid will not be recommended for any change in the content or
price of the bid.

As stated in 28.1 of the BDS, except for explanations,

clarifications, and negotiations with the participant on the basis
28.5. specified in the law , the client and members of the evaluation
committee appointed by him or her will arrange for any
meeting with the bid participant and his representative until the
final deadline for receiving the bid is authorized to enter into a
contract. And we're not going to determine.

29. Bid Deviations, 29.1. Bid will review the following requirements based on the kits
Reservations, and taught in Clause 13 of the BDS , information sent from the
Omissions relevant database, explanations and clarifications received
about the participant and his bid:

29.1.1. the participant's citizenship may not violate the

requirements set out in Clause 4 of the BDS

29.1.2. the participant, his assistant , and the partnership

meet the requirements set out in Article 4 of the BDS

29.1.3. As stated in Clause 6 of the BDS, only one bid was


29.1.4. Documents submitted in accordance with the form in

Chapter V are likely to qualify as relevant;

29.1.5. As stated in Clause 16 of the BDS, the conditions laid
down in Sub-Clause 14.1 relating to the participant in
the bid and the member of his or her partnership are
not set;

29.1.6. As stated in Clause 17 of the BDS, the participant in

the bid must meet the criteria and requirements of
financial, technical capabilities, and experience;

29.1.7. As stated in Clause 18 of the BDS , the work offered

is in accordance with the requirements of the bid

29.1.8. The debt budget is calculated in accordance with the

rules and norms approved by the relevant entities for
review, As stated in Article 19 of the BDS

29.1.9. to agree to the rights and duties of the parties defined

by the terms of the relevant covenant, which the
client has established;

29.1.10. probably in line with other requirements set out in the

bid document.

29.2. The following differences in the client bid can be viewed as

small inconsistencies:

29.2.1. Reviewing As stated in BDS 29.1.7, the proposed work

is inconsistent with the technical definition, which does
not adversely affect the scope, quality or performance
of the performance;

29.2.2. As stated in BDS 29.1.9, the terms of the contract

offered to the bid are inconsistent with the terms of the
contract in the bid document approved by the client,
which does not include restrictions inconsistent with the
rights of the client and the bid document in the bid.

29.3. If the client accepts the small-scale inconsistency specified in

BDS 29.2 does not unfairly affect the competition of other bids
that meet the requirements, the bid is deemed to be qualified.

29.4. Client Chapter IV may provide a backdrop for correcting small


29.5. As stated in BDS 29.3, if the client accepts a small amount of

inconsistency and considers the bid to be qualified, the price of
the bid will be abstractly increased in accordance with the
methods taught in BDS 29.4.

29.6. Article 29 of the BDS as a qualified bid upon review as

specified, all the conditions and requirements of the bid
documents or the requirements specified in Articles 3-6 and
11-24 of the TRC are met at the same time, the documents,
bid submission forms and other forms specified therein have
been properly submitted, and the content of the forms has not
been changed means the bid.
29.7. Except As stated in BDS 29.6, the bid is deemed to be
incompatible with the requirements and will be rejected.

29.8. When the client refuses the bid, as taught in BDS 29.7, he
or she will not refuse the bid to submit a document specifically
indicating that the bid participant does not require the
participant in the bid in 16.1, 17.4, 17.5.

30 . Bid evaluation 30.1. The client will only evaluate and compare the bid reviewed to
meet the requirements set out in BDS 29.6, as provided for in
Article 28 of the Law.

If taught by the BDS, the BDS will evaluate the evaluation

indicated in Chapter IV by providing additional criteria for
oversight and other relevant legislation.

31. Conversion to single 31.1. When the price of the bid and the price specified in the budget
currency are expressed in currency other than those taught in Clause 20
of the BDS.

Check the arithmetic errors of the bid price assessed to meet

the requirements and correct them as follows:

32. Correction of 32.1.

32.1.1. When a unit of expense is multiplied in numbers, if the
Arithmetical Errors
total cost in that row is infringed on the total cost in the
row, the unit price will correct the total cost in its
footsteps, but if it is obvious that the unit has lost the
whole price and the broken country point, the relevant
unit price will be corrected;

32.1.2. correct the total price based on the price in the line if
there is a mistake in the sum of the price in the line;

32.1.3. if there is a disconnect between the number and the

results expressed in the word, it corrects the number of
points that are expressed correctly. However, if the
results are based on arithmetic errors, the results are
consistent with 32.1.1 and 32.1.2.

As stated in BDS 32:1, participants in the bid will be informed

that arithmetic errors have been corrected.

In accordance with Article 10 of the Law, a document that gives

the participant the right to privileges of service is submitted to
the bid, and the price offered is abstractly reduced in
32.2. accordance with the law and the relevant methods and

33. Bidders to be granted 33.2. Unless the evidence provided in BDS 33.1 is submitted, it will
privileges not be considered a privilege in the bid will not be grounds
for rejecting the bid submitted by the participant.

34.1. Bid comparison prices are evaluated in the following order:

34.1.1. Setting the price of the bid offered as stated in Article 19 of
the BDS
34.1.2. Correcting arithmetic errors in the price of a bid, As stated
in BDS 32:1;
34.1.3. Calculate the proposed price relief as stated in BDS 19.4;
34.1.4. Convert the price specified in BDS 34.1.1–34.1.3 to one
currency as stated in verse 31 of the BDS if necessary;
34.1.5. Giving privileges As stated in Clause 33 of the BDS.
34.1.6. To calculate the criteria for overseeing the evaluation tas
stated in 30.2 of the BDS.

34.2. The bid will be withdrawn based on Clause 30.1.3 if the price of the
bid has been corrected, the price relief is calculated and the post-
converted price in one currency exceeds the budget deficit by more
than 5 percent.

34.3. As stated in 1.2 of the BDS., the following methods are followed in
determining the bid offered for two or more sets of bid auctions
together and calculating the price relief offered to him:

34.3.1. Lowest comparison price bid for each package as stated

in BDS 34.1;

34.3.2. Once the bid price is calculated in accordance with the

methods specified in the bid sending application, the
price relief will be re-determined, as required, in
accordance with the methods specified in the bid sending
application, so that the applicant who submits the lowest
comparison price in two or more packages will be required
to re-evaluate it, As stated in TSC 36.2. to provide
adequate supplies;

34.3.3. After making the above evaluation, the client will calculate
the contract rights in one package, in several packages,
and in all packages, and choose the option that the sum
of the contract price is minimal.

34.4. As agreed in BDS 15.1, if the bid offered in the version is rated
"very good," the offer will be reviewed and evaluated in its version.

34.5. As stated in BDS 34.4, the procedure for reviewing and evaluating
the options for the bid offer follows the procedure for evaluating and
evaluating the basic bid.

35. Bid 35.1. When choosing a "best" rated bid, the applicant will prioritize
comparison and the bids and select the lowest comparison price, as provided
negotiation for in Act 28.7.3.

35.2. In the event of a negotiation with a bid participant on the basis

specified in the law, changes will be made to the section,
regardless of the requirements, criteria, and number of jobs
requested by the bid client as a result of the agreement.

36. Bid participant's 36.1. The client can re-evaluate whether the bid participant who
potential again submitted a bid that was "very well" rated in several packages
probability has the potential to play a role in the contract specified in those

36.2. The re-evaluation, As stated in BDS 36:1, is based solely on

the documents and news reports used in the bid review of the
financial and technical capabilities and experience taught in
Clause 17 of the BDS.

36.3. If the bid participant is deemed to be unqualified for a contract

in several packages, he or she will be entitled to one or more
packages that meet the capacity requirements for his or her
contract to perform his or her duties.

36.4. The "best" rated bid will withdraw from the bid if it is deemed
unnecessary to re-evaluate the potential of the participant's
contract to play a role. In this case, the lowest comparison price
bid is considered to be the "best" evaluation bid and the
participant's potential is assured in the same principle.


37. Deliverance 37.1. The client will bid which match the following statement
each participant will be delivered in writing and placed on an
electronic system within the day:

37.1.1. to grant contractual rights to participants who submit

a "best" rated bid;

37.1.2. Notify participants who submitted qualified bid except

As stated in BDS;

37.1.3. Reject the bid referred to in BDS 29.7, 34.2.

37.2. If the applicant is authorized to enter into a contract, the

decision, statement, and the "best" evaluated bid shall be
disclosed in accordance with the relevant procedures, as
outlined in BDS 37.1.2, 37.1.3.

37.3. If the applicant refuses all bids, the decision to hold a limited
bid auction or to make a direct contract is referred to in A.D.

1 This provision does not apply when a bid audit is organized in a way that directly establishes a covenant.

38. Right to Make a Covenant 38.1. Participants who submitted a bid that was rated "best" by the
grant applicant contract building rights BDS 37.1.1 in a statement. If
the "best" rated bid price corrected, price easing calculated,
converted to one currency, and the price was contracted the
price is set and the contract authorization statement is taught.

In the following cases, the conditions taught in Law 20.7.2 are

38.2. considered to be the state income:

38.2.1. did not accept the price of the contract referred to in

the contract authorization statement;

38.2.2. No performance assurances have been submitted as

provided for in Article 39 of the BDS (if performance
assurances are required);

38.2.3. As stated in Clause 40 of the BDS, the contract was

not signed and ratified.

When the situation specified in BDS 38.2 arises, the lowest

38.3. comparison price bid is considered to be the "best" valued bid.

As stated in the BDS, the participant in the selected bid will

submit a guarantee of performance at a cost of 3 percent of the
39. Contractor 39.1. gross value of the pearl's budget year within the time required
confirmation by the client in accordance with the terms of the contract
referred to in 7.5.

The contractual guarantee may be in the form specified in BDS

22.3 and may be issued by a foreign person, but it meets the
39.2. requirements set out in BDS 22.4.

Electronic systems and written submissions of performance

guarantees received and qualified by the applicant are an
39.3. integral part of the contract.

The client finalizes the required portion and distributes the

required bid to participants in accordance with the instructions
40. Covenant signed 40.1. provided to him in accordance with the terms and conditions of
drawing and validating the contract referred to in 7.5 of the BDS.

40.2. As stated in BDS 40.1, the participant in the affected bid will
sign and ratify the contract and deliver it within the time required
of the client. This deadline for the applicant to be set includes
six working days after the contract was authorized and the bid
validity period.

40.3. The client is obliged to sign and validate the contract if the
contract is properly validated and performance guaranteed
within the time specified in BDS 40.2.

40.4. The duty of the letter taught in 40.3 of the BDS Does not
apply to the administrative headquarters of the budget, other
jurisdictional persons, or other jurisdictional jurisdictions who
have jurisdiction over the matter of the budget , as stipulated
in the law, to annul or disturb the use of non-compliance.
41. Advance payment

41.1. The customer, who can receive payment for supplies for the
purchase of materials necessary for the use of the contract and for
the costs associated with starting work, will specify the STATE
PROPERTY COMMITTEE to pay for supplies.

41.2. The contractor requests an advance payment for the payment.
According to the type, quantity, budget and work execution
schedule of the work to be financed, a guarantee of advance
payment in the amount not less than the amount specified in Section
41.1 of the BDS shall be issued by the relevant person and
submitted to the customer.

41.3. To submit a performance guarantee in 39.1 of the BDS if

required, the amount of the performance guarantee may be included
in the advance payment guarantee according to Article 44.3 of the

41.4 The guarantee of advance payment is specified in Article 7.5 of

the BDS if it is according to the model and issued by a foreign party,
it meets the requirements specified in Article 22.4 of the BDS.

41.5. Accepted and qualified by the client Advance payment

guarantee is an integral part of the contract.
42. Bid
with selection
related complaints 42.1. In connection with the biding of the bidder
Complaints will be made in accordance with the law.

43. Advance purchase

bid selection to be organized
by procurement procedure 43.1. When the bidding procedure specified in Section 1.1 of the
TCC is organized by the procedure of preliminary procurement, this
will be indicated in the SPC and the invitation to bid.
43.2. In addition to this bid document, the customer shall apply the
conditions specified in the "Preliminary Procurement Procedures" to
the bids organized in accordance with Article 43.1 of the TCC.
43.3. Organized by advance procurement procedures
The contract will not be concluded until the source of financing for
the work is fully approved through bid selection.
43.4. Sources of funding not confirmed, or scope,
If the capacity is changed and the budgeted cost is approved
differently than specified in Section 2.1 of the TPP, the right to enter
into a contract will be deemed to be unfeasible.
43.5. According to Article 43.4 of the Civil Code, the right to enter
into a contract is invalid Any risk related to the bidding shall be borne
by the bidder.
44. Bid
publish information 44.1. Bid information in legislation
shall be published and disclosed in the electronic system as
44.2. Subscriber's opening notes and bid results
the results will be publicly announced in the electronic system.



BDS 1.1 Client: "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC

BDS 1.1 Bid Name: Engineering, Procurement, and Construction of Coal Conveyor,
Crusher and Truck Loading Station

BDS 1.1 Bid Invitation Number: ЭТТХК/202310502

BDS 1.3 Bid auditions consist of sets with the following names and numbers :
BDS 2.1 Source of funding : own assets
BDS 2.1 Total budget costs: 304,651,231,440 (three hundred and four billion six hundred and
fifty-one million, two hundred and thirty one thousand, four hundred and forty MNT)
Funding in 2023: 9,320,783,817 (nine billion three hundred and twenty million, seven
hundred eighty three thousand, eight hundred and seventeen)
The address to deliver clarifications and requests for additional information related to
the Bid Document to the client:
Recipient Name: "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC
Adress: Chingeltei District, 1st Committee, Jigjidjavín-8, Finance Center, 5th floor,
502 numbers, Ulaanbaatar City-15160, Mongolia
Phone number: 7505-5555 Ext. 506
Clarifications and additional information relating to the bid document participating in the
bid can be produced in multiple electronic bs in writing less than 5 working days before
BDS 8.2 the final bid acceptance deadline.
The client will issue an official copy of the request for clarification and additional
information without mentioning the name of the applicant and publish a copy of it in the
"confirmation" section of the bid document in the Electronic System of purchase
(,which, as soon as it is published, will be considered to have the
clarification and additional information delivered simultaneously to all bid participants.
The bid participant is responsible for reviewing and preparing the bid accordingly until
the final deadline for receiving the bid document , as an integral part of the bid

Whether Bid will arrange a pre-appointment meeting: "Yes"

The pre-auction meeting will be held electronically using the Zoom software at 14:00
p.m. on January 10, 2024.
BDS 9.1
Please attend the pre-bid meeting at the address below.
Zoom meeting ID: 410 203 5897
Password: 2021
Bid official language is Mongolian.
All materials in a foreign language will be submitted along with translations.
BDS 12.1
Note: Please note that the material in a foreign language that has not been translated
has not been submitted and that it is grounds for rejecting the bid.

BDS 15.1 Offering a vote in the transfer: "No"

Taxes, fees, and fees were paid in full on the day the bid was opened, according to the
laws of the united States. Once bid is opened, the digital directory will be downloaded
and checked within an hour.
/Public insurance and tax definitions are not required to be submitted and will be checked
BDS 16.1
through the "Electronic System of Purchase" and the "Public
Information Exchange System" electronic database of the General Tax Office and the
General Social Insurance Office.

A copy of the federal registration certificate is not required to be submitted and will be
BDS 16.1
checked through the "Public Information Exchange SYSTEM."
Information about any court claims or arguments that the bid participant has participated
in over the current and past 3 years: Required.
Through the electronic system of state procurement (, the General
Council of the Judiciary will submit a definition of special alcoholic beverages.
Note: Less than three days before Bid's discovery, a request will be submitted for a
BDS 16.2.1 special archive of the court, and the General Council of the Judiciary reviews and sends
the draft electronically. Note: Please note that in the event of a partnership, the
representative of the partnership sends a request for a member's draft after the
partnership covenant has been verified electronically.

Through the electronic system of public procurement (, the Court of

First Presidency submits a definition of the Contractor headquarters.
Note: The court's decision allows the bid participant to submit a request for a definition
of the Contractor place using his or her national digital signature to
BDS 16.2.2 select a relevant section of the bid to open the valid definition before the bid opens.
after confirmation, select the valid definition of a member to send a bid to the relevant

The criteria and requirements for the financial capabilities of bid participants:
- Sales income: The amount of sales revenue for the past five years or 2018,
BDS 17.2 2019, 2020, 2021, 2021, 2022 is less than 20 percent of the budget deficit,
or 60,930,246,288 (sixty-billion nine hundred thirty million and two hundred
forty six thousand and two hundred eighty eight) MNT.

The broker will submit a definition of overdue loan debt and default from the bank.
BDS 17.2.1 /Bid is required to have dates from the date of the announcement/

Other criteria and qualifications set out in this article on financial capabilities include:
The amount of money to meet the obligations of the covenant: less than 20 percent of
the budget deficit, or 60,930,246,288 (sixty-billion nine hundred thirty million and
BDS 17.2.5 two hundred forty six thousand and two hundred eighty eight) MNT.
The total amount of money to meet the obligations of the covenant is determined by
one or more of the following criteria:
- The remainder of the organization's account /Consumer Bank/,
- Definition of a loan with a sum that can be obtained from a commercial bank.

The timing of the financial statements that will provide the basis for a review of the
participant's financial capabilities in Bid: "Required"
Financial reports for the coming year: Financial statements for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021,
2022 are not required to be attached to their bid, and through the digital system, the
electronic financial statements will be reviewed from the financial statements of
BDS 17.3
participants in the bid at to check the sales revenue and
other necessary information for the past five years.
/The financial statements submitted by the bid participant are not taken into account in
the evaluation/

Bid Participant's technical capabilities and experience criteria and requirements:

1. Number of years worth performing similar work at least once: 20 percent of the
budget or 60,930,246,288 (sixty-billion nine hundred thirty million and two
hundred forty six thousand and two hundred eighty eight) MNT or higher
amount in the contract of similar works must be successfully completed in one
of 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.
• A copy of the completed covenant, /covenant, along with an appendix, and
an additional covenant will be submitted together./
• A Covenant Review Act
• Regarding the normal functioning of the completed work, the client
submits a description of the date on which the bid is announced.
/Consider experience in the construction of the Conway system for
similar work./
BDS 17.6
2. In Mongolia, with similar climate and climate conditions, 10.0 million tons of capacity
per year were successfully implemented and implemented as the principal
contractor of less than 1 project.
• A copy of the completed covenant and /covenant with the appendix will be
submitted along with the component and, if additional contracts are made,
they will be accompanied together./
• A Covenant Review Act
• Regarding the normal functioning of the completed work, the client
submits a description of the date on which the bid is announced.
The unfinished construction of the Conveyor system can be attributed to similar tasks in
the construction of a conveyor system with more than 70 personal performance.

Special permission: "Required"
The blueprinting organization and the Contractor branch have the following special
Provided by a rights organization :
BDS 17.6.1 - Submit a certificate /certificate/ to prove all the rights to perform the project's
blueprint and project work.
The special permit period is valid for the duration of the bid validity. If the special
permit expires, a decision will be submitted on the extension of the rights organization.

Bid participants, partnerships, and assistants are required to have special

permission in accordance with their covenant obligations.

Human resources information needed to perform a job: "Required"

No. Position Qty Experience

1 Project 1 Loading, unloading and stacking of bulk cargo (coal) and
Manager transportation conveyor system design, project
management, engineering and construction
engineer specializing in work management.
(10 or more years of work experience, in Mongolia, the
weather and climate are the same from 10.0 million tons
per year in countries with similar conditions 1 of a
conveyor system with a considerable capacity. Many
projects have been successfully implemented and
BDS 17.6.2 description of the customer for the project will be

- The professional team and composition necessary to carry out the design and
assembly work of the project should be ready at the start of the work, and the
notification of full provision of human resources, the list of working personnel and
their work experience should be submitted for confirmation by each employee.
- A copy of a university graduate's diploma will be submitted to his bid.
- The proposed engineering and technical personnel will be employed only for the
project and will be provided with a written guarantee that other projects will be

Basic equipment and tools used to perform tasks:

BDS 17.6.3 The project's construction will ensure that basic equipment and equipment necessary
to complete the project are ready and fully supplied at the beginning of the work.

Covenant information to prove experience in similar work: "Required"

The total amount of similar work performed will be submitted annually: a list of
completed works for 2018, 2019 , 2020, 2021, 2022, as follows:

BDS 17.6.4 Client organization name, Duration

Covenant Contract
No address, contact , (Complet
. Name price
phone/fax ed,


Other evidence of technical capabilities and experience testing and qualifications:

BDS 17.6.5 "Required"
- Article 6 of law 6, Clause 6, of the Law on openness, glass, purchase of goods,
jobs, and services for public and local property, states: "The principle of equality,
efficiency, savings, and accountability for purchases is followed." publicly disclose
the total "bid" submitted by the guest to provide instruction
to place it in an electronic system of activity, so it's going to make its bid transparent

a statement of "corrected" will be submitted with confirmation. In the absence of
this notice, there will be grounds for rejection of the bid.
- Confirmation of the work schedule and completion of the completion period for
the automobile loading system will take place in June 2024, and the construction
of the conveyor belt will take place in January 2025.
- A written confirmation of the terms and conditions of the work assignment
- The budget is calculated and approved according to the blueprint.
- Image caption The cost of the project will be submitted to the budget
- Contracts will be made through an electronic system with special permission to
develop images and projects, As stated in BDS 17.8.
- A written confirmation of the failure of Article 14.1.5 of the Law on the purchase of
goods, jobs, and services by state or local property.
- The blueprinting organization will submit the following information about the
experience of performing a similar blueprint. Among them:
1. A list of the total amounts of similar work performed in 2018, 2019, 2020,
2021, 2022 will be submitted annually.
2. Number of years to be performed at least once: For the past five years,
2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2021, 2022, 2022, the main contractor for the
design of the conveyor system.
• The blueprint will be accompanied by a copy of the covenant and
/covenant with the appendix, and if additional contracts are made,
they will be accompanied together./
• A Covenant Review Act
• The client submits a description of the date on which the bid is
3. In Mongolia, a project with a capacity of less than 10.0 million tons per year
has been developed in a country with similar weather and climate conditions
• A copy of the completed covenant and /covenant with the appendix
will be submitted along with the component and, if additional contracts
are made, they will be accompanied together./
• A Covenant Review Act
• The client submits a description of the date on which the bid is
- In case of a contract, the work blueprint will be completed after the contract is
completed in the second quarter of 2024, after the clients have been handed over,
and the work will be detailed in the Contractor calendar.
- When a blueprint is completed, a formal confirmation of a standardized standard
is submitted without "DIN."
- During the implementation phase of the project, a written confirmation of
compliance with MNS, ISO, and IEC standards adopted in Mongolia and many
The definition taught in the Bid Document is required to date after the date the bid is
announced; when a foreign bid is submitted, it will submit documents that match the
documents reflected in the bid database, and if such documents are not available, an
explanation will be submitted.

The participant in the bid is required to transfer the bid kit and documentation to an
electronic format /Adobe PDF/ in electronic form, and all submissions are required to be
clear and not submitted unread material.
When reviewing the bid, As stated in Clause 27 of the law on the purchase of goods,
jobs, and services for public and local property, the requirements of the Bid Data Chart
are in violation of the requirements of the work assignment.
Where any of the materials required by the BDS have not been submitted or otherwise
submitted, the bid will be grounds for rejection.

Information about the contracts being implemented and implemented by bid

BDS 17.7.
participants and members of his partnership: "Not required"
The percentage that a bid participant can perform as an assistant is up to 10 percent of
the contract price.
BDS 17.8 1. The bid participant entered into a contract with the assistant and secured the contract
through an electronic system. The contract specifies the performance of the
contractor, the price and duration of the contract.
2. The assistant has special permission in accordance with his or her duties. The
assistant's national registration certificate and special permission information are
checked through the "Public Information Exchange System."
Members of the partnership must meet the following additional requirements : Among
a) Each member of the partnership has signed a contract and has secured a
partnership agreement via electronic system in accordance with the relevant
b) The partnership agreement meets the requirements of the cooperation
agreement referred to in Article 476 of the Civil Code.
c) The Partnership Agreement identifies members and members of the
partnership who are eligible to represent the partnership, and clearly reflects
the performance, price grade and percentage of each partnership.
d) Appointing a member who has the right to assume responsibilities, receive
instructions , and represent them in making payments on behalf of any or all
members of the partnership;
e) the performance of the total contract, including the calculation of payments only
with a representative member , must have been regulated by the cooperation
BDS 17.9 agreement;
f) Each member of the partnership produces and submits all the information
taught in this BDS with the bid.
The lowest criteria:
The partnership has fully met the lower criteria and requirements set out in BDS 17.2,
17.6, regardless of the number of members. In 17.2 of the BDS, the amount of sales
income, the amount of money to meet covenant obligations, and the criteria for the price
of a similar home in BDS 17.6, the representative member provided 40 percent or more
of the criteria, and each member of the partnership provided 25 percent or more.
The above requirements are rejected as unnecessary in the event that a partnership is
not covered by a partnership agreement.
Note: Regulation 3.3.1 of the procedure for organizing and announcing bid auctions
through electronic purchasing systems states, "If a participant participates in a
partnership with an assistant, the parties may have entered into an agreement through
an electronic system;" in the absence of a contract,
3.11, "As stated in policy 3.3.1 when sending a bid participant
Please note that if you do not enter into agreements with other members of the
partnership, you will not be considered a participant in the bid referred to in Act 5.1.6.b."

The price offered by the bid participant during the course of the contract:
BDS 19.5.
"No Matching"
Bid Confirmation: "Required"
Bid confirmation: $1,523,256,158 (one billion five hundred and twenty-three million
BDS 22.1
two hundred and fifty-six thousand one hundred and fifty-eight)
Duration of force: Bid has 28 days to go after validity
If the person authorized to represent the participant in the bid transfers his or her right
to represent others, a trust will be issued according to the application.
BDS 23.1
According to the law, a trust is not required to submit a trust if a person has the right to
represent without a trust.
In addition to the forms taught in Clause 16 of the BDS and chapter V, a list of
documents that will be revealed to other bid participants:
The total "bid" submitted to the public for the purpose of providing for the purchase of
goods, jobs, and services by state and local property is taught in Article 6 of Law 6.1:
"The principle of transparency, equality, efficiency, savings, and accountability in the
BDS 23.5.3 purchase process."
The Erdenes Tavantolgoi JCS will locate all bid documents submitted by Bid Participants
on the day they openly, glass, and public control over purchases in connection with a
special regime established by the Mongolian government.

The final deadline for receiving a bid is:

Date: February 05, 2024

BDS 24.1. Time: 09 hours 00 minutes

Because the final deadline for receiving a bid is calculated as the server time of the
State Purchase Electronic System (, it is not possible to receive bid
materials if the deadline is late.
The opening of the bid will be made electronically for the period mentioned below, and
the opening information will be received electronically by the bid participant.
Date: February 05, 2024
BDS 26.1. Time: 09 hours 30 minutes
Bid Opening Location: "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC, Chingletei District, 1st Committee,
Jigjidjav-8, Finance Center, 5th floor, 502toot, Ulaanbaatar City-15160, Mongolia


BDS 30.2 Whether to use additional criteria for oversight in the show: "No use
Whether the participant in the tested bid will submit performance guarantees: Yes
Performance assurances are submitted in accordance with the terms of the contract
BDS 39.1
specified in BDS 7.5.
Contractor guarantees are equivalent to three percent of the gross domestic product for
the current budget year.

BDS 41.1 Whether advance payments will be made: "No"

Whether it is being structured in a pre-purchase procedure : No

BDS 43.1




1. General Verse .................................................................................................................................... 33

1.1. address of the client organization ............................................................................................ 33
1.2. Project Name: ...........................................................................................................................33
1.3. Field of project: .........................................................................................................................33
1.4. Name of the facility to be built : ...............................................................................................33
1.5. The Basis for Performing a project ..........................................................................................33
1.6. Related projects ........................................................................................................................33
1.7. Implementation period ..............................................................................................................33
2. Work Target ....................................................................................................................................... 33
3. Fundamental Information from the Client ......................................................................................... 33
4. Scope of work .................................................................................................................................... 34
5. General Requirement......................................................................................................................... 34
5.1. Design requirements .................................................................................................................36
5.1.1. Project design .................................................................................................................... 36
5.1.2. Construction and Road ....................................................................................................... 39
5.1.3. Electricity supply...................................................................................................................39
5.1.4. Engine ..................................................................................................................................40
5.1.5. Protection of equipment ...................................................................................................... 41
5.1.6. Control and Leadership System ......................................................................................... 41
5.1.7. Steel structure..................................................................................................................... 41
5.1.8. Maintenance and warehouse ............................................................................................ 42
5.2. Purchase ...................................................................................................................................42
5.2.1. General Instruction ............................................................................................................. 42
5.2.2. Purchase plan ..................................................................................................................... 43
5.2.3. Focus on purchase contracts ............................................................................................ 43
5.2.4. Purchase requirement ........................................................................................................ 44
5.2.5. Ensure prompt operation .................................................................................................... 44
5.2.6. Inspection and Testing ....................................................................................................... 44
5.2.7. Transportation and Preservation ........................................................................................ 45
5.2.8. Equipment and auxiliary materials...................................................................................... 45
5.3. Construction ..............................................................................................................................47
5.3.1. General ................................................................................................................................47
5.3.2. Mobilization on project field ................................................................................................ 48
5.3.3. Testing/commissioning ....................................................................................................... 48
5.3.4. Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 51
5.3.5. Handover ............................................................................................................................ 52
5.4. Environmental Protection, Safety .............................................................................................53
5.5. Economic estimates ..................................................................................................................54
5.5.1. Operating cost ................................................................................................................... 54
5.5.2. Project Economic Assessment ........................................................................................... 54
6. Project Management and Control ...................................................................................................... 55
6.1. General ..................................................................................................................................... 55
6.2. Project planning ........................................................................................................................56
6.2.1. Report ..................................................................................................................................57
6.2.2. Project control ..................................................................................................................... 58
6.2.3. Schedule control ................................................................................................................. 59
6.2.4. Documentation Control ....................................................................................................... 60
6.2.5. Congregation........................................................................................................................60
6.2.6. Communications and Information Exchange ...................................................................... 61
6.2.7. Conversion control ...............................................................................................................62

7. List of handover documents and software ........................................................................................ 63
8. Contractor requirements and technical requirements ........................................................................ 68
8.1. Basic Requirements ..................................................................................................................68
8.2. Experience ................................................................................................................................ 68


Chart-1. Basic Performance .......................................................................................................................... 35

Chart-2. Power level ....................................................................................................................................... 40
Chart 3. Average power level performance ................................................................................................. 40
Chart-4. Engine performance ........................................................................................................................ 40
Chart-5. Material rankings ............................................................................................................................. 41
Chart-6. List of handover documents ......................................................................................................... 63


The term for a commonly used project can be used in this document as follows:
AA Preparation Analysis
BOM Bill of material
CA Critical Analysis
CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management System
DCP Detailed construction plan
DEG Detailed engineering
DOL Direct on line
DWG Drawings
EDMS Engineering digital document management system
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMP Environmental Management Plan
EN European norm
EPC Engineering design, Purchase and Construction
EPR Equipment purchase record
ETT "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC
FAT Factory acceptance test
FEED Front end engineering design
FEG Field engineering design
FMEA Failure modes and Effect Analysis
FS Feasibility study
GA General arrangement
GB Chinese Standard (Guojia Biaozhun)
HSE Health, safety and environment
HSEM Health, safety and environment management
H&S Health and safety
ICS Integrated Control and Security
ISO International Standard Organization
ITP Inspection test plan
MA Maintenance Analysis
MCC Motor control center
MEL Main equipment list
MPR Monthly Progress Report
OHS Occupational safety and health
OHSAS Occupational safety and health assessment package
PAT A pre-acceptance experiment
PEP Project execution plan
P&ID Piping and instrumentation diagram
POC Proof of concept
QA Quality assurance
QC Quality control
QCP Quality control plan
QMC Quality management system
RAM Reliability, availability and maintainability
RBI Risk based inspection
RCM Reliable control maintenance
SOW Scope of work
SPAR Spare part Assessment Report
SPIR Spare Parts list and Interchangeability Record.
TEFC Totally enclosed fan-cooled engine
UPS uninterruptible power supply
VFD Variable frequency drive
WBS Work breakdown structure


1. General
1.1. The name and address of "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC
the client organization: Ulaanbaatar City, Chingeltei District, 1st Committee. Jigjidjav
Street-8 Finance Center
Mongolia, Southern Territory, Tsogtsei Archives, White-Ovoi Team,
Treasury Tavantolgoi Branch
1.2. Work Name: "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC Engineering, Procurement, and
Construction of Coal Conveyor, Crusher and Truck Loading Station project (later called "work")
1.3. Workplace: "Erdenes" in the territory of Tsogtsei, Southern Territory
Technology Park, East Mine, and ManufacturingOf the Tavantolgoi
Stone Coal Group of the LC
1.4. Name of the facility to be Fabric enrichment plant nutritional carbon conveyor system, brush
built: and automobile loading system

1.5. Picture On page 73, 2018, BDS General Assembly Resolution

• Mongolia's government resolutions 2020 113 and 89
resolutions for 2021 and 229 resolutions for 2022
• 49th Anniversary of the Mongolian Government Session ,
December 6, 2023
• Med-Term Business Plan for 2021-2025 of "Erdenes
Tavantolgoi" JSC (ETT)
• Investment budget approved by ETT's Board of Directors
• Action plan approved by ETT's Board of Directors meeting
1.6. Related Projects Implemented by Erdenes Tavantolgoi
• Coal Washing & Preparation Plant (later called "NBU" )
• Coal Loading & Unloading Facility (later called "TNALT")
1.7. Application deadline Q1 2025

2. Purpose of the job

The objective of the project is to reduce production costs, increase productivity, reduce
environmental impacts, and provide safety by introducing carbon dioxide conveyor systems, brushes, and
automobile loading systems for the transportation of nutrients. have produced documents with government

3. Basic Project Information from the Client

Previous research, reports, information, relevant materials, detailed work descriptions, and lists of the
order required by the client to perform the workare available to the Bid Contractor:

- Highlights from the Tavantolgoi Coal Enrichment Factory in the southern province of Tsogtsei, 2021;
- LDC, 202 2nd, "Tavantolgoi Carbon Loading Logistics Center," located in the region of Tsogtsei,
Southern Province;
- LDC, 2023, project to introduce cycle-fuel technology that combines the soil of the Tavantolgoi Coal
Group in the region of Tsogtsei, Southern Province;
- Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment Report, 2022;

- General Planning Picture of the Transportation Conveyor System — Appendix No . 1, Cutting Picture
No. 2;
- Industrial Calendar Plan (2024-2040 ) — Appendix No . 2;
- General planning of the surface of the Tavantolgoi Mountains;
- To provide each of the other additional information needed to perform the work .

4. The scope of works

The contractor is conditioned to award EPC, or key, a conveyor belt system capable of transporting
15 million tons of carbon per year to feed the carbon-enrichment plant, as well as a 12-13 km carbon-carrying
conveyor system and a brush and a 10 million tonne-powered automobile load system per year From
the very beginning to the first phase of the bid work, all necessary calculations, blueprints, engineering
geological research, engineering, equipment purchases, transportation, installation, installation and
construction relatedarchitecture, civil and secondary structures, mechanical and electrical work to its complete
blueprint, experimentation, adaptation, utilization, and submission to the State Commission; While not
specifically mentioned in the framework of the project , other activities required to complete the project
successfully (including essential infrastructure and utilization segments) will be completed; the equipment will
be supplied without any additional fees during the experiment or matching period.

The project's Contractor tasks include all the things necessary to successfully accomplish the
project's objectives without being limited to the conditions laid down in this Work Assignment. The Contractor's
work includes the following sections, as reflected in the general text: Details of each section are reflected in
the subsequent sections of this document and will be integral parts of this Project.
The introduction of a freight conveyor system will include the following sections, which will not be
limited to it. Among them:
1. Engineering and blueprinting (with engineering geology research)
2. Building blueprints and budgeting
3. Structure (such as electricity, roads )
4. Distribution and acquisition
5. Construction ( maintenance and training plan)
6. Experiments and settings
7. Giving Up
8. Project management and project review
9. Development and approval of health, safety, environmental management and BONBNU
10. It's not specifically listed here , but in every way any other work needed to make the Project successful
in a timely manner.
The contractor has all the related tasks necessary to implement the project, including expenses,
taxes, fees, temporary electricity, temporary water, auxiliary materials, fuel (ANOAT, Gaul, NEWS, other
taxes, fees, fees, engineering blueprint development, project management, foreign, internal transportation, It
is responsible for the upgrade, installation, training, testing and matching costs, The Cost of Invincible Work,
Normative Costs, Copyright Control Expenses, Autozam Advisory Expenses and All Related Expenses,
including Insurance Fees). All related expensesincluded the price of the contract.

5. General Requirements

The defendant will work to meet the requirements set out in this work assignment.
- The introduction of the Transportation Conveyor System is in accordance with the requirements of
the relevant laws of Mongolia and the requirements laid down in this document by the rules,
standards, other legislative resolutions, decisions, and procedures, and other laws that are not
limited to it ; International law would be aligned with rights;
- The transportation conveyor system is an integral part of the technology of "“TAVANTOLGOI COAL
LOADING & UNLOADING FACILITY”" and "NB" implemented by the Client Organization , and the
blueprint and technology of these projects

economic foundations (later called LDCs), in conjunction with relevant research and reporting
- In the transportation conveyor system, advanced technologies that have been introduced into
manufacturing, tested, and utilized have identified and reflected the lowest and most energy-efficient
solutions; (Evidence in a comprehensive study)
- Having a monitoring system to create, compile, and monitor the operation of the carbon conveyor
system by combining detailed research, material analysis, and information scripts required to
introduce the transportation conveyor system;
- Identify all types of organizational, investment, technical, and engineering solutions, such as
minimizing the environmental impact of the transportation conveyor system, the units operating
in the project field , the participating parties, and adapting to local conditions;
- Fully participate in all stages of blueprinting, planning, implementation, use, navigation, and
resolution of the transportation conveyor system;
- To coordinate detailed plans for the introduction of a freight conveyor system;
- In selecting technologies and equipment, align them with the carbon enrichment plant and the
“TAVANTOLGOI COAL LOADING & UNLOADING FACILITY” project , plan and update as needed
in accordance with the phase plan of the projects, and identify them based on the comparison of
economic and technical research and similar projects;
- The contractor develops a complete , combustible work structure (WBS) to create a foundation
for work scheduling, monitoring, and basic schedules;
- Because the transportation conveyor's leadership system is inextricably linked to “TAVANTOLGOI
COAL LOADING & UNLOADING FACILITY”, enrichment industry operations, and leadership
systems, it is the most accurate and coordinated way to plan and connect the national leadership
system to the NGO leadership system;
- Selecting the location of the freight conveyor trays, planning existing facilities, facilities that are likely
to be cost in the future , planning without jeopardizing the active movement of railways and road, and
overseeing the supply of other infrastructure energy;
- The “TAVANTOLGOI COAL LOADING & UNLOADING FACILITY” automobile loading system and
a full-scale gate control field (including the automobile loading system) will be developed and
approved by the client as a version of which parts of the “TAVANTOLGOI COAL LOADING &
UNLOADING FACILITY” project will be separated from the loading facility, which will be completed
and implemented by June 2024;
- After a blueprint is developed and approved, the LDCs of a freight transportation conveyor are
approved and approved, and they agree with the Client for new approval or clarification work.
- When the second brush and automobile loading system are developed and approved, the probability
budget will be approved by the relevant professional organization, and the probability budget will be
reduced by a probable budget. If the probability budget for the work is greater than the bid budget,
there will be no change in the price of the contract.
Chart-1. Basic indicator

- The Conveyor line is 12.1 km from “TAVANTOLGOI COAL LOADING &

UNLOADING FACILITY”'s pioneer brush to Manufacturing, Technology
Park and Carbon Enrichment Factory and can be +1;-1 km, with less than
1,600 mm in width. (Protection fence, technology roads, and lighting)
1. Basic Project Performance
- The second bush facility is 15 million tons a year
- The full automobile system is 10 million tons a year (including fields,
entry-weight systems, and heavy-duty automobiles)

Average air pressure, MBAR - 840
Lowest recorded temperature /-37.6C/ Maximum recorded
temperature /+38.3C/ Coldest months - 1,2,12
Average temperature for winter months /-11.5 C/
Warmest months - 6, 7, 8
Average temperature for warm months /+20.2C/
Average relative humidity, % - 54
2. Climate
Average precipitation size, mm -150 /year/ Wind
average speed, m/s - 4
Maximum wind speed, m/s - 28
General Wind Direction and Speed - High altitude above
Northwest Ocean level, m-1590
Humidity, % - 6

Working days per year - 350

shifts - 2
4. Mountain Work Procedure
Mother's duration - 12 hours of weakness
during testing - 3
Working days per year - 309
Shifts per Day - 2
5. “TAVANTOLGOI COAL Shift duration - 12 hours
LOADING & UNLOADING Repairs to a 24-hour plan once a week to prevent accidents and injuries
FACILITY” Work Procedure
Working days per year - 313
Shifts per Day - 2
6. CWPP Work Procedure Shift duration - 12 hours
Repairs to a 24-hour plan once a week to prevent accidents and injuries

7 . Coal Type Basic carbon layers - 0, I, II, III , IV, V, VIII , IX, X, XI, XII, XIII
Close –  = 1.4, t/m3
8. Physical-mechanical Performance coefficient – X = 1.25 Large section
properties size – a max = 300 mm
Natural slope angle -  =15°-20°
9. The Power of the Second Capacity of the year - 15 million tones
The source of electricity is supplied by air lines and cable lines from 10kW
of a substation with a capacity of 110/35/6kW to a combined power line of
110/35/6kW, or 2x25MW of a substation with a capacity of 110/35/10kW.
/Calculate procedures for a specific job, negotiate with a client, and
10. Electricity supply determine the source As stated in the LDS and work blueprints/
The installed capacity of the freight conveyor belt is 4.5MW,
the accounting capacity is 3.5MW. The electricity consumption of the
second millennia is calculated as a blueprint.

During the implementation phase of the project, MNS, ISO, and IEC
standards adopted in Mongolia and many countries will be followed.
Standards for implementation are standardized in many countries in
11. International standards to
the absence of Mongolia
be implemented in the
selectively, new processing, and approval are performed at his own
implementation phase of the

5.1. Image requirements

The project is projected for the second quarter of 2024 and is ready to begin construction work.

5.1.1. Image project

- “TAVANTOLGOI COAL LOADING & UNLOADING FACILITY” and enrichment plant project
phases, in conjunction with approved blueprints and planning in the most accurate manner;

- In determining the location of the bridge, calculate the supply of energy to the industrial units
operating in the field of project implementation, to adapt local conditions, to plan future cost-effective
facilities, to plan railways and roads active movements without jeopardizing;
- Estimates of high-performance, minimum utilization costs, and smart electrical supply, governance
and surveillance technologies equipped with systems that meet international standards are
compared to less than 2 versions, and approved by the Consumers as proposals;
- Technology and equipment are aligned with the phase of the carbon enrichment plant and plan in a
way that is possible to expand and update as needed;
- The Transportation Conveyor System provides detailed technical and economic comparison
estimates based on the activities of the “TAVANTOLGOI COAL LOADING & UNLOADING
FACILITY” and the CWPP's carbon-receiving section, as well as a part of the integrality of leadership
and technology;
- The carbon dioxide from the first “TAVANTOLGOI COAL LOADING & UNLOADING FACILITY” bush
will be broken down by a secondary brush of up to 125 to 150mm, along with a conveyor system and
automotive system design designed to provide transportation and enrichment plants.
- Develop a blueprint that takes full account of the source, manufacturer, and other necessary
infrastructure, such as electrical supply, and so on, without limitation to the source, manufacturer,
and other factors;
- At least two options will be considered and the most accurate version will be detailed blueprints and
approved by clients;
- Develop a blueprint that meets the requirements and standards of the TNAL bush system and its
processes, capabilities, operations, technology, equipment choices, and control systems, as well
as coordination and coordination of conveyor system strengths, technical performance, leadership
systems, and processes;
- Develop a blueprint that is expected to be less than 1,600 mm in width of the conveyor belt ;
- Create a general blueprint for the bridge conveyor belt, installation of equipment, location pictures,
and technology schemes;
- Complete blueprints for the transportation conveyor system in accordance with relevant laws,
standards, and regulations implemented in Mongolia;
- to develop a diagram of technological equipment;
- Selecting cost-effective and energy-saving equipment in accordance with technology sequencing
and diagrams;
- Equipment for the transportation conveyor belt system is sufficient to meet the low cost of utilization
and ease of maintenance that has been recognized in many countries and has been accessed and
- Calculate the time, readiness, and usage of the device at least less than theLDCs;
- Select Conway’s primary and assistant equipment in accordance with work assignment
- To develop and approve virtual maintenance, its planning, warehouse location , and operational
- Travel and governance systems to be able to connect to the “TAVANTOLGOI COAL LOADING &
UNLOADING FACILITY” and carbon enrichment industry control systems;
- A blueprint will be developed to be a full-scale automobile loading system and a full-scale gate
control area (with an auto-weight system). and it's approved by a client. Construction of the system
will be handed over to the team for use in June 2024;

- Plan an automated carbon quality monitoring measurer that can operate with the continuous
electronic processes needed to determine the carbon quality of the automobile load system;
- Plans and blueprints for automobile loading systems, along with heavy roads and related
- When the second brush and automobile loading system are developed and approved, the probability
budget will be approved by the relevant professional organization, and the probability budget will
be reduced by a probable budget. If the probability budget for the work is greater than the bid
budget, there will be no change in the price of the contract;
- The second bush corresponds to the technology, operation, and equipment of the “TAVANTOLGOI
COAL LOADING & UNLOADING FACILITY”-bound Fabric Enrichment Factory, and is comparable
to Mclanahan;
- Plan to have a dry dust pressure system, a waste metal magnet, a maintenance field, and a lifting
- Develop and approve a blueprint for the protective fence in accordance with the Conway system's
- Planning conveyor lighting according to relevant standards;
- Plan accident lighting in the areas required to have ingredients, extracts and AVR and UPS;
- Develop a blueprint for a bunker to allocate the capacity of the conveyor system in connection
with the expansion of the fabric enrichment plant;
- The fabric conveyor system will have fire control, signal and extinguishing systems and will be able
and control systems;
- Planning automatic fire extinguishment systems for fire risk segments and objects;
- The extraction of a tube or bunker should be the size of the feeder to freely penetrate the largest
amount of feeding material, and the nutritionist should play the role of coordinator of the conveyor
system's pressure stream;
- The largest piece of paper has been doubled or the amount of material equivalent to 1/3 of the vault's
exit is in the bunker. The provider has a variable rate;
- Calculate the urban radius of the axis and prevent the opposite load from turning gas ;
- The ribbon is considered a screwdriver to prevent the gas from turning. Calculate the distance between
the rolls accordingly;
- All ribbon conveyor belts are rain and wind cover;
- The distributor's nutritional flow and head are usually designed with a spoon and a spoon;
- All conveyor belts have at least one basic shaving, one second shaven, one v-shaving roll on the
backbone, one v-shaving roll on the front of the first bow, and Flexco is the equivalent of it;
- Provide a blueprint for calculating such stops and questions when conways are material;
- Develop a blueprint that is expected to have a maximum of 14 degrees Fahrenheit ;;
- On both sides of the conveyor belt, there will be pedestrian paths, exits, and ingredients, with a wide
≥1,000 mm on the sidewalk and ≥700 mm wide at the entrance, planning and reflecting surfaces that
do not slip during the winter;
- The planned load of all transmitters is no more than 80%;
- Be able to place the opposite load as close to the place as possible and perform maintenance ;
- Fully equipping the towers with human entrances and maintenance doors;
- Conveyor has an operating and ultra-low-speed sensor ;
- Standard planning of conveyor belts to ensure the safety of conveyor belts and prevent the flow
of matter from slopes and high altitudes when materials are transported;
- The tranquilla attraction will be placed on the sidewalk of the conveyor belt , and the distance
between the taves will be calculated according to relevant standards;
- Being able to make a ribbon match in conway's head and end section;
- There will be a ignition signal in the head and end of the conveyor belt , and additional signals will
be calculated according to relevant standards;
- Locating a surveillance camera system under the Conveyor system (such as a heat sensor);

- Conwayer's system identifies the processes of working during the natural strong winds, storms and
cold seasons and develops a blueprint with the ability to reliably perform its continuous operations
and maintenance;
- Establish appropriate standards for evaluating and monitoring of any limitations of older factors or
adverse effects;
- and make a list of instruments;
- Presenting a detailed schedule of project performance to clients within 60 days of the
- To develop the conway system blueprint, the relevant laws, standards, and standards of
Mongolia are fully met;
- Fundamental research required for the project, analysis of equipment, and analysis;
- Performing the financial and economic calculations of the project and approving it by the
- Develop a plan for the implementation of the project and approve it by the Client;
5.1.2. Building facilities and roads
- Production of images of the facilities of the bridge conveyor system in accordance with relevant
laws, standards, regulations, and norms of Mongolia's construction;
- There will be floodwater protection and water removal channels, and plan rainwater removal
facilities in accordance with the rules of procedure in conjunction with surface elevation;
- to have access to the route and ingredients for the maintenance of the Conveyor system;
- Develop an integrated schedule for the construction of the project and approve it by the Client;
- Develop a general plan and approve it by relevant organizations; /Road, infrastructure, repair
center, information board, as well as lighting, navigation, etc.;
- The ribbon will have sidewalks and exits and ingredients on either side of the conveyor belt , and
plan and reflect surfaces that do not slip during the winter;
- Planning the movement of the outer sidewalk fields in conjunction with auto traffic;
- Standard planning of traffic sections, vehicle stops and signs ;
- Reflect and plan the ingredients and extracts of the facility in a comprehensive plan to ensure that
carbon transportation traffic and pedestrian traffic do not overlap;
- Plan a two-story inspection facility for employees overseeing the reliable operation of a freight
transportation conveyor belt,and the apartment will be equipped with control, control screens, and
other equipment, calculating the burden according to the rules, and planning according to
- To develop a new blueprint for the project, the original design is approved, the engineering
geological analysis is based on the design, budgeting, and original design. To negotiate with
relevant organizations by issuing new technical conditions and developing engineering lines,
networking pictures, and budgets within the framework of these technical conditions;
- The size of the construction field may vary depending on the client's request and the standard;
- Planning external surveillance cameras and announcements / systems ;

5.1.3. Electricity supply

- Following international IEC standards for electrical and system automation blueprints unless
standardized as a standard for the state energy sector;
- In accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and procedures, a full-scale workshop will be
- Calculate and plan the peak of all electrical appliances based on the client and local projects;
- Select the strength of the electrical transformer substation to match the strength of the conveyor
system equipment;

Chart-2. Power level

and we're going to have a virtual machine Power level

Cable line for electricity transmission 6, 10 kW
Engine equipment cable line 0.4, 6, 10 kW
Distribution facilities, secondary rooms 6/0.4 kW, 10/0.4 kW
- Conveyor's electrical infrastructure , equipment and equipment below
/Chart – 3/ to select a manufacturer;
Chart 3. Average power level performance

Viewing Manufacturer
Average power level
Distribution facilities with swimmers
ABB Safering, Siemens SIMOSEC,
GIS(<=6.3 kW)
Schneider RM6 match it
GIS(>=10.5 kW)
Distribution equipment for indoor equipment
ABB ZS1, Siemens NXAIR, Schneider HVX
AIS(<=6.3 kW) match
GIS(>=10.5 kW)
- Planning for lower electricity savings and utility costs,
- Selecting 1 or more reliable sources of electricity;
- To present to the Consumer by conducting an analysis of estimates comparing potential storage
sources of electricity;
- Plan to connect to the software control and leadership system of the integrated automation
5.1.4. Engine
The engine meets the standard requirements of high efficiency, fully protected, fan cooling (TEFC)
and IEC 60034. The engine foundation is not agreed upon differently (for example, a crane and a special lift
engine), but the steering ironseparator is afraid of a 'F' category, along with the 'B' category, with a low rate
of IP56. The engine cooling fan should have two directions: all engines should be suitable for starting direct
lines (DOL), and the selected engine is equipped with a starting device that limits the flow / flow, such as an
electronic soft ignition switch or variable speed engine (VFD), and the engine is ideal for steering with a
conventional switching device. If not taught differently, all engines must have asynchronous engines.
Chart-4. Engine performance

Viewing Manufacturer
Electric engine
At the level of power,
ABB/Siemens/Teco equals it
At the level of medium intensity
Variable frequency transformer
At the level of power, ABB, Siemens, Schneider equal to it
At the level of medium intensity
Distribution board, engine control center and barrier protection
At the level of power,
ABB MNS 3.0, Siemens S8, Schneider
Distribution facilities, distribution boards and motor
OKKEN match
control centers

41 Gear Box Connector
The gear box meets the following requirements:
- Fluid coupling: Because the shingle connector is a special tool to protect the engine from high-
speed rotation, it is equal to VOITH;
- High-speed shaft hyudraulic coupling: The connector of this projection is probably the same as
5.1.5. and we're going to have to do that
- To install and install equipment protection according to the requirements, depending on the
- Minimum requirements for devices:
 IP42 for use in electricity and control rooms
 IP54 to use in dry dust fields
 IP56 for use outside of safe spaces , moat and sprinkler facilities
 Have an IP65 or a fence with high-sensitivity electronics
- Making an electrical protected section inside an outdoor facility with rust-free steel painted in
- Plan the sensors and other equipment needed to ensure the control , safety, and reliability of the
Conveyor system.
5.1.6. Travel and Leadership System
- Advanced leadership equipment has been installed to improve operations and leadership,
reduce costs, and facilitate the work of employees, and this equipment is a system capable of
transmitting and analyzing all kinds of information. there's a comprehensive system of reporting.
- The leadership system will be able to connect to the CWPP and “TAVANTOLGOI COAL LOADING
& UNLOADING FACILITY” leadership Cystem, and the engineering worksheet has more advanced
software equivalent to the ABB Ability System 800xA Minerals Process Control Library .
- Equipment for the transportation conveyor system is located in engine control centers (MCC).
5.1.7. Metalworking and structure
Fabrics and steel structures will be developed in accordance with Mongolia's legal and judicial
environment, norms, regulations, and international standards.
The creative blueprint sets standards for the use of static and dynamic loads, pressure combinations,
additional loads, and mechanical equipment. Wind, vibration, temperature limits, and other environmental
criteria are considered to increase.
Here are the rankings of approved materials to be used in the project. The quality of the material
can be more and more so in the rankings below.
Chart-5. Material rankings

Section Type Wheelchair

Part of soft steel ( released) Q355D
Part of soft steel Q355B
Suva and angle Q235B or D
Part of the welded steel Q355B or D
Hawaii Q355B or D

5.1.8. Maintenance and warehouse industry
- Develop and approve utility and transmission maintenance and warehouse planning in a version;
- Introduce information compared to a supplier who is able to supply supplies and auxiliarymaterials;
- Provide a maintenance manual with an explanation for the continuous operation of the instrument;
- 3 (three) provide a list of switches to use over a period of three years, along with a price;
- The equipment information will include a detailed listof all the equipment, replacement components,
and auxiliary materials required during the time the equipment is used, but will not be limited to it;
- The contractor prepares a sworddevice evaluation report (SPAR) combined by each manufacturer
and supplier;
- The appraisal report for the device includes the following: Among them:
 and the rapid artificial components and replacement frequencies;
 Being able to purchase the required switches, reserve readiness and order;
 Predicting the need for a device;
 Identifying the possibility of repairing classes without replacing them;
 Cost of equipment and the percentage of expected use/recovery;
 The impact on safe operation;
 Time of storage;
 The amount of purchases being offered in the first place;
- The contractor will submit records and data to the Consumer for the evaluation of all switches.

5.2. Purchase

5.2.1. General Instruction

The supply of all necessary equipment and services shall be included within the scope of the
Contractor Director's performance unless otherwise specified in this document.
The contractor will combine all the utility materials required to perform the work.
The contractor will present a list of suppliers and procurement plans, including all equipment, tools,
materials, engineering and assembly services , and the list of suppliers will be considered in the important
documentation of this contract.
Equipment for performing work within the framework of the A-list assignment has a qualified certificate;
the associated cost of the certificate is included in the contract price.
The requirements and blueprint requirements of the virtual machine project are notified and
validated by the Client in case of a violation of the rules and standards.
The contractor will monitor, verify, and update the quantity of materials in accordance with approved
blueprints and technical requirements (TR) before initiating the purchase, andwill provide a detailed picture
of the amount of material in the project (DEG).
The contractor transports all equipment and utility materials to the project field at his own expense.In
any case, the Contractor will look at the integrity and protection of the installation .
The contractor must pay particular attention to the storage of equipment requiring special conditions,
particularly electrical equipment and equipment, to avoid unaccounted damage and damage during the
construction of the project.
The contractor is responsible for the purchase and the following tasks and will not be limited to it.
These include: purchase, contract control, acceleration, inspection, testing, transportation, storage and
delivery from supplier to project field.

The performance sister will ensure that all equipment supplied for the work is innovative, good quality,
quality, blueprint, logistical compatibility, technical performance, information sheets, and project standards.
The contractorperforms the tasks. Among them:
- Vehicle Purchase Record (EPR) – Shows the type and number of equipment received in the field
- To oversee the restructuring of the field warehouse.
The contractor will provide guarantees for all equipment, and the warranty period for each equipment
purchased must be subject to the contract.
The equipment selected by the contractor will be responsible for making sure it is fully compatible with
the foundation of the project's engineering documents and blueprints, and thefund must provide assurances
to the entire equipment when the plant is installed.
The contractor will only select and use equipment that has been approved for use during use. The
duration of the approved utility means that Mongolia's climate and climate have been continuously operated
and tested for at least two years without similar obligations or conditions of use in other industries in similar
countries. Equipment compatibility
The Contractor is responsible for ensuring the smoothness of the equipment installed in all parts of
the industry, and he chooses the same supplier and manufacturer approved by the Supplier to reduce the
number, type, replacement, and maintenance of similar equipment (equipment, electrical appliances,
electronic equipment, switches, drivers, and so on). in other projects that are in line with the equipment that
has been used and supplied in a package.
5.2.2. Purchase plan
Registration containing equipment and quantity information will be completed by the Contractor in a
detailed blueprint process, including technical documents.
The purchase plan will be developed in accordance with the requirements of the design (DEG)
engineering and construction.
The contractor will submit a detailed procurement plan to the Client within ninety (90) days of the date
of the agreement, which includes a detailed schedule of procurement distribution related to the direction of
the project purchase activity and the duration of each of them. The detailed procurement plan covers the
following activities:
- It is incumbent on suppliers to receive the necessary information in a timely manner to complete the
detailed blueprint.
- Before sending the goods, the inspection and the third party's permission / inspection work will be
carried out in a timely manner.
- Equipment and supplies were brought to the project field ahead of the date specified in the installation
plan. And the requirements of the instrumentation are probably in line with the plan for the
construction of the field.
The development plan will be carefully aligned with the acceptance time of all equipment.
Prior to the selection of the equipment, the list of basic equipment will be delivered to the Supplier
for review; the basic equipment is the world's leading Brand.
The contractor is responsible for preparing the monthly progress report /MPR/ and the "Purchase
Process Report" together to the Client.
5.2.3. Things to watch out for in procurement contracts
The contractor is responsible for the following aspects of the purchase and is not limited to:

- In any case, the proposed suppliers would have met the Requirements of the Consumer;
- The contractor isresponsible for issuing operational assurances to the Applicant after the completion
of the project;
- The contractor performs, organizes, and coordinates the maintenance, transportation, and
documentation of the Vehicle Gate. The contractor oversees the completeness of transportation from
the export point to the equipment warehouse in the project field;
- The contractor will purchase the switching equipment needed for experimental adaptation and
utilization, and the cost is included in the contract price.
- The contractor will provide all the specialized tools and construction equipment needed to install,
test, utilize, start, operate and maintenance of the equipment.
5.2.4. Purchase requirements
The contractor's purchasing obligations include the following and will not be limited to it. Among them:
- The contractor shall purchase the Equipment in accordance with approved technical conditions,
distribution plans and schedules;
- The purchase is a nose-in-cheek, both a permanent job and a temporary job;
- The contractor purchases the Equipment only from a list of suppliers specified in the project
implementation plan /PEP/requirements;
- The contractor will select a company with Quality warranty, Quality control system, a well-known,
qualified set of gold, skilled components, adequate manufacturing equipment, and a manufacturing
facility that qualifies for delivery in accordance with market standards and mutually agreed
distribution schedules;
- Provide appropriate provisions in the order agreement to authorize the inspection of a representative
of the Client/Supplier or appointed Contractor Officer at the location of the manufacturer of equipment
and goods of importance where necessary;
- The contractor shall prohibit the replacement or modify of the main goods, equipment or supplier
without prior approval from the Supplier;
- In the event that the equipment is in violation of the Requirements of the Supplier and changes, the
Contractor shall notify the Client of this matter and shall obtain relevant permission to replace and
modify the supplier and/or equipment.
The applicant's approval of any supplier does not deprive the Contractor of his or her contractual
obligations in connection with compliance with the requirements laid down in the contract.
5.2.5. Providing Activity
The contractor will quickly complete the supply of the Equipment purchased by the Contractor for work
and the product ordered by the suppliers; in the event that the contractor changes the equipment, the warranty
and insurance requirements will quickly perform the related documentation; the contractor will keep an
updated record of the transaction and report the acquisition information and results to the "Report of the
Procurement Process."
The contractor will report any delays that may affect the project's general schedule and will take the following
 Work with the publisher urgently.
 The contractor assigns his specialist to the Supplier's side at no additional cost.
5.2.6. Travel tests and tests
The contractor is responsible for overseeing and inspecting goods and equipment/ for the third
party/organization/expert approved by the Client/ Client.

and they're going to provide it. The contractor will submit a written report on the performance of the
supervisory work to representatives of the Client/ Applicant. Atthe expense of the Contractor Director, a
specialist appointed by the Supplier will complete the inspection and inspection of equipment and materials.
The Applicant is required to report any in confirmations that occurred during the testing and inspection
process; the corrective measures will be planned by the Contractor and approved by the Solicitor before the
work is carried out. The inconsistence will be considered in accordance with the Contractor Quality
Leadership System and in particular will be matured to prevent steps taken by similar project processes.
5.2.7. Production and preservation
The contractor is responsible for the construction, installation, maintenance, maintenance, and
maintenance of a warehouse if necessary, as required by the Applicant's approval and technical conditions
and the requirements of the Covenant.

- The contractor is responsible for delivering all equipment in a timely manner and safely storing them
in the field before being used in connection with Work.
- The contractor prepares and submits monthly transportation information that reflects the detailed
nature of the Vehicle, which provides details of the supplier, the country of origin, the delivery time,
the delivery point (construction), as well as the storage area and usage situation.
- The contractor is responsible for transporting the equipment to the final location. It is the Contractor's
responsibility to get the equipment to work.
5.2.8. Equipment and Assistant Material
Combining the equipment and auxiliary materials required for advance testing and experimental
adaptation is included in the Contractor's task.
The contractor will issue a guarantee to the Supplier of the merger of the seven (7) year-roundusage
equipment based on the descriptions and recommendations of the manufacturers.

Before making an important purchase, the Contractor will present the comparative information
of the supplier who can supply the equipment and auxiliary materials. will include a detailed list of devices,
replacement components and auxiliary materials, but not limited to them. The contractor will prepare a
combined amplifier evaluation report (SPAR) for each manufacturing sister and supplier. The evaluation
report for the device includes the following:

and we're going to have to do a quick virtual machine,

Be able to purchase the necessary switches, the availability of reserves, and the
availability of orders.
 Predicting the need for a device.
 Identifying the possibility of fixing classes without replacing them.
 The cost of the equipment and the percentage of expected use/recovery.
 The impact on safe operation.
 Time to save.
 The amount of purchases being offered in the first place.
The contractor will submit records and data to the Consumer for the evaluation of all switches.
In the event of an injury during the period of submission to the Federal Commission, the Contractor is
obliged to purchase, transport, and supply all equipment necessary to repair and replace the equipment
that has been damaged in accordance with the Contracting Duty. The contractor is responsible for ensuring
that all equipment, accompanying devices, amplifiers, special tools and assistance materials are ready for
inspection and testing at their own expense , as stipulated in the Contract.

The contractor will comprise a special team of qualified and experienced professionals who will
perform distribution and procurement services.
The contractor will develop a procurement plan that includes product and service procurement
procedures and the responsibilities and responsibilities of the acquisition and acquisition reserves associated
with these activities, including previous supplier experience, sales document management, rapid operational
capabilities, factory inspection, testing and transportation, you will be able to manage the logistics, switches,
tools and auxiliary materials.

5.3. Construction

5.3.1. General
The contractor oversees all construction in accordance with the relevant laws of Mongolia, as
stipulated in the blueprint, technical conditions, work assignments, and covenants . Before the contractor
begins construction, all necessary permission is obtained from the authorized parties; the contractor performs
the tasks taught in the covenant and in accordance with relevant regulations, norms, and standards; all rules,
standards, and drafts mentioned in the covenant's name and number are kept in the Contractor Site; the
contractor is responsible for building and establishing the entire work; the general role of the contractor is to
seeing accordance with the procedure, the Contractor and his suppliers and assistants will perform all the
work necessary to oversee civil construction, assembly, line pipeline/mechanical equipment, electrical, road,
field patrols, rust protection, paint work, and the successful completion of the project.

The following functions will be performed during the completion of the aforementioned work and will
not be limited to:
- The contractor will develop a comprehensive construction plan in conjunction with the project plan
and will be reviewed by the Client.
- The contractor will produce a special project team comprised of all the basic staff, other staff, auxiliary
facilities and services necessary to manage, oversee and carry out the work as required by the
- Immediately after the date of the contract, the Contractor will develop and supervise a basic plan
to relocate key employees and workforce.
- Before starting any work, the Contractor will examine the workplace and verify the image of the
investigation provided by the Applicant.
- The contractor will take all necessary measures to ensure that the facility and assembly suppliers
are operated on schedule.
- The contractor will provide all the necessary assistance to his employees and suppliers to comply
with all the technical conditions of the building and to oversee the maintenance and repair of the

5.3.2. Bringing/moving equipment and workforce to the project field.

The Contractor's task force assignment includes the following and will not be limited to that.
Among them:
- Provide, install and relocate temporary field facilities, camps, changing rooms, dining areas and
sanitation facilities at their own expense;
- To organize a warehouse of materials according to technical indications;
- Provide first aid measures and medical examinations for all field workers in accordance with local
regulations and regulations, as well as providing safety training and equipment for all field workers;
- Ensure the safety of the project field in accordance with all relevant laws of Mongolia;
- The Contractor is fully responsible for all equipment and infrastructure (such as electricity, water,
wells, gas) required to perform the work;
- Receiving permission to clean project fields, collect and dispose of all waste in accordance with the
applicant's instructions and relevant legislation; (such as land permits)
- Dumping all inconvenient materials that are not used in the dirt industry at the expense of the
- Providing a skilled person with the power and technical power to complete the documentation and
assembly required for the construction work;
- All temporary equipment, tools, auxiliary materials, assembly equipment, reinforcements, and
construction staircases to accomplish tasks in a timely and quality manner;
- Providing communications supplies to field offices (such as phone, fax, email );
- The contractor will have a temporary office in the project field during the project implementation
period and will provide the Client Project Leadership Team with an environment in which the project
will work.
5.3.3. Experimental settings Advance test settings, experimental settings and ignition switches
The main purpose of pre-test adaptation, test adaptation, and ignition is to ensure the safe, reliable
use and operation of equipment and systems once the installation and installation work is complete. The
contractor will provide workforce, equipment and techniques to perform all operations in accordance with
preliminary test settings, test settings, ignition schedules and project performance. Complete completion of upgrades and installations, preliminary testing settings

The Contractor's workload includes all activities to verify and inspect the work performed within the
framework of the rescue, including the Contractor Testing Plan (ITP's), all suppliers, equipment manuals,
and blueprints, which will include the following tasks and will not be limited to:
- Mechanical inspection for all installations.
- An experiment in manufacturing and structural pressure.
- Tools, electrical wires, signal checks, end-of-the-year cuts, counting systems, communications and
software testing
- Construction engineering inspection , system operation, and separator quality.
- Other necessary items.
The contractor is responsible for planning, executing, and documenting all pre-trial adaptation
activities. The scope of the Contractor's work includes the following basic functions and will not be limited to
it. Among them:

- Providing a properly experienced and qualified workforce for pre-use in accordance with
approved plans, schedules and procedures;

- Bringing in a skilled workforce to carry out the initiation planning activities outlined in the covenant;
- Complete the "Mechanical Completion " work to review the entire project in accordance with the
line pipeline and equipment scheme (P&ID) and related technical indicators;
- Developing a special application for completion of the Mechanical Work required to complete the
work and for advance use;
- For the purposes of developing pre-use planning activities, it is obliged to communicate with all
suppliers for any clarification, explanation, or additional information about the combined Instrument;
- Identify the needs of specialized equipment and tools that require advance use;
- To manage the operations of any suppliers or other suppliers involved in the completion of the work;
- To hold a job planning meeting as needed;
- To verify and test all tools that meet the requirements of utilization, whether the blueprint is correct,
and whether it is installed;
- Prepare a pre-use manual that includes all relevant policies, experimental definitions, technical data,
quality control forms, and system acceptance criteria to meet the requirements of the client. These
manuals will be delivered to the Consumer Prior to Development Hunting and Advance Use;
- Checking all equipment and equipment ;
- Testing the oil system and making the necessary additional oils;
- A visual inspection that will be incorporated into the operations of all components of the
industry. The Contractor oversees the following services during the preliminary trial period:
- Filling the original oil with materials for all related equipment;
- Charging for auxiliary materials and other substances;
- All the tools required for advance testing settings;
- All equipment and materials for testing;
- Destroying and removing all applications, including oil, according to the latest environmental
All equipment, facilities, signs, notes, field control boxes, software labels, addresses, notes, and
numbers are in English that meet international relevant coding and standards. Experimental settings and ignition
The experiments include all activities related to the first operation of the carbon conveyor system, the
brush, and the automobile loading system, which will be carried out with the support of the Contractor Project
Team and the Responsible Officers . The Contractor is responsible for the following tasks:
- Developing a plan for inclusion;
- Review the entire system to ensure the readiness of the Contractor to "receive, transport, and
deliver bridges to the CWPP's raw coal stockpile" ; /”TAVANTOLGOI COAL LOADING &
UNLOADING FACILITY” and MTC leadership systems/
- To manage the entire implementation and ignition operation, such as technology with key experts
in work sequences, governance systems, facilities, communications and software systems;
In any activity that involves using the industry, the following activities will be conducted in conjunction
with the Supplier:
- Providing the necessary information to the authorized person;
- To operate with a client's utility team;
- Implementing activities with suppliers of other services (such as electricity and water);
- Working with other legally binding organizations;

The following basic functions will be covered within the scope of the Contractor Task Force
and will not be limited to:
- Providing an experienced and skilled workforce to be utilized in accordance with approved plans,
schedules and procedures;
- Bringing in a skilled workforce to carry out the initiation planning activities outlined in the covenant;
- Ensure that all required assistant materials and amplifiers are combined and ready on The Square;
- To develop pre-use planning activities, to communicate with all suppliers for any clarification,
explanation, or additional information about the combined T instrument;
- To verify and test whether the simulation meets the requirements of all tools and equipment
- Prepare a utilization plan that includes all relevant policies, technical data, quality control forms and
system acceptance criteria that meet the requirements of the client. Review these plans by the
Consumer Prior to the utilization of the industry;
- Prepare in advance the schedule for the start of the event and obtain the Approval of the Consumer
- Preparing and delivering a logical diagram for the operation of the Conveyor system and the
automobile loading system;
- All industrial badges to be placed;
- Incorporate the overall system into normal procedures.
The contractor oversees the following services during the pre-use process. Among them:
- Filling the original oil with materials for all related equipment;
- Charging for auxiliary materials and other substances;
- All the tools required for advance testing settings;
- All experimental equipment and materials for testing;
- Destroying and removing all applications, including oil, according to the latest environmental
General to utilize the project in the first phase of the project after sufficiently advanced
blueprints are developed to clearly understand equipment and operational controls and we're going to develop
a structure. Plans for unloaded and loaded use of the freight conveyor system, automobile loading systems,
and operations are developed, monitored and approved by the Supplier . It will include the following and will
not be limited to it. Among them:
- Organizational and separate equipment testing procedures.
- Review and information form for the issuance procedure.
- Final testing/starting plans include system experiments, startups, testing activities, climbing, and
performance testing plans.
- Schedule for unloaded and loaded use.
- A list of errors that could affect staff health and aquacy: The experiment will perform the following
tasks before the match is completed:
- To complete the installation, all pressure tests and cleanup work on the ground;
- All technical documents will be handed over to the client, including all equipment manuals , usage
and maintenance manuals , a list of switches , information sheets, building changes, visual
inspections, and experimental reports;
- All electrical supply installations have been inspected and approved;
- To verify systems and equipment sequences;
- Complete everything in accordance with the /Punch List/ list of tasks required to be completed unless
prior permission is given to complete the remaining classes after use by the client;
- Perhaps a successful training course that meets the requirements of the applicant ;

- /interlock/ verify the interdependence of each system.

Preliminary industrial experiments perform the following phases of adaptation: Among them:
- Phase 1 : Each device is fully inspected, tested and operated separately .
- Phase 2 : Test and operate the device as a system without loading it; each stage of the
experiment will produce a detailed and thoroughly documented inspection report and the relevant parties will
sign it.Documents to be handed over only to the Applicant
after all of them were certified and received from the Consumer Action Team
and it's going to be the final, unloaded, and loaded use. The experimental adaptation manager will ensure that
the equipment is operated entirely or in part under the supervision and supervision of the Supplier, in
accordance with the sequence and blueprint indicators.
Only after all inspections, inspection work, preliminary testing adjustments, and experimental
adaptations have been successfully performed, the Applicant has accepted and approved permission from
the Applicant to be ready to operate the system, and all the necessary listing tasks, BOHSE and operational
defects have been adequately corrected and the facility is safe start theactivity when all documents and
certificates are provided to the Client.
The contractor will oversee the maintenance and maintenance of the facility during the
commencement of the work and until the prior receipt certificate is approved by the client; the contractor will
guide the ignition switch with the assistance of the Supplier , at this stage He oversees the management of
The applicant has theright to terminate work in any field if he or she believes that the activity could
pose a risk to the environment.
At the end of the Asaach operation, if the facilities operate reliably and consistently enough, the
Contractor will obtain permission from the Applicant to perform the Prior Receiving Test (PAT).
All equipment is deemed to have been successful in the pre-acceptance test if it worked without an
accident signal, unless it was lost for 72 hours with a load according to the blueprint.
Following the successful completion of the application activity and completionof the employment test,
the Certificate of Advance Acceptance will be approved by the Contractor Director, and all commentary notes
that will be made at this stage will be recorded in the pre-acceptance certificate.

5.3.4. Maintenance Practice and Maintenance
The contractor will set out a plan for the Tonog Utilities Maintenance, which covers the utilization phase
of the Industry. The contractor performs the following tasks to ensure the best conditions for maintenance
and to ensure system efficiency, reliability , accessibility and safety levels:
- Complete analysis of reliable maintenance.
- Prepare full system maintenance and inspection plans and procedures. Analysis of Reliable Maintenance (RCM)
The contractor performs reliable maintenance tests according to relevant standards. Reliability Usage
Readiness and Maintenance (RAM) Analysis will find a foundation for developing maintenance strategies and
plans, including the following tasks on the list of basic tasks required:
- List of basic equipment (MEL) and other equipment for the maintenance electronic management
system (CMMS) counting
- Collecting reliable activity data
- Material Accounting Page (BOM) for CMMS Computing System electronic maintenance system

- Registration for switching devices (SPIR)
- List of materials, applications, and open materials
- Reliable Performance Preparation and Maintenance
(RAM)/Reliability Maintenance (RCM) Analysis
- Error Procedure and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
- Maintenance Analysis (MA)
- Critical Analysis (CA)
- Reliable operational maintenance (RCM)
- Emergency-based control (RBI)
- Application Readiness Analysis (AA) Maintenance plan
The contractor will process all information and documents relating to maintenance. (such as a revision
and examination plan, a quartet activity, etc.)
The contractor will create a comprehensive plan that contains all the information requested by the
Supplier with the Conway system and the automobile loading system maintenance and inspection plan.and
it's going to be directed.
The contractor must prepare a comprehensive maintenance and inspection procedure for the
Conveyer system and the automobile loading system, which contains full maintenance information, and the
maintenance and inspection procedures contain instructions to perform the activities listed below.
- Regular precautionary maintenance
- Repair or replace small tonnage with guilt
- Maintenance of basic equipment
- Repairs to be made after a period of operation
- Crime diagnosis
- Storage and maintenance of appliances and substances Training
The contractor will conduct training to ensure that the Applicant's experts and staff are able to perform
their duties safely and skillfully on schedule, including the use, ignition, operation and repair of the conveyor
system and the automobile loading system:
- To be approved by the Applicant in preparation for the curriculum.
- Based on industry features, submit proposals on the structure of the civilian workforce of the
employees in charge of the Consumer Affairs.
- Produce all the curriculum in Mongolian and English.
- Arrange curriculum and schedules with the client and
arrange multiple courses for the client’s rotation staff.
- To organize training and workplace workshops according to the curriculum.
- Provide all the opportunities and resources necessary to complete the training, such as training
materials, training tools, and preparation of each document.
- Provide curriculum documents, such as equipment and installation usage manuals, prepare one
(1) package for each student, and provide training methods, resources, schedules, and
detail the location of the training. Provide a curriculum that includes other work-related activities; the
curriculum and training section are in Mongolian.

All expenses associated with the training are included in the contract price.

5.3.5. Giving Up
The work will be handed over to the ladder. This will provide the Client's assignment criteria and will
provide work at a waiting point, installation work, cleaning, connectivity testing, electrical and tools testing, and
control system software

including distribution experiments. A security transfer certificate, or "Certificate of Return," will be
delivered to the Contractor Director.
Once the work is fully completed, the Applicant will approve the final suspension, and if any defects
or deficiencies are detected, the Contractor will correct them. After receiving the applicant's technical
commission and the federal commission, the final approval will be guaranteed, as stipulated in the
After receiving the contractor, he or she appoints a skilled workforce with less than three people
during the navigation period and confirms the Directions and Components of the Expert Responsible
Officer. All expenses associated with the decency are included in the contract price.

The contractor submits a record of all technical documents relating to the project and then
consolidates it to the Client after completing each phase of the project, negotiating with the Client the scope,
format, and necessary indexing of the document before finalizing and submitting the document . The
comprehensive framework of the document includes the following and will not be limited to it: All submission
documents will be produced in Mongolian and English:
Technical documents

- Analysis and blueprint reports that include all estimates, analyses and similar items.
- Rules and procedures for all methods and methods.
- Update a drawings of structural changes before the work is handed over.
- Images of the building change will be handed over to the original format and other necessary formats,
such as DWG, word and excel.
- The Channel Control Record includes all procedures and procedures statements, act, inspection
reports, testing reports, certificates of material and equipment testing, and reports from third-party
surveillance organizations and will not be limited to them.
- Report on preliminary test settings and experimental settings .
- A manual for applications and maintenance.
- A list of switches to be taken from the supplier .
- Software and other necessary special permits on the client's name.
- Experimental certificates (NDE/welding procedures, professionals, and expertise), lifting devices,
trap experiments, and registered line work certificates (considered necessary).
- and virtual machine confirmation.
- A work safety manual .
- Application Period Manual
- An act of testing and adapting machinery and equipment.
- and automation equipment .
- Instructions for using a full system of inspection and control.
The contractor will develop a closing plan and verification page that includes the scope and
content of the submission document at each stage of the project.

5.4. Environmental Protection, Labor Safety and Hygiene (HABEO)

- Develop, approve, and submit a BOMT project to the Client;
- Planning for advanced technologies and technologies in an environment where project activities
meet international standards;
- Planning a dust-cleaner system to reduce air pollution;
- Reflecting health and safety policies and experiences;
- Developing and approving HSE risk assessments;
- Develop and present HSE activity training policies to the Applicant .

5.5. Economic forecasts
The economic calculations of the project are calculated as follows:
5.5.1. Operating expenses:
- Workforce planning, operating unit spending and total expenses
- Consumption , unit expenditure and total expenses
- Graphic planning, expenditure, (project size), unit expenditure, total expenses
- Graphical Schedule (Project Size), Unit Expenditure, and Total Costs of the BDS
- Unit expenses and total expenses for management and management expenses
- Development protection equipment planning, spending, unit spending and total expenses
- Other operating expense unit expenses and total expenses
5.5.2. Economic assessment of the project:
- Economic productivity estimates
- Economic estimates to be calculated seasonally and yearly
- Calculate economic estimates by money and USD

6. Project Management and Control
The contractor oversees all matters related to planning, monitoring, reporting, supervision, leadership,
Supplier leadership, quality assurance, storm fear, health, safety, environmental management, policy
development, all necessary approvals, job management, and performance . The contractor will conduct all
necessary reviews in accordance with the contractual obligations. Project management and oversight will
apply to all stages of the contract, including the construction phase, the blueprint phase and all other stages.
Regardless of all administrative and supervisory activities that the applicant may undertake, the Contractor
is fully responsible for the following:
- To manage and oversee all project activities that are intended to document and accurately
document the project plan at any stage of the project.
- To take precautions and precautions against potential risks.
- Examine and resolve all issues.
- The applicants will be notified.
The contractor will implement a specific channel of communication that effectively transmits
information about the Process to clients.
6.1. General
The contractor will include the following tasks in implementing the Project Leadership and Control
Functions and will not be limited to:
- To arrange a regular monthly meeting with the client to discuss the progress of the work. The
contractor or client may arrange additional meetings to require urgent discussion and decision-
making on any project issue; the contractor will keep notes of all meetings with the client and submit
them to the Client for approval.
- In connection with the process of work and the HSE issue, work with the Client/Client
Representative/Field Staff to hold a meeting on the construction inspection every seven years.
- To organize weekly meetings to monitor the progress of the blueprint at the detailed blueprint stage.
- Provide Client Control Engineers with the opportunity to work in the Contractor Project Administration
Office for the purpose of making information streams and communications productive during the
design, procurement and construction periods.
- A report on the week and monthly work progress will be delivered to the Consumer g (MPR). Each
case can be taken as needed.
- Manage staff, employees, assistants (if any) and suppliers .
- Get all the permission necessary to perform the work in a timely manner.
- Key officials to lead the project and a Project Management Team will be presented to the Consumer.
- To fully comply with the requirements of the covenant, coordinate and supervise the main planning
functions of detailed blueprints, engineering, procurement, project control, assistant, construction,
and utilization.
- The Applicant will be informed of the results of the inspection, along with any measures taken in a
fixed period of time and, where necessary, as well as other recommendations to be considered by
the Applicant.
- The International United Management System ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, ISO
14001:2015 Environmental Management System, ISO 45001:2018 Operating Health and Safety
Management System Standards will be implemented and implemented.
- To oversee the management and supervision of all Suppliers, including project management,
detailed blueprints, engineering, procurement, supply, construction, pre-use, utilization, ignition ,
and all conditions of the Covenant, including all services, assistance, and temporary suppliers
necessary to complete the work quickly.

6.2. Project planning
In addition to the other requirements set out in the contract, the Contractor submits the following
documents for development and review:

a) Detailed project implementation plans (PEP) and included all aspects of the implementation of the
Covenant - preparation, supply, facilities, training, experimentation, organizational structure, regulatory
procedures and regulatory requirements . The Project Implementation Plan (PEP) is designed in
accordance with the Technical Proposal the timetable should be followed, and there is a general
analysis schedule that shows all stages of the project. The contractor will even update the project
plan in the event of a major change in project information, and all reports of the project schedule will
be presented and approved along with the results of this package. The project implementation plan
(PEP) will include the following important activities and stages and will not be limited to that.
- The start date of the contract
- The evacuation of equipment and workforce in the Contractor Project Field under the detailed
blueprint (DEG).
- The Project Management Diagram (POC) will be delivered to the Consumer, which reflects the
structural breakdown of the work of the participating core employees, including suppliers.
- Identifying the location of the office to manage the construction of detailed blueprints (DEG),
procurement and field blueprints (FEG).
- Starting a detailed blueprint (DEG).
- You can bring the contractor to you, build temporary facilities and start construction on the field.
- A picture of the field showing the entrance, including the construction site , warehouse and field
office, which the contractor is proposing.
- Channel Confirmation /Processing, Scheduling, Channel Confirmation Policy, Building Methods,
and Evaluation/
- Get all the necessary permission from the authorized party.
- All equipment indicators, supplier lists, purchase plans, production time, and time.
- Details of the supplier and/or manufacturer list offered by the contractor and the scope / service /
utility integration of their work.
- Monitoring and approving the blueprint.
- Project document review.
- Field engineering activities (such as research and civic buildings) and the presentation of
developed documents.
- Construction of fields such as construction, civil construction/ construction, electricity , tools,
mechanical / line pipeline work.
- All mechanical and electrical facilities, as well as ICS and Electrical Systems for pre-use and start-
ups at the plant
- Training
- Mechanical completion dates
- Preparing for Facial Transportation
- Full completion deadline
- Preparation of final technical documents and presentation to clients
- Moving back from the field
b) Updating the "S" cycle of general engineering, distribution, purchase, and construction processes that
demonstrate the progress of the project each month, updating the actual information of the "S" curve
monthly and including monthly reports (MPR).
c) The allocation, responsibilities, basic work directions and activities of the proposed direct / indirect
staff are a monthly workforce histogram; the histogram will be updated with real monthly data and
included in the monthly progress report (MPR).
d) Examples of contractors planning to use in construction include excavators, hydraulic hammers, lift
cranes, cranes, folding machines, plumbers, welding machines, and other special equipment

key construction equipment, materials histograms, and more information. The histogram will be
updated monthly with actual data and included in the monthly progress report (MPR).

6.2.1. Report
The contractor will issue a report on all meetings attended by the Applicant within three days of the
work and submit it to the Applicant. The name, format, modify, and sending of documents shall be strictly
enforced in accordance with the mutually agreed document management system of the parties. Monthly Progress Report

The contractor will prepare a monthly progress report (MPR) and submit it according to the agreed
schedule; the date of ticketing is the last day of each month; the report will be submitted within 3 days of the
date of the ticketing date; the accompanying facts and materials will be packed into a kit in accordance with
the rules of the logo and document management, by email to all other aspects identified by the Client and the
Applicant. Prepared in Mongolian and English. The details and formats of the information included in the
monthly progress report are consistent with the requirements for identifying and analyzing the processes of
the O'Om and plan of the Client's work: all types of costs required to process, present and modify monthly
progress reports, and all types of modifications, detailed information and format changes that may be required
by the related Applicant The degree will include the price of the contract; all details relating to the process and
timeline of the contractor's work will be stored in any case and handed over at the request of the client. In
addition to other specific information you may wish to send your client, the monthly progress report includes
all of the items taught in the Covenant and the subgroups that follow:
- A summary of the transaction and a summary of the highlights, risks and limitations of the reporting
period will be reviewed. This includes addressing key stages, important decisions made and major
- A commentary analysis that clarifies the main event, for example: emphasis measures, requests for
feedback on targets scheduled to expire, next-generation goals, issues of concern, and tasks to be
- THE problem with BOHSE includes the scope of BOHSE's reserves, accident reports, and reporting
activities and audits.
- Includes channel monitoring activities, relevant resource scope, specific limitations, quality-related
accidents, incompatible reporting (NCR's) records, status, and highlighting activities.
- Agreement and agreement with third parties, including issues that need to be resolved or resolved.
- Advances in comparison to the basic schedule planned during the Thai period, including an updated
picture diagram showing histograms and progress charts, and measures to minimize any actual or
anticipated delays or risks.
- Resources and withdrawal/return evacuation plans.
- Thailand can attach additional documents. Reports of all processes will be released less than a day
before the scheduled work meeting. Report on the procurement process
The contractor is responsible for producing and conducting a monthly "Purchase Process Report"
containing the following information and will not be limited to:
- Material definition
- The name and location of the publisher
- Purchase numbers
- Dates ordered
- Date of receipt (planning and actual)
- Comment
- Other

58 Accident report
The contractor will immediately notify the Solicitor of all accidents, accidents involving
environmental and safety operations during the delivery of the service, as a matter of fact, and any
incidents involving any accidents. Other reports

Other reports include the following: Among them:
- Image caption The project report
- Engineering Geological Report
- Handbook for Promotion and Maintenance
- Experience and acceptance plans
- Special report on specific tests and inspections
- Report to be received
- Report on Legislative Use
- Mongolian Legislation Reports other relevant drafts and regulations
- Special report on the accident (safety, safety and the environment)
The document is compiled, numbered, and distributed to the Client in accordance with the procedure
laid down in the verification of the document.

6.2.2. Project review

Project reviews pertaining to the project include quality control, scheduling reviews, document
reviews, reports and communications, as shown below for a detailed explanation of the scope and content of
the project's review plans. Channel control
The contractor performs tasks in accordance with all legislative and regulatory requirements, norms,
rules, standards, and technical indicators. Channel's governance system and quality control plan
The contractor must develop and implement the Quality Leadership Organization (QMS), which
meets the ISO 9001 standard requirements and covers systematic monitoring of all stages of work. The
contractor will develop and fully implement the Channel Control Scheme (QCP), which includes the following:
- Quality control policy.
- Organizational structure that reflects the number, responsibilities, and types of people responsible
for the utilization and management of the Channel Leadership Organization
- Responsibility as a Quality administration employee and field surveillance officer .
- Procedures for verifying and verifying that all engineering outcomes and mergers meet relevant
- Procedures for verifying and verifying all purchases and construction activities include:
▪ Review reports, inspections, and experimental plans and procedures for performing
tasks submitted by suppliers and contractors.
▪ Visualization of materials and equipment in the workplace.
▪ All activities to monitor the facility (including procedures, forms, check sheets and
experimental plans)
- The scope and procedure of the work involving authorized surveillance organizations and other
- Internal and external audits .

The Quality Leadership Plan, which includes all relevant reviews, testing procedures and all
documents, will be delivered to the Applicant and obtained prior approval.
The Contractor shall plan and document the appropriate resources to consistently comply with the
Channel Leadership Framework and Channel Leadership Plan for the duration of the work ; if any portion of
the services provided by the Contractor are incompatible with the technical performance or are not compatible
with the intended objectives, the Contractor shall not meet the Applicant whether it's known or not,

the shortcomings must be addressed immediately. The contractor will set the same conditions for any work
performed by the assistant or the assistant. The contractor will provide the client with a copy of all project
engineering blueprints, field research reports, test reports and certificates, as required by the client, and the
contractor will also work with the designated contractor to consolidate and index all the field inspection
documents required to finalize the client's waiver.

6.2.3. Schedule control

The contractor is responsible for properly managing and supervising the delivery of services and
implementing a framework of project planning, professional techniques and procedures. This applies to the
services provided by the Contractor and to the further operations of the assistant, manufacturer , and supplier;
the contractor develops a complete, combustible work structure (WBS) to create a foundation for scheduling,
overseeing, and developing a basic schedule. Logical order will be followed at each stage of the work to
accomplish the work during each key stage of the work ; the contractor will have the necessary relevant
documents and permits, such as all engineering, research, and experimentation, to succeed in the tasks
specified in the contract and they're going to have to take it. Any changes to the underlying schedule will be
reported to the Consumer.
The basic schedule will also be used to monitor each progress and activity, and any corrective
measures that may be necessary to do so are responsible for determining early stages; the review of the
basic schedule and the composition of the document have the following levels:
- Level 1 Master Program: Determines the basic activities and relationships between engineering,
procurement, manufacturing, facilities , assembly, transportation, installation, pre-use, profit-
making and ignition operations, which is a high-level summary program and will be included in the
monthly progress report.
- Level 2 Project Program: A "Single" Summary Program from the Level 3 Project Program.
- Level 3 Project Program: A detailed program developed to monitor and monitor various activities
and outcomes at all stages of the project . Activities will be coded according to WBS and will be
developed with a variety of restructurings and relevant criteria that reflect the requirements of project
leaders and managers.
- Level 4 Project Program: This detailed and specific directions-related program will be developed and
implemented by the Contractor for the purposes of monitoring and monitoring the activities and
outcomes of the project at all stages of the project, which uses the structure of WBS and is related
to program activities or group activities. The program will provide daily activities in a combined
direction based on Level 3 activities.
As mentioned above, the schedule will be developed using appropriate software (MS Project) to
ensure access from top to bottom; the schedule will be presented in the form of a column diagram, indicating
the start and completion time for each work; the column diagram will clearly specify general logic, operational
correlation, important and non-essential operating conditions; and the planned and actual resources will be
shown Separate storage histograms should be made available to clients for a short period of time or monthly
intervals, as directed by the client.
Additional schedules and reports are required to be issued during the implementation of the project.
Among them:

- Integrated Masters Schedule of the Project: The project's integrated master schedule will be
important stages that are reflected in the integration of all external work schedules associated with
the project, and phase reviews and evaluations are available. (Gate review)
- Basic and updated project schedules: The actual process will be accurately reflected in the project
schedule , which will include the percentage of work performed and the amount of any delays; the
actual process will be reviewed according to the project schedule and reported in meetings and
progress reports.
- Schedule of engineering .
- Schedule of purchase activities .
- Construction work program.

- Schedule for applications and fireworks .
- Digital imaging: conduct a documented examination process to determine the impact and effects of
important activities, important stages, and approval delays.
- Schedule explanation: A documented explanation of the assumptions, risks, opportunities and action
6.2.4. Documentation Review
The work of managing, editing, registering, distributing, storing all necessary and other documents
of the project in electronic and printed form , checking, scanning, copying, preparing, archiving, closing, and
handing over documents. All documents, reports, correspondence, meeting notes, procedures, reports,
schedules, and additions provided to the client are based on the Digital Documentation Management System
(EDMS), to monitor and to meet the requirements of the Client and not limit it. The contractor will develop and
implement a Document Review Policy detailing the preparation, issuance, review, review and approval of
documents at all stages of the project, and will reflect how the Procedure meets the following requirements:
- Review the document thoroughly before handing it over to the Supplier , and submit it to the
Contractor Director for quality control (form and content).
- Activities to review documents by the Consumer and consolidate the Consumer Explanation Offer
- The predetermined system of documentation and editing should be followed, requiring all Channel
Control/Channel Confirmation data to be included in the return file.
- The master records of the document will be updated regularly, including titles, basic content, scope
of work, numbering, start time, process, and confirmation time.
- The final document is explained by the Quality Control/Channel Confirmation Certificate, which will
be archived for the duration of the project and will continue to be stored at the request of the client.
Since the beginning of the project, technical documentation, including reports, demonstrations,
blueprints, received equipment, auxiliary materials, the name and quantity of documents received, has been
updated regularly over the course of the project, and the name and number of documents will be kept clear
and easy to find. The following activities will be followed:
- The composition of all technical documents clearly specifies the background of the surveillance
activity and the document, such as whether it was approved or approved (confirmed-sent, re-sent)
or "only the quality of the information."
- All controlled technical documents are classified as qualified.
- The document and the blueprint will be provided with a specific explanation and a repetitive special
- The commentary is brief and clear .
- All external documents and blueprints received will be reviewed to be accepted.
- The blueprint will be recorded.
- All blueprints and the original copy of the report will be located in the blueprint and documentation
6.2.5. Congregation
At the beginning of each phase of the project, a start-up meeting with the Consumer Team should be
arranged and the following issues should be confirmed.

- Guaranteeing the scope of the contractor's services

- Contractor reach results
- Responsibility of project dependents

- Schedule and milestone for completion of contractor services
- Guarantee required information from the applicant
A meeting of the project process will be arranged on schedule. The work process meeting program
will be arranged with the client and will include the following:

- Exchange security information .

- Health, safety, society, protection, and the environment , as well as Channel confirmation/quality
control issues.
- About Basic Operations
- Key technical issues
- Process forecast
- Use of decisions made during previous meetings
- Monitoring whether the deadline for the goals corresponds to the work process.
- Control / Real, Preliminary/ Control.
- Point out potential and/or pending issues and important points.
- Making a decision or making a corrective plan — Emergency Management.
- A review of next month's planned activity .
- Other activities
The contractor will promptly deliver to the Consumer to avoid the outdated data by taking notes of the meeting
on the progress of the work. Congregation notes will be numbered and distributed in accordance with
document management procedures. The congregation journal clarifies all decisions andwhen to take action,
as well as the appointed supervisor and the deadline for completion of the work. The scope and frequency of
further meetings will be determined and agreed upon in the first phase of the project, which includes the
- to discuss engineering chip solutions
- Information about Erosion
- Costs and shares to be reviewed
- Health and Safety Meeting
- Further Urgent Meetings
The meeting will be arranged at the Consumer Workplace in the event that the Contractor does not
apply. The meeting will also determine the timing, location, and attendance of the congregation.

6.2.6. Communication and information exchange

The contractor provides and implements the conditions for the exchange of effective information with
the client, the contractor's own workforce, the assistant, and other participants. Continuous improvements will
be made to ensure communications are effective, and open and ongoing information exchanges are critical to
the success of the project. The purpose of information exchange includes the following:
- Increasing awareness and understanding of the project .
- Making decisions based on information .
- To create a history of projects that can be audited.
- Create a general foundation by combining project information to analyze and record information.
- Establishing and ensuring significant links between officials and units needed to succeed in the
- To inform all crew members of the decision in a timely manner.
- Building and strengthening the relationship between all the bedrinking sides of the project.
Oral communication is used more frequently in everyday activities and requires a written layer of
important or decisive oral communication to be monitored regularly.
All written communications and information are distributed to the main communicator of the parties
involved; the main communicator of the parties is responsible for distributing and disseminating
correspondence; the main communicators are responsible for all responses to the information.

The information that is important and necessary for everyday communication includes the following:
Among them:

- All topics related to safe operation

- Application for information
- Application for confirmation or approval of the settlement
- Application for solutions to risks, problems, and concerns
- Any changes to demand, objectives, criteria , scope, schedule or cost
- Project reports, documents or blueprints
- Any issues with the quality of the project
- Other relationships that may be relevant and important to the project.
The sender is responsible for ensuring that the recipient understands the information and the intent of
the note. Letter information with the characteristics of the contract is transmitted through the approved
document review system in accordance with the document review procedure.
The client and the Contractor Parties will use the e-mail as a communication tool. The appropriate use
of e-mail includes meeting appointments, other information, general questions, and answers.
Official texts are compatible with the Covenant, as taught in the following: Among them:

- Send an official to the company's contact address .

- Official documents contain dates, special issues, titles, and topics on official blanks.
- Signature of an official .
- If any subject of e-mail contains important characteristics , it will be delivered through a document
review system as an official.
6.2.7. Leadership of change
In the event of a change in the duration and basic schedule of the work assignment, the contractual
conditions and instructions shall be adjusted in accordance with the relevant terms and instructions of the
Covenant; the contractor shall oversee the addition of the next modified number, preserving all approved
amendments to the Basic Schedule as a revised schedule, preserving the Basic Schedule for further use

7. List of waiting documents and software

The contractor is responsible for issuing a license to the Client for software equivalent to the ABB
Ability System 800xA Minerals Process Control Library.

The contractor will submit all technical documents in English and Mongolian. Documents and
software for grants under the project's EPC contract are summarized in the chart below.

Chart-6. List of documents to be handed over

No. Definition
Detailed engineering blueprint (DEG)
Engineering Documentation Record
Plans for the project
Channel control plan
Number of materials
Part of the work that includes a list of instruments, supplies, and equipment suppliers

Material certificate
Projects, estimates, technical indicators, data sheets, risk assessment and installation procedures,
1 research and reporting
Technical conditions, pictures , and procedures for processing, installing, and installing work
Test certificate for pre-use and utilization of the plant (FAT)

Travel Report
An action manual explaining how to operate, ignite and turn off the device in normal and abnormal
Maintenance manual explaining how to maintain equipment so it can continue to work in accordance
with project parameters
Curriculum and training manual
Detailed list of recommended and approved switches
Field engineering blueprints, built-in images and documents
Images and all necessary calculations, special construction techniques, and maintenance work.
2. Permission of rights activists
Construction field blueprint (FEG)
Engineering Technical Information and Building Requirements
List of equipment purchases
Final technical documents
Technical Identification Pictures
and we're going to have a list of instruments
And virtual machine manual /Mechanical catalog/
Action Manual
3. Maintenance manual
Channel Confirmation Manual
List of devices and manuals
A record of quantity control checks .
All quality test materials are included in this package , according to the task force. The factory
quality inspection report on the instrument has been confirmed.

Control data records containing the quality records of the equipment collected from the
Design , Picture, and Data Manuals (for example, Industrial Records Notebook), General
Diagrams, Production/Building/Building/ Preservation Policy,
a material certificate and an experimental report .
A blueprint that combines the field blueprint (FEG) into a detailed blueprint (DEG).
A manual for general industrial operations and emergency implementation: This manual identifies
the operation of a factory in normal and emergency situations, as well as explains when all separate
assembled machinery that comprises an entire factory will work together, and each appendix will be
in the manual .
Other documents specified in the contract
All related software, source code, manuals, keys, etc.
List of publishers
A procurement plan covering all equipment , tools, materials, engineering and assembly services.

4. Registration for purchase of warranty-time equipment

Report on the procurement process
Purchase procedures
All guarantees / guarantees will be provided to the Solicitor once the project is completed
Consumer Equipment Combining Program
5. List of devices
Report on the evaluation of switches for each manufacturer and supplier (SPAR)

Technical maintenance
Error Procedure and Effect Analysis (FMEA) Report
List of basic equipment (MEL)
Material Accounting Page (BOM)
Registration for switching devices (SPIR)
6. Maintenance Analysis (MA) Report
Report on Critical Analysis (CA)
Reliable Maintenance (RCM) Report
Report of the Emergency Viewing Examination (RBI)
Readiness Analysis (AA) Report
Maintenance and inspection plans and procedures
Detailed construction plan (DCP)
Experiments and settings
Application experiments and matchmaking work plans to be put in place from the Consumer Side
includes all procedures, technical information, quality control sheets, acceptance procedures, and
8. criteria.
To operate normally, experiments, adaptations, and factories require time planning and
preparation of key component presentations by developing workplace definitions.

Schedule of start-up planning activities

Strategies, planning, and other activities for the unloaded and overloaded experimental work include
the following tasks and will not be limited to:
- Procedures for inspecting and receiving individual facilities and equipment
- Procedure for waiting for check sheets and information
- List of suppliers and contractors from the client side
- Final testing, adaptation, and simplification plans, including an experimental work plan,
an experimental work plan, an experimental work plan to improve performance, and
- Schedule of unloaded and loaded experimental work .
- A list of changes that could affect the health and safety of industrial workers.

(FAT) Industrial acceptance test certificate

(PAT) Test certificate for pre-acceptance
Giving Up
Total viewing and blueprint reports, including all estimates and studies , etc.
The Contractor will update the image in the manner it has been seized before it is handed over.
in the original format, in the form of DWG, excel, and other necessary files.
Quality control records. It includes all methods, signatures, inspections and experimental reports,
a certificate of materials and equipment testing, a third-party inspection report

Preliminary experimental matching and experimental matching report

Application and maintenance manual
List of switches from supplier
9. Get a software license in the name of the client
Experimental certificate (including NDE/welding methods and guarantees), lifting equipment
equipment, release closing tests , and record-keeping pipeline certificates (if necessary).

and virtual machine proof

Safety Rules Manual in English and Mongolian
Employment safety regulations and manuals in English and Mongolian
Application manual, in English and Mongolian
Equipment and car adaptation act
and we're going to have to do some automation equipment
Full instruction and manual for the leadership control system in English and Mongolian
10. Training Report
Usage, maintenance manuals and training documents for each device are 1 percent for each
11. Project Management and Control
The project implementation plan includes the following key phases/activities, but not limited to:
- Start dates
- DEG plans to withdraw Contractor Side to carry out work
- A Project Management Diagram (POC) showing the structural breakdown of the
workforce of key Contractor employees, including suppliers.

-DEG, distribution, FEG, and location of headquarters offices to manage

- Bringing in the contractor, building temporary facilities and starting construction on

the field
- Field images showing the construction site, warehouses, field offices and access
routes proposed by the contractor
- Channel Confirmation /Schedule for Preparation and Presentation of EAABMO
Documents , Channel Confirmation Policy, Construction Methods Statement and
- Getting all the necessary approval from a licensed entity.
- Production / Supplier List / Order for purchase of all Equipment / Production duration /
delivery period
- Details of the supplier and / or supplier list offered by the contractor , the scope of
their work / service / utility integration
- Image caption The project will be reviewed and approved
- Project document review
- Field engineering activity ( engineering geological research, civil construction etc.)
and presentation of developed documents
- Construction of fields such as construction, civil construction/ structure , electricity ,
tools, mechanical / line pipeline work
- All mechanical and electrical facilities, as well as ICS and Electrical Systems for pre-
use and start-ups at the plant
- Training
- Mechanical completion dates
- Preparing for Facial Transportation
- Full completion deadline
- Preparation of final technical documents and presentation to clients.
- Move back from the field

General engineering, procurement, and construction processes "S"

Human Power Histogram
Key construction equipment, logistics histograms and details
Monthly Progress Report (MPR)
Report on the procurement process
Report of accidents and violations
Channel Leadership System (QMS)
The Channel Control Plan (QCP), which includes:
- Company quality control policy
- Organizational chart showing the type, accountability and number of people in charge of
QMS utilization and management
- The role of Quality leadership staff
- Procedure to make sure all engineering output and mergers meet relevant
- Procedures for verifying all procurement and construction activity include: reporting
of procedures developed by sellers and contractors, inspections, testing plans and
procedures, etc.
- Visualization of installation materials and equipment in the workplace

- All activities to monitor the facility include procedures, applications, review sheets and
experimental plans, etc.
- Training and training in accordance with QMS instruction
- Identifying and managing inconsistencies and inconsistencies
Framework and procedures to include authorized surveillance organizations and other
intervention organizations
- Internal and external audits. The SEC, which includes all relevant inspections, procedures,
procedures and procedures statements and all documents, must be obtained with prior
approval from the Applicant.
Work structure (WBS)
Basic schedule control and documentation will be done at the following level: Among them:
• Level 1 Master Program:Defines basic activities and relationships related to engineering,
procurement, manufacturing, facilities, assembly, transportation, installation, pre-use,
utilization, and lighting operations . It is a high-level summary program that will be included
in the monthly progress report.
• Level 2 Project Program: A "completed" summary program from the level 3 project
• Level 3 Project Program: Detailed program debt developed for the purpose of monitoring
and monitoring various activities and outcomes at all stages of the project; activity is
coded according to WBS. It will be developed with a variety of restructurings and relevant
criteria that reflect the requirements of project leaders and managers.
• Level 4 Project Program: This detailed and specific directions-related program will be
developed and implemented by the Contractor for the purposes of monitoring and
monitoring the activities and outcomes of the project at all stages of the project, which
uses the structure of WBS and is related to program activities or group activities. The
program will provide daily activities in a combined direction based on Level 3 activities.

12. Health, safety and the environment

The security plan includes the following:
- Security policy
- Security arrangements
- Safety and hygiene training
- Safety rules and procedures
- Safety and hygiene views
- Personal protection tool
- Accident/Accident Study
- Emergency readiness
Security policy
Safety organization structure
Safety and hygiene training policies
Job risk assessment
General Fire Protection Report
13. Project risk management
Project risk management plan

8. Contractors demand and technical requirements
8.1. Basic Requirements
• A certificate /certificate/ attaches to prove all the rights to perform the project's blueprint and
• An engineer's technical staff is working on a different project and will not do so only on the
8.2. Experience
• Having less than 5 years of work experience in the design of the Conveyor system;
• To have less than five years of work experience in the construction of the Conveyor system;
• In Mongolia, with similar weather and climate conditions, less than 10.0 million tons of
capacity per year have been successfully implemented and implemented;
• Having a skilled team in project management.

The client will exclude other benchmarks by leaving a benchmark indicator for the bid evaluation.

This chapter is a ITB item, and if the client specifically approves the BDS, in addition to the price proposals
reflected in the bid application for the bid evaluation, one or more of the factors taught in ITB 34.1.6 are
used to evaluate the price of the bid by expressing money and abstractly increasing the price of the bid.

The applicant will not take into account any benchmark indicators or methodologies other than those taught
in this section.

1. Performance Schedule: [Write "To be Used" or "Not to be Used" ]

If "practice" is required to perform between the permitted period specified in the phase work schedule
(including the last day after the first day of completion) in accordance with the contract relating to the
bid auction. Bid offers submitted prior to the period specified in the phase-out work schedule will not
be subject to incentives or valuations that are superior to other bids.

If the client specifically agrees to use the criteria for evaluation, he or she will not reject the bid offered
to merge late from the schedule of phase work and add to the bid price by calculating [writing] on a
late-day basis for the purpose of reviewing the evaluation.

The bid offered to perform the work is more late than the one taught in the phase-out work schedule
[selecting the words "month" and "day"] rather than the word "month" or "day,"] but if the BDS does
not specifically approve, the bid offered by the client to perform after the specified period is deemed to
be incompatible with the requirement.

2. The flow of expenses, operational assurances, and efficiency required during the bid auction of the
proposed work and the product required to perform the work: [Write "Unprofitable"]

If "evaluated," the total value of the bid will be added to the total value of the bid for the purpose of
calculating the amount of stream costs required during the recommended work ["month,", "day," and
"year"] of the bid.. . .

The effectiveness of the work offered under the bid can also be added to the total value of the bid for
evaluation purposes.

3. The following services available to Bid after the proposed job is suspended:
[Write "To be Used" or "Not to be Used." ]

If "recovered," clients have separately evaluated the costs required to repair streams and provide
basic/necessary materials, they will be added to the total value of the bid for evaluation purposes.

4. Additional criteria set out

Based on what is taught in section 28.4 of the law, additional criteria for use in this bid evaluation and
its methods may be included in this section.

[For example, energy and natural resources, sustainable economic efficiency, environmental and
human health, low greenhouse gas emissions and waste, adaptation to climate change, and green
Here are some criteria for how to clarify the cost of comparing an Contractor bid to an environmentally
oriented work.

You can learn about the criteria for sustainable purchase activities in the State's Sustainable Purchase
Manual (Refer to MUSYa, NUBBOKh, 2018).]


Form 1 .......................................................................................................................... …………. Bid form

. ................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Form 2 .......................................................................................................... ……Bid Guarantee (bank)
..................................................................................................................................................................... 72
Form 3 …………………….Bid Confirmation (Government bonds and government approved securities)
. ................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Form 4 ............................................................... …………Human resource information offered in the bid
. ................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Form 5 .............. …………. Information on basic equipment and technical equipment offered in the bid
. .......................................................................................................................................................................
Form 6 ........................................................................ ………………………...Information on similar contracts
. ................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Form 7……………Information on the contract that is being implemented and authorized to be implemented
. ....................................................... ……………………………………………………………………………….74
Form 8 ............................................................................... …………………………….Similar contract details
. ................................................................................................................................................................... 75

Form 1 Bid form [Date]

[Name of the client organization ]-d

Our [bidder's name] confirms the conditions listed below to perform the work as specified in the
bid document for the [bid audit name and number] bid auction announced by your organization [in
numbers and letters] and they're delivering a bid (later called a bid). Among them:

1. Bid documents and the terms of the covenant taught to him (general terms of the covenant,
special conditions, and forms of the covenant) were introduced and fully accepted.

2. In connection with the participant in the bid and the member of his partnership, the bid document
did not arise As stated in Instruction 16.1 of the Bid Award.
3. Clients are authorized to issue evidence and information relating to the bid from the relevant

4. Bid price relief [write "not to make a deal" unless it is "made." [Write down the terms and
methods of how to use it if price relief is offered ].

5. According to the bid document, the bid is valid for a day-to-day period [30 days or more] after
the bid opens.2

6. Bid documents are recognized as a bid with obvious false information if they violate Articles 6 of
the Bid Documentation Directive , 12.4 and 16.1.

7. The products and services offered to Bid and the goods and services associated with performing
the work are proven to be intellectual property infringement, no rights or physical impairment.
8. Under the relevant procedure, the bid is allowed to be transparent to participants in other bids,
and the client is being fully exempt from any obligation to encrypt the bid.

[The name , office, signature of the person

authorized to represent without trust ,

corporate stamps and signs]: Order:

2If a bid auction is organized in a pre-purchase procedure, "5. The bid is valid for an extended period of time, as the
bid document states. I’m not going to let you go. "

Form 2 Bid Guarantee (bank or insurer)

Certificate recipient: [Write the name and address of the client organization]
Date: [Write dates when warranty is issued]
Sixth: [Write a bid confirmation number ]
Certificate issuer: [Write the name and address of the insurer unless written on the printed page]

1. The issuer [the name of the participant in the bid] (later called the "bidder ") to participate in the bid
auction [name and number] in front of the guarantee recipient in connection with the delivery of the
bid (later called the bid)3 is issuing a guarantee of payment obligations.

2. According to this guarantee, the payment obligation will arise under the aforementioned conditions.
Among them:
2.1. After the bid has been opened, before the expiration of the validity of the bid (including the
duration of the bid, "Bid Validation Time") is announced in writing if the participant partially rejects
the entire bid;

2.2. According to the bid document , when a bid participant is entitled to a contract:

2.2.1. The contract has not been signed and ratified As stated in Article 40 of the BDS
2.2.2. no performance confirmation has been submitted;
2.2.3. did not respond in writing to the corrective error of the bid price , whether it was accepted
or not.

2.3. The administrative headquarters of the budget decided that the complaint made by the participant
was entirely unfounded.

3. As soon as the client's first requirement for payment arises, the issuer's payment will be transferred
to the Accounts of the Mongolian Ministry of Finance, as indicated in the statement. The amount of
payment from the issuer will not exceed the amount specified in Clause 1 and will not exceed the
foreign currency equivalent to up to 20 million dollars if the conditions specified in 2.3 arise.

4. The warrant is valid for 28 days from the time Bid is valid. The guarantee can be revoked before the
deadline if the issuer receives a notice of agreement prior to this period.

5. Any requirements to be issued in accordance with this guarantee will be notified to the issuer within
the validity of the warranty.

6. The insurer will be liable for the cancellation of this guarantee on grounds other than the
aforementioned grounds.

[Please teach a correspondent bank in Mongolia that is a foreign bank that communicates with the
client on its behalf, receives notifications, and completes payments.]
[Name, signature, corporate stamps, and signatures of the insurer' rights.

3 This grade is similar to the one taught in BDS 22.1.

Form 3 Bid Confirmation (Government bonds and government approved

Certificate recipient: [Write the name and address of the client organization]
Date: [Write the date on which the warrant was issued]
Sixth: [Write a bid confirmation number ]
The issuer: [Write the name and address of the insurer bank if it is not written on the printed page ]

1. The issuer [ the name of the participant in the bid] (later called the "bid participant") is present in
front of the recipient in connection with the delivery of the bid (later called the bid) to the bid auction
[ The total [money] is based on 5 based on the total [money] value [writing the name of the non-
governmental value and other relevant information] (later called "Value Paper"). . .

2. According to this guarantee, the obligation to transfer the Price will arise under the
circumstances listed below . Among them:

2.1. After the bid was opened, before the expiration of the bid validity period (including the extended
period of time, "Bid Validation Time") the participant in the bid was informed in writing that he or
she had partially rejected the entire bid;

2.2. According to the bid document , when a bid participant is entitled to a contract:

2.2.1. has not ratified the covenant;

2.2.2. no performance confirmation has been submitted;
2.2.3. did not respond in writing to the corrective error of the bid price.

2.3. The administrative headquarters of the budget decided that the complaint made by the participant
was entirely unfounded.

3. As soon as the client receives the first requirement for the transfer of the Paper, the issuer of the
securities will be transferred to the name of the Mongolian Ministry of Finance. The price tag called
the transfer price from the issuer does not exceed the amount specified in 1 and does not exceed the
foreign currency equivalent to up to 20 million if the conditions specified in 2.3 arise.

4. The warrant is valid for 28 days from the time Bid is valid. The guarantee can be revoked before the
deadline if the issuer receives a notice of agreement prior to this deadline.

5. Any requirements to be issued in accordance with this guarantee will be notified to the issuer within the
validity of the warranty.

6. The insurer will be liable for the cancellation of the draft guarantee on grounds other than the

[Please teach the issuer of a foreign agent who is founded in Mongolia to communicate with the
client and receive notifications on his behalf.][The name, signature, corporate stamp and signature of
the issuer's rights officer]

4 This grade is similar to the one taught in BDS 22.1.

5 The repayment period for government bonuses and securities is less than three months after the date of the bid

Form 4 Bidder’s Proposed Key Personnel

Education Experience and

Total work
and year of working in
Officials Employee Name experience
vocational that position
and year on

Basic equipment and hardware information being offered in May 5 Bid

[Write one of the "rents"
Strength Number of except "own
pieces possession"]
names and

May 6 Covenant Information Performing Similar Work

Client's name, address and Closure

Covenant Name Budget costs
contact phone /completed, finished/

May 7 Contract Information Used and Authorized to Implement

Client's name, By the Completion

Covenant address and Budget percentage deadline
Name contact phone costs and amount of
of time

Details of 8 similar contracts in Form

Bid Participant Name: [Each member of the partnership will complete each fully completed

1. Client Name

2. Covenant Name

3. Covenant Number

4. Date of contract

5. Date of completion of contract

6. Covenant gross

7. Home Performance Address and Location

Participation in the covenant (select one)

□ □ Contractor Executive Member □ of the □

Form 9 List of Secret Documents and Information

Hidden documents and Legal grounds for secrecy



GENERAL COVENANT CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................... 78

ONE DEFINITION AND COMMENTARY ........................................................................................ 78
Definition .............................................................................................................................................
Note .................................................................................................................................................... 78
TWO. CLIENT .................................................................................................................................. 79
Common Role of Client....................................................................................................................... 79
Consumer Representative ................................................................................................................... 79
Permission to enter the square ......................................................................................................... 79
THREE. CONTRACTOR .................................................................................................................. 79
Common Role of Contractor .............................................................................................................. 79
Contractor representation .................................................................................................................... 80
Technical and field data ...................................................................................................................... 80
Workplace guard defends ................................................................................................................... 80
Waste, Waste and Recovery .............................................................................................................. 80
Archaeological and other finds ........................................................................................................... 80
Security ............................................................................................................................................... 80
FOURTH. PERFORMANCE DURATION AND PROGRESS REPORT .......................................... 81
Work to start ....................................................................................................................................... 81
Extension ............................................................................................................................................ 81
Work Progress Report ........................................................................................................................ 81
FIVE. CONTRACT PRICE AND PAYMENT TERMS ...................................................................... 82
Contract price ..................................................................................................................................... 82
Advance payment................................................................................................................................ 82
Payment terms .................................................................................................................................... 82
PICTURE. CONFIRMATION AND CONFIRMATION TIME ............................................................ 82
Advance payment guarantee .............................................................................................................. 82
Performance guarantee ...................................................................................................................... 82
Channel Confirmation ......................................................................................................................... 83
Duration of warranty ........................................................................................................................... 83
SEVEN.RISK AND INSURANCE ..................................................................................................... 83
to repair damage done to others .......................................................................................................
Consumer wait risk ............................................................................................................................. 83
Insurance ............................................................................................................................................ 84
EIGHTH. STUMBLING AND INSIDIOUS......................................................................................... 84
Detection and removal of defects ..................................................................................................... 84
Hidden Weakness ............................................................................................................................... 85
Image caption The malfunction of the project..................................................................................... 85
ES. CONTRACT CANCELLATION .................................................................................................. 85
Applicant to cancel contract ............................................................................................................... 85
Contractor to cancel contract ............................................................................................................. 85
Order to terminate contract ............................................................................................................... 85
Payment after contract cancellation .................................................................................................. 86
TEN. OTHER INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................................... 86
Record................................................................................................................................................. 86
Ambassador changes ......................................................................................................................... 87
Conditions for job changes and corrections ....................................................................................... 87
Special Circumstances With Sudden or Invincible Power ................................................................. 87
Intellectual Property Rights Violation .................................................................................................. 88
Loss .................................................................................................................................................... 88
to resolve disputes ..............................................................................................................................
SPECIAL TERMS OF THE COVENANT ........................................................................................... 89
CONTRACT CONFIRMATION FORM ........................................................................................................ 91



Definition 1.1. The words, phrases, and expressions used in this covenant
contain the meaning mentioned above:
1.1.1. The person referred to in the Contract confirmation
form as "client";
1.1.2. "Representative of the Client" is the appointee
appointed by the Applicant, who has the right to
communicate with the Contractor in all matters relating
to the Covenant, except for additional and
amendments to the Covenant and the cancellation of
the contract;
1.1.3. "Contractor" has been authorized to enter into a
contract and is named in the Contracting Application ;
1.1.4. "A representative of the contractor," the person
appointed by the Contractor, who has the right to
communicate with the Contractor on all matters
relating to the Covenant except for additional,
amendments to the Covenant and the cancellation of
the contract;
1.1.5. "Fields" werecalled together by the Applicant and the
1.1.6. "Law" is the law on the purchase of goods, jobs and
services on state and local property;
1.1.7. "Work" is the work taught in job assignments and
technical definitions;
1.1.8. where you're doing a job;
1.1.9. The length of time the Contractor officer is responsible
for the malfunctions that occurred during the use of the
work performed as a "period of time";
1.1.10. "Time to make a complaint," relates to a defect
detected by the Applicant during a warranty period,
and the time for Contractors to make a claim;
1.1.11. "A special situation with sudden or overwhelming
power" will recognize that there will be natural
disasters that are out of the control of the parties,
impossible to predict, and impossible to perform
covenant duties, as well as the actions of
governmental authorities and officials, serious
infections, international quarantine, and pandemics.
1.2. The following procedures apply to interpretation and use of
the covenant:
1.2.1. The single-digit word means a lot of numbers, a
Comment multitive word can mean a single digit.

1.2.2. The title of a group or item is intended to

systematically interpret the covenant and will not be
used to explain it.

1.2.3. Words, instructions, and phrases will be interpreted
based on the terms specified in this covenant and, if
not explained in the covenant, will be explained in
accordance with the contents of the covenant, in
accordance with the procedure laid down in Civil Law
if it is not possible to explain it in accordance with the
content of the covenant.
1.2.4. Special conditions are followed when there is a conflict
between the general conditions and the
1.2.5. During the course of the covenant process, the
language to communicate will be Mongolian, and
copies of the covenant will be followed in Mongolian
if they are inconsistent.

Common role of client 2.1. The applicant will receive the results of the work and pay the
price for the period specified in the contract.
2.2. The applicant will properly issue documents and permits
specified in the legislation and the contract.
2.3. The client is responsible for the consequences of document
errors, such as assignments and technical conditions related
to the performance of the work.
Representative of the client 2.4. Communicating and monitoring the applicant with a proxy
a representative is appointed by the Client .
2.5. Information from the applicant's representative will be provided
in the Contract confirmation form.
2.6. A representative of the applicant will be prohibited from
transferring rights or duties to others in any form without written
consent from the representative.
Permission to site 2.7. The applicant will be given written access and operational
access powers to the Contractor from the start to the end of the work.
2.8. The Applicant is responsible for exceeding the length of the
work and any related consequences of the failure to grant
access to the workplace.
3.1. The contractor performs the work in accordance with the
Common role of requirements set out in the technical definition and gives it to
contractor the Client.
3.2. The contractor will provide the Applicant with a detailed list of
the equipment and machinery being used in the field of work
(such as a supervisor, engineer, technical worker).
3.3. The contractor is responsible for the materials, techniques,
equipment, machinery, amplifiers, facts, and employees and
services required to perform the work.
3.4. The Contractor will provide the water, gas, electricity, and
other supplies needed during the work.
3.5. The contractor is responsible for not performing more than 10
(ten) percent of the total work as a subcontractor.
3.6. The contractor has a duty not to hand over the rights and
duties under the contract to others.

3.7. The contractor is responsible for freely accessing the client
and his authorized applicant in the workplace.
Contractor spokesman 3.8. Contractor is with a client communication rights with
appointment and confirmation form.
3.9. The contractor's representative is an expert and trained
person in the field required to carry out the work specified in
the contract.
3.10. A representative of the contractor will be prohibited from
transferring rights or duties to others in any form without
written permission from the representative.
Technical and workplace 3.11. The client will provide all the information he or she has about
data the geography, geology, hydrogeology, climate and
environmental conditions of the field before the Contractor
begins work.
3.12. The contractor will arrange for the unauthorized defendant not
Project site security to enter the workplace.
3.13. The contractor is responsible for the costs associated with
protecting the workplace, installing lights in areas necessary
to protect the safety and integrity of the field and the safety of
the passenger, and connecting to the construction of fences
and barrier protection.
3.14. The contractor will keep the workplace clean by taking
Waste, Waste Waste and measures such as waste that will interfere with the workplace
Recovery during the course of the work and the transfer of goods,
supplies, equipment and machinery that are no longer in use.
3.15. The contractor will properly preserve and destroy hazardous
materials brought to the workplace.
3.16. The contractor is responsible for any related consequences if
he fails to comply with the obligations as stated in GENERAL
CONDITIONS 3.14–3.15.
3.17. When archaeological and other fossils found in the workplace
(including the remains of all fossils, plants, coins, valuables,
Archaeological and other other antiquities, geological and archaeological significance)
findings are found, the clients will be notified and handed over to an
entity in accordance with the appropriate regulations.
3.18. The contractor will take appropriate action to prevent the fossil
from being damaged.
3.19. In the workplace, the contractor will comply with other laws,
technical regulations, standards, norms and regulations that
would be mixed with labor safety, such as the Occupational
Safety Safety and Hygiene Act and the Fire Safety Act.
3.20. The contractor will ensure the safety of all operations in the
3.21. Work and its components are influenced by nature and other
3.22. Work to ensure the safety of the workforce.
3.23. The contractor is fully responsible for any liability arising from
labor safety.

3.24. The contractor is fully responsible for any consequences
arising from failure to comply with and properly comply with
the obligations laid down in GENERAL CONDITIONS 3.19-
3.25. Dangerous, toxic, contaminated materials and substances that
have been created by the work will be stored and destroyed in
accordance with relevant legislation and the Requirements of
the Consumer.
Work commencement 4.1. The contractor has begun work within the time limit specified in
PARTICULAR CONDITIONS in accordance with the work
4.2. The contractor will deliver a detailed work performance
program (plan) to the client's representatives for the period
4.3. The program reflects the overall procedures, arrangements,
sequences and other necessary information for all operations
that are required to perform the work, as well as the duration
of the work phase and other necessary information from the
start of the work.
4.4. If changes are made to the program (plan), the client's project
will be notified.
Extension 4.5. Contractor deadline in the following cases:
You can request an extension:
4.5.1. a special situation that was characterized by
unexpected or overwhelming power that made it
impossible to perform the work during the time
specified in the covenant;
4.5.2. relevant legislation, regulations, procedures, new
standards, and changes that will affect the
performance of the work;
4.5.3. The applicant has not fulfilled his obligation to pay the
bills during the period;
4.5.4. The fact that the applicant failed to properly comply
with its obligation to issue permits and documents has
had an impact on the working period.
4.6. The applicant's request for an extension will be submitted to
the Applicant along with the relevant evidence.
4.7. The Contractor has a duty to prove that the circumstances
taught in GENERAL CONDITIONS 4.5.1 have arisen.
4.8. The applicant may extend the deadline based on the
Applicant's request if any of the grounds specified in
GENERAL CONDITIONS 4.5 are compiled.
Work progress report 4.9. Schedule set out in PARTICULAR CONDITIONS for Contractor work
progress report and deliver it to the Representative of the Client .
4.10. The Travel Report will produce a percentage of the actual
performance of each activity and compare it with the planned
percentage, and if there is no work that has not been done, it
will include information about the work, when to do so, and
other information required by the Representative of the
4.11. The contractor will provide instructions for the use of services
to operate and operate the work and its components to
perform technical services, to dismantle, to recym, to make
adjustments, and to repair them.


The contract price is 5.1. The price of the contract will be taught in the contract warranty form.
5.2. The cost of the covenant is reflected in the PARTICULAR
CONDITIONS if adjustments are made or adjusted on the
basis specified in Law 40.4.
5.3. According to GENERAL CONDITIONS 5.2, the price is
adjusted and the price of the contract changes, subject to
additional and modified prices since the contract was
Advance payment 5.4. Bid documents to be issued with advance payment and
Contractor advance payment request if issued, the Client will
make advance payments as specified in PARTICULAR
5.5. Once the applicant has received a prepayment guarantee, the
Contractors will receive a prepayment within the specified time
Payment terms 5.6. Applicant based on payment requests and additions
Payments will be made within the specified time frame for
5.7. A copy of the document that the applicant has properly
performed the obligations of the contract may require the
percentage and the relevant document to be attached to the
payment request and addition.
5.8. At the request of the contractor, if the contractor extends the
deadline for the suspension, As stated in GENERAL
CONDITIONS 4.8, the deadline for payment of the Client has
been extended.
5.9. Any payment made by the applicant will not be grounds for
assuming that the work or its components have been
5.10. Additional payments have been expressed in Mongolia's
national currency.
5.11. If the applicant is entitled to claim losses and other payments,
the Contractors will be suspended from the payment.
Advance payment 6.1. As provided for in GENERAL CONDITIONS 5.4, the advance
guarantee payment guarantee for the amount specified in PARTICULAR
CONDITIONS will be submitted in accordance with the form
specified in the law and in accordance with the relevant

Performance Guarantee 6.2. If the BDS is specified to issue performance guarantee, The
contractor is required to issue performance guarantee that is
equivalent to three (3) percent of the contract amount as
required by the client in accordance with the relevant
6.3. When the client creates the following conditions, the
performance of the duty is provided in a manner that is not
disputed by the Contractor Guarantee:
6.3.1. The contractor did not perform his or her obligations
under the contract for any reason;
6.3.2. The contractor did not properly perform his or her
obligations under the contract;
6.3.3. The contractor is no longer able to meet his obligations
under the contract.

6.4. The applicant's provision of the role under the Performance

Guarantee does not restrict the right to claim losses or
damages from the Contractor.
6.5. As stated in GENERAL CONDITIONS 4.8, the Performance
Confirmation and extension of the deadline are extended.
6.6. The Performance Guarantee will be released by issuing a
Channel guarantee specified in GENERAL CONDITIONS's 6.8
in the event that a confirmation of the channel is required.
6.7. For the duration of defect liability period of time, retention on
the guarantee to be provided in accordance with the
6.8. Contractor Quality confirmation may be guaranteed as
provided for in Act 43.7.
6.9. In the event of a warranty as provided for in GENERAL
CONDITIONS 6.9, the Applicant will make the foreclosed
money at the rate equal to the grade specified in the warranty.
6.10. Quality warranty will be released if no defects are detected in
the workplace during the warranty period.
6.11. According to GENERAL CONDITIONS 8.6, once the Applicant
has removed the defect, the Contractor will suspend the costs
and losses associated with the removal of the defect and the
remaining money will be made available to the Contractor as
soon as the warranty expires.
6.12. As stipulated in GENERAL CONDITIONS 8.5, the length of
time a warrant and complaint claim will continue as normal if
the defect is removed.
Duration 6.13. Work and its components have a warranty period
and the duration of the warranty will be specified in gtN.
6.14. The applicant is entitled to require the Contractor to remove any
defects that may have occurred during the warranty period.

Eliminate damage 7.1. During the course of the work, the Executive Officer and the Assistant
Done to others shall be responsible for any economic or non-economic damage (human
life or health) to others as a result of any actions (or actions) of his or her
entitled party.
7.2. The Contractor shall not be liable if the applicant has suffered
economic or non-economic damage (human life or health) as a result of the
actions (or actions) of the authorized person.
7.3. The applicant is responsible for the following risks:
7.3.1. since the results of the work were transferred to the client, the
results of the work have been damaged or destroyed due to
exceptional circumstances characterized by sudden or overwhelming
7.3.2. a notice to surrender the work performed, but the client failed
in his duty to accept the job, and his components were damaged or
7.3.3. Work, materials, and equipment damaged or destroyed as a
result of the defendant's guilty actions (actions);
7.3.4. Any risks arising from a client blueprint error.
7.4. The client will not be responsible for any risks arose during the period
leading up to the receipt of the work if the client refuses to accept the
results due to a job malfunction.

Insurance 7.5.The contractor will provide insurance specified in PARTICULAR

CONDITIONS for a period of time from the start date of the
work to the end of the workday.
7.6. The Contractor shall insure the life, health, and property of a
third party from the guilty act (or act) of the creditor, the
contractor, and the assistant.
7.7. The contractor is the homeof the insurance, and a copy of the
certificate will be delivered to the client's representative.
7.8. Unless a copy of the contractor's insurance agreement or
certificate is submitted, the client will establish the insurance
contract and issue the insurance fee from the Contractor.
7.9. The terms of the insurance will beprohibited from being
changed without the consent of the Applicant's representative.
Detection and 8.1. The work from the contractor and its part is not in breach or
eradication of defects limbo.
8.2. A spokesman for the applicant will give Contractors
instructions on detecting violations or defects in any work that
may be inconsistent or defective during the course of the
work, and conducting investigations and investigations by
opening a subtle part of the work.
8.3. If a breach or deficiency occurs within the warranty period
specified in PARTICULAR CONDITIONS, the applicant will
forward a notice to the Contractor regarding the removal of
inconsistencies and defects before the expiration of the
complaint requirement period.
8.4. As soon as the Contractor receives a notice of removal of the
defect, work will begin on the removal of the defect.
8.5. Even when a notice has been issued about the removal of the
defect, the Contractor will eliminate the breach and the defect
at its own expense for the period specified in the statement.
8.6. If the defendant has not deleted any violations or defects within
the time specified in the statement, the Applicant may delete
them at his own expenses.
8.7. The costs incurred by the applicant will be covered by the
Contractor in an unconflecible procedure.
8.8. If the work and its components are not used by the Applicant
during the process of eradicating the defect, the warranty
period will be extended for the duration of the removal of the

Hidden impulses 8.9. The fact that he received a job (act) was done, but the work
and his work in the elements, in the underlying defects,
the Contractor is responsible for any consequences that may arise.
Illustration of the project 8.10. Image caption If the project was developed by the Solicitor, the
picture any problem with the project (the truth of the blueprint
the Client is responsible for the right and the work that has arisen
from it.
8.11. The contractor oversees the accuracy of the work blueprint,
relevant documents, information, and statements he has
The applicant canceled 9.1. The applicant may terminate the contract on the following
the contract grounds:
9.1.1. The contractor left the workplace for 5 working days
without reason of respect;
9.1.2. The applicant has set an additional deadline for the
role, but no results have been released;
9.1.3. The Contractor Covenant has performed all rights
and duties, except in part, transferred to others;
9.1.4. The defendant is found by the court and the relevant
organisation to be connected to a corruption offence
while participating in the bid or performing the
9.1.5. Total losses specified in GTN exceed 50 (fifty) per
cent of gross margin of non-performing duty;
9.1.6. The contractor performed more than 10 percent of the
total work by one or more assistants;
9.1.7. During the course of the work, the Contractor
Director's special license was not extended, confused,
or canceled.
9.1.8. The contractor has not fulfilled the obligations of the
covenant under the terms of his bid privileges and has
not met the terms of the contract as a legal entity.
9.2. In addition to the grounds laid down in GENERAL CONDITIONS
9.1, the applicant may terminate the contract at any time.
Contractor contract cancellation 9.3. The contractor may terminate the contract on the following grounds:
9.3.1. The applicant has not properly fulfilled the basic
obligations laid down in the contract and has not
fulfilled them within the specified additional period;
9.3.2. Total losses specified in GTN exceed 50 (fifty) per
cent of gross margin of non-performing duty;
9.3.3. If the applicant temporarily suspends the work, it
would adversely affect the rights and legal interests of
the Contractor.
Procedure 9.4. Half of cancellations of contracts are violations of duty on the other
side will deliver a notice setting an additional deadline for
deletion. The extra time is the usual available time to take on the
9.5. Additional deadlines have been set for non-performing duties
for an extended period of time, but obviously they will not work.

As stated in GENERAL CONDITIONS 4.8, if the deadline is
extended, the Applicant may not set an additional deadline
for the role.
9.6. In the absence of an additional deadline and no response to
the notice of additional time, half of the cancellation of the
contract will send a notice to the other party to terminate the
contract unless the breach is resolved within the specified time
9.7. Once the contractor has received a statement referred to in
GENERAL CONDITIONS 9.6, heor she shall immediately
submit documents (acting) to the Applicant for the work and
components of the work performed until the day of the
cancellation of the covenant, as directed to protect the part of
the work performed during the period specified in the non-
Payment after contract existent statement, to keep the workplace in a clean and
cancellation secure environment.
9.8. In the event of a termination of the contract, as provided for in
GENERAL CONDITIONS 9.1, the Contractor has the right to
demand payment for the work performed until the date of
termination of the contract.
9.9. As stated in GENERAL CONDITIONS 9.2, if the contract is
terminated, the Client will pay the following fee to the
9.9.1. Payment for work performed up to the date of
9.9.2. Costs incurred related to the evacuation of Contractor
Equipment from the workplace;
9.9.3. Any payment required by the Contractor Assistant to
pay in connection with the cancellation of the contract;
9.9.4. Expenses incurred to protect jobs from contractors
andto keep the workplace clean and safe;
9.9.5. Other costs and losses directly related to the
cancellation of the contract.


Record 10.1. Statements, instructions, information, and other
communications of the parties will be transmitted through
10.2. All statements relating to the performance of the covenant's
obligations (not limited to the approval, withdrawal, warranty,
warranty, additions, certificates, decisions, requests and
letters) shall be made in writing.
10.3. A confirmation mail will be sent to the address of the
representative referred to in the contract confirmation form.
10.4. In the following cases, the notice is considered to have been
10.4.1. based on the fact that a payment was made on the
date of the postal service in the event of a warranty
10.4.2. based on the dates and notes received by the
representative of the other party.
10.5. If either side changes the address, phone, or sack address of
the workplace, the other party will be notified immediately in
10.6. The undisclosed side is responsible for the consequences of
failing to comply with the obligations laid down in GENERAL
10.7. An urgent statement requiring immediate notification may be
made in a different form than as indicated in GENERAL
CONDITIONS 10.2, and the notice will then be verified and
delivered in writing.
Representative change 10.8. The parties changed the agent on their own initiative and it's
going to happen.
10.9. In the event of a change, the envoy will immediately notify the
other side in writing.
10.10. The memoincludes the name of the Apostle's father/mother,
his name, his office, his contacts (work, personal, and
electronic mail.
10.11. The rights and duties of the previous representative will be
terminated by the delegation delivering the altered statement
to the other side.
Changes in jobs, 10.12. The parties are technically feasible, depending on the overall
conditions for correction performance framework of the work, with the aim of improving
the quality, efficiency and safety of the work, and may make
changes to the work if the duration and price of the contract
are not affected.
10.13. The contractor and the contractor will make achange project if
they feel it is necessary to make a change.
10.14. Based on the project, the applicant will deliver a notice of
change if the terms and conditions specified in GENERAL
CONDITIONS 10.12 are deemed to be qualified.
10.15. The Contractor is responsible for the consequences of forest
technical and technological errors, contract overdue and price
increases associated with unauthorized changes made by the
10.16. In the discovery of a special circumstance that has led to the
Special Circumstances inability to perform the work within the specified time frame of
With Sudden or Invincible the contract, the Contractor shall immediately notify the
Power Representative of the Applicant in writing; the written notice
may be notified in advance in the form specified in GENERAL
10.17. Until the contractor gives instructions from the Applicant,he or
she will look for all possible ways to implement the covenant.
10.18. The client will give instructions within the usual time frame,
and the parties will agree and take all possible measures to
implement the covenant.
10.19. In the event that the client's instructions for implementing the
contract and the measures taken by the Contractor are not
effective, the Contractor may issue a request referred to in

Infringement of intellectual 10.20. If a third party's intellectual property rights are violated in
property rights connection with the performance of the work and the
performance of the work, the guilty party is liable and the costs
and losses incurred.
10.21. In the event that the client fails to perform his or her duty to
Aldangi pay the hangout over a period of time, the Contractors will
pay a loss on a percentage point specified in PARTICULAR
CONDITIONS of the gross value of the non-performing duty on
a weekly basis that has not been exceeded.
10.22. If the contractor does not perform the work within the specified
time limit of the contract, the contractor will pay a loss on the
percentage specified in PARTICULAR CONDITIONS by the
gross value of the duty that has not been performed on an
excessive weekly basis.
10.23. Any information obtained through the law obtained during the
implementation of the covenant and secretly protected by the
organization will not be disclosed, transmitted, or made public
except as required by the other party.
10.24. For the parties, when confidential information is disclosed on
the other side, they will make a secret note andgive it a
statement that will notify them of confidentiality.
10.25. Any disputes arising from the covenant are resolved by mutual
Disputeing disputes agreement.
10.26. If they can negotiate and resolve disputes, they will be tried in

GENERAL Starting time: From the day the contract went into effect.
GENERAL Scheduled completion date: Construction of the Truck Loading Station will take place in
CONDITIONS June 2024, and the construction of the Coal Conveyor will take place in the Quarter 1 of
4.1. 2025.
Detailed performance program (plan) submission period: [months, months and days]
GENERAL Schedule and submission time for reporting on the progress of the work: Each
GENERAL Price adjustment: “Not applicable"
GENERAL Advanced payment: "No"
GENERAL Advance payment period: No
Payment period: Payments will even be made in accordance with the work status
GENERAL Advance payment guarantee deadline: No
GENERAL The contractor will submit a performance guarantee of 3 percent gross domestic product
CONDITIONS for the current budget year within the time required of the client, according to the relevant
6.2. application.
GENERAL Quality Retention:
Retention: Required.
Retention rate: 5 percent of the contract amount
GENERAL Duration: 1+3 years
GENERAL During the course of the work, the Contractor Officer and the Assistant shall be
CONDITIONS responsible for any economic or non-economic damage (human life or health) to others
7.1. as a result of any actions (or actions) of his or her entitled party.
GENERAL Insurance:
The contractor is required to have insurance, such as employer, employee
health, technical, equipment, and so on , and the client is not liable for any
insurance issues or disputes.

GENERAL There is a year to guide and adapt the facility to use.

CONDITIONS When this deadline is completed, the contractor, blueprint maker, client and user will
8.3. conduct a joint inspection of the facility, make notes about the removal of the breach,
and, by eliminating the transgression, the contractor will be able to calculate the
expiration of the period and release the assets.
The normal usage period is 3 years after the end of the 1-year deadline for guying and
adjusting the facility for use.

GENERAL The contractor oversees the accuracy of the Work Blueprint, relevant documents,
CONDITIONS information and statements he has performed.
Percentage of losses the client will pay:
Loss rate: 0.01 percent of gross margin for non-performing duties per week
GENERAL The total amount of loss will not exceed 10 percent of the gross value of the
CONDITIONS unfinished duty.

Percentage of losses the contractor will pay:

Loss rate: 0.01 percent of gross margin for non-performing duties per week
GENERAL The total amount of loss will not exceed 10 percent of the gross value of the
CONDITIONS unfinished duty.

GENERAL When disputes arising from the covenant cannot be resolved peacefully, Mongolian
CONDITION courts will be dealt with according to Mongolian law.
S 10.26.


[Write the name of the bid auditorium ] a contract.

No. [Write Bid Award Number]

. ............................. City/district

On the one hand [write the client's name] (later called "The Client"), on the other hand [write the
name of the contractor] (later called "Contractor") accepted the bid submitted by the Contractor and
established this covenant under the following conditions:

This agreement regulates the relationship between the Applicant and the Contractor to perform,
supply accompanying goods, provide services (later called "Work together") and the cost.

1. Under this covenant, the performance price is the amount [in numbers and letters of the
price specified in the contract authorization statement] (later called the "covenant price")
and the value of the contract is the highest level of financing.

2. The contract price will be transferred to the bank's [writing number] account for the
Contractor [writing the Name of the Contractor].

3. The document mentioned above will continue to be part of the covenant. (later called "covenant
document"). Among them:
3.1. Statement on the authorization of contracts;
3.2. A form submitted by the Contractor bid;
3.3. Special terms of the contract;
3.4. General terms of the contract;
3.5. Performance guarantees;
3.6. Advance payment guarantee;
3.7. Technical definition;
3.8. Contractor schedule.

4. In matters relating to the use of the covenant , the parties are represented by the following
4.1. First name /representative information/:
Work phone:
Mobile phones:

4.2. Information from the Contractor

representative is Father/Father Name:
Official: Work
Phone: Phone:


[Position and Name]
[SIGNATURE] [Position and Name]

Contractor confirmation form (Bank non-bank insurer)

Certificate recipient: [Write the name and address of the client organization]
Date: [Write the date on which the warrant was issued]
Sixth: [Write a security number ]
Certificate issuer: [Write the name and address of the insurer's organization if it is not written on the
printed page]

1. [Write the name of the contractor] (later called "Contractor") has submitted information about
the establishment of a certificate recipient [writing the name and number of the covenant]
(later called "covenant") to perform the [brief definition of the work].

2. At the request of the contractor, the issuer of the Certificate is obligated to pay the total
[money] payment to the recipient [in the number of certificates].

3. As soon as the contractor received the client's first requirement to pay a fee, referring to a
breach of his contractual obligations, the Issuer transferred the payment to the account specified
in the statement.

4. The amount of payment required by the issuer shall not exceed the amount specified in this
guarantee 2 and shall not require any evidence, reasoning or explanation as required by the
client in this framework.

5. This confirmation is valid for a period of time until the following client notice is submitted:

5.1. the client received a guarantee of the updated performance of the contract through the
budget year;

5.2. The client acknowledged that the contractual role had been completed in full.

6. The insurer is responsible for the risks arising from the cancellation of this guarantee only by the
basis of the client's consent and on other grounds.


Official Name:
Signature of authorized person:

Contractor confirmation form
(Valuable paper approved by government bonuses and government)

Certificate recipient: [Write the name and address of the client organization]
Date: [Write the date on which the warrant was issued]
Sixth: [Write a security number ]
Certificate issuer: [Write the name and address of the insurer's organization if it is not written on the
printed page]

1. [Write the name of the contractor] It has been submitted to the Certificate recipient for the
purpose of performing [the name and number of the covenant] (later called "covenant").

2. At the request of the contractor, the issuer is responsible for the total [money] payment before
the recipient [in the number of transactions] [in capital] [the name of the non-value paper]
(later called "Precious Paper" )— and they're making six basis of proof.

3. As soon as the contractor receives the client's initial claim for payment, citing a breach of contractual
obligations, the Securities will be transferred to the Consumer Name.

4. The price grade referred to by the Securities Exchange from the issuer shall not exceed the gross
margin specified in this guarantee 2 and shall not require any evidence, reasoning or
explanation for any amount required by the client in this framework.

5. This confirmation is valid for a period of time until the following client notice is submitted:

5.1. the client received a guarantee of the updated performance of the budget year;

5.2. The client acknowledged that the contractual role had been completed in full.

6. The insurer is responsible for the risks arising from the cancellation of this guarantee only by the
basis of the client's consent and on other grounds.


Official Name:
Signature of authorized person:

6 The repayment period for government bonuses and valuables is less than three months after the contract is

Advance payment confirmation form (Bank non-bank insurer)

Certificate recipient: [Write the name and address of the client organization]
Date: [Write the date on which the warrant was issued]
Sixth: [Write an advance payment guarantee number ]
Certificate issuer: [Write the name and address of the insurer's organization if it is not written on the
printed page]

1. [Write the name of the contractor] (later called "Contractor") has submitted information about
the establishment of a certificate recipient [writing the name and number of the covenant]
(later called "covenant") to perform the [brief definition of the work].

2. At the request of the contractor, the issuer of the Certificate is issuing a guarantee [in capital] that
he or she is obligated to pay the total [money] payment in advance before the receiver.

3. As soon as the contractor receives the client's initial requirement to pay the fee, citing a
breach of his or her home obligations, the Issuer will transfer the payment to the account specified
in the notice in an undisputed manner.

4. The amount of payment required by the insurer shall not exceed the amount specified in This
Guarantee 2 and shall not require any evidence, reasoning or explanation for any amount
required by the client in this framework.

5. This guarantee shall be valid for a period of time until [writing dates] , and the Applicant shall
notify the Issuer of any requirements within this time frame.

6. The insurer is responsible for the risks arising from the cancellation of this guarantee on any
grounds other than the foregoing.


Official Name:
Signature of authorized person:

Advance payment guarantee form
(Valuable paper approved by government bonuses and government)

Certificate recipient: [Write the name and address of the client organization]
Date: [Write the date on which the warrant was issued]
Sixth: [Write an advance payment guarantee number ]
Certificate issuer: [Write the name and address of the insurer's organization if it is not written on the
printed page]

1. [Write the name of the contractor] It submits information about the establishment of a
contractor (later called "Contractor") [write the name and number of the covenant] (later called

2. The issuer of the contractor's request is the name of the non-value paper [in the form] of
the purchaser, which is responsible for the payment of the total [money] before the receiver of
the certificate .] (Later called "Precious Paper") is issued with 7 basis.

3. As soon as the contractor receives the client's initial claim for payment, citing a breach of contractual
obligations, the Securities will be transferred to the Consumer Name.

4. Theprice tag referred to in the Securities exchange from the issuer shall not exceed the amount
specified in this guarantee 2 and shall not require any evidence, reasoning or explanation for any
amount required by the client in this framework.

5. This guarantee shall be valid for a period of time until [writing dates], and the Applicant shall notify
the Issuer of any requirements within this time frame.

6. The insurer is responsible for the risks arising from the cancellation of this guarantee on any grounds
other than the foregoing.


Official Name:
Signature of authorized person:

7 The repayment period for government bonuses and valuables is less than three months after the contract is


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