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Weather Rule
Hazard Rules
Vision and Light


● The Flaming Eye: The Flaming Eye is a singular Orange Flaming Eye inside what
looks like a circle of dark magic
● The Cult of Allden Hill: A Caprin Head on a Red Circle
● The Red Knives: The Red Knives is two Knives crossed with red blades
● The Purple: Just Purple is this emblem
● The Crooked Smile: Crooked Smile is a Creepy tilted smile with a drop of blood
dripping from it

Blizzard Opening:
1. The party stumbles into each other while inside a blizzard, characters that know each
other are together before running into the rest of the party. Group sees the gate torches
through the snow on a DC 8 perception check. When moving towards the light, group is
ambushed by two wolves and four white kobolds under blizzard conditions.
Corvin this is an earlier quest I am making for the party that involves the Cult of Allden Hill and
The Purple.
1. Player's traveling down the road. They See a dead Caprin who was run over by a cart.
(was pushed under the cart) The party sees three Kobolds in Black hoods and cloaks
with an orange flaming eye on it, One is Carrying a trench coat, one is carrying three
short swords, the last is carrying a package which is a box wrapped in brown paper and
twine. As they escape into the sewer system of Rivercrest by slipping through a snow
filled inlet, down a side road. The party can find at the scene of the crime:
○ The Caprin has a dagger wound in the side of their lower back.
○ A slashed rope tied to their belt
○ Tracks leading to the water inlet
○ The Emblem of the Cult of Allden Hill on the inside of the Caprins cloak

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