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Gender Sensitization is one basic requirement for the normal development of an

individual. Without being sensitive to the needs of a particular gender, an individual

may refrain from understanding the opposite gender and in some acute cases even
him or herself. The need for this sensitivity has been felt and realised through times
immemorial and in almost all kinds of human existence, across the globe.

But somehow in the recent times, a much stronger need is felt and realized to talk and
discuss about this sensitive topic both on a Personal and Professional front.

Particularly in a country like India, with the vast diversity existing in terms of its
customs, traditions, rituals, social values, family beliefs and individual perception, the
need for a More Systematic, Well Planned and More Professional Approach is desired
to inculcate this sensitivity and primarily highlight the contribution of both the genders
in creation and development of a well balanced society.

To overcome the various disparities existing in lieu of gender equality the following
aspects have to be developed:

1. Individuals need to be more open-minded, rational and unbiased in their

thoughts and actions.

2. There is an urgent need to shatter the load of our Orthodox Beliefs and
Biased Values to accentuate the Progressive Existence of both the genders.

3. Better reconciliation of work and private life for both women and men is
essential to gender equality.

4. There is a need to provide steps to safeguard women's safety and for men to be
assured that such measures are not an indication of discrimination against the
male population.

5. Training and awareness-raising in educational set- up, at workplace and in society

can eliminate gender-based prejudice and thereby change stereotyped working
cultures as regards to the roles and abilities of women and men, including
attitude towards women in leadership positions.
6. Better knowledge and understanding of gender issues at all levels of society,
including communication activities, role plays, dramas, documentaries, various
other audio visual aids will raise awareness among both stakeholders and the
general public.

7. Both the genders need to take stand at their own level, to support and promote
the upliftment and wellness of their own and the opposite gender, so as to
overcome any sort of differentiation or harassment.

Surely both the Genders are a Creation of Nature and equally essential for the
Sustainable Development of any Society. Any sort of gap or inequality w.r.t. the survival
rate, individual count, literacy, health, safety, respect and freedom will damage the
sanctity and the authentication of human existence. Gender sensitization should
pervade all levels ,from top to down at household level.The good thing is that
persons at top level of management and policy making are becoming more and
more sensitized on the issue. However , a large part of the system and large
segment of our population are not really sensitive to gender concern.This calls for
serious efforts to launch gender sensitization programme for R&D organizations
and for the people at large to achieve gender equity in sharing of benefits.We can
visualise a situation where both men and women should be on readiness to
perceive each other’s needs and act in a more cohesive way to harness their
combined potential .In ultimate analysis gender sensitization is very much required
to create gender synergy at household, organizational and community level for
producing more output and attaining gender equality .

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