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Epiroc Tunnel


Original Instructions
2018-09-18 | No: 8663980683.1 en
Epiroc Tunnel Profiler Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Assembly and dismantling of scanner unit........................................................ 5
1.1 General........................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Dismantling the scanner unit.................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Assembling the scanner unit .................................................................................................... 5

2 Calibration ............................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Measuring in the scanner.......................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Verification of scanner in RCS system .................................................................................. 10

3 Troubleshooting.................................................................................................. 13
3.1 Safety ........................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2 Troubleshooting the scanner unit .......................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Visual inspection..................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.2 Check distance sensor accuracy............................................................................................ 13
3.2.3 Checking main axis zero ........................................................................................................ 13
3.2.4 Checking scanner axis zero ................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Troubleshooting the control lever.......................................................................................... 15
3.3.1 Checking the control lever in menu S01.2.1........................................................................... 15
3.4 Troubleshooting the touchscreen/computer......................................................................... 16
3.5 Self-test of scanner.................................................................................................................. 16

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Epiroc Tunnel Profiler Table of Contents

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Epiroc Tunnel Profiler 1 Assembly and dismantling of scanner unit

1 Assembly and dismantling of

scanner unit

1.1 General
It is always best to dismantle the scanner unit from Epiroc Tunnel Profiler when transport-
ing the rig.

1.2 Dismantling the scanner unit

1. Loosen the nut (2) holding the scanner arm. Keep the nut and washer.

Scanner unit and bracket

2. Screw eye bolts into the threaded holes in the crossmember (1).

3. Fasten a suitable lifting device to the eye bolts and lift the scanner unit and arm.

1.3 Assembling the scanner unit

1. Assembly is done in reverse order to dismantling.

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Epiroc Tunnel Profiler 1 Assembly and dismantling of scanner unit

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Epiroc Tunnel Profiler 2 Calibration

2 Calibration

2.1 Safety

Serious injury
Laser beam.
u Danger of injury to the eyes.
u Do not look into the beam.
u Do not put optical instruments in the way of the beam.

2.2 Introduction
This chapter covers the following control and calibration measures for Epiroc Tunnel Pro-
• Measuring in the scanner
• Verifying the scanner precision
Both measures can be performed independently of each other.

2.3 Measuring in the scanner

! NOTE: As this calibration uses the rig laser it must be repeated if rig laser position or
direction is changed.

Required space
In order to measure in the scanner, at least 16-20 m of free space is needed in front of the
Precondition p Equipment
p The following equipment will be needed for measuring in:

1. Level the rig.

2. Start the RCS system and then the jumbo laser by checking the Light up laser box in
the D2 Settings menu.

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Epiroc Tunnel Profiler 2 Calibration

Menu D2 Settings

3. Place one of the profiler's calibration plates 16-20 m in front of the jumbo laser. Adjust
the plate so that the rig laser lights as close to the middle of the plate as possible. In
order for the scanner to be able to measure correctly, the point of contact must be at
least 10 cm from the edge of the plate.

4. Mark where the rig laser hits the plate with a pen.

5. Fasten the profiler's second calibration plate onto the rig's calibration plate and mount
the two plates in the feeder at least 8 m from the jumbo laser.

6. Adjust the boom and feeder so that the jumbo laser hits the middle plate (2) while the
plate is in line with the scanner as illustrated below.

Measuring in the scanner

1 Scanner

2 Plate

3 Plate

4 Jumbo laser

5 Distance at least 8 m

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Epiroc Tunnel Profiler 2 Calibration

6 Distance at least 16 m

7. Set the distance sensor so that it measures from the back edge and hold it against
the jumbo laser. Measure the distance to the plate (2).

! NOTE: The distance must be at least 8 m in order to obtain a cor-

rect calibration.

8. Start the profiler with the power switch on D717.

9. Go to Service > Control parameters > Profiler position menu.

Menu S01.1.2 Profiler position

10. Enter the distance in box F5 Distance sight plate (m) and press Apply.

NOTE: If the rig is version 3.4 (not 3.4.1 or later) the distance from
! the laser distance meter must be reduced by 2 x the value X in
Jumbo calib. laser before it is entered.

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Epiroc Tunnel Profiler 2 Calibration

11. Using the control lever, aim the profiler's laser at the mark where the jumbo laser hits
the plate (2). Check the display on the control lever that its distance seems plausible.
Then press F6 Accept bwd.ref..

12. Using the control lever, aim the profiler's laser at the jumbo laser's point of contact on
the plate (3). Check the display on the control lever that its distance seems plausible.
Then press F7 Accept fwd.ref..

13. After measuring both plates, a new box will open that recalculates the new values. Al-
low it to finish and do not press OK or cancel.

14. Once the New transform calculated: Ok message is shown, press OK.

15. Check the values XP(x,y,z) in the Current navigation box. They should correspond
to the scanner position according to the list below.
x is the longitudinal distance from the scanner to the rig origin.
y is the transverse distance from the scanner to the jumbo laser.
z is the horizontal distance from the scanner to the jumbo laser.
## UPPST [END] ##

16. Press F4 Copy current navigation.

17. Go to Service > System > System data menu.

18. Press F4 Save system data to backup.

2.4 Verification of scanner in RCS system

Required space
In order to verify the scanner, a level surface of at least 1x1 metre is required about 5-10
metres in front of the rig to illuminate with the jumbo laser.
Precondition p Equipment and conditions
p The following equipment and conditions are required when measuring in:

1. Position the rig levelled in front of a wall.

2. Start the RCS system and then the jumbo laser by checking the Light up laser box in
the D2 Settings menu.

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Epiroc Tunnel Profiler 2 Calibration

Menu D2 Settings

3. Start the profiler with the power switch on D717.

4. Set the laser distance meter so that it measures from the back edge and hold it
against the jumbo laser. Measure the distance to the point where the jumbo laser
meets the wall as illustrated below.

Jumbo laser distance to wall

1 Scanner

2 Jumbo laser

3 Point of contact of laser on wall

4 Distance from jumbo laser to wall

5 Jumbo laser beam

5. Go to menu M9.2.2 Profiler Measure and enter the reading from the laser distance
meter into the Laser depth box.

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Epiroc Tunnel Profiler 2 Calibration

Menu M9.2.2 Profiler measure

NOTE: The entered value will differ slightly from what the RCS sys-
! tem shows as Actuated value as the rig compensates for the dis-
tance between the boom plate and the front of the jumbo laser.

6. Press the Verify button in the menu.

7. The profiler laser is now directed to the same point as the jumbo laser as illustrated

Verification with Profiler laser

1 Scanner laser

2 Jumbo laser

3 Point of contact on wall

8. Verify that the points meet each other on the wall.

! NOTE: If the laser points do not meet each other, the profiler must
be recalibrated.

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Epiroc Tunnel Profiler 3 Troubleshooting

3 Troubleshooting

3.1 Safety

Serious injury
Laser beam.
u Danger of injury to the eyes.
u Do not look into the beam.
u Do not put optical instruments in the way of the beam.

3.2 Troubleshooting the scanner unit

3.2.1 Visual inspection

• Make sure the scanner does not have damage or marks that can make it untight or im-
pact on its function in any other way.
• Make sure the lens is clean. A dirty lens impairs distance measurement.
• Make sure the pointer laser lights up.

3.2.2 Check distance sensor accuracy

1. Aim the laser at a point about five metres away.

2. With a measuring tape or other distance meter, measure the distance from the centre
of the scanner axis to the laser point of contact.

3. Compare the value with the distance specified by the scanner.

4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 with a point around 25 metres away.

5. The distance sensor reading must not differ more than 2 cm from that measured
If the values for both or one of the checked distances differs more than 2 cm, get in
touch will Epiroc concerning service of the unit.

3.2.3 Checking main axis zero

1. Run the scanner so that the scanner housing is at right angles to the direction of the
main axis with the laser pointing to the left and the scanner housing above the main

2. Run the scanner Inclination to 0º.

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Epiroc Tunnel Profiler 3 Troubleshooting

Menu S01.2.1

3. Hold a spirit level on the top of the main cabinet and make sure the Inclination value
is correct.

4. Make sure the Main axis value is within the interval 86.5º - 93.5º.

5. If the value is outside the interval 86.5º - 93.5º there may be a fault in the scanner
unit. Contact Epiroc concerning service of the unit.

3.2.4 Checking scanner axis zero

1. Go to menu S01.2.1 Sensors and select Path mode, Open loop.

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Epiroc Tunnel Profiler 3 Troubleshooting

Menu S01.2.1

2. Rotate the scanner housing so that its side is parallel to the side of the main cabinet,
i.e. the laser is pointing parallel with the direction of the main axis.
Angle Skanner axis should now be 0º.

3. If Skanner axis is greater than 1º, contact Epiroc concerning service of the unit.

3.3 Troubleshooting the control lever

• Make sure the control lever and the control lever box are not damaged.
• Make sure the distance is shown on the control lever display.
## ANM ##
• Make sure the scanner can be controlled with the control lever.

! NOTE: Remember to wait for the scanner start-up time, approximately one minute.

3.3.1 Checking the control lever in menu S01.2.1

• Sample switch
The small box must be ticked when pressing the control lever button.
• Step switch
The small box must be ticked when pressing the yellow button.
• Stick signal Right/Left
The left-hand box shows the axis value, -1 is at full deflection to the left and 1 is at full de-
flection to the right.
The right-hand box shows the raw value of the control lever.
• Stick signal Up/Down

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Epiroc Tunnel Profiler 3 Troubleshooting

The left-hand box shows the axis value, -1 is at full deflection down and 1 is at full deflec-
tion up.
The right-hand box shows the raw value of the control lever.
• Max speed (%)
This should normally be set to 100%, which means the scanner runs at full speed at full de-
• Min speed (%)
Is normally set to 30%. This means the scanner speed is limited to max 30% of full speed.
This is the lower speed that is activated with F41 or the button on top of the control lever.

3.4 Troubleshooting the touchscreen/computer

• Make sure the touchscreen/computer is not damaged.
• Make sure all the cables are coupled and intact.
• Make sure the green LED on the right-hand side of the screen is on.
If the LED is not alight, it may be because the touchscreen/computer is not turned on with
the button under the green diode. The touchscreen/computer is not turned on with the
switch on the junction box if it is turned off with the button.
• Make sure the touchscreen works by pressing somewhere to see whether the cursor
(arrow) move to where your finger is.

3.5 Self-test of scanner

Epiroc Tunnel Profiler can point to the same place in two different ways. The test com-
prises pointing to the same point using both the two alternatives. The calculated positions
of the test points in these two set-ups should give the same result.
The instructions for how to conduct the self-test is also shown in menu S01.2.2 Accuracy.

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Epiroc Tunnel Profiler 3 Troubleshooting

Menu S01.2.2

1. Go to S01.2.2 Accuracy menu.

2. Aim at an optional point with the laser.

3. Press button F4 Ok.

Position 1 and Position 2 should now be the same. Deviation should be zero.

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Epiroc Tunnel Profiler 3 Troubleshooting

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3 Troubleshooting

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2018-09-18 | No: 8663980683.1

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