02 - Letter

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Dear Sir,

With reference to captioned subject you are hereby requested to send us the quarterly CCA report in time as per banks prescribed
format which is
attached herewith.
While sending the Quarterly report to Head Office Inspection deptt. the following irregularities have been observed which should be
taken care properly
while sending reports to HO Inspection Department.
1. Monthly reports are dealt at Zonal Inspectorate. So don’t send it to HO Inspection department.
2. Quarterly CCA reports are dealt at HO Inspection deptt. and quarterly CCA reports should be in QUARTERLY FORMAT only.
Don't mention " As per
monthly report" in the given columns of the report.
3. Don’t attach the monthly report with quarterly report.
4. Reports should be complete in all aspects and no column should be left unattended , If data is nil then write as NIL, if any point is
not applicable write
there as NA. All the pages in the reports should be numbered.
5. All pages in the report should be properly numbered.
6. Please mention the following information on front page
• Name of BM and his mobile number.
• Name of the CA and his mobile number.
• Name of the Branch, branch code.
7. Total should be done at the end of the annexure and appendixes. (Total no. of cases & Total Amount)
8. Data which you are sending should be fresh one don’t send the cut/ paste copy of previous report.
This is for immediate compliance at your end.
Note: - Incomplete reports will not be accepted and fee for the reporting quarter will not be paid.

Dear Sir,
We are getting the queries from different CCAs that they are unable to open the attached files at there end.

You are requested to download the format of CCA report from your respective branch from the address
Process to download the CCA format.
1. Login from the branch using login id & password of the branch at above mentioned address.
2. Go to Download.
3. In download click on point no. 5 (ii) Inspection Audit Report:: CCA/RBIA to download the required file.
4. After downloading CCA Audit report format. Enable macros in excel sheet and feed the required information in the Sheet.
Please send the CCA reports for quarter ended Sep, 2017 in time with consideration of all the points as mentioned in previous

Asst. General Manager (I)
पंजाब ए_ड 􀍧सधं बक_ Punjab & Sind Bank
_धान काया_लय 􀇓नर􀈣_ण 􀍪वभाग
_􀍪वतीय तल, 6 􀍧स धया हाउस, _नाट _लेस, नई 􀇑द_ल􀈣–110001
Head Office - Inspection Department
2nd floor, 6 Scindia House, Connaught Place, New Delhi- 110001
Phone: (PABX-011-23716646/23718685/23716647) Direct No. 23714911
E-mail: ho.insp@psb.co.in Website : www.psbindia.com

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