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HO. Inspection Department 2nd floor, 6 Seindia House, faq WH i ‘Connawgtt Place, New Dethi- 110001 Punjab & Phone: 23716646 /23718685 / 23716647, Fax 23714911 ui E-mail: Website : wwww, Ref: psb/ insp/ CCA-2014-15/ @ 68 / 2014 Date: May 23, 2014 The Deputy General Manager (1) Punjab & Sind Bank HO, 1T Dept. 2" Floor 21-Rajendra Place, New Delhi. Dear Sir, RE! UPLOADING LIST OF REPORTS AVAILABLE IN ‘FINACLE’ WHICH ARE TO BE USED BY EXTERNAL & INTERNAL AUDITORS FOR AUDIT & INSPECTION PURPOSE. HO, CBS Cell, New Delhi vide its different emails, w.rt. reports available in finacle, has informed that these reports, listed below, numbering to 60 have been deployed in MIS server. ‘The external & internal auditors can use these reports for the audit & inspection purpose. We are issuing letters to all ZOs & Zs to advise external as well as internal auditors working under their respective jurisdiction to make use of these reports to improve the quality & coverage of the audit and to reduce total time consumed in conducting CCA/RBIA. For your convenien on bank's intranet si c we are sending under the folder “download\ aud u pdf file of these reports through email for uploading & inspection’ LIST OF REPORTS AVAILABLE IN ‘FINACLE’ TO BE USED FOR ___ AUDIT & INSPECTION PURPOSE BY CCAS/ INTERNAL AUDITORS _Name of the Report ee Branch Profile Internal/external rating | IMIS REQUIREMENTS Movement of NPA Rating Movement posit - a Details of all export bills crystallized during the month ended. ‘Advanice payments where shipment not effected within stipulated time- month ended Import bills where BOE is due, but not received month ended List of entire outsianding in Nominal heads Format SA. | Report on Large Borrowal Accounts- Limits above a Range—-Format6 Details of Unblocked Accounts earlier freezed due to non KYC compliance 12_| Annexure-4 ‘SrNe ENS | Report Name | Cash deposits and withdrawals above 13. | Rs. 1000 lacs noticed in Deposit and cther ____| aecour GorCurentAusitOffiee Note doe K % Menu Report no. PSBRPT | GEN 410 FIR HO. Inspection Department 2d eae 6 Sein House, Connaught Place, New Delhi- 110001 Plone; 23716646 23718685 /23716687 , Fax 23714911 ‘E-mail: Website ; a “its fan Ha 14 | Cash held over Retention Limit__ PSBRPT | Gi 444 15 _| Report on KYC/AML Guidelines |PSBRPT INSP 1004 1g LStof CASA accounts where signatures not u scanned PSBRPT G = ‘Abnormal Transactions noticed in newly PSBRPT GEN 324 17 _| opened accounts (opened during last 8 1 months)- Annexure-1 FTIR | PSBRPT, GEN | 50 18 | Outstanding entries over 3 months under eee » Nominal accounts - Format -3 MSGOIRP - a9 PSBRPT GLB 20 | Balancing of Books _| Format 4 | PSBRPT GLB 21_|FORMAT-7 STOCKSTATEMENTS | PSBRPT__| LOAN 39 _| INSURANCE POLICY / EXPIRED/ I a6 =" _| INADEQUATE - FORMAT -8 LPSBRPT | LOAN ie » PSBRPT, | LOAN 87,301 ~_| Format-9 Reviewal/Renewal | LIIR Menu | | TOD/EXGESS OVERDRAWINGSOVERDUE 1 3 | 24 | TOD INCURRENT, SB ACCOUNTS: Loan Loot L FORMAT-10 PSBRPT | HOCRM 25 Overdraft in Saving Bank Account | PSBRPT HOCKM 1001 | 26 _| excess allowed in Cash CredivOD Accounts | PSBRPT___ LOAN 2 | 97 | ROC CHARGE fAic where ROC | ti Charge is pending) PSBRPT INSP mo | 28 | Format-12 (Irregular Advances. PSBRPT | LOAN 80 39 _| Listof ODICC without creait transactions ‘aii | 29 _| during the month/Quarter PSBRPT INSP 12s |_30 | Bank Guarantees Expired butnot Cancelled | PSBRPT | HOCRM | _1010 31 _| kistot Time Barred Documents Inc TWO) (| 5 = Format-13) | PSBRPT LOAN 32 _| Listof time Barred Document | Including |_ >? _| two) (Format-13 'A’) PSBRPT | LOAN 40 | 33 _| Listof Borrowal Acs where charge not 1 registered with ROC PSBRPT__ INSP | 34 [List of ares due for RenewaliReviewal 7 35__| tistor Two ales _ 36 _ | List of Deleted Enivies for Charges [PSBRPT GEN | ‘Applicable S.No. _| Report Description = for 37__| Invoked Bank Guarantee Report ALL Branches 38 | Expired Bank Guarentee Report — ALL Branches: “39 | Outstanding Bank Guarantee report beneficiary wise ALL Branches 40_ | Outstanding in Bank Guarantee ALL Branches 41 | Outstanding InimportLC's ‘AD Branches | 42 _| Import LCs report beneficiary oe ‘AD Branches 43__| Overcue Export Bills ‘AD Branches 44 __| Outstanding Export Report ‘AD Branches 45__| Expor Bilis ‘ealsed between Two dates AD Branches AB. Import Bills -Outstanding Drawer Wise AD Branches 47 __| Import Bills outstanding customer bilim,sol wise _AD Branches DAConCorrentAui fice Nowe doe oes HO. Inspection Department 2nd oor, 6 Scindia House, Connaught Place, New Delhi- 1/0001 Phone: 23716646 (23718685 (23716687 , Fax 23714911 E-mail: he.insp(@psb Website: Sind Bank its fo Sz (Overdue FCNR Report FCNR Detailed Report FCNR renewal report solwisa,zonewise, all SOLS [ GPCFC report SS*S~*™:CD 2Brariches ‘Overdue PCFC Report _AD Branches | Outstanding PC report ‘AD Branches | Overdue PC Report _ a ‘AD Branches | Outstanding in ‘AD Branches Overdue EBRD Bils ‘AD Branches Export bills Outstanding Drawee wise a AD Branches Outstanding of Preshipment! postshipment ‘AD Brariches Monthly Export Progress report ‘AD Branches Disbursement of exportcrect ~—___|_AD Branches We solicit an early reply. ‘Yours faithyully, ofe Deputy Gegeral Manager (1) ak Ties D)ConCarrentAudirOmice Now doe

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