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WORKING TITLE: Innovative Strategies Used by K-3 Teachers in Addressing Reading Challenges of
the Learners


Filipino Students’ Reading Mark Vergel Idulog, Ronald Gadiano, Melanie The reading abilities of Filipino students have been a challenge for educators and
Abilities: A Note on the Hermosada, Edmon Toledo (2023) Filipino Students’ policymakers alike. Despite government efforts to improve literacy rates in the
Challenges and Potential Reading Abilities: A Note on the Challenges and Potential Philippines, recent studies have shown that many students need help with reading
Areas for Improvement Areas for Improvement, International Journal of Education comprehension, vocabulary development, and critical thinking skills. This research
and Teaching Zone 2(2):233-242 note examines the current state of reading abilities among Filipino students and
DOI:10.57092/ijetz.v2i2.128 potential areas for improvement. The poor reading abilities can be attributed to
License.CC BY-SA 4.0 several factors, including a lack of resources and socioeconomic factors. However,
there are identified potential areas for improvement, such as promoting early literacy
programs, investing in teacher training, and developing reading materials that are
culturally relevant and engaging for Filipino students. These findings have important
implications for education policies and practices in the Philippines and for educators
and researchers seeking to improve reading abilities among Filipino students.
The Perceived Tomas, M., Villaros, E. and Galman, S. (2021) The This mixed method research study was conducted to investigate the English and
Challenges in Reading of Perceived Challenges in Reading of Learners: Basis for Filipino reading profile of learners, challenges, difficulties and lessons, the schools’
Learners: Basis for School Reading Programs. Open Journal of Social agenda, and initiatives for the enrichment of reading programs to eliminate these
School Reading Programs Sciences, 9, 107-122. DOI: 10.4236/jss.2021.95009. reading challenges and difficulties, and stakeholders’ support and commitment. A
total 4056 Filipino reading profiles and 4216 English reading profiles of Grade 1 to
Grade 7 students and responses from the interviews done with school heads and
teachers were described using descriptive measures and analyzed using thematic
analysis. Results showed that the majority of the learners were at the frustration
level. Also, the perceived causes, origins and attendant variables of the students’
reading level were non-mastery of the elements of reading, presence of learners-at-
risk, and no culture of reading. The suggested reading programs and activities may
form part in the creation of contextualized reading curricula and be used as reading
literacy initiatives in the schools. These initiatives are categorized as Literacy
Program, Individual Reading Recovery Program and Enrichment/Enhancement
STRATEGIC Jordan Miranda Pocaan, Lyndon Lucila Bailon, Jean Education for all means no one should be left behind; thus, teachers should provide
READING Pauline Trilles Pocaan (2022) Strategic Reading effective strategies for struggling readers. The “one-size fits all strategy” further
INTERVENTION FOR Intervention for Left-behind Learners in the Philippines, divides the gap between the slow and advanced learners. This study used a
LEFT-BEHIND DOI: quantitative observational research design to determine the reading ability of 30
LEARNERS IN THE struggling readers in terms of word recognition, reading comprehension, and reading
PHILIPPINES speed using reading stories, Dolch's basic sight words and the Phil-IRI Manual 2018.
The study develops strategic reading intervention materials to support teachers and
students during the remedial programs. The pre-tests revealed that the reading
ability of the struggling readers was at a frustration level. Furthermore, the
development of strategic intervention reading materials used in remedial programs
were composed of 4 parts: learning content, learning task guide, assessment guide,
and enhancement guide. The post-tests show that the participants’ reading ability
progressed to instruction and independent level after the remedial program. It was
concluded that determining the student’s present ability is beneficial to develop
effective intervention materials. It was suggested that the school leaders and
program specialists should develop faculty and student support programs ideally to
uplift the student’s literacy.
Assessment of the Dinoro, A., Semilla, J.- roel, Dangdang, G., Fajardo, M. Reading is a mother skill from which all other higher-order skills come. As such it is
Reading Strategies in the F. ., Beldad, E., Dominguez, E., Grageda, C., & Tero, J. of primary importance that when students go to high school and college, they have
Philippine Basic (2023). Assessment of the Reading Strategies in the acquired the needed reading competencies that will help them become independent
Education Philippine Basic Education. Asia Research Network readers. Currently, the poor performance of basic education students in national
Journal of Education, 3(2), 59–73. Retrieved from reading assessment exams in the Philippines has caused concern for the reading ability of students in the lower grades. The present study examined the reading
17 strategies implemented in the public schools of Iligan City and Lanao del Norte in
terms of how teachers perceived it and based on the performance of students in the
Philippine – Informal Reading Inventory (PHIL-IRI) for the last three years of the
school year 2017-2020. Teachers from Iligan City and Lanao del Norte participated
in the study and completed an online questionnaire. Their responses indicated that
students have mastered alphabet skills but the least mastered were comprehension
skills. It was also found that the teachers employed pre-reading activities as a
strategy in reading instruction and teachers in Iligan City used the guided-reading
approach more while those in Lanao del Norte favored the phonics approach. They
also reported that students face several difficulties in reading ranging from
alphabetic, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension skills. The PHIL-IRI results of
students in Iligan City demonstrated that the reading strategies and activities were
effective in improving the reading performance of students as evidenced from their
pre-test to post-test scores.
OPPORTUNITIES AND Gatcha, A. (2020), Opportunitiez and Challenges of read Read aloud as a strategy has been utilized by many classroom teachers with the
CHALLENGES OF READ aloud to children: A Position Paper. Vol. 14,no. 1-2 goal of effectively and successfully teaching reading to children. However, teachers
ALOUD TO CHILDREN: should remember that teaching reading is not a “one size fits all” since
A POSITION PAPER students have individual differences and needs. This paper offers perspectives about
read aloud as a strategy to cultivate teachers’ knowledge on how it can be
utilized in a way that it can develop the reading skills and reading habits of every
learner. Both opportunities and challenges of read aloud to children were explicated
to provide teachers a leeway whether the strategy is appropriate on their
pedagogical milieus. Finally, the concluding part of the paper offers the pedagogical
implications of read aloud to give teachers a better grasp of the considerations they
need to undertake before adopting the strategy in their classrooms.
Low Reading Literacy Librea,N., Luciano, A., Sacamay, M., Libres, M., This meta-synthesis aims to synthesize factors that affect the low reading literacy
Skills of Elementary Cabanilla Jr., A., (2021). Low Reading Literacy Skills of skills among pupils enrolled in elementary schools in the Philippines. Fifteen (15)
Pupils in the Philippines: Elementary Pupils in the Philippines: Systematic Review. studies from 2013 to 2022 were screened and selected using a set of inclusion and
Systematic Review exclusion criteria. Published papers from Google Scholar, CrossRef, and OpenAlex
literacy-skills-of-elementary-pupils-in-the-philippines databases from Publish or Perish software were used to collect studies related to the
factors affecting the pupils’ low reading literacy skills. The Critical Appraisal Skills
Programme (CASP) checklist was utilized to quality check data, and the Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow diagram
was used to organize the studies that are included. By using thematic analysis, the
factors affecting the low reading literacy skills in Philippines’ elementary learners
were identified as the meta-theme. Accordingly, seven sub-themes emerged namely,
lack of reading elements, inclusion of learners-at-risk, lack of reading enthusiasm,
teacher’s incompetence, shortage in reading materials and facilities, parental
involvement and student’s health. Therefore, when creating development plans for
the learners, the requirement for reading level advancement must be taken into
account. It is recommended that a restructured reading program with constant
progress monitoring and reading diagnosis be conducted in Philippine elementary
Macro and Divinagracia, L. (2023), Macro and micromanagement After years in distance learning, grade school teachers are now facing the threat of
micromanagement practices of reading comprehensionprograms in selected declining reading comprehension among elementary pupils in post-pandemic
practices of reading grade schools in the post-pandemic. Forum for Linguistic settings. Teachers observed a spike in the number of non-readers and frustrated
comprehensionprograms Studies 5 (2):1664 readers in intermediate grade levels. Teachers expressed concerns about the state
in selected grade schools of the education in the aftermath of the pandemic. The purpose of this exploratory
in the post-pandemic study was to establish an understanding of the challenges and mechanisms of
macro- and micro-management strategies of grade school institutions. There were
six teachers and six reading coordinators who participated in the study. The findings
suggested that while reading comprehension was a problem before the pandemic,
teachers realized a surge in the number of non-readers after opening back to face-
to-face classes. This was an unanticipated phenomenon that called the academic
institutions to respond immediately. Significant mechanisms of reading
comprehension programs were profiling, initial detection, policy-based initiatives,
and institution-based design. Collaborative and collective responsibility represented
macro-management practices, while initiative and responsiveness reflected
micromanagement practices. These practices and strategies provided conceptual
and phenomenological underpinnings relevant to early-education reading
K-3 Teachers' Harvie D.V. and Clark Dave P.A. , August 2022, American Patterned after the Learning and Development Needs Assessment, this sequential
Competencies addressing Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation explanatory design mixed method research was conducted to identify the
Learners' Literacy and 1(3):110-119, K-3 Teachers' Competencies addressing competency gaps or priority learning needs and compelling reasons of the K-3 public
Numeracy Gaps in the Learners' Literacy and Numeracy Gaps in the Global school teachers in Eastern Visayas. The approach of this study was group needs
Global South South assessment using functional competency models. A total of 6,428 K-3 teachers
responded to this study. Results demonstrated that crafting action research that
focuses on literacy and numeracy was highly prioritized learning need. Others were
on recommending learners with difficulty in reading to be enrolled in special reading
program, encouraging students to learn Math using technology, and performing
interventions for learners who have difficulty in reading and at risk of dropping out.
Further, it also found out that the compelling reasons of having such priority learning
needs were insufficient knowledge in performing tasks, lack of resources, school-
related activities as hindrance, and lack of parental support. This suggests that a
Learning and Development Planning be conducted in order to identify interventions
and their implementation requirements to address identified priority learning needs
of K-3 teachers with regards to competencies on literacy and numeracy.
Addressing the poor Calleja, M. , Cordell II, M. , Teves, J. , Yap, S. , Chua, U. , The Philippines performed abysmally in Programme for International Student
reading performance and A. Bernardo. 2023. Addressing the Poor Science Assessment (PISA) 2018 science literacy assessment: only 22% of the 7,233 15-
of Filipino learners: Performance of Filipino Learners: Beyond Curricular and year-old Filipino students who participated in PISA achieved the minimum level of
Beyond curricular and Instructional Interventions. DLSU - Angelo King Institute competency (Level 2) in science literacy (Organisation for Economic Cooperation
instructional interventions for Economic and Business Studies. and Development [OECD], 2019). This performance in the science assessment
places the Philippines near the bottom of the 79 countries and economies that
participated in PISA 2018. In a study that used a machine learning approach, we
identified 15 variables that identified the poor-performing students in science literacy.
These variables can be grouped into four clusters, namely, metacognitive reading
strategies, classroom and school experiences, students’ affect and motivation, and
their family experiences and learning resources at home. Based on these results, we
suggest a number of interventions that can address these non-cognitive variables
that predict poor performance in science literacy.
Students Improve in Koch, H., & Spörer, N. (2017). Students improve in In this intervention study, we investigated how we could teach university students
Reading Comprehension reading comprehension by learning how to teach reading who were majoring in education to teach reading strategies. The goal of the study
by Learning How to Teach strategies. an evidence-based approach for teacher was to analyze whether and to what extent students would benefit from the
Reading Strategies. An education. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 16(2), 197– intervention with respect to their own learning. Did their own reading skills improve
Evidence-based 211. after they attended the intervention? The sample consisted of n = 61students who
Approach for Teacher were assigned to one of two conditions: (a) an adaption of reciprocal teaching; and
Education (b) a control group that was not taught how to teach reading strategies. The
evidence-based teaching method used in the intervention condition consisted of
three elements: modeling, scaffolding, and repeated practice. Training success was
assessed in a pre-posttest control group design with standardized reading
comprehension and reading speed tests. To compare the development of the
students in the two conditions, repeated measures ANOVAs were used. At post test,
intervention students outperformed control students in reading comprehension as
well as in reading speed.
Implementing Evidence- Foorman, B. R., Lee, L., & Smith, K. (2020). Implementing Rigorous reviews of reading research over the past 2 decades agree on evidence-
Based Reading Practices Evidence-Based reading practices in K–3 classrooms. based practices in K–3 classrooms. Yet results from the National Assessment of
in K–3 Classroom Education and Treatment of Children, 43(1), 49–55. Educational Progress (NAEP) show that about one-third of the nation’s 4th graders are proficient in reading—an inadequate percentage for a nation that demands a
literate citizenry and workforce. The first objective of this article is to provide an
overview of the evidence-based reading practices recommended in K–3 instruction
based on systematic reviews and meta-analyses of classroom instruction and
intervention studies. The second objective is to provide a brief overview of essential
features of multitiered systems of support for implementing evidence-based reading
interventions in grades K–3. The third objective is to provide resources to help
practitioners implement evidence-based literacy instruction in primary grade
classrooms and in intervention settings.
Learning Disabilities in Logsdon, A. (2022). Learning Disabilitoes in Basic Learning disabilities in basic reading, also known as reading disorders, affect a
Basic Reading Skills Reading person's ability to decode and comprehend individual words and passages of text.1 People with reading disabilities may also have difficulty understanding the
basic-reading-2162447 relationship between letters and sounds. Because the ability to read is an early
predictor of educational achievement, students with reading disorders are at risk of
poor academic performance throughout their school years. They may experience low
self-esteem and negative outcomes later in life if they don't receive the help they
need. As with all learning disabilities, there is no cure for reading disorders.
However, a variety of teaching methods are available to help students cope with
their disability and learn to read successfully.
How to Assess Reading Beck, C.T. (2023). How to Assess Reading Effectively for In teaching, the value of reliable and valid assessments of early reading progress
Effectively for K-3 K-3 Students cannot be overstated. It’s through these assessments that educators can make
Students informed decisions that help prevent reading difficulties and improve students’
k-3-students/ academic outcomes.

Different assessment instruments serve different purposes. Teachers need to keep

the specific purpose in mind when selecting assessments and determining when in
the instructional sequence to use them.

In the primary grades, reading instruction includes teaching discrete skills. These
specific skills and strategies provide the foundation for building fluency and reading
comprehension. Because of the need for mastery of these critical underlying skills,
reading assessments in the primary grades should be frequent and begin with the
evaluation of these discrete skills.

Through the use of precise assessments that inform instruction and a preventive
mindset, it’s possible to pave the way for a generation of students who thrive
academically. To develop an assessment plan, teachers first need to understand the
complexity of the reading process and why some students experience difficulty in
learning to read.
Basic Reading Suson, R., Baratbate, C., Anoos, W., Ermac, E., Aranas, Differentiated instruction has been a buzz word in Philippine education for many
Comprehension in A.G.L., Malabago, N., Galamiton, N., & Capuyan, D. years. Educators utilize differentiated approach in teaching to maximize and meet
Philippine Settings (2020). Basic Reading Comprehension the expected learning outcomes. Previous study pointed out that students vary in
in Philippine Settings terms of learning style and understanding the concept. This study aims to identify the role of differentiated instruction in teaching reading and promoting comprehension in
Basic_Reading_Comprehension_in_Philippine_Settings basic education. This paper looked at four differentiated instructional strategies for
teaching guided reading: Noting details, sequencing events, getting the main idea
and predicting outcomes. Moreover, it seeks to determine the multiple intelligence
profile and the performance in reading comprehension of the students. It also
determines whether a significant correlation exists between the profile and the
performance of the students. Data were generated using adapted multiple
intelligences inventory instruments and written passages, prescribed curriculum by
the Department of Education. The data obtained were analyzed using weighted
mean, standard deviation, and chi-square. The findings revealed that students
learned from all aspects of intelligence they have, no matter what the situation is.
This was so intriguing because it was known that every individual has different
learning intelligence. Pedagogically, the findings recommended that educators need
to innovate to help meet the needs of diverse learners, enriched reading activities,
and differentiated instructions must be integrated to strengthen learner competence
in basic reading comprehension. The surprising finding is that, though students learn
differently, there are also some learning contexts, which students shared with the
same entity. Therefore, teachers must recognize that students have different
versions of learning.
Strategies for Teavhing Voyager Sopris Learning (2023). Strategies for Teaching Reading comprehension is a vital aspect of teaching reading. A student’s ability to
Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension. understand and interpret the meaning of written text is essential for academic success as well as personal and professional development. However, many
reading-comprehension students struggle with reading comprehension, and it can be challenging for
educators to effectively teach this skill. The combination of the challenges of both
teaching and learning reading comprehension has the potential to create a cycle of
below-proficiency readers.
Using a variety of reading strategies can help educators successfully teach
comprehension to students who may be struggling. For example, there is research
that supports the role of explicit instruction, modeling, guided and independent
practice, graphic organizers, vocabulary instruction, close reading, discussion and
collaboration, text-based questions, and differentiated instruction in developing
reading comprehension skills. Through a combination of these approaches,
educators can help students become more proficient and confident readers.
VOCABULARY- Patima, P., Mary Jeane, E., (2023). Vocabulary-building This study explored the vocabulary-building and intervention practices of teachers
BUILDING AND and Reading Intervention Practices of Teachers for and the learners' reading proficiency. It employed a mixed method using a
READING Learners' reading proficiency. International Journal of descriptive-correlation research design. A Descriptive design was utilized to
INTERVENTION Advance Research and Innovative ideas in determine the gathered data through a researcher-made questionnaire about the
PRACTICES OF education. practices of 41 teachers in vocabulary building and reading intervention that includes
TEACHERS FOR 9437_VOCABULARY- the proficiency rating of Grade III pupils. To test the hypotheses of the study, it used
LEARNERS' READING BUILDING_AND_READING_INTERVENTION_PRACTIC the Spearman Rho correlation method and the Multiple Linear Regression approach.
PROFICIENCY ES_OF_TEACHERS_FOR_LEARNERS'_READING_PR The descriptive results revealed that the teachers highly practiced vocabulary-
OFICIENCY building strategies in terms of directed vocabulary instruction and contextual analysis
as well as intervention strategies such as guided reading, modelling, direct
explanation, reading aloud, and re-reading. To measure the reading proficiency of
learners, it tested their reading fluency, comprehension, and their skills in making
connections. Findings revealed that there was a significant relationship between
vocabulary building as well as intervention strategies and learners' reading
proficiency with a moderately high correlation. Moreover, it revealed that vocabulary-
building had a significant influence on learners' reading proficiency. Also, intervention
practices had a significant influence on learners' reading proficiency. In conclusion,
learning intervention practices such as modelling, direct instruction, reading aloud,
and re-reading can enhance the reading proficiency of learners. The more the
teachers intensively use the reading intervention strategies, the higher the effect on
the pupils' reading proficiency.
OPTIMISING READING Martin, C., Jacob, U, Jace, P., Erhabor, I.,(2023). This study, examined reading comprehension strategies adopted by teachers to
COMPREHENSION OPTIMISING READING COMPREHENSION enhance reading comprehension among primary school learners. This study
STRATEGIES FOR STRATEGIES FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL LEARNERS. adopted a qualitative research method with an interpret visit paradigm. Ten (10)
PRIMARY SCHOOL teachers were purposively selected for the study one each from ten (10) primary
LEARNERS TIMISING_READING_COMPREHENSION_STRATEGIE schools. Data was collected the selected participants using semi-structured
S_FOR_PRIMARY_SCHOOL_LEARNERS interview. The researchers ensured the trustworthiness of the interview through
disclosure and corroboration. The data collected were transcribed for the purpose of
analysis using the atlasti software and the thematic data analysis technique.
Findings indicate that some teachers did not understand the various strategies to
optimise reading comprehension. Teachers also lacked knowledge of the different
learners learning preferences to plan their reading comprehension lessons.
Furthermore, the lack of appropriate reading material and differentiated reading
exercises for slow learners were highlighted among the challenges that hampered
reading comprehension. The study recommends capacity-building programmes to
provide strategies for differentiated teaching, to learn to accommodate slow learners
and to provide appropriate resources by the education department.
Vocabulary Story Photo Shaina, N., Jonna,I., Steven, S., Resty, S. .Vocabulary This study focused on the development of the learners reading skills under the
Album as Innovative Story Photo Album as Innovative Reading Material to implementation of vocabulary story photo album as an innovative reading material
Reading Material to Improve Learners' Reading Skills. for learners' development in reading skills. This study provided various evidence on
Improve Learners' how innovation can be a great step in developing the learners reading skills. The
Reading Skills abulary_Story_Photo_Album_as_Innovative_Reading_Ma purpose of this action research is to determine or evaluate the effectiveness of using
terial_to_Improve_Learners'_Reading_Skills the vocabulary story photo album as an innovative reading material to improve and
develop learners' reading comprehension and fluency. Various test and data
gathering procedures showed promising data on the success of the implementation
of the said reading material where thirty (30) students assessed under the
supervision of the chosen master teachers and grade 3 teachers with the use of
learning modules evaluated by the teachers using LRMDS tool. The data that this
study generated in terms of the success it shown over the development of the
learners were significant in terms of their level of reading skills. Challenges that were
encountered by both teachers and students were highly encountered in correlation
with the students' level in reading skills. Furthermore the information gained from this
study will benefit English teachers by yielding information about the effectiveness of
using innovative reading materials to develop learners' reading skills.
Comprehension process Cathy, B. , Lori, R., Rebecca, J.. Comprehension process Filling a crucial gap in the literature, this immensely practical volume presents
instruction: instruction: Creating reading success in grades K-3. innovative tools for helping K-3 students significantly increase their ability to make
Creating reading success meaning from texts. The focus is on teaching the comprehension processes
in grades K-3. _Process_Instruction/eByqrYcYd5gC?hl=en&gbpv=0 employed by expert readers, using a carefully sequenced combination of whole-
class activities, specially designed kinesthetic movements, metacognitive strategies,
and independent reading. Teachers are taken step by step through implementing the
authors' research-based approach with diverse students,
Instructional Practices Valora, U., (2023).Instructional Practices That Promote The focus of this study was to examine the effective instructional practices,
That Promote Reading Reading Growth in K-3 Students: A Qualitative Study of philosophies, values, and beliefs of highly effective reading teachers, as evidenced
Growth in K-3 Students: A Highly Effective Reading Teachers.ttps:// by their students' rate of reading growth over the course of one academic year
Qualitative Study of Highly q=Innovative+Strategies+for+reading+in+k- across all demographic subgroups. Teacher instructional strategies, approaches to
Effective Reading 3&id=ED637324 tier one and tier two instruction, planning, preparation, and philosophical beliefs
Teachers about teaching were investigated. The primary goal of this study was to identify and
examine teacher practices and characteristics which result in high reading growth,
so as to benefit students. This qualitative grounded theory study used targeted
teacher interviews and extensive coding methodologies to isolate the specific
teacher practices and beliefs resulting in high student reading growth. Study results
suggest that a teacher's commitment to their students, ownership of student
learning, and actionable instructional planning and design are the most critical
elements necessary to promote the greatest reading growth in primary students. The
findings of this study may be generalizable to suggest specific teacher
characteristics, beliefs, values, and instructional strategies which impact students'
reading growth, ways in which school districts can embed professional development
and additional educational opportunities for teachers to develop their reading
pedagogy, and the call for a broader conversation about teacher quality as it relates
to the preparation, hiring, and retention of the high quality teachers that our students

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