Korak Bliže Do Cilja

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1) bol – pain

često, učestalo – frequently frikvntli

želudac ili stomak – stomach
Često imam bolove u želucu/stomaku. I frequently have stomach pain. On/Ona/Ono često
ima bolove u želucu/stmaku. He/She/It frequently have stomach pain. We frequently have
stomach pain.

2) zavoj – bandage bendiž

mijenjati – change
svaki dan, dnevno – daily
morati – must be, ne moraš don’t have to
Zavoj se mora mijenjati svaki dan. The bandage must be changed daily. Simple past
nastavak ed jer je prošlo vrijeme koje još traje

3) boljeti – hurt hrrt

Bole me stopala. My feet hurt. Bole me oči. My eyes hurt. Bole me noge. My legs hurt. Boli
me stomak. My stomach hurt. Boli me zub. My tooth hurt.

4) povreda – injury, povrijeđen – injured, povrijediti - injure

ići kod doktora – see a doctor (može i go to the doctor) ali ova je česta fraza
Zbog ove povrede ne moraš ići kod doktora. You don’t have to see a doctor for this injury.

5) slijep – blind
starac – old man
skoro – nearly nirli može i almost
Starac je skoro slijep. The old man is nearly blind.

6) otrovan – poisonous pojzns

gljive – mushrooms mašrums brzo se izgovara
jesti – eat
Ove gljive se ne mogu jesti. Otrovne su. One cannot (can’t) eat these mushrooms. They are

7) žaliti se (na) – complain (about) komplejn

pacijent – patient
Pacijent se žali na velike bolove. The patiente is complaining about great pain. Radnja još
traje pa se koristi Present Continious

8) glavobolja – headache hedejk

danima – for days
Glava me boli danima. Imam glavoblju danima. I have had a headache for days. Radnja je
trajala traje I ko zna Koliko će još trajati pa se koristi vrijeme Present perfect

9) života opasnost – mortal danger u duhu engleskog je smrtna opasnost

povrijediti – injure
nesreća – accident eksident
Osmoro ih je povređeno u nesreći. Dvoje je još uvijek u životnoj opasnosti. Eight were
injured in the accident. Two are still in mortal danger.
10) bez svijesti – unconscious ankonšs
povrijeđeni – the injured man
ležati – lay
na podu – on the ground
Povrijeđeni je ležao na podu bez svijesti. The injured man lay unconscious on the ground.

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