Task 2

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Elizabeth Macarthur High School

Industrial Arts Faculty

Industrial Technology Multimedia

Year Group: 9

Student Name: Teacher: C. Keys, I. Flint

Task Name: Web Design

Date Issued: Week 10, Term 1 Date Due: Week 3 Term 2 (2021)

Weighting: 20% 06/05/21

Where is this task to be done: Primarily in class with the opportunity to refine the task at home.

How to submit this task: Submitted through Google Classroom during the lesson on the due date.

How will feedback be

Individualised feedback will be provided through Google Classroom.

Task Description
You are required to hand code a website using the HTML and CSS languages and text editing software. Your website
should include:

 A menu system that is HTML 5 compliant and styled using an external CSS stylesheet.
 A variety of text, graphic and animation techniques that are appropriate for use on the web, HTML 5
compliant and making use of CSS where appropriate.
 Information that informs the user on a topic or area of interest you are familiar with.
 5 separate pages of logically sequenced, organised and meaningful information.
 All your resources and sources of multimedia content embedded into your website must be referenced

Planning Stage

 Brainstorm in groups to identify and justify the navigational structure and types of media suitable for use on
websites (Consider the placement, formatting and file types appropriate for text, graphics and animation.)
 Use the information you gathered during this brainstorming session to create 3 storyboards to show your
conceptual ideas for the website.
 Develop a sitemap to show the navigational structure of the website.
 When selecting a design for the webpages, ensure you apply a theme to maintain consistency across the

Production Stage

Plagiarism is not acceptable. This includes making insignificant changes to a copied sentence.
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 The website you produce must adhere to HTML standard and must be validated through W3 Schools
validation; evidence of this validation attempt should be posted on the website.
 You must use Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) to apply formatting where possible. The CSS content must be
saved in a separate file (external style sheet).
 Your website should include the following elements:
o HTML tags
o CSS style sheet
o Text Alignment
o Background colours
o Navigation/hyperlinks
o Buttons
o Logo
o Text colours
o Fonts
o Tables
o Bullets (ordered and unordered lists)
o Headings

Evaluation Stage

 Compare and contrast your website against other professionally developed websites in the industry. Explain
the features your website has that meets or exceeds industry standards and expectations. You may discuss
consistency with design, quality of content, scripting etc.
 Include screenshots of your website and industry websites when comparing features. Ensure all the
information is well organized and annotated.

Electronic Submission Details

 Ensure that you create a folder with your full name – Year 10 (Web Design).
 Subfolders should include images and other files.
 Only the HTML files should be present in your main folder.
 Zip this folder before uploading into Google Classroom.

Outcomes and Content (What are you being assessed on.)

▪ IND5-3 identifies, selects and uses a range of hand and machine tools, equipment and processes to produce quality practical
▪ IND5-4 selects, justifies and uses a range of relevant and associated materials for specific applications

▪ IND5-6 identifies and participates in collaborative work practices in the learning environment

Marking Criteria (How will you be assessed.)

Criteria – IND5-3 Grade

 Accurately hand codes HTML and CSS to create a high quality and fully functional HTML 5 compliant A
website without errors.
 Website is HTML 5 compliant without validation errors.
 Evidence of comprehensive compliance is provided within the website.

 Accurately hand codes HTML and CSS to create a quality and fully functional HTML 5 compliant B
Plagiarism is not acceptable. This includes making insignificant changes to a copied sentence.
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website with few errors.
 Website is HTML 5 compliant with few validation errors.
 Evidence of compliance is provided within the website.

 Hand codes HTML to create a functional HTML 5 compliant website with few errors. C
 Website is HTML 5 compliant with some validation errors.
 Limited evidence of compliance is provided within the website.

 HTML is used to create a partially functional website with some errors. D

 Website is partially HTML 5 compliant with many validation errors.
 Evidence of partial compliance is provided within the website.

 HTML is used to create a non-functional website with errors. E

 Website is not HTML 5 compliant or not validated.
 No evidence of compliance is provided within the website.

Criteria – IND5-4 Grade

 HTML and CSS is used to create a high quality website that includes all of the following A
 HTML tags, CSS style sheet, Text Alignment, Background colours, Navigation/hyperlinks,
Buttons, Logo, Text colours, Fonts, Tables, Bullets (ordered and unordered lists), Headings
 Website is comprehensively evaluated against industry standards including the use of
screenshots and annotations to support the issues raised.

 HTML and CSS is used to create a quality website that includes most of the following B
 HTML tags, CSS style sheet, Text Alignment, Background colours, Navigation/hyperlinks,
Buttons, Logo, Text colours, Fonts, Tables, Bullets (ordered and unordered lists), Headings
 Website is appropriately and effectively evaluated against industry standards including the
use of screenshots and/or annotations to support the issues raised.
 HTML and CSS is used to create a functional website that includes some of the following C
 HTML tags, CSS style sheet, Text Alignment, Background colours, Navigation/hyperlinks,
Buttons, Logo, Text colours, Fonts, Tables, Bullets (ordered and unordered lists), Headings
 Website is appropriately evaluated against industry standards including the use of some
screenshots and/or annotations to support the limited range of issues raised.
 HTML and CSS is used to create a basic website that includes a limited range of the following D
 HTML tags, CSS style sheet, Text Alignment, Background colours, Navigation/hyperlinks,
Buttons, Logo, Text colours, Fonts, Tables, Bullets (ordered and unordered lists), Headings
 Website is evaluated against industry standards but lacks evidence to support assertions
 HTML and CSS is used to create a basic/incomplete website. E
 Features lack relevance and cohesiveness.
 Website is not evaluated against industry standards.

Criteria – INND5-6 Grade

 Student demonstrates extensive and comprehensive group work skills with appropriate and willing A
involvement in brainstorming activities to collaboratively identify and justify appropriate navigational

Plagiarism is not acceptable. This includes making insignificant changes to a copied sentence.
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structure and file types for the intended website.
 Student has collated and refined this information into a variety of different, relevant and high-quality
storyboards, demonstrating appropriate and relevant techniques to effectively communicate on the

 Student demonstrates comprehensive group work skills with willing involvement in brainstorming B
activities to collaboratively identify and justify appropriate navigational structure and file types for
the intended website.
 Student has collated and refined most of this information into a variety of different, relevant and
quality storyboards, demonstrating appropriate and relevant techniques to effectively communicate
on the web.
 Student demonstrates appropriate group work skills with willing involvement in brainstorming C
activities to collaboratively identify and justify appropriate navigational structure and file types for
the intended website.
 Student has collated and refined some of this information into several different, relevant storyboards,
demonstrating relevant techniques to effectively communicate on the web.
 Student demonstrates limited group work skills with some willing involvement in brainstorming D
activities to collaboratively identify and justify appropriate navigational structure and file types for
the intended website.
 Student has collated some of this information into relevant storyboards, demonstrating techniques to
communicate on the web.
 Lack of involvement in brainstorming activities to collaboratively identify and justify appropriate E
navigational structure and file types for the intended website.
 Student has failed to collate this information into relevant storyboards.

Plagiarism is not acceptable. This includes making insignificant changes to a copied sentence.
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