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Final Report

Directory of Wetlands of Kerala

Research Project: KFRI 555/08


Dr P.Vijayakumaran Nair
Kerala Forest Research Institute
October 2010
Project Proposal

Title Mapping Wetlands of Kerala

Investigators Dr.P Vijayakumaran Nair

Introduction Wetlands of Kerala include the fresh water lakes, rivers

and streams, small ponds, reservoirs and mangroves.
These have not been mapped to sufficient accuracy so far.
High resolution satellite images open the way for rapid
mapping. KFRI is undertaking a project for mapping the
seven southern district of Kerala. The northern half will be
covered by SACON through a similar project. The project is
submitted to the Kerala state Biodiversity Board based on
their specifications.

Objectives 1) To map the wetlands of Kerala.

2) To examine the linkages of hydrology and land use
changes and arrive at guidelines for preserving

Method 1) The streams and lakes will be digitized from 1:50,000

survey of India toposheets. Multispectral, IRS P6
satellite images of 5.8m will be used. For topography
public domain data of 90m resolution will be used.
Mapping will be carried out by using software MapInfo,
Arc GIS, ERDAS and a few public domain software.
2) Satellite images would be classified to show land use.
Maps will be prepared at watershed levels and used for
ground checking. Student resources and stakeholders
participations are also intended to use for data
validation. Recent changes will be added and final map
3) During the first phase of 10 months, a district and river
system level map of wetlands would be prepared. The
map would be further updated at micro watershed and
panchayath level subsequently.

Output expected 1) GIS based maps of wetlands of Kerala at district and

river system level.
2) Watersheds and panchayath level map of wetlands.
3) Interactive maps would be produced in CD and web
based media.

Duration One year

Budget Rs 4,50,000
Contents Ernamkulam District
Wetland description
Abstract Basin and topography Maps
Acknowledgements Map showing block and village Panchayath.
Introduction Landuse maps
Materials and methods
Results and Discussion Thrissur District
Map of Kerala state with river basin boundaries. Wetland description
Basin and topography Maps
Thiruvanathapuram District Map showing block and village Panchayath.
Wetland description Landuse maps
Basin and topography Maps Palakkad district
Map showing block and village Panchayath. Wetland description
Landuse maps Basin and topography Maps
Map showing block and village Panchayath.
Kollam District
Landuse maps
Wetland description
Basin and topography Maps Malapuram District
Map showing block and village Panchayath. Wetland description
Landuse maps Basin and topography Maps
Map showing block and village Panchayath.
Alapuzha District Landuse maps
Wetland description
Khozhikode district
Basin and topography Maps
Wetland description
Map showing block and village Panchayath.
Basin and topography Maps
Landuse maps
Map showing block and village Panchayath.
Pathanamthitta district Landuse maps
Wetland description Waynad District
Basin and topography Maps Wetland description
Map showing block and village Panchayath. Basin and topography Maps
Landuse maps Map showing block and village Panchayath.
Landuse maps
Kottayam District
Wetland description Kannur District
Basin and topography Maps Wetland description
Map showing block and village Panchayath. Basin and topography Maps
Landuse maps Map showing block and village Panchayath.
Landuse maps
Idukki District Kasercode District
Wetland description Wetland description
Basin and topography Maps Basin and topography Maps
Map showing block and village Panchayath. Map showing block and village Panchayath.
Landuse maps Landuse maps
Abstract The report consists of four parts. 1) An interactive website on Wetlands
of Kerala prepared by SACON ( ). One
Directory of wetlands of Kerala is a project funded by the Kerala state
could hierarchically select a Panchayath and view the wetlands listed
Biodiversity Board. The southern seven districts were covered by the
by CESS. 2) KFRI has prepared a set of maps which is supplied both in
Kerala Forest Research Institute and the northern districts by SACON.
hard copy and softcopy showing basin boundaries, land use and
Similar work had already been completed for the rest of India. Kerala
Panchayath boundaries. 3) Since reporting wetlands at block or
has mostly deep fresh water wetlands. Rivers, ponds and paddy fields
Panchayath level with map support in hard copy format is not feasible,
also come under wetlands. There have been several attempts to
the same is prepared in softcopy format in the form of an interactive
enumerate wetlands. CWRDM lists a large number of ponds especially
CD. 4) The final component is an interactive website was users can
from Palakkad district. However the work is not supported with map of
upload boundaries of their wetlands for shared reference. This is
the water bodies. Another attempt has been under the Panfish scheme.
currently hosted in the website of Kerala Forest Research Institute,
Based on government instructions, all ponds were enumerated on a
war footing. The list provides details such as location, ownership, type
of use and area. This work also lacks map support. A report on
wetlands prepared by CED contains very general treatment of the Acknowledgements
subject using low resolution satellite images.
We acknowledge the Kerala State BiodiversityBoard, especially Dr.V.S
The objective of this project had been to prepare map and list of
Vijayan for funding the project. We are thankful to Dr KV Sankaran,
wetlands in Kerala. Two sources of data aided the compilation easy.
Director of KFRI for his keen interest in the project and for providing
First is the watershed atlas prepared by the Landuse Board of Kerala.
facilities. We thank the planning board of Kerala and CESS,
This is at 1:50,000 scale and provides basin and sub-basin level
Thiruvananthapuram for making landuse maps available in soft copy.
numbering scheme and boundaries. Only large water bodies are traced
Project staff Mr.Sajayan, Mr Anson, Mr Lijeash did most of the field
from topo sheets. The CESS-ISRO project was a more ambitious one.
checking. Ms Ragi, P.G Completed most of the analysis and
The rivers and streams are based on topo sheets and satellite images.
The work includes the state wide land use in digital format. We could
extract the wetland information from this.
Enumerating wetlands, especially ponds less than 0.1 ha at
Panchayath level is a desirable but time consuming task. These objects
are distinguishable in satellite maps of about one meter resolution.
Therefore a scheme was devised where by users could call their area
interactively in Google map and overlay wetland details. This work was
carried out by SACON. We extended the concept further to permit user
digitizing and central storage of the wetlands in database. Scheme was
also devised for incorporating biodiversity attributes.
Introduction The present work heavily depend on water atlas prepared by Landuse
Board and landuse maps prepared by CESS. Inspite of developments in
Wetlands play an important role in the economy of Kerala. Wetland
surveying and cartography the panchayath boundaries available are
consists of rivers and streams, paddy fields and marshes. Man made
crude and listing of ponds panchayath wise can suffer. Under the
reservoirs, tanks and ponds can also be included under wetlands. Each
present project, attempt is made to show water bodies with respect to
of these elements have their own characteristics and problems. Of late
panchayath, municipalities and corporations. Listing each and every
there has been much conversion of paddy fields, tanks and ponds.
pond was too gigantic a task to be carried out in a short time frame.
Rivers and streams have pollution problems. The paddy fields,
We have devised a scheme to update this information interactively
especially in the kole wetlands have many issues related with water
through web based maps. This project examines the status of water
bodies at the level of panchayaths and linkage between river basins.
The rivers of Kerala and their tributaries are well mapped and
documented. Landuse Board, Kerala in their monumental work on Atlas
of wetlands traced out outlines of water sheds and named them in a Methods
hierarchical manner. These are used by the government departments Wetland atlas of landuse board was scanned and geo-referenced river
in their planning and developmental activities. But unfortunately the basin wise. Base maps of panchayath boundaries, rivers and streams
Panchayath boundaries do not follow water shed boundaries and and wetlands from sources already mentioned were re-projected to
therefore any basin dependent planning is difficult. There have been obtain correct overlay. Maps were overlayed and analysed for
many attempts to map the tanks and ponds of Kerala. Almost all perpetration of report. Maps are prepared district wise, separate maps
these have their short comings. Water atlases of Kerala prepared by dealing with topography, basins, landuse and panchayaths.
CWRDM in 1995 do not deal with this aspect. Wetland atlas of landuse
board contains only the water bodies present in topo sheets. Coverage Topography and basin boundaries: A relief map of entire Kerala was
of this aspect in tanks and ponds of Kerala prepared by CWRDM in prepared from 30 m resolution ASTER dataset. Layer of rivers and
1989 is also incomplete and they lack geo-referenced map of the streams and ponds were overlayed on this, after hiding first and
items. There was remarkable attempt to compile the list of ponds and second order streams. Basin boundaries and names are further added.
tanks in a short time for the PAN fish project of government of Kerala. In district wise maps, district other than the one under consideration
The list though almost complete is plagued with measurement unit are masked off. Scale and title for the map are added. Layout prepared
problems. Moreover there is no geo-reference given so that any re- in A3 format in Mapinfo is printed as PDF file at 300 dpi and printed in
confirmation is hardly possible. The land use map prepared by CESS A3 size using color laser printer. Landuse map: The main layer is CESS
and ISRO do show most of the large ponds and paddy fields. Since all landuse map. Objects are re-colored to show landuses distinctly and an
ponds are included under the broad category of water bodies and since index picture prepared. As in the topography map, other districts are
names of individual ponds are not given, there is much updating to be masked off and PDF file prepared as described above.
carried out.
Panchayath map: Basic map consist of polygons of individual hardly possible. There are many specialized regions in wetlands. The
panchayath. They are colored as per block boundaries. Forest layer is kole wetlands of Thrissur, the Vembanad wetland system are two such
added over this. Names of panchayath and blocks are added. Final PDF examples.
map is prepared as described above.
Wetlands are an ecosystem facing large scale changes in land use. The
Documentation of wetland status: This include general hydrological paddy fields themselves are derived from marshes. In many areas, on
description of the district, description of individual basins and linkages one side, paddy fields are being filled for constructing buildings, while
between the same. Panchayath level details are provided in the CD on another side the same are dug up for extracting clay and sand.
ROM. Problems facing coastal lakes are somewhat different. Many of these
CD ROM: the accompanying CD ROM is self contained and runs under are below sea level leading to salt water inflow. The salt water inflow
windows 98 or higher. Users can select hierarchically district, blocks has been halted by construction of barriers and the lake drained for
and panchayath. Users can view different maps and tables of cultivating paddy. The kole land system has impacts on surrounding
panchayaths, blocks and districts. hills and river systems. In many areas adjacent hills are leveled and
soil used for construction of bunds in kole wetlands. The kole system is
Development of web mapping technology: Basic development in this
a very dynamic system, where inflow from rivers, in turn moderated by
aspect was undertaken by the SACON component. Attempts are in
reservoirs in the catchment area, water retained in the elevated canals
progress to add remote map digitizing capability, so that individual
and water discharged to the sea from the elevated canals playing their
ponds and tanks at panchayath level could be mapped and attributes
part. Kole wetlands accumulate pesticides which in extreme case can
stored in data base.
be problem. The mangroves are being destroyed at a fast rate due
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION their private ownership.

Kerala has a total of 44 rivers, 3 of them flowing to the east. Of these The rivers, along with dams, reservoirs and bridges play an important
eleven rivers are more than 100km in length, Bharathapuzha and role in irrigation, transportation and tourism. Kerala state is largely
Periyar are more than200 km in length. Catchment area wise also dependent upon hydroelectricity. There are dams in almost all rivers in
these two rivers occupy the top position. Hierarchical boundaries of Kerala, some of the older ones face problems due to siltation. Water
basins and sub basins are digitized from landuse board atlas for from Chalakudy River and Periyar are diverted for irrigation in dry
overlay purpose. areas in Tamil Nadu. Many small reservoirs supply drinking water to
Kerala has Kerala State has been divided into 14 districts, 21 revenue
divisions, 14 District Panchayats, 63 taluks, 152 C Blocks, 1453 Kerala has only very few inland lakes. Pokkode lake in Kozhikkode
revenue villages, 999 Gram panchayats, 5 corporations and 53 district, Sasthamkotta lake in Kollam district and Vellayani lake in
municipalities. The boundaries available for these are crude even at Thiruvananthapuram district are examples. Of these Sasthamkotta
1:50,000 scale. Because of the boundaries of the panchayath are not lake is a narrow tributary of Kallada River, the trapped flood waters of
based on river basin boundaries, planning at the level of water sheds is past supply drinking water to Kollam town. The water level is fast
decreasing, unless augmented with water from upstream Kallada
River, there can be water deficit. Mullaperiyar and Idukki dams trap all
the water in the catchment area of Periyar. The water from Idukki
reservoir is fed to the Muvattupzha river system after power
generation. Ithikkara River is probably the only river in Kerala without
dams. It can be seen that ponds are usually found in areas with
seasonal water shortage. Sometimes irrigation canals seem to facilitate
construction of tanks at lower levels. A large number of ponds are
associated with places of worship. These are often maintained clean.
There are another set of ponds and tanks often at the upper ends of
valleys which collects water for irrigation in dry seasons. An inventory
of ponds and tanks is one of the essential steps in planning. Quarry
ponds are another set of water bodies that need attention. These are
sizable reservoirs of fresh water, often in water starved surrounding.
Some of them are used for pisciculture.

Ponds and tanks play an important part in the ecology and culture
of Kerala. Ponds are mainly of two types, holy ponds and irrigation
tanks. Kerala has a well connected network of canals. These served as
a water continuous transportation system for people and material for
the entire length of Kerala. With the increase in road, rail and air
traffic, many of these canals fall into disuse.
No Name Length (km)
List of rivers, their length and catchment.
24. Anjarakkandi 52 412
No Name Length (km) 25. Keecheri 43 401

1. Bharathapuzha 209 6186 26. Maahi 54 394

2. Periyar 244 5398 27. Perumpa 40 300

3. Chaliyar 168 2923 28. Uppala 50 250

4. Pampa 176 2235 29. Puzhakkal 29 234

5. Valapattanam 112 1867 30. Pallickal 42 220

6. Chalakkudy 144 1704 31. Neeleshwaram 46 190

7. Kallada 120 1699 32. Chittar 25 145

8. Muvattupuzha 120 1554 33. Kavvai 31 143

9. Achenkovil 128 1484 34. Maugral 33 132

10. Chandragiri 104 1406 35. Thalasseri 28 132

11. Meenachil 67 1272 36. Tiroor 48 117

12. Kadalundi 130 1122 37. Mamom 27 114

13. Karuvannoor 48 1054 38. Kallai 22 96

14. Manimala 91 847 39. Manjeshwaram 16 90

15. Karamana 67 702 40. Airoor 17 66

16. Vamanapuram 80 687 41. Ramapurampuzha 19 52

17. Itthikkara 56 642 42. Bhavani 1 1

18. Korappuzha 40 624 43. Kabani 1 1

19. Shiriya 65 587 44. Paampar 1 1

20. Kuttyadi 73 583

21. Kaariyankode 64 561

22. Kuppam 80 539

23. Neyyar 56 497


THIRUVANANTHAPURAM DISTRICT which has the potential to become the Compared to State average, this type of lowlands. The midland region comprises
major water sources of the District in land use is more in Thiruvananthapuram low hills and valleys adjoining the Ghats.
future. District. Next comes forest areas, which The lowland is a narrow stretch
is less than State average. Built up areas comprising shorelines, rivers and deltas,
are higher than average, wetlands are dotted with coconut palms. Vellayani
also less than State average. Lake, the largest freshwater lake in the
As per Panfish data, there are a total of District, is in the suburbs of the City. The
154 ponds and streams, which occupy an major rivers that flow through the City
area of about 336 ha. Of these the are the Karamana River and Killi River.
majority are Panchayath ponds. This There are highlands, which form the
does not take into account man made eastern suburbs of the City. The highest
reservoirs and lakes. point in the District is
Thiruvananthapuram District is located at More realistic picture is given in CESS the Agasthyarkoodam which rises
the southern tip of Kerala State. The Landuse 2008.
In addition to the three man made 1869 m above sea level. Ponmudi and
District has three large west flowing
reservoirs, Thiruvananthapuram District Mukkunnimala are hill-resorts near the
rivers, Neyyar, Karamana and No Pond Type No of Area in ha
has several fresh water lakes linked ponds City.
through canals. Vellayani Kayal is an 1. Quarry ponds 5 2.46 The mean maximum temperature 34 °C
The topography of the District is with inland water body. Akkulam Kayal is
2. Irrigation tanks 9 5.54 and the mean minimum temperature is
forest and mountains on the eastern side another fresh-water lake. The canals
and plain areas on the western side. The 3. Private ponds 32 15.224 21 °C. Humidity is high and rises to
provide a means of transport along
rainfall in this region is distributed over water and it was a very important mode 4. Holy ponds and 26 20.03 about 90% during the monsoon season.
eight months and this increases water of transport, in the last century. Parts of Thiruvananthapuram is the first City
availability. There is a dam across Kallada basin and Aiyroor basin fall in 5. Panchayath ponds 82 297.25 along the path of the south-west
Neyyar River which distributes water for Thiruvananthapuram District, but since Total 154 336.504 monsoons. The City gets heavy rainfall
irrigation of areas in Kerala and Tamil most of these basins fall in Kollam of around 1700 mm per year. The City
As per CESS (2008) enumeration,
Nadu. Karamana River has two District, it is dealt there.
reservoirs and lakes account for most of also gets rain from the receding north-
reservoirs, at Peppara and at Aruvikkara.
the wetland area. There are a total of east monsoons which hit by October. The
These are meant for supplying drinking
309 ponds. dry season sets in by December.
water to Thiruvananthapuram District.
December, January and February are the
Vellayani Kayal and Akkulam Kayal are Wetland Area in ha Count
prominent water bodies. coldest months while March, April and
River sands 0.29 2
May are the hottest.
On the western side, the rivers often River stream 100.73 15
enter fresh-water lakes which eventually Reservoir 1149.34 2 Among the three rivers in the District,
drain to the sea. Major back waters are the Neyyar (56 km), the southernmost
Ponds 2384.76 309
Veli, Kadinamkulam, Anchuthengu and river of the State, has its origin in the
Total 3635.12 328
the Edava- Nadayara lakes. Besides More than 60% of the area of the District Agasthyamala. Karamanayar (67 km)
these, there is a fresh-water lake at is dryland cultivation. This includes The area can be divided into two
and the Vamanapuram River have their
Vellayani in Thiruvananthapuram Taluk, mixed crop of coconut, plantain, etc. geographical regions, the midlands and

origin from Chemunji Mottai of the Block Panchayaths and 24 Grama reservoir flow along the side of the river. Groups I, 2, and 3 come under Vellanad
Western Ghats. Panchayats in Thiruvananthapuram The right bank canal Passes through Block. The region is hilly and few
District. The upper regions are forested locations such as Kallikad, Pongumud, streams join the river. Groups 7 and 8
Travancore had a well developed (100km2, 20%). There is one dam with a Balaramapuram, Pallichal and eventually are on the left side of the river and in
transport system in the past. Using reservoir of km2 area. Average annual come near Poovar. The left bank canal Nemom Block. Group 4 and 9 area
country boats and a chain of natural rain fall of the catchment is about 1500 pass through Ariyankodu, Munnur, situated along the Killiyar River.
lakes, streams and man made canals a mm. Parassala, Kalikkavila and some parts of Group 10, 11 and 12 are isolated stream
transport network was built. Neyyar watershed is divided into 27 sub- Tamil Nadu in Tampraparni basin. There joining a link canal. In fact, these can be
watersheds and 41 micro-watersheds. do not seem to be coastal navigation link considered as separate basins. Streams
We have grouped the basins into 9 from Poovar northwards. from Kazhakkoottam, Sreekariam
Neyyar River has a total length of 56 km.
groups. Group 1 is the catchment area of Main landuse in the basin is mixed land regions flow into the Akkulam Lake,
The catchment area of 497 km2 is
Neyyar reservoir and falls in the agriculture and built up areas. Paddy Small streams from regions such as
situated entirely in Kerala. Annual
Kallikkad Panchayat of Perumkadavila fields are seen in a few places beside the Alathara and Cheruvikkal also join the
rainfall in the basin is 2300mm. The
Block. Downstream, the left side of the river only. Two large patches of rubber lake. Another major stream originating
basin is in north to east direction. About
river fall in other Panchayaths of are seen near the forest area. Most of near Powdikonam, flow through locations
one third of the basin falls in hilly forest
Perumkadavila Block(groups 2,4,6) and the area is under mixed land cultivation. such as Ulloor, Kannammoola and join
region. The Neyyar Dam is situated at
Parassala Block (group 8). the lake. Karamana River splits into two
the lower end of this. Remaining region KARAMANA BASIN
The five Block Panchayaths are branches, rejoins and drains into the
is gently undulating and inhabited Karamana river has two main branches,
Parassala, Perumkadavila, Athiyannoor, sea. A small lake is formed at the
regions. Two or three major streams join Killiyar and Karamanyar. Killiar flows in a
Nemom and Vellanad. One small estuary, which extends south, nearly up
the river downstream. Landuse Board north- south direction and Karamanayar
watershed of Neyyar falls outside the to Kovalam.
divides the basins into 63 units. The south west direction. Both rivers join
basin can be divided into about eight State boundary in Tamil Nadu. Two small Similarly, Vellayani Lake and streams
near the confluence. Basin area is about
watersheds of Thamraparni River fall joining it from another basin. Vellayani
higher order sub basins. The ninth basin 700 km2. Total length of the main
is a standalone stream which joins the inside Kerala. Neyyar flows into the sea stream is 68 km. There are two main lake drains into the Karamana River just
sea directly. Five Panchayath Blocks fall near Poovar. Regions on the right side of dams across the river, one at Peppara before its junction with Killiyar. Another
within this basin, three of them fully. the river fall in Blocks such as Vellanad, and the other at Aruvikkara. These independent stream joins near Vizhinjam
Neyyar basin falls in rainfall regions of Nemon and Athiyannor. It may be noted reservoirs supply water to port. Main Landuse in the basin is mixed
1000-2500 mm. Canals from the that bulk of these Blocks lie in the Thiruvananthapuram City. Region around land agriculture and built up areas.
reservoir irrigate large areas in Kerala Karamana basin. the Peppara dam is forested. Forests Paddy fields are seen in few areas only.
and Tamil Nadu. Rubber is in two localities, one near
Group 9 drains directly to the sea. occur at downstream area of the dam
forest and the other on the northern side
Neyyar River joins the sea through a Kallikad, Ottasekhramangalam, also.
of the basin.
fresh water lake which has southward Perumkadavila, Neyyattinkara, Olattani There are 85 sub basins within
connections. Tanks and ponds are and Poovar are some of the major towns Karamana basin (Land use Board). We VAMANAPURAM BASIN
numerous in the plain areas. Northward beside the river. have divided the basins into 10 groups. Aiyroor basin is 66km2 in area,
Connection for Neyyar River along sea Some parts in the upper reaches are Group 1 is catchment area of Peppara Vamanapuram 687 km2 and Mamom
cost is doubtful. A small stream empties prone to landslide. Coastal Puthen canal dam, it is hilly and covered with forest. 114km2. The river lengths are 17, 88
directly to sea. Neyyar watershed has a links Neyyar to Tamraparni River. The Groups 2 and 3 are downstream of and 27 km respectively. There are no
total area of about 500km2 spread over 5 left and right canals from Neyyar Peppara dam on either side of the river.
dams in this river. Vamanapuram basin

is grouped into 14 sub-basins. They can Among the wetland features, paddy
be further grouped. Groups 1, 2, 3, 4 fields are about 2,8 km2 and water
and 5 are forested hilly regions. Groups bodies 0.28km2. There are hardly any
6,9 and 12 are on the left side of the small ponds in this Block. The Neyyar
river. Most of the Panchayaths on the left reservoir and its catchment are situated
side of the river fall in Vamanapuram in the Kallikkad and Amboori
Block. Groups 7, 8, 10 and 11 are on the Panchayaths. The remaining panchayats
right side of the river. Groups 13 and 14 are downstream and on the left bank of

are separate streams that join the the river. Small portions of Vellanad and
Nemom Blocks fall on the right side of Inundated areas near Nochiyur.
Kadinamkulam Lake directly. Group 14
Thiruvananthapuram District. Block the river. Two of these Panchayaths, Athiyannoor Block
has parts of Blocks Varkala and
Panchayats Poovachal and Kattakkada are situated in
Chirayinkeezh. Panchayaths on the right Athiyannoor Block is complicated from
Perumkadavila Block two basins, Neyyar and Karamana. a geographical and hydrological point of
side fall in Kilimanoor and Varkala
Blocks. Mamom and Aiyroor basin are Neyyar River originates and flows Neyyattinkara Muncipality view. The constituent Panchayaths
separate basins themselves. Mamom through the Perumkadavila Block differ from one another. The Block has
The main landuse in Neyyattinkara is dry
basin has parts of Chirayinkizh and Panchayath in Thiruvananthapuram mostly dry land crops and built up area.
land crops followed by built up areas and
Kazhakkoottam Blocks. Aiyroor basin has District. This is a medium sized Block of The Panchayaths in this Block are
about 80 km . The Neyyar Reservoir also Athiyannoor, Kanjiramkulam,
parts of Varkala, Ithikkara and 2
Landuse Area km Karumkulam, Kottukal, Venganoor and
falls within this Block. There are eight
Kilimanoor Blocks. Neyyattinkara MCP Total 19.77
Grama Panchayaths in this Block. Vizhinjam.
Crops 15.39
One notable feature of this basin is the
Waste land 0.05
presence of extensive of rubber Landuse Area km2
Built up 2.70
Rubber 1.67
platation. Nearly 25% of the area of Wet lands 1.63
Wet lands 3.07
basin is under rubber. Built u 8.69 Overall landuse in Neyyattinkara
Waste land 10.31 Municipality
Forest 21.69 Wetlands consist of paddy fields and
Aiyroor basin is 66km in area, Crops 38.08 water bodies. There are a total of 15
Vamanapuram 687 km2 and Mamom Total 83.51
water bodies.
114km2. The river lengths are 17, 88 Overall landuse in Perumkadavila
Wetland Count Area km2
and 27 km respectively. There are no Water body 15 0.02
dams across this river. Area of the Panchayaths range from 3 to Agri. Paddy 122 1.61
25 km2. Panchayaths in this Block are Total 137 1.63 Athiyannoor Block: Topography
Amboori, Aryancode, Kallikkad, Kollayil, Wetlands in Neyyattinkara Municipality
BLOCK PANCHAYATS Athiyannoor Panchayath is situated on
Kunnathukal, Ottasekhara manglam,
the right side of Neyyar river. There are
Blocks in the Neyyar basin is described Perumkadavila and Vellarada. Land use The river occupies the major area, the
a large number of ponds in this
first. This will be followed by Blocks in in this Block is shown above. A remaining are small ponds, each, less
Panchayath. The region is irrigated by
Karamana and Vamanapuram basins. substantial area is under forest. than one ha in area. Much inundated
canals from Neyyar reservoir.
areas are seen near Nochiyur. The basin
is irrigated.

Landuse Area km2 Tholikkode, Uzhamalackal, Vellanadu and Karamana River proper is on the eastern
Parassala Block
Wet land 1.21 Vithura. side. Karakulam Panchayath has a large
Waste land 2.21 This Block is situated at the extreme
number of ponds. The Panchayaths in
Built up 6.07 south end of Kerala. Neyyar joins the sea Landuse Area km2
Crops 67.05 Waste land 9.45 this Block are Anad, Aruvikkara,
in this Block; the Block is also irrigated
Total 76.54 Rubber 13.72 Karakulam, Panavoor and Vembayam.
by Neyyar Reservoir. The Block has dry Built up 14.78
Overall Landuse in Athiyannoor
Panchayath land crops, built up areas, wet lands and Wet land 16.46 Thiruvananthapuram Rural Block
a small area under rubber cultivation. Forest 35.72
The Panchayaths in this Block are
Crops 134.87 This is a small Block situated on the
Wetlands consist of paddy cultivation, Total 225.00 northern side of Thiruvananthapuram
Thirupuram, Chenkal, Poovar, Kulathur,
small streams and ponds. Overall Landuse in Vellanad Block Corporation. Kudappanakunnu and
Karode and Parassala.
Wetlands include reservoir, paddy fields, Vattiyurkkavu Panchayaths come in this
Wetland Count Area km2
Landuse Area km2 river and ponds. Block. On the western side there are few
Water body 19 0.10
Rubber 0.01
Agri. Paddy 55 1.11 ponds. Karamanayar is on the eastern
Waste land 0.47 Wetland Count Area km2
Total 74 1.21
Wet land 3.64 edge of the Block and Killiar at the
Water body 14 0.04
Wetlands in Athiyannoor Panchayath Built p 7.14 River/stream 3 0.08 centre.
Crops 164.81 Agri. Paddy 171 4.84
The main stream in Kottukal Total 176.07 Thiruvananthapuram Corporation
Reservoir 2 11.50
Panchayath empties directly into the Total 190 16.46
Overall landuse in Parassala Block
sea. There is a small estuary near the Killiyar and Karamanayar join together
Wetlands include Neyyar River, estuaries Wetlands in Vellanad Block
confluence. Vizhinjam Panchayath has and empty into a fresh water lake which
and ponds. There are a large number of Nedumangad Block and Municipality
isolated hills and irrigation canals. in turn empties into the sea.
ponds in Panchayaths on either sides of
the river. Part of Nedumangad Block lies in the
Vamanapuram Basin. The Block is
Wetland Count Area km2
drained mainly by Killiyar.
River stream 1 0.01
Water body 32 0.95
Agri. Paddy 122 2.68
Total 155 3.64
Wetlands in Parassala Block

Vellanad Block
In Karamana basin in Vellanad Block is
the largest and occupy the catchment
Sewage farm and airport
Coastal areas around Vizhinjam area of Karamana River. Comparatively,
this is a larger Block. Landuse is dry land There is a link canal from Puntura to
One arm of Vellayani Kayal extends
crops, forest, wetland, built up areas, Akkulam Kayal. This continues
into Venganoor Panchayath.
rubber, etc. A southern spur of the Block Topography of Nedumangad Block and northwards and joins Akkulam Kayal.
extends into the Neyyar basin. The MCP
Panchayaths in this Block are Aryanad,
Kattakkada, Kuttichal, Poovachal,

areas and wetland. The Panchayaths in Panchayaths in Kilimanoor Block are

this Block are Kalliyoor, Malayinkeezhu, Karavaram, Kilimanoor, Madavoor,
Maranalloor, Pallichal, Vilappil and Nagaroor, Navayikkulam, Pallickal,
Vilavoorkkal. Pazhayakunnummel and Pulimathu.

Landuse Area km2 Landuse Area km2

Rubber 0.66 Waste land 1.7
Forest 0.68 Forest 3.22
Waste land 1.02 Built up 10.61
Wet land 7.22 Wet land 11.62
Built up 14.47 Landuse in Vamanapuram Block Rubber 43.41

Akkulam Kayal and connecting links

Crops 112.84 The main land use is dryland crops and Crops 69.46
Total 136.89 Kilimanoor Total 140.02
forest There are only a few ponds.
Two streams originating from Overall landuse in Nemom Block Landuse in Kilimanur Block
Kazhakuttom Block on the northern side Wetland includes paddy fields and ponds. Landuse Area km2 There are few ponds in the lower
also join Akkulam Kayal. They are Ulloor- Ponds are more numerous in the Wet 3.09 reaches. Land use is mainly dry land
Kannammoola thodu and Kulathur thodu. Crop tea 5.26
southern parts. Irrigation channels from crops and rubber.
Waste 6.09
Kulathur thodu has two arms upstreams Neyyar reservoir reach this region. Built 14.92
one from Pangapara and the other from Wetland Count Area km2
Rubber 38.39
Wetland Count Area km2 Water body 8 0.01
Kazhakuttam region. On the southern Forest 58.33
Water body 43 3.28 Agri. Paddy Banana 1 0.02
spur, few water bodies are seen. Crops 194.85
River stream 2 0.03
Agri. Paddy 249 3.94
Total 320.93
Agri. Paddy 302 11.56
Total 292 7.22 Overall landuse in Vamanapuram Block
Nemom Block Total 313 11.62
Wetlands in Nemom Block Wetland is mainly paddy fields. The Wetlands in Kilimanur Block
Nemom Block is situated on the left side
Vamanapuram Block Block is mainly catchment area of the In wetlands, paddy is the main
of Karamana River. Streams flowing in
river. The Panchayats in Vamanapuram cultivation.
east west direction join Karamana river.
Block are Kallara, Manikkal, Nanniyode,
Nellanadu, Pangod, Peringammala,
Pullampara and Vamanapuram.

Wetland Count Area km2

River/stream 1 0.00
Water body 4 0.02
Agri. Paddy 29 3.07
Total 34 3.09
Wetlands in Vamanapuram Block
Topography: Vamanapuram Block
Vamanapuram Block lies in two basins,
Kilimanoor Block
Kilimanoor Block is very interesting
Vamanapuram and Kallada.
Landuse in Nemom Block because there are three drainage slopes

Vellayani lake is one of these streams. to three different basins, Airoor,

Major Landuse is dryland crops, built up Vamanapuram and Ithikkara. The


Kazhakuttam Block. Kakkathuruthu area has Landuse in Chirayinkizh Block

Topography and landuse in Kilimanur Landuse: Kazhakuttam Block undergone much change
Block Landuse Area km2
Kazhakuttam Block Chirayinkizh Block Waste land 0.68
Wet land 5.77
This Block also falls in three basins, This Block also falls in two basins, Built up 6.97
Mamom, Karamana and Vamnapuram.
Landuse Area km2 Mamom and Vamanapuram. Panchayats Rubber 16.32
Forest 0.07 are Anchuthengu, Azhoor, Crops 65.77
From an elevated point the Block slopes Wet land 1.11 Chirayinkeezhu Total 95.51
down to three sides. Andoorkkonam, Chirayinkeezhu, Kadakkavoor,
Waste lad 3.28 Landuse in Chirayinkizh Block
Kadinamkulam, Kazhakkoottam, Rubber 7.09 Kizhuvilam, Mudakkal and Vakkom.
Land use consists of dry land crops,
Mangalapuram, Pothankode and Built up 15.45
Crops 54.92 rubber, built up areas, wet lands, etc.
Total 81.92 Wetlands consist of paddy fields and
Overall landuse in Kazhakkuttam Block water bodies. There are a total of 41
Main wetlands are paddy fields. There water bodies. The ponds are scattered
are as many as 15 ponds in the area. over the Block.
Part of a large fresh water lake,
Wetland Count Area km2
Katinamkulam Kayal falls in this Block.
Water body 41 0.06
Wetland Count Area km2 Agri. Paddy 35 5.71
Water body 15 0.13 Total 76 5.77
Agri. Paddy 14 0.98 Wetlands: Cirayinkizh Block
Total 29 1.11 Varkala Municipality and Block
Wetlands: Kazhakuttam Block Topography of Chirayinkizh Block
Topography: Kazhakuttam Block Canal from Akkulam Kayal joins Katinamkulam Kayal occupies a large This is the northern portion of
Katinamkulam Kayal in this Block. portion. It is linked to the Kayals further Thiruvananthapuram District. There are
Landuse consist of dry land crops, built two major fresh water lakes, Mungottu
up areas, rubber growing areas, wet and Kozhithottam Kayals in the south
land, etc. and Nadayara Kayal in the north. These
are linked through a canal.

kooodam is very near to Neyyar dam. Dog, Malabar Squirrel, Sloth Bear, intact west coast semi-evergreen
The dam was built Python, Cobra and many other mammals forest along the hill folds and short
for irrigation purposes. One canal of and reptiles. Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary is reaches of riparian fringing forests along
Neyyar flows to western Districts also the habitat of diverse species of the stream margins before they join the
of Tamil Nadu. The main river Neyyar avifauna such as White-breasted water reservoir.
flows through Kallikkadu, Ottasekhara hen, King Fishers, Woodpeckers, little
Peppara Dam and reservoir
mangalam, Aryancode, Kezaroor, green heron, Indian cuckoo, Indian hill
Marayamuttom, Neyyattinkara myna, mynas, egrets, little cormorants, Peppara Dam is located
and Poovar and ends at the Arabian Sea. Gray jungle owl, darters etc. at Peppara in Thiruvananthapuram
District . The dam is built across the
Topography of Varkala MCP and Block The catchment area forests in upstream
Karamana River. Constructed in 1983, it
of Neyyar irrigation is reservoir extend
Land use consists of dryland crops, built meets the drinking water requirements
over 128 km2 including the water spread
up area, wetlands, etc. Wetlands include of the nearby places –Thiruvanantha-
area of the reservoir. The Sanctuary is
paddy fields, lakes and ponds. The puram City and suburban areas. The
contiguous with the Peppara WLS to the
panchayaths in Varkala Block are dam has a power project with a capacity
north and with Mundanthurai and
Chemmaruthi, Cherunniyur, Edava, of 12 MU annually. The lake created by
Kalakkad sanctuaries in Tamil Nadu. The
Elakamon, Manampoor, Ottoor and the reservoir covers an area of about
forests of this sanctuary range in
Vettoor. 582 km2. The catchment area of the dam
Neyyar Dam and Wildlife Sanctuary elevation from 80m to 1866m above
forms the forests of Peppara Wildlife
MSL. Located in the southern tip of the
Sprawling over an area of 128 km2, the Sanctuary. Peppara is
Peninsula, with the crestline height of
Neyyar Dam and Wildlife Sanctuary is in Nedumangad Taluk.
the Ghats not exceeding 1500m, it has
one of the most frequented wildlife moderately heavy rainfall ranging from
sanctuaries of Kerala. Tucked away in 1800mm to 3000mm, per year with a
the southeast region of the Western very short dry season ranging from one
Ghats, this wildlife sanctuary has to two months only. Extensive areas of
vegetation ranging from tropical wet climax natural vegetation in the
evergreen forests to grasslands. It was sanctuary are degraded to secondary
notified as a wildlife sanctuary in 1958. types. The southern secondary moist
Landuse of Varkala MCP and Block It is the catchment area for the Neyyar mixed deciduous forest in the lower
Neyyar Dam and Reservoir River, Mullayar and Kallar. The Neyyar reaches and the south Indian sub-
Reservoir is about 9.06 km in extent. tropical hill savannah (woodland) in the
Neyyar dam lies in Thiruvananthapuram
District , located on the foot of the higher reaches are the vegetation types
The wooded forests and hills of the Aruvikkara Dam
Western Ghats . It was established in common now. The best remaining
Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary offer shelter to
vegetation type is the southern hill Aruvikkara Dam is located in Thiruvana
1958 , lying against the southern low rich and diverse flora and fauna. This
tropical evergreen forest along the nthapuram District of Kerala. It is built
hills of the Western Ghats. Neyyar dam area is the habitat of Elephants, Nilgiri
Crestline of the Ghats. There are also a across the Karamana River and is around
is situated at Kallikkad Panchayath of Tahrs, Sambhar, Tigers, Gaur, wild Boar,
small number of scattered pockets of 16 km north of Thiruvananthapuram
Neyyattinkara Taluk. The peak Agasthya Jungle, Cats, Indian porcupine, Barking

Aruvikkara Dam
The dam supplies drinking water to
Thiruvananthapuram City.
Vellayani Lake
Vellayani lake

Vellayani lake is one of the three rain-fed

freshwater lakes in Kerala, the other two
being Sasthamcotta lake in Kollam and
Pookkode lake in Wayanad. Vellayani
lake, is the largest fresh water lake in
Thiruvananthapuram District. The lake
is located about 7 km away from
Kovalam. The lake water is extensively
used for drinking and irrigation purposes.
The lake is under the threat of pollution,
encroachment and sand mining. It has
been observed that the area of the lake,
which was 750 ha in 1926, had been
reduced to 397.5 ha by 2005. The `Grow
More Food' program launched by the
Government in the early 1950s had led
to the reclamation of vast areas for
cultivation. It is a common practice to
dewater the lake twice annually for
paddy cultivation by the farmers. Five
panchayaths surround the lake-
Thiruvallam, Kalliyoor, Venganoor,
Nemom and Kovalam.
KOLLAM DISTRICT The average temperature is around pepper, banana, mango and cashew Ithikara basin is situated north of
25°C to 32°. Kollam receives an are the prominent crops. Vamanapuram and Ayroor basins.
annual average rainfall of around 2700 Ithikkara basin is 642 km2 in extent.
mm. About 50% of the area of the District is Length of the river is 56km. The
under dryland cultivation. Compared to watersheds can be divided into 14
State average, this type of land use is groups. Only two of these groups are
less in the case of crops and high in forested. These locations have
the case of rubber, in this District. Myristica swamps. Kulathupuzha river
Forested areas are comparatively more and Ithikkara river, are separated by
than State average in Kollam District. small elevated region. These two
Built up areas is less than average, distinct parts can be seen, Ithikkara
wetlands are also less than State River and Neduvankavu River. They
average. drain into two arms of the lake.
Wetland Area in ha Count Kottarakkara block covers most of
In the District, about 32% of land is group 11. Most of the Panchayaths on
Water River Sandy area 14.8 37
Kollam District is located in the south under forest cover. Lion’s share of this the left side of the river fall in
west coast of India bordered Arabian falls in the eastern portion of the Water body
River/stream 21.78 9 Chadayamangalam Block. Those on
Sea in the West, Tamil Nadu in the East, District. This includes Thenmala, the right side of the river fall in Anchal
Alappuzha in the North, Pathanamthitta Punalur and a portion of Achenkoil Water Reservoir bed 504.99 73
Block. One notable feature of this
in the North East and Thiruvana- forest Divisions. The Thenmala Range, Water bodies Ponds 595.46 163
basin is extensive rubber cultivation,
nthapuram in the South. District spans Aryankavu Range and Shendurney Water Reservoir 1557.52 1 nearly 50% of the basin.
2,492 km2. It is the seventh largest Sanctuary make the Thenmala Division Total 11959.45 338
District in Kerala and is densely Kallada Basin
while Achenkoil Range, Kallar Range
populated. Sasthamkotta Lake, the and Kanayar Range makes up the As per Panfish data, private ponds Kallada basin is a large river system
only freshwater lake in Kerala is Achenkoil Division. Pathanapuram and come to about 205 ha, irrigation tanks extending from the sea coast to the
located here. This lake is instrumental Anchal Ranges constitute the Punalur 150 ha, quarry ponds 138 ha and State border. Nearly 30% of the basin
in providing fresh drinking water to the Division. Panchayath ponds 63 ha. is forested. The area around
whole of Kollam city. Two major rivers Shendurney reservoir has been
Kallada River and Ithikkara river drain No Pond Type No of Area in ha declared as wildlife sanctuary.
through the District. Ashtamudi Lake ponds
and the Paravoor Lake are two 1 Holy ponds and 52 24.96
important coastal water bodies in streams
Kollam District. Ashtamudi Lake covers 6 Village ponds 5 35.55
30 percent of total area of the District.
3 Panchayath ponds 63 62.93
Kollam town is located on the banks of
5 Quarry ponds 20 137.97
Ashtamudi Lake. Major fishing port in
south Kerala, Neendakara, is located 2 Irrigation tanks 13 150.26
Kollam District has a total cultivated
on the banks of this lake. Edava and 4 Private ponds 62 205.18 Myristica swamp
area of 218267 (88%) hectares.
Nadayara lakes lie in portions of Total 215 616.85 In these river systems, at about 200
Paddy, tapioca, coconut, rubber,
kollam District. meter altitude, Myristica swaps are
Ithikkara Basin
located. The middle regions of the another highlight in this river. Average Karthikapally Taluks before joining the
Kallada river receive large number of annual rainfall is between 3600- Pamba River at Veeyapuram in
streams from the north and south 4000mm in east region of the basin Alappuzha District. Main tributary is
(through geological fault lines). and in west it is between 2600- Kallar. The Achankovil Dam is built on
Initially, the river flows in an east west 2400mm. Thenmala dam is in Kallada this river. West region of the basin has
direction. Kallada River empties into river. The Dam which was mainly the high rain fall around 3000mm
the Ashtamudi Kayal. The connection constructed for Irrigating the fields in annually.
is permanently open through a built up and around Kollam town as a part of
harbor at Neendakara. Ashtamudi lake the Kallada Irrigation project also
has several branches and sub lakes. produces electricity of 10 MW.
There are several small water bodies
that got separated through siltation or
through human activity.
Kulathupuzhayar and Shenthuriniyar
are two main river system in Kallada
basin. Dam constructed at Thenmala
near the confluence of these two rivers
is meant for irrigation downstream.
Kallada river passes through the
Punaloor- Chenkotta gap and through
plain areas. Kallada river is about 121
km, its basin area is about 1700 km2.
Palaruvi water fall
Average rain fall is about 2800mm.
Large area of the basin is forest. Pallikkal River Basin: Pallikkal basin
Substantial area of the basin is under is 220 km2 in area and 42 km in
rubber. The main Panchayath blocks length. Pallikal river empties into
are Anchal, Pathanapuram Parakkode, Kayamkulam kayal, which is linked to
Vettikavala, Shasthamkotta, Ashtamudi kayal in the south and
Chittumala, Chavara, etc. Kallada bigger Kayamkulam kayal to the north.
River has its origin on the It is situated between confluence of
Kulathupuzha hills near Ponmudi in two major river systems, Kallada and
Thiruvananthapuram District. This Achencoil.
river traverse through Pathanapuram,
Achankovil River, Achankovilaru in the
Kunnathur, Kottarakkara and Kollam
vernacular, is formed by the
before draining into the Ashtamudi
confluence of several small streams
Lake in Kollam District. The major
originating from the hills of Rishimala,
tributaries of this river are
Pasukidamettu and Ramakkalteri in
Kulathupuzha, Chenthurnipuzha and
eastern Kerala. This river, passes
Kalthuruthipuzha. Palaruvi waterfall is
through Mavelikkara, Thiruvalla and
ALAPPUZHA DISTRICT Bharanikavu and Chngannur blocks in system has a length of 84 km and an
the eastern portion. Cherthala, average breadth of 3.1 km. It covers an 50.00
Ambalappuzha, Kuttanad and area of 204 km2. Stretching from 30.00
Karthikappally lie in lowland region. Alappuzha to Kochi. Kayamkulam Lake 10.00

There is no forest area in this District. stretches between Panmana and 0.00 Kerala




Karthikappally. Kayamkulam lake is a
shallow lake which has an outlet to sea
at Kayamkulam barrage. It has an area
of 59.57 km2, a length of 30.5 km and More than 50% of the land is occupied
an average breadth of 2.4 km. It by dryland cultivation which is higher
connects Ashtamudi lake by the than the State average. The land
Chavara Panmana canal. covered by paddy fields is 25% more
than the State average. There is no
forest in the District. Rubber plantation
is also rare in this District. The area
Alappuzha town
covered by the water in the District is
The climate is moist and hot in the
Alapuzha is a Landmark between the high than the State average. Built up
coast and slightly cool and dry in the
broad Arabian Sea and a network of area is also very low.
interior of the District. The average
rivers flowing into it. Alapuzha spans monthly temperature is 250 C. The Area in
over an area of 1,414 km2. The District District also gets the benefit of two Wetland km2 Count
is bordered by Ernakulum in the North, monsoons as in the case of other parts Water body 1 2
Arabian Sea in the West, Kollam in the of the State. The average rainfall in the
Traditional fishing setup Water River Sandy
South. To the East it has border with District is 2763 mm. area 1.3 1
Kottayam and Pathanamthitta Districts. Alappuzha has a network of canals
River/Stream Perennial 6.94 2
included in the west coast canal
Wetland Inland Marshy 298.93 5
system which are used for
Water bodies 841.59 57
navigation. The important canals are
Water River Perennial 16665.53 5
Vadai canal and Commercial canals
and the link canals between these Total 17815.29 72
two canals. Apart from these, there
As per Panfish data there are a large
are many inland canals which are number of ponds in the District.
Boat race used mainly for passenger
Kuttanad wetland ecosystem situated in
The District has a network of rivers, navigation and commercial
Alappuzha and surroundings the Alappuzha District. Seven rivers
canals and backwaters. Manimala, purposes. The lakes are used for
The District is a sandy strip of land flowing from Western Ghats form a
Pampa and Achancovil are the major inland water transport of passengers
intercepted by lagoons, rivers and river network and an estuarine system
rivers. and cargo. Inland fisheries flourish
canals. There are neither mountains nor to make the Kuttanad wetland. It
The Vembanad lake, the most in these regions. includes 250 km2 Vemband Lagoons,
hills in the District except some
scattered hillocks lying between important of the west coast canal 50 thickly populated villages, and
55000 ha paddy fields which makes Chakkulathukavu add a holy touch to Tharangam Kanam hills of Western
Kuttanad ‘the rice bowl of Kerala’. In this river. The 176 km long Pampa joins Ghats. Thodupuzha, Muvattupuzha,
this, 13000 ha is the largest. Kuttanad with Manimala River and joins the Kothamangalam and Vaikom are the
is world famous as the ‘Holland of Vembanad lake at Kuttanad. towns on the banks of this river.
Kerala’ since cultivation is made on
fields that are below sea level.

No Pond Type No of Area in

ponds hector
1 Holy ponds and 58 44.24
2 Irrigation tanks 2 16.18
3 Panchayath ponds 55 322.561
4 Private ponds 67 18680.37
Paddy cultivation in Kuttanad
5 Quarry ponds 3 1.65
House boats accommodate provide Chalakudy: This 130 km long river
6 Total 185 19065.001 tourists originates from Anamalai hills of
Western Ghats. Kanjirappally and
Manimala: The Manimala River
originates at Tattamala of Western Chalakkudy are important towns on the
Ghats. Mundakkayam, Manimala and banks of this river. The river empties
Thiruvalla are major towns beside this into the Periyar and flows towards the
river. The river runs 90 km before it northern portion of Kuttanad wetlands.
reaches in upper Kuttanad. Periyar: The Periyar is the longest
Meenachil: Meenachil in one of the river of Kerala with a length of 244 km.
main contributors of wetland ecosystem Sivagiri group of hills in Western Ghats
of Kuttanad. This 78 km long river is where the Periyar is formed and from
originates from Araikunnu mudi and there it meanders through many towns
such as Malayattoor, Kalady and Aluva
Pazhavatti mudi. Major towns like
The lakes are used for inland water and finally falls into Vembanad lake of
Erattupettah, Poonjar, Pala, Kottayam
transport of passengers and cargo. the Kuttanad wetlands at Varappuzha.
are on the banks of the River.

Rivers of Kuttanad Achencoil: Several streams of

Ramakkal Teri and Rishi Malai join to
The Pampa: The Pampa is the third
form this River. Pandalam, Mavelikkara
largest river in Kerala and is considered
and Harippad are prominent towns on
holy. It originates from Thamarakotta
the banks of the river. After flowing 128
of Peermade Plateau. Kozhenchery and
km, this river flows down to the
Chengannoor are the major towns on
southernmost part of Kuttanad.
the banks of Pampa. Famous pilgrim
centers like Sabarimala, Maramon and Moovattupuzha: 121 km long,
Moovattupuzha river originates from
PATHANAMTHITTA DISTRICT makes the region suitable for rubber Wetland details are as follows
plantations. Paddy is the most
Wetland Area in ha Count
important crop cultivated in the Water bodies 0.45 1
wetlands. Tapioca and pulses are the River Sandy area 21.64 43
important dryland crops. Other major Water body 146.47 36
crops are coconut, banana, pepper River Sandy area 159.62 87
River/stream Perennial 198.88 25
and ginger. In certain areas cashew,
Reservoir 1002.49 4
pineapple, sugarcane, cocoa and Wetland Inland Marshy 1352.64 23
other tree spices are cultivated. The Wetland Inland Marshy 1410.72 2
Topography land available for cultivation is less Water body River Perennial 1930.01 12
Total 6222.92 233
Pathanamthitta District has a reserve since sizeable area of the District is
forest area of 1,385.27 km2. This is reserve forest. Achencoil River Basin
approximately 50% of the total area. River Achencoil is about 128 km in
The forest area can broadly be length. The basin area covers about
Pathanamthitta is a landlocked District, classified as evergreen, semi- 1484 km2. Average annual rainfall is
spanning over an area of 2,637 km2. evergreen and moist deciduous. 2600mm.
The District is bordered by the Districts
Kottayam and Idukki in the North, Three important Rivers flow through
Alapuzha in the West and Kollam in the the District. These Rivers originate
South. To the East, it has border with from various hills of the Western
the Tamil Nadu State. The District can be Ghats mountain range. The Pamba The District outputs only 20% of dryland
divided into three natural geographical (176 km) which is the third longest cultivation when compared to State
regions: the highland, the midland and average. Rubber plantation is around 5%
River in Kerala has its origin in
the lowland. The highland stretches more than the State average. Next
Pulachimala. The Achenkoil River
through the Western Ghats, where the comes forest areas, which is 20% more
(128 km) originates from Pasukida
hills are tall and covered with thick than the State average. Built up areas
Mettu, and Manimala River (90 km) are higher than average, wet lands are
forests. It descends to smaller hills of
originates from the Thattamalai Hills. less than State average. As per Panfish Achan Koil River
midland in the centre and finally to the
A small portion of Kallada River also data there are a large number of ponds Achencoil River flows in east-west
lowland. The lowland with its abundance
falls in the southern border of the in the District. direction and has about 50% of the basin
of coconut trees, lies along the western
borders of Alapuzha. District. Pamba and Achankovil accros under forest. There are no major
Rivers together drain more than 70% No Pond Type Count Area in ha dams in this River. Achencoil River is
Pathanamthitta has a moderate climate. of the total area of Pathanamthitta. 1 Holy ponds 28 3.97 one of the five Rivers that drain into the
Annual temperature ranges between 2 Irrigation tanks 5 15.48 Vembanad lake. In this case also the
Agriculture is the main occupation of
20°C and 39°C. The South-West tributaries are from northern and
monsoon is usually very heavy. About 75 the people. About 75% people are 3 Panchayath ponds 44 43.13
southern sides. Achencoil River also
per cent of the annual rain is received dependent on this sector. Rubber is 4 Private ponds 56 44.04
flows through relatively plain areas. The
during this season. the most important crop. The hilly 5 Quarry ponds 36 24.93 River is called as Kallar in these regions.
terrain coupled with high humidity 6 Total 169 131.55
Pamba River basin Thiruvalla, Chengannur, Kuttanad and
Pamba River is situated North of Achenoil Ambalappuzha Taluks and finally empties
River and drains into Vembanad Lake. into the Vembanad Lake. Kuttanad, an
Pamba River originates from about important rice cultivating area in Kerala
1000m altitude where a reservoir is gets the irrigation water from the Pamba
constructed for power generation. Pamba River. The Pamba basin is bordered on
River is about 176 km long. Basins the east by the Western Ghats. The River
covers around 2235 km2. Pamba basin shares its northern boundary with the
has average annual rainfall of 3600mm. Manimala River basin, while it shares the
southern boundary with the Achankovil
River basin.

Vembanad Lake

Pilgrims taking holy dip in Pamba

The basin is much broader on the

Kakki Reservoir
eastern side. There are two branches in
the higher reaches. Kakki catchment The tributaries of this River are Kakkiyar,
extents up to the hills on the State Azhuthayar, Kakkatar and Kallar. It is
border. There is a reservoir in this the third largest River in Kerala. The
branch. There is another reservoir in the important projects of this River are the
other branch, Pamba proper also. This Maniyar Irrigation Project and the
River originates from the Pamba-Periyar Sabarigiri Hydro Electric Project. The two
divide. Pamba River system has a large dams, the Pambayar dam and the
number of small streams feeding it. Kakiyar dam are constructed on the
More than 60% of the Pamba basin is banks of Pamba River. It divides into
forested some of which has recently several tributaries and finally merges
been included in the Periyar Tiger into the Vembanad Lake. The annual
reserve. rainfall in the middle part of the basin is
Pamba originates at Pulachimalai hill in around 4600mm.Pamba River joins the
the Peerumedu plateau in the Western Vembanad lake.
Ghats at an altitude of 1650 metres and
flows through Ranni, Pathanamthitta,
originating from the Western Ghats in flows to Alappuzha District. The
KOTTAYAM DISTRICT Kanjirappally and Meenachil Taluks
have laterite soil, where as Vaikom Idukki District. At Erattupetta, Poonjar important town in the basin is
Taluk and part of Changanassery and River also joins it, takes a sharp turn Mundakkayam.
Kottayam Taluks have aluvial soil. The and flows towards the West. At
District has no coastal area. Kondur, it is joined by the Chittar and
The District has a tropical climate with at Lalam, it receives the
hot season in the plains and plenty of Payapparathodu and flows in a south-
rainfall throughout. The hot season west direction till it reaches Kottayam.
from March to May, is followed by the Here, it branches into several streams
south west monsoon from June to before emptying into the Vembanad
September. October and November lake. The important towns in the basin
constitute the post-monsoon or are Pala, Poonjar, Ettumanoor and
retreating monsoon season, when day Kottayam. Meenachil Medium Irrigation More than 25% of the land is under
temperature increases gradually and Project is having a net ayacut of 9,960 rubber plantation, which is much
the heat is nearly as in summer. ha, 155 km2. Catchment area and a higher than State average. Built up
Kottayam District has a total area of
October to December forms the north water spread area of 228 ha. land covers 10% percentage of the
2,208 km2. The District is bordered on
the North by Ernakulam, on the East east monsoon. Rain cease early in District which is 5% more than the
by Idukki and on the South by January. The District normally gets an State average.
Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta annual average rainfall of 3130mm.
Districts. The Vembanad lake forms
the western boundary.The District is
naturally divided into highland,
midland and lowland, the bulk being
constituted by the midland regions.
Meenachil and Kanjirappally Taluks
have highland and midland areas while
Kottayam, Changanassery and
Vaikkom Taluks have midland and Moovattupuzha town
lowland areas.
The Muvattupuzha River originates
View of Manimala river
from Ernakulam District, flows through
Topography Vaikom Taluk and empties into the Paddy covers an area of 10% of the
Vembanad Lake. The most important District and is comparatively higher
The important rivers of the District are
town in the basin is Vaikom, the than the State average. Forest area is
the Meenachil, Muvattupuzha and
famous pilgrim centre. very low in the District. As per Panfish
Manimala. The 78 km long Meenachil
river flows through the Taluks of The Manimala river flows through data there are large number of ponds
Meenachil, Vaikom and Kottayam. It Kanjirappally and Changanassery in the District.
has a catchment area of 1,272 km2. Taluks. The Chittar joins it on its
Kottayam town and surroundings The river is formed by several streams course further down the West as it
No Pond Type No of Area in 837.6mm. The Upper region of the The Meenachil river flows through
ponds hector basin is mainly under agricultural land, Kottayam , Idukki and Alapuzha
1 Holyponds and 59 25.57 wasteland and forest land. Agricultural Districts. The river, 78 km long, flows
streams land is the mixture of agriculture and through Poonjar, Teekoy, Erattupetta,
2 Irrigation tanks 20 22.91 horticulture plantations. Middle region Palai, Ettumanoor and Kottayam
3 Panchayath ponds 52 19.04 of the basin is mainly under before emptying itself into the
4 Private ponds 68 385.16 agricultural land, and forest land. Vembanad Lake at Kumarakom. The
Lower region comes under agricultural basin is about 1272km2.
5 Quarry ponds 28 13.44
land and water bodies. About 2% of
6 Village ponds 3 0.04 the area is water bodies. The Meenachil river is formed by
Total 230 466.52 Manimala river several streams originating from the
The basin is spread over four Districts, Western Ghats. The general elevation
Details of wetlands as per latest MC Road passes in north south Alappuzha, Kottayam, Pathanamthitta ranges from 77 m to 1,156 m in the
landuse is direction through these basins. In and Idukki. This includes 13 Blocks, 46 highlands and less than 2 m in the
addition to this, several streams join Panchayaths and 43 villages. Manimala
Wetland Area in ha Count lowlands and 8 to 68 m in the
Vembanad Lake directly. Vembanad watershed is divided into 58 sub
Water body 10.29 5 midlands. The river has 38 tributaries
lake joins the sea through the watersheds and 99 micro-watersheds.
River/stream Sandy area 41.1 5 including major and minor ones. The
Thanneermukkam bund. This is a large
Meenachil River Basin Meenachil has four main tributaries,
RiverPerennial 59.08 2 barrage meant to prevent entry of salt
namely Kadapuzha, Minadamar,
Wetland Marshy 828.63 22 water inland. But this barrage has
Punjar, Trikovil etc. Average annual
Water body Canal 1376.17 3 created large number environmental
rainfall of the basin is 3000mm. the
problems. Large part of Vembanad
River Perennial 1377.09 10 maximum and the minimum
Lake is below sea level. There is only
Water body Backwater 5354.31 1 temperatures of the region are 30.5°C
one exit near the northern tip for this
Total 9046.67 48 and 23.5°C experienced during the
elongated lake which runs in north
months of March and December
Manimala River Basin south direction.
Kidangoor Temple festival respectively.Upper region of the basin
Length of Manimala River is 90 km. Manimala River has its origin on the is mainly under agricultural land and
Basin area covers around 847 km2. Muthavara Hills near Peerumedu in Three rivers Manimala, Meenachil and waste land. Agricultural land is a
Average annual rainfall of the basin is Idukki District of Kerala. Length of the Muvattupuzha originate from hills in mixture of agriculture and horticulture
3,300mm. river is 90 km, basin area covers the Periyar region and join the plantations. Wasteland is under barren
about 847km2. The river passes Vembanad Lake. rock. Middle region of the basin is
Three rivers, Manimala, Meenachil and
through the Districts of Kottayam, mainly under agricultural crops. Lower
Muvattupuzha originate from hills in
Pathanamthitta and finally joins the region comes under agricultural land,
the Periyar region and join the
Pamba River at Muttar in Alappuzha waste land and water bodies. 2% is
Vembanad lake. There are no major
District. The main tributaries of this water bodies. The basin covers 52
reservoirs in this rivers and they flow
river are Kokayar, Valiya thodu, villages spread over 59 Panchayaths
in east-west direction. They all have
Makkani thodu, Arikka thodu, etc. and 18 Blocks. The Meenachil
large number of streams feeding them.
Average annual rainfall of the basin is watershed is divided into 47 sub
Forest area is also very less in these
basins . 3,300mm. The rainfall is high in the watersheds and 114 micro-water
Meenachil river at Pala sheds.
month of June and the rainfall is

it is covered with dense forest, steep hills, Block and in the K.D.H Village of is covered by forest soil (Alluvial soil)
and deep valleys. Because of the Devikulam Taluk. The estimated height and the other parts by laterite soil.
undulating topography, large area of the of the peak is 2,817 meters.
District is not suitable for scientific
The important rivers of the District are Wetland Area km2
Periyar, Thodupuzhayar and Thalayar. Water bodies 148.66
Periyar which is 277km long is the
River Sandy area 372.63
second longest river of Kerala. It
originates from Sivagiri in the southeast River Perennial 1806.05
part of the District and touches all the Reservoir 7393.80
taluks of the District. The Periyar is
Total 9719.20
harnessed at various points in its course
for generating electricity and for As per Panfish data, there are a large
irrigation purpose. Mullaperiyar dam, number of ponds in Idukki District.
Idukki Hydro-electric project, Idamalayar
No Pond Type No of Area
Periyar at Aluva Hydro electric project and the Lower
ponds in ha
There are 14 peaks in the District which Periyar are constructed across the
Periyar River. 1 Holy ponds and streams 15 0.75
exceed in height of 2,000 m above
This beautiful high range District of
M.S.L. They are Anamala, Eravimala, 2 Irrigation tanks 22 4.03
Kerala is geographically known for its
Tathumala, Chenthavara, Kumarickal, 3 Panchayath ponds 25 2.45
mountainous hills and dense forests. For
Karimkulam, Devimala, Perumal,
the people of Kerala, Idukki is always 4 Private ponds 49 36.25
Ghudoor, Kabhula, Devicolam,
associated with power generation. About 5 Quarry ponds 9 1.92
Anchanad, Sabarimala and Karimala.
66% of the State's power needs come
Anamudi (Anamala) the highest peak Total 120 45.42
from the hydroelectric power projects in
south of Himalayas is in the
Idukki. Idukki District accounts for 12.9 Periyar divides into Marthandavarma and
percent of the area of Kerala and only Mangalapuzha branches. The
3.7 percent of the population of Kerala. Mangalapuzha branch joins
Idukki has many unique topographical Chalakkudy river and empties into the
and geographical characteristics. Idukki Arabian sea at Munambam, and the
Elephants in Periyar Marthandavarma branch flows
is the largest District of Kerala with an
area of 5,105.22 km2. About 97 percent Kundala Dam, Mattupetty Dam, Munnar southwards, through the Udhyogamandal
of the total area of the District is covered head works, Ponmudi Dam and the area and joins the Cochin backwater
by rugged mountains and forests. There Kallarkutty Dam are constructed across system at Varapuzha. The Cochin
is only a strip of midland (3%) in the various tributaries of Periyar. There are a backwater system is a part of the
western part of the District. Lowland few natural lakes in the District. They are Vembanad wetland, a tropical estuary on
area is totally absent in the District. Eravikulam and Devikulam lakes in the South-West coast of India. It has a
More than 50% of the area of the District Devikulam Taluk and Elavizhapunchira in natural opening at Cochin. The Cochin
is covered by forest. Topography Thodupuzha Taluk. Two types of soil are backwater and lower reaches of
found in the District. The highland area the river are subject to tidal influence.
As the District lies mostly in the highland, Kuttampuzha Panchayath of Adimali

Periyar River emerges from Udamala

near Periyar Wild Life Santuary at an
30.00 elevation of 1,593m. After flowing for
20.00 about 48 km, the Periyar is joined by the
10.00 Mullayar, then it turns west to flow into
0.00 the Periyar Lake at Thekkady, which is
an artificial reservoir created in 1895 by
constructing a dam across the river. The
largest hydro- electric project of the
Forest area is higher than State average. State, namely Idukki with its arch dam is
Paddy cultivation and built up areas are Idukki dam
across this river. Pallivasal, Chenkulam,
less than State average. Panniyar, Neriyamangalam and Upper region of the basin is covered with
Landuse Area Lower Periyar are the other hydro forest, agricultural land, waste land and
Built 1,316.92 electric projects in Periyar. Mullaperiyar, water bodies. Middle part of the basin is
Bhuthathankettu, Mattupetty, Munnar, also under agricultural land and small
Crops 157,625.04
Idukki, Cheruthoni, Kulamavu, Irattayar, portion is under semi evergreen forest,
Forest 192,222.71 Lower Periyar, Edamalayar, Chenkulam, the lower region has a little forest and
Paddy 3,923.99 Anayirangal and Ponmudi are the main portion is under agricultural land
Rubber 30,729.15 important dams across this river. and wasteland.

Waste lands 42,264.42 Periyar basin covers 88 villages and is

spread over 102 panchayaths, 21 Blocks
Water bodies 9,719.20
and 3 Districts. Periyar watershed is
Total 437,801.43 divided into 183 sub-watersheds and 448
micro watersheds.
Periyar River Basin
Length of Periyar River is 244 km and
the basin area covers around 5398km2.
Average annual rainfall of the basin is
Aluva and surroundings

The important tributaries of Periyar are

the Muthirapuzha, Mullayar, Cheruthoni,
Perinjankutty and the Edamalayar. On its
way to Arabian Sea, the river is enriched
with water of minor tributaries like
Muthayar, Perunthuraiar, Chinnar,
Cheruthony, Kattappanayar and
Periyar at Azhikode Edamalayar at different locations.
ERNAKULAM DISTRICT region of the Periyar River and cut economy and it is the biggest The extent of rubber plantations is
by several canals, which have source of employment. Of the higher than the State average. Areas
resulted in the formation of many 2,353.19 km² area, crops are of water bodies are also higher than
islands and entire Kochi Taluk as grown in 2,104.38 km². Coconut is the State average. Forest seems to be
well as the western part of
the principal crop followed by the same as the State average. Paddy
Kanayannur come under lowland fields are comparatively high in the
rubber, paddy, and tapioca. A
region. Major part of Kunnathunadu District. Built up area are more than
paddy cultivation system called
and eastern portion of Kanayannur the State averages.
Taluk come under mid land region.
pokkali is peculiar to the District.
20 percent of the total area is Under this system only one crop Wetland Area in ha Count
lowland region. can be taken in a year, After River island 29.16 47
harvest suitable varieties of fishes River Sandy area 141.74 37
and prawns are grown in the fields Water bodies 228.20 61
which is more profitable. Activities
Reservoir bed 371.04 21
The District which has an area of allied to agriculture such as dairy,
Reservoir 2636.77 1
2,407 km² can be divided poultry and fishery play an
River/stream Perennial 14098.85 19
geographically into highland, important role in the economy of
Ernakulam Total 17505.76 186
midland and coastal area. The the District. 29.40% of cultivated
altitude of the highland is about 300 area is irrigated in the District. As per Panfish data
Ernakulam District, coastal region
m. The borders of the District are
N Pond Type No of Area in ha
the Arabian Sea in the West, The Malayattoor high range and o ponds
Thrissur District in the North, Idukki northern and north eastern tip of the 2 Irrigation tanks 24 13.98
District in the East, and Alapuzha Muvattupzha and Kothamangalm
1 Holyponds and streams 66 26.94
and Kottayam Districts in the South. Taluk form the forest area of the
5 Quarry ponds 37 37.14
District. Area under forest is 81.23
The Periyar River, Kerala's second 3 Panchayath ponds 73 233.16
km². Area under water bodies area
longest, flows through all the taluks
is 127 km². 6 Village ponds 11 245.94
except Muvattupuzha. The
4 Private ponds 81 747.14
Muvattupuzha River and a branch of
Topography 7 Total 292 1304.3
Chalakudy River also flow through
the District. The Eastern portion is Muvattupuzha River Basin
formed by a section of Western
Muvattupuzha River is about 121 km
Ghats. Muvattupuzha,
long. Basin covers around 1,554 km2.
Kothamangalam and Aluva can be
Muvattupuzha basin has average
called the hilly Taluks. The midland
annual rainfall of 3,100 mm.
consists mainly of plain land having
natural facilities of drainage via Satellite image view Three Rivers Manimala, Meenachil and
backwaters and canals. The Parur Muvattupuzha originate from hills in
Agriculture constitutes the most
Taluk which lies in the flat delta the Periyar region and join the
important segment of the District's Landuse pattern
Vembanad lake. There are no major
reservoirs in this Rivers and they flow 24 Blocks, Cochin Corporation and
in east-west direction. They all have a four Districts namely Ernakulum,
large number of streams feeding Alapuzha, Kottayam and Idukki.
them. Forest area is also very less in Muvattupuzha watershed is divided
these basins . into 103 sub and 202 micro-
Muvattupuzha is the union of three watersheds.
Rivers -Thodupuzha, Kaliyar and MC Road passes in North-South
Kotha-mangalam River. Thodupuzha direction through these basins. In
originates from Tangakkanam Hills; addition to this, several streams join
Kalliyar is formed by confluence of Vembanad Lake directly. Vembanad
Velurpuzha and Kannadi Puzha and lake joins the sea through the
Kothamangalam River originates from Thanneermokkam bund. This is a
Mannankavu Mala. These Rivers join large barrage meant to prevent entry
together at Muvattupuzha and then of salt water in land. But this barrage
flow towards South-West as a single created large number environmental
River to the Vaikkom Lake. Finally, it problems. Large part of Vembanad
merges with the Arabian Sea. The Lake is below sea level. There is only
famous Thommankuthu Waterfalls is one exit near the northern tip for this
situated in the River Muvattu elongated lake which runs in north
puzha. There is a dam constructed for south direction.
irrigation purpose and for small hydro
Moovattupuzha River receives water
electric project at Malankara near
diverted from the Periyar basin which
has increased the water availability.
Main tributaries of the River are
Kudayattur Puzha , Manipuzha thodu,
Valiyar thodu, Chuzhilikanam Thodu
etc. Muvattupuzha River basin has an
average annual rainfall of 3,100mm.
The maximum temperature is
experienced in the month of March
(30.7°C) and lowest is in the month of
December (23.8°C).About 75% of the
basin is under cultivation. 15% of the
basin includes forest area and rest of
the basin includes water bodies, waste
land and built-up area.
Muvattupuzha River basin covers 113
villages spread over 112 Panchayaths,
THRISSUR DISTRICT of Western Ghats. Peechi dam was
Length of Kecheri River is 51 km and
constructed in the Catchment area of puzhakkal River is 29 km. Kecheri basin
Manali Puzha. and Chimmoni dam, in covers area around 401km2 and
the catchment area of Chimmoni Puzhakkal basin covers and area
Puzha. Both Manali Puzha and Kurumali around 234km2. Average annual rainfall
Puzha join together before of both the basin is 3000mm. Kechery
Arattupuzha, then flow in the middle of and Puzhakkal Rivers originate from
Kole wetlands. The River divides the Machademala. Both flow through
Kole wetlands into two, Northern Kole Thrissur District and Kechery River has
and Southern Kole. The River joins to tributaries called Choondal Thodu.
Connolly Canal after Kole wetlands and Peramangalam Thodu,Chettupuzha
finally to Arabian Sea. Karuvannur Land use pattern etc.Nadu Thodu is the tributary of
River basin can be divided into three Puzhakkal River.
sub-basins; they are Manali basin, Vazhani irrigation project is situated at
There are mainly three River basins in
Kurumali basin and Kole wetland basin. kechery River. Vazhani, one of the
Thrissur District, Kechery, Karuvannur
Northern Kole wetlands of Thrissur is biggest clay dams in Kerala with a
and Chalakudy. Some of the north
not part of this River basin, but still length of 792.48 metres, is situated 23
eastern portions drain to
southern parts of Northern Kole km away from Thrissur. This water is
Bharathapuzha. Only the northern
wetlands using River water from used mainly for irrigation and drinking
parts of Chalakudy basin fall in Thrissur purposes. This project in Thrissur
Karuvannur as well as flush out water
District. There are several reservoirs in District envisages construction of an
to River through canals during
the Rivers. All these Rivers drain to earth dam built across the
Kole wetlands which is unique As per Panfish data there are a large Vadakkancherry Puzha, The project
ecosystem Manali Basin
number of ponds was completed during the year 1962.
Karuvannur River basin Manali basin is the upper basin of
Karuvannur River. One of the main
Karuvannur River flows through N Pond Type No of Area in
tributaries of Karuvannur River namely o ponds hector
southern parts of Thrissur District
Manali Puzha and its streams flow 1 Village ponds 2 40.48
especially between Kecheri and 2 Quarry ponds 18 16.72
through the basin. Manali Puzha has
Chalakkudy Rivers. The River has 3 Irrigation tanks 39 507.72
five major streams. Two streams
mainly two tributaries; they are Manali 4 Holyponds and 62 111.77
directly flow to Peechi reservoir and streams
Puzha and Kurumali Puzha. Kurumali
rest of them join the main River later. 5 Panchayath 76 240.68
Puzha has its own tributaries, namely ponds
Peechi dam was constructed across
Mupli Puzha and Chimmoni Puzha. All 6 Private ponds 84 559.58
Manali Puzha. The catchment area of
tributaries of Karuvannur River are 7 Total 281 1476.9
this tributary is Peechi Wildlife 5
originating from Peechi and Chimmoni Thrissur Location Map
Sanctuary and reserve forest.
Wildlife Sanctuaries and reserve forest
and water bodies. Agricultural land is
around 40% of the area and comprise
twice cropped paddy lands. Rest of the
area is water bodies.

Closeup view of coastal


Kecheri River basin has its presence in

10 Blocks in Thrissur District and one in
Palakkad District. There are 48
Panchayaths and 39 villages in this
basin. Kecheri watershed is divided into
51 sub watersheds and 79 micro

The upper region of the basin is mainly

agricultural and forest land. Agricultural
land has a mixture of agriculture and
horticulture plantations. Middle region
of the basin is mainly under agricultural
land, waste land and forest land. Lower
region comes under agricultural land
PALAKKAD DISTRICT during South-West Monsoon which alone accounts for about 60 per Sum of
Landuse CESS AREA ha Count
sets in the second week of June cent of it. Coconut, groundnut, Reservoir Reservoir 3290.2 12
and extends upto September. cotton, sugarcane, pepper, banana Reservoir bed 2871.02 29
River/stream Perennial 5062.55 39
About 75 per cent of the annual and cashewnut are some of the
River/stream Sandy area 106.37 11
rain is received during the south major cash crops raised. Water bodies 865.47 2167
west monsoon period. During the Wetland Marshy 107.75 6
Palakkad District is blessed with Wetland Marshy (R.F) 261.33 95
period December to May,
irrigation facilities. Dams have Palakkad 12564.69 2359
practically no rain is received. The
been constructed across almost all Panfish data
temperature of the District ranges
the important tributaries of the
from 20°C to 45°C. The maximum No Pond Type No of ponds
Bharathapuzha to provide irrigation 1 Holyponds and streams 77
temperature recorded at Palakkad
facilities to the District. Completed 2 Irrigation tanks 18
was 43°C. 3 Panchayath ponds 73
irrigation projects in Palakkad 4 Private ponds 88
Palakkad District is situated in the Bharathappuzha, with her District are Walayar, Malampuzha, 5 Quarry ponds 40
6 Village ponds 4
South West region of India, tributaries, sprawls across the Cheera kuzhi, Gayathri (Meenkara, 7 Total 300
bounded on the North by entire District. The river takes its Chulliar), Mangalam and Pothundy.
Malappuram, in the East by origin from Anamalai Hills and The total ayacaut of all these
Coimbatore of Tamil Nadu, in the flows through the Districts of completed projects is 77,306 ha. 30.00
south by Thrissur and in the West Palakkad, Malappuram and In addition to this, construction of
20.00 Palakkad
by Thrissur and Malappuram Thrissur before emptying into the two major irrigation projects, viz., 0.00 Kerala

Districts. It lies between 10o21’ Arabian sea at Ponnani. Its four Chitturpuzha and Kanhirappuzha
and 11o14’ North latitude and main tributaries are are in progress. The total ayacut of
76o02’ and 76o54’ East longitude. Gayatrippuzha, Kannadippuzha, these projects is 542 km2.
Landuse Area
The total geographical area of the Kalpathyppuzha and
District is 4,480 km2 representing Thuthappuzha. "Rice bowl of
Built up 6,896.31

11.53 per cent of the State's Kerala" is the synonym for Crops 158,615.89
geographical area. The forest land Palakkad. The net cultivated area Forest area 137,842.14
covers about 25%. of the District is 284 lakh hectares, Paddy 62,098.04
ie, 64 per cent of the geographical Rubber 33,573.89
The District has a humid climate
area. Major portion of the Waste lands 31,905.07
with a very hot season extending
cultivable land is used for raising Water 12,564.69
from March to June in the Western
food crops. All food crops together Waste lands 4.46
Part of the District whereas it is
account for about 80 per cent of
less humid in the Eastern sector. Total 443,496.03
the gross cropped area and paddy
The most important rainy season is SACON (2009) statistics
Bharathapuzha River Basin The tributaries also branch out and
Length of Bharathapuzha River is form several tributaries, which are
209 km. basin area covers around the distributaries of the
4,400km2 in Kerala. Average Bharathapuzha River. The
annual rainfall of the basin is tributaries of Thuthapuzha River
2,300mm. are Kunthippuzha, Kanjirappuzha,
Ambankadavu, and
The river originates in
Thuppanadippuzha. The tributaries
the Annamalai Hills located in the
of Gayathripuzha are Mangalam,
Western Ghats region in Tamil Malampuzha dam
Ayalurpuzha, Vandazhippuzha,
Nadu. It flows in the west direction
Meenkarappuzha and Chulliyar.
along with many of its tributaries
The tributaries of Kalpathipuzha
including the Tirur River through
are Korayar, Varattar, Walayar and
Palakkad Gap, Palakkad, Thrissur
Malampuzha. The tributaries of
and Malappuram Districts. For the
Kannadipuzha are Palar, Aliyar and
first 40 kilometers, Bharathapuzha
River flows northwards till Pollachi.
The Kannadippuzha and There are several dams
Kalpathippuza, the tributaries of constructed across this river of
Bharathapuzha meet at Parli and which Malampuzha dam is the
Bharathapuzha River
flow in the west direction as largest built across Bharathapuzha
Bharathapuzha River. The and its tributaries. Other dams
Bharathapuzha River then constructed are Walayar dam,
surrenders itself into the Arabian Mangalam dam, Pothundi dam,
Sea at Ponnani. Gayathripuzha Meenkara dam and Chuliyar dam.
River, Kannadipuzha River, These irrigation projects irrigate an
Kalpathipuzha River and area of 773 km2.
Thuthapuzha River are the main
tributaries of the Bharathapuzha.
The Thutapuzha River merges with
Nila at Pallippuram making the Typical pond in the basin
waters of Nila richer in mineral
MALAPPURAM DISTRICT of the District is highly undulating; are, Chaliyar, Kadalundi puzha, coconut production stands at 569
starting from the hilltops covered with Bharathappuzha and Tirurpuzha. The million nuts. Paddy is cultivated in
thick forests on the East along the District has a total forest are of 31098 hectares with an annual
Nilgiris. It gradually slopes down to 758.86 km2. The major forest area is production of 53,443 tonnes. Cashew
the valleys and the small hills, before concentrated in Nilambur and is raised in a total area of 10761
finally ending on the sandy flat of Vandoor blocks and Melattur in the hectares with annual production of
luxuriant coconut groves in the west. Western Ghats. Of the forests, 80 4,968 tonnes. Rubber, a main cash
The District has more or less the percent is deciduous and the rest is crop in the District, has got coverage
same climatic conditions prevalent evergreen. Teak, rosewood, venteak, of 26305 ha. Annual production is
elsewhere the State viz, dry season chorapine, mahagony, etc. are the below 1,800 MT. An important cash
from December to February, hot important trees. Other varieties like crop is arecanut. It covers an area of
season from March to May. South kulamavu and vella pine are used in 14883 hectares, with an average
West Monsoon is from October to the plywood industry. Bamboo is annual production of 2868 million
Malappuram District was formed on extensively grown in all parts of the nuts.
November. The South West Monsoon
16th of June 1969. It is bounded by forest. The District has also several
is usually very heavy and nearly 75 Irrigation
Nilgiris of Tamil Nadu in the East, man made plantations, mainly of
per cent of the annual rains are The major irrigation division with the
Arabian sea in the West, Kozhikode teak.
received during this season. The headquarters at Manjeri is entrusted
and Wayanad Districts in the North
climate is generally hot and humid; Agriculture is the mainstay of the with the responsibility of safeguarding
and Palakkad and Thrissur Districts in
the temperature varying between population, involving 75 per cent of a length of 50.2km of coastline of
the South. The District has a
300C and 200C. the people, directly or indirectly. The
geographical area of 3550 km2, which Kerala in Malappuram District. Of
main crops raised are paddy, coconut, this, 12.3 km length of the coast is
is 9.13 per cent of the total area of
tapioca, arecanut, cashewnut, vulnerable and can cause heavy
the State. With regard to area,
banana, rubber, pulses, ginger, damages during monsoon season. In
Malappuram District ranks third in the
pepper and betel vine. addition to the seacoast protection
Here, 2.08 lakh hectares of land is works, this division also maintains the
The location of Malappuram District is
available for agriculture. The vast major river banks in the District
75o to 77o east longitude and 10o to
majority of the peasants are small affected by monsoon water.
120 north latitude, in the geographical
land holders. 2.36 lakh hectares are Although three major rivers of Kerala
map. Like most of the other Districts
holdings below one hectare. Only flow through the District, Malappuram
of the State, Malappuram too consists
16,107 hectares of holdings are District has no major irrigation
of three natural divisions, lowland,
above 2 hectares in area. project and hence frequent drought is
midland and highland. The lowland
stretches along the seacoast, the Ponnani estuary Paddy has lost predominance among experienced. Two major irrigation
midland in the center and the crops during the last two decades. schemes proposed are Chaliyar
highland region towards the east and Four important rivers of Kerala flow Now coconut tops with a total area of irrigation project in Chaliyar at
North-eastern parts. The topography through Malappuram District. They one lakh hectares. The annual Chungathara Village Nilambur Taluk
and Chamravattom regulator cum Kadalundi and Tirur River Basins Kondotty Hill. The important
bridge across Bharathappuzha at tributaries of the Chaliyar are
The basin covers an area of 1,122
Ponnani. Chalipuzha, Punnapuzha, Pandiyar,
km2. Length of river is 130km,
The National Watershed Development Karimpuzha, Vadapurampuzha,
average annual rainfall is 3,400mm.
Programe is implemented in this Iringipuzha and Iruthilpuzha.
Kadalundi River originates from
District. Under this, agricultural
Cherakomban Mala in the Western
Development programes, minor
Ghats at the western border of Silent
irrigation activities, soil and water
Valley and flows through the District
survey are taken up in 14
of Malappuram. It has two main
watersheds. Under Western Ghat
tributaries namely Olipuzha and
Development Scheme Watersheds of
Veliyar. The Kadalundi River drains an
Koramala in Vandoor Block,
area of 1,274 km².
Olavattoor and Edavannappara in
Kondotty Block. Cheppur in Korapuzha, Kallai and Chaliyar
Malappuram are also taken up and river basins
completed. Payyanad thodu and Length of Korapuzha, Kallai and
Edavana schemes are under Chaliyar river are 40 km, 22 km and
consideration. 169 km respectively and thier basin Landuse pattern
cover 624 km2, 96 km2 and 2535
km2(in Kerala) respectively. The
annual rainfall of this basin is
Chaliyar, originates from the
Ilambalari (Elembalai) hills in Gudalur
of Nilgiris District (inTamil Nadu). This
river has a total drainage area of
2,923 km2, of which 2,535 km2 is in
Kerala and the rest in Tamil Nadu.
The river flows through Wayanad,
CESS WATER Sum of AREA ha Count
Malappuram and Kozhikode Districts.
Malappuram 7617.91 721
River/stream Perennial 5681.69 98 The Chaliyar joins Arabian Sea near
River River bed cultivation 22.29 8 Beypore.
River/stream Sandy area 1888.57 580
Water bodies 23.07 33
The Kavanakallu Regulator cum
Wetland Inland Marshy 2.29 2 bridge is constructed across the
Chaliyar River, 13 km away from
KOZHIKKODE DISTRICT longitudes 75030’ and 76008’. Landuse Area
Paddy 166.06
Basking in the idyllic setting of the
serene Arabian Sea on the West Rubber 3,203.38

and the proud peaks of the Water 6,567.73

Wayanad Hills on the east, this Built 8,867.12
District has all the elements that Waste 9,735.54
fascinate a visitor. The highland Forest 53,986.70
region accounts for 26.80 per cent Crops 157,020.43
In general, there is a decline both
and the lowland region 15.55 per Total 239,546.96
in number of wetlands as well as
cent of the total area of the
area under wetlands. Land use is Land use pattern
tabulated below. Geographically, the District has
70.00 coastal areas, midlands and
The District has three distinct 60.00 Sum of
highlands. Korappuzha and
50.00 Land sue AREA ha Count
regions-the sandy coastal belt, the Kuttiyadipuzha are the two main
40.00 Kozhikkode Total 6567.73 269
rocky highlands formed by the hilly 30.00 rivers. The South eastern portion is
Kozhikkode River/stream Sandy area 55.16 40
portion of the Western Ghats and 20.00
Kerala Reservoir bed 87.93 31 drained by Chaliyar. There are two
lateritic midland. Of the total area Water bodies 262.69 83 dams across Kuttiyadi River for
of 2344 km2, the sandy coastal Wetland Marshy 424.74 84 power generation.


belt is 362.85 km2., lateritic Reservoir 1164.35 1
midlands 1343.50 km2. and rocky River/stream Perennial 4572.86 30
highlands 637.65 km2.
Land use pattern As per Panfish data, holy ponds
All the three taluks are spread over
Land crops is the major land use in and streams are followed by
the three regions. The District has
a coastal length about 80 kms. Kozhikkode District. It is much Panchayath ponds and private
Kozhikode District is stimulated on higher than the State average. ponds. Area-wise, private ponds
the South-West coast of India. The Forest area is nearly 20%, but less predominate.
District is bounded on the north by that State average. Wetlands are No Pond Type count Area in ha
6 Village ponds 5 2.10
Kannur District, on the east by less than State average. Rubber 5 Quarry ponds 12 4.33 Coastal water bodies
Wayanad District, on the South by cultivation is also less than state 2 Irrigation tanks 14 1.11
4 Private ponds 29 114.61
Malappuram District and on the average. Sacon(2009) statistics is
3 Panchayath 35 13.53
West by the Arabian Sea. It is follows. ponds
situated between North latitudes 1 Holyponds and 38 17.64
11008’ and 11050’ and East 7 Total 133 153.32
WAYANAD DISTRICT northern area has high hills and they Mananthavady, it becomes a common areas in Wayanad. Annual rain fall in
give a wild and mountainous plain of paddy fields with the swift these high rainfall areas ranges from
appearance. Some of the major peaks flowing Kabani coursing through it. 3000 to 4,000 mm. High velocity
are Vellarimala, Banasura, Elsewhere, Wayanad offers a winds are common during the
Brahmagiri, Chembra, etc. ranging panorama of undulating hills and southwest monsoon and dry winds
from 1,500 m to 2,100 m height. dales, which are converted into paddy blow in March-April. High altitude
fields. The hills, which might have regions experience severe cold. In
been thick forests once, are now Wayanad (Ambalavayal) the mean
plantations of coffee, tea or maximum and minimum temperature
cardamom. There is luxuriant for the last five years were 29°Cand
greenery all round. On a clear day 18°C respectively. This place
The total geographical area of experiences a high relative humidity,
from the River bed of Kabani,
Wayanad is 2,126 km2. It is bounded which goes even up to 95 per cent
Wayanad will seem to be a fairy land
on the East by Nilgiris and Mysore during the Southwest monsoon
with the deep blue mountains
Districts of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka period.
juxtaposed with the blue sky and
respectively, on the North by Coorg Generally the year is classified into
white vagrant wads of cottonwools
District of Karnataka, on the South by Wayanad: waterfall four seasons, namely, cold weather
like clouds amidst them. The soil of
Malappuram and on the West by (December-February), hot weather
The eastern area is flat and open. the Wayanad District is mainly of the
Kozhikode and Kannur . (March-May), southwest monsoon
Due to the peculiar terrain, there are forest type. It promotes a lushy
luxuriant growth of vegetation. (June-September) and northeast
east-flowing and west-flowing Rivers.
monsoon (Octber-
The low hills are full of plantations
like tea, coffee, pepper and
cardamom while the valleys have a The dale,“Lakkidi', nestled among the
predominance of paddy fields. hills of Vythiri Taluk has the highest
average rainfall in Kerala. The
The altitude of Wayanad varies
average rainfall in Wayanad is 3000
from 700 to 2100 meters from sea
mm per year. There is a decreasing
level. The hill ranges of Vythiri Taluk,
Pookode lake trend in rainfall in this area the
through which the road from
average rainfall. Data shows that the
Kozhikode ascends the Wayanad
Placed on the southern tip of the lowest rainfall received from
Plateau over mind-boggling bends
Deccan Plateau, its prime glory is the Wayanad vayals northeast monsoon, is in Wayanad
and ridges, are the highest locations.
majestic Western Ghats with lofty District.
From the highest altitude of the
ridges interspersed with magnificent Wayanad has a salubrious climate.
Western Ghats on the western border RIVERS
forests, tangled jungles and deep The mean average rainfall in this
of the District , the Plateau of Kabani River, one of the three east-
valleys. In the centre of the District, District is 2,322mm. Lakkidi, Vythiri
Wayanad gradually slopes down flowing Rivers of Kerala, is an
hills are lower in height, while the and Meppadi are the high rainfall
eastward. Further from
important tributary of the River 6 Total 60 74.28
Cauvery. Kabani and its tributaries 50.00

constitute a powerful River system in 40.00

the landscape of Wayanad.
20.00 Wayanad
Panamaram rivulet takes its origin 10.00 Kerala
from the Perennial Lake called, 0.00
'Pookkode Lake. It flows swiftly
through mountain gorges joined by
other streams, tumbles down into
Panamaram valley. Six km. Further
from Panamaram, this River joins the
Mananthavady rivulet, originating
from the lower regions of the peak
'Thondarmudi'. From this confluence
onwards the River is known as
Kabani, a mighty, perennial River
which after entering Karnataka, joins
with the River Cauvery. Almost entire
Wayanad is drained by the Kabani
River and its tributaries namely
Bird life
Panamaram Mananthavady and
Thirunelli .

As per panfish data

No Pond Type No of Area in
ponds hector
1 Holyponds and 2 2.08
2 Irrigation tanks 10 5.44
3 Panchayath ponds 12 5.16
4 Private ponds 24 47.64
5 Quarry ponds 9 3.30
6 Village ponds 3 10.66
KANNUR DISTRICT of mountains. This is the area of major April and May, the mean daily
plantations like coffee, rubber, tea, maximum temperature is about 35°
cardamom and other spices. Timber Celsius. Temperature is low in
trees like teakand rosewood are grown December and January -about 20o
in plenty in this region.The midland
Celsius. On certain days the night
region, lying between the mountains
temperature may go down to 16°
and the low lands, is made up of
Celsius. The annual average rainfall
undulating hills and valleys. This is an
is 3438 mm and more than 80
area of intense agricultural activity. The
lowland is comparatively narrow and percent of it occurs during the period
Coastal landscape
comprises rivers, deltas and seashore. of South -West monsoon. The rainfall
This is a region of coconut and paddy during July is very heavy and the The serile sandy tract supports only a
cultivation. District receives 68 per cent of the poor vegetation of the psammophyte
annual rainfall during this season. type. Plants are few and mostly
Kannur District is bound by the
70.00 prostrate. Erect species are small and
Western Ghats in the East (Coorg 60.00
50.00 Kannur District is very rich in short. Owing to very poor water holding
District of Karnataka State), 40.00
vegetation. Natural vegetation, capacity of the soil, these plants are
Kozhikkode and Wayanad District s, in 30.00
20.00 except in some coastal regions, provided with special xerophytic
the South, Lakshadeep Sea in the West 10.00 Kerala
and Kasaragod, the northern-most
0.00 consists of different types of forests. adaptations. Another conspicuous
District of Kerala, in the North.The But, in spite of generally favourable feature of this area is the mangrove
District can be divided into three climatic conditions, vegetation is not vegetation, found at the estuaries of
geographical regions - highlands, Land use , uniform. In restricted regions, with rivers and backwaters, and often
extending to the interior along their
midlands and lowlands. their own micro climate or special
The District has a humid climate banks.
edaphic features, plant formations
with an oppressive hot season from assume different characters. Thus,
Sum of
March to the end of May. This is plant communities, ranging from AREA
followed by the South-West monsoon psammophytes (Plants that grow CESS WATER ha Count
which, continues till the end of best in or tolerate sand, particularly Kannur 7988.27 132
September. October and November fine to medium sand ) and
Reservoir bed 6.23 2
form the post-monsoon or retreating mangroves to evergreen forests are
monsoon season. The North East seen in this District . The coastal
River/stream Perennial 7910.26 70

monsoon which follows, extends upto region is a comparatively narrow River/stream Sandy area 46.42 21
the end of February, although the zone, characterized by secondary soil Water bodies 25.36 39
Coastal landscape
rain generally ceases after which is rather loose and sandy.
The highland region comprises mainly December. During the months of
forest into open grasslands, etc are

Landuse Area km2

Built 22,432.08
Crops 177,894.12
Forest 44,188.96
Paddy 6,214.67
Water transport Rubber 13,414.93
Human interference has much Waste 26,136.92
changed the vegetation of the Water 7,988.27
coastal region. Major part of the Total 298,269.95
District comes under midland region
with numerous hills and dales and it
No Pond Type No of Area in ha
presents an undulating surface ponds
gradually ascending and merging 1 Holyponds and 69 35.77
into the slopes of Western Ghats. 2 Irrigation tanks 17 90.01
Soil is secondary and lateritic with 3 Panchayath 55 19.86
underlying rock of laterite or 4 Private ponds 91 73.91
disintegrated gneiss. Typical flora of 5 Quarry ponds 16 6.26
6 Village ponds 6 97.13
this area is a moist deciduous forest
Total 254 122.94
consisting of a mixture of evergreen
Panfish data
and deciduous trees. Undergrowth
consists of a variety of annuals and
perennials. The mountains are a
continuation of the midland region,
gradually ascending to the main
ridge of the Western Ghats. Soil in
the western slopes is a ferrugenous
red, sandy loam. Vegetation over the
whole area is of the forest type.
Irregular distribution of teak,
localised areas of bamboo
dominance, change of good quality
KASARGOD DISTRICT scene changes and the sand level There are 12 rivers in this District.
some of the reserve forests in the
rises towards the barrier of the District. These forest areas have
The longest is Chandragiri (105 km)
Ghats and transforms into low red different types of medicinal plants and
originating from Pattimala in Coorg
laterite hills interspersed with paddy shrubs. Once the river-sea joining lands
and embraces the sea at Thalangara, were abundant with these forests. But
fields and coconut gardens. Based near Kasargod. The river assumes its now they are seen only in Chittari,
on physical features, the District name Chandragiri from the name of Manjeshwar, Mogral, Uppala, Shiriya
falls in to three natural divisions. the place of its source Chandragupta rivers.
Vasti; where the great Maurya
emperor Chandragupta is believed to CESS WATER Sum of area ha Count

have spent his last days as a sage. Kasargod 4990.09 141

River/stream Perennial 4736.43 40
The second longest river is Kariankod River/stream Sandy area 16.2 7
Water bodies 237.46 94
(64 km), across which a dam is being
The District is marked off from the built at Kakkadavu.
Landuse Area
adjoining areas outside the State by Shiriya (61 km), Uppala (50 km),
Built 8,972.79
the Western Ghats which run parallel Bekal fort Mogral (34 km), Chithari (25 km),
Crops 104,831.44
to the sea and constitute an almost Nileshwar (47 km), Kavvayi (23 km),
The lowland, bordering the sea, the Forest 35,243.07
continuous mountain wall on the Manjeswar (16 km), Kumbala (11
midland consisting of the undulating Paddy 4,734.76
eastern side. The Ghats dominate the km), Bekal (11 km) and Kalanad (8
country and the forest, clad Rubber 8,715.19
topography. The coastline is fringed km) are the other rivers. These rivers
highland on the extreme east. There Waste 32,677.94
with low cliffs alternating with provide ample irrigation facilities.
are mainly four types of soils Water 4,990.09
stretches of sand. namely, sandy, sandy loam, laterite Total 200,165.28
and hill or forest soil. The sandy and As per panfish data
the sandy loam soils exist as a
No Pond Type No of Area in
continuous narrow belt all along the ponds hector
Western coast about 20 km in 1 Holyponds and 21 4.71
2 Irrigation tanks 10 1244.28
60.00 3 Panchayath 22 11.43
40.00 ponds
30.00 4 Private ponds 16 11.46
20.00 Kasargod 5 Quarry ponds 3 0.47
0.00 Kerala 6 Village ponds 7 25.94
7 Total 79 1298.29



Water body details

The Bekal fort area
Adoor, Eleri, Karudukka, Maloth,
A few kilometres to the interior, the Land use pattern Parappa, Panathady and Muliyar are

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