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Business Plan for Nilupak

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Jaja’sk ChocoNilupak

Presented by:Grade 11

ICT2 (CSS)Alexis TavarezAngela Mae Tacolog Name3 Name4 Nmae5 Name6 Name7Presented to:Ms.
Aiza T. TuplanoEntrepreneurship TeacherDate:


Executive Summary


.. 1II.

Market Analysis


.. 2III.
Company Description


.. 3IV.

Organization and Management Structure


.. 4V.

Marketing and Sales Strategy



Product Description



Production and Operation



Financial Analysis

…………………. 8

Senior High School epartment

S.Y. 2019 - 2020



The name of our business is Jaja’sk Company. The main objective of our

business is to change the traditional nilupak into a new one. This product have a goal to givethe
students a nutritious and affordable snacks on their breaktime. We wanted to give them asnack that has
benefits for their body and is good for their health. This business aims to bring

out the popularity of nilupak. Nilupak isn’t usual

ly famous to some millennials nowadays sowe want them to know that there is nilupak that is good for
them.Our target market are the grade 11 students of NHS. They are the majority to purchase our
products. Our business is a sole proprietorship. The total amount of financingrequied is P270 and it will
come from our savings. The one who will manage the business isthe owner


Senior High School epartment

S.Y. 2019 - 2020



Our target market are the Grade 11 and 12 students of Nagpayong HighSchool. That ages 15 and
above,both female and male. In the strands of Academic Tracksand TVL. Where they have the
income/allowance of P20 and above. All of these studentsare single.Our potential customers are the
Senior High School students of NHS,bothfemale and male. The product {Nilupak} that we have is new to
them so we see that itwill be saleable to them. New products are good to sell mostly if they have no idea
aboutit. These customers will be curious on how our product tastes.We will sell our productshere at the
Centennial II,Nagpayong,Pinagbuhatan,Pasig City. Where our school islocated. Nagpayong High School is
our main market. Grade 11 students is 54% of thesenior high school population. 50% are males and 50%
are females. Grade 12 students is46% of the senior high school population, 48% are males and 52% are
females.The competitors we have are our classmates that could possibly have a productthat will be
saleable than ours. The price of our product is affordable and cheap that onlycosts P5-P8. We see that
our product may be good for the students that has low budget fortheir snacks in school. The only
weakness that we have is that, our product is limited,thatwe can only make 60 pieces a day.


Senior High School epartment

S.Y. 2019 - 2020



Our business,which is selling Nilupak with chocolates,will be sold to the SHSstudents of NHS. This is a
kind of a provincial snack or dessert of Filipinos. Usually it ismade of cassava. But our Nilupak is made of
saba banana with a twist which is chocolate. Wemixed it with chocolate to make it on trend for the
millenials. Nilupak is affordable foreveryone and we assure that this will be a friendly budget for every
students in NagpayongThe type of our business in manufacturing. Nilupak is a home-made product.We
do not use machines,instead we used man power to create nilupak.The challenges thatoccur in our
sector are those we see as competitors,like our classmates and the canteen. Otherthan that is the
process of making our customers buy the product we have. It is a bigchallenge to encourage them to
buy some. The big population of our school is also achallenge for us that when the customers liked our
product, demands will start to increase.We can only produce 60 pieces a day and higher demands of our
product will be a challengefor us to make our man power double just to reach the wants of our
customers. The type of business that we are going to operate is manufacturing. Basically,foods are the
needs of ourcustomers and in this situation or product will be saleable for our target customers which
arethe Grade 11 students of NHS. We can fill the needs of these students by selling ournutritious and a
low price snack to them. Maybe the products of our competitors are moresweeter than our product,but
surely Nilupak is more nutritious than those they sell.We chose this business opportunity because it is
easy to make nilupak. The productnilupak is also nutritious and this is good for the customers health. In
starting up this business
we don’t need to spend a big amount of money. We selected NHS because we have more

access in this area. And we are only students so it is our only choice.


Senior High School epartment

S.Y. 2019 - 2020

Our business operation will start before the class hours of the students and up to their

break time. I



Jaja’sk ChocoNilupak

Presented by:

Grade 11 ICT2 (CSS)

Alexis Tavarez, Angela Mae Tacolog, Name3, Name4, Name5, Name6, Name7

Presented to:

Ms. Aiza T. Tuplano, Entrepreneurship Teacher

Date: [Insert Date]


I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........... 1

II. MARKET ANALYSIS ........... 2


IV. Organization and Management Structure ........... 4

V. Marketing and Sales Strategy ........... 5

VI. Product Description ........... 6

VII. Production and Operation ........... 7

VIII. Financial Analysis ........... 8


Senior High School Department

S.Y. 2019 - 2020


Our business, Jaja'sk Company, aims to modernize the traditional nilupak into a healthier and more
appealing version. We are dedicated to providing Grade 11 students at Nagpayong High School with
nutritious and affordable snacks during their breaks. Our goal is to introduce them to a nilupak that
offers health benefits and help bring its popularity back. Our business is structured as a sole
proprietorship, with initial financing of P270 coming from our savings. The business will be managed by
the owner.


Our target market comprises Grade 11 and 12 students of Nagpayong High School, aged 15 and above,
from both Academic Tracks and TVL strands, with income or allowances of P20 and above. All these
students are single. We anticipate that our product, Nilupak, will appeal to them due to its novelty. We
plan to sell our product at Centennial II, Nagpayong, Pinagbuhatan, Pasig City, which is conveniently
located near our school. With 54% of the senior high school population being Grade 11 students, and
46% being Grade 12 students, we believe there is a substantial market. While our potential competitors
include our classmates, our affordable pricing (P5-P8) is tailored to students with limited snack budgets.
However, our only limitation is our daily production capacity, capped at 60 pieces.


Our business specializes in selling Nilupak with a chocolate twist to the SHS students of Nagpayong High
School. Nilupak is a traditional Filipino snack or dessert, typically made from cassava, but we've
innovatively crafted it from saba banana infused with chocolate to cater to the tastes of millennials. Our
manufacturing process relies on manual labor rather than machinery. Challenges include competition
with classmates and the school canteen, as well as the task of encouraging customers to make a
purchase. With a high school population that's potentially interested, the challenge is to meet rising
demand. Our business choice is manufacturing, focused on fulfilling the nutritional needs of Grade 11
students, offering them a nutritious and cost-effective snack. While other products may be sweeter,
Nilupak stands out for its nutritional value.

IV. Business Operations

Our business will operate before the start of the school day and up to the students' break time.

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Give possible Marketing and Sales Strategy base on the given data. Answer it like a business plan.

Jaja’sk ChocoNilupak

Presented by:Grade 11

ICT2 (CSS)Alexis TavarezAngela Mae Tacolog Name3 Name4 Nmae5 Name6 Name7Presented to:Ms.
Aiza T. TuplanoEntrepreneurship TeacherDate:


Executive Summary


.. 1II.

Market Analysis


.. 2III.

Company Description


.. 3IV.

Organization and Management Structure


.. 4V.
Marketing and Sales Strategy



Product Description



Production and Operation



Financial Analysis

…………………. 8


Senior High School epartment

S.Y. 2019 - 2020



The name of our business is Jaja’sk Company. The main objective of our
business is to change the traditional nilupak into a new one. This product have a goal to givethe
students a nutritious and affordable snacks on their breaktime. We wanted to give them asnack that has
benefits for their body and is good for their health. This business aims to bring

out the popularity of nilupak. Nilupak isn’t usual

ly famous to some millennials nowadays sowe want them to know that there is nilupak that is good for
them.Our target market are the grade 11 students of NHS. They are the majority to purchase our
products. Our business is a sole proprietorship. The total amount of financingrequied is P270 and it will
come from our savings. The one who will manage the business isthe owner


Senior High School epartment

S.Y. 2019 - 2020



Our target market are the Grade 11 and 12 students of Nagpayong HighSchool. That ages 15 and
above,both female and male. In the strands of Academic Tracksand TVL. Where they have the
income/allowance of P20 and above. All of these studentsare single.Our potential customers are the
Senior High School students of NHS,bothfemale and male. The product {Nilupak} that we have is new to
them so we see that itwill be saleable to them. New products are good to sell mostly if they have no idea
aboutit. These customers will be curious on how our product tastes.We will sell our productshere at the
Centennial II,Nagpayong,Pinagbuhatan,Pasig City. Where our school islocated. Nagpayong High School is
our main market. Grade 11 students is 54% of thesenior high school population. 50% are males and 50%
are females. Grade 12 students is46% of the senior high school population, 48% are males and 52% are
females.The competitors we have are our classmates that could possibly have a productthat will be
saleable than ours. The price of our product is affordable and cheap that onlycosts P5-P8. We see that
our product may be good for the students that has low budget fortheir snacks in school. The only
weakness that we have is that, our product is limited,thatwe can only make 60 pieces a day.

Senior High School epartment

S.Y. 2019 - 2020



Our business,which is selling Nilupak with chocolates,will be sold to the SHSstudents of NHS. This is a
kind of a provincial snack or dessert of Filipinos. Usually it ismade of cassava. But our Nilupak is made of
saba banana with a twist which is chocolate. Wemixed it with chocolate to make it on trend for the
millenials. Nilupak is affordable foreveryone and we assure that this will be a friendly budget for every
students in NagpayongThe type of our business in manufacturing. Nilupak is a home-made product.We
do not use machines,instead we used man power to create nilupak.The challenges thatoccur in our
sector are those we see as competitors,like our classmates and the canteen. Otherthan that is the
process of making our customers buy the product we have. It is a bigchallenge to encourage them to
buy some. The big population of our school is also achallenge for us that when the customers liked our
product, demands will start to increase.We can only produce 60 pieces a day and higher demands of our
product will be a challengefor us to make our man power double just to reach the wants of our
customers. The type of business that we are going to operate is manufacturing. Basically,foods are the
needs of ourcustomers and in this situation or product will be saleable for our target customers which
arethe Grade 11 students of NHS. We can fill the needs of these students by selling ournutritious and a
low price snack to them. Maybe the products of our competitors are moresweeter than our product,but
surely Nilupak is more nutritious than those they sell.We chose this business opportunity because it is
easy to make nilupak. The productnilupak is also nutritious and this is good for the customers health. In
starting up this business

we don’t need to spend a big amount of money. We selected NHS because we have more

access in this area. And we are only students so it is our only choice.


Senior High School epartment

S.Y. 2019 - 2020

Our business operation will start before the class hours of the students and up to their

break time. I





Marketing Strategy:

Product Differentiation: Emphasize that your Nilupak is unique with a twist of chocolate, appealing to
the tastes of millennials.

Social Media Marketing: Utilize platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to create awareness and
attract students. Share attractive images and videos of your product.

Word of Mouth: Encourage your classmates and initial customers to spread the word about your
delicious and affordable snack.

Sales Strategy:

Distribution Channel: Initially, focus on selling your Nilupak exclusively within the school premises,
where your target market is concentrated.

Pricing Strategy: Keep your product affordable, ranging from P5 to P8, catering to students with limited

Limited-Time Offers: Create occasional promotions to entice more sales, like a "Buy One, Get One Free"
Customer Feedback: Collect feedback from your customers to understand their preferences and make
necessary product improvements.

Loyalty Program: Implement a loyalty program where students can earn rewards for repeat purchases.

Collaboration with School Events: Partner with school events or clubs to sell your Nilupak during their

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