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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador

Instituto de Mejoramiento Profesional del Magisterio
Coordinación Local de investigación y Postgrado
Extensión Académica La Asunción

Técnicas de compresión de lectura en ingles

Tutor: Autora:
Fatima da silva Argelis Gamboa
Effects of the Problem-Posing Approach on Students' Problem
Solving Skills and Metacognitive Awareness in Science Education Akben,
Nimet Research in Science Education, v50 n3 p1143-1165 Jun 2020

The interrelationship between mathematics and science education has frequently been
emphasized, and common goals and approaches have often been adopted between
disciplines. Improving students' problem-solving skills in mathematics and science
education has always been given special attention; however, the problem-posing
approach which plays a key role in mathematics education has not been commonly
utilized in science education. As a result, the purpose of this study was to better
determine the effects of the problem-posing approach on students' problem-solving
skills and metacognitive awareness in science education. This was a "quasi-
the participating students during their senior year in various university chemistry and
experimental" based study conducted with 61 chemistry and 40 physics students; a
problem-solving inventory and a metacognitive awareness inventory were administered
to participants both as a pre-test and a post-test. During the 2017-2018 academic year,
problem-solving activities based on the problem-posing approach were performed with
physics departments throughout the Republic of Turkey. The study results suggested
that structured, semi-structured, and free problem-posing activities improve students'
problem-solving skills and metacognitive awareness. These findings indicated not only
the usefulness of integrating problem-posing activities into science education programs
but also the need for further research into this question.


Lever of evidence: quasi- experimental" based study

Nota: la palabra completa sería quasi-experimental based study

Objetive: determine the effects of the problem-posing approach on students

Population: 61 chemistry and 40 physics students

Nota: esta es la muestra, no la población. Las palabras claves correspondientes a la población
serían: students, senior year, various university chemistry and physics departments, Republic
of Turkey.

Intervention: problem-solving inventory, awareness, inventory to participants both as a pre-

test and a post-test

Outcomes: suggested that structured, semi-structured, and free problem-posing activities

improve student; problem-solving skills (debes colocar palabras claves, no oraciones).

Conclusión: the usefulness of integrating problem-posing activities into science education

programs but also (aquí deberías colocar una coma) the need for further research into this
Nota: 21/25

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