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Russell C.


Chapter 3:
Mechanical Properties
of Materials
• The mechanical properties of a material must be known
so that engineers can relate the measured strain in a material
to its associated stress.

• In the area of strength materials, problems are primarily

are two types;
a. Analysis – could involve finding the greatest load that
may be applied to a given body without exceeding specified
limiting values of stress and strain.
b. Design – involve determining the required size and
shape of member to support given loads without exceeding
specified limiting values of stress and/or strain.

• The mechanical properties are very important to our

study since they are the properties that affect the limiting
values of stress and strain
The Tension and Compression Test

 The strength of a material depends on its ability to

sustain a load.
 This property is to perform under the tension or
compression test.
• The simplest and most widely used test to characterize
the mechanical properties of a material.
• The test is performed using a loading apparatus such
as the Tinius Olsen machine/Instron

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
The Stress–Strain Diagram
Conventional Stress–Strain Diagram
 Nominal or engineering stress is obtained by
dividing the applied load P by the specimen’s original
cross-sectional area.
 Nominal or engineering strain is obtained by
dividing the change in the specimen’s gauge length
by the specimen’s original gauge length.
Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials
Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Typical regions that can be observed in a stress-strain curve are:
The Stress–Strain Diagram
Conventional Stress–Strain Diagram
 Elastic Behaviour
 Stress is proportional to the strain.
 Material is said to be linearly elastic. Structural component is said
to behave elastically if during loading/unloading the deformation
is reversible.

 ****It is also possible for materials to behave elastically but not

linear-elastically. A small portion of the elastic region is above the
proportionality limit, where strain increases non-linearly with
increasing stress

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd

Increase in stress above elastic limit will cause

material to deform permanently. The material does
not return to its initial undeformed state after
unloading it is said to behave in-elastically.

Any increase in stress beyond the yield point will

cause the material to be deformed permanently. Also
in this so-called yielding region, the deformation will
be relatively large for small/almost negligible
increases in the stress.
The Stress–Strain Diagram
Conventional Stress–Strain Diagram
Stress-Strain Diagram
 Strain Hardening
 After yielding a further load will
reaches a ultimate stress.

 Necking
 At ultimate stress, cross-sectional
area begins to decrease in a
localized region of the specimen.
 Specimen breaks at the
fracture stress.

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Necking and Failure
When the loading is continued beyond the ultimate stress, the cross-
sectional area decreases rapidly in a localized region of the test specimen.

Since the cross-sectional area decreases, the load carrying capacity of this
region also decreases rapidly. The load (and stress) keeps dropping until the
specimen reaches the fracture point.
The Stress–Strain Diagram
True Stress–Strain Diagram
 The values of stress and strain computed from these
measurements are called true stress and true strain.
 Use this diagram since most engineering design is
done within the elastic range.

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Stress–Strain Behavior of Ductile and Brittle Materials
Ductile Materials
 Material that can subjected to large strains before it
ruptures is called a ductile material. Steel and
aluminium usually fall in the class of ductile

Brittle Materials
 Materials that exhibit little or no yielding before
failure are referred to as brittle materials. Glass and
cast iron fall in the class of brittle materials.

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Hooke’s Law
 Hooke’s Law defines the linear relationship between
stress and strain within the elastic region.
 Most of the elastic region corresponds to linear-elastic
response. Linear elasticity refers to the notion that stress
is linearly proportional to strain. In the elastic region, the
slope of the stress-strain curve is the Young's Modulus
σ = stress
σ = Eε E = modulus of elasticity or Young’s modulus
ε = strain

 E can be used only if a material has linear–elastic

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials
Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Hooke’s Law
Strain Hardening
 When ductile material is loaded into the plastic
region and then unloaded, elastic strain is recovered.
 The plastic strain remains and material is subjected
to a permanent set.

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Strain Energy
 When material is deformed by external loading, it will
store energy internally throughout its volume.
 Energy is related to the strains called strain energy.

Modulus of Resilience
 When stress reaches the proportional limit, the
strain-energy density is the modulus of resilience,
1 σ pl
ur = σ pl ε pl =
2 2 E
Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials
Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Strain Energy
Modulus of Toughness
 Modulus of toughness, ut, represents the entire
area under the stress–strain diagram.
 It indicates the strain-energy density of the material
just before it fractures.

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Poisson’s Ratio
 Poisson’s ratio, v (nu), states that in the elastic
range, the ratio of these strains is a constant since
the deformations are proportional.

ε lat
v=− Poisson’s ratio is dimensionless.

ε long
Typical values are 1/3 or 1/4.

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Negative sign since longitudinal elongation (positive strain)
causes lateral contraction (negative strain), and vice versa.
Example 1
A bar made of A-36 steel has the dimensions shown. If an axial force of is
applied to the bar, determine the change in its length and the change in
the dimensions of its cross section after applying the load. The material
behaves elastically.

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd

The normal stress in the bar is

σz = =
80 103 ( ) ( )
= 16.0 106 Pa
A (0.1)(0.05)
From the table for A-36 steel, Est = 200 GPa

εz =
( )
16.0 106
= (−6
Est 200 10 ( )
80 10 mm/mm
The axial elongation of the bar is therefore

δ z = ε z Lz = [80(10 −6 )(1.5)] = 120µm (Ans)

The contraction strains in both the x and y directions are

ε x = ε y = −vst ε z = −0.32[80(10 −6 )] = −25.6 µm/m

The changes in the dimensions of the cross section are

δ x = ε x Lx = −[25.6(10 −6 )(0.1)] = −2.56µm (Ans)

δ y = ε y Ly = −[25.6(10 −6 )(0. − 05)] = −1.28µm (Ans)

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
The Shear Stress–Strain Diagram
 For pure shear, equilibrium
requires equal shear stresses
on each face of the element.

 When material is
homogeneous and isotropic,
shear stress will distort the
element uniformly.

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
The Shear Stress–Strain Diagram
 For most engineering materials the elastic behaviour
is linear, so Hooke’s Law for shear applies.

τ = Gγ

G = shear modulus of elasticity

or the modulus of rigidity

 3 material constants, E, and G are actually related

by the equation
2(1 + v )

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Example 3.5
A specimen of titanium alloy is tested in torsion and the shear stress–strain diagram
is shown. Find the shear modulus G, the proportional limit, and the ultimate shear
stress. Also, find the maximum distance d that the top of a block of this material
could be displaced horizontally if the material behaves elastically when acted upon
by a shear force V. What is the magnitude of V necessary to cause this

The coordinates of point A are (0.008 rad, 360 MPa).

Thus, shear modulus is

( )
= 45 103 MPa (Ans)

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
By inspection, the graph ceases to be linear
at point A. Thus, the proportional limit is

τ pl = 360 MPa (Ans)

This value represents the maximum shear stress,
point B. Thus the ultimate stress is

τ u = 504 MPa (Ans)

Since the angle is small, the top of the will be displaced horizontally by

tan (0.008 rad ) ≈ 0.008 =

⇒ d = 0.4 mm
50 mm
The shear force V needed to cause the displacement is

τ avg = ; 360 MPa = ⇒ V = 2700 kN (Ans)
A (75)(100)
Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials
Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
*Failure of Materials Due to Creep and Fatigue
 When material support a load for long period of time,
it will deform until a sudden fracture occurs.
 This time-dependent permanent deformation is
known as creep.
 Both stress and/or temperature play a significant role
in the rate of creep.
 Creep strength will decrease
for higher temperatures or
higher applied stresses.

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
*Failure of Materials Due to Creep and Fatigue
 When metal subjected to repeated cycles of stress
or strain, it will ultimately leads to fracture.
 This behaviour is called fatigue.
 Endurance or fatigue limit is a limit which no failure
can be detected after applying a load for a specified
number of cycles.
 This limit can be
determined in S-N diagram.

Chapter 3: Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanics of Material 7th Edition
© 2008 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd

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