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Name: Date: Passing Score: Score:

85 80% 85 %

1. Solve the following simultaneous equations: [15 marks]

Selesaikan persamaan linier dua variabel berikut:

a. 3x + 4y = 22
2x + 6y = 23

b. 3x 2y = 1
2x + y = 3

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c. 5x 6y = 14
5x 5y = 15

2. 6 toy cars and 4 toy guns cost $58 but 5 toy cars and 2 toy guns cost $35. Find the
cost of each toy car and each toy gun.
6 mobil mainan dan 4 pistol mainan seharga $58 tetapi 5 mobil mainan dan 2 pistol mainan seharga
$35. Carilah harga setiap mobil mainan dan setiap pistol mainan.
[5 marks]

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3. Draw a number line to represent each of the following inequalities: [6 marks]
Gambarlah garis bilangan untuk mewakili setiap pertidaksamaan berikut:

a. x 3.5

b. 2<y 4

4. Find all the integer values that satisfy 2 3x + 7 < 13. [5 marks]
Carilah semua nilai bilangan bulat yang memenuhi 2 3x + 7 < 13.

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5. Find the smallest integer value of x for the inequality 7 4x < 10. [4 marks]
Carilah nilai bilangan bulat terkecil dari x untuk pertidaksamaan 7 4x < 10.

[5 marks]
6. Find the solution set for 6 3(x + 3) 12
Carilah penyelesaian dari 6 3(x + 3) 12

7. Solve the following inequalities: [6 marks]

Selesaikan pertidaksamaan berikut:

a. 6 3x 2x + 1

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b. 8<8 y

8. Use a number line to find the common values for each of the following pairs of
simultaneous inequalities:
Gunakan garis bilangan untuk menemukan nilai umum untuk setiap pasangan pertidaksamaan linier dua
variabel berikut:

[6 marks]
a. x> 3 and x 1

b. x 1 and x < 2

9. Consider the inequality: 2 < 4x + 6 10.

Perhatikan pertidaksamaan berikut: 2 < 4x + 6 10.

a. Find the solution set. [5 marks]

Carilah penyelesaiannya

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b. Use a number line to represent the solution set in part (a). [3 marks]
Gunakan garis bilangan untuk menjawab penyelesaian pada bagian (a).

a. Find the values of x and y in the sequence below:
Carilah nilai x dan y dari urutan di bawah ini:

44, 38, x, 26, 20, 14, y [4 marks: 2 each]

b. Complete the following number sequence [4 marks: 2 each]

Lengkapilah urutan bilangan berikut

17, __________, 21, ___________, 25, 27

c. What is the value of (z x) in the number sequence: 121, 132, 143, x, y, z,

Berapakah nilai dari (z [4 marks]

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