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Ansible allows you to create custom modules using many programming languages.

In this discussion and

the research leading up to it, we'll learn more about Ansible custom modules, the situations where
creating them might be necessary, the advantages of being able to use custom modules, and the benefits of
being able to identify and correct syntax errors and logic errors.

to answer the questions posted you'll have to think about the product development life cycle. What it
takes to think of a new program or script, the time spent on executing that script, and then the benefits of
the script or program once it's done. With all of that, you'll consider if the time spent is worth the time
saved. Consider when there will be a return on investment.

If you have not tried to create a script in Python or BASH you'll also be introduced to that this week as
well. Inevitably you'll run into syntax problems, but what are those really? It's just what happens when
you type something that the computer doesn't recognize. Each language or configuration file has a format
and specific words that they understand and when you deviate from what is expected, you'll get these
errors. Normally you would review your spelling and spacing as well as your special characters and make
sure they line up with what that language or configuration file is expecting. You can save yourself a lot of
time and heartache by performing syntax checks frequently when you develop large scripts.

Discussion Topic
Before you begin, be sure to complete some Internet research on existing Ansible modules,
custom Ansible modules, and programming language syntax (YAML, Python).
In your post, answer the following and your opinions:

 What are Ansible modules?

 What are the benefits of being able to create custom Ansible modules?
 What are some of the disadvantages of having to create custom modules?
 What is meant by programming language syntax?
 What are syntax errors?
 Why do you think Python is a good choice for writing custom modules?
 What is one option that Ansible gives you to check your Playbook for syntax-errors?

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