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Dermatological Examination

First Part 2015

1. Basic organogenesis is complete by the end of

A. 12 weeks EGA
B. 8 weeks EGA
C. 6 weeks EGA
D. 14 weeks EGA
E. 16 weeks EGA
(Bolognia page 38 )
2. One of the following is not correct about melanocytes
A. In premature there is high number of cells
B. In newborn similar number of cells to young adults
C. In adult their number decrease with age
D. In premature high number of mature melanosomes.
E. In adult , melanin production dependent on skintype and body area
(Bolognia page 40)
3. Toll-like receptor (TLR) 6 is:
A. Diacylated lipoprotein
B. Flagellin
C. Lipopolysaccharide
E. Triacylated lipoprotein
(Bolognia page 64 )
4. One of the following is not correct about natural killer cells (NK)
A. The major task of NK cells is to eliminate infected or malignant cells
B. They express Fc receptors that bind IgM
C. They recognized involves killer- activating and killer – inhibitory
D. NK cells carry receptors that recognize major histocompatibility
complex (MHC) class 1 molecules
E. Tumor cells and viruses often down regulate MHC class 1 molecules
(Bolognia 65)
5. Dendritic epidermal cells express one of the following markers
A. CD5
B. CD4
C. CD 45
D. CD 8
E. MHC class II molecules
(Bolognia 73)
6. The mediator which has no activity on pain is
A. Histamine
B. Prostaglandin E
C. Substance p
D. Tryptase
E. Opiod peptides
(Bolognia page 82 )
7. One of the followings is not most frequent subjective side effects of
A. Nausea
B. Abdominal pain
C. Headache
D. Loss of libido
E. Fatigue
(Bolognia page 130 )
8. One of the followings is not atypical forms of piyriasisrosea
A. Psoriatic like
B. Urticarial
C. Vesicular
D. Pustular
E. Purpuric

(Bolognia page 144)

9. One of the following is not true about lichenoid drug eruption

A. More eczematous, psoriasis form or pityriasisrosea – like
B. Wickham’s striae present
C. Hyperpigmentation very common
D. Photo distribution frequent
E. Mucous membrane usually spared
(Bolognia168 )
10.One of the following is not cause erythema multiforne – like allergic
contact dermatosis
A. Tropical woods
B. Para – phenylenediamine (PPD)
C. Nickel
D. Black rubberized clothing
E. 9- bromofluorene
(Bolognia 234)
11.One of the following occupations may not infected by anthrax
A. Farmer
B. Wool sorter
C. Veterinarian
D. Dock worker
E. Butcher
(Bolognia 241)
12.One of the following plants does not cause allergic contact dermatitis
A. Garlic
B. Peruvian lily
C. Poison ivy
D. Poison oak
E. Celery
(Bolognia 243)
13.One of the following is not piperidine class antihistamine
A. Hydroxyzine
B. Loratidine
C. Mizolastine
D. Desloratidine
E. fexofenadine
(Bolognia 273)
14.One of the following is early localized manifestation of Lyme
A. Disseminated erythema migraw
B. Erythema migrans
C. Bell’s palsy
D. Atrioventricular block
E. Conjunctivitis
(Bolognia 283)
15.One of the following is not primarily drugs which may be cause
erythema multiforme
B. Sulfonamides
C. Dapsone
D. Antiepileptic’s
E. Antibiotics
(Bolonia 288)
16.One of the following drugs does not cause urticarial anaphylaxis
A. Cephalospories
C. Monoclonal antibodies
D. Sulfonamides
E. Contrast media
(Bolonia 303)
17.One of the following drugs does not cause nail hyperpigmentation
A. Cyclophosphamide
B. Hydroxyurea
C. Methotrexate
D. Bleomycin
E. Busulfan
(Bolognia 315)
18.One of the following is rare systemic manifestations of sweet’s
A. Arthritis
B. Hepatitis
C. Aseptic meningitis
D. Pancreatitis
E. Acute myositis
(Bolognia 381)
19.One of the following types of collagens is not detected in
sublaminadensa region:
A. Type 1 collagen
B. Type XVII collagen
C. Type III collagen
D. Type IV collagen
E. Type VII collagen

(Bolognia 403)

20.Desmocollin 1 antigen is observed in the following type of pemphigus

A. Pemphigus vulgaris
B. Pemigusfolliaceous
C. Paraneoplastic pemphigus
D. Drug –induced pemphigus
E. IgA pemphigus
(Bolognia 419)
21.Integrin B4 is target antigen of the following type of blistering diseases
A. Bullous pemphigoid
B. Gestational pemphigoid
C. Cicatricial pemphigoid
D. Linear IgA bullous dermatosis
E. Bullous S.L.E
(Bolognia432 )
22.One of the following is uncommon autoimmune disorders associated
with dermatitis herptiformis (DH)
A. Addison’s disease
B. Alopecia areata
C. Sarcoidosis
D. Pernicious anemia
E. Vitiligo
(Bolognia 449)
23.One of the following is not method for studying sweat production
A. Study of normal flora of skin
B. Visulation of sweat by the iodine – starch reaction
C. Measurement of electric potential and resistance
D. Measurement of skin temperature
E. Grarimetry
(Bolognia 491)
24.One of the following type of acne vulgaris is open comedonal regarding
A. Milia
B. Nevus comedonicus
C. Syringomas
D. Trichoepitheliomas
E. Follicular mucinosis
(Bolognia 503)
25.One of the following is not subtype of rosacea
A. Erythematotelangiectatic
B. Papulopustular
C. Phymatous
D. Ocular
E. Periorficial dermatitis
(Bolognia 510)

26.One of the following autoantibody is associated with LE nephritis

A. Sm
C. ds DNA
(Bolognia 554)
27.One of the following is not cutaneous feature of essential fatty acids
A. The skin is dry and scaly
B. Intertiginous erosions
C. Alopecia
D. Dyschromia ?
E. Increase in Tranepidermalwater loss
(Bolognia663 )
28.Filaggrin is gene or gene product observed in the following disorder
A. Ichthyosis vulgaris
B. Bullous congenital ichthyosis
C. Ichthyosis hystrix
D. Erythrokeratodermavariables
E. Ichthyosis bullous Siemens
(Bolognia 710)
29.One of the following is not correct about white piedra
A. The nodule color is white , no maybe it red , green or light brown and
the nodule is soft
B. Nodule adherence to the hair shaft is loose
C. Typical anatomical location are face , axillae and pubic region
D. Causative organism is piedraiahortoe
E. KoH examination is non – dermatiaceous hyphae with blastocondia
and arthrocondia
(Bolognia 1136)
30.Hyphae and air spacesis a patterns of hair invasion by
A. M.canis
B. M.gypseum
C. T.tonsorans
D. T.rubrum
E. T.schoenleinli
(Bologniapage . 1144)
31.The following is endothrix type f dermatophytes
A. M.canis
B. T.violaceum
C. M.audouini
D. M.distortum
E. M.gypseum
(Bolognia 1144)
32.The black discoloration of nailis characteristic for the following type of
A. Fusariumspp
B. Aspergillusspp
C. Scytalidiumdimidiatum
D. Acremonium
E. Scytalidiumhyalinum
(Bolognia 1145)
33.One of the following disorder is associated with HIV when CD4>500
cell/ mm3
A. H.zoster
B. Kaposis sarcoma
C. Acute retroviral syndrome
D. Eosinophic folliculitis
E. Major aphthae
(Bolognia 1170)
34.One of the following is alphaherpesvirinae
A. Varicella – zoster virus
B. Epstein – bar virus
C. Cytomegalovirus
D. Human herpes virus 7
E. Human herpes virus 8

(Bolognia 1199)

35.One of the following is not correct about mononucleosis – like

A. Maculopapular eruption
B. Petechiae
C. Ampicillin – induced eruption
D. Urticarea
E. Erythema multifore
(Bolognia 1211)
36.One of the following is not clinical feature of parenchymatous in
A. General paresis
B. Acute syphilitic meningitis
C. Tabes dorsalis
D. Taboparesis
E. Optic atrophy
(Bolognia 1246)
37.One of the following is not correct about pathogenesis of scabies
A. Mites from animals are a source of human infection
B. The entire 30-day life cycle of mites is completed within the
C. A female mite will lay 60-90 eggs , which require 10 days to
D. Patients with crusted scabies may have thousands of mites on
their skin surface
E. Live mites from crusted cases can survive for up to a week in
environment , feeding on the slouphed stratum corneum
(Bolognia 1291)
38.One of the following topical antibacterial agents is lincosamide class
A. Azelaic acid
B. Benzoyl peroxide
C. Metronidazole
D. Clindamycin
E. Sodium sulfacetamide
(Bolognia 1950)
39.One of the following is not correct about staining
A. Colloidal iron acid mucopolysaccharide is blue
B. Congo red , amyloidis pin – red , green birefringence when
C. Cryst violet acid mucopolysaccharides and amyloid are green
with red background.
D. Fontana – Masson ammoniated silver nitrate stain , melanin
stains black
E. Auramine O , acid – fast bacilli have yellow fluorescence
(Bolognia 18)
40.The CD marker of Helper and regulatory T cell (class II MHC
restricted) is
A. CD2
B. CD3
C. CD4
D. CD5
E. CD7
(Bolognia 20)
41.The site of action of ciclopiroxolamine antifungal drug is
A. Binds cell membrane sterols
B. Interferes cell wall synthesis via glucan synthesis
C. Blocks DNA synthesis
D. Disrupts mitotic spindle
E. Inhibits respiration , blocks transport of amino acid
(Bolognia1962 )
42.T cell (CD4+)count weekly or every other week is required during
treatment of psoriasis and /or psoriatic arthritis by which of the
following drug
A. Adalimumab
B. Alefacept
C. Efalizumab
D. Etanerecept
E. Infliximab
(Bolognia 1982)
43.One of the following is not correct about application of EMLA , to
intact skin in children
A. Age 0-3 months , the maximum application are a (cm2) is 10
B. Age 3-12 months , 20 cm2
C. Age 1-6 years , 100 cm2
D. Age 7- 12 years , 200 cm2
E. Age 13-16 years , 150 cm2
(Bolognia 1995)
44.One of the following is not correct about spectrum of light and their ?
A. UVA has low photosensitivity while UVB has high
B. UVB has high subur effect while UVA low
C. UVB has high photaging effect while UVA low
D. UVB has high effect on scc while UVA low
E. UVB has high photoimune suppression while UVA low
(Bolognia 2039)
45.Wavelength of UVA in nm is ?
A. 290-320
B. 200-290
C. 320-340
D. 340-400
E. 400-450
(Bolognia 2035)
46.One of the following is not correct about US protocol for PUVA
A. UVA dosimetry is the predetermined dose according to skin
B. Dose increments is predetermined
C. Frequency of treatment is four times / week
D. Principle of approach is rigid , cautious
E. Goal is to clear without ponderous testing
(Bolognia 2062)
47.One of the following is not correct about laser terms definition
A. Pulse duration , laser exposure duration
B. Spot size , diameter of the laser beam on the skin surface
C. Chromophore , medium that absorbs light
D. Fluence , power delivered per unit
E. Energy , fundamental unit of work
(Bolognia 2093)
48.One of the following is not acut reaction or complication of
A. Dry desquamation
B. Hypo or hyper pigmentation
C. Moderate erythema
D. Moist desquamation
E. Mild bleeding
(Bolognia 2135)
49.One of the following is not dermatologic indication for electro
fulguration / electro desiccation
A. Actinic keratosis
B. Epidermal nevus
C. Lentigo
D. Verruca plana
(Bolognia 2141)
50.One of the following is not correct about chemical mediator and their
role in wound healing:
A. Histamine increased vascular permeability.
B. Serotonin stimulation of fibroblast proliferation.
C. Kininsdecreased vascular permeability.
D. Prostaglandins sensitized pain receptors.
E. Complement increased phagocytosis.

( Bolognia 2151)

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