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4-PART LESSON NAME: Reka Szamosi Lab Section: TUE THUR FRI

ENS Hardy Teacher: Mr. Gray
2022 Grade: K
Instructional Area: Unit Name: Lesson Focus: Time:
Grass Area 4 Yarn Balls Exploring and 1:25 pm-2:00 pm
Throwing 35 minutes
Psychomotor Domain: To engage in activities involving the use of a yarn ball, including stretching,
tossing, and throwing with the yarn ball.
Cognitive Domain: To develop basic listening and throwing skills.
Affective Domain: To respect our classmates and have a fun time in PE.
Concise Instructional Cues / Time Equipment
When I say GO, please place your 4 cones
Introduction water bottles by a cone and sit in the 2-3 minutes Hand sanitizer
middle of our play area as quickly as Whistle
Objective: To you can. GO! Before we begin, 22 Poly spots
introduce myself to everyone will get a squirt of hand
the class, remind sanitizer.
them of the rules
and boundaries, Welcome to SDSU P.E., today I will
and introduce the be teaching the lesson to the class.
activity. My name is Ms. Reka. My assistants
are: Ms. Chloe and Ms. Ivy.

We will do our best to keep you safe

and have fun in P.E. Discuss Covid
Protocols: Everyone stay at arm's
length distance from your friends
(show them what you mean). We will
use sanitizer before and after our
lesson today!

Please remember to follow our rules

so everyone stays safe and we all
have fun!
- Keep your hands to yourself
- Listen for my GO command
to start the activity
- When I blow my whistle and
say FREEZE, listen to
instructions and stay frozen
(we can demonstrate this)
When I say GO, please begin to
move slowly to an empty poly spot in
our play area safely and DO NOT
touch any equipment. GO!


Fitness Activity: pull out the yarn on the yarn balls. Do 5-7 minutes Whistle
Stretching not throw the balls at your friends. 22 Poly spots
1 yarn ball per student
Objective: To use When I say GO, you may pick up the (21)
yarn balls yarn ball and have 1 minute to
respectfully while explore with it (not throw it) and look
performing some at it.
stretches and GO!
following basic FREEZE! Everybody drop your yarn
instructions. balls on the ground in front of you.
When I say GO I want you to reach
down without bending your knees and
try to touch the yarn ball
(demonstrate this for them).
FREEZE! Everybody take a seat and
put your yarn ball behind your back.
When I say GO, stay seated and put
the ball in your hand while you reach
up high (demonstrate this for them).
Now switch hands and stretch.
Great job everybody!
Now I want you to place the yarn ball
at your feet.
When I say GO try to bend your body
and reach for the yarn ball without
bending your legs.
When I say GO, I want you to
balance the yarn ball on the palm of
your hand (demonstrate this).
When I say GO, I want you to
balance the yarn ball on the back of
your hand.
FREEZE! Blows whistle.
Do the 5,4,3,2,1 hand countdown with
them, then say and touch your head,
and shoulders and show your hands
folded in your lap.


Lesson Focus: pull out the yarn on the yarn balls. Do 15-20 minutes Whistle
Throwing not throw the balls at your friends. 22 poly spots
1 yarn ball per student
Objective: To We are seated on our bottoms with (21)
explore tossing and our hands in our laps.
catching, and Please place your yarn ball behind
throwing with a yarn your back.
ball while using our Today, we will be practicing how to
basic listening throw our yarn balls.
skills. First I will show you, then you will
copy what I am doing.
I will demonstrate taking the yarn ball
and giving a small throw straight up
into the air. Notice how my eyes
follow the ball and my hands are
ready to catch it as soon as I throw it
When I say GO, please grab your
yarn ball and practice small throws
with me.
FREEZE! Please place your yarn ball
behind your back.
Now I will show you how to do a
medium throw, up in the air, and
catch it (demonstrate this for them).
When I say GO, grab your yarn ball
and practice doing medium throws
with me.
FREEZE! Please place your yarn ball
behind your back.
Now I will show you how to do a big
throw, up in the air, and catch it
(demonstrate this for them).
When I say GO, grab your yarn ball
and practice doing big throws with
FREEZE! Please place your yarn ball
behind your back.
When I say GO, I want you to stand
up and walk around while making
small tosses with your yarn ball.
Remember that you need both your
hands to catch it and your eyes must
follow the ball (demonstrate).
FREEZE! Very good job, I know that
was hard!
When I say GO, I want you to take
your yarn ball and line up side by side
on this line right here (the line
between 2 of the cones).
FREEZE! Place your yarn ball on the
floor in front of you.
Ears (Eyes), Eyes (Ears)
Today, we will learn how to throw a
ball using the ding-a-ling drill. I want
everybody to hold out their arm and
pretend like you are holding a ball.
Copy what I do and watch carefully.
We are going to shake your hand,
hold the imaginary ball and say Ding-
a-ling-a -ling.
Now act like you are answering the
phone and hold the fake ball to your
ear and say HELLO.
Now turn your body, and say IT’S
FOR YOU and throw that pretend ball
When I say GO, not yet, I want you to
practice throwing without our ball as
far as you can with an overhand
throw using the ding-a-ling-a-ling
(demonstrate this).
GO! Everyone pretends to throw your
ball overhand.
When I say GO, I want you to pick up
your yarn ball.
When I say GO, you will use an
overhead throw to throw your yarn
ball as far as possible using our
ding-a-ling-a-ling drill. When you
throw your ball you must sit down
meaning you cannot go and get your
ball, until I say GO after your throw.
GO! Throw your ball and sit down.
Great Job!
When I say GO, go and get your ball
and line up side by side again.
Now, place your yarn ball on the floor
in front of you.
Ears (Eyes), Eyes (Ears)
When I say GO, not yet, I want you to
practice throwing without our ball as
far as you can with an underhand
throw (demonstrate this).
GO! Everyone pretend to throw your
ball underhand.
When I say GO, I want you to pick up
your yarn ball.
When I say GO, you will use an
underhand throw to throw your yarn
ball as far as possible. When you
throw your ball you cannot go and get
your ball until I say GO after your
GO! Throw your ball and wait until I
say GO again.
Great Job!
When I say GO, go and get your ball
and line up side by side again.
Ok when I say GO, everyone goes
get a drink of water and meet me in
the shade.
Closing Activity: Everyone find your own personal 2-3 minutes Hand sanitizer
Review and space, spread out. Whistle
Thank you everyone for participating
Objective: To in PE today! You all did an amazing
review our basic job! Who had fun today? Who
listening skills and remembers the ding-a-ling drill?
give out the hand Raise your hand if you know how to
sanitizer. throw! Great job class, your heart
thanks you for your participation in all
our activities! Please line up so I can
give you hand sanitizer before you go
into class.

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