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PJMT1105 – Consultancy Practices in Project Management

Module 7 Weekly Activity

Pressure to Deliver Graded: / 30 pts
Please provide your Name and student # ID on your final paper
This exercise is a two-part exercise which is to be completed in a word document
to be posted to the appropriate Assignment folder on DC Connect before the
deadline assigned.
Part 1 – Pressure to deliver
Review the statement found in the next section and explain its validity as if you
are trying to prove or disprove the statement. You want to answer these
Description  Is this truly something that is noticeable in the everyday world of a
of the Activity: consultant?
 How has this changed from let’s say 10 years ago?
 Has it always been this way?
Please provide examples, samples and clear references when you are doing the
research for this work. If using assistance from AI such as ChatGPT, Bing Chat or
any other such tool, please ensure that you do not simply copy the content as your
answer, you need to make IT YOUR OWN. Valid references and links for your
information are required and might be reviewed for clarity.
Statement for review: (15 points)
Clients increasingly demand more value, higher-quality service, and faster delivery of solutions and
services in a more agile environment fueled by rapid innovation. Clients are more interested than ever
in the value consultants provide. On the other hand, consulting fees are not always larger, but they
are more strongly tied to outcomes.
Companies are paying consultants depending on their performance to get more value for the money.
It’s no longer a fixed fee; instead, you’ll be paid according to whether you fulfill your performance
goals or not. On the bright side, there’s the possibility of doing outstanding work and earning a lot of
money. The downside is that there is also huge pressure to deliver.

In part 2 – Review the question below, the models provided (see following question) then research and
provide an answer. (10 points)

Change in organizations manifests itself in several ways, often brought about by the work that
consultants try to implement. Consultants should be able to recognize the signs that people will provide
through their words, actions or behaviour demonstrating their resistance or improper preparation to
change. The sad reality is that too often consultants are taken by surprise by this challenge. Below are
two (2) well-known models that make us consider change from a person’s perspective.
What do these models imply about change when it comes to individuals?
How would a knowledge of such models help a consultant deal better with his / her clients?
Please explain.
* Ensure that you provide the proper citations or references for your research. (5 points)

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