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Reading and Writing

Fourth Midterms
ABM 101 | PROF. (Name) | SEM 2 2023

READING Neutral connotation - bring up impartial

associations toward a word.
● is a cognitive process of decoding
symbols to derive meaning from a
- are used when the text has words
or phrases that are similar in
- means looking at the readily visible
part of the text, like titles and meaning to the unknown word.
subtitles, and also visual and b. Antonyms
graphs, picture and charts. - is a word that reveals the opposite
SKIMMING meaning in relation to the
- Skimming the text means you look unknown word.
for the main point of the reading c. Examples
and identify the ideas that develop - Examples are specific details in a
it. text that are used to clarify the
- Skimming effectively means meaning of a word.
physically moving your eyes d. Explanations and Definitions
rapidly along the page and tracing - Explanations may be given as
your finger along the lines of the clues to describe an unknown
text to speed up your reading. term. When phases like "because"
SCANNING or "that is" follow a word, these
- Scanning the reading is looking for may be explanations.
specific information. - Definitions may follow an
CONTEXT CLUES unfamiliar word. Terms like "is",
- Context clues are words, phrases, "means","is defined as", and
and sentences that surround an "refers to" are used with
unfamiliar word that can help you definitions.
recognize the meaning of an
unknown word because the text
gives you information about it.
- Denotation is the basic, precise, ● is assessing the degree to which
literal meaning of the word that the author's ideas are valid.
can be found in the dictionary.
- Connotation is the positive, CRITICAL READING AS REASONING
negative, or neutral feelings,
attitudes, ideas, or associations ● By doing so, you are not only trying
with a word; paligoy-ligoy. to find out the rationality behind the
Positive connotations - are generally author's arguments but also testing
favorable associations toward a word. your ability to detect logical
Negative connotations - tend to have fallacies or errors in reasoning.
unfavorable feelings or ideas toward a

Reading and Writing
Fourth Midterms
ABM 101 | PROF. (Name) | SEM 2 2023

IDENTIFYING ASSERTIONS 1. Evidence can include the following:

- Facts and statistics (objectively
● are declarative sentences that
validated information on your
claim something is true about
something else.
- Personal anecdotes (generalized,
relevant, and objectively
FACT - Opinion from experts (leading
● is a statement that can be proven authorities on a topic, like
objectively by direct experience, researchers or academics)
testimonies of witnesses, verified 2. The following are the characteristics
observations, or the results of of a good evidence:
research. - unified
CONVENTION - relevant to the central point
● is a way in which something is - specific and concrete
done, similar to traditions and - accurate; and
norms. It depends on historical - representative or typical
precedent, laws, rules, usage, and
customs. HEDGE
● is a word or phrase that minimizes
● is based on facts but are difficult to
the negative impact of a criticism.
objectively verify because of the
uncertainty of producing
satisfactory proof of soundness. RESPONSE TEXT
PREFERENCE ● Writing a response is one way of
● is based on personal choice; they evaluating a text you have read. In
are subjective and cannot be writing reading responses, you will
objectively proven or logically make use of your skill in writing
attacked. summaries because you must first
lay out your understanding of the
FORMULATING COUNTERCLAIMS text before you can actually
express the extent to which you
● are claims made to rebut a
agree or disagree with the
previous claim. They provide a
author on a particular element of
contrasting perspective to the main
his/her writing.


● Evidence is a detail given by the
author to support his/her claim.
The evidence builds the position of
the writer and makes the reading
more interesting.
● Evidence is important in convincing
the reader to switch to your side.

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