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LESSON 8 - We gain them through practice

and by copying ‘moral exemplars’
Human Condition Before Common until we manage to internalize the
Era virtue.
- Use fire to cook through chipping - Becomes a habit.
one flint over the other to produce - A matter of having the
sparks. (They don’t have the appropriate attitude toward pain
knowledge of the laws of friction and pleasure.
and heat.)
- Sharpen stones as one would a
knife. (e.g wedge) 11 virtues
1. Courage – the midpoint between
cowardice and recklessness. The
Human Condition in the Common Era courageous person is aware of
1. Morality Rate the danger but goes in any way.
a. Lesser women and 2. Temperance – The virtue
children die during birth. between overindulgence and
b. Medical care for premature insensitivity.
infants allows them to 3. Generosity – the virtue of charity.
survive and develop 4. Magnificence – the virtue of living
normally. extravagantly. It rests between
c. Proper maternal care. stinginess and vulgarity.
2. Average lifespan 5. Magnanimity – the virtue relating
a. Able to prolong lives by to pride.
enhancing living status 6. Right ambition – a disposition to
and discovering different aim at the intermediate between
remedies to most empty vanity and undue humility.
diseases. 7. Patience – this is a virtue that
b. Distribution of medicine controls your temper.
made easier and faster. 8. Truthfulness – the virtue of
3. Literacy Rate honesty.
a. Access to education 9. Wittiness – the virtue of a good
provided to more sense of humor.
individuals generally 10. Friendliness – this virtue lies
creates a more informed between not being friendly at all
pubic that could determine and being too friendly.
a more just society. 11. Justice – the virtue of dealing
4. Gross Domestic Product fairly with others.
a. Higher counter incomes in
brought up by high
productivity, often an Man’s intellectual capacity is his highest
indicator of presence of capacity. His highest happiness resides
technology. in the use of that capacity.

LESSON 9 Contemplation is the action which best

fulfills all the qualifications that the
Nichomachean Ethics ultimate good should have.
- A book written by Aristotle
- Named for Nichomachus
- A philosophical inquiry into the Good laws are necessary in order to
nature of the Good life for a make people virtues. Laws and proper
human being. education are necessarily especially for
- Influenced centuries of political the young. Due to a great number of
philosophy and gives enduring men are not virtues, laws are for
advice for seekers of happiness. everyone.
- Aristotle sees virtues as Virtue Ethics -> Good life.
character traits and tendencies to
act in a particular way.

If a man is virtuous, then his scientific  There are now 47 million active
discoveries and inventions will also aim Facebook accounts in the
in the attainment of Good life and Philippines.
Happiness.  The Philippines is the fastest-
growing application market in
Southeast Asia.
In order for one to be a moral person,
one need to develop his virtues.
Ethical/Moral Dilemmas Faced by
These Technological Advancements:
Intellectual Virtues
 Children became lazy and
- Know what is just and admirable; unhealthy.
learn through instructions  Alienation.
 People have the tendency to be
unaware of the time because
Moral Virtues they are so engrossed with the
use of technological device.
- Do just and admirable deeds;
learn through habits and practice.
- A disposition to behave in the
right manner and as a Possible trends when technology and
mean/average between extremes humanity cross:
of deficiency and excess, which - Augmenting humanity with
are vices. technology.
- Machines replacing humans.
- Humans and machines working
LESSON 11 alongside each other.
Technology these days enjoys such
fame and glory because of the many
different benefits it brings to humanity. LESSON 12

Technology keeps on progressing due to Information Age

not only the changing times and - Defined as a period starting in the
environment but also to the ever- last quarter of the 20th century.
progressing mind of mankind. - The means of conveying
symbolic information among
humans has evolved with
A typical household owns at least increasing speed.
four of the following devices: - Also called the Digital Age and
the New Media Age.
 Mobile phone (89%)
 Smartphone (53%)
 Tablet (14%) James R. Messenger
 Desktop (34%)
 Laptop or netbooks (37%) - proposed the Theory of
 Smart Tv (4%) Information Age in 1982
- “the Information Age is a true new
Some facts about Filipinos and their age based upon the
use of gadgets and the internet: interconnection of computers via
telecommunications, with these
 Mobile phone subscription is at
information systems operating on
119 million.
both a real-time and as-needed
 Filipinos spend approximately 3.2
basis. Furthermore, the primary
hours on mobile and 5.2 hours on
factors driving this new age
desktop daily
forward are convenience and
 Currently, the Philippines has one user-friendliness which, in turn,
of the highest digital populations will create user dependence.”
in the world.

3 dynamic advances or waves of

 1st Wave: Agricultural Age
 2nd Wave: Industrial Age
 3rd Wave: Information Age


- The technique, method or system
of operating or controlling a
process by highly automatic
means, as by electronic devices.

Positive effects of automation

1. Higher production rates and
increased productivity.
2. More efficient use of materials.
3. Better product quality.
4. Improved safety.
5. Shorter workweeks for labor.
6. Reduced factory lead times.

Negative effects of automation

1. Worker displacement resulting in
emotional stress.
2. High capital expenditure required
to invest in automation.
3. A higher level of maintenance
needed than with a manually
operated machine.
4. A generally lower degree of

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