Lecture 08c A Detailed Look at The QM Harmonic Oscillator Problem

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FEE3201 Physical electronics A

The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator


University of Nairobi

September 2023

WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 1 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Consider Schrödinger’s equation for the 1-D harmonic oscillator

}2 d 2 1
+ mω 2 x 2 ψ (x ) = E ψ (x )
2m dx 2 2

WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 2 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Consider Schrödinger’s equation for the 1-D harmonic oscillator

}2 d 2 1
+ mω 2 x 2 ψ (x ) = E ψ (x )
2m dx 2 2

ψ (x ) is a normalisable function for physical relevance, i.e., ψ (x ) ! 0

as x ! ∞

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

We now construct units of energy, }ω and length, }/mω resp.
such that
E = ε}ω
and r

where ε and γ are dimensionless factors for energy and length resp.

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

In terms of the new units,

r !
ψ (x ) = ψ γ

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

In terms of the new units,

r !
ψ (x ) = ψ γ

Hence, r
dψ dψ dγ mω d ψ (γ)
= =
dx d γ dx } dγ

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

In terms of the new units,

r !
ψ (x ) = ψ γ

Hence, r
dψ dψ dγ mω d ψ (γ)
= =
dx d γ dx } dγ
r r
d2ψ d mω d ψ d mω d ψ dγ mω d2ψ
= = =
dx dx } dγ dγ } dγ dx } d γ2

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Hence, in terms of the new variables, Schrödinger’s equation becomes,

}2 mω d2ψ 1 }
+ mω 2 γ2 ψ = ε}ωψ
2m } d γ2 2 mω
}ω d 2 ψ 1 2
+ γ }ωψ = ε}ωψ
2 d γ2 2

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Hence, in terms of the new variables, Schrödinger’s equation becomes,

}2 mω d2ψ 1 }
+ mω 2 γ2 ψ = ε}ωψ
2m } d γ2 2 mω
}ω d 2 ψ 1 2
+ γ }ωψ = ε}ωψ
2 d γ2 2
Simplifying, we obtain

γ2 ψ = 2εψ
d γ2

where ψ is now a function of γ

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

We seek the eigenfunctions, ψ (γ) and eigenvalues ε of the di¤erential


WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 6 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

We seek the eigenfunctions, ψ (γ) and eigenvalues ε of the di¤erential

We note that for any function f (γ),

d d d 2f df d
γ+ γ f = γ2 f γ + (γf )
dγ dγ d γ2 dγ dγ

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

We seek the eigenfunctions, ψ (γ) and eigenvalues ε of the di¤erential

We note that for any function f (γ),

d d d 2f df d
γ+ γ f = γ2 f γ + (γf )
dγ dγ d γ2 dγ dγ

d df
(γf ) = f + γ
dγ dγ

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

We seek the eigenfunctions, ψ (γ) and eigenvalues ε of the di¤erential

We note that for any function f (γ),

d d d 2f df d
γ+ γ f = γ2 f γ + (γf )
dγ dγ d γ2 dγ dγ

d df
(γf ) = f + γ
dγ dγ

d d d2
γ+ γ f = γ2 +1 f
dγ dγ d γ2

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Thus, the eigenvalue problem can be seen to be of the form

d d
γ+ γ ψ (γ) = (2ε + 1) ψ (γ)
dγ dγ

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Thus, the eigenvalue problem can be seen to be of the form

d d
γ+ γ ψ (γ) = (2ε + 1) ψ (γ)
dγ dγ


d d
γ γ+ ψ (γ) = (2ε 1) ψ ( γ )
dγ dγ

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Thus, the eigenvalue problem can be seen to be of the form

d d
γ+ γ ψ (γ) = (2ε + 1) ψ (γ)
dγ dγ


d d
γ γ+ ψ (γ) = (2ε 1) ψ ( γ )
dγ dγ

We will solve the di¤erential equation for the eigenfunction of the

ground-state and use this as the starting point for the excited states
by induction

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

For the ground-state, there are two possible eigenvalues and

eigenfunctions using the two versions of the eigenvalue formulation

WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 8 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

For the ground-state, there are two possible eigenvalues and

eigenfunctions using the two versions of the eigenvalue formulation
We …rst consider the formulation,
d d
γ+ γ ψ (γ) = (2ε + 1) ψ (γ)
dγ dγ

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

For the ground-state, there are two possible eigenvalues and

eigenfunctions using the two versions of the eigenvalue formulation
We …rst consider the formulation,
d d
γ+ γ ψ (γ) = (2ε + 1) ψ (γ)
dγ dγ

This will hold only if


WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 8 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

γ ψ (γ) = 0

WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 9 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

γ ψ (γ) = 0

ψ (γ) = A exp
where A is a constant

WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 9 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

γ ψ (γ) = 0

ψ (γ) = A exp
where A is a constant

Since we require that ψ (γ) ! 0 as γ ! ∞, this solution is not

physically meaningful

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Now consider the formulation,

d d
γ γ+ ψ (γ) = (2ε 1) ψ ( γ )
dγ dγ

WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 10 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Now consider the formulation,

d d
γ γ+ ψ (γ) = (2ε 1) ψ ( γ )
dγ dγ

We see that this will hold only if


WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 10 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Hence, we have,
γ+ ψ (γ) = 0

WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 11 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Hence, we have,
γ+ ψ (γ) = 0

γ2 γ2
ψ (γ) = A+ exp = A0 exp
2 2

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Hence, we have,
γ+ ψ (γ) = 0

γ2 γ2
ψ (γ) = A+ exp = A0 exp
2 2

In this case, we see that the normalisation requirement for ψ (γ) is


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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

The ground-state energy is then,

E0 = }ω

WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 12 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

The ground-state energy is then,

E0 = }ω
And the ground-state eigenfunction by,

ψ0 (x ) = N0 exp

where r

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

The ground-state energy is then,

E0 = }ω
And the ground-state eigenfunction by,

ψ0 (x ) = N0 exp

where r

N0 is an appropriate normalisation constant

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

The ground-state energy is then,

E0 = }ω
And the ground-state eigenfunction by,

ψ0 (x ) = N0 exp

where r

N0 is an appropriate normalisation constant

Note that the eigenfunction and eigenvalue of the n-th excited state
satisfy the eigenvalue problem of either form
WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 12 / 20
Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Consider the eigenvalue problem in the form,

d d
γ+ γ ψn (γ) = (2εn + 1) ψn (γ)
dγ dγ

WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 13 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Consider the eigenvalue problem in the form,

d d
γ+ γ ψn (γ) = (2εn + 1) ψn (γ)
dγ dγ

We operate on both sides by the operator


WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 13 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Consider the eigenvalue problem in the form,

d d
γ+ γ ψn (γ) = (2εn + 1) ψn (γ)
dγ dγ

We operate on both sides by the operator


Which yields,

d d d
γ γ+ γ ψn ( γ )
dγ dγ dγ
= (2εn + 1) γ ψn ( γ )

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Thus, the function

γ ψn ( γ )

must be an eigenfunction ψ (γ) of the problem

d d
γ γ+ ψ (γ) = (2ε 1) ψ ( γ )
dγ dγ

WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 14 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Thus, the function

γ ψn ( γ )

must be an eigenfunction ψ (γ) of the problem

d d
γ γ+ ψ (γ) = (2ε 1) ψ ( γ )
dγ dγ

Its associated eigenvalue is given by

2ε 1 = 2εn + 1 ) ε = εn + 1

i.e., a higher energy

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

Thus, the function

γ ψn ( γ )

must be an eigenfunction ψ (γ) of the problem

d d
γ γ+ ψ (γ) = (2ε 1) ψ ( γ )
dγ dγ

Its associated eigenvalue is given by

2ε 1 = 2εn + 1 ) ε = εn + 1

i.e., a higher energy

γ d /d γ is therefore an energy raising operator

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

When this operator operates on ψn (γ) with associated eigenvalue εn ,

it yields an eigenfunction ψn +1 (γ) with eigenvalue εn +1 = εn + 1

WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 15 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

When this operator operates on ψn (γ) with associated eigenvalue εn ,

it yields an eigenfunction ψn +1 (γ) with eigenvalue εn +1 = εn + 1

The ground-state eigenvalue can then be used to generate in…nitely

many eigenvalues and their associated eigenfunctions to describe
excited states of the harmonic oscillator

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

The …rst and second excited states are thus,

3 d γ2
ε1 = , ψ 1 ( γ ) = A1 γ exp
2 dγ 2

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

The …rst and second excited states are thus,

3 d γ2
ε1 = , ψ 1 ( γ ) = A1 γ exp
2 dγ 2

5 d γ2
ε2 = , ψ 2 ( γ ) = A2 γ exp
2 dγ 2

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

We can therefore construct an in…nite sequence of energy eigenvalues

and eigenfunctions labeled with the quantum numbers, n = 0, 1, 2, . . .
1 d n γ2
ε n = n + , ψ n ( γ ) = An γ exp
2 dγ 2
En = n+ }ω

WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 17 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

We can therefore construct an in…nite sequence of energy eigenvalues

and eigenfunctions labeled with the quantum numbers, n = 0, 1, 2, . . .
1 d n γ2
ε n = n + , ψ n ( γ ) = An γ exp
2 dγ 2
En = n+ }ω
And r
x x2 }
ψn (x ) = Nn Hn exp , α=
α 2α2 mω

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

We can therefore construct an in…nite sequence of energy eigenvalues

and eigenfunctions labeled with the quantum numbers, n = 0, 1, 2, . . .
1 d n γ2
ε n = n + , ψ n ( γ ) = An γ exp
2 dγ 2
En = n+ }ω
And r
x x2 }
ψn (x ) = Nn Hn exp , α=
α 2α2 mω
Nn is a normalisation constant and Hn (x /a) the Hermite polynomial
of order n

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

To complete the solution, we now need to show that E0 = }ω/2 is

indeed the lowest energy of a harmonic oscillator with frequency ω in
the ground-state

WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 18 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

To complete the solution, we now need to show that E0 = }ω/2 is

indeed the lowest energy of a harmonic oscillator with frequency ω in
the ground-state
We apply the operator γ + d /d γ to the second formulation of the
eigenvalue problem

d d
γ γ+ ψn (γ) = (2εn 1) ψn ( γ )
dγ dγ

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

To complete the solution, we now need to show that E0 = }ω/2 is

indeed the lowest energy of a harmonic oscillator with frequency ω in
the ground-state
We apply the operator γ + d /d γ to the second formulation of the
eigenvalue problem

d d
γ γ+ ψn (γ) = (2εn 1) ψn ( γ )
dγ dγ

This yields,

d d d
γ+ γ γ+ ψn ( γ )
dγ dγ dγ
= (2εn 1) γ + ψn ( γ )

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

d d
γ+ γ ψ (γ) = (2ε + 1) ψ (γ)
dγ dγ

WM (UoN) The quantum mechanics harmonic oscillator 09/01 19 / 20

Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

d d
γ+ γ ψ (γ) = (2ε + 1) ψ (γ)
dγ dγ
ψ (γ) = γ+ ψn ( γ )

2ε + 1 = 2εn 1 ) ε = εn 1

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

d d
γ+ γ ψ (γ) = (2ε + 1) ψ (γ)
dγ dγ
ψ (γ) = γ+ ψn ( γ )

2ε + 1 = 2εn 1 ) ε = εn 1

γ + d /d γ is therefore an energy lowering operator

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

When we apply this operator to the ground-state eigenfunction

ψ0 (γ), we obtain,

d γ2 γ2 γ2
A0 γ+ exp = γA0 exp γ exp =0
dγ 2 2 2

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Detailed treatment of the QM oscillator

When we apply this operator to the ground-state eigenfunction

ψ0 (γ), we obtain,

d γ2 γ2 γ2
A0 γ+ exp = γA0 exp γ exp =0
dγ 2 2 2

Hence, E0 is indeed the lowest energy of the harmonic oscillator

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