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2/22/24, 3:16 PM Perbandingan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Saintifik dan Ekspositori terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa SMP Swasta di …


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Perbandingan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Saintifik dan Ekspositori terhadap Hasil
Belajar Matematika Siswa SMP Swasta di Kecamatan Pancoran Jakarta Selatan Publication Ethics

Zulrahmat Togala(1*) Article Processing Charge

(1) MAN 01 Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara Open Access Policy

(*) Corresponding Author

Abstract Template

This aims of study to determine the influence of scientific learning approaches to mathematics achievement. The method used in this
study is the experimental method, sampling technique using random sampling techniques. The instrument for data collection on research USER
in the form of a multiple choice test consisting of 25 items. Data analysis technique used is the average difference (test), and based on the
calculation of the test, showed = 2.282 and table = 1.68 at significance level of 5% or ? = 0.05, which means test > tabel (2.282> 1.68), then Username
H0 rejected and H1 accepted. It can be concluded that there are significant scientific approach to students’ mathematics achievement.
Remember me
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Zulrahmat Togala
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Copyright (c) 2015 Zulrahmat Togala KEYWORDS

Analysis Bibliometric
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Alamat: Jln. Nangka No. 58C (TB. Simatupang), Kel. Tanjung Barat, Kec. Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan 12530 Ethnomathematics
Learning Media Learning
Outcomes Learning Style
Mathematical Concept
Understanding Ability
Mathematical Critical
Thinking Mathematical Literacy
Mathematics Education
Numeracy Numeracy Literacy
Online Learning Problem
Solving Pythagoras Reflective
Thinking Ability Self-
Regulated Learning 2/2

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