Guideline Spelling Bee BDRT 2023

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The 11th Bina Darma Rector’s Trophy

A. Introduction

Spelling Bee is a competition in which contestants are asked to spell a broad

selection of words, usually with a varying degree of difficulty. To compete,
contestants must study words as written in the dictionary and spell them

B. Rules

1. Registration fee : IDR 175.000 ($15)

2. Participants make payments and confirm them to the committee.
3. This competition is conducted for high school and varsity students and they will
compete within the same category.
4. Participants attend the technical meeting with a predetermined schedule.
5. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, also accessible through https://www.merriam- will be the sole reference and final authority of the competition.
6. The pronunciation used for the competition is American English.
7. There is no prepared word list for the contestants.
8. This competition consists of 2 rounds i. e. Preliminary and Final rounds.
a) The Preliminary round takes place on Wednesday, December 06th 2023. The
Final round takes place on Thursday, December 07th 2023. (still tentative
depending on the number of participants).

b) Preliminary round is an oral test. In this round, every contestant will get 5
words to spell.

c) Every contestant will be given 2 minutes to spell each word given. The timer
starts as the pronouncer pronounces the word. In the first 1.30 minute,
contestants can ask at least one of this information: repetition of the word’s
pronunciation, alternate pronunciations, a definition, a sentence, part of
speech, and/or language(s) of origin. However, in the final 30 seconds, the
contestants can no longer ask for any information (they should begin to
d) Each correct spelling is worth 1 point whereby each misspelling is worth 0.
e) Top 15 contestants with the highest score will head to the Final round.
f) Final round will consist of oral tests as well. Every contestant will get
one word each round.
g) The finalist who spells the word given incorrectly in the final round will
be directly eliminated
h) The final continues until the champions are declared.


1. The contestants will get in the Google Meet/Zoom one by one according to
their turns. Therefore, the contestants have to stay tuned before their names
are called on the WhatsApp group.

2. If one or more contestants tie for a particular position(s) resulting in more

than the expected numbers of finalists, they all will proceed to the final round.


1. Tie-breaker rounds will be conducted to determine the top three

contestants, if necessary.

2. The winner should have an anticipated winning word/specialized

round in order to win the whole competition.

C. General

1. During both the preliminary and final rounds, the contestants are
obliged to stand up and make sure their hands are visible through the
camera in order to prevent any kinds of unsportsmanlike attempts. With
that being said, the contestants should also maintain their eye contacts
to the camera. They are also not allowed to be helped by any kind of
assistances such as another person, another device (including
pen/pencil/marker), and another visual/auditory aid.

2. Variant spellings of any kind are acceptable. For example, both color
and colour are acceptable (as long as both words are in the Merriam-
Webster Dictionary).
3. Contestants are open to appeal if there are problems that occur.
For example:

A. The pronouncer seems incorrect in pronunciation

B. The timer does not start when the pronouncer starts pronouncing
C. The contestants feel like they have spelled correctly but
deemed incorrect by the committees
D. Other contestants spell incorrectly but deemed correct by the

4. The contestants should make sure they have good internet connection. If
there are internet difficulties happen during the contestants’ turns, the
contestants should bear the consequences. However, if the internet
difficulties happen to the pronouncer/judge/committees, the
committees will make sure that the competition still runs smoothly, for
example, the word and timer will be repeated for the contestants.

D. Contact Person

Instagram : @bdrt_2023 & @eds_bidar

M. Miswari : 0821-7688-8176
A. Valent P : 0821-8024-1182
Carina : 0895-6213-66025
Melin Destri A. : 0812-7306-1802

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