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The intended learning outcomes of this problem-based learning are the following
1. To develop strategies to reduce the amount of waste generated in the school,
aiming for a significant decrease in overall waste production.

2. To implement recycling programs to the school's needs.

3. To promote community involvement and participation in waste management


Improper waste disposal can lead to pollution of land, water, and air. When waste is
not managed effectively, it can release harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases
into the environment. In Carmen National High School, the students have been
tasked with helping the school address its waste management challenges. Currently,
the school lacks proper recycling facilities, leading to excessive waste production
that harms the environment and affects student health.
Carmen National High School recognizes the importance of sustainable waste
management to protect the environment and promote the health of its students and
staff. To address the current challenges regarding waste production and lack of
recycling facilities, the students will look at how these ideas affect the environment
and work together to find the best solution. They will be into real- life problems like
how to handle trash in school.

Students in Carmen National High School will work collaboratively in teams to
research, analyze, and propose solutions to the school's waste management
problem. The teacher will guide the students to think and look for a possible solution
to the problem. Also, the teacher will write on the board all the ideas that students
shared in the class. Through hands-on inquiry and critical thinking, they will explore
the environmental impact of waste, investigate best practices in waste reduction and
recycling, and most especially to develop solution to address the specific needs of
their school community when it comes in waste management.


Students will conduct research to understand the current waste management
practices in their school and the environmental consequences of improper waste
disposal. They will analyze the root causes of waste generation, explore innovative
waste reduction, evaluate the effectiveness of different recycling strategies, and try
to investigate the successful waste management initiatives that is implemented in
other schools or community. This may involve gathering of data like surveys,
interviews with experts, and analysis of a situation. By engaging with primary and
secondary sources, conducting surveys and interviews, and visiting waste
management facilities, students will gain an understanding of the complexities of
waste management and the solutions required to address them effectively.

Each team will develop a detailed waste management plan to meet the needs of
their school. This plan should include specific strategies for waste reduction,
recycling, and community engagement, it also include the possible cost of their plan
along with implementation timelines and metrics for measuring success. Teams will
present their plans to school administrators, which represents the feasibility and
effectiveness of their proposed solutions.

Students will be evaluated based on the creativity and effectiveness of their waste
management plans, the depth of their research and analysis, the clarity of their
presentations, and their ability to collaborate effectively as a team. Assessment may
also include the practicality and sustainability of their proposed solutions, as well as
their ability to adapt and respond to feedback. Additionally, students will reflect on
the challenges they encountered during the project and identify areas for further
exploration and improvement in waste management practices, fostering ongoing
learning and continuous improvement.

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Bainteculo, Ainie Joy C. Prof. Joel Tahimic
Balolong, Lordie Marie Z.

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