Human Resource Policy Handout

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HR Policy
■ Human resource (HR) policies are rules and processes that govern
the employment relationship between you and your team members.
■ HR policies describe the rights, responsibilities, and expected
behaviors of both the employers and the employees in the work
■ These are a standardized set of rules that ensure consistency
by outlining acceptable behavioral standards, employee
expectations, disciplinary procedures, and organizational
■ Companies set these policies to show commitment to
regulatory requirements, minimum employment standards,
training, diversity, and ethics.
Importance of human resource
policies in the workplace
■ Human resource policies are essential in the workplace to reflect workplace culture and
■ It details the rights and obligations of employers and employees.
■ It also serves as a point of recourse to evaluate employee actions and performance
objectively while holding the company accountable and compliant with standing regulations.
■ Outline acceptable standards of behavior in the workplace
■ Help address complaints and provide methods to solve them
Guidelines of HR Policy
The terms “HR policy”, “corporate policy”, “company policy”, and “workplace policy” are often
used interchangeably and refer to the same thing. However, some corporate policies may
apply to more general operations of the organization, and may be created and maintained
by a department other than HR (e.g. facility access, computer security, disaster preparation,

■ Should create Policies in compliance with Employment Laws

■ Should create Policies That Will Positively Impact Employees
And The Organization
Focus on those HR policies that have the greatest positive impact on employees and the
organization. When formulating a policy the management should ask themselves the
Guidelines of HR Policy (Cont’d)

∙ Will this policy empower and protect employees?

∙ Will it create a strong and high-performing workplace culture?
∙ Are the organizational and principles supported?
∙ Will it be supportive to create a successful and cohesive team?
∙ Will this policy minimize risks to the business?
∙ Will this policy comply legal requirements?

■ If the answers are “yes” to all of these questions, it's likely a policy worth creating!
Guidelines of HR Policy (Cont’d)

■ Should remember The Importance Of Clarity, Language,

And Tone
– Keep in mind that policies, no matter how positive their intent, can still be perceived as
authoritarian and bureaucratic.
– How the policies are written and presented can therefore have a big impact on how
they’re received by the employees and on the organizational culture.
– If the policy is worded with oppressive language ("employees must / must not..."), new
hires may question whether they've joined the right organization.”
– Instead of 'you must”, we can soften the language to be something like, “you are
responsible for”.”
Recruitment Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Hiring Practices
and Selection

Examples of HR policy
Promotions and Transfers

Statutory Holidays
Family Leave
Leave and Parental Leave
Bereavement Leave
Time Off Medical / Sick Leave
Personal Leave of Absence
Jury Duty

Health and Safety

Health, Safety, Workplace Violence
Drugs and Alcohol
and Security Smoking
COVID-19 Protocols
Sexual Harassment
Conflict of Interest
Employee Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure
Time and Attendance
Conduct Working hours
Remote working
Dress Code
Performance Management
Performance Professional Development
At-Will Employment
Management Termination
Disciplinary Action
Computer Usage and Security
Use of Personal Devices at Work
Work Related and Personal Use of Social
Technology Media

Travel Authorization
Expense Reimbursement
Work Travel Hotel and Rental Car
Meals and Per Diems
Remote Work
Human Resources Policy and Procedure Manual
Our Company History
What We Do
Our Clients
Our mission, vision and values
Your employment
Business Environment
Code of Conduct Policy
Dress Code Policy
IT, Internet, Email and Social Media Policies
Training and Development
Occupational Health and Safety
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Anti Bullying
Pregnancy at Work
Flexible Working Arrangements
Performance Management
Performance improvement
Grievance complaints
Conflict of Interest
Intellectual Property and Security
Environmental Best Practice
{Business Name} - Policies and Declaration

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