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FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY Independence – Freedom –



Program: Undergraduate Program in Economics

Level: Undergraduate (Bachelor)
Major: Economics
Concentration: International Business Economics
Type of Education: Full-time

The course aims at training International Economics graduates with good political sense, decent
professional ethic, good health, comprehensive economic knowledge and high general and professional
English proficiency.
The advanced program is designed in a way that use the latest access, which helps students master
fundamentals as well as in-depth knowledge of international economics. Students are equipped with
analytical techniques and quantitative tools to examine, assess and judge economic phenomena.
Besides, students are also provided with not only the basic foundation of culture, society, history,
psychology and morality but also the practical knowledge of professional issues such as international
business transactions, international finance, international economic relations…
With in-depth knowledge and outstanding English proficiency, graduates from this program will
be able to satisfy working requirements of State managerial agencies in the field of economics and
business; academic institutions related to economics and international business; corporations, general
companies; export- import enterprises; foreign-invested companies; foreign companies’ representative
offices and branches in Viet Nam; banks; Vietnamese representative offices abroad; international
corporations and organizations etc.


4 years, 8 semesters


136 credits

Pass the entrance exam to the university and be admitted to a regular full-time course of
Foreign Trade University (FTU).

Courses will be graded base on FTU grading system.
Grade Grade on credits (over 10)
A 8.5 – 10
B 7.0 – 8.4
C 5.5 – 6.9
D 4.0 – 5.4
F Fail (under 4.0)

4.1. General courses: 43 credits
4.2. Specialization course: 93 credits
- Basic core courses: 6 credits
- Major core courses: 18 credits
- Concentration courses: 33 credits
- Elective concentration courses: 15 credits
- General elective courses: 9 credits
- Internship: 3 credits
- Graduation thesis: 9 credits
*This program does not include political science, Physical training and Introduction to
military training as Credit training regulations of MOET
* Training procedure is carried out on a credit hour basis regulated in “The regulations of
tertiary education on credit training system” (issued with Decision number 43/2007/QD-
BGDDT dated 15th August, 2007) of Minister of Education and Training and other regulations
regarding the development of advanced curriculum according to MOET instructions.
4.3. Curriculum

No. Time allocation

of Contact hour Pre-
No. Course name Code Self-
cred Discuss requisite
Lecture study
it ion
4.1. General courses 43
4.1.1 Political theory 10
Principles of Marxism –
1 TRI102 2 20 10 20 None
Leninism 1
Principles of Marxism –
2 TRI103 3 30 15 30 None
Leninism 1
3 Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology TRI104 2 20 10 20 TRI102
Vietnamese Communist TRI02
4 Party’s Revolutionary TRI106 3 30 15 30
Guidance TRI03

4.1.2 Social Science 18

1 Advanced Mathematics TOA103M 3 15 60 0 None
2 Principles of Law PLU111 3 30 15 30
Information Systems and
3 TIN202 3 30 15 30 TOA103M
Logics and Methodology of
4 TRI201 3 30 15 30 TOA103M
study and research
5 Study skill PPH101 3 30 15 30 None
1 Probabilities and statistics TOA201 3 30 15 30 TOA103M

History of Economic Thought

2 KTE301 3 30 15 30 KTE204
and Institutions
4.1.3 Foreign Languages 15
Foreign Language 1 (English, TAN131/
1 3 30 60 0 None
Japanese) TNH131
Foreign Language 2 (English, TAN132/ TAN131/
2 3 30 60 0
Japanese) TNH132 TNH131
Foreign Language 3 (English, TAN231/ TAN132/
3 3 30 60 0
Japanese) TNH231 TNH132
Foreign Language 4 (English, TAN232/ TAN231/
4 3 30 60 0
Japanese) TNH232 TNH231
Foreign Language 5 (English, TAN331/ TAN232/
5 3 30 60 0
Japanese) TNH331 TNH232
4.1.4 Physical training
1 Physical training 150
Introduction to military
Introduction to military
1 165
4.2 Specialization courses 93
4.2.1 Basic core courses 6

1 Intermediate microeconomics KTE202 3 30 15 30 TOA103M

2 Intermediate macroeconomics KTE204 3 30 15 30 KTE202

4.2.2 Major core courses 18
Fundamentals of Money and
1 TCH301 3 30 15 30 None
2 Econometrics KTE309 3 30 15 30 TOA103M

3 Principles of Accounting KET201 3 30 15 30 KTE202

4 Principles of Marketing MKT302 3 30 15 30 None
International Economic
5 KTE306 3 30 15 30 KTE204
6 International Trade Policies TMA301 3 30 15 30
4.2.3 Concentration courses 33
1 Advanced Microeconomics KTE401 3 30 15 30
2 Advanced Macroeconomics KTE402 3 30 15 30 KTE401
3 Investment Economics KTE311 3 30 15 30
4 International Marketing MKT401 3 30 15 30 MKT302
International Business TMA301
5 TMA302 3 30 15 30
Transaction KTE306
Logistics and International
6 TMA305 3 30 15 30 TMA302
7 Intellectual property TMA408 3 30 15 30
8 International payment TCH412 3 30 15 30
9 Insurance in Business TMA402 3 30 15 30
Foreign language 6 (English, TAN332/ TAN331/
10 3 30 60 0
Japanese) TNH332 TNH331
Foreign language 7 (English, TAN431/ TAN332/
11 3 30 60 0
Japanese) TAN431 TNH332
4.2.4 Elective concentration courses 15

International Business Economics

1 Business Economics KTE312 3 30 15 30 KTE204
2 International Investment DTU310 3 30 15 30
3 Business Risk Management KDO402 3 30 15 30 TMA402
4 Customs Operations TMA310 3 30 15 30 TMA302
Law in International Economic TCH412
5 PLU419 3 30 15 30
activities TMA302
(b) International Trade Concentration
1 Service Ecommerce TMA412 3 30 15 30
2 Free Trade Agreements TMA410 3 30 15 30
3 International Negotiation TMA404 3 30 15 30 TMA101
Taxation and Tax System in PLU111
4 TMA320 3 30 15 30
Vietnam TMA301
5 International Trade Law PLU422 3 30 15 30
4.2.5 General Elective courses 9
Branding in International
1 MKT407 3 30 15 30 TMA408
Business Customer MKT401
2 KDO404 3 30 15 30
Relationship TMA408
3 International Business KDO307 3 30 15 30
4 Supply Chain Management TMA313 3 30 15 30 TMA301
5 Technology Transfer TMA406 3 30 15 30 KTE311

6 Strategic Management QTR312 3 30 15 30 KTE312

7 Development Economics KTE406 3 30 15 30
8 Managerial Accounting KET310 3 30 15 30 KET201
9 Environmental Economics KTE404 3 30 15 30 KTE402
Security and Investment
10 DTU401 3 30 15 30 TCH301
11 Financial Economics TCH341 3 30 15 30 KTE204
12 Financial Risk Management TCH409 3 30 15 30 TCH301
Media in International
13 MKT408 3 30 15 30 TMA408
Applied Research
14 PPH102 3 30 15 30 None
15 Corporate Finance TCH321 3 30 15 30 KTE203
4.2.5 Internship KTE501 3
Graduation courses (choose 1
4.3 KTE511 9
in 2 options)
Graduation thesis (conditional
4.3.1 9
1 general elective course or 1
4.3.2 concentration course
Graduation report 6
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


Full Time – Academic period: 4 years (8 semesters)

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


Full Time – Academic period: 4 years (8 semesters)


Semester 1 (2014-2015)

Unit code Unit title Credits

PPH101 Study Skills 3
TRI102 Principles of Marxism – Leninism 1 2
TRI103 Principles of Marxism – Leninism 2 3
TOA103M Advanced Mathematics 3
TOA201 Probabilities and statistics 3
TAN121 English 1 4
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1.General information of the module
Name: Study Skills
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: PPH101
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module: None
2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module
This course is designed to help students improve their soft skills which are important to their
competencies, their studies and careers. Through the contents of this course, students can develop
psychological "soft skills" in the domain of human relations such as interpersonal communication,
public presentation, positive thinking, time management, conflict resolution, and effective
collaboration in team-building skills. This essential suite of courses uses a number of different
profiling tools and techniques to help students understand the knowledge and principles before
unlocking the key to understanding themselves and others and how best to communicate with others.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Identify the benefits, process, types of communication and understand the general principles to
communicate effectively
2. Know how to prepare and deliver a good public presentation with speaking, body language and
visual aids
3. Identify the obstacles of listening and how to overcome them to listen effectively
4. Understand the structure of a good writing and how to write effectively
5. Identify the benefits and the principles to think positively
6. Understand the benefits and techniques to manage time effectively
7. Identify the pros and cons of working in groups and teams; understand the group and team
development process; know how to work in group and team effectively and deal with group conflict.
* Skill
1. Developing public presentation skills (speaking and body language, use visual aids to support)
2. Listen effectively
3. Write academic report, email and letter effectively
4. Think positively
5. Manage time effectively
6. Improve group and teamwork skills
1. Be cooperative, responsible and active in teamwork

2. Be willing to contribute to the group and team; support each other to achieve the goals

5. Study materials:

- Syllabus

1. Robbins, Stephen P, and Coulter, Mary. (2012), Management, 11th Edition, Prentice Hall

- Reference

1. 2. Mile, D.J (2004), Power of positive thinking. Delhi: Rohan Book Company.

2. De Bono, E. (2000), Six Thinking Hats. 2nd Edition. Penguin Books.

3. Caroll, J. (2012), Effective Time Management in easy steps, In Easy Steps Limited.

4. Tracy, B. (2007), Eat that frog. Published: San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Midterm test Writing 30%

Final test Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – Positive thinking

Chapter 2 – Time management

Chapter 3 – Communication

Chapter 4 – Presentation
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: Principles of Marxism – Leninism I
Credits: 2 credits
Unit code: TRI102
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module: None

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theories) 20 classes
- Exercise, Group discussion: 10 classes
- Self-study of students: 20 classes
3. Summary of course;
The Principles of Marxism-Leninism (1) introduces the basic contents of the worldview and
philosophical methodology-the theoretical foundations of Marxism-Leninism. This is the materialist
view of material, consciousness and the relationship between matter and consciousness; on the dialectic
of materialism as the science of the universal connection and on the development of the general laws of
nature, society and thought, includes the principles, rules and couples of categories; on cognitive
reasoning; Historical materialism as a system of social dialectical material views, clarifying the origins,
motives and general rules of the movement and development of the social history of species people.
4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. To provide the students with systematic knowledge about the formation and development of
Marxism – Leninism and its compositional arguments.
2. To provide students with solid knowledge of viewpoints and methodology of Marxism- Leninism,
enabling them to apply basic principles of Marxism – Leninism to scientific researches as well as the
practical issues.
* Skill
1. Critical thinking skill: students can apply Philosophy knowledge, especially methodology principles
in observing and interpreting or explaining natural and social as well as mental objects and phenomena,
hence make effective impact on them in the process of getting scientific awareness and on reality
2. the ability to apply the viewpoint and methodology of Philosophy in approaching others sciences in
their majors.
3. The ability to apply philosophy in building their own righteous outlook on the world and life, and
beliefs on the basis of science.

Transporting the knowledge and skills, through which consult your client, sciences and the
dialectical thinking when see the comment, problem solving in Reasoning and Practicing.

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Ministry of Education and Training, 2009, The Principles of Marxism-Leninism (for undergraduate
students, non-majors in Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought), National Political Publishing
House, Hanoi.

- Reference

1. The Central Council directed the compilation of the national curricula of Marxist-Leninist disciplines,
Ho Chi Minh Thought, 1999, Marxist-Leninist Philosophy Program, National Political Publishing
House, Hanoi.

2. Ministry of Education and Training, 2003, Marxist-Leninist Philosophy Program, National Political
Publishing House, Hanoi.

3. Ministry of Education and Training, 2006, Marxist-Leninist Philosophy Program, National Political
Publishing House, Hanoi.

4. National University of Hanoi, 2008, Some topics on basic principles of Marxism-Leninism (Volume
1), Published, Hanoi

6. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter Introduction: Introduction to Basic Principles of Marxism-Leninism

Chapter 1: The definition of dialectical materialism
Chapter 2: Dialectic Materialism method
Chapter 3: Historical materialism
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


1. General information of the module
Name: Principles of Marxism – Leninism II
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TRI103
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module: None
2. Time allocation
- In class (Theories) 30 classes
- Exercise, Group discussion: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module
The Fundamental principles of Marxism- Leninism (Course no. 2) include two parts:

- The Economic Doctrine of Capitalist Production Method: Comment on Value Theory and Surplus
Value Theory in which students understand the essence of the basic economic categories of an
economy. free market competition. In addition, the Economic Theory also explains the transformation
of capitalism from the period of free competition to monopoly, state monopoly (late 19th century,
early twentieth century) and The basic economic features of the capitalist economy in this period. The
study of the Economic Theory enables them to become acquainted with the scientific abstraction
methodology to find out the nature of economic problems and to understand these theoretical issues
will help. They have basic and basic economic knowledge to study and study economics and

- The Marxist-Leninist Theory of Scientific Socialism: the fundamental content of the historical role
of the working class, the necessity, the content of the socialist revolution and the problems. The
socialist, sociological and social nature of the socialist revolutionary process, the content of building
socialist democracy, the socialist state, the socialist culture as well as the issues of ethnic and religious
in Vietnam today.

What is the course about: its purpose, rationale? What are the general topics or focus of the course?
How does it fit with other courses in the curriculumn? Who is the course aimed at? Why would students
want to take this course and learn this material?It should be about 8–10lines in length.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Explain the nature of the basic economic problems of a free-market economy.
2. Apply the logical thinking method to determine the nature of economic problems, the basic
economic characteristics of the period of free competition and the monopoly period of capitalism.
3. Explain the basic theory of Marxism-Leninism about socialism and socialist revolution.
* Skill
1. Self-study skills, self-study; work independently and work in teams; communication and presentation.
2. Logical thinking skills

1. Self-study, accumulation of knowledge and experience to improve professional qualifications.

2. Having a proper awareness of the Party's and State's undertakings and policies.

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. The Fundermental principles of Marsisim – Leninism, Ministry of Education & Training, 2014,
National polictical publisher

- Reference

1. Ministry of Education & Training, 2006, Curriculum of scientific socialism, National polictical

2. Ministry of Education & Training, 2006, Curriculum of polictial economic of Marxism – Leninism,
National polictical publisher

3. Central Council directing the complilation national curriculums of the Marxist – Leninist science
and Ho Chi Minh thought, 1999, Curriculum of polictial economic of Marxism – Leninism, National
polictical publisher

4. Mai Ngoc Cuong, 2005, Curriculum of History of economic theories, Polictical theory publisher

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes
Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Midterm test Writing 30%

Final test Writing 60%

8. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 4 – Value Theory

Chapter 5 – Surplus Value


Chapter 6 – The Doctrine of Monopoly Capitalism and the CNS

Chapter 7 – The Historical Mission of the Proletariat and the Socialist Revolution

Chapter 8 – Socialist Politics in the Process of Socialist Revolution

Chapter 9 – Socialism and Prospects

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255

1. General information of the module
Name: Advanced Mathematics
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TOA103M
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module: None
2. Time allocation
- In class (Theories) 15 classes
- Exercise, Group discussion: 60 classes
- Self-study of students: 0 classes
3. Summary of module
The courses will cover the fundamentals of Linear Algebra in the first part, including: Matrix and
Determinant; Vector space; Systems of linear equations, Transformations and Quadratic Forms. In the
second part, the courses introduces the fundamentals of Calculus: : functions and limits,
differentiation of the functions, the functions of several variables and implicit functions; max –min
problems; integration; series and differential equation. The courses also introduces the applications of
Linear Algebra and Calculus in Economics and Business.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. The module provides the basic knowledge of linear algebra necessary for accessing models of
economic and managerial decision-making analysis: matrices and determinants; vector space; system
of linear equations.
2. The course provide application of linear algebra in Business and Economics.
3. At the same time, the module provides basic knowledge of mathematical analysis: functions and
limits; differential calculus for one variable function; multivariate functions and hidden functions;
problems; integral calculation; Differential equations are really needed for accessing models of analysis
of decision-making processes in economics and management.
* Skill
The module is designed to give students the ability to think logically, to analyze methods, and to apply
quantitative tools to the application of basic and specialized research.

Have the sense of need, regularly strive to improve the level of learning, research, always find

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Nguyễn Thị Toàn (chủ biên), Lý thuyết Toán cao cấp 1, NXB Thông tin và truyền thông, năm 2012.

2. Phùng Duy Quang (chủ biên), Toán cao cấp ứng dụng trong phân tích kinh tế, NXB Sư phạm, 2012.

3. Lê Sĩ Đồng (chủ biên), Toán cao cấp (phần giải tích), NXB Giáo dục, 2007.

4. Phùng Duy Quang (chủ biên), Bài tập Toán cao cấp 1, NXB Thông tin và truyền thông, năm 2012.

5. Phùng Duy Quang (chủ biên), Hướng dẫn giải bài tập Toán cơ sở ứng dụng trong phân tích kinh tế,
NXB Thông tin và truyền thông, năm 2012.

6. Lê Thanh Cường (chủ biên), Bài tập Toán cao cấp – học phần II, NXBGD, năm 1998.

- Reference

1. Gilbert Strang, Linear Algebra and its Applications 4th Edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole 2006.

2. James Steward, Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, 4th Edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole 2004

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – Matrix and Determinant

Chapter 2 – Vector Space

Chapter 3 – Systems of Linear Equations

Chapter 4 – Orthogonality

Chapter 5 – Transformations and Quadratic Forms

Chapter 6 – Abstract Algebra

Chapter 7 – Differentiation

Chapter 8 – Integration

Chapter 9 – Functions of several variables

Chapter 10 – Multiple integrals

Chapter 11 – Series

Chapter 12 – Differential Equation and Difference Equation

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


1. General information of the module
Name: Theory of probability and statistics
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TOA201
Module: Electives
Prerequisite module: Advanced Mathematics (TOA103M)
2. Time allocation
- In class (Theories) 30 classes
- Exercise, Group discussion: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes

3. Summary of module

The courses will cover the fundamentals of Probability and Statistics: Probability as mathematical
system; discrete, continuous variable and their distributions functions; topics in statistical inference,
including estimation, hypothesis testing. Students should know how to use Probability and statistics as
the instruments to explain, describe in Economic and Business

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
The purpose of the module is to equip future economists with a mathematical guarantee for the
collection and processing of socio-economic information. Students must be familiar with the basic
knowledge of probability - Statistics to serve the modules of Econometrics, Economic Statistics,
Marketing, Stock Market, Financial Risk Management, Quantitative Methods for financial, financial
* Skill
Students must master and apply the basic methods of probability and mathematical statistics in
economic research. Especially using the theory of probability and statistical math to solve practical
problems: forecasting the growth of business activities, price stability in the market, ...
1. Moral, sense of responsibility in the work, the spirit of collective work and professional behavior.

2. Have a sense of need, regularly strive to improve the level of learning, research, always find creative.

5. Study materials:
- Course book
1. Nguyễn Cao Văn & Trần Thái Ninh, Giáo trình Lý thuyết Xác suất & Thống kê Toán, NXB Đại học
Kinh tế Quốc dân, 2009
2. Peter Olofsson, Probability, Statistics, and Stochastic Processes, Wiley, 2005
- Reference
1. Gerald Keller, Statistics for Management and Economics, (Custom Edition) Cengage Learning. 8th
6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-

section) PART I: Probability Theory
Chapter 1: The random event and the probability
Chapter 2: Random variable and probability distribution rule
Chapter 3: Common probability distribution rules
Chapter 4: Two-dimensional random variable
Chapter 5: The limit theorems
Chapter 6: Sample Theory Foundation
Chapter 7: Estimation of the parameters of random variables
Chapter 8: Statistics Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 9: Analysis of correlation and regression
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255

1. General information of the module
Name: English 1
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TAN121
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite: None
2. Time allocation
- In class (Theories) 30 classes
- Exercise, Group discussion: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module
This course is for first-year students at the first semester of high quality program. This course is
designed to provide students with the basic concepts and terms of business English. Lessons relevant
to a variety of authentic situations in the field of business help students better know and understand
the business terms. Also, students are instructed and practiced in two main skills: listening and
speaking. The focus on listening and speaking practice will help students to develop skills to perform
effectively in English language tests in the form of IELTS, TOEFL or other 6-level language ability
tests in Vietnam. After the course, students can learn and use business English terms and concepts in a
number of simple subjects as well as practice reading and writing skills in an academic setting.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Understand the meaning of the topics and use the words learned in daily life on the following topics:
happiness, big idea, connected lives, deep trouble, memory and learning, dangerous cures, nature’s
fury, building wonders, form and function, mobile revolution.
2. Understand the parts of speech and words coming from specific contexts of each topic
3. Master the grammar topics associated with each lesson.
* Skill

4. Listening:

- Listen and understand the content of interviews on topics about life and in the field of
economics. (Topics such as gaining experience, customer satisfaction, products and processes,
job interviews and career, international trade, etc.)

- Listen and answer textbook exercises.

5. Speaking:

- Know how to use vocabulary and structures separately for group discussions, presentations at

- Develop independent presentation skills.

- Have a full range of structures to communicate confidently and support classmates.

6. Reading:

- Read and understand the content of the readings in the textbook on topics as listed above
(including: happiness, big ideas, connected lives, deep trouble, memory and learning, dangerous
cures, nature’s fury, building wonders, form and function, mobile revolution.)

- Use relatively well the skill of guessing main ideas of the reading.

- Understand the main idea of the reading

- Read for detailed information with intermediate level articles

- Identify accurately the purpose of the author in the article.

- Categorize information using T-chart.

- Understand references in the text

7. Writing: Write a complete paragraph (about 150 words) about the following forms:

- A descriptive paragraph

- An opinion paragraph

- A paragraph explaining a chart or graph

- A paragraph with supporting information

- A persuasive paragraph

- A process paragraph

- A comparison paragraph

- A summary

- A problem-solution paragraph

8. Crtical thinking:

- Know how to refer to the meaning of the word based on the context

- Know how to analyze and discuss information

- Know how to synthesize information to identify the similarity of participants.

- Know the problem and identify the solution.

- Know how to synthesize information for group discussion.

- Know how to evaluate the arguments of the author

- Know how to analyze and organize information into a specific outline

- Use the background knowledge to reflect, to express feeling about a specific content.

- Apply the theory learned in dealing with hypothetical situations


1. Be educated in serious, polite and professional manner in the classroom and in daily

2. Be educated in the spirit of working hard, not afraid of difficulties, dedication to society

3. Be educated about the spirit of learning, the spirit of start-up, the attitude of progress and
dedication in the future work.

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Laurie, B., Mari, V., & Keith, S., Pathways Reading, Writing and Critical Thingking 2, 2013,
National Geographic Learning.

2. Allison, J. & Emmerson, P. 2014, The Business 2.0 Pre-Intermediate 3rd Edition Student Book,
Macmillan Education

- Reference

1. Alice Savage, Patricia Mayor, Effective Academic Writing 2, 2007, Oxford University Press

2. Mark,H. 2007 English Pronunciation in Use - Intermediate, Cambridge University Press

3. Mascull, B. 2010 Business Vocabulary in Use: Intermediate 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press

4. Mascull, B. 2010, Business Vocabulary in Use: Elementary to Pre-intermediate 2nd Edition, CEF
Level: A2 Low Intermediate - B1 Intermediate, CUP

5. Shearn, R. & Ferris, A. & Tackett, G. 2012 English at work 2, Cengage Learning Asia

6. Strutt, P. 2010, Market Leader- Business Grammar and Usage, Pearson Longman

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


Full Time – Academic period: 4 years (8 semesters)


Semester 2 (2014-2015)

Unit code Unit title Credits

TAN132 English 2 3
KET201 Principles of Accounting 3
KTE202 Intermediate Microeconomics 3
TIN202 Information Systems and Technologies 3
TRI106 Vietnamese Communist Party’s Revolutionary Guidance 3
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: English 2
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TAN132
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite: English 1 (TAN131)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theories) 30 classes
- Exercise, Group discussion: 60 classes
- Self-study of students: 00 classes
3. Summary of module
This course aims to equip students with basic concepts and terminology in business English. Lessons
that are relevant to the actual situation will help students the terminology better. Students are also
instructed in two main skills: listening and speaking. Teaching procedure and listening- speaking
oriented practice in this course will help students to develop skills to do well on English language
tests in the form of IELTS, TOEFL or other 6-level language ability tests in Vietnam. Learning and
acquiring these terms is essential as it provides students with a solid language foundation for studying
subjects in English in the following semesters.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Understand and use common words and expressions in some familiar topics like: staying healthy in
the modern world, energy and out planet, culture and tradition, a thirsty world, inside the brain, what
we eat, our active earth, ancient peoples and places, species survival, entrepreneurs and new
2. Know parts of speech and word families in specific contexts.
3. Know grammar topics for each lesson.
* Skills

1. Listening:

- Listen and understand the content of the listening tracks in the course on topics as listed in the
"Vocabulary Skills" section above (Including topics: staying healthy in the modern world, energy
and out planet, culture and tradition, a thirsty world, inside the brain, what we eat, our active
earth, ancient peoples and places, species survival, entrepreneurs and new businesses.)

- Use fairly well the ability to guess the main idea when doing the listening exercise

- Have the ability to listen to detailed information and hear the main idea

- Solve moderately difficult listening exercises which require to catch the detailed information

- Know how to use note-taking while listening

2. Speaking:

- Know how to build and implement a short presentation in a logical sequence of steps

- Know how to present your ideas to the crowd in a clear, convincing way

- Know how to communicate politely in different situations.

3. Reading:

- On completion of this course, students should be able to read and understand the content of the
readings on general and business topics, such as work corporate culture, customer support,
products and packaging, careers, making deals, company and community, mergers and
acquisitions, international trade.

- Have proficiency in reading (skimming, scanning, intensive)

4. Writing:

- Understand and distinguish some common types of business communication

- Have ability to write some types of business documents (formal and informal correspondence,
CV, proposal, reports and minutes)


1. Be educated in serious, polite and professional manner in the classroom and in daily
2. Be educated in the spirit of hard work, not afraid of difficulties, and ready to devote to society

3. Be educated about the spirit of learning, the spirit of start-up, the attitude of progress and
dedication in future work.

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Laurie, B., & Mari, V., & Keith, S. (2013). Pathways Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking 2.
National Geographic Learning.

2. Allison, J. & Emmerson, P. 2014, The Business 2.0 B1+ Intermediate 3rd Edition Student Book,
Macmillan Education

3. Strutt, P. 2010, Market Leader- Business Grammar and Usage, Pearson Longman

- Reference

1. Emma Pathare & Gary Pathare, Skillful Listening & Speaking 2, 2012, Macmillan

2. Mark Hancock, English Pronunciation in Use - Intermediate, 2007, Cambridge University Press

3. Mascull, B. 2010, Business Vocabulary in Use: Elementary to Pre-intermediate 2nd Edition, CEF
Level: A2 Low Intermediate - B1 Intermediate, CUP

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: Principles of Accounting
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: KET201
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite: Intermediate Microeconomics (KTE202)
2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of Students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module
This module is designed for students with little or no prior background in accounting in general. The
main purpose is to provide a basic understanding of financial accounting fundamentals for internal
and external users of corporate financial information. Thus, the accounting assumptions and
principles, together with qualitative characteristics of accounting information will be discussed in
depth. In addition, how economic events of a business are recorded in the four main financial
statements (i.e., the income statement, balance sheet, statement of retained earnings and statement of
cash flows) will be provided. Students will develop the basic technical skills needed to analyze
financial statements through ratio analysis for financial analysis purpose.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Understand the basic accounting assumptions and principles, and how they are applied in recording
and reporting economic transactions of a business;
2. Understand the meaning and basic layout of four main financial statements, which are the balance
sheet, income statement, statement of retained earnings and statement of cash flows;
3. Understand the elements of each financial statement which are assets, liabilities, equity, revenue,
expense and dividend;
4. Understand how three basic financial statements fit together to form the entire picture of the business.
* Skill

1. Perform transactions analysis to know how they affect the accounting equation of a business;

2. Apply basic accounting principles in recording economic transactions of a business and

preparing financial statements;

3. Prepare four main financial statements, which are the balance sheet, income statement, cash
flows statement and retained earning statement;

4. Analyze financial statements using basic ratios reflecting liquidity, profitability and solvency of
a corporation.


1. Have an appropriate and professional attitude in accounting profession, which are serious,
careful, hardworking and faithful;

2. Have an appropriate respect towards the professional ethics in accounting and auditing
profession that would leads to an appropriate behavior in an ethical dilemma;

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Exercise Principles of Accounting - University of Economics - Financial Publisher 2010

2. Principles of Accounting - Summary of theory, exercises and system solutions - Dr. Vo Van Nhi -
Finance Publisher- 2009.

- Reference

1. Jerry J. Weygandt; Paul D. Kimmel; and Donald E. Kieso, 2009, Financial accounting: Tool for
business decision making, 9th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 - The nature and object of accounting

Chapter 2 - The financial statements
Chapter 3 - Accounts and double accounting
Chapter 4 - The Price of accounting subjects
Chapter 5 - Certificate of accounting and asset inventory
Chapter 6 - Accounting business process primarily of production units.
Chapter 7 - Organization of accounting and accounting inspection
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1.General information of the module
Name: Intermediate Microeconomics
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: KTE202
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module: Advanced Mathematics (TOA103M)
2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3.Summary of module
The course provides an introduction to a core area of economics known as microeconomics. It
considers the operation of a market economy and the problem of how best to allocate society's scarce
resources. The course considers the way in which various decision making units in the economy
(individuals and firms) make their consumption and production decisions and how these decisions are
coordinated. It considers the laws of supply and demand, and introduces the theory of the firm, and its
components, production and cost theories and models of market structure. The various causes of
market failures are assessed, and consideration is given to public policies designed to correct these
market failures.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Describe basic knowledge of microeconomics and the behavior and manner of decision making
of actors in the economy;
2. Identify basic knowledge of supply and demand, market equilibrium, producer behavior,
consumer behavior, market failures, market for inputs of production;
3. Clarify basic knowledge of tax and subsidy policies for production and consumption;
4. Apply theories related to supply, demand, market equilibrium, price ceiling, floor price, etc.
to explain social phenomena
* Skill

1. Cost-benefit analysis;

2. Decision-making and problem-solving skills;

3. Teamwork skills;

4. Presentation skills;


1. Work diligently, think flexibly and creatively, apply actively principles of economics in
consumption as well as in production and business;

2. Learn patiently and responsibly.

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Mankiw, Gregory (2012). Principles of Economics. 6th edition, International Edition, South-
Western Cengage Learning Mason

2. Principles of Microeconomics, University of National Economics

3. Microeconomics, Department of Education and Training

- Reference

1. Alain Anderton, 2007, Economics, Causeway Press Limited.

2. Krugman, Wells, 2005, Microenonomics: Study Guide and Activation card, , Worth Publisher.

3. David Begg, Stanley Fischer, Rudiger Dornbusch,1991, Economics, 3rd edition, McGraw- Hill.

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)
Chapter 1 – Overview about Economics
Chapter 2 – Market: Demand, Supply, Price
Chapter 3 – Customer behaves
Chapter 4 – Perfect competitive market
Chapter 5 – Imperfect competitive market
Chapter 6 – Factors for production market and corporate choices
Chapter 7 – Labor market
Chapter 8 – Capital and Land market
Chapter 9 – Economical role of State
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: Basic Informatics
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TIN202
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite: Advanced Mathematics (TOA103M)
2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module
Information systems and technologies provides students with fundamental knowledge which
helps them improve their computer skills, including:

- What is information? How is information processed?

- Microsoft Windows operating system, computer network and the Internet.

- Learning how to use Excel proficiently in solving problems in Mathematical Economics.

Designing slides for presentations.

Throughout the course, students will get exposed to different theories of computers and their
applications in our everyday lives and develop proficiency in using computers. Students will also
become more aware of the magnitude of Information Technology (IT) in modern world, thereby
securing better career prospects in the age of globalization.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
The content of the subject fulfill the requirements of Application for Advanced Information
Technology” includes 6 modules of Basic Information Technology and 3 modules of Advanced
Information Technology .
1. Basic definitions of information and information processing.
2. Origins of computers, computer network.
3. Utilize computers and Internet Web resources, learn to do word processing professionally, analyze
data, do statistics using a computer and give a presentation with a slideshow.
* Skill

1. Have a basic understanding of Information Technology.

2. Use a computer smoothly.

3. Be capable of basics of Word processing.

4. Be capable of basics of Spreadsheet.

5. Make a basic slideshow.

6. Know how to utilize the Internet

7. Do advanced word processing

8. Use advanced Spreadsheet

9. Create and run professional slideshows


1. Be responsible and follow appropriate manners, show the spirit of collaboration and

2. Have a growth mind set, strive to advance competency in learning, doing research.

3. Retain a habit of constantly updating and gaining information through such sources as books,
articles and the Internet.

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Ths. Tô Thị Hải Yến (chủ biên), Sách tin học đại cương.

2. Ths. Trần Phương Chi (chủ biên), Bài tập tin học đại cương.
- Reference

3. PGS.TS Hàn Viết Thuận, Giáo trình Tin học ứng dụng, NXB Thống kê

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Multiple choice 30%

Final-term exam Real case test 60%

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


4. General information of the module

Name: Vietnamese Communist Party’s Revolutionary Guidance

Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TRI106
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite: Principles of Marxism –Leninism 1 (TRI102), Principles
of Marxism – Leninism 2 (TRI103)

5. Time allocation

- In class (Theories) 30 classes

- Exercise, Group discussion: 15 classes

- Self-study of students: 30 classes

6. Summary of module

- Vietnamese Communist Party’s Revolutionary Guidance is a compulsory course in the the tertiary

- This course provides students with elementary knowledge of the origin of the Communist Party of
Vietnam and its revolution lines in the course of leading the nation, especially during the Age of
Innovation, Industrialisation and Modernisation since 1986.

- This course plays an essential role in fostering faith, orientating strives towards the Party’s .aims and
outlooks; and raise civil awareness of the issues which our nation is facing today.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Analysis of the Establishment and Operation of the Communist Party of Vietnam – course which
determines Vietnam’s revolution lines.
2. Analysis of the Party’s outlooks and aims during the revolution process of Vietnam, in order to
address the pratical issues.
* Skill

1. Argument and Systematic thinking Skills; Application of the Party’s lines and outlook in
identifying, analyzing and addressing the issues arising from working and in practice in general.

2. Independent study, Teamwork and Presentation Skills on a particular issue in research.


1. Students must have steady political virtues, good ethnicality and social critical thinking to
individually give opinions on the Party’s major policies and guildlines; thus, engaging in the
process of national developments.

2. Students must be active, creative and self-conciously studying and accumulating knowledge and

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Ministry of Education and Training, 2016, Revolution Lines of Vietnam Communist Party Textbook
(For university and college students not in the field of study Marxist – Lennist and Ho Chi Minh’s
Ideology), National Politics Publishing house, Hanoi.

2. Hanoi National University, 2008, Some Seminars on Revolution Lines of Vietnam Communist
Party, Political Theory Publishing house, Hanoi.

3. Ministry of Education and Training, 2007, Some Seminars on History of Vietnam Communist Party,
volume I, II, III, National Politics Publishing house, Hanoi.

- Reference

1. Communist Party of Vietnam, 2005, Party Documents in the Age of Innovation, National Politics
Publishing house, Hanoi.

2. Communist Party of Vietnam, 2006, 2011, 2016, Documents of 10th, 11th, 12th National Delegate
Conferences, National Politics Publishing house, Hanoi.

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes
Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Essays 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 - The origin of Communist Party of Vietnam and its First Political Platform.

Chapter 2 – Line of Struggles to regain control over the Government (1930-1945)

Chapter 3 – Line of Resistance again French colonialism and American imperialism (1945-1975),

Chapter 4 – Line of Industrialization

Chapter 5 – Line of establishing Socialist-oriented Market Economy

Chapter 6 – Line of establishing Political system

Chapter 7 – Line of establishing and developing culture, and addressing social issues

Chapter 8 – Line of External Relations

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


Semester 1 (2015-2016)

Unit code Unit title Credits

PLU101M Principles of Law 3
TAN201M English 3 3
KTE204 Intermediate Macroeconomics 3
MKT301 Principles of Marketing 3
KTE306 International Economic Relations 3
TCH301 Fundamentals of Money and Finance 3
TRI104 Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology 2
TRI201 Logics and Methodology of study and research 3
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: Principles of Law
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: PLU101
Module: Compulsory
2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1: Introduction to the legal system in Vietnam

Chapter 2: Vietnam Civil Law

Chapter 3: Vietnam Law on marriage and family
Chapter 4: Vietnam Litigation law
Chapter 5: Vietnam administrative law
Chapter 6: Vietnam Commercial Law
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: English 3
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TAN231
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite: English 2 (TAN132)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theories) 30 classes
- Exercise, Group discussion: 60 classes
- Self-study of students: 00 classes
3.Summary of module
English 3 is the module for high-quality class in the second year. Students have already completed
two modules: English 1 and English 2 before taking English 3. In this module, two skills are more
focused namely advanced reading and writing skills so that students are able to use English
effectively in different situations not only at work but also in daily life. In addition, students have
chances to practice more direct communication exercises as well as online exercises. So, they can
improve their English to be able to meet the requirements of the standard equivalent output B2-

This module has an important role because of the following reasons:

– Expand and improve business English vocabulary for students in key topics such as education and
career, quality and standards, managing people and projects, marketing mix, financial documents and
regulations, contracts and corporate ethics, etc. create conditions for students to continue to study
subjects in English in the next semester;

- Improve reading and writing skills and study capability and do the English test in the type of
different exams (TOEFL, IELTS, FCE, etc.). Through the practice of the skills of listening, speaking,
reading, writing scholarly, students have the opportunity to contact and get familiar with academic
English which is widely used in foreign universities, help students update with language and the
world trend.
- Strengthen students’ critical thinking. These are skills needed in the life and work of the children later.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Understand the vocabulary related to topics such as education and career, quality and standards,
managing people and projects, marketing mix, financial documents and regulations, contracts and
corporate ethics, social relationships, science and detection, city solutions, business and tourism,
landscape and imagination, global appetites, medical innovators, world languages, survival instinct.
2. Grasp and apply the grammar according to actual business situations.
3. Master the grammar topics associated with each unit and the structure and writing different text types
4. Establish, solve the situation in the Case-study.
* Skills

1. Speaking

- Build up their specific knowledge of oral communication in realistic business situations that
they need for their future career.

- Comfortably communicate English in real situations.

- Present business topics in English before the crowd;

2. Listening:

- Listen to understand the long and difficult article related to business English and different
reading formats, especially the form of Note-taking;

3. Reading

- Read and understand the content of the article in books about topics such as social
relationships, science and detection, city solutions, business and tourism, landscape and
imagination, global appetites, medical innovators, world languages, survival instinct.

- Use relatively proficient skills of reading (skimming) to find out the main idea of the article read.

- Read fluently (scanning) to get the details

- Read to understand many different texts.

- Read and sort types of chart used in readings texts.

- Understand the tone and purpose of the author in the article.

4. Writing

Write a completed essay of some different types:

- Comparison essay

- Explanatory essay

- Persuasive essay

- Research-based essay

- Have the ability to write is the category text such as: emails, short reports, agenda of meetings,

5. Critical thinking:

- Know how to identify and use the information to defend perspective

- Know how to distinguish factual information (fact) with the information (speculation)

- Know how to evaluate the different information sources.

- Know how to receive analysis and information (evidence)

- Demonstrates how to analyze the views of writer (writer's argument)

- Understand the language embodied in the form of data.

- Know how to identify and review perspective.

- Develop and apply critical thinking skills to speaking and writing process.

- Work independently, develop interpersonal and assertiveness skills as well as evaluate and give
feedback on their classmate’s written document.

- Develop pair work and teamwork through project completion and oral presentation.


1. Be educated about serious attitude, courtesy and professionalism in actual business situations,
group work, independent work.

2. 75% minimum participation of class

3. Fully complete homework each week

4. Do the test seriously

5. Be professional in the field.

6. Be courteous and dynamic learners

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Laurie,B., & Mari, V., & Keith, S. (2013). Pathways Reading, Writing and Critical Thingking 3.
National Geographic Learning.

2. Allison, J. & Emmerson, P. 2014, The Business 2.0 2rd Edition B2 Upper-Intermediate Student
Book, Macmillan Education

3. Strutt, P. 2010, Market Leader- Business Grammar and Usage, Pearson Longman

- Reference

1. Mark Powell, 2015 In company 3.0 Intermediate Macmillan

2. Mark Powell & John Allison 2015 In company 3.0 Upper-intermediate Macmillan

3. Frances Eales & Steve Oakes 2011 Speakout Upper-intermediate Pearson Longman

4. Mark Powell 2004 New Business Matters Heinle Thomson

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: Intermediate Macroeconomics
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: KTE204
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite modules: Intermediate Microeconomics (KTE202)
2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of course
The course aims to introduce the fundamentals of Macroeconomics, such as the basic fundamentals
of GDP accounting, factors determining output, inflation, unemployment, interest, exchange rate and
preliminary fundamentals of macroeconomic policies. On completion of this course, students should
be able to understand regular macroeconomic phenomena or policies by using macroeconomics tools
to analyze and predict the effects to the economy.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Understand fundamental principles of macroeconomics in the basic concepts such as GDP, CPI,
unemployment, inflation; factors that determine output, price level, interest rate and exchange rate of
2. Apply fundamental macroeconomic models to examine macroeconomic policies
* Skill
3. Skills of constructing macroeconomic policies suitable to each situation of economy

4. Skill of forecasting outcomes of macroeconomic policies in economy

1. Being active in finding and researching macroeconomic issues

2. Being discretional in assessing macroeconomic problems

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. N.Gregrogy Mankiw, Principles of Economics, International Student Edition, Third edition,

Thormson, 2004.

2. N.Gregrogy Mankiw, Macroecomics, Seventh Edition, Harvard University, Worth Publishers, 2010.

3. D.Begg, S.Fisher,R.Dorchbusch, Economics, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1991

- Reference

1. Arthus O’Sullivan, Steven M. Sheffrin & Stephen J.Perez, Economics: Principles, Applications, and
Tools, Seventh Edition, Printice Hall, 2012.

2. Paul Krugman & Robin Wells, Macroeconomics, Worth Publisher, Second Edition, 2006.

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – Overview macroeconomics
Chapter 2 – Market, Supply, Demand and Government’s role
Chapter 3 – Fundamental indicators of Macroeconomics
Chapter 4 – Aggregate Demand and Simple Multiplier model
Chapter 5 – Currency, Banking and Monetary Policies
Chapter 6 – IS-LM Model, Financial – Monetary policy in IS-LM model
Chapter 7 – Aggregate Demand – Aggregate Supply model
Chapter 8 – Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply model: Aggregate Supply theories
Chapter 9 – Unemployment and Inflation
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: Principles of Marketing
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: MKT301
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module: None
2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module
The course is designed to provide students with basic knowledge in the organization and execution of
marketing activities in businesses including describing and analyzing environmental factors that affect
marketing activities of businesses, understanding behavior of consumers and business buyers,
designing marketing research and using marketing research methods to make marketing mix
decisions. The course helps students to apply marketing knowledge in doing business in domestic and
international markets.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to\:

* Knowledge
1) Understand and apply fundamental principles of marketing in businesses
2) Describe marketing policies (4Ps) and marketing mix
* Skills
3) Analyze marketing environment
4) Prepare marketing research
5) Analyze, assess and select target markets
6) Critical thinking skills (Defend viewpoint)
* Attitudes
7) Develop marketing career responsibilities in accordance with customer-centric principles

5. Study materials:

- Coursebook

1. "Principle of Marketing, 13th Edition”, Kotler & Amstrong 2010, Pearson Prentice Hall

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Midterm test Writing 30%

Essay Group Encourage Points

Final test Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – Introduction to marketing

Chapter 2 – Marketing environment

Chapter 3 – Marketing research

Chapter 4 – Consumer market and consumer behaviour

Chapter 5 – Business market and business behavior

Chapter 6 – Market segmentation, targeting and

positioning Chapter 7 – Product strategies

Chapter 8 – Pricing strategies

Chapter 9 – Place (distribution) strategies

Chapter 10 – Promotion strategies

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


1. General information of the module
Name: Fundamentals of money and finance
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TCH301
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite: None
2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Course Objective
This course unit introduces the fundamental concepts and techniques of finance. It is designed for
non- finance specialist students or those without background knowledge in finance. It seeks to
develop the financial literacy of the layperson.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1) Understand basic knowledge of money, banking and financial markets
2) Understand the nature of money, how money circulates and its impact to the economy
3) Understand how financial system works and role of financial institutions and the role of central
bank in conducting monetary policy
* Skill

1. Analyzing and problem-solving skill

2. Critical thinking skills

3. Apply knowledge in practice


1. Develop professional ethics in society and career

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Midterm test Writing 30%

Final test Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1: Corporate finance and investment decisions
Chapter 2: Accounting and financial statements analysis
Chapter 3: Economics for finance
Chapter 4: Quantitative methods for finance
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


1. General information of the module
Name: International economic relations
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: KTE306
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module: Intermediate Microeconomics (KTE202),
Intermediate Macroeconomics (KTE204)
2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module:
A study on the formation and development of relationships that arise when moving internationally
elements and means of the process of social reproduction in the contemporary world:

(i) The relationship of international movement of goods and services (international trade),

(ii) The relationship of international capital movement (international investor relations)

(iii) The relationship of international cooperation of science, technology and environment

(international cooperation in science, technology and the environment)

(iv) The relationship of the international movement of labor

(v) The relationship of international movement of monetary (international finance - currency)

(vi) The formation and development of the process of international economic integration as the
overall international economic relations.

4. Study materials:
- Coursebook
1. International Economic Relations, IR Institute, National Political Publisher, 2006.
2. Economic relations between the U.S., Japan and Vietnam, the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, National Political Publisher, 2001.

3. Economic relations between the U.S. - Japan and the EU, Institute of World Economy, 2001.

4. William H. Liberman, Irwin, Trade Friction between Japan and US, 1989.
5. Bernard M Hoekman, Michel M. Kosteski; The Political Economy of the World
Trading System, Second Edition, Oxford, 2001.

- References
1. Ellsworth P. T., The International Economy, New York: Macmillan, US, 1964.
2. El-Agraa Ali M., The Theory of International Trade, London: Croom Helm, UK, 1983.
3. Thomas D. Lairson and David Skidmore, International Political Economy, Harcourt
Brace College Publisher, US, 1997.

4. Gilpin Rober, The Political Economy of International Relations, Princeton University

Press, UK, 1987.

5. Williamson J. & Milner C., The World Economy: A Textbook in International Economics,
London: Cambridge University Press, UK, 1991.

5. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Midterm test Writing 30%

Essay Group Encourage Points

Final test Writing 60%

6. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-

section) Chapter 1: The concept of international economic
relations Chapter 2: International Trade
Chapter 3: Foreign direct investment and transnational companies
Chapter 4: Foreign aid
Chapter 5: Foreign debt and financial crises of the developing countries
Chapter 6: International cooperation in science, technology and environment
Chapter 7: International movement of labor
Chapter 8: The foreign exchange market and the balance of international payments
Chapter 9: International Economic Integration
Chapter 10: The international economic institutions
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


1. General information of the module
Name: Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology
Credits: 2 credits
Unit code: TRI104
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module: Principles of Marxism-Leninism 2 (TRI102)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 20 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 10 classes
- Self-study of students: 20 classes
3. Summary of module
The Ho Chi Minh Ideology aims to introduce students to the Ho Chi Minh ideology system on
the revolutionary road of Vietnam, from the national revolution, the people's democracy to the
socialist revolution. These are the views on national issues, the revolution of national liberation;
about great national unity, combining national strength with the power of the times; Socialism
and transitional road to socialism in Vietnam; about the Communist Party of Vietnam, on
building the state of the people, by the people, for the people; ethics, culture and the
construction of new people; training for the revolutionary generation for the next life; on the
creative application of Marxism-Leninism in Vietnam; On the quintessence of national culture
and intellectual age to liberate people, class and human liberation.

4. Course Objective

On completion of this course, the students should be able to\:

* Knowledge
1. Applying Ho Chi Minh Ideology system in social reality in Vietnam
2. Applying Ho Chi Minh's moral thinking and culture in building a new moral, new culture
3. Applying basic knowledge of Marxism-Leninism to solve practical problems.
4. The guiding principle is Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's Ideology
* Skills
1. Applying subject knowledge, using Ho Chi Minh’s methodology principles to review
and interpret the policy lines of the Communist Party of Vietnam as well as in real life.
2. Be aware of the development rules of Vietnamese society.
3. Applying the worldview and methodology of Ho Chi Minh to the current practice
of innovation.
4. Following the living and working style of Ho Chi Minh's moral ideals and example
*Professional Autonomy and Responsibility:

1. Forming patriotic love for the country and the people; life is ambition, ideal; The desire
to build a strong Vietnam.

2. Having a clean, healthy, simple lifestyle following Ho Chi Minh's moral example.

3. Have a way of life ethical, love the good, the good, fight against the negative, wrong.

5. Study materials:

- Coursebook

1. Understanding Ho Chi Minh Thought, Pham Ngoc Anh, 2009, National

Political Publishing House, Hanoi.

2. Study materials of Ho Chi Minh ideology, Central Ideology and Culture

Commission, 2003, National Library of Vietnam, Hanoi.

3. Questions about Ho Chi Minh Thought, Hoang Trang, Nguyen Thi Kim Dung,
2007, National University Press, Hanoi

- Reference

1. Resolutions and Documents of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

2. Ho Chi Minh: full set, anthology, chronicle biography, CDROOM Ho Chi Minh full set.

1. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes
Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Midterm test Writing 30%

Essay Group Encourage Points

Final test Writing 60%

2. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – Foundations and Processes for Formation and Development of Ho Chi Minh

Chapter 2 – Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology on Ethnic Problems and the Revolution of National

Chapter 3 – Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology on Social and the Transition to Socialism in Vietnam

Chapter 4 – Ho chi Minh’s ideology about the Communist Party of Vietnam

Chapter 5 – Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology on Great National nity and International Solidarity

Chapter 6 – Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology on the State Building of the People, by the People, for the

Chapter 7 – Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology on Culture, Ethnics and New Human Being (Section I.
Ho Chi Minh’s Basic Perspectives on Culture)

Chapter 8 – Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology on Culture, Ethnics and New Human Being (Section II.
Ho Chi Minh’s thought on Morality, Section III. Ho Chi Minh’s Thoughts on Building New
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


1. General information of the module
Name: Logics and methodology of study and research
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TRI201
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module: Advanced Mathematics (TOA103M)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module
The course Logics and Methodology of study and research includes two parts:

The Logics part includes elementary contents of basic forms and principle of reasoning.

The Methodology of study and research part includes the basis of studying, methodology to
practice learning competence and tertiary learning method; elementary contents of science
research, besides identification science issues, features of scientific research, orders of scientific
research, scientific themes, scientific doctrines, methods to collect and process data, methods to
present scientific study outcomes...

As a general education course, this course shall provide students with knowledge and skills

- Assist students to have an inclination of correct thinking and concise reasoning; which prevent
vague reasoning and discrepancy in thinking.

- Assist students to attain basic knowledge about modern learning methods and ability to apply
these methods in the course of studying.

- Assist students to attain several basic skills in scientific research; directly help students to be
able to conduct essays and scientific themes in the course of studying.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to\:

* Knowledge
1. Application of forms and principles of thinking, including logical acts concerning
notions, speculation and inference in awareness and practical activities.
2. Application of scientific basis of learning and tertiary learning method in the course
of studying.
3. Application of knowledge on structuring scientific research, scientific theme, some methods
to study science and present scientific study outcomes.
* Skills
1. Self-studying skill; independent working and teamworking; communication and presentation.
2. Positive thinking skill
*Independent Ability and Responsibility:

1. Self-study and accumulate knowledge and experiences to enhance professional


5. Study materials:

- Coursebook

1. Logics and Research and graduate study methodology Textbook, Doan Van Khai,
Nguyen Anh Tuan, Du Dinh Phuc, 2016, published by the Education , Hanoi, Vietnam.

2. Scientific Research Methodology, Vu Cao Dam, 2014, published by the Science and
Technical , Vietnam (the 18th edition).

3. Introduction of Logics, Vuong Tat Dat, 2010, published by Hanoi National University,

4. Introduction of Logics Textbook, Nguyen Thuy

- Reference
1. Solving logics exercise Methodology, 2010, Vuong Tat Dat, published by Hanoi
University of Science and Technology , Vietnam.

2. Rapid Thinking Methodology, Bobbi Deporter and Mike Hernacki, 2009, published by
Knowledge, Vietnam.

3. To succeed in University, Bob Smale & Julie Fowlie, 2014, published by Youth, Vietnam.

4. Critical Thinking, Greg Bassham, William Irwin, Henry Nardone, James M. Wallace,
2012, publis

5. Introduction to logic, Harry J. Gensler, 2017, published by Routledge, London, third

edition. hed by McGraw Hill, fifth edition.

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Midterm test Writing 30%

Essay Group Encourage Points

Final test Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – Notions

Chapter 2 – Speculation

Chapter 3 – Inference

Chapter 4 – Basic principles of Formal Logics

Chapter 5 – Elementary issues in tertiary learning methodology

Chapter 6 – Elementary issues in scientific research methodology

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City
Campus 15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi
Minh City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


Full Time – Academic period: 4 years (8 semesters)


Semester 2 (2015-2016)

Unit code Unit title Credits

TAN232 English 4 3
KTE401 Advanced Microeconomics 3
KTE309 Econometrics 3
KTE311 Investment Economics 3
KTE402 Advanced Macroeconomics 3
MKT401 International Marketing 3
TMA302 International Business Transaction 3
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: English 4
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TAN232
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite: English 3 (TAN231)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theories) 30 classes
- Exercise, Group discussion: 60 classes
- Self-study of students: 00 classes
3.Summary of module
English 4 is the last course of the general English program designed for high quality students at
advanced level. The course aims to increase students’ abilities in writing and speaking Business
English. Its content is supported by systematic work on level-appropriate vocabulary of various
business areas including Training, Employment Trends, Ethics, Consultants, Strategy, New
Business and Project Management, on business skill-related speaking tasks involving
Networking, Clarifying and Confirming, Resolving Conflicts, Ethical Problem Solving,
Negotiating, Brainstorming and Creativity, Chasing Payment and Teleconferencing, and on
written business communications skills such as Emails, Action Points, Summarizing Terms and
Conditions, Mission Statement, Proposal for Growth Strategy and Report.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Understand and exploit business terms, structures of English in different business contexts.
2. Comprehend basic information on business in the English language so as to prepare
themselves for further business studies.
3. Research and engage in real-life corporate activities through case studies.
4. Build up their specific knowledge of oral communication in realistic business situations that
they need for their future career.
5. Understand the conventions of standard written English, writing models in business and
critically analyze information to produce written documents (emails, reports, action points…)
* Skills

1. Develop and apply critical thinking skills to speaking and writing process.

2. Work independently, develop interpersonal and assertiveness skills as well as evaluate

and give feedback on their classmate’s written document.

3. Develop pair work and teamwork through project completion and oral presentation.


1. Be professional in the field.

2. Be courteous and dynamic learners.

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. English for Business – Speaking and Writing, complied by Hoang Thi Hoa (PhD), Le Thi
Huyen (MA), Pham Thi Mai (MA), Science and Technics Publishing House, 2016

- Reference

1. In company 3.0 Advanced, Mark Powell, Macmillan, 2015

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Team presentation and Oral 60%

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: Advanced Microeconomics
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: KTE401
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module: Intermediate Microeconomics (KTE201), Probabilities
and Statistics (TOA201)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of Module
This course provides advanced knowledge in market economy, the behaviors and reactions of
business firms and consumers in a variety of market environments, emphasizing their strategies
for optimization. Moreover, two important topics, which are choice under uncertainty and
general equilibrium are also presented.

4. Course objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to\:

* Knowledge
1. Analyze advanced knowledge of microeconomics and the behavior and manner of decision
making of actors in the economy under four types of market structure (perfectly competitive
firms, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly);
2. Analyze advanced knowledge in markets for factors of inputs such as labor, capital, and land.
3. Analyze advanced knowledge on decision under uncertainty and general equilibrium and
Economic efficiency;
4. Apply advanced knowledge to discuss and analyze some microeconomics topics
* Skills
1. Cost-benefit analysis
2. Decision-making and problem-solving skills
3. Teamwork skills;
4. Presentation skills.

1. Diligent working, flexible and creative thinking, actively applying economics in

consumption as well as in production and business.

2. Patience in learning, responsible for learning

5. Study materials:

- Coursebook

1. Pindyck R.S., Daniel L. Rubinfeld, 2008. Microeconomics. Prentice Hall Inc., 2008.

- Reference

1. Samuelson Paul A., William D. Nordhaus, 1995. Economics (15th edition). The
McGraw Hill Education, 1995

2. Varian, Hal R. , 2005. Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach (7th ed.).

New York, NY: W.W. Norton, 2005

3. Mankiw N. G, 2011. Principles of Microeconomics (6th edition). Worth Publisher, 2011

4. Krugman, Wells, 2005. Microenonomics: Study Guide and Activation card.

Worth Publisher, 2005

5. Begg D., Stanley Fischer, Rudiger Dornbusch, 1991. Economics (3rd edition),
McGraw- Hill, 1991

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Midterm test Writing 30%

Essay Group Encourage Points

Final test Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – Demand theory

Chapter 2 – Choice under uncertainty

Chapter 3 – Theory of the firm

Chapter 4 – Perfect competition and monopoly

Chapter 5 – Monopolistic competition and

oligopoly Chapter 6 – Markets for factor input

Chapter 7 – General equilibrium and Economic efficiency

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1.General information of the module
Name: Econometrics
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: KTE309
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module: Advanced Mathematics (TOA103M)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3.Summary of module
The goal of this course is to support the knowledge of econometrics in a wide range of methods
to estimate the economic relations. Given a well-defined economic phenomena, the
undergraduate students could use regression analysis to clear the correlations among economic
variables. Emphasis will be placed on the students’ablity to understand how to establish a
regression model, how to implement it and more importantly how to interpret the results of
regression. Eeconometrics is seen as the dominant method in terms of applicability, accuracy
and efficiency by measuring exactly the economic relations in economic science. After studying
the course, the students know how to use the statistical methods to analyze the quantitative
aspects of economic problems in sector of macroeconomics, microeconomics, labor economics,
financial economics, development economics, etc.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Have good knowledge in the classical multiple linear regression model
2. Have good knowledge in the ordinary least square estimation and statistical inference
3. Know to regress the model with econometrics soft wares as stata and gretl, interpret the
results of economic relations as well.
* Skill

1. Critically evaluate work in applied economics.

2. Analyze empirical data to solve a variety of economic relations.

3. Make use of econometric software packages as tools of quantitative and statistical

analysis to compute empirical results.

4. Understand the assumptions behind the models that are used and the limitations of the
results obtained.

5. Understand the nature of uncertainty and the methods that can be used to deal with it


1. Guarantee the exactness of data and information

2. Be responsible of the learning

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. N.Gregrogy Mankiw, Principles of Economics, International Student Edition, Third

edition, Thormson, 2004.

2. N.Gregrogy Mankiw, Macroecomics, Seventh Edition, Harvard University, Worth

Publishers, 2010.

3. D.Begg, S.Fisher,R.Dorchbusch, Economics, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill Book

Company, 1991

- Reference

1. Arthus O’Sullivan, Steven M. Sheffrin & Stephen J.Perez, Economics:

Principles, Applications, and Tools, Seventh Edition, Printice Hall, 2012.

2. Paul Krugman & Robin Wells, Macroeconomics, Worth Publisher, Second Edition, 2006.
6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub- section)

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Econometrics

Chapter 2 – Simple Linear Regression Model

Chapter 3 - Multiple Linear Regression Model

Chapter 4 – Statistical Inference

Chapter 5 – Diagnosing Model Problems

Chapter 6 – Multi regression analysis with qualitative information: binary (or dummy)
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255

1. General information of the module
Name: Advanced Macroeconomics
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: KTE401
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module: Advanced Microeconomics (KTE401)

2.Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module
This course is a survey of modern macroeconomics at a quite intermediate level. Topics include
the neoclassical growth model, endogenous growth models, business cycles, fiscal and
monetary policy, consumption and savings, and unemployment. The course is also an
introduction to the mathematical tools used in modern macroeconomics, LS/LM model,
Mundell-Fleming model, Phillips curve including dynamic systems, optimal control, and
dynamic programming. The theory and, economic policy debate will be investigated.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Understand intermediate macroeconomics model such as IS – LM model, Mundell – Fleming
model, various consumption models, Solow model of economic growth
2. Apply such macroeconomic models to examine macroeconomic policies
* Attitude
1. Being active in finding and researching macroeconomic issues
2. Being comprehensive in assessing macroeconomic problems

1. Skill of constructing macroeconomic policies suitable to each situation of economy

2. Skill of forecasting outcomes of macroeconomic policies in closed on open economy in

the short run and long run as well

5. Study materials:

- Coursebook

1. N.Gregrogy Mankiw, Macroecomics, Seventh Edition, Harvard University, Worth

Publishers, 2010.

- Reference

1. Oliver Blanchard, Macroeconomics: A European Perspective, First Edition, Prentice Hall,


2. Ward,D. & D.Begg, Economics –Student Workbook, Eighth Edition, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, 2005

3. Froyen, R.T.& L.Low, Macroeconomics: An Asian Perspective, Prentice Hall, 2001.

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Midterm test Writing 30%

Essay Group Encourage Points

Final test Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – Revision of Principles of Macroeconomics and Introduction to Intermediate


Chapter 2 – IS-LM model and Aggregate Demand in a closed economy

Chapter 3 – Mundell-Fleming model and AD in an open economy

Chapter 4 – Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

Chapter 5 – Theories of consumption

Chapter 6 – Neoclassical theory of business fixed investment

Chapter 7 – Theories of money demand

Chapter 8 – Economics growth models

Chapter 9 – Macroeconomics policy debates

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: International Marketing
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: MKT401
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module: Principles of Marketing (MKT302)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module
The course equips students with in-depth knowledge of international marketing and tools for
marketing planning in foreign markets. Students should be able to analyze factors of
international marketing environment that can affect international marketing of businesses, find
target export markets, study behavior of importers to design international marketing plans in
international business.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Understand and apply in-depth knowledge about international marketing in market
analysis and international business context.
2. Analyze and plan international marketing strategies
* Skill
1. Analyze and assess the business environment using tools such as SWOT, PESTEL, EFE,
IFE, and KSF.
2. Design marketing research in international marketing context
3. Analyze data, assess and select exporting markets
4. Develop plans in international markets
5. Discuss and explain marketing problems
6. Teamwork

1. Having customer-centric thoughts and attitudes

5. Study materials:

- Coursebook

1. Cateora, Gilly & Graham, 2011, International Marketing, 15th edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Midterm test Writing 30%

Essay Group Encourage Points

Final test Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – Overview of International Marketing

Chapter 2 – International Marketing environment

Chapter 3 – Market research in International Marketing

Chapter 4 – International Marketing Planning

Chapter 5 – International Product Strategies

Chapter 6 – International Pricing Strategies

Chapter 7 – International Distribution Strategies

Chapter 8 – International Promotion Strategies

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: International Business Transaction
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TMA302
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite: International Trade Policies (TMA301),
International Economic Relations (KTE306)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theories) 30 classes
- Exercise, Group discussion: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module
A compulsory course that is designed for students from many disciplines. This course provides
students with knowledge and skills related to international trade. The program develops
understanding of theoretical and conceptual frameworks that enhance understanding of
conducting commercial transactions in accordance with international regulations and practices
in various forms such as direct transactions, intermediary transactions, re-export, auction,
bidding, and franchise. The complex nature of the international business environment is
examined, including the effects on international trade of major changes to economic,
technological, social, institutional and cultural environments.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Gain fundamental knowledge of theoretical and conceptual frameworks of international trade
2. Synthesize knowledge of economics, business, legal, socio-culture to facilitate global market
3. Apply strategies and tactics in international trade flexibly and creatively
* Skill

1. Synthesize and analyze issues in international trade transaction including planning, work
arrangement, goal setting, motivating, budget managing, internet branding, and stress

2. Solve problems related to international trade transaction including problem identification,

problem generalization, problem analysis, and solutions in the global environment

3. Develop, implement, and transfer knowledge related to international trade transactions

and prioritize issues using cost and benefit analysis

4. Update and predict the development of the international trade transactions and master
technology in international trade transactions

5. Formulate hypotheses and process information related to international trade transactions.

6. Grasp society requirements for international trade transactions. Link international trade
transactions to historical and cultural contexts and current issues.


1. Have personal qualities in dealing with colleagues, partners from different cultures and
have abilities in difficulty coping.

2. Have professional ethics in adherence to freedom, voluntary, and mutual respect in

international trade transactions. Professionally behave, independently work and proactively
perform tasks

3. Have ethical qualities in complying with business law, international trade regulations, and
international trade practices

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Phạm Duy Liên (2012), Giao dịch thương mại quốc tế, NXB Giao thông vận tải

2. ICC, Incoterms 2010

- Reference

1. ICC, Incoterms 2010 Q&A, 2013

2. Edgar Topritzhofer, International Business Transactions, risk analysis and tool for risk
management, Publishing house Freya KG, Austria 2010

3. Fabio Bortolotti, Drafting and Negotiating International Sales Contract, 2013

4. ICC, Model International Sales Contract, 2013

5. ICC,Guide to Incoterms 2010, 2011

6. Jan Ramberg, International Commercial Transactions, 2011

7. United Nations, Công ước Viên 1980.

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-

section) Chapter 1 - Modes of International Trade

Transactions Chapter 2 – Incoterms

Chapter 3 – Contracts for international sales of goods

Chapter 4 – Export Management

Chapter 5 – Import Management

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


Full Time – Academic period: 4 years (8 semesters)


Semester 1 (2016-2017)

Unit code Unit title Credits

TAN301M English 5 3
DTU310 International Investment 3
TMA305 Logistics and International Transportation 3
KTE312 Business Economics 3
TCH412 International payment 3
TMA408 Intellectual property 3
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: English 5
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TAN331
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite: English 4 (TAN32)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theories) 30 classes
- Exercise, Group discussion: 60 classes
- Self-study of students: 00 classes
3. Summary of module
This course is designed not only to provide students with useful specific knowledge in Business
English but also to equip them with the written competence in common letters and business
correspondence in particular. Students will have the opportunities to get access to the right
format, content and style of commercial letters. In particular, tudents will learn how to write
some common bussiness letters such as: enquiries and replies, offers and quotation, orders,
complaints and adjustments. Furthermore, students will master the skills in writing application
letter and developing an effective professional CV for their job application. Students will
explore samples of up-to-date business letters so as to understand the principles of business
communication in written forms.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Have knowledge about letters and other communicative written forms in business.
2. Understand the basic principles in dealing with business partners and customers through
business correspondence.
3. Use accurate vocabulary in specific business transactions.
* Skills

1. Have effective business written communication techniques.


1. Learn about polite and professional attitude in written communication for future jobs.

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Ashley, Oxford Handbook of Commercial Correspondence – Workbook, 2nd Edition,

Oxford University Press.

2. Nguyễn Trọng Đàn, The Language of Business Correspondence in English.

- Reference

1. Paul Emmersion, Email English 2nd edition, 2004, Macmillan.

2. Rebecca Chapman, English for Emails, 2003, Oxford Business English.

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Group presentation 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
7. General information of the module
Name: International Investment
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: DTU310
Module: Electives
Prerequisite: Intermediate Macroeconomics (KTE204),
Investment Economics (KTE311)
8. Time allocation

- In class (Theories) 30 classes

- Exercise, Group discussion: 15 classes

- Self-study of students: 30 classes

9. Summary of module
This course provides students with concepts and principles regarding main categories of
international financial flows namely ODA, FDI, FPI and commercial loans. The focus of the
course will be on FDI, its rationales, national and international rules; and its main players.
Besides, the course focuses on M&A, which is the main FDI entry mode. Furthermore,
domestic FDI policy, international investment agreements (Bilateral Investment Treaty,
Regional Investment Treaty, etc.) and globalization trend are also investigated during the
course. Other important contents are TNCs (Transnational Companies/Corporations) and their
investment strategies.

4. Course Objectives
On completion of this course, the students should be able to:
* Knowledge
1. Understand, explain and apply international investment forms, international
investment theories;
2. Comprehend and explain determinants of FDI, compute international investment strategy
for TNCs;
3. Understand domestic FDI policy and international investment agreements.
* Skill

1. Construct professional working ability and building independent and creative working
skill, implement work in group with different positions and to combine between theory and
practice harmoniously;

2. Use the skills of critical thinking and presentation systematically a package of knowledge
by academic literacy, flexible communication of the message, and combination
harmoniously between oral speaking and body language.

1. Develop correct attitudes and adapt confidence in work by complying general regulations;
2. Respect other people in the community: being actively, coordination effectively in work.
5. Study materials:
- Course book
1. Loc, V. C. (2012). Đầu tư quốc tế (International Investment). Hanoi: NXB Giao duc
- Reference
1. UNCTAD, 2010, Virtual Institute Teaching Material on Economic and Legal Aspects
of Foreign Direct Investment, New York and Geneva
2. Imad Moosa, 2008, Foreign Direct Investment: Theories, Practice, and Evidence, Palgrave.
3. UNCTAD, 1998, World Investment Report 1998, Trends and Determinants.
4. UNCTAD, 2003, World Investment Report 2003, International Investment Treaties
6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – Overview about International investment
Chapter 2 – Economic Aspect of Foreign Direct Investment
Chapter 3 – International production: long-term trends and current patterns
Chapter 4 – Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment
Chapter 5 – Policy aspects of FDI in developing countries
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City
Campus 15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi
Minh City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


1. General information of the module
Name: Logistics and International Transportation
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TMA305
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite: International Business Transaction (TMA302)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theories) 30 classes
- Exercise, Group discussion: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module
This course involves international transportation and logistics as tools to serve international
sales contracts. Emphases are on arranging transportation process and related things to move
goods from seller’s country to buyer’s country by different modes (sea, air, road, and
multimodal transport). Carrier’s liability and other legal issues in transportation contracts are
also important contents that will be mentioned in the course.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Understand fundamental concepts of logistics and role of transport in logistics
2. Understand the use of transportation documents (Ocean Bill of Lading, Air Way Bill,
Multimodal Transport Documents…)
3. Understand different modes of transportation
4. Know how to negotiate and sign a transport contract and deal with any disputes/conflicts
arisen from the contract.
5, Understand the legal systems in international transportation and carrier’s liability;
* Skill

1. Skills of reasoning, finding and solving issues in the logistics business.

2. Thinking and problem-solving skills in the logistics and international freight sector.

3. Skills to research and explore knowledge in the logistics and international freight sector


1. The moral qualities of the individual (the training of consciousness is ready to cope with
difficulties and risks, persevering, flexible, confident, hardworking, enthusiastic, integrity,
criticism, creativity ...)

2. Moral qualities and attitudes to society (socially responsible and law-abiding, supportive
and protective of the right, creative and innovative)

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Hoang Van Chau (2009), Logistics và vận tải quốc tế, Transport Publishing House.

2. Donald F. Wood, Anthony P. Barone, Paul R. Murphy, Daniel L. Wardlow, International

Logistics,New York: Amacom, 2002

3. Paul R. Murphy, Donald F. Wood, Contemporary logistics, New Jersey: Pearson, 2008

- Reference

1. Vietnam Maritime Code 2015

2. Vietnam Civil aviation Law 2006

3. Radnoti, Dr. George, Profit Strategies for Air Transportation, McGraw - Hill (3) Michael G.
H. Bell, Yasunori Lida, Transportations Network analysis, Chichester, Wiley, 1997

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Logistics and international transportation

Chapter 2 – Carriage Import-Export Commodity by Marine Transportation
Chapter 3 – Carriage Import-Export Commodity by Container
Chapter 4 – Carriage Import-Export Commodity by Air Transportation
Chapter 5 – Cargo Consolidation and Multimodal Transportation
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255

1. General information of the module
Name: Business Economics
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: KTE312
Module: Elective
Prerequisite module: Intermediate Microeconomics (KTE202)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module
This course provides indispensable knowledge to students in the field of business based on core
economics subjects. The course introduces the basic information about the structure of the
company and deeply focuses on the application of economic principles into business, especially
useful for students whose major is Business.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Understand the basic contents of the theory of maximizing profit, maximizing turnover,
business’s decision about supply, considering uncertainty, analyzing the demand of product and
2. Apply the economics theories on analyzing, solving practical management and decision-
making in business operation.
* Skill
1. Professional reasoning skills, detecting and solving practical management problems and
decision making in business operations of the company.
2. Ability to research.
3. Skills to collect, analyze and process information related to business economics.
4. Teamwork skills
5. Communication skills

1. Comply with domestic and international laws and regulations relating to business

2. Good working attitude

5. Study materials:

- Coursebook

1. Michael Baye và Jeff Prince (2013), Managerial Economics & Business Strategy, 8e,
Mcgraw- Hill.

2. Trefor Jones (2004), Business Economics and Managerial Decision Making.

3. Anderson, Patric L. (2005), Business Economics and Finance with Matlab, Gis and
Simulation Models, Boca: Chapman and Hall.

4. Đỗ Hương Lan (On process), Textbook on Business Economics.

- Reference

1. Walter Nicholson và Christopher M. Snyder (2011), Microeconomic Theory: Basic

Principles and Extensions, 11e, Cengage Learning.

2. Charles Hill (2007), International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, McGraw-

3. Jeffrey M. Wooldridge (2012), Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 5e,

Cengage Learning.

4. Hoffmann, Laurence D (2004), Caculus for business, economics, and the social and life
sciences, McGraw Hill, Higher Education.

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes
Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Midterm test Writing 30%

Essay Group Encourage Points

Final test Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – General introduction to the course and business

structure Chapter 2 – Business objectives and business theories

Chapter 3 – Risk and uncertainty in business

Chapter 4 – Analysis and estimation of demand function

Chapter 5 – Production and costs

Chapter 6 – Pricing and advertising

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: International payment
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TCH412
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite: International Business Transactions (TMA302),
Logistics and International Transportation (TMA305)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theories) 30 classes
- Exercise, Group discussion: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module
International payment is one of the professional courses aimed to equip students with
knowledge about issues related to international payment context.

The course provides knowledge about exchange rates, types of currency in international
payment, popular instruments of international payment in the world, and methods of
international payment applied in international commercial transactions. The course also aims to
equip students with legal and regulation framework relevant to international payment.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Identify and analysis the risk and security associated with the payments industry
2. Understand payment regulation and compliance framework
3. Understand the types of document used; legal and regulation framework and conventions
applicable to international trade finance
4. Explain effectively the advantages, disadvantages and costs of different techniques and
solutions financing in enterprise-facing situations;
5. Discuss method of trading and finance alternatives
* Skill

1. Skills of reasoning, finding and solving issues in the logistics business.

2. Thinking and problem-solving skills in the logistics and international freight sector.

3. Skills to research and explore knowledge in the logistics and international freight sector


1. The moral qualities of the individual (the training of consciousness is ready to cope with
difficulties and risks, persevering, flexible, confident, hardworking, enthusiastic, integrity,
criticism, creativity ...)

2. Moral qualities and attitudes to society (socially responsible and law-abiding,

supportive and protective of the right, creative and innovative)

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Dinh Xuan Trinh & Nhan Dang Thi, 2011, International payment, Foreign trade university,
Labor Publishing House

- Reference

1. CITF syllabus (LIBF, UK)

2. Eric Bishop, 2003, Essential Capital Market: Finance of International Trade

3. Hinkelman, Edward G. (2008), A Short Course in International Payments, World Trade Press.

4. Monographs: The legal environment in international payments – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Thi
Nhan, 2015, Foreign Trade University, Labor Publishing House

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes
Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – Initiation of international payment

Chapter 2 – Instruments of international payment
Chapter 3 – Methods in International payment
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255

1. General information of the module
Name: Intellectual Property
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TMA408
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module: Intermediate Economics (KTE202), Principles of
Law (PLU111)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module
This course introduces and equips students with general knowledge about intellectual property
rights, the role of intellectual property rights for businesses and the state as well as the
relationship between intellectual property rights and international trade.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Understand basic and advanced knowledge of intellectual property rights
2. Perceive, recognize and shape their thinking about subjects of intellectual property rights
including Copyright and Related Rights, Industrial Property Rights and Plant Variety Rights.
3. Understand the relationship between the protection of intellectual property rights and the
development of international trade through the study of intellectual property issues in
international business such as: the way to protect intellectual property rights abroad, transfer
of intellectual
property rights to foreign partners in international business, resolve disputes arising on intellectual
property in international business.
* Skill
1. Skills to detect and solve problems in trade activities related to intellectual property
2. Ability to research.
3. Teamwork skills
4. Communication skills

1. Good attitude towards the law in general and the law on intellectual property in
particular; protecting intellectual property of the students and the enterprises; respect and do
not infringe upon the intellectual property of others.

2. Good working attitude

5. Study materials:

- Syllabus

1. Giáo trình Sở hữu trí tuệ, NXB Lao động, 2017 (Labour Publishing, 2017, Textbook
Intellectual property, first edition)

2. WIPO, 2008, WIPO IP Handbook, Second edition

- Reference

1. WIPO, 2009, The Economics of Intellectual Property

2. WIPO, IP Asset Development and Management: A key strategy for economic growth

3. KIPO, KIPA, và WIPO, IPPanorama, Module

2,3,4,5,6:, 2007.

4. WIPO, The Management of Intellectual Property Rights by SMEs,

5. European IPR Helpdesk, Fact Sheet: Commercialising Intellectual Property, 2013

6. UNDP, Principles of Copyright: Cases and Materials

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes
Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Midterm test Writing 30%

Essay Group Encourage Points

Final test Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-

section) Chapter 1 – General introduction to intellectual

property rights Chapter 2 – Copyright and related rights

Chapter 3 – Industrial property rights

Chapter 4 – Management/ Commercialization of intellectual property rights

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


Full Time – Academic period: 4 years (8 semesters)

Semester 2 (2016-2017)

Unit code Unit title Credits

TMA301 International Trade Policies 3
KTE406 Development Economics 3
PLU419 Law in international economic activities 3
TAN302M English 6 3
TMA402 Insurance in Business 3
TAN401M English 7 3
KTE501 Internship 3
TMA310 Customs Operations 3
TMA320 Taxation and Tax System in Vietnam 3
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


1.General information of the module
Name: International Trade Policy
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TMA301
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module: Intermediate Microeconomics
(KTE202), Intermediate Macroeconomics (KTE204)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3.Summary of module
This course provides students with basic knowledge of international trade and tools for
analyzing international trade policy. Based on that, the course initially helps students to study
and analyze issues related to international trade, international trade policy of nations and
international trade policy of Vietnam compared with international regulations and
commitments on international trade.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Understand basic knowledge about the principles applied in international trade policy,
classic and modern theories related to international trade,
2. Understand governmental management tools in import sector, state management tools in the
export sector, and explore state management issues in the international trade of several
countries in the world.
* Skill

1. Skills to detect and solve problems in in international trade policy.

2. Ability to research.

3. Teamwork skills

4. Communication skills


1. Students comply with domestic and international laws and regulations relating to
international trade policy

2. Good working attitude

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Nguyen Huu Khai, International Trade Policy, 2010.

2. Paul R. Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld (2009), International Economics: Theory & Policy,
8e, Prentice Hall.

- Reference

1. WTO (2015). Understanding the WTO.

2. Dominick Salvatore (2013), International Economics, 11e, George Hoffman.

3. Nguyen Huu Khai Vu Thi Hien and Dao Ngoc Tien, Import activities
management: mechanism, policies and measures, Statistical Publisher, 2007.

4. Nguyen Huu Khai Vu Thi Hien and Dao Ngoc Tien, Restructuring imports and exports
of Vietnam, Statistical Publisher, 2007.

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – Overview of trade and international trade policy

Chapter 2 – Theory of international trade
Chapter 3 – Import policy
Chapter 4 – Export policy
Chapter 5 – International trade policy of some countries in the world
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: Development Economics
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: KTE406
Module: Elective
Prerequisites: Advanced Macroeconomics (KTE402),
International Economic Relations (KTE306)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Course Objective
Knowledge and skills to analyse the process and determinants of economic development are
important for undergraduate students who wish to become not only researchers but also policy
makers and development practitioners. This course equips students with knowledge about
process and determinants of economic growth, social development as well as environmental
improvement. The course helps students to grasp both development theories and past
experiences on economic development from advanced countries to apply for analyzing
development process and proposing development strategies and policies for developing

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Apply theories to analyze the process of economic growth of countries;
2. Apply theories to analyze the restructuring of economic sectors;
3. Apply theories to analyze social changes and environmental issues;
4. Propose solutions and policies to achieve sustainable economic development
* Skill

1. Quantitative and qualitative analysis;

2. Team work;

3. Presentation skills.


1. Research ethics;

2. Social responsibility.

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Todaro, M.P and Smith, S.C, (2009), Economic Development 10th Edition, Addison-Wesley.

2. Hayami, Y. andGodo, Y. (2005), Development Economics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

- Reference

1. Gratak, S., (2003), Introduction to Development Economics 4th Edition, London: Routledge.

2. Perkins, D.H, Radelet, S. and Lindauer, D.L., (1996), Economics of Development 4th
Edition, New York: W.W Norton & Co.

3. Meier, G.M. (2004), Leading Issues in Development 6th Edition, Oxford: Oxford University

4. Wayne, Nafziger E. (1999), The economics of developing countries, London: Prentice Hall,

5. Thirlwall, A. P.(2006), Growth and Development with special reference to developing

Economics, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

6. Fik, Timothy J. (2000), The geography of economic development, McGraw - Hill, Boston

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes
Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – Introduction of developing countries

Chapter 2 – Overview of development economics and theoretical frameworks
Chapter 3 – Theories of economic growth
Chapter 4 – Economic structure and structural-change models
Chapter 5 – Human welfare development
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


1.General information of the module
Name: Law in International Economic Activities
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: PLU419
Module: Elective
Prerequisite module: Principles of Law (PLU111), Logistics and international
transport (TMA305), International business transactions (TMA302) , International Payment

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module:
This course aims at exposing the student to legal and ethical environments and in the world.
Students should gain knowledge about fundamental principles of civil contracts and in
Vietnamese legal systems.

This course examines the sources of international business law, the relationship between such
law and the any country’s legal system, the choice of law in international business disputes, the
special issues that arise when doing business with foreign partners, the law governing
international sales and the shipment of goods. It emphasizes regulation of business, ethical
considerations, contracts, and various relationships which exist within society, government, and
business. Students will develop an understanding of the role of law in social, political, and
economic environments.

- In addition, this course introduces to students how to start a company (creation of a legal
entity). The students must also know the risks involved in creating a company, the advantages
and disadvantages of each form of enterprises or companies.

- Finally, this course examines the legal framework for the prevention and resolution of
commercial disputes in the international context.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Understand the fundamental legal concept; identify and locate main sources and authorities
of law and state; read and interpret basic business law provisions; Have an overview of
business legal environment in Vietnam and in the world.
2. Provide structure and framework for thinking about, planning for, recognizing, and
managing legal and ethical risks in business decision making
3. Analyze and evaluate possible situations and disputes that may arise, compare and contrast
when applying different law sources to solve arising problems.
* Attitude

1. Respect for and strictly abide by the provisions of law;

2. Have the right attitude when entering in the field of international business law


1. Teamwork skills;

2. Acquire basic legal reasoning, writing;

3. Problem solving skills;

5. Study materials:
1. National University of Hanoi, International Trade Law, (Dr. Nguyen Ba Dien eds),
Hanoi National University Publisher, 2005;

2. Nguyen Ba Son, International Economic Law, National Political Publisher, Hanoi, 1999;

3. Micheal J. Trebilcock & Rebert House, The Regulation of International Trade,

London, Sweet&Maxwell, 1998;

4 .Hans van Houtte, FCIArb, International Trade Law, London- Sweet & Marwell, 2002;
5 . J. M. Jacquet, Ph. Delebecque, Droit du commerce international, Ed. Dalloz, Paris, 1999;

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Midterm test Writing 30%

Essay Group Encourage Points

Final test Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1: General issues on international trade law

Chapter 2: The legal institution of international
trade Chapter 3: International Commercial Contracts
Chapter 4: Settlement of Disputes in International Trade
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: English 6
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TAN332
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite: English 5

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theories) 30 classes
- Exercise, Group discussion: 60 classes
- Self-study of students: 00 classes
3.Summary of module
This Course equips students with specialized knowledge in the Contractual English language
from the processes of negotiation, drafting and interpreting the contract content. Students are
introduced with main concepts on contractual language, language of applicable laws and the
most popular issues in import-export contracts. Students studying majors of banking and
finance, international business and business administration shall need the language skills
relating to contracts and rules and regulations in their careers in the future. Studying this course
shall help them get familiar with the language of every contractual context and the language on
rules and regulations.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Get to know techniques of drafting various kinds of import export contracts.
2. Master the skill of reviewing import export contracts.
* Skills
1. Negotiation skill, contract drafting skill to protect one’s own legal rights.

2. Interpreting skill for import export contracts.

3. Assessing and analyzing skill for contract provisions to improve the efficiency of
contract drafting.


1. Respect contract law and legal rights of partners.

2. Amicably cooperate and maintain trust within contractual relationship.

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. J.R. Pinnels (1991), Exporting and the Export Contract, PRODEC

- Reference

1. K. Reed et al., 2013, Contract Law for Paralegals (2nd Edition), Prentice Hall

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: Transport and Insurance in International business
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TMA303
Module: Compulsory
Prerequisite module International business transaction (TMA302), Logistics
and international transportation (TMA305)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Course objective
This course involves insurance and risk management as tools to serve international business
activities. Basic concepts and fundamental legal principles in insurance are introduced to
students. Emphases are on arranging insurance policy in some non-life insurance fields,
especially on insurance for export/import goods carriage by sea in international trade. Insurance
Fundamental concepts and the necessary of risk management are also important contents that
will be mentioned in the course. Besides, this course instructs students insurance company’s
operations and legal and compliance functions as well as other operational fields.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Understand the core business knowledge of business insurance in a comprehensive way.
2. Apply common-law and casualties claims in marine insurance
3. Analyze risk management in international business in a systematic, scientific and
comprehensive manner
4. Apply business and economic analysis tools to solve the problem of risk management in the
5. Analyze characteristics of risk management operations such as the basic contents of some
major risk management operations as well as the way and steps to be taken in a process of
standard risk management to ensure business operations of enterprises.
* Skill

1. Skills of reasoning, finding and solving issues in the insurance business.

2. Thinking and problem-solving skills in the insurance sector such as problem

identification and formation; generalizing the problem; skills assessment and qualitative
analysis of problems; analytical skills in the absence of information, problem solving
skills, problem solving skills and recommendations

3. Skills to research and explore knowledge in the insurance sector


1. The moral qualities of the individual (the training of consciousness is ready to cope with
difficulties and risks, persevering, flexible, confident, hardworking, enthusiastic, integrity,
criticism, creativity ...)

2. Moral qualities and attitudes to society (socially responsible and law-abiding,

supportive and protective of the right, creative and innovative).

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. George E. Rejda, Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, 10th edition

- Reference

1. Emmett J. Vaugnh, Thesese M. Vaughan, Essential of Insurance A risk Management

Perspective, New York, Wiley 1995

2. Emmett J. Vaughan, Therese M. Vaughan, Fundamentals of risk and insurance, New York,
Wiley 1999
3. ICC1963, ICC1982, ICC 2009 issued by Institute of London underwriters

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1 – Basic concepts in insurance

Chapter 2 – Fundamental Legal Principles
Chapter 3 – Marine insurance
Chapter 4 – Insurance company’s operation
Chapter 5 – Introduction to risk
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


1. General information of the module
Name: Taxation and Tax System in Vietnam
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: TMA320
Module: Elective
Prerequisite module: Principle of law (PLU111), International
Trade Policies (TMA301)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
1. Summary of module
This course will equip students with basic knowledge of taxation (the development history of
taxes in the world and in Vietnam, the concept of taxation, elements of taxation and principles
of taxation...).

The course includes 2 main parts:

- A general introduction in taxation that studies the causes and developments of taxation as well
as the basic issues of taxation such as the nature, functions and roles of taxation, how to classify
taxation and what are factors making of a tax code.

- A study of current tax system in Vietnam that focus on the main and international trade –
related tax codes, includingVAT, excise tax, import-export duty, PIT and CIT. Besides, there is
also a brief introduction of other tax codes and fee in the current system in Vietnam.

4. Course Objectives
On completion of this course, the students should be able to:
* Knowledge
1. Students are equipped with basic knowledge of the origin of taxation, basic theory of
taxation, taxation system in Vietnam and five tax regulations: Value-Add Tax, Excise Tax,
Import-Export Duty, Corporate Income Tax and Personal Income Tax.
2. Apply the knowledge they have learned in analyzing and solving problems of state
management on tax.
3. Will be instructed the way to deal with tax situations, how to calculate taxes and tax returns.
* Skill
1. Systematic thinking skills and recognizing of taxation and taxation system in Vietnam.
2. Professional reasoning skills, detecting and solving practical management problems and
decision making in taxation.
3. Ability to research.
4. Skills to collect, analyze and process information related to taxation.
5. Teamwork skills
6. Communication skills

1. Students comply with domestic and international laws and regulations relating to
international trade policy..

2. Good working attitude

5. Study materials:

- Syllabus

1. Bui Xuan Luu, Tax and taxation in Vietnam, Education Publisher, 2003.

2. Nguyen Huu Khai, Tax cases and exercises, Statistics Publisher 2004.

- Reference

1. Richard L. Doernberg, International Taxation, West Group, 2001

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Midterm test Writing 30%

Essay Group Encourage Points

Final test Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-section)

Chapter 1: Overview of Tax

Chapter 2: Export and import duties
Chapter 3: Excise Tax
Chapter 4: Value Added Tax
Chapter 5: Corporate Income Tax
Chapter 6: Personal Income Tax
Chapter 7: Other revenues
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


Full Time – Academic period: 4 years (8 semesters)


Semester 1 (2017-2018)

Unit code Unit title Credits

KTE404 Environmental Economics 3
KDO402 Business Risk Management 3
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255
1. General information of the module
Name: Environmental Economics
Credits: 3 credits
Unit code: KTE404
Module: Elective
Prerequisites: Advanced Macroeconomics (KTE402)

2. Time allocation
- In class (Theory): 30 classes
- Exercises, Group discussion, practice: 15 classes
- Self-study of students: 30 classes
3. Summary of module
Environmental economics is a science that studies the dependence and interdependence of
interactions between the economy and the environment (the life support system of the earth) in
order to ensure a stable, Effective, continuous and sustainable on the basis of environmental
protection and human-centered.

Environmental economics researches on environmental issues, exploiting from both

microeconomic and macroeconomic aspects. Environmental economics focuses primarily on
how people make decisions, why they cause environmental consequences, and how they can
change the way we conduct our business. Make the environment more balanced, more stable
with the desires and needs of us and the ecosystem itself.

4. Course Objectives

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

* Knowledge
1. Identify the environmental pollution and environmental quality metrics;
2. Identify the cost-benefit analysis;
3. Understand the environmental valuation methods4. Explain effectively the advantages,
disadvantages and costs of different techniques and solutions financing in enterprise-facing
* Skill

1. Skills of analysing the quantitative and qualitative to assess the environmental status of
a country or region;

2. Research and propose measures to minimize pollution of the environment.

3. Practising teamwork skills;

4. Presenting skills.


1. Continuously updating information, honesty with data and research results;

2. Be responsible of the learning

5. Study materials:

- Course book

1. Barry C. Field, Nancy Olewiler Olewiler, (2005), Environmental Economics, McGraw-


- Reference

1. Tom Tietenberg & Lynne Lewis, (2011), Environmental and Natural Resource
Economics Pearson Education.,Publishing as Addition- Wesley.

2. Jan J.Boersema and Lucas Reijnders, (2008), Principles of Environmental

Siences), Springer, Japan.

3. Ken – Ichi Akao, (2016), Environmental Economics and Policies Studies,Spinger, Japan.

6. Methods, examination and assessment forms for the students’ learning outcomes

Evaluation methods Forms [%]

Attendance Attendance in class 10%

Mid-term assessment Writing 30%

Final-term exam Writing 60%

7. Module content details (the chapter, section, sub-

section) Chapter 1: Introduction: some basic concepts and
tools Chapter 2: Designing Environmental Policies
Chapter 3: Techniques of Environmental Valuation
Chapter 4: Introduction to International Environmental Agreements
Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus
15 D5 Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
City Tel: +84 835 127 254 Fax: +84 835 127 255


Full Time – Academic period: 4 years (8 semesters)


Semester 2 (2017-2018)

Unit code Unit title Credits

KTE521 Thesis 9

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