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Insight about Cha-cha Management Concept

C- Character plus intelligence is the key to be a good leader

H- Humane in every decision is a must among us
A- Attitude towards difficult times can give us inner peace

C- Control, for greater power/position comes great


H- Honesty and transparency earn trust among your subordinates

A- Almighty is the greatest leader and we must follow his footsteps
The Cha-cha dance has a simple steps and done with a partner. Following

the rhythm and beat of music the dance partner will have a joyous time together.

In management and leadership, it make looks easy but its complicated like a

dance. Handling people is not an easy task and to attain your common goals it

may take two to tango. Both partners need to exert effort in doing the

responsibilities that comes with their position in the organization. I’ve gave an

acronym in the word Cha-cha; Character, Humane, Attitude, Control,

Honesty, Almighty. History repeat itself, so I must say that to be considered

as a new bred of leaders we must not do the mistake of our previous leaders but

take it as a lesson to be more productive in our organization. Change starts from

within, we inspire to be the best but we need to start within ourselves. It is easy to

said than done but one step at a time to be a better person and become a better

leader in the future. I hope someday I can be a good leader and dance with smile.

Hold your head up high and be thankful to Our Almighty God for the wisdom

and courage in my journey till the end.




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