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1:28 AM

Apa, your papers were not.

So, let's start this. I'm going to start with this comment.


Tutorial. And after that, I will share with you standing of how your tables on that how your how
the master elevated.

So the value of your exam, you will be aware, someone share the rubric, or the mountain. And
then you're going to talk a little bit about the Iraq method with, apparently, a lot of you are not,
so people hope to visualize it. So let's go to the comments. Let me tell you the person who had
the ideal papers.

Ai was wrong on your paper. Now remember, Hey, I will give you AI was so slightly Lords that
are after U.S and it is not AI is not an Estonia at law or trained as a religion. So from you, there's
something from here, you still have to go through it and see if what you would have learned in
your. Now, one of the things about this law program is a very specific. This is not like if you did
push the worst in any other particular University or any other court, very significant. So the
things of two are learning here.

The law forward into the field of beautiful of whatever you want to be using. So I would
encourage you to listen to all your teachers and think of them. Well, something you know what is
saying with yourself? And with the case is because remember sometimes your electricity And
that's that's in two things. So I want to thank you that this world is very specific. Law is a very
Here we go. So you have to learn now your training, reminder. It will let AI do the work to you.
You will not be training your mind.

You are healthy came to the place where you are learning to be legal language and setting up
legal arguments in logical systematic in a logical systematically. This is your training yourself.
You will never learn it and then release your legal training. They want to know what you are
working but it is. So I want to start off by saying all the way paper.
Those were not mad and see, I will draw right.

Right now. Let's talk about

The answer.

A lot of their answer to the question. I could not be at the same, whether you are.

The advising that anytime you have a question with heart, please, identify the part put in for
three for three so that the marker would know and put their mind of what you are. And right next

But all your forces so that you can have an idea and you say you spend to do one to answer one
question because in an example you may very well get back at the first and you will know that
all the things that you work in your tutorial. You will love me. So therefore, this brings me to my
other point that you don't get throwing everything in the answer, everything, you know about to
continue everything, you know about the seventh topic is tools in there, so you don't throw the
chicken thin. Because that's just tells the marker that you do not understand this topic. So,
because you don't understand it. But everything in there hope that the marker will take out that
this is relevant. This does not happen. The marker, just seems to relevant together your paper.
Remember I told you that your master of ice cream, normally come down. When you go in
school and whoever you're going to go before they will be, they will have more and they will
have things to make you fall. So you have to start thinking like that training your mind here but it
is total content that you're doing always getting the people. So also everything, the ball is behind.
What is topic? Period is changed.

As every one of you, you are now learning cultures that, you know. So if it is wrong to me, four
or five textbooks on the same topic to get them on the standing, that is what you have to be
nothing wrong with that. If it is that some of you have to read one case and two kids or ask a
friend or just puppet. You have to know recognize how it makes the new learned that the answer.
The topic area, once you understand the topic area and doing a first general, expanding will
become people understand. You will not put yourself about it. So the P is the understand the topic
area. Next thing.
I know that a lot of persons for the question back in the tutorial and then you put a question.
Remember an exam. You don't have to you don't have time to pick up that question and neither
do I want to see that profession? I have to question. It doesn't make your answer look more
intelligent or just mix up words. I have to put. No need to put that potential now. Let's talk about

Let's talk about it, Iraq.

Now Anthony.

This is you guys are from here.

First year. First here. So that means that you are doing Um, Legal systems of legal writing, right?


And that means that you would have.

Have you found this Iraq method?

We learned that last semester. Adam. All right. Right. That is what I thought. Thank you for that.
I know you should have learned that or you should have been learning.

It also, I notice a lot of people once again roll that the r in Iraq method means relevant stock.
What is the iron? The eyelashes? Rule of law.

Right. What is the aiming?

This is definite.

A and C. It means analysis means conclusion.

The r for your rules or your principle. The principle.

And you have to put your cases along with them.

People right based on the functionality,

Right? And this intention is one that is called objectively output.

Right? Then you go on. Also to create a change, the generally there is a predemption that social
and and the most big agreement.

Then you have to take your teeth principles with oat principles or rules without authority, and no
better than male opinion.

Every time you fix.

You have your rules.

And you will have any authority in your rule Authority, you don't have any flaw here. You cannot
analyze. It, cannot continue. What are you analyzing on? He did not create anything for all you
say to me where your opinion. I don't know what is. So if you don't have your Authority, then
your rule goes out the window, then your another, you can't analyze because you rules letting for
the distance.

The rule. Let's go to want to build a house.

Still excited to go to the doctor to call your material.

Some go to.


Right. So go to the office together. Single building.

Now, we have the auto supplies and so on, and we go to this place by Stone. You guys can show.
So this is just going to installment, eventually, Stone place because we are building a house and
indeed construction material.

Our work to call our room. Why? If we don't have this, unfortunately, cannot build the house. No
matter how much we try. Once you don't have an appears, you can build out. Therefore, your
rules, are your construction material without your room, which cannot analyze the channel.
Apply anything cannot give the home, your analysis, your application is going to use all those all
those, um, all those principles and rules could build the house. Is that clear?

Okay, great. So remember that. So if you don't have anything to your home, your analysis caused
up some people put their rules in their analysis and there's nothing in your room. Nothing is

It sounded anymore.

So you may come out of an exam thinking, yeah, boy, I use this case. But where did we use to
say? Where did you put in, did you put it in the right place? Did you collecting materials to build
a house or you will put all in a circle from him here? When you reach to the another house?

And that is why people feel that it looks so wonderful neck now, but they didn't follow.
Right. So that is your iron. So after you go to Now, a lot of things I see that I'm trying really
simple, it is

You know, where you're sitting, you're trying to figure out. How do I apply this thing? What is
that? I just mentioned, you rule of the stock and then in the application, I just mentioned back to
rule and, and say that the real applies to call, um,

And you get stuck.

Soldier, another application. They gave you will. Now look up the path of the case. Let's take for
instance. You tell your face. And then you take your legal principles and you look up.

How you can, what? What are you seeing based on the top? Okay. And seeing what they were to
keep function that for social on the most. Arrangements.

All right. Oh, my analyzing that Julius at the coffee, a coffee, the business.

To along the wall. Therefore,

Right away. I will note that I'm not dealing with a domestic or social. I'm not doing oblastic or
social Arrangement, and you know what? I may be dealing with a commercial room because it's
a business. So, I grow my own place, I don't know to the system.

I would have taped it out, flying then saying okay they will give you something that is in
commercial arrangement. There is an intention to create even later. But I still have to look at the
pump. This conjunction can be buffet all of this to replace in your rule.

Five. And in your first until the first place you have to take at some part.
Oh, it is walk through the force before they look at language. Come down. They look at the store
comes down to the kids. These are the things that quote look at. So now you have to do that.
Now, use the drugs, you have to do that. And look at okay. However, let me look at the language
of the party. The languages are open.

To do it as a Goodwill.

You can upcoming artists will probably, she wants to have some sort of, she wants to have um
what you call it. She wants us get some experience and also she wants you to see her. Doing this
thing. Therefore now you will have it your commercial and hold it, how it is, and you use rows
of whatever I say to you. And Rosalind says that people can make an arrangement and then they
can say that they don't have to be enforceable. So in life manner it would appear against and they
call you analyzing that in the same way as although that were that in that case, it was a additional
demo because all one whereby Julius that is doing this this mural with fencing but Goodwill. So,
it is Phantom of also an on your clothes whereby. She did not intend for this to be, um, to have an
extension to create legal relations. That's how you analyze it to bring down your side.

1:44 AM
And now you are the same.

Have to work. This may mean I'm going toward me.

Why? Because in a coordinate situation, the government should make some decisions of your
time. You just can't follow. So this is how it may hurt. So, this in your analysis is where you
know how to opportunity to show the lecture.

That this is how you are thinking based on what would be tempted in the rule and the first

Everybody got me.

Yes, yes.
Don't know.

If you notice in your worksheet,

All the cases that I have built.

And all the textbooks.

They are either in solid or they're on their line.

It is.


Legal person who is writing any legalizing.

When you finish it or a few seconds, you do not highlight it, but it's bored salad on the line. It
says something about your education, that is not positive.

Therefore, I'm seeing all of that, please. Highlight your face when you go to your thumb and you
write your cases on the landfill Dash,

Because, Your monsters are looking for your cases, all too. You actually get more cases that are

I like your pieces in every situation. Let's start become a part of your your legal ethos. Every
time you write every time you do anything, you highlights with you, right? Then you highlights.
All right, so

That is for the Ira. So, it doesn't warrant. And introduction. It's not like a question that goes
before. One line or two lines. Right? This is a pause by car it.

A lot of people went into to be the whole thing of what is the function? What is an author of?
Don't think that aren't necessary?

At the beginning, you gave your definition. Then you go into your cases and you answer the
question, you stop talking your mind? What is this person up the arcade? Because in 10 seconds
to created relating is not a big Sophy. For what? Exactly.

You already have those because you can use them over and over and over and over, and that is
what we are.

Now, that you have

I have told you about it. One more point. Remember. Um, remember

Often use the once you then say that everyone would be helping and why they're just out
anything nothing. Nothing bored and then clear here on some um Go in common, right? This is
not bad. So left. Let me share with me. And I will be sharing the rubric for the except for

Yes, Miss

All right, so

But this is a problem.

Well, well, both of them asking for. This is how we usual marks, you did.

So this is Russia's nominee.

Right. And then how can I whoever

For you. That is the the reviewer reviews, also through your paper. So the first

The first thing we look for complicated introduction, that's good. What is meant by essential to
creating relations? If you have, this is a sample. It tend to create a for medical law. They may be
a ballot or something to formula agreement, however, it will change their agreement on and
portable. That is the keyword for intention that you may have a contract, you may have
everything, but the fact is never return the truth to be to create to be too long to create any legal
relations. Therefore, it is unimposable your, your kids law of the most important thing. Right.
Because The next world will start that they don't know the Earth. This is right. All right, next
time in now part three of this substances examine four countries

Of the attention to create an elimination of law. We important to be what is the importance of the
importance of that? It can actually make a contract and portable or not important.

For in your mind you have to think one of this question. So asking you to show how it is that if
an agreement does not, if people do not have the attention, I will not be important even though
the part their, their lose their teeth. Or how it will be inforceable, although they think of it. So,
one of his diameter to show here,

For the contract to be. So therefore when you do this and you highlight the cases, a lot of people,
they have not draft to different between powerful or not. Right. And you just you just shake what
it helps and what does that say to me? Nothing. Well, you need to say it's about for something to
this nature, Mrs. Balfour, were on perm. They were living quarterly across them and wife. When
it's about four promised, his wife who was in and could not following, he was spend our money
for her upkeep, this is something that they use the world in a marriage Arrangement. And they
were not in affordable, open west, but he was separated.
From separated, it is important consumed and it is presumed and they um that purpose and that
situation they bugging. That what they say is to create league.

So you need to bring across that point. The point of one being for real next, from being I don't
want you to wear them.

To bring him that fun. And then in your Uh, you need to say that.

Understanding and this is important to read. Even if you get to read the one drug to keep walking
the reasoning of the judge,

Why they came to this, because this is what you need to emphasize.

Rifle. Look at how you are marshmall. You must probably four illustrated cases. Therefore, the
Electoral the Marco is.

That you would have to make it and commercial will give the bottom You will have commercial,
you've got, so you have to make you have two commercial, you can have more, right? So those

Of how you you talk about it, there you have your order so they have just poor business, four
months, the rest of your tick tock. Comes from from your analysis. You think about

First one set examine.


You have to sit in the case, what it is.

I've left them primary, so evaluate Elena that could take into accounting whether or not a lot of
people. At this point, they gave me Um, suppose.

Um, All for an acceptance and it's empty.

Right? Because this far down to this, part of the, you really have to reach both.

So, when you evaluate it, you would have to

The students of.

It was not all the most of the mountains. In Jones and Province, and America. This is what the
fourth said. They looked at the relationship of the past employees, and part of the terms, if you
put a model and daughter bought the house here. There's also went in the military America
Merrick. These were not. They were, they were not, they were married, but they were separated,
and this is how the court. Determined, at that point that the relationship of these five based on
that they couldn't get. They had an intension to create the community called, they were not
confirmed, right? The next one commercial, the message, the nature of their demons. If it's the
commercial agreement, it has any socket of business. There is a strong reunction that it's deposit
has been tend to created and strongly that has to be rebucket. So we will. Look at the

Conduct of the part is growing. There it will be on our new discover, you're not going to be 4
months. They were doing business tonight. And then of course, For it to become a road and
strongly pumpkins something happened fellow, then you leave, and whatever. And the core pair
that is only under they were using this same. It is from what we want to enforce the function,
using the same on the car, because the objective want the computer, right? In the written
agreement that they were using all through the years, significantly, outerly, consumption, and
they work with it. It's not the case. There is no little a contrast at a local and and they was no
evidence of them working that came on the floor. So these are being RV. These are the factors
that may rebuild those to dumpster when the partner to the port in the past in order to establish or
in order to be as well, to create any vegan relations. And of course, you notice any other people.
So when you left these four things, you get four months, But then you've got four, the video all
that analysis as strong. Look how many
So it's called you one thing. The thing is fine, but you get more match for your analysis.

And then your parts female.

Walking looking over and over to your store. Remember?

This tutorial.


We've talked to holding the provided hair. He breathe. The last two analysis.

Four cases to get one long. Don't forget to take a brief, talk to your Holdings and that this pair we
bought. This is going from this, you get your other core mouth. That's how you get them out. So
look on Grandma, I'm telling you

Law paper on every month in their drama. And some of them descending on waterproof there is
one Mark Tower.

You are marked on her on how you use.

To read a paper where people do not use their brame well and they're selling badly in a little

Right. So you get Mom to that and tell you something in

That column also tell me how you float, the multiple flowing your paper where you all over the
place or that you have a mouth. For the inner leg down.
To talk about.

So that, you know, that it was and the thing is, drop it down on your paper, all your question
paper. So the lecture of these are the things that you have, okay?

The next one was going right but four times and yes we actually get the homework. You will
have done. Um For doing that. Especially if you are going in the right for distance.

Miss just, excuse me. Um, we have been stuck on the market. Add the application piece. For a
while. Now we haven't seen the entire marching.

Yeah, but the um screen the share screen scrolling for us. We're just seeing one thing all the time.
Now, you see the entire maps that gets um,

So, I think it's because it's like, 150, to focus. I I can't think of 40.

I still got serious. Now, it's at 15.

150 mile.

Yes, you see me? I have a 15 so that you can see the various parts. So I'm going to scroll.

Is just four months worth many faces.

For. This is a party. You have to be evaluate. And we get one month for your relevant. Your
relevant. And then five feet, you get one more each for the changes that you will have lifted at
least four coins. If you lift over four your finger, four months, one to four relevant relevantages,
you state your your holdings and how they rebutt it, support it and you get to all the four miles
and then we have your garments felon.
2:06 AM
And this is, Because in a regular essay you would have introduction of body or conclusion.

This is another regular essie, so

All right, so let's go to the next one. Proposal to paint a mural on the external wall of a nearby
and low cost to make up the photos or offer. At local.

The owner of the coffee who was impressed, you guys are seen my cream. Was about to change
in skills, team it all passed.

Yes, thank you.

So, in an effort to show appreciation.


To continue working on.

That people go into the creation of this new. Provided the family of specific action. I was never
any attention to absorbing program.

There we go.

The first thing. Right? So if you have anything short today, your issue but don't have to be
perfect for this monthly along the line where the concept is going on. Is unfortunatable.
Or something along those lines or whether the functions became Julia and the owner.

So, something like that. That's Okay, then the rule Looks like how we farm in the room in the
entrance pin in the instant taste. Remember, in your issue, you have your place to put anything
else for yours. If you wanted them, your rule. Therefore there is a valid abuse. Well right there,
waiting for the offering on. Julia made an offer. You can say there's an open on 17th Julian and
offer to the order, pay the neuron the pocket on a different permission to be so bond. Therefore,
there's a bottle of However, an orbital for a value. They must be an attention to create regulation.
This constructions are still across objective based on the conduct of the past. That is what for the


It is presumed. All of this is a sample. You can wear the different people do not have this kind of

Um, sorry about that. So this is the rule. Look, your rules are responsible.

In your rules. These are your rules.

In your room, you are also free to give us

Working on a free.

Right top of what the especially that you know you're going to do. You want to use, you are
going to and so you've got all of them. You're going to lean heavily young. So you gave a little
backdrop of water cases, are what will play a small thing of what of the past mixing? Little

On blah, blah.
Remember this to rebook, this is not And so this is what you'll give the person who is

Right? So you you have to go to jail. Your students, look at the student should give


24, Mark. The student to the public. The type of agreement in order to travel to consumption
after cover. For example, Indians and changing the business and bullet is getting a wall of
commercial, the form of data presumption on the authorities. For example, the presumption of
their intensity and working numbers is not, I'm not sure how to do the application. Their hair is
designed for the person to look for these things in your application. The full of this, how to
presumption, maybe what the example. While there is an oral work for the topic, Oreo, in the
formation of the achievement, both may have a student that she will be doing the painting your
fault of the community. These were near the sanctimon to the unnercloth found in a shape of
rules. They're about the painting is being done in books made by circumstances that July out the
same means of human the public screen or to create an eight-section of our painting skills. This
is evident by the same thing. On the wall becomes popular attractions and other blah blah blah
blah blah. Blurs of calcium is conduct and we put it here so you don't fond of understanding
around and you continue. This is I'll call you will use this box and we put them to your skin.

Right. It's not, this is not a fully all these

A lot of what the reasonable man made from food. For example, the reason that the person looks
in graphic is before To go to Panty. However the reason why they're not good, must hear the
words of these prior to defending on the walls, he's going to saw the actual created a price to be
the same thing. It is not everywhere that a factory owner will have accepted. So we don't know.
All these came here,

This is how you take the function of food and analyze the situation. So that now you can have a
confusion, right? The food and student will briefly at rustic concept or formats. While the
counter all for other end of it will say that. Now let's go back to the question.

Our elbow. The process of coffee.

No longer falling and request. The jewelry obtained over. That was the part where

Me, I saw that.

There we go, down here.

Based on the world. Conduct Circle, K sandwiches.

This is a sample. I want you to get to this so let's check them. Understand what happens?

On that we did that you will discuss it. Would it be okay to mention?

Um, the community.

Being coffee on them, said that they had not.

Intended rock words, but something about not having Um, legal relations earlier with that
conform that You know, there was no intention

Would have mention it after she made that come to offer.

With definitely fix it. The person who's marking or when you're answering a question that this is
this is the person in function but that you're saying that it is myself will not surprise. You have to
look at the language. You have to look up when they need Arrangement. One of the language,
what was the product of the party, how they because Lock the floors of the cafe oil.

On the wall. And um, the order

Thank you, nothing. Big Um, and then In the almost 10 to created relations. And then you work
forward and then the job finds that, you know, the most policy offer to pay for it. Yes. You said
now these things are secure and it will read the cases. You will see that one time, they sign in
your intention on the next time. They're not signing legal attention based on the scientific. So it's
not enough to just say, oh, I don't send this to do to those performance, it has to be more than
that. You have to look at the language actually from Washington. They circumstances of to
become towards income, then we will find it. Although you asking in your work and the
circumstances, they bought what they say. So no does not try and not a question.

All right.

Getting the parking.

Yeah, here, you know.

If you want for a drama and spelling.

No, I did not.

Mark, you like how you would you mind? Well, some of some of some of them is I also wanted
to get guess this out away, you know some of some of the paper but some of them

Um, up for the following question, if Grandma, and I saw the Uber on your screen,

No, I'm saying the evaluation sheet might have 15 months for this billion of grammar market.

As well.

One of the questions.

The point. Welcome to Mark.

Well the point wasn't about some of them definitely did not last setting and whatever the point
working demand. So if you know you did good with your grandma, you can put your own mouth
if you know you this body, right? So, That is neither here. Normally um Victoria just notice your
match on your Ramen setting so if you go to block one with Ronald spelling it looks

Anybody else?

Hi. Miss uh, good question. Have you might everyone's work or some people are still yet to be

No, I think I marked all the papers on this. Um, I think I had about seven to six important motor.

Because, I, I'm not seeing any mark, for Did you have this thing on time? Yes, mother.

All right, I will check box. I will turn back to make sure that I didn't make any results a cup of
milk. So I was thank you for that. I'm good.

All right.

From situation of culturation. Um, these should not be long because it's just two things we have
to speak about, and then we're finished, right? I would have placed your work, number two or

So that. Oh my Has for getting warranty.

And commissioning of customs and Exiles.

But what it does is stoppage.


To create new nation to be rebutted.

There was a judge.

Lord printer. Of polydrophones. Food of Marketplace.

Out of music is something that my block is not. The neuropathic, of course.

So in Excel, what happens if that

You want to promote the scale?

I think that's YouTube video. I'm gonna play like YouTube. I will play it. I'm going to share my
screen again.

Instamin, if you hearing.

This phone.

Yeah. Not. No, I'm not hearing your video.

Go back again to me.

I'm not hearing the video. You're not hearing. Hold on. I know what I have.

Hello. Yeah, I speak to the customs and at size commissioner.

Speaking. How may I help you tell me I'm looking at this later coming from you stated that, I
need to be in some purchase text amount of some 200 000 Euros. Please explain that, just let me
verify them actually that was regarding the promotions came of coins in construction with given
to your customer who bought four gallons or more often basically that coins will produce in
quantities for general sales. Therefore your company, liable to be purchase tax, within group 25
in schedule, 1 with the purchase, the acts 1963. No, no, no, no. The coins was not for sale, it's
just gift, it keeps to be customers. Listen, unfortunately, I'm sure you're wrong. You should be,
thanks for that. I'm so sorry. This is absurd. Well it is no no I'll bring this to court. You better
watch out. See you in court.

So, basicadian Echo, Yeah, the solution.

You were selling coin.

Of people get petroleum, giving them across So we need to pay taxes on those kinds.


Movement along with the control.

It could not form a culture.

Of Lord.

So the contract that the main contract was created legal and tensions in that scenario.
Right? So what the fourth stain while it is not good, that is not going to come back. So a
customer, maybe they're not receive a coin, then you cook paper, but before the time that because
scenario I think he was thinking the way a lot of us are thinking.

I think you'll find a golden language. What? Probably we are thinking. Let's go. If you go to the
gas station if it was a distant is not and you come to the gas station because that's it. But you will
you usually buy bion but the cork and so helpful they then they have promotions.

2:37 AM
The day before we want. And if you are deny, Well, for me, I think the follow

Is because of the

And be held that because of the fact of the world,

Well. Not really the price of the gas.

Is just an integration to treat me. I'm giving away something, you buy this and get something
free. If I don't have it at a time, you can't hold me. Hospital here today because you heard
something is free.

So, I agree with you and

But I am serving something.

May please.
Why stocks glass here for it? It would prevent them from being sold in the first place. Because if
you don't have They have indicating that it is. It's a limited offer, right?

Bye. So I hope

Able to.

Some water.

Before you leave, please, um, just know that I sent an email with some details for you to find it
quickly, what? Email address? Uh, Mr. Daniels ING.

The email that was on this.

Oh, okay, okay.

Well, on the left.

Something like audience out of the law and therefore, we call its value.

For pocket.

We also stay together right now for having consideration. It's the god of a rocky, rockymaking
emotionally, protect them in that case. We also say that they are too types of considerations.

We also think about three conflation. We also got the values. So we are getting a horse, but there
will not talk about the value of the two and just needs to be sufficient. So our application
Smell in part. In this part here.



In terms of, Performance of an existing. So therefore you have

815. We already have a construction place due to supply goods to me. All uses my eyes and I
repeat, right? And they tailpair, I'm going to tell you 100 billion.

And it will take.

In six months that the next account. And they're together.

A six months time to rules is, and the person who is really

The person.

Get tough to person in the world.

Think about

I have already gave you half of the body. I can't give you any more money. Get the person who
are coming. Right button and getting the job done is lower than having them walk. And then we
can't find somebody with that or inside to be the work in the first difficult. So the classical

Even though I am using a promise.

I could draw through this about Yelves, I have found it. So if they have that control benefit then
providing what they are not rest involved, meaning that you're not saying you're not talking

So I promise to do something. I move from the training, I have to change in order and then if you
have not changed doing what I'm supposed to be more and you're coming back to me for more
money to do the same thing I came to fall. There's no new consideration there. And the ruling.

Exception is

Is giving you the money.


If I get combo, we have this thing now. I just give.

So, in reality,

In reality.

I am not getting. But I am more.

That I know that if you don't believe, To see what the important time and time.

The rules, when it comes to constructed.

There's a novel.
Is another concept. Together in general.

If I owe you money.

I said, okay with me.

He came to my office, like, he agree to say the money right in my office, like Now, that is the

So, the rule



I accept you. Now, we are doing

The amount.

And also the time when you were together tomorrow,

The poor pumps. It is

Element that convincing to play in the contract.

Of the meeting. The time were seen the perfect in order. And the fourth of the faculty of
important to pump all year, that's what we conclusion. There's a case to kind of religion where
the person at least the alcohol to New York.

That we did not meet applications. So any small illness like that the quotient we go to the course
of all you want to know this contractable. They were told somewhere else travel or giving her

Is that there or do you need to go back?

Thank you.

If I from that time.

Um, next week for the right now or forgive right now.

Right. Right now.

No problem.

And then later inside, you want your

We all have sex. Consideration is good because he would have made an effort to early. And that
is consideration of accepted and close updation was equations to make a contract binding and

Agreement stand.

Tell me, you tell me what you want. That is what?

And anything. I didn't hear that.

And if anything change based on the, the initial agreement,

Then uh, it changes Then the person who's supposed to be paid and their position,

Has not even yet elaps. So You can sue for the remaining money upon the day of the contract.

Call me if the person came you earlier,

And you accepted on. Okay, don't worry. You can shoot them yet but you will not get food
because of course that the person came you early for the picture come through to form that new
contract that you accepted. So you can't get the audience.

It's a pump of.

Yes, it is.

But remember, it's supposed to have come to your office, like a breed at the time, like, of you and
they've made that offer to you of that same pattern of activity and you are subjected

Although in that scenario, you have to come to offer or so because of the only certified but your
brain 15. Now when you then

Um this would be in a situation like if you're in front of me with money, I don't want you to go
away specifically, I am being forced to accept your awful. So in this circumstance yes I can study
because it was more of a
Forced. But You're on the doors.

All right, well for one. You are on the rest.

Go and stood them to the ballot.

But if you are,

And you're on the dress.

That's good. Zoom is


Miss I I am kind of

A confused to an extent when they use the term tourists because if I have an agreement with
someone to for my payment, it made at my house, other particular time on a particular day and
they come on that day with half of the money or the day before would half of the money.

I still have that option to say, no. So when we say to rest, it kind of caused anything, like this
person has no choice because that's my belief, whatever is they had no choice, they have to take
them on, so they contract off or would stand

Yes. Yeah, I think I can answer him. Because under the thing with about the rest is that if I expect
Um, a million dollars to call me. You don't know what I have to do.

If you come with half the money, I still need the money at the time that we certified, there was a
reason I expected by that time to leave comment half of the money and I'm here like, okay, it's
not going to do what I have to do but I need the money so I will take it now. If there is no need
for it, I can reduce. All right, know you're supposed to bring me my million dollars and not
accepting that. We had an agreement, go and get the rest and come back. But in this circumstance
that I really needed and I accepted that would kind of be stress.

I agreed, my colleague me um, this is for example, right?

Take this money or you're getting nothing. What would a reason ever man do? Something is
particle. Nothing. So that is where you take your money.

That I don't see French toast because if you say, take them on your leave the money. We had a
contract, he's bounded by the contract I consumed. So, I'll get my entire song. If you telling me I
have to take the money, I don't have to take the money so I don't see you there. Miss, if I made
Mr. Kendall. I work in a little office on New Year lawyer, for all the time, you never refuse
money that we go to you.

Now it's using that. I understand money is important hand. This is better, than is worth more than
doing push, but when you, when you use it on tourists, it gives me things. Believe that this four
season, there has no other choice, but to accept this half, or this part, or these two part of the
money that is old to him. And I, I just can't do nothing in the sense of fear.

But, of course,

Um you know, some people are dead because they said that I gave you a full amount and I expect
the full amount on days they and it could even be on the other hand that we came on the day and
not what was offered. So excuse. So I am kindly with Keller because you don't have to take it
because there's an option.

And all these things.

So, I mean as as a reasonable person, listen, I would have taken whatever was given to me and
then applied to the court for the U.S simple as that.
With with same to me, I have to take a half or whatever. It's, again, we go after the public
conservations of committee, consider what I think or not, and I choose not to take it. So,

I can't accept the juris, I'm sorry.

And then, I'll take you next.

Yes, Miss. Um, I was saying obviously a person would have a choice whether they would want
to access to turn, not because there was a case where I think it was a female kids were to judges
said, um, That you aren't. It's inherently impossible for a letter from the considered satisfactory
like for full feminine. So you have the choice to choose whether or not you would want to accept
this. It's not that like, you're obviously it took in my opinion and I would agree with the job, is
our part payment and our satisfy 4 million.

They will. To see out of the money. Like one of your policies you don't know people to make
part of his choice, you must can never confirmed in any of this choice. Both of you are correct in.
Whatever choice, you make the legal concrete of your choice. Because if you accept on the same
daytime and everything that you have agreed that you are put and get the other half, If you don't
accept the name. Same time, day, everything has agreed. You can still go to a cold and get your
full amount that's okay. Full amount walk up Colleen. They are saying ideas where I need this
money. So I am go to water or I'm not because at least of the money and I told him to the Bible
but at least again some of the monkey and whatever they are computer whatever. So in both
cases, what are the cult is you can have read yours as you um,

3:10 AM
When something changes, meaning, the person or human, is excited to tell you before the
students to decide that they were part of the money on Judicize. Okay.

16. That want to have that thin in something. Then you can many times then you can copy of
want to obtain So, if anything changes in that is equation for the payment wanting to have to
Oh apologize, I'm sorry. Yes, Ms. I I was in agreement with them. I understand this thing is better
than you get done. You don't have anything or you don't know what I agree with those. Those
comments. I am agreement in agreement with it, but I'm just saying I can't use the term for me. I
just can't accept the using the dorm tourists Because there's the choice, that's all I'm seeing.

Because we understand in situations of juris. You have no other options with. It's, it's like this or
if there's no other ways. This way, there's been in the situational, we're dealing with, we have an
option. But in jury, you don't have an option, you have to do, what is required on you, at that
time when the situation presents itself, at least that's over on the standing of it. So that's why we
can't link to it, the situation.

If I mean, um,

Because they understand the lot.

To refuse to, to abide by whatever. Force is being issued towards them, but we're talking about
the reason of a man. Who are people? You are not of the glorious structure. So we ask ourselves
work with an ordinary man. On an ordinary mind. But before to have something.

So reasonable person, a reasonable person is, is very important in addressing the issue of the

I, I

So, I work, I would enjoy you to go from the beginning of your explode and we always be
relevantages, right? And then you can recycle whether somebody with real part. So, you know,

I definitely mess right now. You know if that is a question to do something, they wouldn't
ordinary you know putting them up. But let's move on. I'll need to play.

All right, so
Um, both to the regions.

If the person comes to your office, there's no new consideration. So you can see your mom, okay,
preparing any extra but if anything extra comes into the base. And it's all you find yourself.
There is

Now, this principle

In the highest taste, that's what we call it. Is that some borders from a block of flat performing to
accept how reduction in the rain?

In 1949.

Right as a person.

So there was no consideration. He was a problem, the owners from covering the area. So after
you the oregan say you know what, you have an arrow that we say, no, no no, no I would
prohibit you from that, why?

Off to this period, you completely.

Four days in five thousand. That's a Warriors for these five months that you have told me that
they all have. So these parties who have entered into certain legal arrangements, afterwards
better their own mobile and to a quarterly set of leading one part legal, right arriving under the
enforced or with the perfume, otherwise measurement, four toes, right? Cannot be allowed to
import them where it will be


Giving you?

Wednesday and Thursday.

Evil of top them from carrying you. The expiration will come from driving you that extra, um,
take because it and say, have told you that you are clearly, right? And that is however, remember
in law, everything are used, how would, you know to apply this? No, when it comes to
performance, we are certain things that must be that must be there in order.

The first thing is that the promise.

They made it clear and forth, reading it.

For the promise, you could go back.

Now, we've come

And I acted on remember what the drop in this in the, um,

But, Right. So that's the second. The third level. It does not this commentary of stopper. Does not
trade and you conduct your life. So if you were the slide, Thomas and chocolate, take something
new from legal, right?

It's a legal right there already.

All, they are going to to hold it in a band or there's forces, right? So let's not be the either right
here. So if only applied so parameters,
Um, number four. The promity. So

Right over there. So

And I don't know, I don't have to say

I acted.

I probably.

Doesn't have proper walking through it so I use it right? I rely on you and I will save up my own
table so I'm of an active. I must have been lied on the promise. The only way you could know
somebody rely on your promise is how they act. Right? The last thing is that commissary and
properly. Remember you said, they must be a legal, right? Or right here. So, the legal right? Not
today. So communicate can only be used as a team.

Love of concept. That's the contract is


There was a vocals, look very important.

Swap one brother Roku.

And the order of information.

Younger brother. Was digging the property.

So be in Bobby.

Older brother said no problem.

The older brother went to the bank here. The mortgage. The government offered the younger

Unfortunate everything with it, because

But it sounds like

And then, okay.

You know what? We expect about buying anything.

The lawyer so that the younger brother had land all these years because he rely on this comment
that the body has had given her that the brothers So, the younger brother

They have any legal recovery, show the legal, right? Because it shows that contractors. The
exception involved.

So, therefore

Probably a soccer.

If something that we found, I want. I want to hear function, so, Um, is all over the place. I think
we're only chances.
That you should be able to find in.

Oh boy. Oh and quickly. This will come.

So thick, darn it.


I report a company. I may also punctuation tutorial. If I do get the option,

Yes, how are you?

Yeah, small. Okay.

Um do you know the condenser? This topic? Some of the comment elements. Mr. Example.

Oh no. I don't

Thank you so much.

Yes. Um will you be sharing uh could you share that? Uh That you will share with us this
afternoon perhaps posting or well. But remember,


Well, it would help me a lot of getting some idea. I will, I will talk to someone for you. All right.

Commissary, I just follow. It's for understanding, because I've seen a bit confusing from an Yeah.
Ah, let me say, let me see me and you enter internally Where I rented from it, right? Um,

And recession.

Cause, you know,

Caused me to come inside it. You know.

For four years or so, I'm sorry.

Or but the thing is this, right? Uh we didn't draw but by condo you know you accept them others,
34 years.

Now, after four years, you decided to sue me for The auto parts. I could use answering some
other defense.

I'm sorry. You have your own.

Uh, yeah, yeah.

Because if you have to teach you the real world but I can show that I will change the thousand
dollars. All the time I went to reception would not be interesting on you alone, everybody. So
you would have some chance to come hear the fuck up.

All right, thanks.

Um, If you, if, you know the righteous proposal and I'm being a thousand one month, five, I need
to accepting it then after four years. I'm just using your example, excuse me.


Check the chart conversion.

Where this kind of

Um, that's about 18 million dollars. Who picks up?

Yeah espressants that I know they um save some money. It's about it to the tool of 80 million
right to pick up our business.

This and fix it off.

And business card buttons was a bit slow.

Owners is happening in my street court to get them out and also it's two clips around Clemente
possession claim. Um, I'm but I told him I said, but, you know, in law, everything that's fall and
my zombie an evidence, receipt has to be improvements that you made on the place and so on
my boss trending with, um, pictures before. And after my haven't learned now today about, um, I
mentioned equity to hear me, but not that. I heard about time. Promissory.

What what she'd be able to have? Because I would like to know how we can organize them,
right? Will he be able to have any um any remedy or who wants? Well, yeah, but maybe depends
because it's taken to go to every hour. Is there anything that um from Siri has not what can do in
a situation like that for him?

Didn't do that.

Oh no, sorry I forgot. Okay. All right, then. Yeah, the question before we go.

And enjoy the rest of your mouth.


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