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Lesson Number One: 1:21 AM

That's a long day. So,

I may have acquired some of experience over those years that I might be able to share with you. To
assist you.

Understanding. This topic.

This is my second year. As a lecture of,

In the area of Cointreau.

And I walk to impart something.

Is our value to you.

Um, the rest.

Of the information that might be helpful to you. As we go along, you will learn them. You will get to
know me a little bit better.

I married.

I have one wife.

One child.

Yes. And that's it's about from my head. Would you like to introduce yourself?
Down. Attorney is launch private class. I have been a teaching full-time for three years. And that is the
extent all throughout my lecturing experience.

And I'm married.

One man.

I have two children, it is 23 and 20 or 21 is here.

And, I love being a lawyer.

I also own my own business. This is my first love. That's what I did before. I have been sharling a lot.

Thank you.

Thank you so much. Excellent. And Diana, you will touch this afternoon. Introduce yourself.

I'm not sure that Miss Wolfhard is here with us. Yes, she is here. Go ahead.

Good afternoon class. Good afternoon magazine food.

Good afternoon.

I just join. So I'm not sure.

If everyone, I'm not sure where I'm picking them. We were just introducing ourselves studying.
Something about ourselves.

And how long we've been at this?

Okay. All right, so I, I think I met most of the students last semester, um, in launder your systems. I've
been at the University of schooling to be about

Um, Know my Approach. I encourage you to do your reading and I do as much as I can to support you.

Also my entire approach is one of support the items and a little bit of math leadership, so that

Where Magistrate is delivers the lectures. I can ensure that I assist you on motivate. Just not just like

Thank you so much, Miss Wilcart.

So there was brief introductions, I would like to welcome you to contract law.

This afternoon's class is intended to be an introductory class just for you.

Get to know us and we get to know a little bit about you. I am looking at the, Parsons in the room.

And I see that the class list exceeds. 90, persons and more are joining us as we go along. So I've taken
delivery of asking your class. Having your class rep.

Become a cohort to this meeting to help me to admit persons into the room as they as they come to Jai
Miss Rhapsuru.

Miss ramroop.

Would you be so kind to assist me to admit persons into the room as they as they come from? Good
bumped off. And you need to be re-admitted The new monitors of the
The participant screen to ensure that person is getting through yes sir.

Thank you so much.

All right. So this afternoon, as I was mentioning is intended to be an introductory class. I If a brief
overview of what, contract law, one, entails. Um, I will give you a guide as

What type of material you may need to? To dissect our exam Arrangements work. And class activities
that we will be examining over the semester.

Everybody here is from you, some of your expectations from this course. And I will share on behalf of my
colleagues, some of our expectations and then we answer your your questions. I am anticipating that. All
of that wonderful and give each man to keep us just about an hour. And then I will release you for the
remainder of the afternoon. The officially begin our lectures. From next Wednesday at

Of this on this platform using this.

It may be a good point to start by alerting you that. I am. Traveling magistrate. So You may find from
time to time. But I may have various assignments in. By the parts of Guyana. Some parts of gear that are
sorry, booked. That internet access is not possible.

Um, Whenever that. Is happening.

I will alert my colleagues, who will assist me. And filling for me.

It knows types of situation. I should tell you as well, that

This is why I have chosen this method of online teaching. As it before the method, for me since I am
Constantly traveling.

During the course of this semester, I'm expected to be away from gay. Adam. During the period
February 17th.

But even though I am aware, I am available by a WhatsApp and available. Um, to attend classes in the
sessions. That our schedule for this class.

Now, what to expect from contract law, one?

Want you to, Close your eyes for a moment.

And I want you to imagine.

That you are you famous? Basketball player.

And for the ladies, Imagine you're a famous Diva Superstar.

And sit back and relax. Think about the millions that you have earned. To your illustrious career.

I think about how much you will put in your bath comment.

And how much you will give to your children.


Think about all of the wonderful toys you will be able Their And you feel the dream.

Mr. Monroe. Are you experiencing the dream?

The one. All right. It feels good. Right. Think of all the millions that you have and And how? It's able to
serve you.

Alessia Griffith, are you experiencing the trip?

You can enjoy as much.

Some deep products as you wish to have. Without even having. Think twice about it.

All of the makeup cosmetics, jewelry. It's all yours.


To be fair. More Superstars who live? Those lavish and eggs, travel and lifestyles Have a lot. And a lot of
the thankfulness has to go to contract law. Because contracts. Many of the transactions.

Allow them to acquire.

Those things.

Someone I saw, do I know that they like Fenty Beauty, but it's And the Y of 10, I'm the husband of one
wife, so I

Big note of what. Ladies like, as well.

So a lot. Of those are positions.

To do a contract law.

And without contracts. I believe they can't exist. But coming closer to home,
From the moment that you are born. To the moment that you die. And even after you're dead, you are
interacting with the

Let's see what happens to you when you're born, how to register your bird there lost. It says As soon as
you should get to school, their laws, that speak about how you are the one property or your convey
property, their laws, that sells how you are to behave in society. What is acceptable? What is not
acceptable to laws that govern? How you buy, how you sell? And, Much of what you do in life.

Um, interacts with contracts. You jump in here, the taxi.

To get to your class at 450. You have to be a fee.

That is contractual obligations. Give me think well I didn't catch that see how you don't really have to
worry about that and every time we go to the gas station to refill your topic. Yes. Nothing details from
structural obligations. You purchase.

You that? Take to make your noise. That entails contractual lovely game. It's to go to the supermarket to
acquire items, contract oil, obligation together, Flyer distance. Farmers anything you do can be traced
There's some element of contract. So in this course, we will be covering the song. What are the essential
ingredients of a function? How do you make a function?

What does decent deal?

What rules are applied?

We will look at Essential Elements of a contract and their basically six of them. And in looking at those
six elements, we will follow it in there so I appreciate what each of them. I'm going to share my screen.

But as you can have,

Force assessment looks like.


I'm going to share my screen so that you can have an idea of what your horse outline looks like.

So that we can have a greater appreciation.

What areas we will be covering. In this whole thing called contract law.

And some of the topics we are going to explore in Greater detail. But include topics such as

Offer and acceptance.

And we talk about offers and acceptance. You're talking about those things that

Well, he necessary to make the contract.

I'm just going to throw the question is to test your knowledge in this particular area and I'm going to call
someone at random. Henry, Das


Good afternoon. Generic suppose, you go into Whole Foods that The mall.

And you pick up an apple.

And you go to the, Fresh air. And she takes the apple from you. The machine goes beep. You know that
machine, that is scan, it goes.
When was enough for me. It was an awful me.

Welcome to make.

I want to take it to the counter. Oh, all right.

Yes, of course made when it took the opposite counter acceptance is made when in the wind through
the beep. All right, somebody else has no. Somebody says no definition with that. That is saying no.

All right, what do you say, sir?

When was the off of me?


I think the aqua wasn't me.

Um, as it's our Optical Republic, When the place the itemic on the Shelf.

Well, you will, you will have to distinguish between an aqua and an invitation to treat

Because if it's enough, then

Read my beers because every store on Region Street that displays Um, items that you cannot possibly
afford. Um, It's an offer to you. And you might be engaging in contractual relations with that store just
because they've, they've made enough. So, you must be able to distinguish between an awful and an
invitation to treat. And that's what we're gonna do in this course as we go along. Um, But to answer the
question of when, exactly, let me not answer it is, yet I'll let you go home.
And research. Pushed them and come back with an answer. When we meet next week, for our first
class, on the topic of awful. And you will tell me when that offer was made. Whether it was at the
display. In the store, whether it was at the point of the beat of the machine or what it was at the point.

In and gendering your 500 for the Apple that you pick up at all feeds.

You will investigate it and you come back with an answer next. And it stays here. Yes, we just raised your
hand. If you have a question that you'd like to have answer Anastasia Um, I actually would like to answer
this question, fully.

And catch, I think and I would that you have an answer and ask you about it next week when we when
we come to class. But I'm going to encourage the class to research the point and come up with an

1:39 AM

We're gonna look at acceptance. When exactly is acceptance me. Um,

Adelissa. Are you here?

Adelissa. Yes, sir. Right. So at least Suppose you're added to Mary International Airport. And you want to
acquire. The lovely Audi Q5 that is parked in the airport parking lot.


You got an awful. By this Q5 at 500 000, which is extremely reasonable. And you said, yes. But the
moment that you said yes a playable landed.

A plane landed and the person who was selling the Q5, could not hear anything that you were saying.

With, would that be a valid acceptance?

Um, no.

The first, you need to hear.

Or be aware of the accidents. All right. With your answer, be different. If you said c, c senorita.

But the person, Um,

Speed to German.

So I I put another variable in the scenario, but if you say see senorita But the person with you because
it's German,

They hear you they see you saying see and raising your heart. Acceptance. She needs to understand
that. It's an active. It's not fair to be an acceptance. Whether I said, yes, I know he still need to
comprehend that. Oh yes, it's an acceptance.

Are we going to explore that that thought and that idea a little bit more in depth is we get into the topic
of acceptance to understand, but really is an acceptance. Is when you say, acceptance must be
communicated, how much we communication is needed. And what if it is interrupt, it is considered to
be a valid acceptance. What happens now you're buying cars on the internet Um, SBT Japan and And
trust company Japan and you're here in Guyana and you emailing, and what's up being Communicating
virtually. When is acceptance made? Is it when you send the email, or is it 20 billion received? Um, when
exactly does acceptance.

Is acceptance form. And why is it relevant? Well, I tell you. That it has relevance because it determines
which jurisdiction may have. Authority overly contractual Arrangements. That is being exchanged
between the parties. So All of that, good stuff. As we talk, we talk about. Um, this Exxon mobile contract,
that is so famous and And let's talk about. Sanctity of contract and not being able to break.

Will come down a little later to contractual terms and you'll get a view of what that entails. We talk
about intention to create legal relations. Probably.
Another one of you to give a comment.


Stephanie actually, Stephanie

Actually, are you in the class?

Well, if Ashley is not the urged and Wilson, are you in the class?

Have you ever noticed that I use this style of just picking persons at random to communicate? And as we
get a little late into this class, you will learn that. There's a mark that it's assigned to class participation.
So If you're not participating, you stand the loose of the 10 percent of your final grade. But just being
silent in class. So we don't encourage silence in the class. No answer is wrong. We encourage you to
speak so that you can I give a point

All right, with that. Like to give a point. Um, I think it's like when the contract that that parties that are in
this control arm,

Come to agreement and they should have it legally binding and enforced us to pure religious a domestic

Hi everyone. Sir God bonstaff however he is proceeding to log in back, okay?

I am so sorry. Thank you for being salvation.

Computing today.

But it's on again.

Right. So Amira, you were giving a scenario or an example.

No, I said that the intention to even like the um people that are involved. In our contract that their
contract be legally enforceable as compared to the cat domestic agreement.

And you are so correct. Mirror.

And that's the type of arrangements that you're talking about. So Amera as you suggested, let me ask
this scenario so suppose you plan to pick up your girlfriend to go out to Vito this Saturday night.

I'm picking you up at Saturday night, you can leave something if you want. She said, okay, I'll give you a
thousand dollars.

It's got an arrangement that Was intended to be invited.

No, because that's just more, like

All right, how about you? Never said, well, you know, we live on the East Bank, it didn't make sense that
we drive down the road and all that traffic.

Um, why not? Contributed 500 to the gas every week so you can save

We are driving time.

And I will, I will drive.

It's domestic, but it's a transportation Arrangement from that in between the two parties.

I believe that once it's not legally and forthible, then you know,
Yes someone else is a million contribution. Um yes sir just can you just go what is scenario slowly for
me? So A and B 11, the Easter And he has a car.

Get to work every day. 500 a week.

If B says, yes. So that arrangement and actually he doesn't even have to say it if he just accepts the 500.

And takes the person and this, this

That would be a verbal contract. All right, I didn't make a difference if their friends. Good next door to
each other.

Adjusted their brothers and sisters.

If they're still saying then, yes teleport. All right. So we're gonna be examining attention to create legal
relations acting, some of those questions. And Trying to come up with some answers to what that really
means. And then we're going to move on to consideration. But it's this thing.

Every time you jump in the bus,

100. A short drop. Is that consideration? Is that the only consideration? Can you leave yourself?
Welcome. In exchange for the drop.

Supposed or forget your money one day and you take off your wedding ring. And knee back with an
exchange, but it drop.

It's not accurate concealing variation, sufficient consideration.

What about scenarios nearby? Somebody offer a reward to save you from drowning.

And they're seeing from drawing, but

And after consideration, Contract and restricted capacity.

This area, I'm gonna ask a question.

To activate your interest.

To this green.

And I have a contract with 10 year old,

What about? All of those children, who

Superstars actors Home Alone. Kevin

Kevin that you look at every Christmas?

He was a child when he was acting in those movies. I'm showing that he was inquiried.

And big companies enter into contracts with the children. What about serious experience room? All
right, let me go farther. What about those Olympians?

I learned for all across the world and they have

Now, sponsorship arrangements.

Yes, go ahead. I'm hearing user.

Two seconds ago. All right, so kwami. I I heard your comment. That they would have to have a contract
with appearance, but I'm giving you other scenarios to consider. What about those scholarship
Arrangements. Whereby you have people performing it in your politics. Talented young bright, and
ejected a Nike in the big companies have a richest sponsor, all of their experiences and probably whores.
And all they have to do is to perform

Your contracts, it was individuals. So, I want to ask a question to finally answer, if that makes sense. But

If the let's say a binder child doesn't understand. The contract basically saying that may actually not be
beneficial for them to be contract.

It's not very, I'm so, um, I can't really enter into our contract.

Well, we're gonna explore the symbolizer is yes.

And the contracts with miners, but it's under some very, very limited circumstances and within Outline
and look at some of those circumstances when we come to restricted capacity.

I want you to consider what happens to Manhattan.

Well, he's healthy strong. But you had some laps in judgment or or what happens to a drunken map

And he entered into a contract. You want circumstances for the funds contract? Be considered to be
valued or not. These are some of you questions if we are going to consider when we look at ethereum,
Contractual terms. So we're going to toggle

That inside the contract itself. What terms are binding or the non-bining?

Qualities. Go down the ports in the Big fancy fridge. Or.

And they said this thing is under warranty for five years. What does that really mean? Um, what are the
conditions of the puncture? How important they are the We're going to talk about exclusion Clauses,
you go in the mini bus, and you see a big sign, I decide of the

It says, we are not responsible for any loss or damage to your articles.

And you go into personally, drop your wedding ring. And your noise right there. You drop it. You can you
claim against the boss?

For ready, splitting rain or some food? Does that exclusion clause adding vehicle.

From liability if you suffer loss or damage.

That's a quick overview of some of the things that you'll be discussing. In this course, over the next

13 weeks or so.

Have a question.

Video Edwards.

All right. So, I'll move in now, so How we will do this class. Pretty much, it's going to be two hours of like
one hour of material each week. Yeah, set aside from 415 all the way.

Seven dead.

Every Wednesday afternoon.

To be a bit more lectures and tutorials.

Tutorials that are likely to begin. Somewhere around the third week of this course. Uh, what we will do
we will start the tutorial sessions after you turn first.

You have done, it's break or so and then we get into our neck.

Um, Like I said,

Try to make the classes very engaging. So we will be calling on you. We will be sharing videos. We will be
sharing. Scenarios who will work on, you will have group discussions. You will have. Opportunities to

Throughout the course you will be given various assignments to complete in groups.

And you may even be given Opportunities to

Um, and of course, you have a final exam that will account for 60 of the final group.

In that final exam. With our four questions.

Yes, Vivian you have a question.

I can hear you now.

Well, they they are instances where miners can control.

And those contracts can be considered. It's violet, especially if it's contract, when you say cities and

1:59 AM
That has an interests of the minor art. Uh, those contracts may be considered valid. To contracts such as
the ones that I'm talking about. The gentiles

Helping the minor to advance in a school setting or in a vocational sector or an athletic setting.

They are contracts that are whiteboard. And some contracts and miners, get into handy considered

Inside the option of the 5Ds.

Continue. But those are issues that we.

Speak more. Introductible.

Course, but I do hope that that come and give you some ideas.

Well, yes, you have. Yeah, I I get the impression. You you're asking if there are situations Because of
minor and an adult arrangement in my

Getting out of the country, staying the course of the contract all the way through is that your general
idea you want to know

So, the answer is Yes, dear situations which can allow food, remind them to do that but they are other
situations as well. Reading minor would not be able to begin with that. All right, and as we go through
that topic and restricted positive You and make those points much better.

I trust that I would have said enough after this point to get you excited and impressed it.

It really issues that come up in contract. Because when we talk about contract law, we talking about real
life, talking about everyday life,
You live to respond with contracts, every woman to put on your computer. You're interacting with some
principle of contract law. You go on yourself, phone.

That you're using.

Um, it's our computer courts has to be paid a monthly installed and those are real life. Contractual
issues. That you engage with a Faces every time you jump in the dark skirtania refrigerator, you cannl
has to be fair.

Bill has to be paid. So, all of these are contractual issues that we engage and interact with context.

And bring you a very nice mix in relation to Contract law, because Some of my colleagues, I know that

Um, let's practiced in this area.


Uh, we bring a flavor to what the reports in Guyana.

How the Force?

Great Insight as well from the point of view of State. How this contractual Arrangements, interact. With
you and can affect you and life.

In general. So, that's it about the course.

So, let me quickly go into But we expect from you.

We expect ease. Yes, I reset the bar high because we know that all of you have the potentially, if you get
into the long battle D, it means that you have some kind of academic background.
Or bring you to this point where you can, You can study long. Um, also the fact that you've survived
semester one and, you know, it's domestic too tells us that you have the ability to sorting this course,
but I can tell you, it will not be easy. It requires you to put in the work. So therefore, we expect You do.

Leave with your e.

Um, you Come prepared for your classes.

You must.

Come prepared the participate in your discussion.

And probably here to do well. Second expectation, is that

We expect you to be punctual.

About this. You block out, the certainly glass wrap and a largest about it. So that Um, you don't see you
as being absent delivery.

We expect.

You would always be respectful.

Please appreciate that.

It takes a lot from us. Has lecturers. Fear and to be able to,

And sometimes you may have different views on the topic or sometimes we may not respond to you in
the way you expect it, but we do encourage that you maintain that level of respect.
If you have questions, We are not able to answer it at any given point in time. Rest assured that we will
go back and research it. Will come to you with an answer. That will help you.

See us persons that will be giving you everything you need to pass this course.

Think of us more in terms of guys,

The ones who are going to guide you to the end result, but you are the ones who have to be the work.
We will not breathe every case for you. We will not.

Would be do and give you all the materials that you need. You will not pass the course with only the
slides or are material that we give to you. Participating in all of the class activities and discussions. And
see. Let's be relaxed. I think our personalities excellence, Diane and myself. You don't come to you with
an aggressive abrasive personality in general, you are very open. And welcome into students. But we do
expect that, you know, approach us in our respectable Concerning communicating with electrode. I was
three, four.

That I can get this one person. Rather than 99 courses.

So I would suggest that your channel your request through your classroom. E or anyone on my

As we go along.

Yes, material on.

Yes, fired to pulls them in advance of lectures, so that you can have ample time. Will become an election
skip for any reason we are late or

If you don't plan to

Your class rep and just give us a little reminder because we do have decision views.

Have to work.

It would be good if sometimes the classroom can be a little reminder, and we will let you throw it
materials. Are

All right. Excellence that I miss anything that I probably needed to say.

Not that I'm aware of nobody. Would you like to add anything?

All right. Diane, is there anything that you would like to add at this time?

Father, this time I just read this, everything was covered. All right. So then I will now move on to the
textbooks that

Want to rely on throughout the course of this.

In my hand is leading Stacks Commonwealth Caribbean contract law. By Gilbertini and Korea to the
beginning. And find this to be.


It's also gives a Caribbean.

Many of the concepts that are

That you will be. Unfolding. Over the next 30 weeks.

Apart from conformant, West Arabia, contract law. You can also consult with.
Basic principles that we are covering in semester one.

I will say across and makeup.

Actually, you think you can do that?

Yes, I would justify. You said the takes groups. Do you mean six group? As in all or groups of six?

Six groups.

Students. You have to divide 100 by 6.

Sure, everyone.

All right. So now I would like to hear from you, what your expectations.


What do you expect from this Sport?

No, it's 96 of you. So, I

Best to hear from you because to hear from 96 of you, may take another hour.

So, perhaps you can use a pool

There is a pool on your screen.

I would allow for a few minutes.

That's all of this. Some of these guys together is that you see on On the four.

Our interaction with two lens over time.

This is what they were once General.

Pull this up and running you have about.

Us about half of you have responded so far.

About 70 percent of you have no responding.

Of just about one minute remaining in the pool.

Is Felix. I would encourage you to

Just about turnout seconds, remaining. Good afternoon. Um, I'm not getting off this before. I don't know
why I haven't screen and then. All right. What type of device are you using a phone in your hori

All right.

I'm not sure.

What's happening?

But it's just about the time to end the pool. So I'll share the results.
The entire class.

The majority of you want. All of the above.

The core of you.

Responding to the pool, say that you want all of your, by all of the above will be

Triple lectures, 90 feedback on your queries. You want your materials and published before class?

Time remotes of glass cancellations, and you want to engaging in a joyable, electric diamond tutorial,
you will aspire to reach all of your expectations. What we do event inspected, you would also aspire to
be power expectations as well.

Are there any questions before we divide from each other's company?

So that's going to permanent file. You said, let me use a contrast as well. Yes, you can use to teach iron
pie foot.

As we exploring the basic principles of,

And it's the same across.

Do we stop tutorials from next week? Will we be given some work something? Or it would follow, we
hope to start tutorials in the third because lectures, this is the first week, so you do not be next week. It
will be coming around the

And working that. Yes, not just read that. Would you like my help to arrange that or you think you can
handle it on your own? Trying to, Um, I I wish to select all good.
Of actually just said to me, I can handle that. So the classroom will be handling that.

Any other comments? Or question.

All right, ladies and gentlemen. There. No other comments or questions for us of this time. Not very
class this afternoon.

I was for,

By the end of tomorrow. The assignment from one,


Materials that you want to be relying on.

Of course, lecture.

Or next Wednesday and Expensively. Start our lectures at 415 Should conclude by six. The following
week of the 14th of.

February, we started.


Anybody appreciates that?

Yes, sir. Read up on the topic of And acceptance and complete here, for an engaging discussion. Thank
you, thank you. See you next?

Thank you, good afternoon.

Lesson Number Two

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