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Leader-Follower Formation Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Fault

Tolerant and Collision Avoidance Capabilities

Conference Paper · June 2015

DOI: 10.1109/ICUAS.2015.7152392


30 809

4 authors:

Zhixiang Liu Xiang Yu

Concordia University Montreal Concordia University Montreal


Chi Yuan Youmin Zhang

Concordia University Montreal Concordia University Montreal


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2015 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Denver Marriott Tech Center
Denver, Colorado, USA, June 9-12, 2015

Leader-Follower Formation Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with

Fault Tolerant and Collision Avoidance Capabilities
Z. X. Liu1 , X. Yu2 , C. Yuan3 and Y. M. Zhang4

Abstract— In this paper, a leader-follower formation control practical issues including collision avoidance and fault tol-
of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) design methodol- erant control (FTC). The formation control researches with
ogy is proposed to keep the desired formation, while simultane- collision avoidance capability can be found in [15], [16],
ously deal with the potential collision and actuator faults. The
proposed formation control is divided into outer-loop and inner- [17], [18], while faults in formation control are considered
loop controllers. First, a leader-follower control structure is in other researches including communication faults (dropout,
constructed as the outer-loop controller. Then, an adaptive fault delay, failure, etc.) [19], [20], [21] and actuator faults [22],
tolerant control (FTC) scheme along with a collision avoidance [23], [24]. The aforementioned formation control applica-
strategy are combined as the inner-loop controller. Simulation tions can effectively eliminate the influences of faults or
validations are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of
this presented design method. obstacles, whilst maintain the formation stability. However,
the combination of the collision avoidance and FTC abilities
in formation control has not been presented, which is critical
for formation control.
The coordination of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles This paper proposes a leader-follower formation control
(UAVs) has attracted a great deal of attention, due to the methodology with collision avoidance and FTC capabilities.
potentially significant benefits offered by a group of UAVs This method is intended to ensure all UAVs in the desired for-
deploying in an organized topology [1]. These benefits in- mation while remaining free of collisions from both environ-
clude various practical applications, such as forest fire/health ment and inter-formation, and guarantee the system stability
surveillance [2], border patrol [3], natural resources explo- in the event of actuator faults. The proposed approach con-
ration [4], as well as search and rescue [5]. However, the sists of two main portions: a FTC mechanism and a collision
malfunctions of actuators in UAVs can not only adversely avoidance mechanism. The operational procedure of these
affect the task performance, but also lead to the disastrous mechanisms can be outlined as follows: 1) when a follower
consequences. In addition, collision avoidance is likewise an UAV encounters actuator faults, the FTC mechanism will be
important aspect since it can prevent vehicles from disrupting activated to accommodate the faults; 2) the collision may
or destroying each other and surrounding objects. These occur among the UAVs, environmental obstacles, and the
problems severely threaten the safety of personnels from faulty UAV, a collision avoidance function in the threatened
ground and other manned aircrafts, natural environment, UAVs is then activated and the collision avoidance action is
and infrastructures. Thus, the safety of UAVs should be conducted; 3) when all obstacles have been voided, all UAVs
guaranteed in the course of formation control. ultimately return to the desired formation.
In the past decade, numerous studies are carried out on The contribution of this paper covers: 1) a PI control
UAVs formation control. Various methods are adopted in approach is designed as the outer-loop controller to guaran-
this application, such as: proportional-integral (PI) control tee the good formation keeping performance and eliminate
[8], [13], robust control [9], [10], linear quadratic (LQ) the steady-state error of trajectory tracking; 2) a collision
control [6], [7], feedback linearization [14], hybrid super- avoidance mechanism is incorporated to avoid both the
visory control [12], backstepping [17], and sliding mode environmental obstacles and inner-formation vehicles. It is of
control (SMC) [11]. In addition, tremendous attention is significance that the formation can be still kept without any
also paid on the formation control with consideration of collision when one follower UAV deviates from its expected
trajectory in the presence of actuator faults
1 Z. X. Liu is a PhD student with Department of Mechanical The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:
and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, Section 2 provides necessary preliminaries. The detailed
2 X. Yu is a Post-doc Fellow with Department of Mechanical design procedure of the proposed control scheme is described
and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, in Section 3. Simulation results are presented in Section 4, while the conclusion is summarized in the last section.
3 C. Yuan is a PhD student with Department of Mechanical
and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada,
4 Y. M. Zhang is a Professor currently with the Department of Information
and Control Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi A. Outer-Loop UAV Kinematics
710048, China and on sabbatical leave from the Department of Mechan-
ical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, In this paper, the considered flight formation is leader- follower structure which consists of i (i ≥ 2) UAVs. The

978-1-4799-6009-5/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 1025

B. Inner-Loop UAV Model Subject to Actuator Faults
Without loss of generality, the linear time-invariant dy-
namic model of the studied UAV can be described as:
UAV ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t)
ψL (4)
y(t) = Cx(t),
dli where x(t) ∈ <n , u(t) ∈ <m , and y(t) ∈ <p are the state,
input, and output vectors, respectively. A ∈ <n×n and B ∈
<n×m are the system and input matrices, C ∈ <p×n is an
ψi output matrix.
Follower dfi In practice, UAV control surfaces may be stuck at an
UAV unknown position due to hydraulics failure, the value of
such a failure can be modeled as ū = [ū1 , ū2 , ..., ūm ]T .
ūj (j = 1, 2, ...., m) indicates the jth actuator is stuck at
the value ūj . Defining v(t) = [v1 , v2 , ..., vm ]T ∈ <m to
be the commanded control input signal. Then, the actual
xi xL control input u(t) with consideration of actuator faults can
Fig. 1: Illustration of formation geometry be represented as:

u(t) = v(t) + σ[ū − v(t)] = (I − σ)v(t) + σ ū, (5)

kinematic model of each individual UAV is: where σ = diag{σ1 , σ2 , ..., σm } is the failure pattern matrix.
σi = 1 when the ith actuator fails, otherwise σi = 0.
ẋi = vi cosψi Thus, system (4) in the presence of actuator faults can be
ẏi = vi sinψi (1) rewritten as:
ψ̇i = ωi , ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + B(I − σ)v(t) + Bσ ū. (6)

where (xi , yi ), vi , ψi , and ωi are the position, forward III. FORMATION CONTROLLER DESIGN
velocity, heading angle, and angular velocity of the ith UAV, A. Outer-Loop Controller Design
Let (xL , yL ) be the actual position of leader UAV. As 1) Rigid Formation Control Strategy: Defining vi∗ and ωi∗
illustrated in Fig. 1, the actual distances between the leader to be the expected control laws distributing to inner-loop
and the ith UAV along the forward and lateral directions can controller of each follower. (3) can then be reconstructed as:
then be described as: ėf i −vL − dli ωL
ėli df i ωL
df i =(xi − xL )cosψi + (yi − yL )sinψi
cos(ψi − ψL ) −Dsin(ψi − ψL ) vi∗
+ Dcos(ψi − ψL ) +
(2) −sin(ψi − ψL ) −Dcos(ψi − ψL ) ωi∗
dli =(xi − xL )sinψi + (yi − yL )cosψi 
cos(ψi − ψL ) −Dsin(ψi − ψL ) vi − vi∗
− Dsin(ψi − ψL ), +
−sin(ψi − ψL ) −Dcos(ψi − ψL ) ωi − ωi∗
−vL − dli ωL
where D is the distance between the control point and the =
df i ωL
centre of mass [25].
cos(ψi − ψL ) −Dsin(ψi − ψL ) vi∗
Defining the separation distance errors between the desired + .
and actual distances in forward and lateral directions to be −sin(ψi − ψL ) −Dcos(ψi − ψL ) ωi∗
ef i = df i −ddf i and eli = dli −ddli , where ddf i and ddli namely
To guarantee the effective trajectory tracking performance
represent the desired distances along the forward and lateral
while eliminating the steady-state error of trajectory tracking,
directions. Moreover, let vL , ψL , and ωL denote the forward
a P I controller is applied. The outer-loop controller is
velocity, heading angle, and angular velocity of leader UAV,
thereby designed as:
respectively. The derivation of ef i and eli with regard to time  ∗  
can then be obtained: vi coseψ −sineψ
    ωi∗ −D 1
sineψ − D 1
ėf i −vL − dli ωL  R  (8)
= −(k1P ef i + k1I eRf i dt) + vL + dli ωL
ėli df i ωL × ,
   −(k2P eli + k2I eli dt) − df i ωL
cos(ψi − ψL ) −Dsin(ψi − ψL ) vi
+ . where eψ = ψi −ψL , k1P , k1I , k2P , k2I > 0 are the feedback
−sin(ψi − ψL ) −Dcos(ψi − ψL ) ωi
(3) gains.

Formation Obstacles
Specifications Other
Obstacles &
Other UAVs
Out-loop dL dR
ψL ψR
(vf ωf)
Mechanism (vv ωv) (v ω) dmin


(x y)
ith UAV
Fig. 3: Illustration of the collision avoidance mechanism

Fig. 2: Schematic diagram of the semi-rigid formation con-

trol strategy the variation of this force, which can be expressed as:
c(dmax − do )α if do < dmax
Ff = (10)
0 if do ≥ dmax ,
2) Semi-Rigid Formation Strategy: To prevent UAVs from
destroying themselves and surrounding objects (other vehi- where do denotes the distance between the UAV and the
cles, personnels, and infrastructures), a collision avoidance closest obstacle, α is a positive integer, dmax is the maxi-
mechanism should be generally incorporated into the forma- mum distance between UAV and obstacle which causes no
tion control design. A semi-rigid formation strategy is then fictitious forces (Ff = 0 if do ≥ dmax ), and the constant
obtained, this strategy is capable of guaranteeing all vehicles integer c is determined by system calibration as follows:
keeping the desired formation while avoiding the obstacles
from both inter-formation and surrounding environment. Ff max = c(dmax − dmin )α , (11)
As illustrated in Fig. 2, the primary idea of this semi-rigid where Ff max is the maximum virtual repulsive force, and
formation is to modify the desired forward and angular ve- dmin is the minimum acceptable collision avoidance dis-
locities while keeping the separation between the UAVs. The tance.
essence of semi-rigid formation can also be mathematically The variation of heading angle to avoid an obstacle is then
expressed as follows: achieved:
ψcL = Φ−1 Ff L
vi = vi∗ + vvi ψcR = Φ−1 Ff R ,
ωi = ωi∗ + ωvi , where ψcL and ψcR denote the regulation angle for collision
avoidance in UAV’s left and right sides, Φ = KI s2 +
where vi and ωi denote the ultimately desired forward and KD s + KE is the mechanical impedance characterizing the
angular velocities after modification, vvi and ωvi represent interaction of UAV and obstacles, KI , KD , KE ≥ 0 denote
the reactive obstacle avoidance terms for forward and angular the inertia, damping, and elastic constants, respectively. Ff L
velocities of each UAV. and Ff R represent the fictitious forces with respect to the
Before proceeding to the design procedure of collision closest left and right obstacles to the UAV, these two forces
avoidance mechanism, the following assumption should be are adopted to make the formation control system capable of
satisfied. operating in more cluttered environment.
Assumption 1: It is assumed that there is an onboard Therefore, the ultimate corrections to the forward and
sensing system in each UAV capable of detecting obstacles angular velocities can be obtained by:
(environmental obstacles and other UAVs) and measuring the vvi = Φ−1 (Ff L sinψcL + FlR sinψcR )
distance between the UAV and obstacles. (13)
ωvi = Φ−1 (Ff R − Ff L ).
As addressed in Fig. 3, by employing the mechanical
impedance principle approach in [26], each individual UAV B. Inner-Loop Controller Design
in formation is allocated with a virtual repulsive force. This In order to effectively track the reference from outer-loop
force is intended to characterize the interaction of UAV controller in the absence/presence of actuator faults, a direct
and its surrounding environment. Moreover, the forward and adaptive control method [27] is employed here to deal with
angular velocities of each UAV vary accordingly based on actuator failures.

Firstly, a reference model is constructed as follows:
Af 0 Bf 0
A= ,B =
ẋm (t) = Am xm (t) + Bm r(t), (14) 0 Al 0 Bl
 
−0.0334 −2.977 0 −9.81
−0.0016 −4.133 0.98 0 
where xm (t) ∈ <n , Am ∈ <n×n , Bm ∈ <n×m , r(t) ∈ <m Af =  
is a bounded reference input.  0.0077 −140.2 −4.435 0 
0 0 1 0
Since the objective of the state feedback state tracking  
(SFST) adaptive control [27] is to match the nominal system −0.732 −0.0143 −0.996 0.0706
(6) and reference model (14), if there exist state feedback  −893 −9.059 2.044 0 
Al = 
101.673 0.0186 −1.283

gain Ks and direct adaptive gains Kad1 and Kad2 along 0 
with an ideal control law v(t) = KsT x(t) + Kad1 r(t) + Kad2 0 0 1 0
 
such that the following matching conditions are satisfied: −1.075 −0.2453
 0.347 −4.133 
Bf = 

A + B(I − σ)KsT = Am ; B(I − σ)Kad1 = Bm ; 0 
(15) 0 0
B(I − σ)Kad2 = −Bσ ū.  
0 0.244
328.653 308.498
When the adaptive feedback control law is considered as: Bl = 
 47.528 102.891

0 0
v(t) = K̂sT x(t) + K̂ad1 r(t) + K̂ad2 , (16) C=
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 1
where K̂s , K̂ad1 , and K̂ad2 denote the estimates of Ks , The desired forward and angular velocities of the leader
Kad1 , and Kad2 . The error between (6) and (14) is e(t) = ∗ ∗
UAV are vL = 10m/s and ωL = 0.5deg/s. The desired
x(t) − xm (t), the derivative of e(t) can then be obtained: distances between the leader UAV and Follower-1 in forward
and lateral directions are ddf 1 = −100m and ddl1 = −100m,
ė(t) = Am e(t) + B(I − σ)(K̃sT x(t) + K̃ad1 r(t) + K̃ad2 ), while the expected distances between the leader UAV and
(17) Follower-2 with regard to forward and lateral directions are
where the errors between the estimated and actual values are ddf 2 = −100m and ddl2 = 100m. The starting positions
represented as K̃s = K̂s − Ks , K̃ad1 = K̂ad1 − Kad1 , and of leader, Follower-1, and Follower-2 UAVs are (0m, 0m),
K̃ad2 = K̂ad2 − Kad2 . (−100m, −100m), and (−100m, 100m), respectively. The
values of other adopted parameters for the controller design
Consequently, adopting the general adaptive scheme to are all summarized in Table I.
update the parameter estimates of adaptive feedback control
law (16), the adaptation laws can be given by: TABLE I: Parameter values

˙ T Parameter α dmax dmin Fmax KI KB KK

K̂s = −Γs Bm P e(t)xT (t) Value 2 100 50 2.5 0.1 0.2 1
˙ T
K̂ad1 = −Γad1 Bm P e(t)rT (t) (18)
˙ T
K̂ad2 = −γad2 Bm P e(t),
A. Scenario Description
where γad2 > 0, the positive definite and symmetric matrix Two scenarios are selected to verify the effectiveness of
Γs ∈ <n×n and Γad1 ∈ <m×m . Whilst ATm P +P Am = −Q the proposed method:
is satisfied for the chosen positive definite matrices P =
1) In the first scenario, a dynamic obstacle is assumed
P T ∈ <n×n and Q = QT ∈ <n×n . For the sake of space,
to move toward the formation with constant heading
proof of this adaptation law can be referred to [27].
angle and forward velocity. The trajectory of this
obstacle is calculated by: xobs = 2070 − 20t, yobs =
368 − 5t. The collision may occur if no collision
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS avoidance actions are conducted.
2) In the second scenario, one follower in the formation
In this paper, 3 UAVs are applied in the simulation suddenly encounters aileron stuck at 20o (at 60th sec-
validation, one UAV is selected as the leader, other UAVs ond) and rapidly deviates from the expected trajectory,
are set as the followers. The model of the selected UAV which may result in collision among the faulty UAV
[24] is given as follows: and other healthy UAVs.

Follower−1 Reference Leader Follower−1 Follower−2
Follower−2 30

V (m/s)
2500 20

2000 10
Y Axis (m)

1500 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Obstacle’s trajectory Time (s)

Bank Angle (deg)

1000 80
60 Obstacle detected
500 40
Obstacle 20
0 Collision avoidance 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
−500 Time (s)
−500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
X Axis (m)
Fig. 6: Forward velocity and bank angle of each UAV in
Fig. 4: Two-dimensional trajectory of the UAVs formation
Forward Distance (m)

Whilst with the assistance of collision avoidance mechanism,
−100 the Follower-1 UAV can promptly detect the Follower-2
is approaching and maneuver correspondingly to a safe
−120 distance. In addition, the faulty UAV can accommodate the
Follower−1 to Leader
actuator fault and ultimately maintain keeping the expected
Follower−2 to Leader
−140 formation. Fig. 9 shows the corresponding performance of
0 50 100 150 200
Time (s) forward velocities and bank angles of the three UAVs while
200 Follower-2’s actuator fails.
Lateral Distance (m)

−100 Follower−2

−200 2500
0 50 100 150 200
Time (s)
Y Axis (m)

Fig. 5: Distances between the leader and follower UAVs

Fault occurs
B. Scenario 1 1000

As can be seen from Fig. 4, the Follower-1 UAV success- 500

fully avoids the potential collision with graceful performance
degradation when an obstacle is moving towards the for- 0
mation. More specifically, Fig. 5 illustrates that around 2m
forward and 25m lateral errors are yielded by Follower-1 −500
−500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
UAV during the collision avoidance action. X Axis (m)
It is displayed in Fig. 6 that this collision avoidance
Fig. 7: Two-dimensional trajectory of the UAVs formation
operation occurs at around 50th second, which is maneuvered
through the variation of the Follower-1 UAV’s bank angle.

C. Scenario 2 V. CONCLUSIONS
Fig. 7 shows a satisfied performance of both obstacle In this paper, a leader-follower formation control scheme
avoidance and FTC strategies while maintaining a rigid with integration of FTC and collision avoidance strategies is
formation after a certain period of regulation. As revealed presented. The characteristics of the proposed method are: 1)
in Fig. 8, when the actuator in Follower-2 UAV is stuck at a FTC function is designed to accommodate the unexpected
60th second, the distances between it and the leader UAV actuator faults so that the formation control can still be
in forward and lateral directions are significantly changed. maintained; 2) a collision avoidance mechanism is developed

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