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 Note: Mnemonic

 Oxygen and ventilation monitoring via Pulse oximeter

o Emergency, throracostomy, decreases, human,
 Check:
o Chest movement
 Management: Immediate Thoracostomy
o Cyanosis
o Needle: 2nd ICS MCL when inflamed the lung
o Jugular vein distention
convert to chest tube thoracostomy
o Respiratory rate
 G 14 needle
Note: o Breath sounds: wheezing
o Chest: 5th ICS Mid-Axillary line
o Palpate tracheal position
 Life threatening condition
 Initiate the resuscitation first

 Hypotension 2’ tension pneumothorax : obstructive Note:

 Altered Mental Status -Most common indication for
shocks  AKA: Sucking chest wound
intubation in Trauma patients
o Mediastinal structure is pushed away from the  The full thickness loss of the chest wall, allowing the air
 Cervical spine immobilization
affected site. from the atmosphere to go inside the pleural space
 Emergency Cricothyroidotomy- Severe Facial Trauma  Management:
o Ventricular filling will be involved- dec CO; BP=
o Definitive Closure of the chest wall and CTT
COxTPR, so it will also dec BP

 Pericardiosynthesis- Initial decompression

o 45 deg angle in the subxyphoid area
o Trajectory of needle: left shoulder

 Morethan 3
 Assoc: Pulmonary contusion
 Tx: Incubation and Mechanical Ventilation

 Severe: </= 8
 Moderate: 9-12
 Mild: 13-15

Note:  Destruction: Middle Meningeal Artery
 Evaluation of peripheral pulses, HR, mental status and  Lucid interval: temporary improvement in patients
pallor condition then deteriorate
 Tachycardia- most sensitive indicator of hypovolemia
 Hemodynamically stable patient: CT scan with contrast
 If UNSTABLE: FAST ( focus abdominal sonography for
 Hypovolemic shock: MC shock in trauma patient
o MC cause hypovolemic shock: Intraperitoneal
o Hypotensive with Pelvic Fracture: *
 1st: Intraperitoneal/intra cavitari
Note:  2nd: Pelvic fracture
 Venous deruption
 Laceration of parenchyma of the brain

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