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The journey of exploring these new technologies and considering their application in Green
IT is part of an innovative approach to understanding and handling the new carbon challenge.
Technologies such as XML, SOA, mobile services, and collaborative web services across the
industry verticals and with the regulatory bodies, virtualization, and Cloud computing are all
opportunities for innovativeness. In addition to innovations in technologies, the business
models themselves will undergo changes that will reflect the emergent carbon economy.
Future of Green IT in the Four Dimensions
Green ICT and Technology Trends:
Alignment of new and emerging technologies with business has been a key in delivering
competitive advantage to business. This same alignment needs to be kept in mind when
it comes to innovative use of emerging technologies and carbon reduction.

Cloud Computing:
Cloud computing is a virtualization-based technology that allows us to create, configure,
and customize applications via an internet connection.

Cloud computing is an important part of an organization’s approach to Green IT.The

opportunities to reduce the overall carbon footprint through dynamic collaboration are on
the rise by creation of public and private Clouds.

Applications development—with the availability of a sophisticated Cloud, application

development, including its modeling, testing, and deployment, can be put together in
one place. The Cloud-based application components can be used to plug in to the newly
developed systems,resulting in a much faster and energy efficient development.

Reusable Data service—a large amount of public or partially proprietary data can be
made available through Cloud-based services that can reduce the repeated storage and
maintenance of such data by separate organizations. For example, currency exchange,
interest rates, flight times, and weather patterns, are the types of data that are common
to many organizations but are stored by them all separately. Cloud-based data services
can eliminate that storage.


• SaaS is known as 'On-Demand Software'.

• It is a software distribution model. In this model, the applications are hosted by a
cloud service provider and publicized to the customers over internet.
• User can access SaaS by using a thin client through a web browser.
• The companies like Google, Microsoft provide their applications as a service to the
end users.

Eco design:
Ecodesign is based on environmental considerations in the very early conceptual stage of the
architecture and design of products or processes.


Nanotechnology deals with computing at a microscopic level. These technologies have the
potential to impact Green IT in terms of both its hardware and its software.
Nanotechnologies provide means to create, measure, and manipulate electronic data and
communications at atomic size. The reduction in size requires considerable research
effort—design, development, and production.

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