31st Jan Morning Shift Analysis PDF JI9ZHdn

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Paper Analysis
31 Jan Morning Shift
1. Few Memory-Based Questions
2. Important Details about the Exam
3. Overall Paper Analysis
4. Physic Analysis
5. Maths Analysis
6. Chemistry Analysis
7. Tentative Percentile Vs Score
Few Memory-Based Questions

Q 1 - The parameter that remains the same for molecules of all gasses at a given temp is?

Q 2 - Two charges q and 3q are separated by a distance r from each other. At a distance x from
charge q, the resultant electric field is zero. The value of x is
3(1+ 3)

B) 𝑟(1 + 3)
1+ 3
C) 𝑟
(1+ 3)

Q 3 - A coil is placed 1 to 0, and a magnetic field is produced in the coil of 5000 T. When the
field is changed to 3000 T in 2s an induced emf 22 V is produced in the coil. Suppose the
diameter of the coil is 0.02m. Then the number of turns in the coil is?
A) 7
B) 70
C) 35
D) 140

Q4) 4 identical particles of mass m are left at 4 corners of a square. If the gravitational force

exerted on one of the mass by the other masses is Then the length of the
side of the square is?

Q5. When a metal surface is illuminated by light of wavelength λ, the stopping potential 8v.
when the same surface is illuminated by the light of 3 λ stopping potential 2v is threshold
wavelength for this surface is
(A) 9λ
(B) 5λ
(C) 4.5λ
(D) 3λ
Q6. Two conductors have the same resistance at 0 𝑐 but their temperature coefficient of
resistance are α1 and α2 the respective temperature coefficient for their series and parallel

combination are.

Q7. Two charges Q and 3 Q are kept in a line separated by a distance R. The Electric field is
zero at a distance x from O. Find the value of x.

Q8. If the mass defect in a nuclear reaction is 0.4 gm then find the Q value of the reaction.

Q9. A force is represented by the dimensions of 𝑏 /𝑎 are:

Q10. The relation between the time t and distance x is, 𝑡 = α 𝑥 + β 𝑥, where α & β are
constants. The relation between acceleration and velocity is:
A) 𝑎 = − 2 α𝑣
B) 𝑎 = − 4α𝑣
C) 𝑎 = − 3α𝑣
D) 𝑎 = − 5α𝑣

1. Let and be 3 vectors as vectors

2. Let be the set of Positive integral values of a for which

. then no of elements in s is:

3. If y= y(x) solution of differential equation

Satisfy the condition y(π/4)=2, then y(π/3) is

4. The diameter of a circle is a chord of another circle c,

whose center is the point of intersection of line 2x+3y=12 and 3x-2y=5 then the radius of the
circle is
5. Let α, β, γ, δ ∈ 𝑍 and at 𝐴(α, β), 𝐵(1, 0), 𝐶(𝑟, δ) and D(1,2) be the vertices of a
parallelogram ABCD. if 𝐴𝐵 = 10 , and points A and C lie on the line 3𝑦 = 2𝑥 + 1
Then 2(α + β + 𝑟 + δ) is:

6. if the foci of the hyperbola are the same as that of the ellipse and the
eccentricity of the hyperbola is 15/8 times the e of the ellipse then the smaller focal distance of p

7. Three rotten apples are accidentally mixed with 15 good apples. Assuming the random
variable x to be the number of rotten apples in a draw of two apples. The variable x is?

8.g(x) linear function

continuous at

Q-10) Distance of the point from the line passing through the point
and perpendicular to the line


Q1. Which of the following options contain amphoteric oxide(s) only?

Q-2- The correct sequence of the electron gain enthalpy of elements listed below
A) Ar
B) Br
C) F
D) S

Q-3 Identify the factors from the following that do not affect the electrolytic conduction of a
A) Dilution
B) Nature of electrolyte
C) Temperature
D) Pressure

Q-4 For the given reaction, choose the correct expression of KC.

Q-5 The product C mentioned in the reaction is

Q-6 The compound that is white in colour is

Q-7 If the mass defect in a nuclear reaction is 0.4 gm then find the Q value of the reaction.
Important Details about the Exam
The National Testing Agency (NTA) conducted the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main
2024, Jan 31 Morning shift exam today from 9 AM to 12 PM. Here are the other
important exam details provided to you.

Particulars Details
Mode of exam Online (Computer-based test)
JEE Main exam duration 180 minutes (3 hours)
Types of questions MCQs and Numerical value questions
Official website of JEE Main https://jeemain.ntaonline.in/
Correct Answer - Four marks (+4)
JEE Main 2024 Marking Incorrect Answer- Minus one mark (-1)

Subject-wise distribution of Questions and Marks:-

Section B
Section A Numerical value
Subject (MCQs) questions Marks
Mathematics 20* 10* 100
Physics 20* 10* 100
Chemistry 20* 10* 100
Total 90 300

*Each Subject will have two sections. Section A will be of Multiple-Choice Questions
(MCQs) and Section B will contain Questions whose answers will be filled in as a
numerical value. In Section B, candidates must attempt any 5 questions out of 10.
There will be negative markings for both Section A and Section B. Section B's answer
should be rounded off to the nearest integer.
Overall Paper Analysis

● This 2024 JEE Main Paper was relatively “Moderate” with respect to the 2023 JEE Main
● The 31st Jan Morning Shift paper was relatively “Moderate to hard” with respect to the
29th Jan Papers.
● The 31st Jan Morning Shift paper was relatively “Moderate” with respect to the 30th Jan
● Maths was relatively hard with respect to Physics and chemistry.
● Chemistry subject questions were relatively of the same difficulty level as that of physics
questions. But chemistry was mostly theory-based and Physics was mostly
● Questions asked from below given important topics
○ Modern physics - 3 questions
○ 1 question from Lyman series
○ Ray optics 1 question ( refractive index )
○ Nuclear physics
○ Circular motion- 1 question
○ Rotational motion - 1 question
○ Mechanics 5-6 questions
○ Electrostatics and Electrodynamics 6-7 questions

○ Differential equations - 2 questions
○ 2 questions from probability
○ 2 questions from conic section
○ 1 question from A.P, G.P
○ Vector 3 d - 3 question
○ Ellipse, hyperbola, 2 questions

○ Purification of organic compound 2-3 questions
○ Inorganic questions from - P block, d block, f block, salt analysis
○ Half-life ( chemical kinetics )
○ Rault law ( electro chemistry)
○ Mole concept
● Lots of questions were easily solvable by using formulae.

*This analysis is from the memory-based information provided by students who attended the exam. Real accurate
analysis may vary and will be provided when the official question paper is released by the NTA.*
Physic Analysis
● Physics subject questions were relatively easier than maths.
● Chemistry subject questions were relatively of the same difficulty level as that of physics
questions. But chemistry was mostly theory-based and Physics was mostly
● The overall difficulty level of physics was moderate.
● The 31st Jan Morning Shift Physic paper was relatively “ moderate” with respect to the
29th Jan 2024 Physic papers.
● The 31st Jan Morning Shift Physic paper was relatively “ moderate” with respect to the
30th Jan 2024 Physic papers.
● Questions were asked from below given important topics
○ Modern physics - 3 questions
○ 1 question from Lyman series
○ Ray optics 1 question ( refractive index )
○ Nuclear physics
○ Circular motion- 1 question
○ Rotational motion - 1 question
○ Mechanics 5-6 questions
○ Electrostatics and Electrodynamics 6-7 questions

● Lots of questions were easily solvable by using formulae.

*This analysis is from the memory-based information provided by students who attended the exam. Real accurate
analysis may vary and will be provided when the official question paper is released by the NTA.*
Maths Analysis
● Maths subject questions were relatively harder (as expected) and more calculative than
Physics and Chemistry.
● The overall difficulty level of maths was “Moderate to Hard”
● The 31st Jan Morning Shift Maths paper was relatively “Moderate” with respect to the
29th Jan 2024 Maths papers.
● The 31st Jan Morning Shift Maths paper was relatively “Moderate” with respect to the
30th Jan 2024 Maths papers.
● Questions asked from below given important topics
○ Differential equations - 2 questions
○ 2 questions from probability
○ 2 questions from conic section
○ 1 question from A.P, G.P
○ Vector 3 d - 3 question
○ Ellipse, hyperbola, 2 questions

● Maths paper was lengthier and calculative than chemistry and physics.

*This analysis is from the memory-based information provided by students who attended the exam. Real accurate
analysis may vary and will be provided when the official question paper is released by the NTA.*
Chemistry Analysis
● Chemistry subject questions were relatively “Easy” than Maths.
● Chemistry subject questions were relatively of the same difficulty level as that of physics
questions. Since more theory-based questions are asked in this paper from chemistry.
● The overall difficulty level of chemistry was Easy.
● The 31st Jan Morning Shift Chemistry paper was relatively of the “same difficulty level”
with respect to the 29th Jan 2024 Chemistry papers.
● The 31st Jan Morning Shift Chemistry paper was relatively “Easy” with respect to the
30th Jan 2024 Chemistry papers..
● Questions asked from below given important topics
○ Purification of organic compound 2-3 questions
○ Inorganic questions from - P block, d block, f block, salt analysis
○ Half-life ( chemical kinetics )
○ Rault law ( electro chemistry)
○ Mole concept
● Since it was mostly theory based so the paper was a little tricky.

*This analysis is from the memory-based information provided by students who attended the exam. Real accurate
analysis may vary and will be provided when the official question paper is released by the NTA.*
Tentative Percentile Vs Score
Since the paper was relatively “Moderate”, the higher percentile will be for a little lesser marks
than that of the easy difficulty level papers.
Here is the tentative percentile vs score obtained for the exam.

Overall JEE Main scores

Percentile Difficulty level -Moderate
99.5 196-200
99.1 177-180
98.5 158-162

*These are tentative percentiles from the memory-based information provided by students who attended the exam.
Actual percentiles may vary based on the all shifts exam paper and their difficulty level.*
Useful Reference

JEE Main 2024 Papers: Memory Based Questions and Analysis for 27, 29,30 and 31 January

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JEE Main 2024 Paper: Memory-Based Questions and Analysis of 27th January Morning Shift

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JEE Main 2024 Paper: Memory-Based Questions and Analysis of 27th January Evening Shift

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JEE Main 2024 Paper: Memory-Based Questions and Analysis of 29th January Morning Shift

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JEE Main 2024 Paper: Memory-Based Questions and Analysis of 29th January Evening Shift
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JEE Main 2024 Paper: Memory-Based Questions and Analysis of 30th January Morning Shift
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JEE Main 2024 Paper: Memory-Based Questions and Analysis of 30th January Evening Shift
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