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Add adjectives to the nouns in the sentences.

artificial irritated peaceful vast

courteous jubilant powerful warmer
eerie kind-hearted shimmering
hazardous leaning sparkling

1. The ______ Mulu Caves in Sarawak is a tourist attraction.

2. ______ hotel receptionists help to project the image of a hotel.

3. The ______ Tower of Pisa is a well-known landmark.

4. A lighthouse needs a ______ light.

5. See the ______ diamonds on display at the Gem Exhibition.

6. Paul looked distinguished in the ______ suit that he wore to the dinner.

7. She is such a ______ person that she often takes in stray animals.

8. The ______ sound coming from the forest makes my hair stand on end.

9. Certain species of birds migrate to ______ areas during winter.

10. The ______ hockey players celebrated their victory with a dinner.


1. vast
2. Courteous
3. leaning
4. powerful
5. sparkling
6. well-cut
7. kind-hearted
8. eerie
9. warmer
10. jubilant

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