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General Geology questions

1. It is the branch of geology that deals with the study of the Earth's physical properties, processes, and
structures, including rocks, minerals, landforms, and natural resources. PHYSICAL GEOLOGY

2. It involves the application of physics principles and techniques to study the physical properties of the
Earth, including its internal structure, dynamics, and the processes that shape its surface features.

3. It is the branch of geology that focuses on the study of the chemical composition, distribution, and
transformation of elements and compounds in the Earth's rocks, minerals, fluids, and atmosphere.

4. It is the branch of geology that deals with the study of the origin, composition, distribution, and
classification of rocks and their mineral constituents, as well as the processes that led to their formation
and transformation. PETROLOGY

5. It is the branch of geology that focuses on the study of minerals, including their crystal structure,
physical and chemical properties, occurrence, and formation processes, as well as their uses and
applications. MINERALOGY

6. It is the branch of geology that deals with the study of the three-dimensional distribution and
deformation of rock units, the behavior of geological materials under stress, and the processes that lead
to the formation of geological structures, such as faults and folds. STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY

7. It is the branch of geology that focuses on the study of sedimentary rocks, including their origin,
transport, deposition, and diagenesis, as well as the interpretation of sedimentary environments and the
reconstruction of Earth's history. SEDIMENTOLOGY

8. It is the branch of geology that deals with the study of ancient life forms, including their fossils,
evolution, distribution, and interactions with the environment, and uses this information to understand
the history and diversity of life on Earth. PALEONTOLOGY

9. It is the branch of geology that focuses on the study of the Earth's landforms, including their origin,
development, distribution, and relationships with geological processes and environmental factors.

10. It is the branch of geology that deals with the study of Earth's natural resources, including their
occurrence, distribution, extraction, and uses, with a focus on the economic viability and sustainability
of their exploitation. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY

11. It is the branch of geology that focuses on the interactions between humans and the geological
environment, including natural hazards, resource management, and environmental pollution.
12. It is the outermost layer of the Earth that is composed of solid rock and is divided into oceanic and
continental crust. Crust

13. It is the hypothesis that the continents were once joined together in a single landmass and have
since moved apart, forming the Earth's current configuration. Continental Drift

14. These are geological faults where the rock above the fault plane moves upwards in relation to the
rock below, typically caused by compressional tectonic forces. Reverse faults

15. These are geological faults where the rock above the fault plane moves downward in relation to the
rock below, typically caused by tensional tectonic forces. Normal faults

16. These are geological faults where the movement is primarily horizontal and parallel to the fault
plane, typically caused by shear tectonic forces. Strike-slip faults

17. It refers to the movement of tectonic plates away from each other, resulting in the creation of new
oceanic crust and the formation of divergent plate boundaries. Divergence

18. It refers to the movement of tectonic plates towards each other, resulting in the collision of
continental or oceanic plates and the formation of convergent plate boundaries. Convergence

19. It is the rigid outermost layer of the Earth, consisting of the crust and uppermost part of the mantle,
and is divided into tectonic plates that move and interact with each other. Lithosphere

Mineralogy questions
1. It is the study of the internal structure and arrangement of atoms in crystals, including their
symmetry, morphology, and physical properties. Crystallography

2. It refers to the imaginary line or point within a crystal that, when rotated by a certain angle, produces
the same appearance of the crystal. Axis of rotation symmetry

3. It is characterized by three axes of equal length that intersect at right angles and is often associated
with minerals such as halite, fluorite, and pyrite. Cubic/Isometric

4. It is characterized by three axes, two of which are perpendicular and of equal length, and the third is
longer or shorter, and is often associated with minerals such as zircon and staurolite. Tetragonal

5. It is characterized by three axes of different lengths that intersect at right angles, and is often
associated with minerals such as topaz, aragonite, and barite. Orthorhombic

6. It is characterized by four axes, three of which are of equal length and lie in the same plane at 120-
degree angles, while the fourth axis is perpendicular to the plane. Hexagonal

7. It is characterized by three axes, all of equal length and lie in the same plane at 120-degree angles,
and is often associated with minerals such as tourmaline and corundum. Trigonal
8. It is characterized by three unequal axes, with two intersecting at an oblique angle, and the third axis
perpendicular to the plane of the other two. Monoclinic

9. It is characterized by three unequal axes that intersect at oblique angles, and is often associated with
minerals such as microcline and labradorite. Triclinic

10. It refers to the visible appearance of a mineral when observed with the naked eye, and can be
influenced by factors such as impurities, crystal structure, and lighting conditions. Color

11. It refers to the colour of the powdered form of a mineral when it is scraped or dragged across a
rough surface. Streak

12. It refers to the tendency of some minerals to break along preferred planes of weakness due to the
arrangement of atoms in their crystal lattice, resulting in smooth, flat surfaces with specific geometric
shapes. Cleavage

13. It refers to the ability of a mineral to resist scratching or abrasion by another substance. Hardness

14. It refers to the appearance or quality of the surface of a mineral in reflected light. Lustre

15. It refers to the ratio of the weight of a mineral to the weight of an equal volume of water at a
specified temperature. Specific Gravity

16. It refers to the degree to which light can pass through a mineral without being scattered.

17. It refers to the way a mineral behaves when subjected to stress or force. Tenacity

18. It refers to an imaginary plane that divides a crystal into two halves that are mirror images of each
other. Plane of symmetry

19. It refers to a point within a crystal that is equidistant from all points on the crystal surface. Centre of

20. These are naturally occurring inorganic substances with a specific chemical composition, a
characteristic crystal structure, and distinctive physical properties, such as colour, hardness, and
cleavage. Minerals

List 8 rock forming minerals:

1. Quartz

2. Feldspar family

3. Pyroxenes

4. Amphiboles
5. Ferromagnesian mica group

6. Muscovite

7. Calcite

8. Garnet group

Petrology questions
1. These are formed from the cooling and solidification of hot and fluid mass of rock called magma that
exists in the interior part of the earth. Igneous rocks

2. Minerals such as plagioclase feldspars are abundantly present in these rocks with biotite and
amphibole in smaller amounts. Intermediate igneous rocks

3. In these rocks, the silica content is less than 52 per cent and the rocks contain mostly plagioclase
feldspar and pyroxene with olivine. Basic igneous rocks

4. It is a medium-to-coarse grained, light-coloured rock with white or pink tint according to the colour of
the feldspars. Granite

5. It is a very coarse-grained rock consisting mainly of feldspar, quartz, and mica. It occurs as a vein or
dyke or as a large rock body intrusive into granite. Pegmatite

6. This rock is of deep-seated (plutonic) origin containing intermediate silica content and is high in alkali.

7. It is a commonly occurring rock and is used for foundation and construction purposes. Diorite

8. It is a coarse-grained basic igneous rock consisting essentially of feldspar and ferromagnesian minerals
such as pyroxene. Gabbro

9. It is a very hard rock and is used for engineering purposes, especially as road metal for its capacity to
hold bitumen coating as a binder. Dolerite

10. It is a fine-grained, dark-coloured basic igneous rock that originates from cooling of volcanic lava
flow. Basalt

11. These are the most dominant type of sedimentary rocks. Sandstones

12. It is greenish grey or black in colour, resembling partially weathered basalt. Greywacke

13. It is a light-coloured rock and resembles quartzite. Orthoquartzite

14. It is light grey to pale pink in colour and consists of coarse and angular grains of quartz and feldspar
nearly in equal proportion. Arkose
15. It is a light-coloured rock consisting mainly of sand particles with size varying between 2 microns and
75 microns. Siltstone

16. It is a soft sedimentary rock with thin layering or lamination along which it breaks easily. Shale

17. This rock is formed from the consolidation of rounded boulders with siliceous, calcareous, or
argillaceous type of cementing materials. Conglomerate

18. If the minerals are platy or columnar, their parallel orientation by regional metamorphism results in
this texture. Schistosity

19. During metamorphism, the effect of pressure causes growth of new crystals or reorientation of
previously existing crystals to layers. Foliation

20. It is a variety of limestone consisting of spherical concretions. Oolite

21. It is formed when the carbonate rock is mixed with a large percentage of clay. Marl

List 7 important igneous rocks:

1. Granite

2. Pegmatite

3. Syenite

4. Diorite

5. Gabbro

6. Dolerite

7. Basalt

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