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User story for customer support voice bot for online banking


User story Id: US01

As an online bank customer,
I want to access my account information
so that I can check my checking account balance and recent transactions.

Acceptance criteria
 Customer should have a valid account.
 Should have the online access.
 Should have valid login credentials
 System should have all your account details.
 Customer data should be available with recent transactions for last 180 days.
 System should be able to validate the login details.
 Chatbot should be able to interact with cash management application.

Priority status: high

User story Id: US02

As an online bank customer,
I want to perform money transfer transactions.
So that I can move the money from one account to another account.

Acceptance criteria:
 Customer should have a valid account.
 Should have the online access.
 Should have valid login credentials.
 System should have all your account details.
 Customer data should be available.
 Customer should have the sufficient balance in the source account.

Priority status: High

User story Id: US03

As an online bank customer,
I want to know the nearest branch ATM location.
So that I can withdraw cash.

Acceptance criteria:
 System should have permission for customer’s location.
 System should have the database of all the ATM locations.
 Bank database should have details of distance from current location.
 Customer should have the navigating application like google Maps for directions and
alternate locations.

Priority status: Medium

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