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9 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ROLLER COMPACTED CONCRETE DAMS AND CEMENTED MATERIAL DAMS Preface Roller Compacted Conerete (RCC) dams have developed rapidly in many countries duc to fast construction speed and low cost, compared with eonerete dams. Up to row, there are more than 900 RCC dams in more than 70 counties. Great -soeessfil experiences and advanced technologies have been achieved, Inthe early stages, China and Spain had constcted many RCC dams and achieved rapid development of RCC technology. From early 1990's, Chinese National Commitee ‘on Large Dams (CHINCOLD) and the Spanish National Commitee on Large ‘Dams (SPANCOLD) have devoted to promote the technology, succesfilly held 8 symposiums: Bejing (Chin) in 1991, Santander (Spain in 1995, Cheng (China) in 1999, Madrid (Spain) in 2008, Guiyang (Chins) in 2007, Zaragoza (Spin) in 2012, Chengdu (China) in 2015 and Kunming (China) in 2019, atrating dam ‘engineers fom around the world 0 participate in exchanges, which have promoted ‘the application of technology. ‘Cemented Material Dam (CMD) is » new type of dam utilizing a cementitious binder together with various local materials in the constuction of the dam body ‘CMD encourages the fll ilization of local materials and is divided into cemented sol dam (CSD), cemented sand, gravel and rock dam (CSGR dam), hari! dam, (CSG dam and cemented rock dam (including RFC dam, according to diferent local materials. Cemented material formed has certain shear stength and erosion resistance, which make it diffrent from local mateals. AS no washing and servening of raw material roquired, it is sigifcanly different ftom concrete, resulting in quicker constuction and lower costs. CMD is developing fast in recent years and there ae over 200 CMDs constructed, under constrtion or design ‘worldwide, including hardfil dams and RPC dams, which ae normally constructed following design guidelines of ROC or conerete dams. Further development has been being promoted in accordance with the ideas and plans of Technical Committe on Cemented Material Dams of th International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) ‘The 9 Intemational Symposium on Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) Dams and Cemented Material Dams will be held on 4 -S Dec., 2028, in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province of China, which i continustion ofthe series of symposiums of RCC dams, France and Japan, with ist development of CMDs, are invited to joiny organize the Symposium. We are expecting to create a platform for dam ‘engineers ll over the world to share and exchange state-ofthe-at technologies of RCC dams and CMDs. ‘Warm response has been received fom professionals over the world. After a peer-review, 114 papers (47 in English and 67 in Chinese) are compiled into the proceedings, which cover 6 opis as following opie 1: RCC and Cemented materials ‘Topic 2: New development in design of RCC Dams and CMDs ‘Topic 3: Temperature Control and Crack Prevention “Topic 4: New developmen in constuction technology ‘Topic 5: Performance and behavior analysis ‘Topic 6: Others ‘The 9 Invemationl Symposium on Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) Dams and ‘Cemented Material Dams is co-organized by CHINCOLD, SPANCOLD, Japan ‘Commission on Large Dams (JCOLD), and French Committee on Large Dams (CFBR), The sponsors include China Southern Power Grid Energy Storage Co, Ltd, Guangdong Provincial Design Insite of Water Conservancy and Eleetic ower, and China Institute of Water Resouces & Hydropower Research (WHR). “The cosponsors include Huadian Electric Power Rescarch Institute Co.» Ltd. and Guangdong Technical College of Water Resouces and Electric. Finally we would Tike to express our acknowledgments fo all the sponsors, co-sponsors. and organizers for their peat support to this conference. We also would lke to send our sincere appreciation tall authors for ther diligent work and great contribution. LOC of the 9% Intemational Symposium on RCC dams and CMDs Dee. 2023, Contents Invited Papers New Stres-Strain_ Model and Intelligent Quality Contol Technology for Cemented Material Darn *» Ja Hinsheng, Wambley Zheng Cuiying» Ding Lianying» We Yongfeng 2 Sireserination Cp & Themes Att OF RCC ats + QW Shaw 15 COLD Approach Tovards More Swainble RCC Dans and Cemented Material Dams (CMD) Ortega F 24 Session 1: RCC and Cemented Materials Research and Application of Key Technologies for the Constuction of Cemented ‘Material Dam with Soft Rock Jia Jnsheng, Ding Lianying, Wa Yangfeng, Zhao Chun, Zhao Lei 37 Dam Concrete Quality Prediction Model Based on Fractal Characteristics of Elastc-wave Computed Tomography “Hu Shaowei, Guo Jinjus, Xu Yaogun, Wang Juan , Zhang Peng 55 Study on Mix Proportion Design Procedure For Soper high Cementtions RCC wih tone Powder Replacement + Sushi Aasaka, Shoji Tsutsui, Tomohiro Miki 6S Maer Properties ofA Traperidal CSG Damn “ Nario Yasuda, Zengyan Cao, Shumpei Ando 7S Exploring the Effect of Low-heat Cement on Early-age Thermal Cracking Resinance of Role-compacted Conrete “+ Xin Sanda, Zhang Guoxin, Wang Zhenhong, Lin Y8S Prevention of Thermal Cracking in RC Dams Using Magnesium Oxide (Mgo) Conerete ‘Du Chongjiang 108 Sty on Mix Rato Design and Test Method of Wide Souree Cemented Matera Tan Kaiyan, Zhu Shengmin 117 Sei-sensng Study of Stes in Low-doped Carbon Fiber Reinforced Hydric Concrete + Hu Shaowe, Tian Xinru 131 Study on Resistivity Prediction Model of Carbon Fiber Feinforeed Conerete ‘Based on Grey Residual GM (1.1) = Markov “Wang Yaomin, Hu Shaowel 14l Research on the Mechanical Properties and Damage Prediction Model of Uta High PctomanceConerete under Low Tempest Curing Zhang Lei» Shi Yanwei 153 Digital Research and Engineering Application of Sulfite Resistance of High Performance Concrete Alpine Region Li sheng 163 Discussionon on the Applicaton of Intelligent Concrete Preparation Technology in Maiwan Project, “Xiong Xing, Xu Hongdong 173 Session 2: New Development in Design of RCC Dams and MDs the Desig of two Harill Dams in Spain Carlos Grane Ninot, José Luis Sanchez Barra, Jorge Figueira 182 Design of Trapezoidal CSG Dams in Japan “Masaki Takemura, Yoshikazu Yamaguchi, Nari Yasuda 191 Stability nd Durability of Conerete Dams-Diseussions ‘Francisco Rodrigues Androl, Jose Carlos Degaspare, Ricardo Abrahio 201 Relibiliy Analysis of CMD Dams Under Static and Dynamic Loads, Case Soul Tabet Dam 4214 ‘Mohammad Amin Saheb, Jafar Yaz, Ali No Reach and Applicaton of BIM Technology tthe Maivan Project rereeeeeMie Jtangsong. Fu Zhihao, Ly Bin 222 Optimization Eft a Norse Dam of the Tapezoial CSC Dam Thuyosh Abe, Takaya Matsumoto, Yasunobu Nasuno, Ken Terauch! 230 Session 3: Temperature Control and Crack Prevention Thermal Analysis of HAFRIKOR RCC Dam Abdollah Farhad Nejad, Hamidveca Araghian 241 Research on Risk and Measure of Temperature Control and Crack Prevention for Foundation Cushion of Dam ‘Xin Finda, Siang Xiaoming, He Dingquan, iang Halyy Zhang Lei, Wang Juan, Hou Wengian 249 A Set of Algorithms Considering the Influence of Solar Radiation on Conerete ‘Thermal Field Zhu Zhenyang Liu Yi Shao Zengfu.Yan Guoshun Wang Jian 255 Optimization of Dam Concrete Temperature Control Standard Based on ‘Concrete Thermal Cracking Test re Jiang Xiaoming , He Dingquan, Siang Huaiyy ‘Xin landa,Lin , Zhang Lei 267 Research on Key Technology of Temperature Control in the Whole Process of RCC Dam Construction ssvanennsemediang Xiaoming, Zhang Lei Yan Guoshun, Liu Vi, Zhang Lei 271 ‘Study on Simulation Calculation and Temperature Control and Crack Prevention Design of RCC Gravity Dam in High Cold and Hot Aitrying Area LiSheng 279 Research on Water Cooling Optimization of Temperature Control for High RCC Dam rang Lei, Li Binggi 292 Session 4: New Development in Construction Technology Imiovative Technologies Adopted in the Constrcton ofthe RCC Main Dam of Be Hydopowe Projet Huang Chengquan.Lu Minan, Pan Weibing 299 Slaton of Lime Leaching Phenomenon i RCC Conerete Dam ‘Anom Prasetio, Yli Asati 308 ose Study of Dam Constustion Using Hari! Materials in Korea Park JooBum, Hong JunYoung 315 ‘An Update on he Meas and Methods forthe Consteton of RCC Dams RafelIbdies de Aldecoa 324 Post-Cooling inthe Middle Part of Chamshir RCC Dam senna Amir Hossein Sedaghat, Hamidreza Araghian, Hasan Bekbood! 337 Jnplnentton of VRCC in CHAMSHIR Dam Body Amir Hossein Sedaghat, Hamidreza Avaghian, Hasan Behboodi, Mehdi Eynaloo 344 ‘Treatment Technology for Interlayer Leakage of RCC Gravity Dam and Its Application Zheng yueyang, Huang yufei, Shi yunti 380 Introduction of High Speed RCC Placement Method at the Nam Ngiep 1 Hydropower Pret Seiji Nagasako, Shintaro Furukawa, Yushi Aosaka 358 Research Progress and Constuction Teshslogy of Cemened Dam Wu Hao,Li Na, Yan Xinving, How Yanga, Li Zhenyu 367 Session 5: Performance and Behavior Analysis Foundation and Concrete Dams- Contact Joints Behaviour “Francisco Rodrigues Andrlolo, Jose Carlos Degaspare, Ricardo Abraho 372 ‘Advantages of CMP's in CMD-Earthill Composite Dams ‘S. Amini, A. Mohammadian, M. Hazeghian 387 NAM THEUN I, New Achievements for RCC Dams ‘Kenneth A Ross, Gabriel A Escobar 397 In Situ Measurement ofthe Frictional Resistance Coefficient of the Foundation Rock of he NARUSEGAWA Dats Nario Yasuda, Seizo Machiva, Takashi Miura 407 Dynaae Characteristics and Seine Performance of Traperoial CSG Dam ‘ao Zengyan, Nario Yasuda, Shumpei Ando 417 Behaviour Ansys of Trapezoid CSG Dams Upit Pressure Yoshikazu Yamaguchi, Masaki Takemura, Nario Yasuda 428 Health Management of Arch Dams in Operation with Finite Element Analysis Model Tan Yu, Cao Chuanbo, Zhao Quan, Yang Jun, Dai Yang, Min Jiesheng 438 Session 6: Others Key Techniques for Blasting Excavation of the Water Conveyance Tunnel under ‘he Riverbed of Fengshan Resevoir Li Diguang. Chai Jidong 451 ion Analysis of Earthquake Monitoring System in KLSK Project Reservoir Area Luo Weibang, Zhao Chengxian, Wang Wenchao, Dongsheng Bailige 456 ‘The Selection of Seepage Pressure Evaluation Index of Dam Foundation and am Body During Operation Period “Mao Peng, Yang Guang, Guo Fawang, Yang Jiaxiu 462 Invited Papers New Stress-Strain Model and Intelligent Quality Control Technology for Cemented Material Dam Snsheng JIA! Wamble!, Cuiying ZHENG, Lianying DING!, Vangfeng WU" * Chia Insite of Water Rewoures and Hydropower Reser, Bejing 100038, China 2.Stte Key Laboratory of Hyauli Engineering Sula and Safty, Tain Unversity, Tianjin 300072, China Abstrac-Cemented material dams (CMDs) can fully utilize lol sand + gavel and rock materials for dam onatton. It has many advantage sich ss Noo overopping without Ile, vironmental Tadlioes, conomic savings tapi ensaction ands0 os. I has hoe apy popularied ad applic to domestic nd frcgn Project sine tas put forward by the sata. This paper illus the reasons forthe props of CMDS, pus onward th steatan mol ofthe emened mixture and the intligent system of prodicton quit ont, resis the noel est ule fr CMD against flood overtopping, itades the pastice of dam consirton wih Towttngth sof rock and wexhored materia Keywords: Cemnied Material Dam: stessrain model ioteligeot quality contol: cemented low-stength ‘ook senented weathered meri model test agains fod oveopping 1. Why Propose Cemented Material Dams Dams are critical infrastructures that are extremely important for flood contol, water supply, and energy security. To date, more than 60,000 dams, with heights over 15 m, have been built ‘worldwide. To further solve the global problems of agricultural igation, lood prevention and Arought relief, ecological protection, and engineering water shortages, more new dam projects need to be carried out and some ageing dams need to be renovated. Although dam construction has a history spanning thousands of years, the safety and economy of dams have always been issues of great concem to dim engincers worldwide, and the relevant experience and lessons are. very profound [l, 2]. In recent decades, especially since the 1990s, the gradual development and fontinaows improvement of modem dam engineering theory have extensively promoted the Construction of high dams and dam safety has been significantly improved. While continuously feducing project construction costs, more attention has been given fo environmentally ffiendly construction methods, with particular attention on reducing dam failures and secondary disasters they ean cause. According othe statistics ofthe Intemational Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) in 2019, as shown in Fig, embankment dams account for a large proportion (i., 78%) of the world's dams, while onerete dams account for 13% due to their igh foundation requirements and high cost [3] Fig. 2 shows the statistics of dam failure studied by the Chinese National Comite on Large Dams (CHINCOLD). ‘Among the 5,109 dam failure cases globally, eanh-rock dam failure accounts fr 8 4390 cases) and eonrete gravity dam failure account for only 2.3% ofthe cases [4], Figure Staite of aiferent dam types inthe Figure? Staite of diferent dam rypes of ‘world ICOLD, 2019) faite eases i the world (CHINCOLD, 2019) ‘The development of embankment dams has been very succesful, es these dams can be built in 3 very fist and cost-saving manner with local materials. The number of embankment dams in China ‘ccount for 93% of the total number of dams. There is no problem with the safety of embankment dams under typical design conditions. However, under extreme conditions such as earthquakes, landslides, and exteme floods, once the water level reaches the top ofthe dam, overtopping Failure can oceur very quickly, making it dificult for downstream residents to escape to a salt area. Although very few overtopping flood situations oecur during dam operation, they need to be given special attention, especially when a large numberof people lve inthe downstream area ofthe dam. Due to global warming, extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall have become more frequent in recent years and the uncertainty of river runoff processes has increased, hence, the original flood control standards of reservoirs may have become lower and the risk of overtopping collapse and continuous collapse of embankment dams has increased. The failure of the secondary dam of the Xe-Namnoy Reservoir [3] in Laos in July 2018 and the successive failure ofthe Edenville and Sanford dams [6] in the United States in May 2020, Yong ‘an and Xinfa reservoirs in China, were broken during the flood season of 2021 [7] and Guojiazai Reservoir which was in danger of ‘overtopping during the "7.20" torrential rain in Zhengzhou of China [8] are all examples of dams failures resulting fom extreme weather events The development of concrete dams has boon widely studied. Many famous dams, such as the Hoover arch dam and the Three Gorges gravity dam, wete built with concrete materials, Conerete dams are not prone to overtopping failure, but they account for less than 5% of dams in China due to their strict foundation requirements and high cost [4]. The development of roller compacted conerete (RCC) dam constriction has promoted more projects to adopt gravity dams or arch dams hecause of their economic and high efficiency. However, the principle of dam construction has not ‘changed fundamentally Concrete gravity dams and arch dams are massive coneretesteuctures, The imternal sess level within the dam body is generally low and does not require a high level of ‘concrete strength. However, the actual strength of concrete material is much higher than is necessary in practice. For the Hoover arch dam [9] in the United States, the compressive stress ‘control standatd is 3.79 MPa. The conerete design strength is C25, and the strength safety factor is 65. After 60 years af operation, the average strength ofthe core samples drilled and tested was 50 MPa. The safety factor i 13. The compressive strength of concrete is usually designed for 90 days ‘or 180 days, but there is 2 very long period in th later stages of operation and the strength of «concrete will be continually increased. Ten yeas after the completion ofthe Three Gorges Dam, the ‘compressive strength of is core samples reached 60 MPa (10). The overstrength of the material ‘means thatthe amount of cement is substantially higher than necessary, which will lead to the ‘occurrence of thermal eracks, Embankment materials ae quite diferent ffom concrete. A new material between embankment and concrete materials can be developed for dam construction? Can dam design principle developed further based on the characteristics of these new materials? These questions need to be answered step-by-step in practice. By cementing natural oratfcal sand, stone, and soil with cement, iy ash and aditives, new material i formed, which solves not only the overtopping failure problem in embankment materials due to dispersion but also avoids the overstrengih of conerete materials and reduces the thermal eracks caused by high hydration heat. The dam section is larger than the concrete gravity dam and arch dam with a reduced foundation requirements. This new dam type is called CMD [11], proposed by Dr. Jia of China during a board meeting ofthe ICOLD in 2009 and the new design concepe of “Selecting appropriate materials for different parts of the dam and choosing suitable structures for different dam materials” was put forward at the same time. An invited presentation on CMD was mde inthe ICOLD CONGRESS in Kyoto in 2012. Fo the first time, CMD was described comprehensively at the 6th Intemational Symposium on Roller CCompacted Concrete Dams in Spain in 2012 and the first paper on CMD was published in the proceedings of this international conference. To promote this technology around the world, especially in developing countries, a new ICOLD Technical Committee on CMDs was formally approved by the general assembly of ICOLD in 2013 and China's industry technical specification "echnieal guideline for cementing granular material dams” was published in 2014 [12]. The CMD, is a new dam type in addition to embankment dams and conerete dams, and the purpose of proposing and developing CMDs is t0 build dams safely, quickly, and economically in an fnvironmentally friendly way, This strcture has thre very important features, Fist, it overcomes embankment dam overtopping failures and secondary disasters caused by quick collapse. Second, it Solves the widespread overstength problem of concrete dams. Thied, this structure overcomes the high demand for concrete dams on foundations and solves the problem of constructing. non- embankment dams under the contion of poor foundations. 2. Stress-Strain Model of Cemented Sand ,Gravel and Rock Materials Since the new cemented materials are different from concrete and embankment materilsthis implies its performance index determination requires new test methods. To simulate the compression failure process of cemented sand, gravel, and rock specimens with various water-cement ratios, a mortar aggregate two-phase meso-mechsanical model Was ereted. It was discovered how microcracks in cemented materials started, developed, and connected during Compressive filure, The findings demonstrate that the macroscopic mechanical characteristics and deformation characteristics of cemented materials ate significantly influenced by the stess-train relationship of the mortar matrix, According to Fig. 3, the interface between the aggregate and matrix is where cemented materials fil the most frequently. Fig shows the stress-strain relationship of the cemented material under various amounts of cemented material and different cementation package degrees. It is found thatthe stress-strain relationship (ising section) of cemented sand gravel and rock wit strength grade CS and higher has ‘an obvious linear elastic section, which is similar tothe stress-strain curve of concrete. The linear section of cemented sand ,gravel and rock materials with o strength grade less than C5 is not ‘obvious, which i similar tothe constitutive curve of embankment materials. the expression formula ¥ [Figure 3 Mesoscale model and fllre made of cemented sand grave and rock materi ‘trength curves of dierent cementation page degrees andthe stretstrai re 4 Fn PCD 18 1h gad ove Zandy-ax Ex 41.7)", cSandSeenghdassbelow C5 ny 3. Intelligent quality control technology of CMD. In contrast to conerete ad RCC dams, CMD exhibits relatively higher levels of water content, mud content and material discreteness. Consequently, research has been undertaken into rapid measurement technology for determining water content, mud content and material composition [Additionaly, the strength control method has been developed that relies onthe water consumption range within the broadest and finest gradations, This development includes the invention of digital mixing and intelligent control equipment, the implementation of an ultra-wideband digital rolling contro system and the realization of intelligent control for CMD construction technology. ‘CMD dams have higher amounts of water content, mud content, and material disereteness than concrete and RCC dams. As a result research into quick measurement technology for asessing ‘water content, mud content, and material composition has performed. Furthermore, a strength control approach based on the water consumption range within the broadest and fines gradations has been established, The invention of digital mixing and intelligent control equipment, the installation of an ulta-wideband digital rolling control system, and the realization of intelligent control for CMD construction technology are all part ofthis advancement 3.1 Dynamic Optimization Control Method for Cementing Preparation of Diversified Materials ‘The suggested system presents a method for determining the quality grade of sand, gravel and rock ‘materials based on core strength, point load swength and crushing index. This approach enhances the variety of raw materials available for dam construction. Natural sand, gravel and sand pebbles do not requite sreening and washing. Also, excavated materials and weathered materials can be tuilized aftr simple erushing. However, due tothe simplified raw material processing, the materials, exhibit characteristics such as Muctuiting mud content, water content and uneven gradation Consequently, the conventional concrete mix ratio method is not applicable, To address this challenge, a double control method that considers both the finest and coarsest gradation as well a8 the minimum and average strength was presented in [12]. In light of these issues, this work focuses ‘on the preparation approach for dynamic optimisation and inteligent contol, In conjunction with several CMD projects, a total of 1420 sets of tests were conducted, including mixture ratio and performance tess, as well as field tests for CSGR materials. Through big dats analysis and the employment of the grey correlation method, the impact of various factors on ‘compressive strength was investigated. These factors included the eactal dimension oF sand, gravel, and rock particle size, Cementitious materials, water-binder rato, mud content, admixture content ‘nd stnd ratio. A prediction model based on a BP neural newwork was developed to accurately predict the compressive strength of CSGR. The results obtained from this model were compared With the measured data from projects like Shoukoubao, Shunjiangyan, Jnjigou, Dongyang and other CMDs as well as the Qianwei CSGR embankment project of Minjiag Navigation and Hydropower Staton. Remarkably, the eror inthe predictions was consistently less than 10%. AA dispersion device for sand and stone materials has been developed based on digital image processing technology and improved convolutional neural networks through deep learning. This system enables rapid non-contact particle size identification and grading analysis for sand and stone materials. The sand grin identification system achieves a recognition speed of up to 20,000 trains per second with a particle size identification error of less than 1%. A fast-determination instrument for moisture content and clay content has also been developed. Based on the results of aggregate grading and rapid moisture content measurements, as well as strength predictions, adjustments are made in real time to the dosage of cement, ly ash, and mixing water. This ‘dynamic optimization and intelligent contol of cementitious mix ratios address the challenge of preparing cemented dam materials using local materials with high dispersion, wide grading, and a maximum particle size of 300mm while meeting performance requirements. Under conditions ‘where the usage of cementitious materials (cement + fly ash) is below 90k, the fly ash content reaches $0%,he sand ratio fluctuates between 20% to 38%, and aggregate clay content is relaxed to 5%, itis ensured that the prepared cementitious material moots the dam design stength requirements, See ee caine fet etgen mono eon| ~ a ‘Srasonen ‘api determination of | Figwe 6 Dynamic Optinizal 3.2 Intelligent control system for the production quality of cemented materials 'm order to realize the tracking and management of the whole production process of the cemented rmaterials mixing station, a st of intelligent control systems forthe production quality of cemented materials were developed by using digital and intelligent technology and building a stable, reliable, tnd highspeed data transmission link. The main functions of the system include error analysis of cemented materials mixture ratio, management of cemented materials transport vehicles based on GIS maps, rapid determination of moisture content of sand aggregate, corelation analysis of quality inspection data of raw materials and finished products of cementing material, intelligent prediction, and early warning of cemented materials performance, It can realize the suiomatie and efficient collection of cemented materials mixing production control data, dynamic regulation of mixture ratio parameters, and intelligent analysis, realtime warning, feedback and adjustment of mixing ‘quality; ensure the intelligent monitoring of the whole processes ofthe production, transportation and warchousing process of cemented materials in each pany, form a closed loop of produetion ‘quality tacking and traceability and ensue the high-quslty production of cemented materials inthe project. At present, the system is successfully applied to the production control of CSGR in Dongyang CMD. 3.3 Quality control of the whole process of CMD construction According tothe principle of "optimizing construction, discovering abnormity and timely warning," ‘quality control system was developed by using the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System and Internet of Things technology. The raw material and mixing material detection information database, materials source and rolling quality contol, and integrated information management and Feedback analysis system were established. Specific quality monitoring indexes were oblained from three aspects: raw material quality (Water content, mud content and batching precision, et.) mix quality (eppearance uniformity, VC value and compressive strength, etc), and feld quality detection (rolling thickness, rolling times, rolling speed and compactness). The system also contains quality ‘control requirements and measures for each process, realizing the management of raw material {etection information, mixing system information and rolling process contro information. Fig. 5 shows the system chart. At the same time, the quality contol index system forthe new dam is ‘stblished to simulate the construction process and reveal problems. Dynamie control and real-time ‘arly waming ensure the construction quality and safety of the project and realize the digital monitoring ofthe whole process of new dam construction in an area without communication signals, ‘The resuls were recognized as water conservancy advanced practical technology by the Ministry of Water Resources ofthe People's Republic of China and brought into industrial technical standards ‘The digital quality control system has been successfully applied t© CMD projects such as Shunjiangyan, Qianwei Min River flood dike, Shoukoubu, Jinjgou, and other projects. The ‘qualified rte of CMD construction has reached 98%, and good results have been achieved. Overall System Architecture Design (five levels) s Seseeseecee5 27. CR Figure Quality monitoring system ofthe CMD, 4, Erosion Capability Test and Validation of Cmd Against Overtopping ‘A dam breach mode! test system was designed to check the erosion capability ofthe cemented soil face slab and the reliability of CMD against overtopping floods withthe recycling of wate, It ean stably supply a flow rate of 2 mvs and when the overtopping reaches 0.5 m on the dam slope, it fan creale a maximum flow velocity of 6 mis at the middle part of the dam slope. Flood ‘overtopping erosion tests were conducted using a 1.6 m high and | m wide CMD model, The ‘overtopping erosion of the cemented sand, gravel and rock dams at Hongkou and Dahuagiao showed that under extreme flood conditions with a maximum single-width flow rate of 61 mis fand a maximum water head of &'m on the dam crest, the CMD will nat breach due to flood ‘overtopping. Model simulation tess indicated thatthe designed strength of 6 MPa (at 180 days) for cemented sand, gravel and rock materials exhibited strong erosion resistance and would not slfer from overtopping erosion failure. The cemented soil with a designed stength of 4 MPa (at 180 days) showed that after 28 days, it could withstand 44 hours of erosion without breaching failure. Under prolonged erosion witha flow velocity of 5.6 mis atthe downstream middle part of ‘igure # The roc dam breached due to overtopping ereon i 5 seconds (ef) the cemented sll dam essed overtopping erosion for I0 minutes (middle) and 44 hours (eight) without reaching. ES Smet Figure9 In Hlelongiang, the embankment in the Pangtoupo lod storage are is reifored with cemented Sol ef, wile the Dxineaize (il) nna andthe Honghon agin Palla have sucesaly Figure 10 The CMD dye i Qianwed underwent test wth an extreme fod in 2020 (Lf) and did not Breach, ‘wile he CFRD dye nearby experienced a Dreach righ) 5. Construction of Cemented Soft Rock Dams ‘The maximum height ofthe Jnjigou sandstone CMD in Sichuan province is 33.0 m. The length of the dam crests 72.0m, and the width is 8.0m, The upstream slope ofthe dam is 1:0.35, and a 0.6 metre: thick reinforced concrete layer was placed as an impervious layer. The downstream slope is 1:0.75, and enriched cemented material was placed asa downstream protection layer. The dam site js located inthe red zone. Natural sand and gravel could be used, bu his material is located 60 km away on average. Sandstone at the dam site is abundant, with an average saturated uniaxial saturated compressive strength of 32.8 MPa. The lowest value of the compressive srength is less than 29 MPa, and the softening coefficient is 0.71, which is charecterized by soft rock. Soft sandstone aggregates inthe red bed arca were suocessflly aplied to Jinjigou sandstone CMD for the first time. The mixing proportion below 402 m elevation is as high as 50% and above 402 m elevation is 60%. Figure tt injgon sandstone CMD. In-sity direct shear tests of the CMD wore caried out for $0% and 60% of the sandstone aggregates. At the same time, different interlayer surfaces were also tested, such asthe surfaces between dam body interlayers, the contact surface with concrete, and the contact surface with cntiched cemented material. The cemented material was constructed by layered rolling, and each layer was approximately 50 cm tick, The cold joins Were brushed witha high-pressure water gun and paved With MIS cushion mortar with a thickness of 10-15 mm. The mix design ofthe CMD is shown in Table 1; among them, enriched cemented material was vibrated by adding enriched slurry with a mass action of 7% in the same mix ofthe cemented materi. “ube Mix propoton af sandstone cement tril (kg) Sundae pacenge] War | Conc! | Py [Admiceeedsones] RISES! Tac ng 5% «| @ fe] a fw | ss 8 oe »fefelofes | a wiscabinmonw| oso [am | am | aw | ; a0 citatny | ao [vise us fo {In the in sta direct shear tests, the horizontal pushing method was adopted. Shear piers with size ‘of 505050 em under the condition of aiical immersion saturation are shown in Fig. 12. The ‘maximum normal stress ofthe shear plan is 1.0 MPa, which is located at the center of the preset shear plane and perpendicular to the shear plane, and was applied in 3-5 stages. The shear stress

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