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Research Figure t: Mass movements in epicontal region lft) and mass movement blocking tunnel entrance (right) (Wenchuan earthquake, Chins) Seismic design of major components Martin Wieland presents details on the seismic design and safety aspects of bottom outlets, spillways, intake structures, penstocks and switchyards of large dam projects, [Fae cone and entarknent dams have [been deste agains eartqunhes since the 120 Fox abou years the reudesatic motiad of analyss hasbeen use in cmnunction with a smc oeicent of 0.1. tn 1989 he Inernaonal Commisaen on Lage Dams AICOLD) nas induced mevier simi design itera for dams by inoducing two loves f design ‘carhquskos which were reise 2010 6COLD 20), These two loves are now refonedt 8 Saley raustioneartbquae (SEE) and Operating Bass ‘arthquke (OBE, However tbete as been no dan semic desgn canept othe appuenant smucues and the hytko mechanical and elacto- ‘mechanical componens of arg dans oc _bytropower generation. Tus the seismic design of ‘nese structures and components vaio ‘rom county to county a even om project to ject an designer to designer Te reasons for ‘his unsatifactorystustion ae hat) ICOLD and the dam safety agencies inthe diffxent counties se mainly concemed withthe saery of he damn body and i dams and hycopower pans are In practice te sami design af he sgpurenant structure is dove by struct epnears the design ofthe hykc-mecanical equpment by mechanical engineers and that ofthe ‘eecro-mechanicl emipment by eectiat ‘engness and equipment supple. Many ofthese ‘enuieess are not amir wit the seismic sly concep of ange dam projects. Aough the preudostatic analas concep was superoded by ‘he new seismic design extra introduce in 1989, ‘tas te impacton te way appurtenant structures and equipment are stil designed, in atc in counties of owt moderate seismicity. The appurtenant sructures and cemponens were designed forthe OBE ground isconcepion asthe detgnes oth structures and components were ofthe opinion that ‘ho to iva design earthquakes concep sod for the dam body te SEE and OBE is ako apiable tl other stucies and components and tat the seismic design wath the OBE (sevicnbty mit state only were sutctent Moreover ine equipments usualy specie by Inyo mechanical and elccal engineers ent reference is given to conesponding design uldenes, whic are not projec rate. Tis may mean tht te seismic design ofthe equipments Inadequate thar tis not pepety stale. Fer large dam projects the equipment and components may be cast as fer: 1 Safory cas 1: A elements elated tothe ste antl of teresa ie botom outs and spillvays ce defined as sflory-citcal or satey- relevant ements 1 Safery cos 2A sructures and components rated oper reduction penstck, power ‘nthe powehouse tunel, cavers tins, ‘wechyarrarsmision ines te), water supp, smigasen angaton ete Safty clas 3 Ottartems which can easly be replaedepaes when damaged and whose {abut nas acceptable consequences. Porch of taco too salty dass projec specic design citer sal be given, 16 INTERNATIONAL WATER POWER & DAM CONSTRUCTION ‘Ris cbvious hat sxe leva equpment, ‘which mus fancuon ale the SEE. must be deaigned forthe SEE grou motion, "The pseuostaicanas, which de ote ssmplctys ted by al engineers, can stil be used for very sf components, where the maximum ‘versal fore canbe taken a the podct ofthe ‘mass ofthe component and te pea support oman, ‘ox amal components aseismic qualification ‘may aso befeastie using shaking tates. But this ‘s seldom posse or iarge yo mechanical and ‘eco mechanial components "The boom outlet and splay ar salty: relevant elements They indude ci as wel as hyko-mechanical and elocro-mechanicl components ie gate, valves sng/hydraule ‘equipment, cl units and stare ower supply systems ev A components, which may lfc he proper functioning ofthe gees and valves must eit thee of ground shang and chal bepromcod fom the impacto otis bung, rocks exe Tn the subsequent sections emphasis put on sale evans ements and pessc hc: ‘mechanical ements for power poco, Earthquake hazard in large dam projects ‘Te eartnquake hazard isa muha a respec. io lange das we can isinguish bese ‘he primary hazards, which are due tothe naturel envronment, eg ground shaking faut movement. rocks esc andthe secondary heard caused by ‘he earthquake nuvad far of smu ‘components (ee Wieland (2010) and 2012 ora February 2013 ad discussion of seismic hazards aeting ans ana hyetopower plans) Fo example te feeding ofthe powetnouse dus oto far oa onstock caused by ocala snondary bazar, ‘Those apples tothe consequences of covetoping ofa cam due oto fae oa pow generator for pexating sway gas cto rock eth Hood wave caused by the fale of adil ate due to rocket: Al thes primary and ‘secondary hazards have oud during the May 12,208 Wenchuan eathiquaie in China A sunsnary ofthe main slsmic haart b be cneidered for apputenent srucaizes and ‘components in mountainous eon is given below B Hlscro-mechania equipment ested ina suflace powathouse ote dam ces support shalang and rota 1 Swrchyerd componants: ground shaking, ‘carthqunke induced sttemens and ground falcon i aoa f= ransmsson towers roca 1 Hydo-mectanial equipment: suppor sheng rok. Bute penta fut movements and landsides. Bt Surface peice rock and fat movements February 2013 Figure 4. Failure of radial gate of Taipingyi oir due to rockfall (Wenchuan earthquake, (China) Intact radial gate (above), and Ihydaulic piston of failed gate (cight). 2 Tunnels ott movement Tae and out stuctures and rune! porals Ws Strocaues located neath excvatod sper Sure powerhouse round shaking and rook Bt imergency power supiy systems: round stalng and ofa, Pressure tunel, pnstocks, gates and vals: ‘byrodyzamic resus caused by round Salog ‘Te above ists incmpiee a hectic seismic hazards depend bh on the sta condnions an the ‘rjc yout and design. oan be noted that (ground shlang and socials ae the etal hazards formoetsrctres and components igure 9, Seismic design erteria for large projects "Te folowing design earthiakes re needed for ‘he stem dai ofthe diferent structures and ements of lage hydropower project (COLD ‘0 Wieland 2012) Salty Bvaluaton Bartiquke (SEE). The SEs ‘he eatiquke ground motion adam must be able to rei wethout uncool leo the reservist goveing earhquake ground moun forte see sspeesment and seismic ‘eign ofthe dam and salty evant cemponent, which have obe functioning afar ‘he SEE. The ground motion parameters canbe ained fom a site-specific probeiisic or dbeterminsse seni hazard anys Design Bass Farhquake HE)-The DE wath a ‘tum patod of 475 yer isthe ference design cartuako forthe appurtenant stuctues The DBE ground motin parameters are estimated ‘baud on a ete soci probabisicsesmic bazar nays ‘Opereung Bass Earthquake (OBE: The OBE maybe empecad ta comu ng te enme ct ‘the dam and ue forthe sere check ofthe dam andthe sft relevent elements The sound motion paarears re usualy obtain froma ste-speticpobabsic esic hazard analysis "8 Construction Eachquake (15; The GBs tobe oe forthe design of temporary structures and ‘iver dvr facies suc as oxlxdans, ivi tunes and intake The retumn prod of ‘the CE ofthe dversion facts may be taken at ‘hate th desig Nod fever version, DE, OBE ant CE ground motion parameters are usualy determined bya prbabtistic approach (mean values of ground motion parameters ae reoommended), in fr the SEE pound motion eteminstic earthquake somarios ay als be sd (4 peer ales of round mation parameters shal be used Wrest tgpeed seismicity (RTS) s possible ‘hen the DBE and OBE ground moon parameters tou oer those om the tia and mostly RTS sonar s such vers ae yw occur ‘wana ela stor peo after te start fe impounding of ne reser ‘The folowing design earthquakes are WWW.WATERPOWERMAGAZINE.COM 17 Research reconunind fr te eieren appurtenant ‘erucues an hyro-machanicl an elect: ‘mechanical components of hyeiopowe lant fn0 cesponding odes or guideline exis: B Safery cas 1: Boriom outlets and salwaye: Desig or SE and OBE sericea & Safety Glass 2 Al srucures and compaents telat to power proucton enstock wet ‘intake powerhouse tunel, caverns turbine, -smityardwansmision ines etc), water sup, ‘matin, navigation etc: Desig for DBE wth high impanane acer Gecormendasc: Design according to earthquake building code as ‘minimum requirement, Salty cae Other tems which can easly be replocediepaed when caraged and whose fate has acceptable consequence: Design for ‘DBE accorcng to eatimake bung cae Selamic safety aspects of critical hydro- ‘mechanical equipment ‘The safety tevant ements ofa dam which mus. be parable air the SER, re mainly ssways ana bottom outs. The rites components rege nd ves, the cal and laconic ‘components such as power sup emesgency ower surly, camel syns and software These ‘components mas be fnetoning ater a strong eariake Fo exsle it must be pesto ‘sage a fee vat enum pea ay 200 years ater a strong earthquake Tis od depends nthe type ofthe dam Ror embaniment dams which re \enerable to overicpping the retum peo of this 20d iene than fer a concrete dam, whexe Ime ovetopping ofthe sis aoceptabio ‘Rmust abo be sumed that the nuns and generates ofa hyetopawer plant are shut dow afer stongeartnquses. Tis may be cto ‘damage ofthe equipment in he powerhouse but "more ely equipmens ofthe swechyard inching tiaelomers an ab tanemisson towers maybe damaged. In mountainous regions taneisson ‘ower are very vulnerable to roca. bose ‘using the 2008 Wnchuanearthqua in Cina ‘Alo during tis earthquake a conta panel fo operting the ges fone intake rower the 16m. ‘igh Zpingpa concrete fae rock dem overtuned and tere it was nt pale to operate the sts fora few days. At the tno of the earths ‘he Zpingpu reser wth acapacy of 1100? ‘was lee than 30% ul and deste the earthquake Figure 6, Damage of Shapai powerhouse due to rockfalls and flooding (lft) and sediments Figure 6. Failure of transmission tower caused by rockfall (left) and failure of switchyard ‘components caused by ground shaking and settlement of fil material (ight (Sefid Rud dam; 1990 Manjil earthquake, Iran). Gamage of te dar there was ok fr the people 3g downsteam ofthe dam. However ate tbe exrhuake éve to heavy rink moderate Sood rived inte reervirand twas ot posse to operate some othe imprint gates duet he retuned conte panel igure 2, Teer, because some of the gus could not be operat ‘hori of dam fate nreased somtcany dung that porod. Fomunaaly the damaged control panels ‘old be repauod winin a ew cays Tho fale of this cant pane which could have been prevent coil ha pane would have been sochored tothe wal shows ta a fade ofa sings element of eey-reeven system ould Inve major consequences, and fi) he supe and contractor he nstallaton of he cone panel ‘werent aware ofthe earthquake hazard and ‘catygake eatant installation of equipment ‘The problem sth the commuricaton ‘batween structural mechanical and eel exgnars,conzacts and suppl isang and ‘bat peopl who Inve tbe necesary {erdsipnar) no how ar not involved a the axgn and the reparation of eerie, souecations, Tas maana thatthe dam engnoee shoud review te setsmic design and specications ofthe equpment and insalstons fr satetyslevant laments urtbamnore inte epioentzal ein of tho ‘Wionchuan earthquake several ow hea runt ee ants were overtopped as the eecticty spply ‘was ntemupted and as in one ease the generator forthe emergency power supply was dmpaged by roca. Tetforgthe spay gates could not be pened and asthe powerplants vee aso shut down no water could be reese rom he eearva ‘This scenario hs caused the overtopping few nunof-ver plas. Tae Sructrl damage de to reoping of cone splay strocue and the gies wes minor The main damage was due to ‘he depston cf anc mu which reed ‘eeensive earning andor the replacement of senstiveeecto-mechanca euipment ‘rom flooding due to penstock failure inundating the powerhouse and switchyard (right) (Wenchuan earthquake, China). 18 INTERNATIONAL WATER POWER & DAM CONSTRUCTION ‘The acces to remote dam ses aera song ‘earthquake pcb that shal ct be underesumated Therefore hey construction ‘equipment forte repair of damaged dans and 2byto mechanical equipment cannt be moved to ‘very dam ste witin a shor period of time For cxampla the acoss ead tothe 12m hgh Shapt [ROC flr campactad excrete) arch dam was ‘ches fr sbou ten mont ater te Wenctsan cartuske Thismeans thet a damaged dam must ‘beable ta tre water fran eenda peo ct ‘ume an that ding ths pei theresa must be operate sly This ony posable when al the safety slevantequipmen:isfunciningpopey fer 8 song earthquake suc asthe SEE ‘uring the March 1, 201 Tobol erthauke ‘Japan dams wore an subjected to song ‘round stalang and ater ee ears 00 dams had be inspected. In the cof he fw ea are ceed inthe aa of raioactve contamination te splay guts hat tobe opened ‘emaneny to revent veroppng end fare ot ‘hone ‘abandoned’ dams. Again, this was erly Dossble whe the gases were fly operational ‘Te sf evan elements fa hycepowet ant oan be compared wah the emergency cooing syste of mucear power plants, which rms aso be ful functional ater enteme seismic evars. The consequences ofthe fare ofthese elements — even minr ones ~may be eatasrptic ‘Earthquake vulnerability of hydro- ‘mechanical and electro-mechanical ‘equipment The ert damage of hycrommectancal and slecto-mectarcal equipment i many eto round stalang support movements eoterent, impact of rcs fling debs ait non-strectrel ‘lems and inf wal n ruc. ovetuing (@eticient anchorage of equipment), cing. fre dane cust te Most vaerbieto ground salng we slender sSlectcacompanens ath high mass and high conte of ravi, whic must be prop supper. ‘The sasenc design of the nyo mechanical snd ecto mechanical uipment of ey casos ‘to Seanbe eased out arcrting tothe recommendations given inthe prvios section Most equipment is wnerabe rock nd fang debris within a bulking The bes way isto uminano th ocfal hazard Ts can bo dane by onsructing an underground powernoue. by selecting aster place othe sucha oneal imporant and expensive equipment away fem steep slopes. to ear dopes fom unstable rocks 19 roe dope protectin by shore anchors, February 2013, dtainage 2, provide berms in ep pes, 0 install nets near vuerable eeucrre er In ome cases may be necessary to design suc fox roca impact. Inthe cave of aneision towers ste section ‘in ombiavion with hope learing and pretacve walls nets may be equied. As the Weachuan sarthquake has shown, ransnision towers oeted ‘n mountanous regions are vay vlnrabe ding stg eartuquakes, Ths eft feat on gates snd wanamicsin towesis shown in Pigues 3108 Seismic design aspects of penstocks and ‘hydrodynamic pressures Peastocks plugs of aversion tunnels, ats in som outs nak stroctures and eplways ‘aves anc oterhyo-mechancal components of ‘he pessurznd water stem hyropnive plants hve rae ben designed forthe hyodmamic rssures, which may be cnsed during a strng earthquake The yoda preset aocrding to Westergard is assumad for gates of ace spies, but nt for gates cated in tunel ce ‘alsin ge dametexpensincis ‘Up wnow no cage penstoc hat asad rboen damaged due to an earthquakes cuenta in tbe trae During the Wenctuan ‘arquake the expansion tf the penstock ot ‘Shapat arc dam poet fled near the powethouse and inundated tbe powerhouse svcd ant ‘me ofthe surounding huldings and seinen ‘war depotod inthe fonder ar Ue”, ‘As carnquakos aft all omponans ofa npkopower plant, hyodynamic actions bave so ‘oe checked foal hyero-mechanical components. Itmey be argued tat inthe rosruried water system the water hammers endyiveigated and thet the emergency ht om ofa pense may cause the maximum, ‘byroyeamic presses. As icissed inthe siboiquentsocios, th hydrodynamic esses ‘ve valve equation ar larger than hose duet ‘anus in bog pests ec pressure tunnels ‘wit man petod of ation ote water ot ‘several seconds. However in laively hort enstcks wit fandamantal fequency othe ‘ocntng water mas nthe range ofthe dominant frequencies ofthe earthquake ground motion. the sitztion may be tho opps (land 20128), ‘The oantquako induced nycodynamic ssw in pesos have bean discussed by ‘Wold (2008) Fer low hod ecares the yetedynamic pressure can gest enceed the htostatic one These pressures may no caty joparie the sey othe pensiock—aegtve rerues may cause local bucking tals the ‘ets and vates std in lat bo ales ‘unas and pensines. respectively. Moreover tbe plugs in lowed civerson tunel may experience very high hedyramic ices during earths Conclusions ‘Te folowing condusons maybe craw: i Top cathquake hava ia mut hazard and alt 1) ICOLD 2010), Selecting seismic parameters for large dams. Guidelines, Revision of Bulletin 72, Committee on Seismic Aspects of Dam Design, International Commission on Large Dams, Pars. 2) Wieland, M. (2005) Hydrodynamic pressures, Int. Journal Water Power and Dam Construction, October 53) Wieland, M. (2010) Seismic aspects of large dams: Lessons learnt from the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, Proc. Int. Symposium on Dams & Sustainable Wator Resources Development, 78th COLD Annual Meeting, Handi, Vietnam, May 20-28. 4) Wieland, M. (20122). Seismic aspects of bottom outlets, splays, intake structures and penstocks of large storage dams, Proc. International Symposium « Dams for a changing ‘Were ~ Need for Knowledge Transfer across the Generations & the World », Kyoto, Japan, June 5. 5) Wieland, M. (20128). Seismic design and performance criteria for large storage dams, Poe. 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper 638, Lisbon, Sop. 24-28. February 2013, Research pects must be taken inn consdeton. The rock hazard isa major hace for equipment ecaad n the sutace in moutanoas egos ‘Both primary seismic hazard fom the natural cevroumen and secondary hacrds duet the cartyuake induced fale ca stucture or ‘component must be considered, ‘Spalway gates and gues or vais of oto ‘outers musthe functioning arth salty ‘vaso eatuako and tus the peromance ‘teria for tose safety relevant ements ate stricter than tose fore dar body. Power supple forthe gates and vats as Wel cet unis, isting equipment ee mus be designe fc the stetyevahuation earthquake round maton, Bt The seismic design cite for ner clevant ‘emens such as splays and bora outess ‘the sae asthe for to dam boy. Inthe absence of any seismic dost specications te selsmic design of appunenant ssmictures for power production, wate supp ‘mngoton. navigation sal 36.3 ini equsementconespond that of baling strucutes with high imparance factor Fortho ter stucures and components lover impananoe factors given in eartiquaks codes fecbuldngs may be used B Appropeate methods of ami anaiss mist beselecind The paudostatc analys can cly be use for nig components; however. the seismic coeticint shall comespot to he maximum suppat acceleration ofthe equipment. 8 Proper cemmanication between tec hyco- ‘mochanical and alec design teams shoul ensue that onsen seismic design ctria are ed forthe wale dam prot. Proper fastening ofthe equipment othe supporting suture seen for al pices of equpment end component, BE Thebyrodynamic pressures in hon penstocks 2d short pessure tunel can be quite high ducing song eartnquake shaking In this case the assumption ofan incampressie fu ends ‘oan underestimate fhe hytrodynamic sues ‘Martin Wieland, Chairman, Committee (on Seismic Aspects of Dam Design, International Commission on Large Dams }COLD), Poyry Energy Ltd, Zurich, Switzeriand ‘The author acknowledges the photos in Figures 2 obtained by Prof. Xu Zeping and those n Figures 6 and 7 received from Prof. Wang Renkun from China. This article is based on a paper presented atthe 15th World Conference ‘on Earthquake Engineering, ld in Lisbon, Portugal, in Soptember 2012. WWW.WATERPOWERMAGAZINE.COM 19

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