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-Registration of the Participants (Students)
-Program Heads
-Board of Trustees
-Faculty & Staff
-Registration of the Participants (Students)

E1: A pleasant morning to each and every one of you. May I request everyone to please settle down
and please occupy the seats provided for you. Find your comfortable areas as we're about to begin the
program. Thank you.

E2: Good morning, especially to our faculty and staff that is here with us to please have your
available seats. As we are about to start, I would like to seek your cooperation in completing this
ceremony. Thank you.

E1: Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guest, and honored participants, we gather today in the spirit
of unity and gratitude. In this moment of invocation, let us open our hearts and minds to the wisdom
that surrounds us. Let the invocation, mark the beginning of a journey filled with a purpose, meaning,
and shared aspirations.

E2: Thank you for being here and let us now proceed with a sense of gratitude for the opportunities
that lie before us. For the Christian prayer, we have _________________ from (Year/BSCE). And,
Yasmir Abdulkadir for the Muslim prayer. To honor our country, singing of the Philippine National
Anthem is to be followed, Bangsamoro Hymn, Cotabato Hymn and ADTM Hymn.

E1: Everyone, let us embrace the spirit of togetherness and celebrate the richness of our shared
humanity. Please all rise.

E2: You may now take your seat. We would like to introduce ourselves first, I am Jea Custodio.

E1: And I am Esmaela Amander BOTH: Your Masters of Ceremonies.

E2: It is with great pleasure that we gather here today to embark on a journey of inspiration, learning
and celebration. With that, we would like to welcome you to our...

E1: Oath Taking Ceremony

E2: Orientation

E2: Yes, partner because I really believe that Engineering students are not just problem solvers, they
are shaping the world one equation at a time.

E1: Amazing phrase, partner. And now, ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure that I stand before
you to extend a heartfelt welcome to our exceptional OIC-DEAN Ma'am Melodina Torres, to give
her welcome address. Around of applause please. ------ IV. PICE

E2: Thank you for that warm welcome to our CE students Ma'am Torres. Indeed, an engineering
student's mind is a blend of logic, curiosity, and endless possibilities and behind every engineering
student tends and daring to ask "What if?". Please give us an inspiration, help me welcome the , our
former PICE Ambassadress and the current Public Information Officer of ADTM-PICE chapter, Ms.
Bai Sara Cabang. Around of applause please. ------

E1: Thank you so much, Ms. Cabang. ----------- V. INTERMISSION NUMBER

E2: Before we proceed with the next segment of our event, I invite you all to sit back and relax. Of
course, merong intermission number.

E1: Para magising namang ang inyong diwa, PICE officers prepared to present a mesmerizing
intermission number. Ladies and gentlemen from 4th year Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering,
please take the stage, Mr. Benjamin Kawi and Ms. Farhanna Kusain. ------

E2: Ayan! Thank you for sharing your extraordinary talents with us performers. VI. MESSAGE OF

E1: And now, let me introduce to you a remarkable individual. He has overcome challenges and
embraced opportunities, proving the dedication and belief in oneself, anything is achievable. Today,
you will witness a source of inspiration, reminding us of the limitless potential that resides within
each of us.

E2: A product of ADTM and a former PICE Vice-President E1: Please help me welcome, Mr.
Muhammad Fahad P. Mosanip. Around of applause please. ------

E1: Thank you for the motivation and encouragement, Sir Indal. VII. MESSAGE OF THE

E2: With a passion and dedication to the student body, exemplifies the qualities of a true visionary
with a commitment. Please help me welcome, the newly elected PICE President. Let give it up for,
Ms. Saina L. Theng. ------
E1: Thank you so much for your outstanding leadership and for your dedication and passion. VIII.

E2: Let us now proceed. Today, we gather not only to celebrate the spirit of democracy and the
power of collective choice but also to welcome a new chapter of leadership and vision within our

E1: Your voice will be the new era, and we are grateful with each name announced with your roles in
this significant moment. Without further ado, for the introduction of Newly elected officers and for
the reading of oath. Please join me here on-stage, Engr. Joehaimin O. Samedon. ------
E2: Thank you so much everyone and congratulations officers.


E2: And now, we have reached a truly special moment in our gathering, a time of acknowledgement
and celebrate the dedication, hard work, and achievements of our outstanding officers. For the
distribution of certificates, May I request, Engr. Ceide T. Panugaling and Engr. Khen Rowen D.
Quiring. -----

E1: The certificates we are about to distribute are not mere pieces of paper; behind every certificate
they are symbols of a responsible individual, resilience, knowledge, and a commitment to excellence.
Your accomplishments are the testament to your dedication and passion. Congratulations! X.

E2: Before we officially conclude our event, please join me in welcoming Engr. Ceide T. Panugaling
to deliver the closing remarks. ------

E1: Thank you so much sir. As we part ways, let us carry the lessons learned. Thank you for being a
part of this memorable event. This is Esmaela Amander.

E2: This is Jea Custodio BOTH: Now, signing off.

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