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This generations, perception about Sex education involves the process

of providing knowledge on sex, sexuality, and relationships. It aims at
sharing information with the right age groups about the importance and
repercussions of sex. Primarily, sex is associated with risks such as
unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted disease. Therefore, sex
education should reveal the importance of sex at the right time; for instance,
in marriage. However, the main importance of sex education is to provide
education against its risks. Effective sex education should be able to nurture
people’s ability to make quality decisions concerning sex, sexuality, and
relationships. Sex education tries to clear up all myths and misconceptions
concerning sex and sexuality, and giving facts to the recipient mainly the
teenagers. It is also important for people to understand, accept, and
appreciate their sexuality, thus discouraging homosexuality and lesbianism
in the society. According to Hanson etal (513), 2200 adolescents between the
ages of 13 and 19 have been reported to acquire HIV/AIDS since its
discovery; therefore, it is evident that sex education is important in schools.
In addition, alcohol and drugs are mainly associated with sexual activities;
thus, sex education should aim at also educating people on the main drivers
of unsafe sex. Through significance of sex education to the students,
teachers, teenagers are to have a knowledge in preventing sexuality abuse,
harassment and etc. So that they will protect their selves if they
encountered this sexuality harassment to other people.

Background of the Study

According to World Health Organization, Sexuality is a central aspect
of being human throughout life and encompasses sex, gender identities and
roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction.

Sexuality is experienced and expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires,
beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors, practices, and relationships. While
sexuality can include all of these dimensions, not all of them are always
experienced or expressed. Sexuality is influenced by the interaction of
biological, psychological, social, economic, political, ethical, legal, historical,
religious and spiritual factors. Argued that sexuality education encompasses
education about all aspects of sexuality including information about family
planning, reproduction, body image, sexual orientation, sexual pleasure,
values, decision making, communication, dating, relationships, sexually
transmitted infections and how to avoid them, and birth control methods.
Collins (2008)

Adolescents’ sexuality has become an issue of controversy between the

family, school and the church with each of the agents pointing accusing
fingers at each other. In their studies revealed that the introduction of sex
education in the school curriculum is as a result of parents’ refusal to give
their adolescents the sexual information they require to help them function
well in the society. Parents on their part believe that adolescents’ moral
decadence is an after effect of what they learn from school either through
peer influences or from their teachers who are meant to act as role models.
They explained that since adolescents spend more time at school than they
do at home, the teaching of moral and ethical values should be effectively
thought at school rather than teach sex education. In their studies also
revealed that adolescents’ sexual permissiveness is the result of the
technological development experienced within the society. This school of
thought holds the media and entertainment industry responsible for
adolescents’ moral decadence. (Rodriguez 2001)

Sex education involves more than sexual development and

reproductive health; it encompasses interpersonal relationships, affection,
intimacy, body image, values and gender roles. Education on sexuality can
come from a wide range of sources including home, school, peers, media and
religious institutions. Of major importance is the sex education that takes
place in the home. Parents are a child’s first source of sexual health

learning. Daily occurrences in the home provide opportunities for
discussions on sexuality, making parents the primary sex educators of their
children. This important role begins in infancy and as children go through
each stage of growth and development, parents can provide the vital
education and guidance that is needed to make healthy sexual choices.
(SIECUS 2001)

Statement of the Problem

This study focused on the perception and significance of sex education

towards the Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences of Burauen
Comprehensive National High School.

Particularly, it aims to answer the following question:

1. What is the perception of the Grade 11 Humanities and Social

Sciences learners of Burauen Comprehensive National High School
about sex education?
2. Why is sex education crucial in learnings among Grade 11 Humanities
and Social Sciences learners of Burauen Comprehensive National
High School?
3. What are the behaviors of the Grade 11 Humanities and Social
Sciences learners at Burauen Comprehensive National High School
towards sex education?

Scope and Limitation

The prior focused of this study is to know every perception of Grade

11 Humanities and Social Sciences Learners towards sex education in
Burauen Comprehensive National High School. The participants of this
study are the Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences Learners of
Burauen Comprehensive National High School. For the data collection

process, the self-made interview is the main instrument to be given which
endure evidence of authority.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to provides valuable insights into the current

understanding, attitudes, and practices of these learners regarding sex
education. This information can be used to improve the effectiveness of sex
education programs in our school and to address any gaps or
misconceptions that may exist. Additionally, the study can contribute to a
better understanding of the cultural and social factors that influence the
learner’s perception and behavior towards sex education, which can inform
research and interventions.

The researchers trust that the resultant of the study is applicable and
will give a great to the following:

Community- Will be intended to have a less percentage population of sexual

intercourse that usually young teenagers mostly effected in this time. This
era as Philippines is one of a many wise populations of sexual intercourse
like early pregnancies, premarital sex, and unwanted pregnancy. In these
examples it will be able to reduce this kind of sexual intercourse that
usually happened in this generations.

Burauen Comprehensive National High School Institution- This

institution will know how learners embody the lessons that sex education
has given to open their minds in what is sex education, in preventing sexual
intercourse that happen in this generation lest mostly young teenagers
usually affected.

Students- They will be able to understand what is truly the meaning of sex
education based in their perception and how they will input to their lives
perspective as educated students here in Burauen Comprehensive National
High School. Learners will be aware of the significance of sex education to

their daily living and embody to their selves what is really the importance of
sex education in school institution.

Conceptual framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Perceptions and
Sex education

Figure 1. Conceptual paradigm of A Phenomenological Study of the

Perception and Behaviors of Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences
Learners of Burauen Comprehensive National High School towards Sex

This study revolves around two variables, number one is the sex
education and number two is the perception and behaviours. Sex education is
really important because there are many young people who are engaging in pre-
marital sex. The number of teenage pregnancies is increasing every year.
According to the latest study, these teenagers who got pregnant at a very young
age are no longer pursuing their schooling and they end up jobless (Alyienth

2008). The perception and behaviours will be dependent in Grade 11
Humanities and Social Sciences Leaners that can be passive in what is the
outcomes of this study because through the students there are several aspects
that can be affected. The main concern of this study is to explore the
perception and behaviors of Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences Learners
towards Sex education. The conceptual paradigm shows the process on how
researchers measured the perception of Grade 11 Humanities and Social
Sciences towards Sex education. The participants of this study should be given
a personal interview which determined the number of their perception and
behaviors towards sex education who will testify the range numbers based in
their perception and understanding.

Definition of terms

Schooling- The process of teaching or being taught in school.

Learners- A person who is learning a subject or skill.

HUMSS- Humanities and social sciences; The social sciences focus on

subjects like economics, psychology, and history, while the humanities
explore philosophy, languages and literature, and the arts (Best, colleges).

Phenomenological- Phenomenology approach to research that seeks to

describe the essence of a phenomenon by exploring it from perspective.

Perception- Perception is the ability of people in understanding the nature

of something (Turnbull, 2010). In this study, perception refers to the way
students of Burauen Comprehensive National High School perceive sex
education as a subject that will taught in school.

Sex Education- Sex education is as a systematic attempt to promote the

healthy awareness in the individual on matters of his or her sexual
development, functioning, behaviors and attitudes through direct teaching
(Frimpong, 2010).

Sexuality Education- Comprehensive sexuality education includes

scientifically accurate information about human development, anatomy and
reproductive health as well as information (UNFPA).

Organization of the Study

The study consists five chapters. Chapter one focuses on introduction,

which discuss the background to the study, statement of the problem, scope
and limitations, significant of the study, conceptual framework, assumption
of the study, definition of terms and the organization of the study. Chapter
two focuses on literature review while the Chapter three deals with the
research methodology. Chapter four concentrates on the presentation
analysis and discussion of data. Chapter five concentrates on summary,
conclusion and recommendations.


Review of Related Literature

Sex education is usually common in our community right now, but

peoples has not able to understood what is really mean by sex education.
Nowadays people not known how sex education is significant in our society,
that absolutely Philippines is one of the high ratings in sexual intercourse

cases including the premarital sex, unwanted early pregnancy and many


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