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Higher Nationals

Assignment Brief – BTEC (RQF)

Higher National Diploma in Business Management

Student Name /ID Number Aung Hein Khant

Unit Number and Title Unit 46: Developing Individuals, Teams and Organization

Academic Year Year 1 Semester 1 (2023)

Unit Assessor Daw April Chaw

Assignment Title Developing Individuals, Teams and Organization

Issue Date

Submission Date 27.1.2024

IV Name Daw Sandar Moe Khet


Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that

Task no. Evidence
reference the student is able to:

Appraise the use of high-performance working (HPW) and 1 4-8

LO. 1
culture in supporting sustainable business performance

Evaluate the ways in which performance management, can 2 8-11

support high-performance culture and commitment.

Review the factors to be considered when planning training and 3 11-19

development activities in an organization

Design a personal and professional development career plan for 4 19-23

a named job role, based on reflection and evaluation
Table of Contents
Higher Nationals.....................................................................................................................................1
Assignment Brief – BTEC (RQF)................................................................................................................1
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................2
Company Profile..........................................................................................................................................3
LO1 Appraise the use of high-performance working (HPW) and culture in supporting sustainable business
(1.1) HPW contributes to employee engagement and improved sustainable business performance
for a specific organization........................................................................................................................4
(1.2) The benefits of applying HPW, with justifications for a specific organization to support
successful sustainable business performance.........................................................................................6
LO2 Evaluate the ways in which performance management, can support high-performance culture and
(2.1) Different approaches to performance management and how they support high-performance
culture and commitment, giving specific examples.................................................................................8
(2.2) The effectiveness of different approaches to performance management and how they support
highperformance culture and commitment............................................................................................9
LO3 Review the factors to be considered when planning training and development activities in an
(3.1) The factors to be considered when implementing training and development to maintain a
competitive advantage..........................................................................................................................11
(3.2) The factors to be considered when planning training and development, supported by specific
organizational examples........................................................................................................................13
D1 Synthesise knowledge and information to make appropriate judgements on how HPW supports
improved employee engagement, commitment and competitive advantage...........................................16
LO4 Design a personal and professional development career plan for a named job role, based on
reflection and evaluation...........................................................................................................................19
(4.1) Personal and professional knowledge, skills and behaviors required for a specific job role..........19
(4.2) Personal and professional development plan for a specific job role, informed by reflective
practice and evaluation.........................................................................................................................20
(4.3) A detailed personal and professional development plan that incorporates the CPD cycle............22
(4.4) A detailed and coherent personal and professional plan, based on insightful reflection and critical
evaluation of audits conducted.............................................................................................................23

Executive Summary

In terms of individual, team, and organizational development, this executive summary offers a
succinct synopsis of the main ideas and conclusions. Considering their interdependence and
possible influence on the performance of the organization as a Human Resource Manager at HK
construction and as a whole, the task centered on comprehending and promoting growth at
these three levels. This assignment focuses on the culture of High performance working and
critical aspects of Developing Individuals, Teams, and Organizations to optimize overall
performance within the HK construction organization. In these papers the outlined aim to
create a holistic approach to organizational development, fostering an environment that
nurtures individual growth, promotes effective teamwork, and contributes to sustained
organizational success.


To succeed over the long term in the fast-paced world of modern business, it is essential to
develop people—individuals, teams, and organizations. The critical relationship between team
cohesion, individual development, and organizational effectiveness is negotiated in this
assignment. Investing in human capital development becomes critical for organizations that
want to prosper in the fast-paced global marketplace. The main focus of this investigation is
how to match organizational goals with personal ambitions. The assignment covers leadership
development, organizational learning, and efficient performance evaluation systems, from
creating Individual Development Plans (IDPs) to encouraging collaborative team cultures. It also
explores the essential elements of flexibility and change management. Organizations may
establish themselves as centers of innovation, flexibility, and long-term excellence by adopting a
comprehensive development strategy. This assignment seeks to offer a road map for maximizing
the potential of people and groups in order to drive businesses towards sustained success and
industry leadership.

Company Profile

HK construction and infrastructure services company was founded in 2020 as a specialist

concrete company and is a leading provider of construction and infrastructure services,
providing specialist design and build capabilities. The headquarter is in Hlaing Thar Yar
Township, Yangon. HK is involved in various sectors of the construction and infrastructure
industry, including Building Construction, Civil Engineering, Property Development and Support
Services. HK Group has a reputation for working on high-profile construction and infrastructure
projects in the Hlaing Thar Yar. This includes involvement in transportation, education,
healthcare, and other critical infrastructure sectors. The contact number is


To be a leader in delivering innovative construction and infrastructure solutions that transform

communities and improve lives while upholding the highest standards of sustainability and


To provide exceptional construction and infrastructure services by combining expertise,

innovation, and sustainable practices. We aim to build a better future for our clients,
employees, and the communities we serve.


 Increase the company's annual revenue in the infrastructure sector by 15%

 Improve employee safety by reducing the number of workplace accidents by 20%.
 Increase the client satisfaction rating to 90% or above in annual surveys and achieve this
satisfaction rating within the next 12 months.

LO1 Appraise the use of high-performance working (HPW) and culture

in supporting sustainable business performance

(1.1) HPW contributes to employee engagement and improved sustainable business

performance for a specific organization.

The term "high-performance working" (HPW) describes a collection of procedures and

approaches used in the workplace with the goal of boosting workers' knowledge, engagement,
and well-being in order to increase productivity and effectiveness within the company. It
frequently consists of components like performance management, awards, recognition,
training, and employee participation in decision-making. These are all intended to maximize
individual and group contributions in order to reach high levels of success and productivity
( Cole & Parston, 2006).
For HK construction companies, High-Performance Work (HPW) techniques may greatly boost
sustainable business performance and staff engagement. Employees may learn new skills, keep
up with industry trends, and adjust to new technology by participating in training and
development programmers. This enhances worker competency on the whole while also
improving individual performance. Establishing clear performance expectations and providing
regular feedback helps employees understand their role in the company's success. This clarity
can enhance motivation and engagement, leading to improved performance. Work in
construction is frequently physically demanding. Long-term employee happiness and
engagement may be enhanced by putting in place policies that put employee well-being first,
such as flexible work hours, health and safety programmers, and mental health assistance. In
the construction industry, praising and recognizing high-performing workers may increase
motivation and morale. This could be accomplished through chances for job progression,
performance bonuses, or public recognition. The integration of ecologically sustainable
methodologies in building endeavors might correspond with the increasing need for eco-
friendly campaigns. This can help the business establish sustainable business processes, draw in
eco-aware workers, and improve its reputation (Beaumont-Oates, 2023).

Employees benefits from increasing High Performance Working (HPW) at organizations such as
HK Construction because it gives them opportunity for ongoing learning and development,
which improves their abilities and increases their marketability. Higher levels of job satisfaction
and a sense of fulfilment are a result of HPW strategies including job design and decision-
making engagement. Rewarding and recognizing high-achieving staff members inspires them
and creates a happy work atmosphere. Within the company, professional progression
opportunities are created via explicit performance goals and continuous feedback. Policies that
promote work-life balance benefit employees' general well-being and quality of life ( Skinner,

Conversely, about the Employers, Increased productivity and efficiency at work are a result of
trained and engaged workers. Empowerment and engagement of employees foster innovation
and creativity, which improves problem-solving and spurs process innovation. Increased rates of
employee retention lower turnover costs since they are a result of factors including job
satisfaction, opportunity for professional advancement, and recognition. Performance
management procedures are enhanced by regular feedback and clear expectations, which
guarantee alignment with corporate objectives. Resilient organizations are fostered by skilled
and motivated workers who are better able to adjust to changes in the business environment
( CARUSO, 2020).

As above description, adopting High-Performance Work practices in HK construction company

can lead to increased employee engagement, improved job satisfaction, and ultimately
contribute to sustainable business performance by enhancing productivity, innovation, and the
overall well-being of the workforce.

(1.2) The benefits of applying HPW, with justifications for a specific organization to
support successful sustainable business performance

High-Performance Work (HPW) practices are a collection of HRM tactics designed to maximize
employee engagement and skills in order to improve organizational performance. Organizations
may benefit from using HPW in a number of ways, which will promote long-term commercial
success. When workers are equipped with the right equipment, resources, and training, they
perform their jobs more effectively and with more expertise. Increased productivity and overall
operational efficiency result from this. The employee participation behaviors that MacDuffie
identified as the five essential practices in 1996 Teams and problem-solving When implementing
the HPW in organizations, typical and helpful practices include job rotation, suggestion
programmers, and decentralization ( W. Luthans & M. Sommer, 2005).

A manufacturing business that uses HPW, for instance, would spend money on cutting-edge
technology and training programmers to improve the abilities of its employees, which would
lead to quicker and more precise production processes. Creating a happy work atmosphere,
providing chances for skill development, and praising and rewarding staff members for their
efforts are all common HPW activities. Increased involvement and work satisfaction follow from
this. To maintain employee motivation and engagement, a technological business may, for
example, introduce flexible work hours, ongoing learning initiatives, and an open culture of
communication. Employers who use HPW methods have a higher chance of luring in fresh,
qualified candidates and keeping their best workers. A business that values and makes
investments in the development and well-being of its workers gains credibility as a desirable
place to work (Brendon, 2017).

To maintain its brilliant team and draw in new experts, a consulting business can, for example,
offer mentoring programmers, career development possibilities, and competitive remuneration.
HPW promotes a culture of ongoing education and creativity. Feeling empowered and
encouraged encourages employees to bring innovative ideas and adjust to changing work
conditions. A research and development company that encourages experimentation, promotes
creative thinking, and gives staff members the latitude to come up with new ideas might serve
as an example. Healthy workplaces are a result of HPW policies that place a high priority on
stress reduction, work-life balance, and employee well-being. This may result in a drop in
absenteeism, a boost to morale, and an overall rise in production.

To guarantee the wellbeing of its employees, for instance, a healthcare company can introduce
wellness initiatives, flexible work schedules, and mental health services. More likely to deliver
superior customer service are contented and motivated staff members. Companies may
enhance customer satisfaction by investing in staff empowerment and training. To increase
client experiences and loyalty, a retail organization should use HPW techniques that center on
customer service training. By developing a happy and productive work environment, supporting
employee growth, and ultimately assisting in long-term corporate success, the use of high-
performance work practices may greatly benefit organizations. For organizations aiming for
sustained development and sustainability, the precise application may differ depending on the
industry, organizational culture, and strategic goals. Nevertheless, the general concepts still
apply. (Chown, 2023).
LO2 Evaluate the ways in which performance management, can support
high-performance culture and commitment.

(2.1) Different approaches to performance management and how they support high-
performance culture and commitment, giving specific examples.

One method that helps managers keep an eye on and assess workers' work is performance
management. Establishing an atmosphere where individuals may perform to the best of their
ability and in line with the organization's overall goals is the aim of performance management.
In both the public and private sectors, performance management is frequently employed.
Conventional tools used in performance-management programmers include goal-setting and
measurement, as well as milestone-setting. They also seek to establish methods for measuring
successful individual performance and to describe what such performance looks like.
Performance management, on the other hand, considers every encounter with an employee as
a learning opportunity rather than adhering to the conventional paradigm of year-end
appraisals ( TARD, 2023).

Using performance management technologies, managers may suggest new actions, modify
workflow, and take other actions that will assist staff members in reaching their goals.
Consequently, this aids in the organization's goal-achieving and peak performance. For instance,
a sales department manager might assign goal revenue volumes to employees, which they have
to meet in a predetermined amount of time. Within a performance management system, the
manager would provide suggestions calibrated to support the salespeople's success in addition
to the figures.

There are several approaches to performance management such as Traditional Performance

Appraisals, 360-Degree Feedback, Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), Continuous Performance
Management and Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS).

Traditional appraisals offer an organised way to evaluate individual performance against

predetermined standards, such as a yearly performance review with ratings and goal-setting
conversations. This encourages high-performance in Formal feedback and well-defined
expectations can inspire workers to reach and surpass objectives. 360-Degree Feedback
provides an integrated viewpoint by gathering input from many sources. It also supports high-
performance by promoting teamwork and ongoing development grounded on a variety of
viewpoints. For instance, getting input on a leader's effectiveness from peers, subordinates, and
superiors. Continuous performance management, such as regular one-on-one meetings
between employees and managers to discuss progress and difficulties, can be implemented by
emphasising continuing feedback and regular check-ins instead of yearly evaluations. This
supports a culture of continuous development, fosters agility, and allows for real-time
adjustments ( Plachy & Plachy, 1988).

Setting and attaining quantifiable goals and key results, as well as encouraging high
performance by lining up personal aspirations with corporate objectives, are the main aims of
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). This approach promotes a results-driven culture. As an
illustration, consider how Google uses OKRs to connect team and individual goals to overarching
business objectives. Employees are encouraged to display desired behaviors associated with
success by using Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) to boost high performance. BARS
links particular behaviors to performance ratings. This can happen similarly to how one
describes performance in terms of observable behaviors like communication, teamwork, and
leadership (Indeed Editorial Team , 2022).

(2.2) The effectiveness of different approaches to performance management and how they
support highperformance culture and commitment.

Performance management is a critical aspect of organizational success, and various approaches

have been employed by different companies to foster a high-performance culture and
commitment among employees.

Microsoft assesses employee performance with a 360-degree feedback system. This method
entails gathering input from peers, bosses, and subordinates, among other people. It offers a
thorough picture of a worker's areas of strength and growth. Microsoft's 360-degree feedback
method has produced favorable outcomes. Workers value the thorough and multi-faceted
evaluation, which promotes improved self-awareness and career advancement. The
organization has seen gains in general performance, teamwork, and communication, which has
promoted a continual improvement culture (AlphaBOLD, 2020).

Setting goals and conducting frequent performance reviews are part of Google's performance
management strategy. Performance is routinely assessed to make sure it is in line with
corporate goals. Managers and staff work together to jointly establish SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) targets. One reason Google is known as a high-
performing company is because of its goal-setting and performance evaluation processes.
Worker expectations are well-defined, and frequent feedback loops facilitate skill improvement
and course correction. Google has a culture of high performance and is committed to individual
progress (Francisco S. homem de Mello, 2016).

A global leader in technology, Siemens AG, used the Balanced Scorecard to make sure that its
performance management system matched its strategic goals. Monitoring performance in a
variety of areas, including financial, customer, internal process, and learning and growth, is part
of the Balanced Scorecard methodology. Siemens has found that the Balanced Scorecard is a
useful tool for developing a comprehensive performance picture. It makes certain that workers
are aware of how their regular tasks fit into the larger corporate plan. Given that they perceive a
clear connection between their work and the company's performance, Siemens has observed
higher levels of employee engagement and dedication ( Johnson, 2002).

Depending on the type of job, industry, and organizational culture, these strategies may or may
not be effective. A manufacturing business like Siemens might not benefit as much from the
same strategies as a software behemoth like Google. It is important to consider how involved
employees are in the performance management process. Businesses that actively include staff
members in goal-setting and feedback are more likely to encourage a greater dedication to
performance enhancement. Effective performance management is a continuous activity rather
than a one-time occurrence. Businesses that place a strong emphasis on adaptation and
ongoing development tend to have more dynamic, high-performing cultures ( Bland, 2017).

A high-performance culture and dedication are more likely to be fostered by a customized

strategy that takes into account the particular requirements and features of the company,
together with a dedication to ongoing development and employee participation. The Siemens,
Microsoft, and Google case studies demonstrate the benefits of well-thought-out performance
management systems in various organizational settings ( Lawton, 2023).

LO3 Review the factors to be considered when planning training and

development activities in an organisation
(3.1) The factors to be considered when implementing training and development to
maintain a competitive advantage.

In order to preserve a competitive edge, HK Construction must execute effective training and
development programs. Technology, safety, and project management skills are critical in this
dynamic and competitive business. Alignment of organizational strategy is the first shared
component. When training and development programs are coordinated with the overarching
business plan, staff competencies are directly linked to the accomplishment of company
objectives. It is responsibility as the HR manager to make sure that the training courses improve
project management abilities, comply with safety regulations, and include the newest building
technology. The strategic objective of HK Construction is to lead the industry in sustainable
building practices. The goal of the training and development plan should be in line with it, with
a focus on green building methods and sustainability practices. This necessitates evaluating
existing tactics critically and making sure that training programs directly support the goals of the

The reason skill gap analyses are ranked second is that they are vital for pinpointing the precise
areas in which workers fall short on necessary capabilities. Both hard skills, like communication
and leadership, and soft skills, like mastery of building technology, should be included in this
study. A thorough review of skill gaps demonstrates that project managers are not proficient in
BIM. The training programme should include focused BIM seminars and certifications to close
this gap. This essential assessment makes ensuring that funds are distributed effectively to
address certain skill gaps ( Gupta, 2022).

The newest equipment and software must be included in training programs because of the
technical improvements in the construction sector. This involves practical instruction in
construction management software, building information modelling (BIM), and other pertinent
technologies. Engaging and encouraging staff members is necessary to create a healthy learning
culture. The training program has to cover augmented reality (AR) technology since the industry
is quickly using it for project visualization. By keeping HK Construction at the forefront of
technical breakthroughs, this crucial factor boosts the company's competitiveness in the

The Human Resource manager may greatly increase employee motivation and training
programs participation by creating a supportive work environment through mentoring,
recognition programs, and collaborative learning activities. It is important to implement Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) in order to assess the efficacy of training initiatives ( TWIN, 2023).
Data analysis, feedback channels, and regular assessments should be used to monitor how
training affects both individual and organizational performance. Acknowledging the significance
of robust leadership in the construction sector, cultivating leadership abilities need to be a
primary priority. By putting mentoring and leadership development programs into place, an
organization can make sure that it has a pool of capable leaders who are prepared to face

In order to preserve a competitive edge, as the Human Resource Manager at HK Construction, it

is imperative that these elements be taken into consideration while implementing training and
development programs. Through the alignment of strategies with organizational goals, skill gap
remediation, technology adoption, employee engagement, and effectiveness measurement, HK
Construction can develop a workforce that is highly skilled and capable of keeping a competitive
advantage in the face of industry changes.

(3.2) The factors to be considered when planning training and development, supported by
specific organizational examples.

The distinction between training and development lies in their nature, scope, and the timeline
involved. In the Nature, Training is generally a focused and specific effort to impart specific skills
or knowledge. It is often task-oriented and aims to provide individuals with the necessary tools
to perform their current job roles more effectively. Development is broader and aims to
prepare individuals for future responsibilities and challenges. It focuses on enhancing not only
job-specific skills but also on cultivating a broader set of competencies, including leadership,
critical thinking, and problem-solving (Gyrus, 2016).

But in the scope field training is typically narrow in scope, addressing immediate needs and
specific job requirements. It may focus on job-related tasks, procedures, or technologies
relevant to the current role. Development has a wider scope, encompassing personal and
professional growth beyond the current job role. It looks at the long-term career aspirations
and overall potential of individuals within the organization.

Training is often a short-term and more immediate process. It may be completed in a short
period, providing individuals with the skills they need for their current responsibilities but
Development is a continuous, long-term process. It involves ongoing efforts to nurture and
grow individuals throughout their careers. Developmental initiatives are often spread over an
extended period, recognizing that personal and professional growth is a gradual journey.

As an Human Resource Manager in HK construction implement on the job, off the job traning,
Coaching, Qualification-Based Training methods which all are leading to developing individual,
Human Resource team and HK organization.

On the job traning

In HK, Implement a job rotation program within the Human Resource team, allowing employees
to experience different roles. This exposes them to diverse aspects of the construction process,
promoting a well-rounded skill set. Organize on-site workshops and simulations for project
managers to enhance their decision-making skills in real-time scenarios. This provides practical
insights into managing construction projects efficiently.

Off the job traning

Offer financial support for employees pursuing relevant qualifications (e.g., a Project
Management Professional certification). This not only enhances individual skills but also
contributes to the company's expertise. And also, sponsor attendance to industry conferences
for project engineers. Exposure to the latest construction trends and technologies enables
employees to bring external insights back to HK Construction (Indeed Editorial Team, Indeed,

Implement a coaching program at HK where experienced project managers mentor junior staff.
This personalized approach facilitates skill transfer, enhancing the overall competency of the

Qualification-Based Training
Introduce a training program that leads to a recognized qualification in sustainable construction
practices. This aligns with HK Construction's commitment to environmental sustainability
(ProProfs, 2023).

The factors to be considered when planning training and individual, team, and organizational
development at HK Construction as an Human Resource Manager.

Life-long learning

Foster an organizational culture that values continuous learning. This involves promoting self-
directed learning, encouraging employees to seek out new knowledge, and recognizing and
rewarding a commitment to lifelong learning. Establish a centralized learning hub or an online
platform where employees can access a variety of learning resources, including e-books,
webinars, and industry publications, to support their lifelong learning journey ( Clark, 2021).

Learning Cycle Theories

The other ways that can guide to development is learning cycle theories like Kolb's Experiential
Learning Cycle and Lewin's Change Management Model. Design training programs that
incorporate all stages of Kolb's learning cycle - concrete experience, reflective observation,
abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. For instance, include hands-on
simulations, reflective discussions, and application in real projects ( Mcleod, 2023).
When implementing organizational changes through training and development, follow Lewin's
model of unfreezing, changing, and refreezing. For instance, communicate the need for change,
introduce new skills and practices, and then reinforce and stabilize these changes through
continuous learning initiatives ( Akram, 2018).

After implementing above learning methods, need to check that were effective or what the
others lacks of implementing those theories. Encourage employees to engage in reflective
practices using Gibbs' model. After completing a training program, employees can reflect on
their experiences, analyze their feelings, and consider how the new knowledge or skills can be
applied in their roles ( Channell, 2023).

D1 Synthesise knowledge and information to make appropriate

judgements on how HPW supports improved employee engagement,
commitment and competitive advantage.

In the context of a HK construction firm, High-Performance Work (HPW) techniques are

essential to creating greater employee engagement, dedication, and achieving a competitive
edge. Understanding the complex effects of HPW on organisational dynamics and overall
performance is essential for Human Resource managers.

To improve the skills and knowledge of staffs, put in place extensive training and development
programmes. This enhances their work output and promotes engagement while also advancing
their career and personal development. Promote a culture of participation wherein staff
members feel appreciated for their thoughts. Incorporating people into decision-making
procedures concerning both their job and the organisation as a whole fosters a feeling of
responsibility and involvement. Provide a strong recognition and incentive programme that
honours staff members' accomplishments and efforts. This includes offering both monetary and
non-monetary rewards, as well as fostering an environment at work that encourages
involvement ( Burchard, 2017).
Make sure there are clear and efficient lines of communication. Clearly state the expectations,
objectives, and goals of the organisation. Employee dedication is bolstered by this clarity, as
they recognise their part in accomplishing company goals. Give a clear roadmap for
professional advancement. Providing chances for skill development and professional growth
shows a firm's attention to its workers' long-term success and strengthens their loyalty to the
company. Encourage a positive work-life balance. Adopt procedures and policies that put
employee well-being first, understanding that a balanced life encourages loyalty and
productivity over time ( Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, & Covey, 2002).

Encourage an innovative and flexible culture. High-performance work strategies frequently

entail motivating staff members to submit ideas, think creatively, and adjust to changes. Being
nimble is essential to being competitive in the fast-paced construction sector. Prioritise quality
in the procedures and results. Strict quality control procedures should be a part of high-
performance work practices to guarantee that the business provides superior goods and
services and gives it a competitive edge. High-performance work procedures help employers
draw in top candidates and hold on to knowledgeable staff members. One important resource
that has a direct influence on competitiveness is a staff that is dedicated to the success of the
company ( Burchard, 2017).

Establish consistent feedback systems. As a result, a culture of ongoing learning and

development is fostered and opportunities for growth are identified. Assess the company's
performance on a regular basis by comparing it to industry norms. In order to keep the
company competitive, this approach helps to discover best practices and opportunities for
improvement. Leveraging High-Performance Work practices is essential for improving employee
engagement and dedication as well as establishing a competitive edge, as an Human Resource
Manager in HK construction the business may establish a productive workplace culture that
draws top people and guarantees long-term success in the competitive construction sector by
carefully putting these strategies into operation.

The relevance of HPWS in an organisation is demonstrated in the following case of HK

construction by examining the link between HPWS and organisational aspects including
employee proactive behaviour and organisational identity. A significant correlation between
HPW and work engagement has been demonstrated by several research. It creates an
assessment system for the staff and aids in employee motivation. HPW is crucial in raising the
degree of creativity and, as a result, introducing innovation into the way businesses operate.
Furthermore, the enhanced originality contributes to upholding the standards of quality
( Burchard, 2017).

On the other hand, it takes time to integrate HPW in staff development and operational
management. It takes a lot of time for managers to give each employee an overall feedback.
The introduction of HPW may not be well-liked by many employees. The personnel could
become discouraged as a result of this. HPW is a methodical and well-organized procedure, yet
it is not immune to biases. These disparities might be encountered by managers who have
access to performance management.

LO4 Design a personal and professional development career plan for a

named job role, based on reflection and evaluation.
(4.1) Personal and professional knowledge, skills and behaviors required for a specific
job role.

In every organization, the human resource managers play a very important role in determining the needs
and demands of the employees and also in finding out the issues that are going on in the organization.
They also help in finding the ways to overcome the problems as well. In HK construction also, HR
manager plays a very importance role in recruiting the most effective employees for the company and
making them ready for the company as well. As a HR manager, has the responsibility to make plans for
the performance of various kinds of activities inside the organization as well. Therefore, it is very
essential that the HR manager should be skilled and experienced so that the person can handle the
complete situation in a very effective manner. Some of the common skills, knowledge and behavior that
are needed by HR manager are discussed below.

Education background of HR: bachelor's degree in Human Resources, Business Administration,

Psychology, or a related field is often required many HR managers also pursue advanced degrees, such as
a Master's in Human Resources or an MBA.
Knowledge of HR: can be defined as the information, set of abilities that a person gains from specific
situation, experiences or education they have. Therefore, it is important for the HR managers to be
extremely knowledgeable in field so that they can use it in their organization smartly.

Communication: that the HR manager must be well communicator so that they can easily communicate
with their employees and discuss their ideas and plan with them. While doing this, they can make use of
various forms of communication like social media, TV, newspaper etc.

Law and government: considered as one of the most importance form of knowledge that an HR is
required to passes so that they can help their employees and the organization in all kinds of legal
matters. Through legal knowledge, they will also be able to implement proper rules and regulations
inside the organization so that the business activities are conducted in legal manner.

Behavior of HR: can be described as the way in which the HR managers behaves with others inside the
company. Adaptability of behavior helps the HR managers in the organization in assembling the
applicable information and addressing multiple requests rising in changing environment by applying
critical intelligent. And another behavior like accountability, the managers will be able to take the
responsibility of reducing the issues of the company and also improving the workforce usage as well.

Skills of an HR: considered as an ability of a person the=rough which they can perform various kinds of
tasks in any kind of situation. Organizing people defined a power with which the employees are able to
understand the actual talent of the employees so that they can use it in improving the performance of
employees. HR managers should know how to handle all kinds of situations that might arise inside the
organization. The main cause of HR is to design a highly skilled staff in HK so that task is completed well
on time. We hire people for us outsource stores so that customer is managed well in proper manner.

(4.2) Personal and professional development plan for a specific job role, informed by
reflective practice and evaluation.

Personal skill audit can be described as a process of analyzing, measuring and reporting of the
abilities that are present in an individual or in a team. With the help of this, the managers can
know about the strength and weaknesses of the employees and once its known then it can be
used to improve the productivity of the employees. As a HR Manager at HK construction,
personal skill audit is mentioned below.
Assessment From
No. Skill and Ability Self-assessment Variances
1. Team Building Quality 9 9 -
2. Problem Solving 7 8 1
3. Decision Making 7 7 -
4. Communication 10 10 -
5. Confidence Level 9 10 1
6. English Fluency 8 9 1
7. Time Management 7 6 -1
8. Technology Skills 7 7 -

From the table above, some of the skills are very good and some needs improvement. As a HR
Manager required to work on time management as well as decision making skill.

Strength Weakness
 Having good communication skill due  Not being a multi tasker and due to
to which able to communicate with this weakness, not able to finish work
HR teams or other fields at HK on time sometimes.
construction.  Also, not efficient in making good
 Good at organization at perfect team decisions and this directly have a
and persuading which help at team strong impact on HR job role.
performance and group works.  Being not professional at time
 Also having a string confidence level management is occurring barriers,
due to which able to interact with difficulties at work and life.
anyone about anything.

Personal development plan to overcome the weaknesses, as a HR Manager is required to create

an action plan and prepared below.
No. Learning Objectives Actual Proficiency Target Proficiency Time Scale
1. Decision Making Need to improve Want a confidence Need to take 2-4 months
decision making skill as that whatever guidance from the
it is very weak and it is decision will make experienced people
impacting the company that will be for the and also bring self-
as well. better of the confidence as well.
company only and
having the
capability to make
2. Time Management Often get late in Should be able to Should start 4-6 months
submitting work and complete all my practicing
thus need to work on work on time and managing the small
time management submit it as well. tasks within time
issue. Can do this by frame then will be
doing slight able to handle big
changes in tasks also someday.

According to the personal skill audit, have good communication skills which mean that as HR Manager
capable of communication with the employees in an efficient manner. Also assessed decision making
quality and it is ascertained that in the eyes of others decision making quality is highly effective but have
self-realized that in need to work on it a little more. Along with this, also have others skills like time
management, problem solving etc. But along with strength there is always weakness. Have came to
know that need to work on my decision-making skills as often end up taking wrong decision for
individual as well as HK organization in a negative manner. Along with this, time management skills and
technology skills also need to be improved.
(4.3) A detailed personal and professional development plan that incorporates the CPD

To handle corporate tasks, there are several learning cycle theories accessible. Programs for
ongoing education and development are also put into practice with the aid of these ideas. Here
is where Bentley's management will put Kolb theory into practice ( Mcleod, PhD, 2023).
Significant to the ongoing specialized improvement in the business area are the four stages of
this idea. These stages are discussing below,

Concrete Experience: This section discusses the individual's experience with the day-to-day
operations of the companies. These tasks resemble those that need professional, academic, or
personal experience. By doing this, the staff members assist in realizing their abilities and traits,
enabling them to determine whether or not the path they are on is the right one ( Tian & Risku,,

Reflective observation: This is known as reflective observation, when the worker does a
thorough observation in order to draw conclusions from a circumstance or discover a good part
of it. Certain positions only call for this type of observation.

Abstract conceptualization: In the realm of business, it is kind of a theoretical approach. It

indicates that managers have to make an effort to hear the viewpoints of those who are often
inaccessible or unresponsive to business-related activities. It is regarded as a very important
stage for the business.

Active experimentation: The ideas from the intellectual concept stage and the stages of
introspective observation are used in this stage. Thus, following the testing procedure, continual
professional development may be introduced for the employees who genuinely merit it and
who are required to support the company's growth in the marketplace (Wiek, Bernstein, Foley,
& Cohen, 2016).
(4.4) A detailed and coherent personal and professional plan, based on insightful
reflection and critical evaluation of audits conducted.

As the HR Manager at HK Construction Company, role involves overseeing human resources

functions and ensuring alignment with the organization's goals. Through insightful reflection
and critical evaluation of recent HR audits, this Personal and Professional Development Plan
aims to enhance skills, address identified gaps, and contribute effectively to the company's

Reflection on HR audits

First, identified challenges in sourcing specialized construction talent. Action step for this is
attend industry-specific recruitment workshops to enhance skills in attracting construction
professionals. Collaborate with recruitment agencies with expertise in the construction sector.
For employee’s relation audits, identified an increase in employee relations issues, particularly
on construction sites. Enroll in conflict resolution and mediation courses within the next six
months. Implement a quarterly site visit schedule to engage with employees and address
concerns. And Safety Compliance Audit, identified gaps in safety training and compliance
documentation and action steps for safety is pursue the Certified Safety Professional (CSP)
certification within the next year. Conduct a comprehensive review of safety procedures and
update documentation for compliance. Recognized a need for specialized training programs
tailored to the construction industry for training and development audits. For this develop a
construction-specific training curriculum within the next three months. Explore partnerships
with construction industry training providers for ongoing programs.

Personal and Professional Development Goals

Attend at least three construction industry conferences to gain industry knowledge within the
next year. Enroll in an online Construction Project Management course. Complete a Conflict
Resolution and Mediation Certification Program within the next six months. Conduct a
workshop for supervisors on effective conflict resolution in construction settings. Implement a
regular site visit schedule to engage with construction workers. Develop and implement a
recognition program specific to construction project achievements.

Evaluation and Reviews

 Conduct quarterly reviews to assess progress against development goals.

 Adjust the plan based on emerging HR trends and organizational needs.
 Seek feedback from construction project managers, safety officers, and employees on
the effectiveness of implemented changes.
 Use feedback to continually refine HR strategies and initiatives.

This Personal and Professional Development Plan serves as a strategic guide for the HR Manager
at HK Construction Company. By addressing identified gaps and engaging in targeted
educational activities, certifications, and practical initiatives, the aim is to enhance skills and
contribute significantly to the success of the company in the dynamic construction industry.


This assignment has led to the conclusion that human resource managers are crucial to an
organization's success because they assist in attracting and retaining the best individuals to help
the business meet its goals and objectives. By expanding their knowledge and abilities, they also
assist management in assembling productive teams of workers. This article also discusses
different ways to performance management that allow employers to calculate their employees'
skills and then immediately begin working on improving them. The importance of firms
engaging in ongoing learning and development programs was also covered in this assignment,
as it allows staff members to grow personally in response to changes in the corporate

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