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Website of the news front line: http://bit.


Summary of the news (Issue) Ethical Issue:

A 53-year-old man was detained for allegedly stealing Moral Justification for Stealing from others to Solve Personal
canned goods from a grocery store in Paco, Manila. Problems

In a report from the Manila Police District, the security

supervisor of Super 8 Retail Systems, Inc. at the police
community precinct (PCP) in Paco the suspect, who is Ethical Question:
a pedicab driver and a resident of Barrio Tejeros, Is it right to detained the man who stolen can goods because he
Makati City. Based on the police report, around 11:30 is hungry? Justify your answer.
pm on Friday, the guard caught the suspect for
allegedly stealing two cans of luncheon meat worth
P381. The reason behind this is because he is hungry
at that time so that he steals the can goods.

Evaluation of ETHICAL THEORY

Choose only one Ethical Theory to use to evaluate the news issue
Is it right to detained the man who stolen can goods because he is hungry? Justify your answer

Answer: Yes, it is right to detained the man who stolen can goods. (1)

Reason 1: Even though he is hungry, his PURPOSE is to take care of himself. (2) As said above, he has a job as a pedicab driver,
so he earned enough to buy himself food. (3) He needs also to think for the JUSTICE to the owner of the store because they
selling those products, because they also need to earned money to sustain their living. (4) When the cops didn’t detained the
man who stole can goods other will do the same thing. (5)

Reason 2: He didn’t use his TEMPERANCE to catch the canned goods and didn’t pay the said goods. (6) His COURAGE to steal
the canned goods is a bad action that becomes more superior than to do good actions. (7) You will attain HAPPINESS when
we didn’t do bad action and didn’t affect other people. (8) Always remember that stealing is bad action. (9) We can have food
when we are working hard in a good way. (10)

Conclusion: Remember that stealing is bad action. (1) The man who steal canned goods need to detained because of his
wrong doings. (2) Always use our real purpose why we are here in the world. (3)

Stance/ Position
Do you agree with the evaluation of ethical theory? Defend your answer

Yes, I agree with the evaluation of the ethical theory which is virtue of ethics in this case.

Reason 1: Virtue of ethics is fitted to the news that stated above. (1) As we can see at the reason above it is justifiable and
reasonable. (2) We can see that the true purpose of being a human being is to take care of ourselves.(3)

Reason 2: It also provides a moral framework based on virtues like honesty, integrity and compassion. (4) This can guide
individuals to make ethical decisions, fostering trust, and contributing to a more ethical and harmonious environment.(5)

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